THE BEE: OMHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1917. 17 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 South. ifcAM heated Apt. in Scargo bleck. 4 rooms. & H. Benner Co. D. 1401. Miscellaneous, v PFTE!R trt:t rnuOi w Specialists in Apartment Management. FOUR ROOMS $25; steatu heat. O. P. Steb. bins, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty ONLT hotel building In town of tOO In eastern Nebraska. Address C. Lubker or Bank of Cedar Bluffs. Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Stores. MODERN store and basement: 624 8. 16th St; $70. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest ment Co., 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1871. ' STEAM-HEATED, store room, 22x44., with run cement basement. 120 S. 10th St., 126. Call Tyler 47n. ' STORE room, Sun Theater Bldg. World Realty, Realtors. D. 6342. Office and Desk Room. OFFICES, 20 per month and up. FIRST iNATIONAL BANK BLDG. FIRST TRUST CO., Agts. Tyler 500. JOINT use of suite In large office building. Phone Douglas 827. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Parking, storage and moving. 219 N. lltk St Phone Doug las 394. RENTAL TTPTTP. TnPT TTV Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart- menta. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms tor household roods and pianos; moving, packing and ahlpplng. ' v OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4168. ' Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storingcall Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. JP PTTTrFr Express Co.. Moving . J. IXULjV pa(.king and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. Large van. two men, $1.50 per hour. MAGGARD'S STORAGE CO. Doup-. 1498. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West. HOUSE BARGAINS $3,650 New six-room bungalow; on paved street in West Far nam district; convenient to school and car line; 50-foot lot. We recommend this place at the price quoted; owner is leaving for an Idaho ranch and will make terms. $5,500. Eight-room corner resi dence, Cathedral district; fronts south and east; built two years; open fireplace, sun room and sleeping porch. Many attractive built-in con I veniences. Owner has moved from the city and will con sider a reasonable offer and V make terms of $1,000 cash. . $6,250. Dundee, six-room and sleeping porch; two-story and atic, stucco with tile roof; al selected oak floors and oak . finish; large living room across front and open V stairway; built-in buffet; tas X.tily decorated ,and attractive ight fixtures; house just com pleted and fronts east; a gen usne bargain at present prices ofMuildinf. For full putfanfaM on above houses see SHULElk & CARY, (Realtors) Phone D. 50?4. Keeline Bldg. MONTCLAIR SEMI-UUNUAtrfJW. PRICB UNlil 14.IUU. Seven rooms and bath, oak finish; aH built-in features; large lot; two blocks to OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 488. 13,150 WILL buy oak finished, very modern bungalow with sleeping porch. 3621 Ham ilton street. Easy ) terms. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. North. . 972 N. 26TH, $2,000 7 ROOMS, ALL MODERN Have just finished papering throughout; house is in good sha.'pe and all modern, In cluding furnace. Located top of the hill; east front; paving all paid. Has been rented at $20, but now vacant. Cheap at 82,000, but owner wants an Offer. Easy terms can be arranged. , GLOVER & SPAIN, I Douglai 3962. ' 919-20 City National. A VK11V FIXE HOME. Just completed, strictly mod. bungalow, oak finish, Including floors; living room 12x18 ft., bookcases! has a number of spe cial features, high-grade fixtures, full basement, furnace heat, laundry arrange ments, south front lot 43x128, paving paid. ; Terms or casn; iu of Kountza park. Price cut to $4,171 RASP BROS., Realtors. 210 Keeline Bids. Tvler 721. NK.W RMiNGAT.OW. 27TH AND GRAND AVE. A remarkably well built 6-room bunga low, oak floors throughout, built-in tea tures, nicely decorated, full cement base ment, attic, surrounded by new homes. Priced below present cost of building. $3,750 $375 cash. . HIATT COMPANY, 245 Omaha National Bank. Tyler 60. AFTERlooklng at MINNE LUSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lot. IF VOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN, & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'I. Bank Bldg. Tyler 18T. CHOICE NORTH SIDE HOMET PRICB UNLx M.iuw. Large, roomy 6-room modern home; built by owner for home Just one year ago; oak finish; neat b-lck foundation; one block to park; two blocks to car. Terms to suit purchaser. This Is a real snap for Quick sale. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496, vr fAsvr kpoiiirf.tJ Brand new oak finished bungalow, $3 850. Will sell for nothing down and $30 per mouth or will rent for $25. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. Douglas 3140. 6-ROOM bungalow, "modern, In fine location near car, boulevard, schools; all one floor; quartered oak and fir finish, oak floors. . Prices and terms will suit you Seward Bros. 578 Brandela Bldg. Douglas 3M NEW, modern, 6 rooms; paved street; Har ney car line. All oak. Will sell $250 down. Call D. 3628 days or wai. n 6-ROOM cottage. Its of trees; good home: 11,860. Small payment. D. 4268, South. CHOICE FIELD CLUB HOME. PRICE ONbT $6,500. Eight rooms and bath, all oak and white enamel finish; ileeplng porch and sun room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, medal plumbing, full brick foundation; - n.,., t ...1 K ,nln built two yeaio. i o- mi Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. Jijjf JTroom and one 4-room cottage, both nn one lot; line cunumuu. ii. o in unn ni.u rent the other. Price for both. $2,760. Very easy No. 2433 S. 20th St. V 7 NORRI8 A NORRIS, 4 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED Miscellaneous. TWO REAL HOME BARGAINS FIELD CLUB. $6,500. Eight rooms, beautiful oak and white enamel finish throughout, fireplace and all built-in features, aunroom and sleep ing porch, full brick foundation. This Is a real bargain. BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $2,850. ' Five large rooms and bath, oak finish and full brick foundation, choice east front lot, one block to car; $500 down and $25 per month. Beat buy In the city. OSBORNE REALTY CO., T01 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 488. $500 Lown $25 A Month 8 -room, modern except heat, full I-story house, located near 20th and Bancroft; newly painted and decorated throughout; large lot (0x141 ft; paved street paving paid; close to car. and school. Priced at $3,000. This is a genuine bargain. Payne Investment Company (Realtors) I1T Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. One Acre Two-Room House $150 Down $15 Monthly This Is a fine corner acre, near Jitney and paved road; lies level; the house was built two years ago; pantry and closet; good well. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1814 Harney Bt. FIVE ROOMS MODERN Close In Large Lot $2,250 $150 Cash This cottage has been newly papered and painted and is In good condition. Is on a good deep lot. Has some fruit; small shed and chicken house. Fine shade. All rooms on first floor. Call Tyler 60 ana ask for Clark. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,860. Rea sonable terms. Call owner, Douglas 1732. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1084. J. J. MULVIHILL. Realtor, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 98. AN IDEAL 6-room mod. stucco, new. Owner will sell on easy terms with very small payment down. Call Doug. 2819. R, S. TRUMBULL, .108 1st Nat. Bk. BldK. D. 1714. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. buy at Your own price. Call me tonight and make an appoint- ment to see a lot. I will sell for about what lots adjoining It have been sold for. This lot Is only block to car and paved street; has good cement .sidewalks ta car line; city water and gas In the street; only 2 blocks to one of the largest new school houses In Omaha. This Is In a restricted district and new homes, costing from $2,600 to $3,000, are built all around It. I live block from this lot, and could show it to you almost any time. Small cash payment, balance monthly. Telephone Walnut 3466. REAL ESTATE Investment 3-STORY BRICK Building about (0x182 on lot 156x183. When remodeled Into modern day light building would be fine for LAUNDRY. PRINTING or MANUFAC TURING where trackage Is not necessary. Priced so that coat would be at least 40 per cent leas than a new building of same stse. McCAOUE INVESTMENT CO. SHE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKBT BON. REALTORS, 820 First Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Other Cities HOMES FOR 100 HOMESEEKERS. Several thousand acres under the Twin Lakes Land and Water company system, located one to four miles from Crowley, Ordway; Sugar City and seven miles from Rocky Ford, Colo.; main lines Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe. This land produces large yields alfalfa, corn, wheat, oats, barley, cattle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitable. The 1917 crop under the Twin Lakes system, alfalfa, about 10,000 acres; corn and other grain about 7,000 acres; sugar beets, 6,000 aqres and other intensive and general farming. Special Homeseekers' Excursion the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Soil survey report on this land by N. -A. Beng strom of the University of Nebraska and Missouri Pacific booklets on this farming district free. If you are looking for a home do not delay, but phons or see me at once for full Information and rates. Libert bonds accepted same as cash at 105. We own this land. Phone Tyler 2826. H. R. Follmer, 936 First Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WELL BUILT, well finished 6-r. house, barn. chicken house and run, two lots, grass, , trees, fruit; In Blue Springs, Neb.; two depots, adjoining Wymore, railroad junc tion; clear; $1,200. Writs owner, 4530 Seward St., Omaha. LOUISIANA Lands. Nilison, 422 Ross Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Lands. LANDS at fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas, Immediately adjacent fine mar ket Farming and dairying demonstra tion under our direction. Only Improved lands offered for sale. If yoa want to own a farm, writs for Booklet J, Agricul tural Dept., Chamber of Commerce, Hous ton, Tex. QOOD corn land. East Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book. W. 8. FRANK IS Neville Bloejk, Qmafcs, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying bs sure and see GEORGE & CO. 90 City National Bank Bldg. HOMES and home sites in Dundee. 8HULER A CART. 204 Keeline. P. 1074, Florence. 20-ACRE fruit and vegetable farm just north of Florence; good Improvements. W. II. GATES, 84T Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. Acreage. BEAUTIFUL ACRE HOME, Located oh block south Benson High school, two Mocks to car, fins, all modern new houao, land lies level on top of hill, fenced with steel fence; very cheap terms; owned by widow who must sell. , S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, Sit City National Blk. FIVE very fin garden lots, close to oar line, close to school, just outside the city limits, wher you do not have to pay city1 taxes; an Ideal plaos to raise pigs, poultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once: pries $92 each; terms, lOo a week on each lot Call Walnut Hit, today or In th evening. CALDWELL ACRES. Our nsw acreage additions southwest of Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter eras; easy, terms. THE BYRON REED CO.. Phons Douglas 297. 212 S. lTth St Miscellaneous. 200-FOOT frontage, three-fourths of an aere, for 1408. Terms $26 cash, 116 per month. Tel. Walnut 2466. REAL ESTATE B'ness Prpty YOUNG A DOHERTY. City Real Estate; Douglas 1671. 822 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE FINE site on B. M. R. R., size 95x166; can be bought cheap. Terms. C. A. Orlmmel. Phone Douglas 1615. