Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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1 RIMMED HATS Rousing Reductions
$30 and $35 Hats. :. $7.50
$10 Hats $3.75
!5Ss,, .JT
With the exception o Fur and Fur Trimmed
Hats there are no reservations in our entire
You May Choosp From All the
Hats at the Above Values
with these two exceptions. This we consider, one of
the most unusual offerings in Millinery this season.
When' you stop to consider that every Hat in this Department was chosen or
made with the greatest care to display the best styles and excellent taste, you will
fully realize what it means to foe able to purchase them at such. figures as we quote.
All the large, beautiful Dreit Hats,
made, of Silk Hatters' Plush, trimmed
with Goura, Numidi, Ostrich, Flowers,
Novelties, Ornaments, etc.
The tisht-fitting Tailored Hats, made
of Lyon's Velvet, in all the desirable
colors, such as Taupe, Purple, Brown,
Evening Hats of Gold and Silver
Lace, in fact any of the numberless
Model Hats you have admired so much
in regular stock:
L $30 and $35 Hats. . . . . .$7.50
$10.00 Hats, to be $3.75
Second Floor
And Toilet Need -
Pinaud's Eau de Qui
nine, $1.25 size... 89c
Mary Garden Tal-
cum Powder, 75c
size 49c
Walnutta Hair Dye,
60c size 40c
N a t u r e ' s Rem
edy Tablets, $1.00
size 60c
Mentholatum, 5 0c
size 30c
Peroxide of Hydro-
g e n, eight-ounce
bottle 10c
Milkweed Cream,
50c size, 30c
Hospital Cotton, one
pound roll . . .v. . . 30c
Two-Quart Hot
Water Bottle, regu
lar $1.69 value $1.19
Pluto Water, 35c
bottle 29c
Thermos Lunch Kits,
regular $2.75 $2.49
Lusterite Nail En
amel, 25c size 18c
Simplex Cuticule Re
mover, 25c size....' 18c
MainTloor, Rear
200 Cloth and Silk Skirts
This Season's Finest Styles.
This is a bona-fide reduction sale and
means that you will be able to obtain the
very latest and best styles at prices which
would be very remarkable even at the sea-'
son's end.
This Is a Mid-Season Sale v
and you have months and months of wear-time
Now $5, $7.50, $10 and $12.50 ,
Formerly Sold Up to $19.00
In the new Plaids, Stripes, Small and Large
Checks as well as the plain one-tone effects.
Strictly tailored to the extremely fancy
The tailored styles are pleated and shirred,
with large pockets and detachable belts.
The fancy styles in Satin Striped Poplins
and Plain Black Satins.
Sizes From 24 to 34 Band Measure.
Serges, Cheviots and Satins
Second Floor .
Dainty Neckwear for Women
Just a hint of the charming Neckwear we are showing in this department right
Satin Collars, for
been selling up to $1.50, en
special, at ovc
irk: B
V v
Collar and Cuff Sett, in Satin
and Georgette Crepe, 7RC
lace trimmed . 1
coats and EQC -Undresses.
Main Floor
Hosiery You Want Now
The broadest assortment to choose from the
les you would .select even at much higher prices
and the saving you can make here is due to the fact
that we buy in great quantities and give you the advan
tage of all discounts.
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, in all new shoe shades, pure
dye, lisle tops, reinforced feet, high spliced heels and toes, me
dium weight; also all -Silk Stockings with lisle hemmed tops; a
pair $1.75
New Line of Fancy Hosiery, in plaid boots, embroidered birds,
butterflies and many fancy novelties, a pair, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.
Women's Thread Silk Boot Hosiery, in all the wanted shades,
double' hem 'lisle tops, spliced heels and toes and double soles,
a pair 75c
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, - in all colors, also black and white,
seamless double soles, heels and toes, a pair 65c
Boys' and Girls' Hosiery, in medium and heavy weights, fine and
double ribbed, black and white, worth 35c a pair, special.. 25c
Misses' Fine Grade Silk Lisle Hose, in white and black, splendid
quality, double soles, heels and toes and elastic, a pair 50c
Main Floor
Boys' Suits
That Do Double
Our special Two-Pant
Suits with the double seat
and knees, are bound to
outwear any other. Come
in, look them over and
convince yourself. An
extra piece of fabric on
' the underside, each knee
and seat interwoven from
in under, , making them
double wearproof.
Tables after tables of
these wonderful Suits, at
$6.50 to $15.00 -
Two pair Pants with
each, all in the smart,
new, models and fabrics.
Plain styles to slash
pocket Trench styles.
vNew double - breasted -styles
Overcoats, $5.00 and $7.50
Brand New Styles for. Little Fellows, Just Arrived.
Here are f.he smartest, newest styles of the season. Plain
colors and mixtures, sizes two to twelve years. Plenty of the
popular irencn moaeis among them.
