Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Pioneers of Dodge County En
tertained at Hotel Pathfinder,
Where -Events of Early
Days Talked Over.
Fremont, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special
Telegram.) L. D. Richards enter
tained at a banquet at the Hotel Path
finder 100 friends,4or the most part
pioneer settlers of Fremont, who have
been closely associated with him in a
social and business way for nearly half
a century. The event was among thoj
largest social auairs ncic in
Among the speakers were J. W.
GorT,. M. Keene, C. D. Marr, John
Dern of Salt Lake City, a former
Fremont resident, and Frank Fowler.
Reminiscences of the guests and the
opportunity to mingle and review pio
neer times made the occasion enjoy
able. Mr. Richards came to Fremont
half a century ago. He assisted in sur
veying the Northwestern line through
Kremont to the Black Hills.
War Work Campaign.
Organization for the campaign for
Young Men's Christian association
war work funds, fo be carried on all
over the country nexl week, has been
perfected in the Seventh district. In
Fremont a general committee will
have charge, a subcommittee making
the canvasses. Dodge county's quota
hjs been placed at $4,000, but the com
mittee has pledged to double that
amount. The Seventh district is com
posed of the counties of Dodge, Col
fax, Butler, Saunders and Cuming. J.
L. Kohler of I'emont is executive
secretary. Mr. Kohler said today that
this district will raise almost double
the--amount allotted it, which is
?1 1,500.
Nelson Case Comes Up.
Hearing of the case of Otto Nelson
against his wife, Dora E., for custody
of their two' daughters wis begun in
district court. Mrs.Nelson started suit
for divorce, alleging cruelty. The hus
band filed an answer, charging her
with unfaithfulness and naming Fred
Danner, now a member of the draft
army. Mr. Nelson asked for the cus
tody of their two daughters. Testi
mony was introduced to show that
Mrs. Nelson was seen in Danner's
company frequently. The Nelsons are
well-to-do farmers living east of Fre
mont. '
News Notes from Beatrice
And Gage- County
Betatrice, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
The funeral of S. Q. Free, former
city clerk of Beatrice, who died at
Scottsbluff, Neb., Wednesday, as a
result of injuries received at a sugar
beet plant, will be held at Summer
fieldj Kan., Sunday afternoon. The
Odd Fellows of this city will have
charge of the services.
Ralph Kline of this city has en
listed in the aviation service of the
regular army and will leave next
Monday for, Omaha, where he expects
to take the examination. His brother
Lawrence, who enlisted some time
ago, is "somewhere in the east" at a
training camp.
The city clerk of Wymor has
called a special election to be held at
that place on Tuesday, December 11,
to vote on the manager plan or city
At the T. C. Boyd stock sale near
Virginia yesterday high grade cattle
sold all the way trom ikiau to per
head, and horses from $150 to $250 a
A German wearing a kaiser button
was taken off the paving work yesterJ
day and escorted to tne ponce station
by Constable Hum. He promised to
discard the emblem anTbe more pa
triotic, so the officers releasecLhim. It
is reported that a German emissary
recently visited the city and- talked
with a number of German-speaking
people to discourage the Liberty Bond
Residents of Gage county are plan
nin gatr organization to deliver drum
fire attacks on sedition.
Explosion Fatal to Wilsn.
Alliance, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Adclbart Wilson, aged 44. who was
burned by a gasoline explosion in his
home at Lakeside died here today.
His body will be taken to Anselmo
for burial. Wilson -was employed at
the potash plant at Lakeside, he for
merely lived at Broken Bow. He
leaves a wif tfnd.two step children.
Citzcns work on Roads.
Alliance, Neb.,' Nov. 10. Special.)
Friday, November 9, designate!, as
''Good Hoads Day," 100 men in autos
armed with picks, shovels and dinner
pails covered the principal roads lead
ing from Alliance, putting thm in
the best possible shape'for the win
ter. Fersistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. - '
Reed Gives View
That Springer
Has No Authority
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov;- 10. (Special.)