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Lands. MONTANA state land sale In December, the largest lot of the best wheat land ever offered. For particulars write to P. B. Galagher, Great Falls, Mont1 Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and $5 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full information. MUNGER, A-119, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FOR free booklet, with prices on beautiful Bates and Cass county Improved fertile farms, address J. W. Hendrlckson, Box 114, Adrian, Mo. GREAT bargains $5 down, $6 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. RANCH. 1,710-acre combination grain aad stock ranch, located In Cherry county on Nio brara river, six miles from railroad. 700 acres good level bench farm land, 260 acres In cultivation, cropped this year to corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy beans and potatoes. 150 acres Niobrara bottom, part of which Is the best of hay land, 100 acres good alfalfa land. Balano of ranch rolling to , rough pasture, all well grassed. Plenty lof timber for fuel and fence posts as welt as affording protection for stock during winter. Ranch watered by river, Bear creek and springs. Will run 250 head of cattle the year around. Improvements located In fine native grove In the valley and consist of six-room house, two barns, silo and other buildings. School house located on ranch. This Is a genuine bargain at $16 par aore. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to suit purchaser. This territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are getting In at bed rook prices. KLOKH INVESTMENT COMPAMT. J UJMAHA, NEB, 846 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1150, HOG AND ALFALFA FARM NEAR OMAHA 92 acres, rolling upland with black loam soil and clay subsoil; 8 acres in culti vation, 26 acres in heavy timber and pas ture, running water; fenced and cross fenced; fair improvements; two wells. This farm Is only 11 miles from Omaha's city limits and street car line, 1 miles from good railroad town. Price $10,200. $3,000 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. With alfalfa bringing $23 to $8, and hog prices guaranteed the land will produce enough to pay for Itself In a very short time. Let us show It to yon. J. H. DUMONT & CO. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. M. CEDAR RAPIDS, NEB. This farm -will bear Inspection; 160 acres; best of soli; 40 acres alfalfa; 25 pasture; balance In crop; 6-room house, barn 32x40, equipped with slings, and plenty of outbuildings; school house H mile; mall route at the door; phone In the house; only 44 miles to a good town, with a good road to travel on; only reason for selling Is poor health and no help. Who wants a bargain? Act at once. Price $120 per acre If sold early; on good terms. Write or see me. ANTON KLINSKY, R. No. 3, Cedar Rapids, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 5 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 15th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 9371. 40 ACRES Irrigated land, every acre first class; all fenced and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Pries $4,000. Box 206. Oakland, Neb. H SECTION Eastern Nebraska farm to ex change for Omaha property. Paul Peter son, 862-4 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. 1806. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. Canan, 210 McCague Bldg., Omaha, Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project, Oregon, 44.000 acres Irrigated land. Free map and bul letin. Next excursion November 20th. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. MONONA and Woodbury counties, la., lands; also eastern Colorado and western Kan sas wheat lands. Phone Tyler 2862. H. R. FOLLMER CO., 988 First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Texas Lands. An Exceptional Offer The Lasater-Miller Co. of Falfurrias, Texas, are owners of 360,000 acres of the finest land in Texas for dairying, fruit raising, truck gardening. We are divid ing this great tract into smaller farms and making the price and terms so easy that it should all be sold within the next few months. We will sell you any number of acres at $40 per acre and arrange terms to suit your means. We will stock your farm with Hereford cattle arid let you pay for them from their own earnings. (No interest). Mr. Lasater's Jerseys won all first prizes at Waterloo, la. Come down and see this prosperous country. Land adjoining ours is selling at $250 to $500 per acre. For full particulars and date of excursions phone or write Thomas Olson 407-8 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 6514. REAL ESTATE WANTED WS HAVE several good reliable buyers for j I and 6-room houses and bungalows with . $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tylwr 4'J. 701 Oma. Nat Bank Bldg. HAVE (-passenger Huuk and 80 ft. vaeant on Leavenworth St. clear, to apply as first payment on a 6 or 6 room modern house. What have youq Box 8S78. Omaha Bee. INVESTOR wants I50,000 Omaha-property? well located and priced right. Seward Bros. roulas 3ti40. 678 Brandels Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small rash payments: have parties walling. Western Real Estate. 412 Karbach Blk. D. 2607. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN A SON. 428 8. 16th. rou"lK!L,L71 WAI TED 50 acres Pierce "county Neb! Owners only. H tillable. Olve good de scription, price and terms. 801 Karbach Blk., O iahs, Neb. FINANCIAL Rcal Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. 5H and 6 per cent. Also first mort gage on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 418-418 Keeline Bldg.. 17th and Harney. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest per cent, $H 'per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb, 11. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Improved real estate located In Omaha, E. H. LOUCtEE. INC., 688 Keeline Bldg. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONEY. 1,200 MTC1E. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $4,800. Tal- madge-Loomls Inv. Co., Y. O. W. Bldg. 1,000 MTUE. hearing's pit. semi-Tnnuallyl secured by mortgage valued at $6.(ln. Talmadge-Looinle Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. 