Four Special Items
Boys' Corduroy Suits,
Boys' Corduroy Suit with two
pair of full lined Pants, regu
lar $7.50 and $8.50; a great
bargain at $6.45
Good Quality Boys'
Sweaters, $2.50
A big table of extra values, dif
ferent styles and different col
ors. Many are all-wool, sizes
as small as 4 years and up to "
16 years $2.50
Second Floor,
for Saturday Selling
Here's a Lot of Boys'
Shirts, at 75c
Every Shirt worth a lot more,
All real Madras fabrics, in neat
stripe, designs, strictly fast col
ors, sizes 12 to 14 neck, special,
at 75c
Jersey Sweaters, 85c
A Jersey sweater that buttons
to the neck at 85c. Plain gray
only. Great to wear in place, of
Flannel Shirts, sizes 6 to 16
years ...85c
Men's Building
i V
Youthful Styles In
Coats and Frocks
For Girls and
"Flapper" Coats are
shown here in Velour, Bo
livia, Burella Cloth, Cor
duroy, Velvet, etc.
Coats for "Flappers,"
12, 14 and 16 Years
There are Coats with
large collars, buttoned
closely to the neck and
with big pockets that will
m a v e 1
prove comiortaDie. Linea
throughout and, trimmed
with Australian Opossum
'Wand French Coney Furs,
' $ia.uu to o.uv
Coats for Girls, 6, 8 and 10 Years
The Empire models are made in shirred effects, lined and in
terlined, insuring warmth and comfort. Velvets, Corduroys, Chin
chillas, Broadcloths, Bolivia Cloths, Zibelines, etc., $6.95 to $19.00
"Flapper" Frocks
' For Uress and school wear. Made of Velvet, Serges, Taffetas,
etc. Also the "Dorothy" Frock, that is tailored in the very best
manner and represents, one of the best types of Frocks for Girls
that we kno7 of. They are "distinctive" and decidedly smart.
Ths "bustle" effect claims attention in this wear 'for the
younger generation, and is employed very charmingly, j .
Frocks are priced at $15 to $39
Second Floor
pcM mt Jl. (Uaite w w mm
Specially Priced at $25, $35 and $49
Exceedingly interesting is the grouping at three prices for Saturday, of these
exceptionally stylish coats. All the newest models, materials, trimmings and novel
ideas in collars, pockets,"etc, represented in this grouping, at $25, $35 and $49.
At $49.00
Silvertones in all
. new shades, Bo
livias, Velour du
Nord, Baffin Seal,
Broadcloth and
Pom-Poms. Attrac
tive fur trimmings,
Hudson, Nutria,
Beaver, Raccoon,
Opossum and Near
Seal Collars, Pock
ets, Cuffs and
Colors are Rein
deer, Taupe, Ma
hogany, P 1 u m
Beetroot, Peking
and Navy Blue and.
Black. Values are
up to $60.00. 1
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At $35.00
A group of Styl
ish Coats in New
Velour, Pom-Poms,
Plushes, Bolivias
and Silvertones,
trimmed with Fur,
Velvet and Kera
mic. These Coats
are very, very un
usually low priced
at the figure we
quote and you will
find it hard to come
anywhere near du
plicating them at
$35.00, in this vi
cinity. As a matter
of fact they value
up to $50.00. v
A I- (frlEt HA New arrivals in this section, comprising Plushes, Velours, Pom
A I P-DeUU Poms, Broadcloth, Cheviots and Bolivias. Fur collars on many
and exceptionallyxattractive touches. Deep shawl collars of Plush and Keramic.
Smart pockets, deep gauntlet cuffs and belts. All the most desirable color tones
and styles. j
Second Floor
Sample Line of Leather Novelties
Jo Be Sold at
We made a particularly advantageous
purchase,, and now, right at the ime when
you can wel afford to buy some of these
for Christmas Gifts, we are offering them
- Herman Scheurer & Sons
169 Madison Avenue, NewJfork City
sold us their samples of these fancy Leatherings at such a concession that we are en
abled to say HALF PRICE for Saturday. " , . , ' ' .
Leather Collar Boxes
Leather Music Rolls
Leather Card Sets
Leather Traveling Rolls
Leather Toilet Sets
, Leather Manicure Sets
v Leather Jewel Boxes
. These are a few from the scores and scores of wanted items in this unusual stock.
You will find dozens and dozens of things you will want 10 ouy xor nravmm uu
Khaki Comfort Kits '
Men's Tourist Cases, $1.98'
Including 1 pair Military Brushes, Soap Box,
Tooth Brush Holder with Brush, Shaving Soap Case,
Shaving Brush Case, Comb and Mirror.
Ladies' Tourist Cases, $1.98
.Includes Hair Brush, Clothes Brush, Perfume
Bottle, Soap Box, Comb, Tooth Brush Bottle with
Brush; Mirjor in silk lined cac.