C. F. Springer of Pawnee City is
not entitled to solicit business for Dr.
C. M. Coe of Kansas City, according
to an opinion by Attorney General
Reed given in reply to a letter of in
quiry by County Attorney Zimmer
man of Loup county.
In hi j letter Mr. Zimmerman says:
"Their method is as follows: Mr.
Springer goes out and takes their
syViptoms on what they -call a
symptom blank and then sends it to
Dr. Coe at Kansas City, wlito puts up
the medincine and sends it to the pa
tient. Mr. Springer then .goes and
see's the patient and sees now he is
getting along. Mr. Springer at the
time he sends in the symptom collects
the fee either in casW or in notes."
' In answer the attorney general gives
the following instructions:
"The solicitor, Mr. Springer, or
anyone who acts in a similar capacity,
is guilty of violating the law. He is
endeavoring to practice medicine
within the meaning of the statnte and
should be prosecuted for its violation."
Beans Grown onOld
Alfalfa Field Productive
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
It is an ill wind that does not blow
somebody some good, and State Audi
tor W. H. Smith can testify that the
ill wind which caused a 20-acre tract
of alfalfa' owned by W. S. Williams
of Seward, the audtiar's home town,
to dry out and die last spring turned
out to be a benefactor.
When it became apparent that the
alfalfa was dead Mr. Williams
promptly plowed it up and planted to
beans. He has just threshed the
beans and the field produced 275
bushels, which is "some beans." How
ever the beans sold for $9 a bushel,
which made tlie owner $2,475, which
is "some money" for a 20-acre tract
to return its owner. v
Wlady's Wrist Watch
Must Help Pay for War
Washington, D. C, Nov. it). Dis
tinction is made between watches
to be used only as time keepers and
those for personal adorhrffent in a
ruling today by International Reve
nue Commissioner Roper, defining
jewelry taxable 3 per cent on manu
facturers' sales under the revenue
act. Watches, as metal bracelets,
and all those bearing jeweled orna
mentation are clashed as personal
adornments and are subject tc tax.
The same distinction is made for
garters and suspenders intended for
utility or adornment.
Included in the commisstontr's
list of taxable jewelry articles are
"vanity," stamp and match boxes,
cigar arid cigarette, cases, iorg
nettes, vinaigrettes
Wednesday to get Harrison Smith, a
fugitive from justice, who was ar
rested by Sheriff Sexton at Bancroft
a few days ago. Smith is charged
with beiiu: party to a robbery in the
western part of the state.
The marriage of Michael A. Pea
tro'wsky and Miss Mae L. Lund was
solemnized at St. Mary's X'hurth on
Wednesday, Father Pcitz performing
the ceremony.
County Surveyor A. H. Norris, who
has been seriously ill at the Wise Me
morial hospital, Omaha, is reported as
Miss Vivial V. Cady of this city was
married to IJelnur L. Johnson at i
Winnipeg. The bride is the dauchtet
and eyebrow "j near Imperial, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Committee to Honor
Memory of Judge Reese
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10 Special.)
The supreme court judged this morn
ing appointed a committee to darft
resolutions in memory of the late
.Manoab. B. Reese, former chief justice
of the court, who died recently.
Those named are Jacob Fawcett and
John B. Barnes, associates with Judge
Reese when he was chief justice; E.
E. Good of Wahoo, A. W. Jefferis
of Omaha and John M. Tucker of
Good Market for Potatoes.
Afliance, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
The- car shortage here has some
what retarded the marketing of the
Box Butte county spu crop, however,
with but few exceptions the farmers
had their spuds protected from the
freeze of last week and now are haul
ing in only as cellar space or cars are
available. From one to two dozen
buyers meet every load and the
growers experience no difficulty in
getting top notch prices.
