Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 18. 1917. 3 A Thanksgiving Sale of During the Entire Week A MOST EXTRAORDINARY EVENT n our China Department, beginning Monday morning and extending through the entire week. Thin, transluscent China of the finest quality, yet strong and durable. At Half Price and Less Decorated with a rich band of delicate pink roses, treated with gold. Very good-looking. A sale that will mark an epoch in China selling in this store. Every woman knows what it costs to buy ktShina today and should not hesitate to stock up liber f it if i any in mis saie. , There is a broad assortment of pieces to choose ' from. Vegetable Dishes, regular price 70c, sale price 35c Bowls, regular price 50c, sale price. 25c Cake Plate, regular price $1.50, sale price 75c Covered pishes, regular price $2.00, sale price 95c Covered Butters, regular price $1.50, sale price. . .50c Individual Butters, regular price $1.00,sale price. .39c Cups and Saucers, regular price $6.00, sale price, $3.00 Turkey Platters, regular price $3.00, sale price. .$1.00 Platters, 14-inch, regular price $2.00, sale price. .$1.00 Platters, 12-inch, regular price $1.75, sale price. . .85c Platters, 10-inch, regular price 85c, sale price 45c Dinner plates, regular price $4.50, sale price. . .$2.25 Breakfast Plates, regular price $4.00, sale price . .$2.00 Pie Plates, regular price $3.50, sale price $1.75 Soup Plates, regular price $4.00, sale price $2.00 Fruit Saucers, regular price $2.00, sale price $1.00 Gravy Boat, regular price $1.50, sale price 75c Bouillon Cups, a set, regular price $6, sale price, $3.00 Extra Special for Thanksgiving Cut Glass Goblets, thin blown, each 25c Cut Glass Fruit Salads, thin blown, each 25c Main Floor Preparing and Serving The Thanksgiving Dinner We have selected some of the most important things and offer them at prices which are extremely moderate, just at the time you will need them. Roasters Special sale and demonstration of "Lisk" three-piece enameled, sanitary, self-bastirfg Roasters. We have a lady with Us who knows and can tell you of the many uses of this famous Roaster. Small size, will roast eight pounds, at , .$2.65 Medium size, will roast twelve pounds, at $2.85 Large size, will roasl sixteen pounds, at ,, $3.25 "Savory" seamless, oval pattern, self- basting roasters, small. size steel... 95c "Savory" seamless, oval pattern, self basting roaster, large size, steel.. $1.50 "Savory" seamless, oval pattern, self basting roaster, large, enameled. .$2.45 0 Food Choppers The "New Standard" that opens up and is so easily cleaned. Medium size, "New Standard" Chop pers, special .$1.29 Large size "New Standard" Choppers, special .. $1.49 Small size "Universal" Choppers, $1.35 Medium size "Universal" Choppers, at $1.65 Casseroles A full size, eight-inch nickel plated Casserole, special $1.20 A full size, extra fancy nickel-plated brass Casserole, in the new bulged pattern, at $2.35 A full size eight-inch Casserole, with J yenuine "Pyrex" glass, heatproof and sanitary inset, at $3.50 Large Jelly Moulds and Rings, in assorted sizes and styles, up from , 50c A beautiful pattern Rustic Nut Bowl, with cracks and picks, at $1.35 Small, aluminum, individual Jel ly Moulds, ins assorted patterns, each 10c Sheet iron Corn Poppers, spe cial, each 23c We Want Every Woman to own and in order that it may be made an easy matter we will allow $12.00 for your old machine to apply on the first payment for this beautiful new Cabinet "Free." $1.00 down for the initial payment. $1.00 a week completes the transaction. ' Specials in, Sewing Machines . For Monday and Tuesday: $60.00 New Home Rotary 1 Sale Price, $45.00 $58.00 Floor Sample . . . '. 1 . .. . Sale Price, $40.00 $45.00 Drophead Machine, new.. ...Sale Price, $35.00 ?30.00 Drophead Machine, new Sale Price, $22.50 $25.00 Drophead Machine, new Sale Price, $18.75 One Wheeler & Wilson . ..( Sale Price, $16.00 One Drophead Machine Sale Price, $12.50 Any of the above adver tised machines can be pur rhflSpH nn nnr nsv tilan nf x $1.00 Dewn and $1.00 per Week. In connection with our Sewing Machine Department we do Hemstitching and Pi co ting, all work guaranteed and done at reasonable prices. Main Floor, Rear r I vsv- i&w' I An Event of Great Importance There is every likelihood that in three or four months all Linen imports from Europe will be cut off. It is not only for Thanksgiving, therefore, but for your future needs as well, that this sale affords opportunities that may never be repeated. The business of this great store is to help our customers over the difficult places, and in this instance, we are proud to say that our foresight will enable you to buy Linens here for Thanksgiving at prices which would be impossible if we had to go into the market right