Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 42

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Practical Auto;
Saxon Dealers Say New and
" Fruitful , Selling Field Has
Been Opened Up to0
the Trade.
This is" the soutli's c:.r for buy
ing motor cars. Never before have
the residents below the Mnson and i
Dixon line been such a factor ift the
automobile market as they have this
fH and front the way that the orders
keep coming- in from the land of sun
sWe and cotton, it appears that the
winter months also will sec a large
Rwnber of iotor cars delivered in that
The daily sales reports of the $.xon
Molor Car corporation reveal a large
number of orders for southern points
and have been showing the. same fig
ures day in and day out all the fall.
Sasoa dealers in the southern terri
tory say that they never have had
such a season and they point out that
lb eagerness of the southerners for
inetor cars is indicative 6f the open
ing of a much larger sales field in all
iht southern states.
Because of the big cotton crop and
the splendid success of the other farm
products in the south this year, the
country as a whole has more money
!han formerly. Then, too, tlic south
is speeding up to do iis pari ini the
present crisis antr speeding up means
more motor cars. Such an influx of
automobiles into the southern terri
tory the dealers aver, will mean niuch
to the south also in the way of good
(iood roads come after the autdfno
bile because the motorists . demand
them and the good roads in turn are
followed by more motor cars. It is
a sort of a perpetual motion process
with the motor cai pioneers forcing
the good road issue and paving the
way for the more conservative auto
mobifists to follow. '
By S. P. La Due
Chalmers Duplex Shatters
Fauious R ecord in .Texas
. Bounding and lurching over a road
badly rutted from weight of army
transports and commissary camions.
Joe Dawson has 'once more, driven
a Chalmers to.victory and the posses
sion of a speed record never equaled
by any known conveyance,- including
army planes,, motorcycles, couriers
and the fastest limited in the state
of Texas. .. ., . r
v Driving the. same make of car with
which ne recently shattered all exist
, ing, 24-hour records at Sheepshead
. Pay, Dawson has this time piloted a
four-passenger Chalmers duplex over
southern roads in faster time fhah the,
soeedv Teai Snrial
' Leaving San Antonio at 6:30 o'clock'
m the morning. Dawson set out over
a comparatively strange "road and
checked in at Dallas at 1:27
, that afternoonVfThe speedometer reg.
uttered exactly- 303 miles, and re
gardless of all existing obstacles the
run was made in the remarkable rec
ord time of six hours, 55 minutes and
40 seconds. The speed attained is
EfMta-erf remarkable by Lone Star
ricing enthusiasts, but of equal prom-
nrnT to maimers owners is the fact
mar, sitnough the, duplex is a four
passenger car, it averaged 13' miles
Jo a gallon of gasoline over. a badly
Tires in Winter.
J lie owner wnose car remains in
the garage for the good part of the ;
winter should jack up all four wheels
and remove 'the lues, take oijt the i
tubes and place thetji in a dark room. ;
The tires should be covered with'
cloth. If the car is to be used at in
tervals during the cold weather the
tires should be inflated hard And the ;
wheels moved once each week or.
oftener, so that the pressure will not '
always fall on the same portion.
Shifting Gears.
If the owner cannot shift from high I
to second without grasping the gears,
he should accelerate his engine slight
ly at the time of shifting. , The rasp
ing usually is caused by an inequality
in speed between the engine and the
clutch, 'the latter, however, may
drag and cause hard shifting.
&Clean the Exhaust System.
v The wise owner will each year clean
the exhaust system thoroughly. This
cleaning should include the exhaust
riianifold, pipe arid muffler. The lat
ter should be taken apart and the
parts soaked, in kerosene over night.
The pipe and manifold may be
cleaned by drawing through a pack
of kerosene-soaked waste attached to
a long wire.
Graphite for Wire Wheels.
The spoke ends of wire hecls arc
apt to rust, especially if there is the
slightest looseness which prrniits
water to enter. A small quantity ot 1
graphite spread over the surfaces at
the spoke ends will prcvent'thii rust
ing. Also rims should be spread with
graphite not only to prevent injury
to the tire bead tut to make removal
and attachment of the tire to the rim,
an iasy matter. !
Two-Part Windshield.
Many owners of cars, particularly
roadsters, feel uneasy when the front
seat passenger objects to the wind
shield being open. Many drivers can
not see well through the glass, partic
ularly .at night. An owner Of this
type solved the problem at slight cost
to himself by having the windshield
divided into halves operable independ
ently. It is simply a case of splitting
the shield transversely, and having a
small union made so that one-half
may be opened while the other re
mains closed. .
Wwming Up.
. In cold' weather the morning start,
or indeed starts made on the street
after the car has been-standing for
art hour or so, are ' accompanied by
considerable difficulty and ff while
the engine does lot ran, properly
simply because it is still Cold. Aside
from leaving the air choker On for
minute or so, this condition may be
mitigated by placing a piece of paper
against the radiator in fnJht.'.The
paper is held in place by the suction
of the cooling fan. Some drivers dis
connect the fait belt for a time- kii
still others leave it off entirely for
winter running. A warning snbuld
be given against leaving the choker
ort tor. too long, as this, tend to car
bonize the engitje very rapidly.
