Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Officers of National Service
Commission Coming to Omaha
, to Hold One of Biff
Presbyterians of Omaha are laying
their plans for one of the greatest
meetings ever held in the central west,
and besides those of the city, hun
dreds of the members of this church
are expected here when the rally,
called under the direction of the Ja
tional Service commission, convenes
in the First Presbyterian church, No
vnhr 22.
The rallv is for the purpose of
arousing the church to special action
in this time of world war and for the
purpose of calling Presbyterians Jo
renewed loyalty to cnnsi ana me d
tional ffovernment. '
At the Omaha rally, which fs one
of a series being held throughout the
country, there will be present . as
sneakers. Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman,
.moderator of the Presbyterian
church: Rev. John F. Carson. Brook
lyn, head of the National Service com
mission, and jtev. William a. ounces,
Philadelphia. These three men who
enjoy the distinction of being known
the world over as pulpit orators will
deliver addresses.
The rallv will be held in the audi
toriura of the First Presbyterian
church at 8 o'clock, the night of No
vember 22. The first speaker, will be
Rev, Mr. Chapman and he will be
followed by the other two dis-
timruished clergymen.
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, in
the parish house of the church there
will be, held a meeting that will be
for ministers. It will be addressed
by Rev, Mr. Chapman. Following
this and at 6:15 o'clock, prior to the
evening meeting, in the dining room
of the church a banquet will be
spread for the clergy and Presbyte
rian cnurcn omcers 01 me city, ine
state and western Iowa.
The music at the rally Is to be
made an important feature, it is ex
ceded that in the choir there will be
200 to 300 voices, the singers coming
from the choirs of the several Pres
byterian churches of the city.
At the banquet, Warren Switzler of
the Westminster Fresbytenan church
will be the toastmaster and at the
evening meeting, N. H. Loomis of the
first Presbyterian church will pre
Former Omaha People
Stationed at Camp Grant
Camp Grant, 111.. Nov. 16. Several
Omaha men are 'playing prominent
parts in the development of the' new
National Army at this point. Among
these men - is Lieutenant Lloyd - h.
Thrush, who has charge of press head
quarters and who was born 'at. Fort
Omaha. Thrush lived in Omaha for
a number of years and although never
having worked regular on any of the
papers there he will be' remembered
by all of the older men. After leaving
Umaha inrush went west, where he
devoted a great deal of his time' to
publicity and press work.
At this camp he has entire charge of
the press work and has a, large staff
of newspaper men working with him,
handling the work. Chicago and other
paper men found in camp Have been
assigned to press headquarters for
duty, both among the men; and offi
cers. Lieutenant uianam raisiey, also
of Omaha, and "formerly, with'' the
World-Herald, is assigned there for
duty. .': -v . -
A great many of the regular army
officers assigned to Camp Grant for
duty with the regular army have been
stationed at Fort Omaha or Fort
Crook at some time .during their
career in the service, Lieutenant
Colonel Willis P. Coleman was the
most recent to arrive. He was for
merly at Fort Crook.-
Captain Edwin A. Cudahy and his
sister, the recent bride : of Captain
Leander J. McCormick, will be well
remembered 'by Omahans.
University of Omaha '
Co-Eds Raise Matrimonial
Prerequisites to $2fi00
The University, of Omaha coeds
have raised, their matrimonial pre
requisites from , $1,500 to $2,000 per
annum as an income. Last year the
young women of the economic classes
produced much literature and statis
tics showing that a university grad
uated couple could not live decently
on less than $125 -a month .
But, according to present prices,
they were forced to raise theu de
mands. The'subiect was taken up in
the sophomore rhetoric class. Of the
20 coeds taking part, all but one an
nounced that her items totalled about
$2,000 per year. One of the girls went
as low as $1,000 per year. t-
It ought to be k?pt in mind, how
ever, that the $2,000 applied to a
family of five. It also includes a
certain sum put away for future neces-i
sity. Charities and other forms of
benevolence were included.