now to buy them. There is fine oppor tunity for you to save the difference between the prices that would prevail if we were to meet present market conditions and the prices you are asked to pay here because of our preparation and foresight. All-Linen Damask, $1.45 Full bleached, All Linen Table Damask in the Irish make, 72 inches wide, in a range of beautiful patterns, one-day special, a yard $1.45 Glass Toweling, 15c Linen finished Glass Check Tow eling, 18 inches wide, special, a yard 15c Round Cloths, $1.00 Made of nice quality Bleached Damask, mercerized in the yarn, scalloped edge, luncheon size, each, at $1.00 Hemstitched Huck ToweU, 50c A very fine quality huck, hemstitched ends, beautiful da mask effect borders, special, each 50c Table Damask, 35c Full bleached Mer cerized Damask, 58 inches wide, all pretty patterns, special, a yard 35c Lace Scarf, 25c Trimmed with "fine lace all around, with pretty motif inset, 18x 50 inches, each . ,25c. Lace Lunch Cloths, $1.45 They are 54 inches round, trimmed with lace all around with pretty lace design cen ter, special, each, $1.45 Napkins, 6 for 98c The Damask kind, full bleached, in the 19x19 size, in a large assortment of pat terns, 6 for 98c 65c Damask, 50c This is a fine quality of mercer ized cloth, all in very elaborate patterns, 64 inches wide, a yard, at 50c 95c Damask, 79c Full bleached, 72 inches wide, in a range of beautiful patterns to select from, a yard 79c $1.25 Damask, $1.00 Made of an English cloth, pat terns are copied from very high class linens, two yards wide, wear ing qualities unexcelled, a yard, at v $1.00 Special $2.25 All Linen Damask, $1.75 This is full bleached, pure linen Irish flax, 72 inches wide, in a range of patterns, a yard.. $1.75 Napkins to match Damask, 21 inch size, a dozen $4.25 15c Napkins, 10c Mercerized Damask, hemmed, ready to use, 18xl8-inch size, spe cial, each 10c Napkins, $2.50 Full bleached, the linen finished Damask quality, 20x20-inch size, per dozen f. . $2.50 Table Cloths,. $2.98. Made of fine quality Mercer ized Damask in the breakfast size; hemstitched ends, in a large as sortment of patterns, each. .$2.98 Dinner Napkins, $3.50 , Full bleached, all linen, in the Irish make, large size, in a range of pretty patterns, a dozen. .$3.50 $2.50 Cloths, $1.98 These are made in Ireland, exact copies from a very high class Damask; beautiful satin finish, round design; in the 70x70-inch size, each $1.98 70x90-inch size, each $2.50 70xl08-inch size, each $2.98 Round Scallop Cloths, $3.50 Heavy quality Damask, satin fin ished, very elaborate patterns; in the 70x70-inch size, each.. $3.50 Extra Asbestos Table Pads in the 34-inch size, each . . . $4.98 75c Padding, 59c This is the heavy fleeced quality for your table protection; 54-inch width; a yard 59c Fancy Towels All linen, bird'seye weave, in the guest size, hemstitched ends; 14x22-inch size, each 50c Very fine quality Huck Towels, hemstitched "ends," Damask 'effect border, 20x40-inch size, each, 75c All linen Huck Toweling, fancy' weave, in the 15 and 18-inch widths, choice for Monday at, a yard 65c Special Table Cloths, $3.98 All linen cloths, in the Breakfast or Luncheon size; a limited quan tity, while they last, each.. $3.90 $7.50 Cloths, $5.00 These are pure linen, in the Irish make, in a range of patterns, the 72x72-inch size, each $5.00 2 yards long, each $6.25 3 yards long, each. ...... .$7.50 4 yards long, each $9.98 All linen napkins to match, some of the patterns, 22x22-inch size; a dozen $7.50 Extra Special! $25 Madeira Cloths, $15.00 This lot consists of very high class Madeira Linens, elaborate em broidered designs, 54-inch Lunch Cloths, each $15.00 18x45 and 18x54-inch Scarfs, each . . $5.98 13-piece Luncheon Sets. .. .$6.98 $1.75 Lace Cloths, $1.25 These are trimmed with lace all around, 30-inch size, with lace de sign centers, made on a fine m- . breldercd cloth, 'each $1.25 $1.75 Boudoir Sets, $1.25 These sets consist of four-piece Doilies, scalloped embroidered edge, beautiful design, 'in colors of pink, blue or yellow, a set at $1.25 Special Values in Madeira and Fancy Linens 75c Madeira Bread Tray Doilies, each, 39c $1.50 Hand Embroidered Madeira Towels, in the guest size, with scalloped ends, each. ....... .$1.00 $1.25 Plain Satin Damask Tray or Service Cloth's, special, each 75c $10.00 Madeira Napkins, all-linen, hand embroider ed, very pretty designs, in the 14xl4-inch size, a dozen A $7.50 $2.00 All-Linen Tea Cloths, 36-inch size, in the Satin Damask quality, each $1.50 $4.00 All-Linen Lunch Cloths, all very elaborate patterns, in the 54-inch size, each $2.98 $3.00 Hand Embroidered Madeira Linen Lingerie or Slumber Pillows, each $2.25 $4.75 Hand Embroidered Madeira Linen Serging Cloths, in the 18x27-inch size, each .