Manicure Sets, $1.98 .
Including Buffer, File, Corn Knife, Scalpel, Cuticle Knife,
Ivory Emery Holder, Orange Stick, Pusher, Tweezer.
Manicure Sets, $1.98
Includes Buffer, File, Cuticle, Emery Board Holder, Orange
Sick, Cuticle Pusher, Box of Nail Polish and Scissors.
This line also includes Cases of -all descriptions that valuo
from $1.00 to $35.00 ALL HALF PRICED.
Main Floor, Front
Ladies' Travel Rolls. $1.98
Ivory Fittings, in leather case, including Hair
Brush, Ivory Soap Box, Ivory Tooth Brush Holder,
Ivory Comb, Perfume Bottle and Mirror.
Leather Music Fold, at $1.00
Bridge Sets, flat leather box case with two deck
of cards (gold edge), score pad and pencil. .. . 79c
and 100
'miwiiWw"i1-iinniiiiiniiii I'liimi mi iiiiiriiiiii11 ntitirmni in i m y1 i r i 1 i 1 -
fate Stores
Unusiial Underwear Offerings
For Saturday's Selling
W have assembled a stock of good, warm, likeable
underwear for present wear that is most complete and
includes every size and good kind, at prices which are
extremely moderate.
Woman's Munting Union SuiU, medium, light and he'avy weight,
low neck, sleeveless: Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck and
long, sleeves, ankle length; regular sizes, a suit. ........ .$1.65
Extra sizes, a suit , $1.90
Women's Muming Union Suit, light weight, low neck, no sleeves;
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves,! ankle length;
regular sizes, a suit .......$1.25
Extra sizes, a suit , $1.50
Women's Fine Cotton Union SulU, medium and heavy weight,
sleeveless, Dutch neck; elbow sleeves, high neck and long sleeves,
ankle length; regular and extra sizes, a suit. .......... .$1.00-
Women' Veu and Pantt, Vellastic, heavy fleece lined, regular
sizes, a pair ............................. ,79c
Boy' Heavy Fleece Lined Union SuiU, gray, and cream color,
open'crotch and drop seat styles, high neck, long sleeves and ankla
length; sizes to 12 years, a. suit ..85c
12 to 16 yean, a suit , ..$1.00
Third Floor '
Women's Shoes $l0 and $11
" 7
Three Styles of Baby Louis Heel Shoes '
One Is a Black Calf Vamp, with fawrTjbuck top, 8
inches high, lace style, light welted and stitched soles";
a Pair $10.00
The Other Is a Dark Tan Russia Calf Shoe, lace style,
8 12 inches high, light welted and- stitched soles;, a
Pair .$11.00
The Third Style Is a Black Calf Vamp wiih a dark
brown buck top, lace style, 8 inches high, light welt
ed aijd stitched soles, a pair . . .; $10.00
Special Offering, at
Coal Slack Kid; 9-inch lace istyle, with light flexible soles
and leather Louis heels; all sizes, from 2 to 8 and A to D
widths; specially priced a pair $4.95.
Felt Comfy Slippers
Beaded, ribbon, rosebud, fur and Astrakhan trimmed. Cavalier,
Comfy, Everett de Luxe and Romeo v styles. Colors are pink,
purple, orchid, old rose, gray, fawn, light blue, Alice blue, red,
lavender, etc. Prices range from $1.75 to $2.75.
Main Floor, Rear
Nemo Marvelace Corsets
Are now available in our Corset
Section, Third Floor.
This new Corset introduces, the
latest feature of lacing corsets on
the side, while the clasp remairs
exactly in the center, thus insuring
the utmost in comfort and support.
The back is perfectly adjusted with
a strip of strong ventilating cloth. -
You should come in and be fitted
to know what this Corset really will ,
do for you. All fittings are free and -
you are under nq obligations.
Miss Virginia Meyer , ,
of the Nemo Hy tienic (Institute of Cor-'
etry, is in our Corset Section:. She will
be pleased to have you consult her and sho
will advise you which model in. the Nemo
or Smart Set Corset is designed or you.
Nemo Self-Reducing Conett,
Nemo. Self-Reducing Corieti,
with rubber abdominal band on
403 and
405 ........
Nemo Wonderlift Corsets arf
stylish and healthful, made for
alt types of figures, with the
Nemo Wonderlift belt on in
side of Corset, which is easily
adjusted and is a wonderful
help to every wo- C A A
man whawears it. ,
Ask To Be Fitted
Third Floor
Nemo Kops Service Corsets,
in low and medium bust height,
T:.5.". ."d..'.,: $5.00
Nemo Self-Reducing ' Corsets
for Stout figures, low, medium
and . high bust, ' styles ' 605,
lit it. . $6.00
Nemo Marvelace : A A
Corsets JpD.UU
Smart Corsets are priced at
H00 w; $10.00