Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 36

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    C :
Grass Beeves 25c Higher Than
Week Ago; Bogs 25c Up
' . anJ Sheep Advance
, ' the Same.
Omtht, Nor. U, HIT.
Cattle. Hor. Sheep.
..14. tSS 4,2 M.74I
I. til
Receipt! were:
Official Monday ,.,
Official Tuesday .,
Official Wednesday
Official Thuraday .
Official Friday ...... 4,241
Estimate Saturday .. (SO
61 x days thli waek.. 47,(11
6am day laU wee ..(1,167
Earn da- t wki. ao.62,5
Sam day 1 wka. ao.SJ,SJ 14,S1 114,724
Bam dayi 4 wka. ao.4S.17 jt.181 11,161
Bame days last year.. J5.t5l 46,177 (7.04J
! Cattle There wer no cattl of conse
quence on sale today, practically all th 23
ran mat arrived beinc neia rnr Monaay.
For th week trad la cornfed steers baa
been a Nominal affair, nothing being or
fared en which to base comparison, Grass
beevra art fully :6c higher than a week ago.
with beat klnda selling around tll.00eil.e0.
Btocker and feeder are from 1 6c to In moat
case (4o or Dior up for th week, and a
'treat many of th ales mad during; th
latter part or thla wek wer fully si.oe
hlrher than two week ago. Fct cow and
heifer closed tio higher than th low
tim laat Friday, and stronger than ten
day ago, while atock cowl and th heavier
ctock heifer alio abowed a 2(o advance.
Veal caivea wer ateady all week, while
bull. (. etc.i wer active and strong.
Btock calve wer active early In th1 week.
but closed (low with the tendency eaaler.
Quotation on cattle: Prim heavy beevee,
f K.00O14.7S; good to choice beevei, tU 00
11.04; fair to good beeves, 111. 4091,1.(0;
common to fair beve. 17.(0911.04; good
to cholc yearling. I14.O01(.7(; fair to
good yearling, 111.00914.40; common to
fair yearling, $(.60011.00; prim heavy
grass beeves, 111.04911.(0; good to cholc
grass beeves, 114.40911.(0; fair to good
. graa beevea, 04010.00; common to fair
graa beevee, $7.4491.(0; 'good to cholc
' heifer, tt.OOOf.K; good to cholc cow,
17.7(91.00; fair to good cowa, 1(1(97.(0;
common to fair cow. 16.009(00; prim
feeding steer, $14.(4911.44; good to cholc
feeder, IS. 60010. 86; fair to good feedera,
J7.1S9I.J6; common t fair feeders, $(.449
7.00; good to choir steckers, (1.(091.(4;
tock htlfera, f(.(09(i ock cows, $4.00
97.16; atock calve. $8.0010.00; veal
calves, $1.00611.(0; bulla, (tag, tc, $(.60
7.(4. . k .-
Hogs There vn a -rather light Batur-
day's run of hogs, about 1,400. head, but th
week's receipts of 11,141 ' head has been
nearly I.OOO heavier tban a week ago, al
though 11,040 mailer than for th eorre-
- spooning week a year ago. Quality of th
offerlnga was not very good, but a keen de
mand for snipping account was responsible
for aa advance of 26JSo In prices, and
trade was active at th higher figure. Beat
butcbcrwlght boga sold up to, and
bulk of th trading wa around $17,449
1T.1(. Shippers bought th big bulk of th
bog. As compared with a week ago,
, prices today wer around 109304 higher.
Representative salts: ' . .
No. Aw Rh. Pr. ' No. Av. Bh. Pr.
76..S1I 130 $17 00 (4. .141 104 lit 4$
. C1..1K 120 17 14 (!..! 1(0' It II,
, CS. .17 ,., 17 10 (4. .2(1 ... IT 11
r ).:.- nan,'
141.. (1 ... It 40
, Sheep Thar was an average Saturday's
run of aheap and lambs her today, two
cars going direct to th packers and lbs
other three being a mixture of feeders and
s killers. Trend was a little higher on feed
ing lembe, the fair to cholc stuff selling
around 1(.T(, nominally l(o higher than
anything sold yesterday. On th In-between
stuff prices ruled about steady and th
market as far as quotable is from loo to
1 (o higher. Other - grades of sheep and
lamb were about steady,
Th olos of th week' trad show som
decline In fet lamb, nominally Ho. Fat
aheep are J So lower : for th week. Beat
we sold yesterday war hardly a cholc
as th better grades last week, Th good
quality feeders closed about ateady this
week, whll , In-between kinds wer alnr.
. Quotations en aheep and lumbal Lambs,
fair to cholc. $1(.001(.76; lambs feeders,
$16.60 9 17.00; lambs, eulls, llt.OO0U.SOi
yearling, fair to choice, $10.50 911 (0; year
' ling, feeder, tll.4091t.04l wethers, fair
to oholr.a, $11.44911.(4; ewe, fair to cholc,
l S6910.76; , breeder, all age, $14.(0
9K.0O; ewes, feeder,- $7.(0910.40; ewes,
cull and cannera. $6.0097.16.
.- r '-4.- i ' ' . '
(New Tork, Ne. It. Th usual week-end
overlng movement contributed lo th high
r prkes at th opening of today's stock
market. Ralls and shippings lad th ad
vance at gains extending from substantial
fractions to IVi points. Copper and 'th
war group tr lied alonf nor moderately
and utilities also Improved, notably Amer-
tcaa Telephone, W eaters Union and Brook
lya Transit. Bharp reactions la Marina pre
ferred and United State Bteel sent the list
tack before th end of th flrat half hour.
General Motors fell tl point to th aew
anlnlmum of T4H. 0 '
Stocks pursued an uncertala ours during
th short elon, som Issues of th aam
elass, notably th motor group, scoring
gains, whll other war Inclined to react.