The Burlington set in 30 refrigera
tor cars during the week which took
care of thousands of bushels, the ex
ceptionally fine wather being condu
cive to a large movement.
Miss Haegney Inspects
Salvation Army Home
(From a flaff Correspondent. ) ,
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Miss Matilda Haeaiey, chief clerk
in the office of the State Board of
Charities and corrections has gone to
Omaha to inspect the Sjrfvation Army
secue home and the Norwegian home
for old people in that city.
Miss Haegney recently visited the
Catholic institutions in Omaha and
looked thenr-over and reported to the
board her findings which were favor
able to the institutions.
Plan to Use Economy
This Thanksgiving Day
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Thanksgiving dinners at. state insti
tutions this year will not be elaborate
if the wishes of the State Board of
Contfol are'earried out.
The board has sent out a letter to
tire superintendents of all state insti
tutions, notifying them that in the in
terests of conservation Thanksgiving
dinners must be i jnfined to eatables
already in the nands of the institu
tion. News of Vest Point. ,
est Point, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
The sheriff of Custer county was in
of Mrs. C. L. Cadv of this place aiut ,ernl,M
u. .v c .,t V '
UlC ll UlLgl UUIll 13 a IU11UCI IC1UC1U 111
Cuming county The newly married
pair will siake their home on a tann
after the death of his wife, but an
autopsy revealed the presence of ar
senic in her stomach. Walkes was
traced to Arkansas and arrested there
and brought hack to South Dakota.
Moisture in Corn Hinders
Richardson County Farmers
Stella. Neb.. Nov. (Specials-It
is estimated that Ual f the farmers in
this vicinity have stonped huking
their corn because it contains so much
moisture. One farmer today said he
would rather have his corn in the
field until next spring than to have it
now lull of moisture. He said that
the train elevators have testrs to de-
c the amount ot moisture in
the corn offered which would give the
farmers no advantage as he has had
in the past to shell it later in the sea
son, when the moisture is frozenin
the grain,and deliver it to market In
that endition. Some farmers who have
found the ears beginning to mould
fare are moving it occasionally in the
cribs to give it more ventilation and
air. The average yield is the best in
years and the acreage is large.
Methodist Preachers
Most for Pension Fund
Lincoln, Nov. 10. (Special.)- A
coniVrVih'e was held yesterday at the
Commercial clubrooms in the interest
of the big drive for Methodist preach
ers' pensions in. Nebraska.
A. R. Talbot, chairman of the Lin.
coin committee, presided. Dr. J. R.
Gettys, secretary, represented the Ne
braska conference. Rev. J. T. B.
Smith, Chicago, of tile national pen
sion board represented the board oi
conference1 claimants which is in a
campaign (or $20,000,000. Rev. E. N.
secretary of Jht Lincoln committee,
and Rev. J. F. Boeys, superintendent
of Lincoln district, and chairman of
the district campaign committee were
among those present.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.' .
Convicted of Wife Murder,
Walkes Gets Life Sentence;
Sioux Falls, S. D.. Nov. 10.-Life
imprisonment in the Sioux Falls pen
itentiary was the sentence imposed by
Judge Tripp, of the state circuit ccjiirt,
in Xhi case of Herman Walkes, an
Avon man, who was convicted by a
Bon Homme county jury of causing
the death of his wife by arsenic
poison. Walkes left the state soon
Nebraska Power Co.
Your Electric Service
Tyler Three, One Hundred
Combination Bridge
lnd Plate Work
Instead of False Teeth
Dr. O. I). fflilpherd,
, Manager.
The combination bridge and
plate is something concerning
whjch everyone thinking of false
teeth should inquire. It Is a-prac-'
tical means whereby teeth which
lock solidly into place can be sup
plied to take the place of nature's
own teeth. AH you need is two
sound teeth or roots. Then with
the combination bridge and plate
you will be able to eat anything you
ever did, and without a single draw
back Incident to ordlnarf false
teeth. It will pay you to inquire.