Making Adjustments.
Never make adjustments of any
kind on the engine unless it is tiot.
This applies as well to carbureter and
ignition work as it does to valves or
other parts. , The reason is that the
engine pperates normally in a hot
condition and jf adjustments are made
when cold they- rnay not' be correct
t a- .. j : . . . V . - . i
for ordinary running , j w i
....'. .
WhHe you are, ili Omaha next week
we want you tdjcpme Innd see thfe
New VEUEBiltwei'Six Lint
' -1.. , ,..v.-
.There are nine different body
styles. Each One " bearing brand
new features and the quality stamp
which has always branded Velie
We have a car for every
ntedC ode and see i t.'
Prices range from 1
$1265 to $2400
iss-VanDoren Go.
OMAHA. ' '
,. 2027-29 Farnm Sir Phona De.ii-1 ftSi. ; S
Is ' 3 v y 1 '"4''''
l.ilzl 38--Five-Pas3enger,
Touring Car
Price $1265 ffo. b. factory .
icnncmp: mileage
The Efficiency Standards of the Franklin Car
THERE has never been'aod tfiae
likely never will be, a complaint
against the motorist using his car
freely for business and health. The criti
cism is against waste.
Before the war, in this country of plenty,
waste was rather an unconscious habit
But the needs of war are correcting it
and the lessons we are now learning will
undoubtedly govern buying for personal
requirements, as well as curtail the extrav
agance on necessities, for years to come.
? During these days when every man,
woman and child is cooperating with the call
for National Thrift, it is hard mighty
kard(ot a motorist to justify the extrav
agance of the car that gives but 10 or 12
miles to the gallon of gasoline and 5000
to 6000 miles to the set of tires.
" The motorist who used to be mdifferent
about excessive gasoline and tire bills is
now looking for the way to maintain his
mileage at about half his present cost. But it
means less taking of claims for granted, and
more investigation of facts that stand ready
to be demonstrated any time.
An Interesting Demonstration
for ThinKng Motorists ,
Let the car owner, or the man about to
select a car, ponder a minute over the
significance of the Franklin National
Efficiency Demonstration held July 13.
Here 179 Franklin Stock
Cars, scattered all over the
UnitedStates, established the
remarkable average 'of; 40.3
miles on a single gallon, of
gasoline? There's a significant
message in this national per
formance. It proves once more how
waste ends when scientific
light weightenters.
How Franklin Direct Air
Cooling, by the elimination of
the regular 177 complicated
water cooling parts, curtails
fuel waste and, Incidentally,
avoids all cooling troubles.
How Franldin scientific construction
brings to a negligible minimum all gaso
Iine consuming friction and drag, with its
wear and tear rresponsible for the
heavy annual depreciation in the average
car. The Franklin is the easiest-rolling
car in America. "-p
How fine materials and fine workmanship
mean all-around economy in the long run.
The Reasons for Franklin Effi
ciency are built into the CarC
Franklin Economy does not' stop at
gasoline. It begins there, ' v
Take-ftVey. Over ten thousand miles to
the set, over a five-year period, is the actual
. experience o( Franklin car owners accord
ing to their own reports.
And the long life of the Franklin h hest
demonstrated by the ab sence of the Franklin
in the volumes of used-car advectisemasts
in daily "epape
Is any other car efficient enongn t
travel 1046 miles on d single gallon of ok, as
the Franklin did last year on its run- fiom
New York to Chicago? , L:
There's nothing vague about motor car
thrift. It is as tangible as any other quality
of tb
e car.
Of all the fa ears, the
Franklin alone devotes
its qasoline to maximum
While the dead weight f fc
a less efficient car cuts I j
the mileage to VJ
Of all the fine cars, the
hrankHn alone acts every f
mile out of a me there V J
ursine 111
We out of its tires and VI 7
Wife the extravBi
heavy car hammers
their mileage
Of all rfjtf fine cars, i
franklin maintains it
investment value on t
business basis -
ile the used car value
' of the average firi&car
drops to '
Economy is with us to stay. You can get-
it by excepting claims. Real
performance. Such perform
ance is the reason, and the only
reason, for Franklin Thrift.
To the motorist inter
ested in cutting expense with
out sacrificing mileage, right
now is the time to investigate
the Franklin Car.
At this time of the year,
' when motorists turn their
thoughts toward Enclosed
Cars, it is well worth to bear
in mind that every Franklin
: fundamental applies equally to
the Franklin Enclosed Models.
Touring Car
Cabriolet .
Town Car .
2280 lbs. $2050.00
2485 lbs. 2850.00
2610 lbs. 3200.00
Sedan .
2160 lbs. $2000.00
2610 lbs. 2950.00"
2620 lbs. 3200.00
Four-Pass. Roadster 2280 lbs. $2050.00
Brougham . . 2575 lbs. 2900.00
AS Nat F.OlB. Sytweuse
2205 Far nam Street
Phone Douglas 1712