Leaders moved mora consistently howvr,
advancing for th moat part. Standard
rail added to yeaterday's Improvement, and
equipment, especially steels, alio hardened
though eubjeel to occasional pressure. Cop
per, oils and utilities ranged 1 to I points
higher, but shippings wer Irregular. . The
eloelng was strong. Salts approximated
' 560.000 (hare. Liberty 4a sold at th new
mlnlraum of ti ll nd th tfts t to
it. tools Llv Stock Market.
V. Lsula, Mo.. Nov. 14. Cattl Receipts,
, l.64 head; market- steady) natlv beef
t , im.'M.OOl76; yearling atter and belt
r. 17.00917.00; cowa, tS.OOtJU.OO; stock-i-ra
and feeder. t.(0 9 11.60; fair to prim
1 southern beet teer, 11.4911.76; beet cowa
and helfera, ; ((.40 9 10 00; , prime yearling
teera and heifer, $1.(49 10.00; natlv
caivea, $6.7(912 (0-
' Hog Receipts, ' 1100 held; market
steady;. Ilghta, $17.16917.(6; yiga, 114.(09
17.00; mixed end butcher, (17.40917.76;
gnod heavy, $17.66917.(6; bulk of sales,
. Bheep and Ijimbs Receipts, none; mar
v Vet eteady; lambs, I13.4091M0: wes.
$l0.0o10.t0; withers. $U.4091i.ll .
, Kansas City Llv Stock Mark.
Kanra City, Mo., Nov. 1 0. Cattl R
i relpte, 1,400 heed; market steady; prim
1M i.eT, $l(.(091t.T( dreaaed beef steers,
$lt.491(.00; western steers. $(.(0911.(0;
vowe. $6.(49 l(.l(-r helfera. $(.(0911.(0;
atockera and feedera, $7.4491144; bulla,
( 0097.76; CAlves, $(.(0911.(4. . .,
Hog RwelpU, 1,400 ' head; market
' higher; bulk of tale. $1(.I0917.44; heavy,
(17.70917.(4; perker and butcher, $17.00
17.40; light, $it.(09t1.10; ptgs, $1(169
... 1(.7S. '.,- ... --.. .... . ..v '
Shepp and Lamb Receipt, none; mar
ket teady; lamba, 116.7691( 66; ycarlingf.
' Il2.0flrl3.60; wethera. $11.00911.60; twes,
, t,(09tlt.
riilcaga Uva Stock Market.
Chicago, Nov. 10 Cattle Receipts. 1,404
head: market weak: natlv ateer. 1( 009
14 86: weetsrn ateer. $6.76911.26; atockera
and fMdere, $9.(0911.44; row ana neuer.
(4 40911.(4: celve. tt.K911.44.
Knee Recelota. .13.004 head; Monday,
' ,lt.0i head; market atrong. 16 abov ya-
. terday'a average; bulk of aaiea, iit.ioq
17.60. light, (1( 66917.66; mixed. (1( (09
17.(6; heavy. tl.691T.(4; reuh, $1(069
1(.0; pig, $ll.H91(.i. . .. U ,
: Ken and Lamba Receipt. t,440! bead:
V market ateadyi wetber. (6.70911 .((; lamb,
lii.oo,9l(-- ' -.-..
gle.i City IJt Stock Market,
Rlnui f!ltv. la.. Nov. 14. Cattle Receipts.
1,040 head: market ateady; beef ateer, tT.44
916.00; fat cow and neuer, ft.evv.vv;
runner. 16.2(4S(.t(: stocker and feeder.
$7.0091l.(t; calve. (7.40911.(4; . bulla,
i tie. etc. t(091.40; feeding cowa and
heifer. (5.6091.00. ; -
Hog Receipt, 1,004 head; market (o
higher; light. $l.9iT.eoi mixa, tii up
17.10; hevy. : 'pig. ' I1T.MO
lies, hulk r (1CIO01T.1O.
Sheep and Lamb Recetpta. 100 head:
market tronf. - -
Joaenh Lira Stock Market.
St. Joaeph, Nov. ' 10. Cattl Receipt.
I AAA head: market ateady: , ateer. (7.400
11 40; cow and helfera. (S.26911.6S; calvaa,
a? en oil 60.
Hog Receipt. 1,444 hd; marktt (01e
higher; top, $17.(4; bulk Ol saws, tu.vvsr
Bbp and Lamb Relpt 1,004 head;
market ateady; Umbo, $li.O401t.1f ; aw.
1.4r0 11.44. . , y .. , (
' Yoek afonev Market. "
Kew Tork. Nor. 10. Prim Mercantile
Paper tV pr cent- x '
Sterling Bxchaag Slxty-daf : bill.
. 14.71 ; commercial sixtyay bill B kanka,
., ri . ..-.i.i .i,j. killa. I4.ia4a:
f 1, I i , vwuiumi -aaa -ww w...,
ilniand (4.16U: cable. (4.7t 7-1.
Sliver Bar, (f.Hc; Mexioaa dollars, f .
Bonds Government, steady; railroad, ir
;. Tendon Money Market. ,''- V'-.t
.-1 Andon. Nov 10 Money 4 per ceat
Discount Koe Short bills. 1 ft cent;
tbra month' bills, 4 percent.
. etirar Bar, Ud per nae,
Old. Corn Brings Good Price;
New Corn Uncertain Be.
' cause of Moisture it
x Omaha, November 10, KIT?
Continued light arrivals of grain wars In
vtdanc today, a total of lit ear (howlng
up. Twenty-three car each of wheat and
corn and (( cars of oat 1( cars of rye and
eight cars of barley wer reported. Practi
cally all th wheat sample wer of th No,
1 and No. I grades of hard winter, miller'
choice, and were turned over to th local
flour men.
Arrivals of corn war again rather light.