$3.98 Superb Gowns for Social Events At Most Liberal Price Reductions A broad and comprehen sive presentation in the first place and secondly, at price reductions that make them doubly interest ing right now, when the Social Season is beginning to get into full swing. Afternoon Bridge Frocks, Theater and Dansant Gowns. The most effective models of the season, displaying Moonglo Satins, Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Satin Meteor. Beautifully beaded, embroid ered and fur trimmed models, showing charming soft draper ies on skirts; long sleeves, ef fective dollars and smart touches that distinguish the well made Frocks. -v"lV H iim'Mi We offer the following for Monday: 30 Gowns, that were $50.00 to $60.00, at $45.00 30 Gowns, that were $65.00 to $75.00, at $55.00 . 30 Gowns, that were $72.50 to $89.00, at $65.00 Other models, just as fascinating, at the same liberal ratio of reduction. Second Floor SETS THE PACE s rores FOR CROWING OMAHA Thanksgiving Sale of Wm. A, Rogers' Famous Horseshoe Brand plated on the highest grade base metal used by any manufacturer (21 nickel silver base), and full standard weight of pure silver plate. Each gross of Tea Spoons has approxi mately 7 ounces of pure silver to the gross and we personally guarantee every piece to give entire satisfaction to the extent of re placing any piece not satisfactory. For Your Thanksgiving Service 2- Pieca Stag Handle Carving Sets, finest steel 3- Piece Stat; Handle Carving Sets, finest steel 3-Pi.ce Sterling Silver Handle Carving Sets, finest steel Cut Glass Sugar Shakers, silver plated tops Bon Bon Baskets, hammered silver pierced frame, with glass inside dish and silver handle 3-Bottle Condiment Set, in pierced silver plated frame and silver handle Lemon Dishes, pierced silver plated frame, glass inside dish and silver plated lemon fork Tea-Ball-ett Silver Plated Covered Teaspoon Bowl r $1.50 $2.98 $5.00 ... 69c 69c 69c 69c 69c Wm. A. Rogers' Highest Grade Silver Plated Ware Butter Knives, one in box, at 75c Individual Salad Forks, set of six .$3.98 Berry Spoon, one in lined Tea Spoons, set of six, at $1.98 Dessert Spoons, set of six. at ) $3.25 Table Spoons, set of six, at $3.98 Sugar Spoons, one in box, at 75c box $1.50 Gravy Ladle, one in lined box $1.25 Main Floor Draperies and Curtains For Your Home Decoration Dress up your home for the Winter with the' ap proach of the holidays, everyone will want the home to look its best and the stock of every needful is so broad and comprehensive here, that you can find what you want in a jiffy and you will also be surprised at the little prices you will be asked to pay. Curtain and Net Samples In white, ivory and beige; just right for sash curtains; 1 to 212 yards long, representing curtains 1 OJL that are worth to $3.00 a pair, special, each c Large Assortment of Curtain Nets, in white, ivory and beige; nice patterns, such as small allovers; 1Cr extra special, yard , oc Just Received, a New Assortment of Lace Curtains, in white, ivory and beige; full -size; new and fljl IE first quality; extra special, a pair P 1 1 0 Large Assortment of Lace Curtains, copies of real Lace, in white, iv,ory and beige ; extra special, $ CjQ Cretonnes, just received ; a large assortment of the new Cretonnes, in new colorings and patterns, extra OQ special, a yard &VC Lace Curtains, Voile Curtains, Net Curtains and Marquisette Curtains Most complete assortment, in white, ivory and beige; lace trimmed; at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES TODAY. Extra Special, a Pair, $2.75 Hundreds of Velour and Tapestry Squares, for cushions, pillows, chair sets, bags, etc., extra (EG,, special, each vJJC Third Floor A Victrola For Thanksgiving is a purchase easy of accomplishment on the easy terms we offer to you in this .Victrola Depart ment. After a good Thanksgiving Dinner a. Vic trola will entertain all, your company and your family, ami perhaps you will have a soldier boy to sit at. your board. Everything from Grand Opera to the light music' of the day. The Victrola reproduces the living tones of the singer and the musical instruments and is a source of delight for years and years to everyone wh,o possesses this superb instrument. We invite you to come in and per mit us to demonstrate the wonderful tones and play some of the New Rec ords for you, at the same time explain ing in detail our payment plan. Main Floor, Pompeian Room Special Announcement Free class in knitting and cro cheting with the FLEISHER. YARNS, including an, import ant exhibition of garments, il lustration, newest models and stitches, will be conducted by Mm Carr Expert from the Fleisher factory, beginning on Monday morning at 8:30. You are invited to attend and take advantage of the instruction she will be glad to give ' you. Art Embroidery Third Floor. ' 1