The young woman who required
but $1,000 claimed that a person can
be fed on. 25 cents a day. The last
assertion was challenged by her sis
ter students, but the coed would not.
go back on her statement. , She will
tell the class later how she can do it.'
The boys, too, agreed with the
$2,000 girls. Some of them apolo
gized to the coeds for attributing
hi-flutin ideas 'to them last . year
when they .asked for $1,500. Sme
vent so far as to compliment the
coeds on being able to run a home
on $125 per month when it seemed to
require $150. :
Judge Woodrough Goes
To Tulsa for Two Weeks
Federal Judge Woodrough. will
leave Sunday for Tulsa, Ok., where
he will preside in federal court for
two ' weeks, returning here to hold
court for a week, beginning' Decem
ber 3. Federal Judge Wade will be
' here December 26 to rule on the mo
tion of Thomas H. Matters for a new
trial. . '
Red Cross Auxiliary
Now at Plymouth Churci
Plymouth auxiliary of the Red
Cross has been organized to meet on
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons
at 1423 Evans street The chairman
is Mrs. Fred Engel and the secretary
Mrs. L. L. Quinby. The Plymouth
knitting unit meets at the call of the
chairman, Mrs. Rudolph Rue
Tnree Days or Business ana
Pleasure in Sight for the Vis
itors From Out in the
Soil culture, relation of the country
banker to the farmer and local imple
ment dealer, war conservation, freight
rates and freight auditing, and many
other subjects of general and specific
interest are to be discussed this week
by the delegates to the ninth annual
convention of the Mid-West Imple
ment Dealers' association Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday,, at the Hotel
Rome and at the Auditorium.
President C. E. Gallagher, Cole
ridge, is expected to come with some
live suggestions, and Secretary James
Wallace, Council Bluffs, is understood
4 S
i ' r
to have some things of interest in his
report which is to be made Wednes
day afternoon, ."s , .
. Dr. W E. Taylor. Moline. Ill ' fs to
jpealc on "war conservation and So
culture," ana- waiter j. ' Ktseberry,
Omaha,' with the Implement and
iiatior i i aae journal, wm mjKe some
general 'comments Thursday on "A
Few Editorials" '
, L. W. Wilson. .Broken Bow. will
speak -on "Relation of . the Country
Banker to the Farmer and Dealer.'
A full program pi other talks and dis
cussions is scheduled, and entertain
ment is afforded for every idle mo
ment of the evenings.' -
The women are to have a theater
party, complimentary by the . Omaha
and Council ;BlulTs Implement ' and
Vehicle club.: The same club is to
give tvbanquet Thursday "evening at
:ow ac ine nome. , ; ,
Deasty That Stands
KM and Weather
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Enrich th
Blood to Giv th Skin th Real
' Clowof Boauly. "
Ltt th wind blow. What do you cart t
Yottr blood enriched bjr th . wonderful
Stuerfe Calcium Wafer drtveai nway the
plmplea and blotchee, the ceienta and erup
tion: the new, firm akin glow with the
hralth that protect from wind and weather.
The water contain no podonoua drint of
any kind, are perfectly harmleaa and can be
taken with abiolut freedom and they work
almost like moato. Calcium aaUUe, their
principal incredieht, is the sreateit blood
cleanser known to science. -
Mo matter how bad oar skin ma h.
Stuart Calcium Wafer will quickly work
wonder with, it. 'It's (oodby to blackhead,
pimples, cn, boils, rash, ecaema and a
dirty "flUcd-up" -complexion, tou can fet
Stuart' . Calcium . Waf era at any drttjt (tore
at SO cent a box. and you will be positively
delighted with their wonderful effect. . .,
For free trial package use the coupon
belOW... ; ' .' ; f . .
To gt tli Terr beat retalta tab
Dr. Humphrey "SeveBtyaeveat1 at
the firat eneeze or shaver,
"Seventy evon" breaks p Colds
ththng a Crip. AH Drug Stores.
Free Trial Coupon ;
F. A. Stuart Co!, 483 Stuart Bide,
MarthaUV Mich. Send me at once, by
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart' Calcium Wafer.
