1 4 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; NOVEMBER 11, 1917. r FINANCIAL , A LIMITED NUMBER OP - INVESTORS MAT BECOME STOCKHOLDERS IN THB LAND AND TRUST CO HP ANT, INC, OP NEW ORLEANS, LA, which owns a valuable tract of rick agricultural iaad In ths well-known OIL AND GAS riELDS Or TERREBONNE PARISH, by parehaslng bow, at $lt PER SHARE. At an momant It may advance enormously, Mall check for eharc waotet er write for detail. Big-heat possible financial and ether reference. THE LAND TRUST CO. INCX. tit CRAV1ER 8T, New Orleans. La Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE OFFER IVOOO lit mortgaga on ranch, I per cant. 14.069 let mortgage on ranch, t per cant. 11,006 lit mortgage on rea, t per cent 11,00 lit mortgage on res., T per cent. 11,100 lit mortgage on re., t per cent. SEWARD BROS., Brokers, ITg Brandel Bid. Doug. 1149. C C1 .Farm loans, Washington. Douglas. "JO "Sarpy and Caa Co., Neb. See Paul Peterson, Financial Correspondent for the uenn. nut. Mia mi. co. rrompt service. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty yean; Interest I per cent 64, per cent and t per cent PETERS TRUST CO., 1611 Farnam St., Omaha, Men. tt.00 MTGE, bearing t pet. semi-annually; secured fey mortgsgs valued at 114,500. Tal madge-Loomle Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loana City Nttlonal Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgagee secured by improved real estate located In Omaha. B. H. IOUOEE. INC., ill Keellne Bldff. SHOPEN CO PRIVATE MONET. 1,M MTOB. bearing I pet semi-annually ; secured by mortgage vejuea at .. i ai madge-Loomli Inr. Co., W. O. W. Bids. Wo NO DEL AT IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. ORAHAM, 604 Be Bids. OARVINBROS., CITT LOANS. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. f Cf MONET HARRISON MORTON, o ll Omaha Nat Bank Biag. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. CKEEFB R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Hot to 110.009 MADE Promptly. F. D, Weed, Weed Bide.. lth and Farnam Bt. MONET to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Klok Investment Co., omana. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO, tit Bran- del Theater Bldg. D. , LOAN'S ON CITT PltOPERTT. W. tt. THOMAS ft 8QN. Keelln Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Lands, , VERT productive, highly Improved Ala bama ranch, 1.409 acre. stock ana squip. tnent to with place. Warn Oilman, Good land, Ind. - , ; : Colorado Lands. LAND SEEKERS. ;,, , It will pay roa to come at one and what I have If you wlah to file oa govern ment bomesteada. M. BTRAU8BERO, 1110 Stout Bt, Denver, Colorado, (formerly la V. B. Land Of flea rvlce). , I ' Iowa Lands. ltd-ACRE, welt Improved Iowafarm. Join tows; a onp. in. 000. - 1 OANQESTAD, ' Suite 141 Be Bldg. D. 14TT. bAROAIKt la Boon and Antelope county . farm. I , A. A. PATZMAN, 101 Karbach Block. 1 Missouri Lands. ' SMALL MISSOURI FARM. tit oaah and tt monthly, no Interest r tats; highly productlva land; close to three big markets. Writ for photograph and full Information. MUNQER, A-lll. N. T. Llf Bldg.. Kama City, Mo. IrOR free booklet, with prices; on beautiful unty improved fertile HendrlcMon, Boa eunt J.Iw. Bate and 1 Caa fans, sddres J, lit, Adrian. Mo. &REAT bargains II down, It monthly, buy 40 aorei good fruit and poultry land near ' town, southern Missouri. Prlc only f!10. Address Bos 111, Springfield, Mo, , Nebraska Lands.