Old corn continue to command a good price
and (cored another advance, tMe offering
bringing 49(0 mora tbaa they did yester
day. New corn offering amounted to eight
or nine cr and the were sold at uch
Irregular figures as to mak It Impoulbl
to put out a regular quotation. No. 1 yellow,
old, old at 11.11 and th No. 4 yellow, old.
at and another car new No. 4 yellow
brought 11.80. Other new corn aales wer
road at (1.(0 for No. tt yellow and 11.1(0
1.46 for No. ( mixed, while amnl yellow
aold at 11.1101.10, th amount of molitur
In the eamplea ranging from 11.1 per,
cent to 2 per cent, jt is oaiivd that fully
10 per cent of th crop this year failed to
fully fatur. Th grain, however, I not a
total lew, although th quality la ths low-
eat ever grown.- Induatrle took th bulk of
tne new crop offerlnga.
Thar wa a brisk demand for oat, thla
article selling np a cent. Industries and
elevator Interests war th chief buyer,
whll brokers reported a good export in
qulry. No. 1 whit sold at (l4s and No. 1
waits at eitto ana ths standard grade at
lie, whll th No. 4 whit want at t4Ho.
Clearance were: What and flour qua!
t 121,000 bu. oats, 110,000 bu.
rnmary wna(- receipt were 1.1(0.044 bu
and shipments 404.044 bu.. against recelnta
of 1,(11,400 bo. and shipments of 467,000 bu.
iai year. - ,
Primary corn receipts were 4ST.404 bn.
and ihlpments 124.040 bu.. against recelnta
of 141,004 bu. and shipment of 117,(00 bu.
lam year. .
Primary eats receipts were 1.116.000 bn.
and shipment 1.111.004 bu., againat receipt
of 1(7,004 bu. and Shipment of 141,400 bu.
last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oate.
Chicago , ll . 101 . 1(0
Minneapolis ............441 ,. ..
Duluth .....1(7 ,. ..
Omaha .......... .i.. .. !! 11 (1
Kana City lot II tl
fit Loul If 71 .41
Wlnnlpef til. ... ..
Thes sates wer reported todays
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 ear. tl.ll.
No. I hard, winter; 10 cars, $1.11. No. 3
nam winter: cars, $i.o; l car (amutty),
$1.01. No, 1 yellow hard winter: 1 car,
$2.06. No. t mixed hard red winter: 1 car
(smutty. It per cent hard rd spring-. IT per
cent winter), $1.14. No. t dark hard winter:
1 car, $1.11. Bamplue hard winter: 1 car,
ij.oi; i car (4 per cant rye). 11.41. No. 1
dark northern spring: 1 car, tl.ll. No. I
northern spring: 1 car, $2.0t. No. I red
prlng: 1 car, $1.14. No. I red spring: 1 car,
$2.47. No. t red spring: 1 car, $1.03. No. 1
durum: 1 ear, $1.11. No. t durum: 1 car,
$1.41. No. I amber 'durum: 1 ear, No.
1 red durum: 1 ear decs than If per cent
of red), $1.0$. No. I rplxed common white:
1 ear (amutty. If per cent hard red iprlng.
10 per cent common red durum), $L0f; 1
ear, (smutty, 11 per cent spring), $1.04. No.
4 mixed common white:"! car (amutty, II
par cent iprlng), $1.11,
nre-nft (I oars, no. e: i ear,
'. - ,: .... .. ' . .
uariey imo. i: i-t ear. No. i: l
ear, ti ll. No. 1 feed: 1 car, tl.ll. Rejected:
t car, $1,101 Sampl: 11 pound. $1.10. -
Corn No. 1 yellow: i-i car, 11.11: u ear.
i.ii. no. yeuowi i car, i ear. ii.iv.
No. t yellowi 1 ear (testing It.fO), 11.60.
Sampl yellow: 1 car (testing 14), $1.10;
1 car (testing II), 11.11; 1 ear (testing II),
$1.10. No. mixed: 1 ear (testing 11.10),
$1.46; 1 car (teatlng II), $1.11; 1 car (test
ing 11.20), $1,26. Sample mixed: 1 ear (test
ing 14.(0), ,
uata no, l wnitat l ear. (10. No. l
white: ear, I lit o. Standard 1 ear, tie.
No, I white: I ears, I0c. No. whit: 1
car, lOHo. Sampl winter; I ears, loue.
Sample mixed: 1 ear, (t4.
Omaha Cash Price Corn: No. I white,
$11(01.10. No. 1 yUow, $1.1101.11, No. 1
mixed, $1.0091.01. Oata: No. 1 white, II
011 He. '.Standard. 10 It do. No. t white.
lO!40IO4o. No. 4 whfie, (0H 960f. Bar
leyi Malting, 11.1101.11. No. X feed, tlcO
11.11, By: tl.tltt01.74K. ... , '
Local rang of optional ' '
Members of Teachers9 Association Are
Interested in Aesthetic Dancing
Portia Swett
and Company
In Interpretative
One of the
Striking Features
of the Dance.
Uoo. ,
Open.' High. Low. Cloae. Tes.
" r i I '; I ' " I
t it. . t it at. l it . in
1 It 1 11 ill 1 It UtH
II ' IIH 64 ItH 11
6l4t ' tt4 (Itt lli H
Chicago .!: Dricee. furnished Th Be
by Logan at Bryan, stock and grain broker,
111 South Sixteenth (treet, Omahat
Art Open. I High. LowlCloe. - Tea,
Cora. ' I . 1 ' r r
Jan. I UK 1 It 114 1 11 H4U
Dm, 1 11 1 lt 111 1 llv 111
May 1 It 1 1 lit 1 14 111
Oata. ,
Dae. v M 1 11 tt 14 11
May , 10 ' 11 (0 11 14
Pork. '
Jan. 44 It 44 17 44 10 44 (I 44 10
Lard. - I
Jan. 14 41 14 tl It TO tt 17 It 17
Ribs. ,:'.