Name . . . .
City....... V...V. ..'..State;.
Omaha people can prevent appen
dicitis with simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka.
ONE - SPOONFUL flushes the
ENTIRE bowel tract so completely
it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach,
gas or constipation and prevents ap
pendicitis. The INSTANT, 'pleasant
action' of ' Adler-i-ka surprises both
doctors and patients. Leaves stomach
Cleafl and strong. Sherman & Mc
Corfnell Drug " Company, 16th and
Dodge, opp. S. P. 0.- Adv, i
Declares Sammies Mast Down
the Kaiser if it Takes 20
Years and All His
"We've got to down those Germans
in this war if it takes 20 years to do
it and Uncle Sam always does what
he starts out to do!" This was the
sage and somewhat vehement re
mark of J. M. Whitted. 91, 3522 Grand
avenue. Mr. Whitted should know;
he has seen Uncle SanWgo into a
number of things and al.ways come
out on top. ' '
Mr. Whitted is a farmer. Retired?
No, he is still a farmer and tells with
some pride: "I've raised 45 crops
and never had a failure." Also, be
sides the crops, he has raised, six
boys and six girls. He has fixe girls
left to him and one son, the young
est. Hes my little boy my baby,"
says the old gentleman, " why, he
isn't 30 yet!"
Prizes Three Articles.
Tnere are three things, very small.
which Mr. Whitted prizes highly:
Two copper buttons and a gold pen
knife. But the buttons stand for the
Grand Army and the knife is enarraved
with' the Masonic emblem. The for
mer signify service in the "grandest
army of the republic," while the lat
ter is signincant ot tne esteem ot -Nebraska
Masons for the oldest mem
ber of the ldoge in this state.
Mr. Whitted came to Nebraska in
1857 and has watched the state grow
from .rambling crudity to the finest
state in the union. He has watched
his family come and go and out of
his sorrows and pleasures has
emerged a deep wisdom of the world
and its ways, so bis words need not
be passed unnoticed:
"We're going to win! Those thou
sands of Uncle Sara's boys over there
won't stop fighting until they have
won! Mark my words I feel it in
my bones!"
And his bones are quite healthy; he
is only 91 years young!
Thirty Inspectors to
Watch Wheatless Days
The observance of wheatless and
meatless days by the restaurants and
hotels in the state will be watched by
the 30 inspectors of the state pure
food department under Commissioner
Otto Murschel of that department.
Commissioner Murschel has noti
fied State Food Administrator Wat
tles that he will have his 30 inspec
tors keep a check on this matter
incidentally while they are out over
the state on their reeular line .of
work. They will report any viola
tions of the wheatless, and meatless
day regulation by hotels and restau
rants to their office, from which place
the information will be furnished to
the state food administrator at once.
Rain Pretty General
Over Nebraska Friday
According to the morning' reports
to the railroads, rain was pretty gen
eral over Nebraska Friday nieht.
O'Neill, Ravenna and Mindcn re
ported an inch of precipitation.
Through the northern and central
portions of the state there were nu
merous places where the rainfall was
one-fourth to one-half inch.
9 Jli''li:ll'IMi1llll!'l;il!:ll!'lll!i
And Other Articles
Needed for Proper
.We have a very large and exceptional as
sortment of well chosen designs at reasonable
. Hearth Furnishings are intended to serve a
lifrtime; excellent reason for selecting with de
liberation and care. IT
. No longer any excuse for buying in New York
or Chicago, because you can see at less cost the
latest -and best pieces right here at Sunderland's.
" Entire Third Floor Keeline Building.
Brug Fire Sale Monday
We started our, $50,000 fire sale- on Friday morning at
8, and were swept off our feet at all three stores both Fri
day and Saturday. We are moving the goods from our sal
vage warehouse, at 1315 Howard street with all possible
speed, but when it is remembered that there were nearly
5,000 items actually listed after the lire, the size of our task
will be understood. Not one-tenth of the goods could be
put on sale at one time. We shall speed up as much as pos
sible,' and those who are looking for real bargains should
attend these sales. from day to day, as each item will be
moved from the warehouse and closed out with all speed
possible. Below will be found a few new. items that were
not mentioned in bur original ads.
fll White Rose Q
i, at. vC
II sire Seven Sisters
,.Hair Tonic,. .........
