THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. -- - I I IXr m Wonderful for sweaters and sportcoats . . The safe way to wash tflk waists T MWimeA pleated with Lmm. t had a oAum to try It oa two rary dalioata eilk waiele wu'cA cam oof beautifully. I thtdl nmr tx wA of." c7Htrt. C. I Skinner, 456 Broadway, WUtiaWlL6omarriUMe 'I here gwtf a number of packa gea of Lux. It i the finest thing I know tot aweater and white corduroy skirt." Mrs W. A. Howe, Ipewich, Maes. Read WbaAr Aoir rw Jot afoni wft&ovTXaa, rMotmnaiKf too Mtf(r, pocielty foe tmoe tmrteint, Bare recommend! it to nvnerom Maud who Uketi w well aa I do," hire. T. C Btweothmnriila, Mam. what it means to. other w So many women have written us of their wonderful suc cess with Lux that we print these letters to show you just what Lux xneanp to thousands and thousands of women. . They have at last found a soap product that launders perfectly all the things they are moat particular about. Something that won't shrink woolens, won't turn silks yellow, and launders oven the most delicate chiffons. JSow to use It Pour Doffing or very hot water over the flakes, and whisk into a lather! DJp the clothes up and down and work them about in this creamy lather. Do not rub. It la rubbing cake soap on fabrics and more rubbing to get the dirt oat, that wears out your nice things. , Tho Ifox flakes dissolve instantly, so tbere'isNio. solid soap tostflft , to the tftreada, to yellow or weaken them, and the thick lather is so cleansing that &e 4irt cornea oirihaQfate - " " , JEky Xioo fast oncerl You do not need" to use Xax eevcral times to learn how wonderful it is. One trial package wiU prove to you how lovely it leaves your things. Do not risk arry more fragile silks or laces with ordinary soap, but get a package of Lux today, Uo it for anything that pure water won't injure. Your grocer, druggist. and dcjCTtmcrtffyrvhflve it. Lever Brothers CoM Cambridge, Mass. v. . 1 Ln Lux makes your delicate things wear longer "Tour Lux it all yum claim tor it. I rarer eew each a perfect eoap for . fine laundry work, or for woolen I cannot rfford to bo without iV Mra, BeUowt ' . SJdrieh Avenue, (JHinneepoJi. For All Fine .Laundering l ! SB5B-il ; , . ; . ' -v - t . How to keep yoor iHIc underwear lovely " Aaaff tnrn way eiOt underwe lm with tho general laamdry, o do ttmtyeeJf with Lax. Lea. la perfectly wonderful It lathera eo omiokty. All I here w w im re bib b iini p aaa oown ui rna uunar.mta utay ejeaa per. T' mtmeti teotly.' Bawet AraekB. ft r. Pot dilk and chamois gloree mPta4 Lax moat eetiefaotory tor ellk and ehamole gioree beoauee ma nbbing ta required. My white milk gkre do not fan yellow and both my ailk mod obamoia flora wear macA foaygar than they ayaf md tefon.m-liaabath Da XfyoUee. tiew Feck City. Use Lux always for fine Iaunderina ' ooneider your product Lax one of the hm.t thia. r . aurpaaee jnd. and I finn,., ' cver We oap, and I toneider th.t ZLZ" 99 evw "e nd V.o it oonatantly tor their delicate dre.sL d it U T 7 aTl I, 61