Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
Charles Edward Russell Says
Newspapers Print "Wild Sto
Ties' Which Germany Cir.
cnlates in Petrograd.
Dei Moines, la., Nov. 10. (Spe
cial.) Charles Edward Russell, so
cialist lecturer and member of the
Root commission to Russia, declared
in an intercview here that the Maxi
malists can no more control Russia
than the I. W. W. can control the
United States.
There are spots in the United
States where the I. W. W. is strong,"
he said, "but they have no influence
in the country at large. The Hol
sheviki control Petrograd and they
are afirly strong in Moscow, but out
side of these two cities they are about
as popular and influential as the I.
W. VV. is with the American farmer.
The greatest influence for evil in Rus
sia is not the Holsheviki nor i sit the
wonderful German espionage system
which is at work in that country.
"It is the attitude of a majority of
the newspapers of America. American
editors print every wild story about
Russia which comes into their hands.
They publish editorials criticizing and
denouncing Russia, based on false
hood and containing false conclusions.
Every wild news story and every un
friendly editorial finds it way back
to Russia and there does its mischief.
"I do not mean that the American
press deliberately aids Germany," he
continued. "It does not. The trouble
is that every American editor has im
planted in the dept of his being the
instinct for a good story. He will
publish anything if it makes good
He declared that Germany is the
greatest press agent nation on earth
and the German publicity machine
"has the newspapers in the hollow of
its hand."
Mrs. Lucinda Dawson, Tabor's
Oldest Resident, Dies at 94
Tabor, la., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. Lucinda Davison, the oldest resi
Miss Lucinda Davison, the oldest resi
dent of THabor, died Thursday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. W. VV.
Gaylord on South Main street, death
resulting from the infirmities of old
age. She celebrated her 94th birth
day on the 20th of last July. She came
to Tabor from Ohio in 1854 and has
lived here in Fremont county ever
since, except few years spent in Ne
braska during the later eighties.
She is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. M. W. Gaylord of Tabor and
Mrs. Lydia Grosse of Grand Island,
Miss Bessie Lamb of the Tabor
central telephone office was operated
on for appedicitis at St. Joseph hos
pital, Omaha, on Wednesday last
A quiet home wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Feese on South Main street, Thurs
ilar, at S p. m., whan thntr nophsw, Willi
K. rM of Nodawsr was marrltd to Kin
i Uyrtls C. Evans of Gravity. Tha youn
roupla will Ilva on Mr. ' farm naar
Seward Commercial Club
yvill Help Equip Company A
Seward, Neb.,Nov. ldU-(Special.)
-At the mid-week luncheon of th
Commercial club yesterday, it'was de
cided to raise $1,000 to equip Com
pany A, Seventh battalion, with motor
.truck, typewriter, etc. 1
County Clerk J. R, Robert will
open up am usic store in the Cattle
baok building. '
Former First Lieutenant Glen A.
Arvey of Company A, Seventh Ne
braska National Guard, hat received
his appointment aa captain.
Dr.. Rex Fuller of this city has re
ceived notice of his appointment as
first lieutenant in the medical corps
of the Seventh Nebraska National
Guard. '
Mrs. Robert. D. Muir of Milford,
who died on Wednesday, was buried
today from her late home. She was
prominently indentified with the early
history of the county.. '
Caul A. Hartwig, of this city, and
,'m Margaret Courtright of Milford.
v, ere married Monday at St Joseph,
Some of the corn that was cribbed
the early part of Ihe autumn has
turned black. The corn all over the
county is soft and much of it will be
E. J. Erford and Tat Conway of
Staplchurst, met in an auto collision
yesterday, badly smashing the Erford
car. J '
News From Table Rock
And Pawnee County
Table Rock, Neb., Nor. 10. (Spe
cial.) The district appellate board
has allowed the following Pawnee
county dependency claims: Francis
J W.-akland. Carl L. Rinne, Anton P.
Vrtiskaf Joseph W. Kalina. Walter L.
Johnson, Alfred M. Tatro, Glen Wade,
Albert Rocsch, John A. Davison,
Norman Lupton, Leonard C. Gottula,
Joe Karas, Ralph E. Bowen, Albin
Kaliri, Chet. Easter, Glen G. Stewart,
Richard L. Smith, Earl E. Morrison,
Allen Williamson, Theodore J. Ka
men. Dependency claims were de
nied to William Kockeinann, Joseph
R. Rauh, Guy Linn, Mecena Moss.
An agricultural claim was allowed in
favor of Clifford Albright.