60c size Seven Sisters OC
: Scalp Cleanser....... iwC
60c size Non-Spl - OK
Deodorizer afiOC
26c and 50c Bizes Mason's Magic
, Shampoo, at just half price.
A big assortment of Tooth, Nail,
Hair and' Hand Brushes, at jdst
half price.
18c 471 1 White Rose
Dozens of kinds of Toilet Soaps,
' at just half price. Our stock of
soap was very large and we
have only just commenced, to
move the goods to our stores.
25c Golden Rale Hair Re- 10
- storative, on sale IOC
25c and 50c Abbott's Saline Laxa
; tive, at just half price.
50c and 75c Circassian Rum and
Quinine, at just half price.
25c, 60c and $1 sizes Woodbury's
Hair Tonic, at just half price.
25c and 50c Fetfoline Hair Oil, at
just half price. ;
A big lot of fine, Hard Rubber
Dressing Combs, at just half
price, i
10c, 15c and 25c sizes Shampo
Polishing Cloths at just half
A few dozen bottles Reflecto Fur
niture Polish, 25c 1 O
size, at:............ IOC
75c Kirk'a Hair Tonic,
35c Clinton No. 7 Lather 1Q.
Brush, at........... a IOC
50c Ely'a Cream Balm, OP.
25c Sandholm's Eczema
Remedy, at. ........ .
'25c Bingo Corn Remedy,
Splendid 75c Ebony Nail
and Hand Brushes.
25c Rubifoam Dentifrice,
25c Morgan's Beard Softener and
Massage Brush, 1 3 C
50c Saxon Salve,
25c Burnham's Hair and lO
Scalp Tonic, at. . . . , . IOC
10c Nichol's Tooth-Ache
Wax, at
25c,' 60c and $1.00- sizes Mecca
Compound, at just half price.
Again, we say, if you do not
find the item desired at the first
one of our stores you visit, please
go on to another, as the detail of
getting these goods out and dis
tributing is indeed distracting.
$2.00 Absorbine Jr., QQ
50c and $1.00 Wernet's Powder,
for false teeth, at just half
29c Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, at.
10c Requa's Charcoal
Tablets, per box. .... '.,
25c Pond's Tooth Powder,
60c Stillman's Freckle
Cream, at. T.
25c Satin Skin Powder,
50c Soul Kiss Powder,
No Goods Charged or Delivered.'
Sherman fficGonnell Drug Co.
',y Corner 16th and Dodge. " v
Corner 19th and Farnam. 't
Owl Drug Co., 16th and Farnam.
s e
S m
I I 1 I I J..1 Ill :ii;;)nim
i i i n i i i ... .. I..1M..4,.. . a
Let the WW
Furnish four lome
We want YOUR patronage; we will give YOU the ben
efit of our IMMENSE buying power, our INEXPEN
SIVE location and our LOW operating expense. We will
give you the LOWEST possible prices and terms to suit
you. We will give you HONEST, sincere service and
an assurance of PERFECT satisfaction of whatever you
miy buy. We want you to COMPARE our prices and
VALUES. We want you to KNOW that you can in
spect floor after floor without the SLIGHTEST obliga
tion to buy. We want your patronage' We will do
our UTMOST to get it and hold it.
tse I
Your Home Outfi
if selected irom our immense
stock of high grade, dependable
furniture, can be purchased at
a saving of hiany dollars. Beau
tiful and complete three, four,
five and six-room home outfits.
Ask to see our Three-Room
Home Outfita, priced, at
Handsome Duofolds
How often does the unexpected
guest arrive and cause you em
barrassment? Why not select a
Duofold it .is a living room
piece and a bed 'room piece all
in one. We have them uphol
stered in moroccoline and genu
ine Spanish leather. Priced
$24.50, $29.50,
?39.50, $47.50
With the coming of Thanksving your thoughts naturally turn to
your uinmg room, is iurnisnea as nicely as you would like it to
be? Wouldn't a new dining room suite please you and the family?