Jan. 14 14 tt 40 1.1 TO tt tt It II
May II (( 1 11 66 21 15 11 60 21 (0
. . ,
. ISC1 X'"
as :; - ' Mt j w a " a -y
flrwiKa!':'jaw.K'.B ' '
, mmuiimmMMMmiMmmuwmMmiiinMmM mi i Tar. .
'I ...... . . , ' I
Photos by Scott
3 W; fresh ' bard crabs, large, per dot.,
$1.76; fresh acalloni. ner- aral.. 1160- fe..h
eooked teadless ahrlmoa. 12 .00f lalsih tMUr1
shrimps, per sal.. 12.25: BhAd roa. nee nalr.
"i euau. eacn, sec; D1U points, psr
100, 11.16; Cotulta, $1.76; turtl mat, b
lOo; grass frog leg, per do., (6c; jumbo
frog leg, per do.. $1:00; large frog legs, per
.; medium irog legs, per dog,, (1.76.
iiuis ocoanuta::. sacks, $7.(0; doien,
$1.40, Peanut: No. . 1. raw. lb. 1iit-
No. 1, roasted, lb 12; Jumbo, raw,
lb., lle; Jumbo, roasted, lb llo;
salted, can, 12.00. Walnuts, lb., lis.
raanuta No. I raw, 11 o lb.l No. 1
roasted, ltUo lb. : Jumbo. rw 1U lh
Jumbo, roasted, il0 lb.; salted, $2.00 can.
nainuis,, arrival, 140 ID.
AcUv Buying Gives Lift to Corn; Oata (Jo
, , High rignrev , ,
Chicago. Novj 10. Active buvtna- that
chiefly associated with strength In the New
Tork stock market gav a lift today to
prices of corn. The clou wa strong, lo to
le net higher, with December $1.1 and
May $1.14 to $1.14, Oati advanced le to
lo. In provisions there was a tback pf
lOo to 1(0. .
Promlneni house took th lead In pur
chasing corn as soon as the market opened.
Demand was persistent throughout-th ses
sion and there wer no Important reaction
from th upward movement of value. Th
fact that receipts of new aord were smaller
than of lat added somewhat to the bullish
sentiment engendered by. Wall Street rallies
and so, too, did unconfirmed gossip of ox
port buying, foggy weather over moat of
th corn, bait, ( condition adver to th
drying out of grain, tended likewise to mak
price harden, notwithstanding that clear
akles and low temperatures . wer predicted
for tomorrow.
Liberal sales of oats to th United States
government carried th oats marktt up to
th highest figure In several week. Bo
lides signs pointed to a falling eft In de
liveries from first bands. ,
Absence of support weakened provisions.
Higher quotations on hogs and grain bad
only a little transient contrary effeot.
Cash Price Corn t No. 1, t, 4 yellow,
all nominal. Oat: No. I whit, (1062o;
standard, I202o. By: No. 2. $1.77.
Barley; $1.000 9111. Seed: Timothy,
$1.00 0 7.71; clover, 111,00024.09. Provl.
alone; Pork nominal; lard, $27.05927.30;
ribs nominal.
Poultry Springs, all sixes, ltc; hens, 4-
lb. each and up. 17c; hena. unCtr 4 lb,. 14o:
old cox, 1 So; turkeys, fat 12o; ducks, T. F.
fat, lie; see, F. T, fat, Ho; guineas, each,
Butter 2la. ; v . Vjv . ' '
Krask Egg (By axprees), east, "
Prices for this week are a follows:
Oysters King Cole, northern V-tandarde,
on gaL cane, per gal.. 11.46; large can.
48c; amall can, lie; King Col. Northern
Belect. one-gal, can, per gal., 11.10; large
cana, (6o; email eana, 46c; King Col, New
York Counts, per gal.; $1; large eana, T4o;
amall cans, (Oof King Col, Chesapeake
standards, per gal.. (1.76: large cans. 42o:
small cans, tlo. King Cola, Cheaapeak
neiecta, rer gal..' 11.1(1 large cana, 4lei
email cans, tie. Cotnits, per . 100, $1.76.
Blu Point,, per 140, $1.16; largo shtlU per
VBU, ' gi.eo. - - . . . .
Celery Mammoth Western, per dosen,
1 0c. . . , , , ........
Whal Meat Pr lb., Ka. .. . .
Mh. Fresh Caught Per Lb. Halibut dU
rect from coaat by- express, llo; salmon,
red, tlo; pink, llo. Black cod sabl flab.
14c; catfish, O. B. and large. llo; amall. llo.
Black baa. O. S., lie; medium, llo. Trout
No. 1, tlo. Whitefish, large, tie. Pike,
rwuu w urweva, i.o. a-ioaemi, vreaeea,
14c Crapplea, medium, 14o; O. 8, and
larg. 119240. Buffalo, a-enuln Rd.. llo:
buffalo, carp rd., 10c Barring, lie; unflah.
ic; rea snapper, no; native mackerel, llo;
haddock, Ko; cod, aatern, l(911o: flound-
rs, . 14o; weak fish, sea trout lOo, Fresh
rroien: Halibut coast frosen. lOo. Sal
mon, red. coast frosen, 10c Black cod sa
ble fish, coaat frosen, 14c; catfish, small, a
bargain, lto. Black base, O, 8 lie; me
dium. Ho. Trout No. vl, lOo. Whltefleh.
medium, llo; large, too. Plk. Mo. 1,
d reeied, llo. Pickerel, dreaaed, llo. Crap-
pies, medium, lie; amall. loo. Buffalo,
genuine rd., llo: buffalo, cars rd.. to. Ling
cod, lie; Baracuda. headless. 14c Flound
er, lie; western red snapper, 10c Smelts,
11c Kippered salmon, 10-lb. basket. $1.60.