5 w NO DELAY IN CLOSINtt LOANS. W. T. ORAHAM. 604 TCs Bklg. CITY GARVIN BROS., LOANS. Om. Jfat. Bk. Bldg. MONEY HARRI SON " 4 MORTON. 918 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FAR MB. O'KEEFH R. E. CO.. 1010 Omaha Nat'I. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly; CF. D Wad, AVead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloko Investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C. a. CARLBERQ, 212 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS A SON. Keeline Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. OIL First well we cleaned came In at , 250 barrela. We get 60 per, cent In 1 oil. Hundreds of similar wells awaiting our washer. Wonderful investment opportun ity. All possible chance eliminated. Write for particulars. Salesmen wanted. H. H. Hyde & Co., Ridge Building, Kansas City, Mo. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as seourlty. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $8.60. $40, 6 mo., Indorsed notes, total coat, $2.69. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, .482 Rose Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LKOAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 more Easy payments, - Utmostpiivacy. T40 Pant on Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at m and 8H per ceat. W. C. Flatau; astab. 1892, ,6th floor Rose-Seourltles Bldg. Tyler 950. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 5619. . 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William A. Haberstroh and wife to Harvey J. Grove, Florence boule vard, 180 feet east of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 45x106 $ 4,000 Charles W, Martin and wife to Helen B. Parts, Baumsn avenue, 85.5 feet east of Thirtieth street, south side, 42x120 1,200 LUals B. Abel to Raymond L. Cams, Frankly street, 60 feet esst of Forty-seventh street, south side, 10x160 600 Lttura Vf. Campbell to Sarah M. Helaa, Cmmet street, 160 feet west of Twenty-first street, north sldo, 60x114 8,89 Rosa Ftckas and husband to Peter F. Head et al., Plnkney street, 60 feet east of Sixty-sixth street, north side, 46x128 1,750 Stephan Tschlda snd wife to Balt hauser Trammer and wife. Atlas street, 243 feet west of Tenth street, north side, 48x120 1,260 Oraoe Trulllnger, administratrix, to Commonwealth Real Estate com pany, Miami street, 150 feet east of rifty-flghtb. street, south side, 60x130 i Boston Wool Market. Boston, Mass., Nov. 16. The Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow: The market for wool has been but moderately active during the past week, Interest here being confined very largely to the medium and the low grade scoured wools suitable for military requirements, Prices are exceed ingly firm. Manufacturers are well oc cupied on old orders, but find new business on civilian account rather slow. Now gov ernment contracts continue to 'be placed more or less steadily. Scoured Basis Texas: Fine 12 'months, $1.6801.72; fine 8-months. $t.551.60. California Northern, $1.701.75; middle oounty, $1.501.65; southern, $1.351.40. Oregon Eastern No. 1. staple, $1.80; east ern clothing, $1.501.60; valloy No. 1, II. 6001. 65. Territory Fine staple, $1.801.85; half blood combing, fl. 7191.80; blood comb ing, )1.461.60; fine clothing, $1.601.65; fine medium clothing, $1.551.60. Fulled Extra, $1.80&1.86; AA, $1.70 1.80; A supers, $1.601.65. I Coffee Market. New York, Nov. 16. A steadier feeling showed Itself In the market' for coffee fu tures here today. There has recently boon a good deal of scattering liquidation, partic ularly In December and offerings were lighter this morning, while there was scat tered covering. Trade interests were also credited with buying, possibly to undo hedges against sales out of the local stock and after opening 1 to 2 points higher active months sold 3 or 4 points above last night's dosing figures. December touched 7.02c and May 7.43o. Thf close was a shade off from the best under realising, but steady at a net galq of 1 to I points. Closing bids: .De cember, 7.01c; January, 7.09c; March, 7.26c; May, 7.4Jc; July, 7.60c; September, T.77o. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 7c; Santos 4s, 9c. As yesterday was a holiday In Brazil no official cables wars received from pri mary markets. Hoax Ctty Live Stock Market. ffloux City, Nov. 16. Cattle Receipts 1. 000 head; market strong; beef steers, $8.00 918.00, fat cows and heifers, J6.50S9 00; canners, $5.26 1.26; storHcers and feeders, $8.001J50; calvs, $7.00012.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.0018.00; feeding cows and heifers, f 5.60 8.00 . Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market 16a to 20a higher; light, 117.20 17.35 ; mixed, $J7.30M7.40; heavy, 117.80 17. 55 ; pigs, $19.0021.00; bulk of sales, $17.25 17.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market strong. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Nov. 16. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head, market firm. Native steers, $7.00 16.25; western steers, $5.9013.60; stockerk and feeders, $5.7011.60; cows and heifers, $4.601175; calves, $7.0O(il3.60. Hogs Receipts, 21.000 head, market strong. Bulk, $17.40ia17.80; light, $17.10(9 17.76; mixed, $17.2017.85; heavy, $17.15 17.85; rough, $17.16)17.36; pigs, $14.00 17.25. Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head, market firm. Wethers, $8.7012.90; ewes, $7.6011.40; Iambs, $12.6017.::. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Nov. 16. -Cattle Receipts,. 1. 700 head; market steady; i steers, 8.00fl 14.60; cows and helfdrs, $5.2513.50; calves, I6.0012.00. Hogs Receipts, 5,000 head; market strong; top, $17.70; bulk of sales, $17.30 17.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market higher; lambs, $12.0017.25; ewes, $6.00911.25. Turpentine and Rosin. (' Savannah, Ga., Nov. 16. Turpentine firm 464c; sales 89; receipts 238; shipments 553; stock 23,278. - . Rosin Firm, sales 1,044; receipts 997; shipments 1.7C4; stock 76,222. Quote: B, 1), E, G. H. $8.15; H. I. I !0; K, $6.60; N, $7.45; WO, $7.65; WW, 17.70. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Big Run of Cattle Finds Market Weak; Hogs 20 Cents High er; Lambs Higher for the Week. Omaha, November 16, 1917. Receipts were: Cattls. Hoss. Sheen. Official Monday 23,374 1,163 6.793 Official Tuesday 14,229 6.699 9,746 Official Wednesday ..11,467 6,490 7.014 Official Thursday .... 6,39 6.648 6.713 Estimate Friday $,$00 4.500 8,500 Five days this week., 68, 649 28,593 38,766 Same days last week. 46,963 31.348 84.427 Same days 3 wks. ago.49.7S3 18,468 77,835 Same days I wks. ago. 61. 01$ 13,688 97.127 Same days 4 wks. ago. 63.646 24.032 106,660 Same days last year. .41,743 67,383 73,774 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C . M. A St. P 1 l Mlsslour Pacific 1 t'nlon Psclflo 69 16 11 C. & N. W east.. 1 I 4 C. A N. W., west.. I $6 3 8 C. St. P., M O. 1 11 10 C, B. Q., east.... 16 2 1 , B. Q west.. 67 10 C, R. I. P., east ., 4 C, R. I A P., west .. .. 1 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts.... 121 ' Tl $8 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A CO 840 611 408 Swift A Company. ...1.114 867 724 Cudahy Packing. Co.. 706 1.801 1.833 Armour A Co 661 617 1,383 Srhwarts Co 378 .... J. W. Murphy 1,090 .... Lincoln Packing Co.. 19 .... S. Omaha Packing Co. 36 Wilson 98 W. W. Hill A Oo 16 F. B. Lewis 249 .... .... Huntzlnger A Oliver. I .... .... J. B. Root A Co 68 J. H. Bulla 17 Rusenstock Bros.,,,. 27 .... .... F. O. Kellogg 261 i Werthetmer A Degen. 77 i .... .... Ellis A Co 108 Sullivan Bros 20 .... .... RothsoMld A KrebS.. 18 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 114 Christie I Hlgglns 11 .... .... Huffman 1 . ... Roth 22 John Harvey 492 Jensen A Lungren.... 160 .... .... Dennis A Francis,,.. 41' .... .... r. O'Day 6 Other buyers 1,408 .... 1,610 Totals 6.878 4,164 6.468 Cattle There was a pretty liberal run of cattle here for a Friday, and the market was usually weak and easier, being mora or less draggy all around and having a low tone In spots. Hardly any beet steers either corn feds or greasers, were on offer, and trade was quotably steady. Blockers and feeders also looked mostly steady, though the movement was slow and prices hardly as good as they were at the high time of the week. Fat oow and heifer buyers wars lower bidders fight from ths start tills morning and In the absence of any real choice cows the market was weak to lower all the way through. Stock cows and heifers also slowed up a little bit, though there was no quot able change In prices. Beef steers have been selling In about the same notches all week, At the beet time feeders were mainly 26c hlghr than at last week's elose, but they have eased off a little ths last couple of days, and today's sales did not show quite that much advance. On the good to choice cows what little decline there was Monday has been regulated. Medium grades of butcher stuff are, however, mainly 2tc lower for the week, and canners and cutters are from 26o to ae much as 40o lower than a week ago. Quotations on cattlei Prime heavy beeves, $18.000116.00; good to rhnloe beeves, $14.00011.00; fair to good beeves, $12.00912.60; common to fslr beeves, $7.00 Oil. 00; good to choice yearlings, $14.00 16.00; fair to good yearlings, 12.00f 14.00; common to fair yearlings; $6.60011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $18.00011.50; good to choice grass beeves, $10.00011.60; fair to good grass beeves, $9.00010.00; com mon to fair grass beeves, $7. 00 1. 60; good to choice heifers, $8.0009.15; good to choice cows, $7.7509.25; fair to good cows, $6.50O?.76; common to fair cows, $5,600 6.25; prima, feeding steers, $11.60 0 12.00; good to choice feeders, $9.00011.96; fair to good feeders, $7.60O8.T6; common to fair feeders, $6.0007.00; good to ohotce stock era, I8.S0O10.00; stock heifers, $6.6O6.00; stock cows, $6.0007.26; stock calves, $8.00 10.00; veal calves, fl.00O12.60; bulls, stags, etd., $6.1008.00. Representative sales: 1 BEEP STEERS. Mo. At. Pr. ' No. Ar. Pr. 2 625 $6 50 2...,..,. 380 $7 26 9...W... 606 8 00 lS.V.iVST. 6-28 I 26 2........ 970 8 60 , COWS. ' 2 923 I 60 1. ...... .1040 8 40 7.V. 714 6 60 1. .1010 6 75 4.....'... 967 7 00 19........ 827 7 10 14........ 884 7 26 HEIFERS. 2... 746 7 00 1 190 7 26 12. ...V... 821 7 60 1 730 1 00 1. ....... 990 t 25 CALYH8. 16 116 1 00 , 6 141 11 11 3... 165 13 26 NEBRASKA. I calves.. 190 10 00 17 steers., lit 7 71 11 steers.. 888 , 9 00 8 cows.. .1021 7 00 11 steers.. 697 1 9 65 SOUTH DAKOTA. 27 steers.. 774 9 00 8 steers.. 181 I 00 7 calves.. 276 8 60 I WYOMINO. 16 steers. .1130 10 66 23 cows.. .' 963 8 90 11 feeders. 954 11 00 11 steers. .1079 I 40 Hogs The lightest run of hogs for the week was on hand today. The market opened fairly active, with shippers 'taking most of the early sales. Their purchases looked anyway 16c higher. Packers, who were a little alow In getting under way, finally began buying and paid anyway 15 20a better than yesterday. The best price paid was $17,60, while the bulk of tn sales went at $17,36017.60. Trade all around was fairly active. A liberal run of pigs wss on hand and the market on this class was steady. , Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr. 15. .238 160 $17 30 78. .278 860 $17 $6 73. .283 340 17 40 66. .362 180 17 60 62. .294 120 17 65 76. .219 40 17 60 PIGS. 114. ,116 ... 20 26 Sheep There was a fairly liberal run of sheep and lambs here for a Friday. The market was considerably slower than at any other time this week, packer buyers being rather bearish and holding off until well along In the morning. What few fat lambs changed hands looked a litis easier and the market ruled slow to easier all around. There were very few feeders here and de mand was not overly strong, being nomi nally steady to easier. For the week fat lambs show an upturn of 2540c, feeder lambs going anywhere from $1.00 to $1.25 higher than a week ago. Fat and feeder sheep show sn advance of around 60O76o. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.00917.00; lambs, feeders, $16.00011 26; lambs, culls, $10.00016.