We have a large assortment for you to select from,' from the
more modest to the finest and priced very reasonably. Complete
suites. at $47.50. $59.50, $76.50. $89.50 nd uP
Vacuum Sweepers
Combining a thrae-bellow suc
tion with a carpet sweeper.
Our low price, QQ
Carpet Sweeper, all
metal, guaranteed
"Cyco-Bearing" Sweepers, at .
$2.50, $3.25, $5.50
Beautiful Brass Beds
You will have no difficulty in
selecting the bed that will suit
your fancy from our immense
stock. Extra large values at
small prices.
$10.50, $14.75, $19.50,
$24.50, $29.50
. r
High Grade Buffets
One of our pretty Buffets in
your dining room will make it
much more attractive. They
come in solid oak, golden and
fumed finish and in the walnut
and mahogany finishes. Priced,
at $15.75. $18.50.
$22.50, $27.50 and up.
Why not replace the old
table ,with a new one? Our
large assortment makes it
easy for you to select the one
that suits you best. Come
in solid oak,
fumed finish.
$10.75, $12.?
golden and
Priced at
50, $14.95,
; Stoves
Our immense assort
ment of Heating J5toves
and Ranges makes it easy
for you to select the one
that serves your tmroose
Heaters and Hot Blasts in
big line, at $4.75,
$6.95, $8.75,
$12.50 and up
Guaranteed Steel Ranges,
splendid bakers, at
$29.50, $39.50,
$47.50, $54.50
Your Old Stove Taken
in Exchange on the Pur
chase of a New Range or
Make the long
winter evenings
pleasant and en
joyable for yourself and fam
ily. f
Join Our
Jst select the style that pleases you
and as many records as you wish, and
have them delivered to your home.
Pay otily for the records you select
and then $1.00 or so. per week. Prices
range from
$18.00 to $185.00
Double Disc
Over 5,000 records
to select from. Hear
the world's greatest or
chestras, the world's
greatest singers and
soloists, hear the latest
patriotic and popula:
songs; also hundreds oi
dance records to select
Our Inexpehsive Location
Assures You of Lower
Beautiful Rugs
From our big daylight Rug De
partment, at prices, much ' less
than you have figured on pay
ing. ,
Mottled Axminster Rugs
27x52-inch size. A splendid
rug at our loy price, $1.45
Prince'tt Tapestry Ruga, suitable
for dining room or living room,
size 9x12. Our price, $14.50
Velvet Ruga, in 9xll-ft. size. A
very pretty and desirable rug.
Our price ....$17.75
Axmintter Ruga, a most desir
able and pleasing rug in 9x12
feet size. Our price, $26.50.
f : '
Every Day
Solid Oak Tabourette,. our
low price 35c
Solid Oak Pedestal, fumed
or golden finish, our price,
only $1.10
Folding Ladder Stools, very
useful, our price 79i
Folding Ironing Boards,
strongly constructed, our
price ..75
Nickel-plated Electric Irons,
fully guaranteed, our prices,
at . . . .$1.85 and $2.95
Overstuffed Rockers
Many with chairs to match.
The kind that father or big
brother loves. Many of them up
holstered" in Moroccoline; others
in genuine Spanish Leather and
Tapestries. You will appreciate
the largeness of the values and
the lowness of the prices
$12.50, $17.50, $22.50,
$27.50 and up.
in Gold Given Away
On Tuesday Evening, November 30th:
Christmas Money for Our Customers and Visitors
Call at our store and we will be glad to explain to you just
how the $100 in gold will be given away.
First grand prize, $20.00 in gold.-
Next three prize winners will receive $10.00 each in' gold.
Next four prize winners will receive $5.00 each in gold
Next twelve prize winners will receive $2.50-each in gold.
- :.. . . , ..
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