- bH) 418 Known as the Fisher (arm. who mad all Improvement in person, being a retired Omaha merchant 110-a, highly Improved for sale only, subject to a three year leas from Mvca 1, 1011. Located In J .oup and Qarfleld counties, it mile N. W. t BurwelL Flna large cement blook nova ttxlt, fin cellar with heavy cement wall. summer kitchen 11k14, coal house, new tram chicken house 10x!4 with plastered wan, Bare iixas, xor 1 nsaa eg aeries, harness room and wagon sued, eattla barn 14x10, well, windmill with iron tank and over, large corn crib, bldg. well painted, grove or Norway popelar and some too pin trees, nearly all fenced, t-a hog lot, 1-a woven wire around th bouse and grove, cedar posts, phone; built for a lions by Mr, Fisher, who I sow dead; ant aom W0 ton of hay In ona cutting laat year, water near surface. Inexhaustible; yon will find thl a pleasant plao to FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Lands. TEXAS. NEW FARM OPPORTUNITY IN ONE OF THB OREATEST STATES IN THE UNION. A new line of th Santa Fa tapping a rich and fertile pralrl ac tion of northwest Texas, near th Okla homa line, where already many farmer have MADE GOOD with wheat hog and live tock. Hera, If you ACT NOW, you caa get first choice get In on th ground floor of a great opportunity. Ton can get In AHEAD of th railway ajdd th people whom th railway will bring. Thl th chance of a lifetime for a man of moderate mean. A certain nam bar of thrifty, farseelng farmer 'can acquire good land at an astonishing low figure and on long easy term. Why aay good' bye to good rent money every year when same money Invested her will pay big return and make you OWNER of a fine big farm? If yon have confidence that a great railroad like th Santa Fa would only recommend what it oonslder a good thing and because it want to see new territory developed and want newcomers to PROSPER and PRODUCE then write m TODAT for particular about this district Climate I pleasant, rainfall come In th growing season, winters are mild, stock can run in open year around. School, churches, telephone, good road. Everything here bat enough men with their families. Th farmers' BEST CHANCE 1 on good low-priced land raising products that bring big returns. Will you be on of th fortunate first comer to reap the advantage of a section that ha been In spected by a Santa Fe agricultural agent and pronounced RIOHTT Twenty-dollar- an-acra land her ha mad It per cent yearly en investment, compared with per cent oa 1150 land In Illinois and Iowa corn belt Writ m for our free Ulus . trated folder with particular, giving penence 01 xarmera now here ana results they hav achieved in short tlm and on mall capital. C. L. Beagravee, Industrial Commissioner, Santa Fe Railway, 1114 Hallway Exchange Building, Chicago. Washington Lands. COMB TO WA8HINOTON Th official free Homeekera guide. usua oy th sut or Washington, eon tains detailed information of general and farming opportunities; dairying, stock, poultry,, fruit and grain, etc. Writ L M. Howell, 8m. of State, Dept. H-ll Olympla, waan. ' Wyoming: Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 150 per inciumng paia-p water rights. Henry ievi it m. m. wyianaer, in umn Nat 1, t . Miscellaneous, 50-Acre Dairy Farm. $1,300 With Fair Horses, 3 Heifers, tow, wagons, cultivator, harrow, har nesses ana nay to winter stock all thrown in by owner, who now has another farmi 1H mil to depot only t mile to big shoe factory, eorn cannery, creamery and potato houses; neat t-room house; tele- pnone, aauy man, cream taken at door, skira fed to hogs; 1-oow barn, silo, poul try house; $1,100 take everything; part down. For traveling Instruction page t, Strout'a Catalogue of til bargain In a dosen dates; copy mailed free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dipt 10?!, tot 8. Hth St., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Tw well improved farms: Mln- nesoia, zoo acre; Nebraska, 11 acres; to settle an estate; four mile from county eat For particular writ Henry Bom- neex, uii roia street h. b., Minneapolis, Minn. 1 MEXICAN TAXES Threatened sales avoided. reduction secured. Owner nromntlv. Kerr Kerr, Association Blflg.j Chicago. Substantial must act FARM LAND WANTED , FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us.U rev want to knp it IB. P. SNOWDEN BON, I i'i 411 ft 18th. Douglas 1171, HAVE client for ft to tO-acre farm within 10 mile of Omaha. Call u Monday sure. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., tll-14 City Nati. Douglas tilt. WAITED ! aeres Plerc county. Neb, Owner only, i H tillable. Give good d. orlptton, prlc and term.' tOl Karbach Blk., O-taha, Neb. t WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. O. K. Hawley, Baldwin, Wis, AUTOMOBILES a pn make yoa rioh, on mala traveled road; the praaant tenant is now saving a aal De fer turning over te new tenant Don't think any lesa will buy, if yoa do, aav your tlm and mine. Not less thaa 11,000 cash, balance agreeable, C, J. Canan, tit McCagne BMg. 4 140-ACRE BUFFALO COUNT! FARM FOR SALE. .- I About 0 aeres In cultivation. It acres , pasture. Good t-roera bouse ea good foundation, well built barn for II hors witn gooa aay mow, granary, chicken bouse and bog bouse. Fenced and ofoss fenced, well and windmill. The farm la some rolling and aom rough, but all good oil, I la a fin itst of cultivation for fall grain. Located about tl miles from Xearney and t miles from Amherst Price, 11,500. Thl farm will carry a mortgage of 14.(00 to U.000, This i en of th beat buy I know of In Buffalo County, and with present prion of farm product, thl farm should py th purohas price with len than three crops.' Is aa excep- - wonai proposition ana win mu, , C.' K. DAT1E8. i ' ; KEARNKT, NEB. LAND SEEKERS. It will pay yon to com at once and eee what l have If you wish to file on gov' eminent homisteada. - M. 8TRAU8BERQ, 111 btout St., Denver, Colorado (for merly In V, B. Land Office service). (MALL Nebraska farm on aasy payments t aeres up. W farm th farm we sell you. Ths Hungerford Potato Growers1 association, Hth and Howard St., Omaha. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Quarter Action, nine mile from Ord. well Improved. , Prlc 114,000, terms to ult For particular writ W. L. M'NUTT, Ord. Neb. U ACRES Irrigated land, every acre first- elans all fenced and In vrop. Will deal for a new clear realdence,: Price 14.900. Boa 06, Oakland, Neb. , - - ,FOR SALE 1.1 It-acre ranch. Improved. 10 mile porthweat from Sargent Neb. For i price and term writ D,. F. Talbreath, f. wner, Harrop, wen. - - -- . . 'A BARGAIN Three hundred dollar (IJ00) will buy 140 acres, of state school land ' $ tn Loup county. Writ owner, L, Wal 1 tors. 401 Oanter Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.' 1 l.tot ACRES ia Logan county, Nebraska, , close to railroad,, all fenced, with two good wells and windmills. Priced at 17.5 I an acre. O. Nansel, Arnold, Neb., Owner. LIST your land for quick results with C . Canan, lli McCafue Bid.. Omaha. OregonLands THE JORDAN VALLEY la southeastern Oregon Is a beautiful : fertile district that you ought to Inveatl- i gate. Many whrewd farmers are buying . there, because their keen business fore sight tells them that investment will pay big returne from the natural increase ia : the value of the land alone, to aay noth ing of ths big crops that they caa pro duce. Fricea low: terms easy. , As me for authentic Information, abso lutely free. . f R. A. Smith. Colonisation stnd Industrial : Agent Union Paciflo System Room lilt, V. P. Headquarter, Omaha, Neb. ' . "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project. Oregon.! 44.000 acres Irrigated land. Free snap and bat- latin, next excursion November liua. HARLET J. HOOKER, t First Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb.- Texas Lands. AHZB at fair value- assured by Cbamber mt OemmeroaL Maw plans to settle aaa Aeveicp the moat fertile land at Soutk Texas, immsoiaieiy aojaout on iur ; ket Famine and dairying demonatrs i tioa ander our direction. Only Improved . lands offered for sal. It yoB want to wa m farm, writ for Booklet J. Agrionl ' tural Dept. Chamber of Commerce. Houa- two, Tex. 003 era land. East Texas, 2t aa acre. Oet my free book. FSANJaa Ml Krta Siotk. Omaia. . OVERLAND, Modal 10. ' Overhauled and Repainted, v ' , OVBRLAND. Model tl. , Excellent meebanloal condlrloa. " A METX, lilt Touring Car. . Wo light ear, In good shape, eel , ) , brated frloUoa transmission. ,' , On 11T EUPMOBILB Touring. . . . 