Kippered cod or grayflan, 10-lb. basket, Smoked whit (lakaj fish), it-lba,
tl.ll. : ;
Frogs Louisiana black bulla ear doxani
Jumbo. 11.11; large, $1.76; medium, $1.75.
Wholesale price of beet cuts: No. 1 rib.
tle; No. I ribs, tlo; No. I ribs, llo. No.
1 loins. II e: No, S loins, lie: No. I tolna
17c; No. 1 chuck. llc; No. s chuck,
nvc; ko, cbucks, lie; rc 1 rounds,
14e; No. t round. lTe; No.t round,
l(e: No, 1 plates, l4e; No. t platea,
UHct No. t plate. He
Fruit and vcgetabl prices furnished by
Olllnky Fruit company: ..
Vegetable Onion: Spanish, ti ll erat;
large crates, (6.60 crate; red, yellow, c
lb. Cabbage, le lb.; 1.404 lots, I lb.l
ton lot. 144.14 ton. Cucumber. $1.(4 to
11.44 desea. Lettuce, head, tOo to 11.44
doienl leaf, 44o dosen. Celery t Katamasoo,
40e dosen; Jumbo, 44o Ceien. Beet, ear
rota, turnips and p renin, la lb. Radlshea,
44e dosen. Oarllo, lie lb. Squash. lo lb.
tutxbsgaa. le lb.
FtuIU Orange) 144s, t!4a. KOa, 11.14
box; IKs, 111. 14.00 box; 160s, 160a, 426
box: 17C. 204. Ills, 14.11 box. Lemon:
Golden Bowl, 114. 17.1 box; Silver Cord
1(0. 17.4 box. orapmilt! Florida, It.
4 lis. If, ti lt box; 14a. 14a, lOe, 11.44 box.
Pears: Winter Nellls, tl.ll box; Buerr
Clargioa, 12.71 box; Buerr Da Anjoue, 11.44
box; Colorado KIfers, box; Kelfars,
buah!. 11.11 box; Keif era. It bushel lota,
11.4 box.- Grapes: Tokays, tl.ll erat;
Bmperora. 14.14 keg; Concords, toe basket
Apples: Jonathana. extra fancy, box:
Jonathans, His, smaller, tl.TI box;
Jonathans, fancy, 16s box I; Grime
Golden, all ls. tl.ll box; Grimes' Golden
Ills, smsllar. 11.71 box: Grimes' Golden.
104. larger, $1,44 box; Grim ' Golden,
fancy. 16 box lew; Jonathan, barrels, (6 00
bbl.J other varieties, barrel,- 14.44 hbU
Bananaa. 11.11 to 14.04 bunch. Cantaloupe.
boneydew. 12.00 erat.
Delicacies Freeh crab . meat per gal.
- wutier aiarxei unenangeo. ' i
Egg Receipts, 4,461 eases; marktt an
changed. Potatoes Receipt, It cars; market tut
changed. e
I Poultry All v. market unchanged,
t- !, ' 4
: , Local Storks and Bonds.
Quotation furnished by Burns, Brlnker
A company, 441-12' Omaha National Bank
bulkllng, Omaha. .
Block ' " Bid. Akd.
Burgeaa-Nash Co., T pet. pfd.,100 101
Deere A Co., pfd II 11
Fairmont Cream. Co., T pet. pfd... ' 104
Gooch M. A 13. Co., pfd. "B".. 101 104
Harding Cream Co., T pet pfd. ,101 I 101 '
Lincoln T. A common... ' II
Neb. Powei-Co, T pot,- PM....104 ; 101
Orch. A WU. Co., T pet pfd,.., l 101
O. A C, B. St By. pfd. ....... IS Tl
O, AC, B. St By. common... 40 V 4T
O. A O. B. By. A B pfd...... II ,100
M. a Peter Mill Co., I pet. Pfd. It 100
U, & 8mith & Co,, T pot pfd,. 100 101
Skinner Mfg. Co., I pet pfd...... . 101
Swift A Co. lit , 11T
U. P. A L. Co., T pet. pfd.,,. 100 140 '
Union Btock Yards I pet.. ..,.101' 101
Utah P. A L. Co., pfd.. ...... Ill 100
Bond i '.!
Booth-St Loul C S. Ii, lilt. II 140 '
Ad'ms Cty, Idaho 1 pot, 1111,102.11 10S.IT
Columbus L-, H. A P. la, 1M., 14 If
Kansas City Ry.ifs, 11144..,, 11 ...
Fsd. Farm Loan 4a, 163T..101 101
a A C. B. St Ry., Is, -lttl. .... y ; 11
O, A. C Bldff..' (s, 1120-12.... II 104
Poehahont. Iowa,.' water I., tit 104
Pub. 8r. of No. Ill, (a, 1119.. IT ' 17
Omaha, Neb,, varloua. . ; . ' 4
Harria County, Texaa (s .141 101.11
Ruestan (a, 112( ....101 , 111 .
Bwlft A COx, le. 1141 i 11 , II
Wilson A Co., Is, 1141.. 11 41
Wood River. 111., I pet, 1111. li t 104 ,
. v. - . - ,
Main Propelling Infloenc Is Governmental
Baying, Supplemented by Civilian Demand.
New Tork, Nor. 4. Brads treet tomorrow
Will aay: " " "
Moat reporta Indleata that a larg vel
um of business Is passing, whll at' th
same tlm industry la actlv and collections
ar prompt but withal, sentiment la harried
by adverse development by oversea, by dras
tic liquidation of securities and varloua pro
paganda to restrict consumption of food
stuff aa well as buying of nonessential un
favorably affect dletrlbutlon by dealers.