708 City Nat. Bank Bide;., Wh and Harney 8ti., Omaha.
Office Hoar, 8 A. U. to 5:3 F. M. Phone Douglas 34X0.
Dr. B. W. Bailer, free. Dr. O. O. Sbipherd, Mgr.
1621 Farnam St.
There Are Four Candles on Our Birthday Cake
This Year and Y"e Will Celebrate as Usual for a
Whole Week
Our Birthday Party Will
Last all This Week. Ypur
Slice of the Birthday Cake
Will Be a Generous Re
duction on any Garment
in this Shop
Each year this Anniversary Sale of ours has boon growing tremondously for the simple rea
son that during Anniversary Week we have always given truly remarkable price reductions. This
year we aim to make the sale bigger and the reductions greater than ever before. We will offer
reductions on different linos of merchandise each day of the sale, so by watching this ad each
night you will know what diy the' garment you want will tie placed on sale.
Here Are the Birthday Specials for Monday!
Your Choice of any Dress in Our Shop
1 i i
i 1 1 .
Smart Velvet Dresses.
Dainty Dancing Frocks.
AfternoonSilk Dresses.
Serge Dresses in the new
Sand Shades.
Broadcloth Dresses.
Wool Jersey Dresses.
Many new Bustle ef
Every Dress is Included.
All arc new, late styles.
$15 Dresses, go at. .$10.00
$20 Dresses, go at. .$13.70
C25 Dresses, go at. ,$16.70
$30 Dresses, go at. .$20.00
$40 Dresses, go at . .$26.70
$50 Dresses, go at. .$33.35
Hundred of smart
itylet to lelect from.
AH tha naw materials.
All thecal colors.
All ize, 16 to 44.
Black or Red Fox.
Taupe Wolf or Fox.
Black Lynx, Mink. v
Jap Kolinsky.
1 1621 Farnam St.
Women's Shop
1621 Farnam St.
There has never been anything in
Omaha with the INSTANT action
jf simple buckthorn "bark, glycerine,
ofc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE
x bowel tract so completely it relieves
A.NY CASE sour stomach, gas or
eonstipation and prevents appendi
citis. The INSTANT, pleasant action
of Adler-i-ka. surprises both doctors
and patients. Sherman & McConnell'
Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. Adv.
Pyramid Pile Treatment gives
quick relief, stops Itching, bleeding
or protruding piles, hemorrhoids
and such rectal troubles, In the
privacy of your own honie. 60o a
box at al druggists. A tingle box
-often cures. Taka no substitute.
Free aamtfle for trial with booklet
mailed free In plain wrapper, if
you send us coupon below.
Saturday Prices for Monday
We were unable to take care of he immense volume of business
on Saturday and we apologize. We have adJled even more clerks and in
the future will be in a position to supply the demand on Saturday.
For the benefit of those who were unable to take advantage of our
low Saturday prices, the same low prices will prevail for Monday only.
' 665 Pyramid Bldjr., Marshall, Mich.
' Kindly semi me a" Free sample of
Pyramid File Treatnfeat, in plain wrapper.
Tells How To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
ypur head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling, blowing, headache, dry
ness. No struggling for breath at
night; your cold or catarrh will bJ
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and re
lief comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-!
up with a cold or nasty catarrh Ke
lief comes so quickly. Adv.
I Name I
j "ytete"""''"' 1 Mafa Floor First N.t'l. Bank Building. , x '
L o f t i s
Cluster Rings
IK Popular JJ
' The Diamonds are
mounted bo as to look
like one large single
stone. 4
" Handsomest and most
-sl)owy ring for the
Least Money.
Marvels of Beauty at
$50, $75. $100 and
Credit Terms, $1.25,
$1.85. $2.50 and $3 per
The secret of the rare beauty of this
ring lies in the perfectly matched stones,
all of the Diamonds, set in platjnum.
being uniform in size and brilliancy.