Rev. Hugh Robinson, pastor of the
Presbyterian church of Iawnee City,
has been called to do his bit in the
war. He has been called by the Na
tional War Council of the Young
Men's Christian association to serve
as secretary of religious work at Fort
Omaha, and is in Omaha this week
lining up the work. Rev. Mr. Robin
son has been granted a three months'
leave of absence by his church.
Clifford Albright and Miss Mil
dred Fink, well known young people
of this county, were married in Oma
ha Monday afternoon November 5, at
4 o'clock at the home of the groom's
sister, Mrs. F. L. Haas. After a
short wedding tour they will return
to Pawnee City to make their home.
J. N. Stauffcr, who resided the
greater part of his life in Pawnee
county, died at his late home in Kan
sas City, Mo., November 3, 1917, in
the sixtieth year of his age. Surviv
ing him are his wV, and three sis
ters, Mrs. Katherinu Stauffcr of Kan
sas City, Mrs. Belle Dort and Mrs.
Elsie McLeod of Pawnee City, and
Mrs. Ethel Starr of Kansas City. Fu
neral services were held at the Chris
tian church in Pawnee City, conducted
by Rev. A. G. Hastings, and the in-
terment was in tne rawnee uty cem
etery. Funeral of Leonard McGrew
Is Held in Washington
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 10. (Special Tel
egram.) The funeral of Leonard M.
McGrew who was killed Wednesday
morning by the overturning of an
automobile in which he was returning
from his home in Cherrydale, Va.. a
suburb of Washington, while on nis
way to work in the Treasury depart
ment, was held today. Mr. McGrew
was born near Palmyra, Otoe county,
about nine years ago entering the di
vision of public moneys in the Treas
ury department through the civil ser
vice. He is survived by a wife and
two children, having been married in
Stella Baptist Church
Calls Rev. H. M. Davis
Stella, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Rev. N. M. Davis, the new pastor of
the Baptist church, comes here from
Wellfleet in Lincoln county. He was
graduated from Union university at
Jackson, Tenn., and Southwestern
seminary at Fort Worth. Tex. The
Stella Baptist church has expended
Loveliness in
All Her Glory
Why Stuart's Calcium Wafers Should
Bo tho Rolianco of Maid and Mat
ron Aliko. Thoy Croat and
Preserve Skin Boauty.
more than $1,000 in repairing on the
building this year, putting a basement
under the auditorium.
Smooth Postal Swindle
Nearly Succeeds in Lincoln
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10. Swindlers
operating on a gigantic scale with
forged or counterfeit Cuban money
orders were foiled when the Cushman
Motor Works, of Lincoln, stopped
payment on a sight draft for $2401.10.
W. T. Irons, treasurer of the com-
I pany, announced that some time ago
a Cuban wrote to the Cushman con
cern, enclosing 25 $100 money orders
from San Diego, Cuba, for the osten
sible purpose of establishing a credit.
The orders were deposited at a local
bank and a few days later the hank
received a sight draft for $2,401.10,
payable to the Cuban's credit at a
New Orleans bank.
Thursday the local company hon
ored the sight draft but payment was
stopped by wire to New Orleans. This
Soldiers Home Notes
Oraad Inland, Nov. 10. (Bpoolal. Unci
lark Anderson xpecl to lev tonight for
Ts," wherrf he will remain Indefinitely.
Mrs. Ames la making as hort visit with
friends who called for her last Sunday with
an automobile.
Mrs. Juhnke ran daily be seen going
about In her wheelchair, when the weather
it pleasant.
The home carpenter la at present putting
on the roof on the north aide of the main
building, and It will be but as hort time un
til the outside Improvements that have re
quired tho attention the greater part of the
summer, will have been completed. Con
tract work is delayed on account of a short
aga of supplies.
Never in tho history of the Institution
haa the homo faced winter better prepared
than at preaent. Feed for the horses, cattle,
swine, etc., haa been stored In abundance,
the stock la In splendid condition. Fall
plowing la op to date.
Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason J.
Franklin Young, Pastor At 10:10, "The
Kingdom In Power;'1 litble school at noon:
Junior Christian Xndeavor, 1:10: Pen lor
Christian Kndeavor, :!; 7:10, "The Temp
tation to World Power.'
"Take My Advice and Uo Stuart's Calcium
Walera If You Want Pretty Skin."
It a tine thing to' join party where
loveliness is in all her glory. But don't
despair if your face ia covered with pimples,
blotches, liver spots or your body ia covered
in apota with tetter, rash, boils, eto. Just
use Stuart's Calcium Wafers for a abort
time and see how quickly you will elear up
your skin.