However, th main propelling Influence a
tor som tlm put I governmental buying
supplemented of course by large elvilian
demand: especially in eoll-eustainea sone.
In which region neither world politics, nor
depreciation In seourtles deter relatively
tree buying et essential article. ' Indeed,
merchant In som sections of th country,
particularly In th weat ' outhwst .-d
eouth are not only antlctpatla-r apring re
quirement but a re reordering th fill
broken atock, back logs to trad being fur
nished by realised good crop In th west
and St-ceht cotton In th south.
Buying for th holiday Is In vldence, and
In a general way retail trad ha Improved,
but In thla respect reports tend to. present
Indications of conservative buying, probably
bcaua of Inordinately high prices tor th
goods purveyed, Increased taxes and higher
rent. Canacltv operation continue to char
acter Industrial ' movement, there being,
however, some swinging from th production
of to the more urgently needed
article of war.
Bank clearings, 16,111.110,004. , t ,
, -. '
: MlnneapoU Orala Market.
Minneapolis, Minn., Nor. 10. Flour Un
changed. ' - M .. . ., ". - ;
Ry tl.TI01.T4. ,, .
Barley lte9tl.IT. .
, Bran 111.10 9 2104. '
Corn Nc l-yellow.
Oats Nc I white, II9I0C
Flaxseed 1J( 9118 . '
: Kansas City Grata Market,
Ksnsaa City, Mo., Nov. 14. Corn Wa. I
mixed. Il.tt01.44; No. t whit. 11.4101.11;
No. I yellow, 11.1001.04; December, L16;
Jinuary. 11.17. .
Oat No. t white, $$e; No. I mixed.
tltle. .
- . aaaaaaBiaBWajiBBavMaMk t
w . St. Itol Grain Market. ''
St. Tula. Mo.. Nav. .10. Corn No. I.
11.7101.(4: No. t white. 11.12; December.
$; may. H4. r
Oat No. 1, lie; No. t whit. 119 llo.
' ' ta(BaawB
Prices Somewhat Mixed; Va
rious Groups Move in Oppo
. site Directions, Especially
in Automobile Issues.
Nsw Tork, Nov. 10. Prices In today's
stock market were somewhat mixed, moat
of the time various groups moving In oppo
site directions. This was notably' the case
with the automobile Issues, 8tudebaker and
Maxwell Motors making gains of 1 and
4 points, respectively, while General Motors
broke to th new minimum of 74, but
eloeed at 10, an actual gain of t point.
lall held a more steady course, repre
sentative transportations galng 1 to almost
t points, whll active steels averaged 1
point advances. '
Many of th war Issues added 1 to I
points to th final quotation of the previous
session and coppers were equally strong
with Central Leather, American Can, oils
and utilities. , Shippings were rather . er
ratic. Marine preferred forfeiting Its early
gain of 1 points. Total sales amounted
to 140,000 shares. ) i
th October . tonnage statement of the
United States Bteel corporation disclosed
a further decrease of over 800,040 In un
filled orders, leaving the total business at
the end of that month at slightly, more
than 1,000,000 tons, against 11,111,000 tons,
halt a year ago.
Actual clearing-house loans showed a
contraction of 112,111,004 and a decrease of
$1,100,000 In actual reserves, the bank In
creasing cash holdings la their own vaults
by about $8,000,000.
, The enly feature of the dull and Irregular
bond market was a decline In th Liberty
(a to th slightest fraction-under subscrip
tion prices, at 11.11., Th t ranged be
tween II.I4 and 11.21. Total sale of bonds
par valut aggregated $1,075,000.
United Bute eounon and t
and 4s lost psr oent on the week.
iNumoer ox sales and quotations on leading
stook. Sales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beat Sugar... n
American Can..... 7,600 23 82 23
Ant Car A F'ndry 1.400 42 62 ' 2,
Am. Locomotive. . . 1,104. (0 ft ft
Am. Smelt A Bef. 4,200 73 71 73
Am,. Sugar Ref.. 100 43 12 11
Am. Tel. A Tel..., too 101 106 101
Am. Z .L A 8.... ,. , u
Anaconda Copper. , 4,404 16 14 14
Atchison 1,000 14 14 14
A. G. A W. I. S. TOO 14 II II
Baltimore A Ohio.. 1,000 62 (1 61
B. A 8. Copper.... 100 11 II 16
Cat. Petroleum..,. , n
Canadian Paciflo.. 1,100, 139 131 134
Central Leather... 1.100- 62 (1 62
Chesapeake A Ohio 1,100 47 44 47
C. M, A Bt. P.... elOO 24 , 11 11
Chicago A N. W..,. 400 14 14 44
C. R. 1 A P. ctfs. ...... ........... 11
Chin) COpper.. i.. 1,604 17 IT 27
Colo, Fuel A Iron 12
Corn Produota Bet. 1.808 26 H 14' i
Crucible Bteel 1.100 (3 12 61
i-uoa cane sugar.. ' j,ot 17 2( 27
Distillers' Securities 400 14 14 13
Erie ' 1,200 11 14 '11
General Electric. ' 1,800 124 122 12 .