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.60013.25; year lings, feeders, $12.00012.00; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00012.50; ewes, fair to choice, $9.25011,25; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.68 016.00; ewes, feeders, $7.60011.60; ewes, culls and canners, $6.0007.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr 121 native lambs 74 $17 30 187 native lnmbs 74 17 30 18 native lambs 67 $16 00 8 native ewes , 98 8 60 209 native lambs 83 16 60 182 native lambs 70 17 10 Omaha, Nov. 191T. Todays receipts were only fair, with 161 ears of all grain. Arrivals of wheat con tlnue to be very liberal, 74 cars of this oercal showing, while only 27 cars of corn and 44 cars of oats were reported. Re ceipts of ryo and barley were five and two cars respectively. Caah corn continues to follow a very narrow course whll the fea ture article of the market are oats. There were between 20 and 26 cars of new corn In today and all of those sold were of the No. 6 and sample grades, prac tically all of them containing an amount of moisture In excess of the limit allowed for a No. 6 grade. No. 6 whits sold at $1 48 and No, 6 yellow at $1.36, and the sample yellow at 4 So and 90o. while thf sample mixed ranged from 32c to 90& the samples which aolrt at the lowest prices being sour and rotten, while ths rest con tained mahogany corn nad were musty and some molded. One car of old No, 6 mixed sold at $1.08. Oats continue to hold a stronger position, and sales were raade today at a lV4o te lo advance, with a good demand, suffl "lent to take rare of much larger receipts. The commercial garde of No. I white sold at 66c and 66V,o and the No. 4 white at 66c, Sales of the sample grade ranged from 62fl to 66c. Rye wss a rent higher and barley up twe tents. There te a continued good demand tor both thee cereals, not enough can coming In to take care of the needs of lo cal buyers. No. 2 snd No. I rye sold at 11.74 and the ftjo. 8 grade of malting bar ley at $1.23 and $1 86, while a part car of No. 4 sold at $1.30. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 669.000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 966,000 bu. and shipments 466.000 bu., against receipts of 1.499.000 bu. and shipments of 1,111,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts wers 468,000 bu. and shipments 112,000 bu., against receipts of 643.000 bu. and shipments of 371,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,076,000 bu. and shipments 867,000 bu., against receipts of 666,000 bu. and shipments of 716,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 41 126 ( 163 Minneapolis 237 .. ., Duluth 77 Omaha 74 2T 44 Kansas City 108 34 88 St. Loul 77 81 13 Wtnnlpog 1,065 .. . . These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 4 cars, $1.11. No. I hard winter: 9V cars, $9.13. No. 1 hard winter: 4 cars, $2.09. Nn. 1 dark hard winter: 6 cars. $2.10. No. S dark hard wln- Hor: 1 car, $2.12. No. 3 yellow hard winter: 4 cars, $3.05. No. 1 northern spring: H oar, $3.16; Vb car, $3.16. No. 3 northern spring: 24 cars, $3.12: 1 car (smutty), $2.09. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $2.01. No. I dark northern spring: 1 car, $2 18. No. 1 soft white: 1 car, $2.13, No, 2 mixed common white: 1 bulkhead. $2.10. No. 1 durum: 1 car (smutty), $2.13. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $2.12; 1 bulkhead (9 per ctnt bard red spring), $3.12. Nn. 1 durum: 1 car, $3.09. No. 1 red durum: 1 car, $1.08. No. 1 mixed common red durum: 1 car (28 per cent spring, 66 per cent durum), $2.11. No. I mixed common red durum; 1 car (12 per cent spring, 88 per cent durum), $3.11. Mixed grain: 1 car ((11 psr cent rye), $3,04; ltt cars (8 per cent rye), $8.01. Rye No. I: 1 car, $1.74. No. It 1 car, $1.74. Sample: H car, $1.73. Barley No. I: 1 car, $1.25; 1 car, $1.2$ No. 4: 2-8 Par, $1.20. I Porn No. i white: 1 car, 11.42. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.26. Sample yellow: 1 car, 90c; 1 car, 11c; 2-1 car, 60c; 1 oar, 46a. No. 5 mixed: 2-1 car (old), $2.08. Sample mixed; 1 car, 00c; l car, 60o; 1-6 car, lOet 1 cars. 86e; 1 car, 3!o. Oats No. 1 white: I cars, 6Ho; I l-I car, 66a, No, 4 white: 1-1 car, 66c. Sam ple: . 2 cars, 66ci 1 rar, I68c; 2-1 ear, 62o. Omaha Cash Prices Corn t No. I white, $3.1302.11. No. 2 yellow, .$3.1301. II- No. 2 mixed, $3. 0803.10. Oats: No. 2 white, 66HO670. Standard, 66KO66440. No. I white, 60O6mo. No. 4 white, 654 M0 Barley: Malting, $1.2001.27. No. 1 feed, $1.02ili1.15, Rye: No. 2, $1.7301-74. No. I, $1,721,01.78. Loral range of optional St. Louis Live Stork Market St. Louis, Nov. 16. Cattle Receipts, 4,400 head; market, strong; native beef steers, $8,00(16.00; yearling steers and heifers. $7.00016.00; cows, $6.00011.00; stockers and feeders, 16.60011.00; Texas quarantine steers, $6.7610.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00012.76; beef cows and heif ers, $6. 00;)10 00; prime yearling steers and heifers,, $7.GO3-10.00; native calves, $5.76 13.76. Hogs Receipts, 11,800 head; market high er;. lights, $17 2S17.60; pigs, 1 1 5.00 17.00 ; mixed and butchers, 1 1 7.40 17.70 ; good hoavy, $17. 6517. SO; bulk of sales, $17,250 17.70. Sheep and Lambs Rocelpts, 600 head; market, steady; lambs, $13.00017.00; ewes, $10.00011.00; weLhers, $11.00013.25; can ners, $6.6008.50. Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City Nov. 16. Cattle Receipts, 8,000' head; market, steady; prime fed steers, $15.60016.75; dressed beef steers, $11.00016.00; western steers, $8.00011.60; southern steers, I6.60OU.00; sows, $4,100 10.00; helfors, $6.60013.00; stockers and foeders, $6.60011 50; bulls, $6.0007.76: calves, ,$6.00012.00. k Hogs Receipts, 1,000 bead; market, higher; bulk of sales, $17.40017.65; heavy, $17.50017,76; packers and butchers, $17.45 4017,66; light, $17.25017.60; pigs, $17,000 17.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market, strong; lambs, $16.25017.25; year lings, $12.00013.75; wethers, $11.00012.60; ewes. $10.00611.60. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Receipts Are Fair Only; Wheat in Greatest Amount; New Corn Containing Excess of Moisture. Art. Open, High. Low. Close. Yest. Com. I I I Deo. 1 11 1 II 111 1 11 111 May 1 1 11$ 111 I II lit Oats. Deo, 3U 18H 63H 3H I8H May 68 63 63 63 61 Chicago .1:10 prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 811 South Sixteenth streets Omaha; Art, Open. High, Low.y Close, Yest. Corn. - i T Jan. 1 16H 1 17H 116. 1 17 116H Dec. 1 19 1 22 119 1 20K 119 May 1 16 116 114 116116 Oats. Doc. 64 66 64 66 64 May 64 66 64 15 14 Pork. Jan. 46 20 46 36 45 20 46 10 45 60 Lard. Jan. 24 61 24 65 II 42 14 12 24 65 May 28 76 21 71 21 70 II 70 21 76 Ribs. Jan. 24 21 24 20 24 05 14 17 24 27 May 28 87 23 87 23 70 33 73 22 87 Chicago Provision Market. Chicago, Nov. 16. Oraln prices ran up to day, mainly because of a scarcity of'offeT lngs. Corn finished unsettled, hut to 1 not higher with December 31.20V4 and May $1.1601.16. Oats gained to lc. There were declines of five cents to 36c In pro visions. Bulls In corn put stress on the fact that stocks of corn at leading terminals amounted to next to nothing. Old number two yellow corn here commanded as much ns $2.40 a bushel, for the little that could be had, and It was said many farmers In the soft corn sections had stopped shucking snd would wait for the grain to dry out Meanwhile, a jump of oats values to the highest point yet this seuson tended to make corn shorts yet more uneasy. On the ensuing bulge In corn prlcrs, however, lead ing commission houses became free sellers and something of a reaction followed. The late downturns were accompanied by re ports that more cars were being sent Into ths corn belt and that an Increase ofar rlvals here would result. Unusual activity and strength In the oats market came about to a great extent through reports that virtually no responses been received from overnight bids to the country. Provisions lacked support. Cash Prloes Corn: Nn. 2 ysllow, $2,350 2.40; No. 3 and No. 4 yellow nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 66 68c; standard, 66 68c. Rye: No. 2, $1.80. Barley: $1.1001.35. Seeds: Timothy, $5.00 fji 7.50 ; clover, $20.00 26.00. Provisions: Pork nominal; lard, $27.05 1&) 2S.05 ; ribs nominal. Chicago, Nov. 16. Butter: Market un changed. Ekks: Receipts, 6,241 cases; mar ket unchanged. Potatoes: Receipts, 40 cars; market unchanged. Poultry: Alive, market lower; fowls, 15019c; springs, 19c. Selling by scattered holders led to re newed weakness later. New York (Jeneral Market. New York, Nov. 16. Flour Unsettled; spring patents, $10.80011 26; winter patents, $10.06010.90; winter straights, $10.35010.10; Kansas straights. $1 1. 00011.16. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $9.6509.80; choice to fancy, $9.86010.00. Buckwheat flour, firmer; $6.3506.60 por 100 lbs. Cornmral, stesdy; firm: white and yellow, $4.9005.16; kiln dried, $9 75. Corn Spot, unsettled; new, No. 2 yellow, $1.65$2.00, according to shipment, c. 1. f.. New York; new, No. 3 mixed, 81.53, December shipment, c. I. f. New York. Oats Spot, stronKi standard, 73 074c. Hay Unsettled; No. 1, $1.7001.76; No. 2, $l,55r 1.C0; No. 3, 31,10 1,65; shipping, $1.160125. Hops Kasy; state medium to choice, 1917, 7278c; 1916, nomlnnl; Pacific coast, 1917, 30if34c; 1916, 1923c. Rye Firm; No. 2 western, $1.88, e. 1, f New York. Barley Easy; feeding, $1.0001.05; cost snd freight, Now York. Hides Steady; Bogota, 41c; Central America, 40c. Leather Firm : hemlock sole overweights, No. 1, 61c; No. i. 49c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $47. OOW 47.60; family, $54.00; short clear, $48.00(fJ 62.00, Lard, unsettled; middle west, $28.50 28.60. Tallow Firmer; city special, loose, 17c. Wool Firm; domestlo fleece, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 70c. Rice Flrm fancy head, 8 09c; blue rose, 8j)8e. New York, Nov. 16. Butter Market firm; receipts, 6.587 tubs; creamery higher than extras. 45046c; creamery extras (92 score), 4r,b; firsts, 43044c; seconds. 4041c. Eggs Market irregular; receipts, 7,036 cases; fresh gathered extras, 54065a; extra firsts, 62063c; firsts, 48061c; seconds, 420 46c. Cheese Steady; receipts, 1,024 boxes; state fresh specials, 230c; do, average run, 22 23c. 1 Dressed poultry Firm; chickens, 20036c; fowls, 16 26c; turkeys, 26032o, Live poultry, firm; chickens, !2 023e fowls, 23026c; turkeys, 28 0 30c NEW YORK STOCKS " Operations Smallest and Least Noteworthy of Any Full Ses sion for Months on Stock Exchange. New York, Nov. 16. Operations on ths stock exchange today were the smallest snd In most essentials the least noteworthy of any full session for several months. Deal ings barely totaled 235,000 shares, latest re strictions of ths exchsnge tending further to limit transactions to aotual purchases and sales. Prlra changes were Influenced to some extent by negative conditions, more than by actual happenings. More perplexing rail- road situation, the absence v definite advice from Russia and conflicting news from ths Italian front combined to provoks fresh liquidation. STbvemenfs wers narrow, however, except among rails and a few Inactive specialties. Delaware A Hudson fell 4 points to the nsw minimum of 93, Pennsylvania, Reading and other ooalert as well as Pacifies and, grangsrs reacted I to I pdlnts snd minor transportations were lower. Active Indus trials, Including the war group, were little affected by the reactionary trend of repre sentative stocks, recording extreme gains of 1 to I points. Motors and shippings dsnotsd further short covering and coppers made up tome of yesterday's lost ground. Final quotations were under top prices, the list closing with an Irregular tone. Italian exohsnge was especially weak, llrrs at 1. 10c approximating their greatest discount, guilders also showing sojhe da presslon. Call loans were easier, time rates remaining firm, Rands were hesitant, with further heavy deallnga In Liberty Issues, the 4s falling from 19.41 to a fresh minimum of 11.74. while tho 2s rose from 11.68 to tl, s substantial advancs over the 4s. Total sale of bonds, par value, aggregated $4,170,009, United States bonds, old Issues, ware tux chsnged on call. Number of sales and quotations on leading Vock"i - - Ba,, H"h Close. Am. Beet Sugar., 200 Tl TO 704 American Can 1,800 1 tl 13 11 Am. Car A Fndry. tot ! 