Mounted in 14 -Karat Solid Gold.
Men's Favorite
III 767 Men's Dia
mond King, S
prong Tooth
mounting, 14k
$1.85 a Week
S $7'5
Loftis "Perfection"
Diamond Ring
659 Finest quality Diamond, perfect In
cut and full ot fiery brilliancy, 14k solid
eold mmuiting. CCft
Specially priced
Terms. $1.25 a Week
$15 VS?
A Month
1041 Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest
qoality gold filled, plain polished; high
grade Full Jeweled movement: gilt dial.
Case and Bracelet guaranteed 20 years.
$1.50 a Month.
U-Jewel $14.75
Elgin W
No. 16 Men's El
gin. Waltham or
H a m p d en
natch, in
2 5 year
guarante t4
strata gold
filled case.
jn Month
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond and Watch Credit House
Main Floor City Na'-'cnll Bank Block. f
409 South Sixteenth St., Corner sixteenth ef. i Harojfy SU., Omaha
Opposite Burgess-Nosh Cs. Department StorM
Phone Doug. 1444 and Our Salesman Will
Call, Bringing Goods You Wish to Sea.
Call or Write for Catalog 903.
Open Daily Until 9 P. M.
Saturdays Until 9:30
mum aV
And Be Strong and Well and Have Nice" Rosy Cheeks Instead of Being Nervous and Irritable
All the Time and Looking So Haggard and uia i ine uocior ,uve ouuu: w ou0,c uuUi -Mother
and She Was Worse Off Than You Are and Now She Looks Just Fine.
thereby the lives of thousands might bs
saved who now die every year from pneu
monia, grippe, kidney, liver, heart trouble
and other dangerous maladies. The real and
true cause which started their'diseaae was
nothing more nor less than a weskened con
dition brought on by a lack of Iron in the
blood. ,
"On account of the peculiar nature of .
woman, and the great drain placed upon her
system at certain periods, she requires iron
much mora than man to help make up for
the loss. .
"Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your
blood to change food into living tissue. With-,
out it, no matter how much or what you eat,
your food merely passes through you with
out doing you any good. You don't get th
strength out of it, and as a consequence you
become weak, rat and sickly looking, just
like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient
in Iron. If you are not strong or well you
owe it to yourself to nuke the following test:
See how long you cat work or how far you
can walk without becoming tired. Next take
two five-grain tablets of ordieary nuxated
Iron three times per day after meals for two
weeks. Then test your strength again and
"There can be no Beautiful.
Healthy Rosy Cheeke'd women
without Iron."
F. KING, M. D.
"There can be bo healthy, beautiful, rosy
cheeked wonfen without iron," says Dr.
Ferdinand King, a New York Physicla and
Medical author. ''In my recent talks, to phy
sicians on the grae and serious consequences
of iron deficiency In the bjood of American
women, I have strongly emphasized the fact
that doctor should prescribe more organic
iron nuxated iron-rfor their nervous, run
down, weak, haggard-looking women pa
tients. Pallor means anaemia. The skin of
an anaemic woman Is pale, the flesh flabby.
The muscles lack tone,
the brain fags and the
memory fails, and often
they become weak, nerv
ous, irritable, despondent
and melancholy. When the
iron goes from the blood
of women, the roses go
from their cheeks.
"In the most common
foods of America, the
starches, sugars, table
syrups, candies, polished rice, white
bread, soda crackers, biscuits, mac
aroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina,
degerminatcd commeal no longer is
iron to be found. Refining processes
have removed the iron of Mothe)
Earti from these- Impoverished foods,
and silly methods of ' home cookery,
by throwing down the waste pipesthe
waters in which our vegetables are
cooked are responsible for another
grave iron loss.'
"Therefore, if you wish to preserve
your youthful vim and vigor- to a ripe
old age, you must supply the iron de
ficiency in your food by using some
form of orgsnic iron, jifst as you
would use salt when your food has
not enough sslt.