General Motors.... 26. 800 80 ,T4U 84
Great No. pfd ,. ' 400 41 01 11
Great No. Ore ctfs. L 100 25 24 24
Illinois Central....... 46
Inspiration Copper.- 1,404 41 40 V 40
intI. M. pfd..., 11.000, 47 16, 46
Inter. Nickel...... 1,400 ' 17 16 26
Inter. Paper..,..., 109 20 10 20 :
K. C. Southern... 1,104 14 "14 14
Kennecott Copper.. , 4,100 10 11 10
Louisville A Mash ..... ..... 112
Maxwell Motors... (04 25 22 24
Mex. Petroleum..., 1100 76 74 74
Miami Cdpper 600 27 26 27
Missouri Paciflo... 1,700 12Vtl 12
Montana Power.-... 61
Nevada Copper.;.. 1,604 M6 16 16
Nsw Tork Central. ' 1,(04 47 1 6T 67
N. T N. H. A H.. 1,000 14. 21 ; 24
Norfolk A Western 200 103 101 101
Northern Pacific... 100 86 If ' 81
Paciflo Mall (04 14 21 21
Paciflo Tel. A Ttl. W., 1(
Pennsylvania 1,000 41 41 . 48
PltUburgh Coat ..'........ 40
Sealed propoeale for furnishing th labor
and material necessary for the construction
of paving In Paving District No. 2,. In. the
City of Columbus, Nebraska, will be re
ceived by th- City Clerk of said city up to
1 o'clock p. m. of the 4th day of Decem
ber, HIT. at which hour the bids wUl be
publicly opened and announced by the
Mayor and City Council of said city. The
work will consist of 19628.04 aquare yards,
mora or lese. of paving.
The Engineer's estimate for labor ' and
material for the croooeed Improvement, all
complete with five-year guarantee, net .In-"!
eluding engineering and supervision, is as
follows:- . i ' - - i. . ' '
1 19618.00 aq: yds., more Or Ice of
paving with Bitullthte ....17086110
Th same with Sheet Asphalt.... 45166.88
Th aama with Asphaltlo Concrete. (0827.68
The aama with Creosoted Wood - '
Block .... ttlT4.l4
Th aam with . Vitrified Brick
Block ..........v 11201.04
Th earn with. Vertical . Fibers .
Brick ..w .......... T470I.I4
The same with one-course 1-inch ;
Concrete .. ttJOl.JO
All propoees an paving must b mad
on blank to be furnished on application by
th City Clerk, and accompanied by a cer
tified check of 13,100.00. The- check must
be unconditionally payable to the Treasurer
of th City of Columbus, Nebraska, or or
der, aa a guarantee of good faith, to be
collected and held by the city aa liquidated
damage. In case th bid Is accepted and
th bidder neglect or refuse to enter Into
a contract and bond In accordance there
with. Plan and - (pectftcatlona, together
with general stipulation and 1 net ruction to
bidders, to be mad a part of the contract
win. aucoeesful bidder, may be seen and ex
amined at th of tic of th aatd City Clark.
Th City Council reserve th right to
reject any and all bid without explanation
and for any reason It may e fit
Columbus, Nebraska, November 1, lilt.
- City Clark.
OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster, Fort
Riley, Kan. Sealed propoeale In triplicate
t will be deceived her until 11 a. ro.. Nov.
10. 1117, for construction of a reinforced
" concrete bridge, - - Information furnished
en application. .,
Ray Con. 'Copper. . .- 104
Reading 11,700
Rep. Iron A Bteel. 1,104
Shattuck Arlx, Cop
Southern Paciflo... 1,700
Southern Railway-, 104
Studebaker Corp., 21,300
Texa Company.... 600
Union Paciflo 4,700
U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 600
U. S. Steel 70,300
U. 8. Steel pfd.... 1.400
Utah Copper., i... 1,600
Wabash pfd. "B"..
Western Union..., .- 100
Westlnghouse Elee. 1,200
Total sales for the day,
10 11
11 , IT IT
T0T0 T0
ttU SOU 81
24 24 24
21 11 41
117 137 136
113 111 111
107 107 107
11 11 12
101 101 104
Tl 74 T6
10 71 -.71
11 17' 11
New Tork Cotton Market. - 1
' New Tork, Nor. 14. Cotton futures eloaed
steady; December, IT.fTo; January, tl.lOe;
March, 26.21c; May, 26c; July, 26.83a. ,
Druggist Puts Bushel , r
Of Pennies iji Circulation
Penny shortage is not entirely dis
astrousnot when , patriots like the
proprietors of the Elton . Pharmacy, 1
Twenty-fourth and Brjstol , streets,
bank their pennies instead of keepingr
them for selfish uses. Mr. Madison,
of the phartnacy, sent 4,500 pennies
into circulation; that is, he banked
Polish Regency
Ask.j Tarnowski
; As New Premier
Copenhagen, Nov. 10. The Polish
regency council has renewed its de
mand that Count Adam Tarnowski
von Tarnow, former Austrian ambas
sador to the United States, whose se
lection the German authorities re
fused to sanction, be appointed pre
mier of Poland. Count Tarnowski,
who is a brother-in-law of Prince
Lubomirsky of the council, has be
come the symbol of pro-Austrian pol
icy in Poland and after the develop
ments in the crown council in Berlin
there is a chance that he wil be ap
pointed. . .
Opponents of the plan of proclaim
ing Emperor Charles of Austria as
king of Poland are laboring hard to
secure the appointment of Archduke
Karl Stephan as king of Poland, un
der Austrian suzerainty.
Amsterdam, Nov. 9. According to
the Polish, newspapers, the Polish
regency council has requested from
the German and Austrian emperors
permission to establish legations, in
Berlin, Vienna, Sofia and Constanti
nople. If this is sanctioned, diplo
matic relations would be established
with Stockholm, Copenhagen and
Antwerp and possibly with The Hague
and Berne. . ;,
Dance at Fort Crook Big
Social Event of the Season
The first weekly dancing party of
the Ft5rty-first infantry, now stationed
at Fort Crook, was heM Thursday
evening in the post hall and gym
nasium. It proved to be o.'e of the
biggest social successes in the history
of, the post. The event was the first of
a" series of social affairs planned by
the men of the regiment for the wn-
Wyoming Oil
Fortunes Are Being
Made Here.
Free map showing all
Wyoming fields furnished
upon request.
Also free market letter.
GeoP.Dobson &Co.