11 , Am, Locomotive, , . t.100 60 49 10(4 Am. S. A Refng... 4.900 Tl Tl Tl Am. Sugar Refng. 200 12 tl tl Am.' Tel. A Tel.... 1,000 107107 10 Am. Zne, L. AS. n Anaconda Copper., 1,400 II 14 14 Atchison 700 14 14 13 A. O. A W. I. 8. L. t00 16 16 16 Baltimore A Ohio. 4,400 11 60 10 Butts A Sup. Cop , 16 Cal. Petroleum. jju Canadian Pacific. 11,700 Ut 110 110 Central Leather... 1,000 tl tl 61 Chesapeake A Ohio. 1,100 46 41 41 C, M. A St, Paul 6 Chicago A N. W... lot IS 94 14 C, R. I. A P. ctfs. 600 II II 11 Chlno Copper 1,090 11 II 18 Colo. Fuel A Iron. . It Corn Prod. Refng.. 100 13 21 26 Crucible Steel 1,400 ,61 12 13' Cuba Cane Sugar. 100 16 26 26 Distillers' Security. 900 II It II Erie 1,400 14 II 11 General lUeotrto Ill danem Motors,... 16,900 It 11 86 Ot. Northern pfd. 1,101 tl II 19 Ot. N. Ore etfs... 409 14 24 14 Illinois Central 94 Insplratloa Copper. 1,800 40 40 40 Inter. M, M. pfd.. 17,700 91 10 II Inter. Nickel 100 26 26 26 Inter. Paper 100 20 20 20 K. C. Southern,... 300 15 15 16 Kennecott Copper., 1,700 10 31 10 Louis. A Nash Ill Maxwell Motors . II Msg. Petroleum.... 100 74 T4 ' 71 Miami Copper 16 Missouri Pacific, 1,400 21 tl 21 Mont. Power ,. 63 Nevada Copper t 16 N. Y. Central 1,000 17 16 t6 N, Y N. H. A H., 1,700 16 II 15 Norfolk A West... 100 Northern Paclflo.. tot 85 14 84 Paolflo Mall 200 14 14 It Pennsylvania 4,100 47 4T ' 47 Pittsburgh Coal ' 41 Ray Con. Copper. 1,000 II 21 21 Reading 6,400 17 66 66 Rep. Iron A Steel. 1,600 TO It 60 Shat. Arts. Copper 300 II 19 19 Southern Paolflo... too 11 80 80 Southern Railway. 1,300 21 24 23 Btudabaker Corp... 1,700 39 18 38 Texas Co 1,100 131 114 136 Union Pacific ... ... 112 IT. S. Ind. Alcohol 3,700 100 18 89 U. 8. Steel... 66,200 91 10 91 U. S. Steel pfd.... 1.100 101 107 107 Utah. Copper! 1.100 74 Tl 74 Wabash pfd. "IP'. 1.200 10 20 10. Vulirn llnlnn - . ... ... 81 Westlngh. Eteotrte. 1,100 It 16 31 Total ssles for ths day, 281.000 shares. , DUN'S REVIEW OF TSADI. Basinet Hendleepprd and Checkered, Dae to Restraints of War. Nsw York, Nor. II Dun's tomorrow will say: With the Increasing restraints Imposed by war conditions snd with the many uncer tainties of the period, business Is handi capped In various ways and Its progress Is , necessarily checkered and Irregular. Not through lack of confidence, but ow ing to the drawbaoks In production and dis tribution and also becauss ot diminishing supplies of materials and merchandise, some Important transactions are being held In abeyance, and the difficulties of filling re quirements ars not calculated to lessen with winter drawing nearer and a still greater oongestlon In transportation foreshadowed. It Is particularly unfortunats at a time when the manufacturing forces of the coun try should be running most smoothly to meet the extensive and growing war needs and the large demands from rsgular channels, that some plants have bean obliged to shut down through Inability to obtain fuel and that the works In many directions continue hindered by labor shortage and other ob stacles. Where uninterrupted operations are possible there are comparatively few Instances where produoers havs not suffl. elent orders In hand to keep them aotlvaly occupied and It Is not unoomraon to hear of ordinary business being turned aside to make room for the pressing wants ot this government and Ha allies. Weekly bank clearings, $5,494,060,970. New York Money Market. New York, Nov. It. Prime Mercantile Paper 6 per cent. ' Sterling Exohange Sixty-day bills, $4.71 ; commercial sixty-day .bills on banks, $4.71; commercial sixty-day bills, $4.70; demand, $4.76 ;. cables, $4.7t 7-16. Sliver Bar, 86c; Mexican dollars, I6e. Bonds Government, heavy; railroad, heavy. Time Loans Firm; sixty dsys, SOI per cent: ninety days, 606 per cent; sis tnenths, 606 per cent I Call Money Easier; high, 4 per cent; low, I per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cant; offered at 1 per cent: lnst loan, 3 per cent. U. 9t 2s, reg... 96 'III. Cent. ref. 4a 71 do coupon.... 96Int. M. M. ts... 91 U. S. 8s, reg.... 99 'K. C. 8. ref. 5s. TS do coupon.... 99 L. A N. unl. 4s. 86 U. 8. L. 3 s, . . . 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4s 68 IU: 8. 4s, reg.. 106 Mo. Pan. gen. 4s 63 (do coupon. . ..105 Mont Power 5s. 88 A. For. Sec. 5s. 92N. Y. C. deb. 6s. 94 A. T. A T. clt. 6s 91 N. Paclflo 4s... 81 Anglo-French 5s. 69 do 8s ,69 'Ar'our A Co 4s 85 O. S. L. ref. 4s.. 82 Atchison gen. 4s. 81 Pac. T. A T. 6s. tl Bal. A O. c. 4a T7Penn. con. 4s. 96 IHOth. Steel r. 4s 88 do gen. 4s.. 89 Cent. Leather 6s. 96 'Reading gen. 4s 82 Cent. Pacific 1st 78 S. L. A S. F. a ts 61 Ches. A O. cv. 6s 728. Paclflo cv. Is 89 C, B. A Q. y 4s 99 8. Railway 6s.. 92 CMABPc 4s 70 'Tea. A Pac. 1st 91 C, R. I. AP. r. 4s 61 Union Pac. 4s.. 87 Colo. A 8. r. 4i 73U. 8. Rubber 6s. T6 D. of C. 5s, 1931 89 U. 8. Steel 6s.. 98 D. of C. 6s 1931 89 Wabash 1st 94 Brie gen. 4s.... 49 Oen. F.lectrlc 5s 95 fBld. Ot. N. 1st 4 Us 88 Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 18. Corn No. I mixed, 12.0502.10; No. 2 white, $2.1202.20; No. 2 yellow. $2.0502.12; December, $1.26; January, $1.19 01.19. Oats No. 2 white, 69c; No. 2 mixed, 67 0 68c. - v Kansas City, Nov. 16. Butters-Market un changed. Poultry Market unchanged. Eggs Firsts, 44c; seconds. 22c. , ' Minneapolis Ciraln Market. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 16. Flour "irket unchanged. 1 Rye $1.7901.81. Barley $1.0401.30. , Bran $33.00033.60. Corn Nn. 3 yellow. $2.202.15. ' 1 Oats No. 8 white, 6364c. Flax-$3. 31 03-35. London Money Market. London, Nov. 16. Silver Bar, 4Sd pe ounce. i ( Money 3 per cent. J Discount Rates Short bills, 4 per oentl three months' bills, 4 per cent, St. Louis Grain Market, St. Louis, Mo.,' Nov. 1ST Corn No, fj, $1.87; No. 1 white, $1.93; December. $1.241 May, $1.16. Oats No. 2, 6906lc; No. 1 white, TC& London Stock Exchoaffo, -London, Nov. 16. American soomlUal were quiet en Um stock oxebaagt today, ,