Your omptelon will take on a fresher
hue and the rose tint of health will play hide
and seek in your, cheeks.
Impure blood la blue or black. Purify it
and it becomes ruby red. Thia color showing
beneath the skin ia the secret of all beautiful
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are sold by all
druggists everywhere. Price St cents a box.
A sample package will be mailed free to
anyone who will aend coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 482 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, by re
turn mail, a free trial package ot Stuart's
Calcium Wafers.
Name , ,,.
Street ,,,
. "Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
6r other, says a well-known author
ity, because the uric ia meat txcites
tha kidneys, they become overworked,
get sluggish, clog up an cause all
sorts of distress, particularly back
ache and misery in the kidney region;
rheumatic twinges, severe headaches,
acid 1 stomach, - constipation, torpid
liver,-sleeplessness, bladder' and uri-
. nary irritation. . :
-The moment fow back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right or if bladder
H TiHr. Jrou gct about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
, take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
add of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys and stimulate them to normal
activity, also to neutralize the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink, which millions of men
and women take now and then to keep
the kidneys and urinary oraans clean.
thus avoiding serious kidney disease.
Advertisement I
was just a jump ahead of the Cuban
who was waiting for it. The Lincoln
plan was identical with the Kansas
City and Omaha cases.
Pitloun, Who Killed
Wife, Sentenced to
The Pen for Life
John Pitloun, who murdered his
wife in the presence of her two young
children in their home at Eighteenth
and O streets June 21, was sen
tenced by Judge Sears Saturday
morning to the penitentiary for life.
"The shot was tired in the coldest
deliberation," said Judge Sears to the
prisoner as he faced hini to receive
his sentence, "and if I had been on
the jury I would have found you
guilty myself."
Pitloun shot his wife through the
breast when she refused to tell him
what she had done with $78 which she
had saved. After receiving the fatal
wound she seized her 2-year-old babv
and ran from the house. She fell
about 20 feet from the door, dead.
Charles Edward Russell to
Speak in Omaha Tuesday
"The man who knows more about
Russia than any man in the United
l States" will be in Omaha to speak to
the Commercial club Tuesday, No
vember 13.
on Eczema
It will take Jnst a few moments to step In
and ask us what our experience has been in
the way of grateful customers with the sooth
ing wash of oils, D. D. D. 15c, soc and ll.oo.
Vour money back unless the first bottle, re
lieres you.
mxe Liquid Wash
I u. . .. .liliKsJ a.. Ufc
Kidney Trouble Often Causes
Serious Backache
When your back aches, and your
bladder and kidneys seem to be disor
dered go to your nearest drug store
and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root. It is a physician's pre
scription for ailments of the kidneys
and bladder.
It has stood the test of years and
has a reputation for quickly and effec
tively giving results in thousands of
This prescription so very effective,
has been placed on sale everywhere.
Get a bottle, medium or large size, at
your nearest druggist.
However, if you wish first to test
trfls preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for
a sample bottle. When writing be sure
and mention the Omaha Sunday Bee. j
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. '
! t
fwWy esVtyv w.jVM erfr.vyw.weJ,.rWwWIt,a Not Too Early to ThinkewwaWww .WiVtr'
or wnnaimaa.
a White
Batik Exhibit
The work of Mr. Paul
Slu8ser of New York.
One of the most promis
ing of America's young
er painters, is being
shown all this week in
our Gift Shop.
Each piece is designed and
dyed by the artist himself.
In the collection are in
teresting acarfs, boudoir
shawls and wall pieces.
Commissions will be ac
cepted for pieces for interior
decoration and for wall
The Gift Shop will have on
public display a number of
most attractive new bags
"Millard's" original designs
$20.00 Each
An Entrancing Assortment of
Almost, imperishable, quite unforgetable, created by peoples
who, counting time against accomplishment, count time as nothing.
Even in normal times this assembly of fine rugs
would be considered an important exhibit.
Room Sizes Dnio
Arak, Shah Abbas,1 Sonde, bmall KUQS
Kemere, Laristan and Ker- Daghistan, Afshan, Iran,
Saraband, 4-2x6-8 $ 85l00
Iran, 6-6x4-1 82.50
Kazak, 8-4x4 75.00
Saruk, 7x4-4 165.00
Daghistan, 6x4 . . 57.50
Saruk, Kazak, Saraband.