Casper, Wyoming.
ter season, and if the party of Thu.-t-day
evening can be taken as a crite
rion, the success of the entire social
season is positively assured. V
A large gathering of the fair sex.
from Omaha and the surrounding
towns was present to enjoy this ini
tial hop 'of the soldier boys, and dur.
ing the evening it was , estimated
there were 250 couples participating
in the dancing and completely taxing
the capacity of the large hall.
The boys in khaki proved "to tn
world" that they could dance as well ai
j-.-ii ..j A..wAr,tr th srvrral numbers.
I UIU1, UU UIU1115 .v ,
r it was" evident they needed no com
pany commanders" to give any special
orders imconnection with the manual
of Terpsichorean movement' as pul
into effect by them. ' ,
The affair of Thursday evening is
to be made a weekly event, every
Thursday throughout the season. It
was announced last night that next
week's hop would be preceded by a
basket ball game between teams from
B company and the machine company
platoon for the championship of the
Federated Oil end Refinine; Ce., offieeref
by prominent Denver intrchsnts nd bnk
ers, has acquired 100 seres, splendid! loeatt
ed, and Is now sinking its first welT elosl
a- .1 l: ni.i.k.m. nwiHnr.r. where im
W Wfl ui V .-.'- r -
f-nn.. kev been made Bt stroKr
The element of rtsK Has oeen reouce w
UH1UOUW. .....
You want part 61 the first block of treas
ury stock at
This msy be th only bloek ever offered.
Ask your banker eV any Denver bank as to
the stanting ef this company's officers.
Write or telegraph at once for illustrated
prospectus. -
Fiscal Agents.
223 Central Saving Bk. Bldg Denver, Cole
Drillers and Refinery men of Casper,
Wyoming, have bought over $30,000 worts
of Bis Bear stock. We are now in such ex.
eellent financial condition that we will soos
etop selling Big Bear stock. Buy now at
HVt eente per share. This may be your last
chance. We expect to strike the big oil
ssnds in Well No. 1, down 1,700 feet, in
three weeks. Have no debts, own two rigs,
truck. (14,000 worth of casing, paid over
$10,000 on drilling contract, hold lease on
520 acres in famous Big Muddy pool and
160 acres in Cheyenne River pool, and have
over $18,000 in banks and over $31,000 com
ing in in next three months. This rapid
financing is due to the fact that it is a co
operative company, no officer receiving any
salary or eommission. Your money goes for
actual drilling. Officers are efficient and re
liable men. Because of the rapid sale of
this stock, we offer it now at 12 H cents per
share, reserving the right to reject your
subscription and return your money if your
subscription comes in after oil is struck or
stock withdrawn front market Stocks now
selling for $40, at th start sold for 10
cents 4 share: Capitalization is only $S00,
000; stock full paid and non-assessable.
Bold on monthly payment plan if desired. DrUllng
In the famous Bit Muddy Held, where all wells
drilled to Wall Creek suds, with two exception!. ,
are orer 500 barrels dally oanaclty. One 800-barrel
well should make this atoek sell la ths dollara. If
rou want soma atook at the lllnit tirtM write k
once. Get literature, bank referenees and map. Wa,
O. Ersps Inr. Co.. M3 Gaas A Xlectrlo Bide. Dennc -
vva". AUTVIllaWJUiaUW -
Bin SsJererf Podiiverf farvtoeed el the
v Sftfertor Qualities of Dr. Gatchelft
Bone Liniment in Treatment
oi This AlHiction,
Dr. Gatchell'a TJnlment
ia positively a liniment,
not a toilet requisite nor
liniment for internal use, A
liniment to retain th qualities
which penetrate th muscular
and nerve) tissue to to very
bone, ia too irritating to in
ternal medication. For thie
reason Dr. GatchelTa Nerv
and Bona Liniment baa
always been tabled for
external us only, ami
atanda foremost among;
all other linimenta for tta
penetrating , effects, re
lieving pain m th snort
eat noseibla tim. without
th exoessiv) burning; or
blistering experienced by
' aoma so-called Pain KJBer.
Mart dmmrhtd MS Dp
' GatchelTa G.&G.Nerr and
Bom IJninMnt-
"p1, E ' i Kaancu3reato
life C(
If tout
eant uppV t tl-00 for term bottJe. Money
back If resulta are not as claimed. ;
V 1
No Enforced Vacations
Joj for Patrons, Proprietor and Clerks When You
l' Office in the !-
;-t':- i - . 1 ' r
Rooms Single Ensuite With Vaults
Excellent Neighbors Reasonable Rates
The Efest of Service
ment Co.
Tyler 131 v
tr .
Room 623.
To the Public
The facts have all been laid before you. There has been ample
opportunity given to investigate the high standing of the officers
and directors ; the amount o the production; and the richness of
the ore: which the Gibson Copper Mine has' been shipping; the
'earning capacity, which should be increased enormously with the
contemplated improvements, and the great ore values blocked out
in the minei v ' '. ' ' - ' V . " .
V v:r::-: vj - ':. -v- - :
3 Preliminary estimates show that the off ering of the GIBSON
CONSOLIDATED CQPPER CO., at $2 per share, will probably
be over-sold. The people, who know the sensational advances made
by Magma, Old Dommion, Ray Consolidated, Inspiration and
Miami, all within twelve miles of the Gibson mine, can see similar
profit possibilities in Gibson Consolidated. " .
' This notice is not published to urge investors to buy, but'if
you are contemplating sending an order, wire or phone your reser
vation immediately and let remittance follow. Buying orders will
be filled injhe order received. Orders will be filled at $2 per share
(subject to prior sale) up to 10 'A. M. Thursday, November 15th,
prior to active trading; on the N. Y. Curb market, where we believe
much .-higher prices ,will prevail. WIRE YOUR ORDER NOW. -
Member New York Curb Market AesociatioJ.
43 Exchange Place, New Yet, N. Y. ' .. .
' 6 Beard Trade, Chicago, III.