"As I have said a hundred times over, organic
iron is the greatest of all strength, builders. If
people would only take Nuxated Iron when they
feel weak or run down, instead of dosing them
selves with habit-forming drugs, stimulants and
alcoholic beverages I am convinced that in this
way lby could ward off disease, preventing it
becoming organic in thousands of caeea
ipe how much you have gained. I have seen
'owns of nervous, run dpwn people who
ore i.illng all the while double tl eir strength
Jul endurance and entirely rid themselves of
ill svmotoms of dyspepsia, liver and other
troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time v. k i.aiaii hrlth
simply by taking iron jn the proper form. IOU Can tell Hie WOmen Willi
foreUn7hhw1tnlobaTnin"gb.en; plenty of iron in their blood
MiMutt', IL'ZTofiZ beautiful healthy rosy cheeked
simply to save a few cents. The iron de- W0Rien full of Life, Vim and
Ing matter in the blood of her children is.
alas, not that kind of iron. You must take
iron in a form that can be easily absorbed
and assimilated to do you any good, other
wise it may prove worse than useless. ,
"I have used Nuxated Iron widely In my
own practice in moBt severe aggravated con
ditions with unfailing results. I have in-
duced many
other D h ysi-
cians to give
it a trial, all
of whom have
ports in regard u its great power at k
health and strength builder.
"Many an athlete and piiie fighter has
won the day simply because he knew th
secret of great strength and endurance and
filled his blood with iron before he went
into thi affray; while many, another haa
gone down in inglorious defeat simply for
the lack of iron."
Dr. Srhuvler C. Jaaues. Visiting Surgeon
given me most e( 8t. Elirabeth's Hospital, New York City.
surprising re- Hai,j: "i haveever before given out any
medical information or- advice for publica
tion, as I ordinarily do not believe in it.
But so many American women suffer from
iron deficiency with its attendant ills phy
siral weakness, nervous irritability, melan
choly, indigestion, flabby, sagging muscles,
etc.. etc., and in consequence of their weak
ened, run-down condition they are 10 liabla
.to contract serious and even fatal diseasea
that I deem it my duty to advise all such to
take Nuxated Iron. I hava taken it myself
and given it to my patients with most sur
' prising and satisfactory results. And
thole who wish quickly to increase their
tenKth, power and endurance will find
it a most remarkable and wonderfully
effective remedy.
NOTE Nuxated Iron, which is pre
scribed and recommended above by phy
icinns in such a great variety of cases,
is not a patent medicine or secret rem
edy, but pne which is well known to drug
gists and whose iron constituents ar
widely prescribed by eminent physicians,
both in Europe and America. Unlike the
older inorganic iron productsi it is easily '
assimilated,, does not injure the teeth,
make them black, nor upset the stomach
on the contrary, it is a most potent rem
edy in nearly, all forms of indigestion, aa
well as for nervous, run down conditions.
The manufacturers hava such great con
fidence in nuxated iron that they offer
to forfeit $100 00 to any charitable insti
tution if they cannot take any man or
iJ. jjJ. ,JI oman unaer ou wno lacks uron ana increase tneir
may injure the teeth, corrode trencth 100 per Cnt or ovw ,n four weeks. time
provided they haye ho serious organic trouble. They
also offer to refund your money if it, does not at kast
double your strength and endurance in ten daya'
'ime. It is dispensed in this city by Sherman A afa
Connell Drug Co. Stores and all good ilniniiti sVfft
1 v:
I - - .- -
Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Phyrician
and Medical Author, tells physicians ihat they
should prescribe more organic iron Nuxated
Iron for their patientsSays anaemia iron
deficiency is the greatest curse to the health,
strength, vitality andjieauty of the modern
American Woman. Sounds warning against
use of metallic iron which
the stomdeh and do far more
harm than good; advises
am tif nnhi nuxntfA trnn.
sfr,n J " 1