A Few Examples Follow
Shir van, 6x3-10.. 38.50
Belouchistan, small
rugs from $33.50
to $75.00
Shah Abbas,
12-4x9 520.00
Mahal, 13-6x10-7. 400.00
Kemere, 11-9x8x6 570.00
Mahal, 11-9x9-6.. 300.00
Chinese, 11-8x9-11 248.00
14-5x9-10 750.00
lig j
1 1BjS
William and Mary
.Dining Room Furniture '
in Jacobean Oak
The remarkable beauty of this furniture is due to the inter
mingling of French and Dutch artisans with English workmen.
The motifs are mainly Duch, being made lighter and more grace
ful by the French influence, while the finish is Jacobean and the
material sturdy oak.
We are now showing many well built William and Mary types
at very moderate prices, as follows:
William and Mary Buffets, $44.00, $52.50, $58.00,
$60.00 and $73.00
William aad Mary Extension Tables
$30.00, $30.00, $40.00, ?47.00, $55.00
William and Mary Dining Chairs, with slip leather seats
$5.50, $7.50, $9.00, $11.00
William and Mary China Closets $41.50
Free Trial Offer
We have two objects in
view in making this un
usual offer. FIRST, we
want you to know what
is. Second, we want you to
become better acquainted
with the Victrola itself,
therefore, we are willing to
send to your home during
the month of November any
one of the famous Victor
machines ranging in price
S20.00 to $380.00,
on free trial without either
charge or obligation.
If you decide to purchase
after the trial, you may
take advantage of our pay
ment plan.
A combination we recom
mend is Style X, with 24
selections on 12 double rec
ords of
your own
Price ....
A Very Dainty
Ivory Breakfast Suite
This pretty, bright and fresh breakfast room fur
niture is exceedingly well built and finished, and is
worthy of careful consideration in the "furnishing plan"
of any good home.
The Buffet ....$56.00 Gate Leg Table, $25.00
The chairs, each, $10-50 Side Table ....$25.00
The Elwood
Omaha's Newest and Bright
est Apartment House
We have furnished and
draped Suite No. 1 complete
and we want you to see it
just to prove how beautiful
an apartment home may be
when our experts in home
planning do the work.
The Elwood is situated at
49th Ave. and Dodge St.
Hours 4:30 to 9 p. m., week
days; 11 a. m. to 9 p. m.,
The Englander
As illustrated, in white enamel or walnut fin
ish. 30 inches wide and 6 feet, 6 inches long.
Is a very suitable piece of furniture for sun room
or living room. Quickly converted into ft full
width bed; price, with mattress
In White Enamel. .. ,. ... .$41.00 -
In Walnut Finish 843.00
Cretonne Covers and Pillows, as shown, ex-
Hand Made
Reed and Fibre Chairs
And Rockers
These Chairs and Rock
ers for living room and
library, are finished in a
beautiful frosted
brown color that
harmonizes with
most modern col
or schemes. They
are light in
weight, but very
strong and dur
able. A pleas
ing variety of designs and sizes are shown, with loose
cushioned tapestry upholstery. Priced at
$18, $20, $25 and $30
Tables to match, as low as $12.50.
This mattress makes the ideal cushion on
which to sleep, conforming to the body at
every point with just the degree of resistance
and resilience most desired. " It is sold under
an absolute guarantee to give complete satis
faction for 20 years.
Special Demonstration
under the direction of
I a Factory Representative.
All This Week
Meets the Needs of Those
Who Would Economize
The Acorn saves 25 to 33 H fuel.
The linings cannot burn out.
It has a one-piece electric welded body.
The Acorn is easily cleaned.
The lids are reinforced and non-warplng.
It is an absolutely quick, "even" baker.
The Acorn burns any kind of fuel.
It haa an absolutely non-corrosive body.
It is equipped with sectional lids.
The oven bottom is braced so that it cannot
The nickel is enduring, the white porcelain
is easily cleaned.
Coal, Coke or Wood Types, from
Combination Gas or any Coal Types,
from $74.00.
Sold on Very EASY TERMS.
Lace Curtains
are the Correct and Logical
Treatment for Windows
Ruffled Muslin Curtains
About 100 pairs in 10 different patterns, in
dots and small figures; 40 inches wide, 2
yard long; per pair, 82.25.
Filet Net Curtains
The supreme effort of the American manu
facturers, in white and ivory, with motifs
of Venetian Filet and Eylet Embroidery.
Priced at $4.50, 86.00. 87.50, 810.
812.00, 815.00 and up to 827.50 per
Over 20 different patterns.
New Scotch Madras
just arrived, in an assortment of most effec
tive color combinations, for living room, sun
room, dining room or chamber. 62 inches
wide; per yard
82.50, 82.85, 33.75.
2 WIWIm j'fbfiiJij & Wilhelm Co.