1 - AU Bhap. . . -v i HUPMOBILB Touring Ca'r. i lilt ModeL Overhauled. Repainted. HTJTMOBILB, Roadster. Model 1117, Houck wire wheels, only ran , 1,T00 miles, x VICTOR MOTOR CO.. ' Oea. t4lt. K2I Farnam. Bt. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES. ' BUY A USED CAR NOW $100 to $1,000", CHALMERS' SALE. Due to the increased cost of materials, rices are rapidly advancing on new cars. ' Prices will advance in the near future on all used cars. You can buy a good used car from us right now and have a years' use of it and get almost as much as you paid for it at the end of that time. ' 13 5-A 1917 Chalmers Roadster. 7 35-A 1917 Five-Passenger Touring. ' 1 26-A Chalmers. 1 Model K Truck, Chal mers. 1 7-Passenger 1916-17 Mitchell, very good condition. Good as new. 1 7-Passenger 1915-16 Mitchell 1 1916 Maxwell, 5-Passen-ger Touring. 11913 Cadillac. 1 8-Cylinder Oldsmobile, 1916. Three or four other cars of different makes. FROM $100 UP TO $1000. These can were takes on purchases of new Chalmers. They com from private, owners and are in excellent me chanical condition. Aa priced here they are splendid values. Call or phone for demonstration. WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO; . Distributors V: ' Chalmers Motor Cars. Douglas 4903: . 1 2054 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. T PACKARD OUAQA BRANCH Of i ' WlHya-pvorlend, Inc. Toledo. Ohio. Invite you to Inspect their stork of d car In praotlcally all makes, Ovr- lnd Included, ' Look the stock aver. f I04T Farnam St , Douglai jllll. .... - F0R AUa CHEAP. "7" 101T Hay nee T-pasiengor. ,- HIT Maxwell. v Model Tt Overland l-passenger. Model tt Orerlaad Roadster. Model Tt Overland Roadster. Oood Veil and good Reo t-pasenger, NEB, PATERSON AUTO CO., Tel. Red 1431. 1010 Farnam St WILL saorltlc my t-ryllnder Mitchell In fin running order, eleotrlo light and starter. Make m an offer) may conalder Ford er piano or anything of value a part payment What have you to offer? Can be aeen at 1604 Tatea 8ti or call Webter 1741. 4 . MR, M. A. BOTLAN. . 1117 SPECIAL built Maxwell roadster," run 1.400 mllea ,...,tl7t lilt l-passenger Maxwell, A-l eon...t27l lilt Overland, overhauled .and re painted, A-l condition .......... ..$:g lilt Ford roadster, best of eon till Car Bought Bold and Exchanged. Call Douglaa 1101. WANTED Llv automobile dealer In every v town to take th exclusive agency on 'Never Freese," an article which prevent auto radiator from t reeling, saves high coat of alcohol. Sells for 11. SO. 100 aer cent profit American Nvr Freese, 14 ypuar ni., unicago. 111, NEW 111? Ford roadster tioo worth of extra ......tilt Brand new touring body.,, ...... ...175.00 lilt Cbaesl 1 1160.00 CROSSTOWN OARAGE, 114 S. I41h St. Doug. 4441. ALL kind of cars for hire, with or with out driver,, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, lie per mile. Douglas 7310. Ne braska Service Oarage. QUALITY USED CARS. , Btttdebaker Wilson, Ino. , W have th beat bargains. Be na at ence. Harney 171. Farnam at 15th Ava Kverready Battery Station. 1104 Farnam.T AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. White 40. in first etas condltton, tS50, It takn soon. Will demonstrate, Frank H. Jackson. Red Oak, la, Phone tt. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; Bo delay, Auto Ex change Co., 1107 Farnam St. Doug. toil. OAKLAND aenalble Six. i- MARSH OAKLAND CO tlOt Farnam St BARGAINS In used carts. ' ! ... , " ORR MOTOR SALES CO., -40th and Farnam. Harnsy 414. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING , CO., aU kind of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Douglas 7453. no Douglaa St NEW lilt FORDS. Deliveries .today,"" " On ltlt Ford touring, till. 4001 8. t4th St. Phon South 4140. STANDARD MOTOR CO. On Alien touring ear, good shape. ' . , IDtO Farnam Bt Carl Chan get rora. x BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. - McCaffrey Motor Cow 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Dang. ItOt. Used car dept. wtllts-overland, inc.. ' t4T Faraaw St. Doug. lltl-U SUOHTLT aaed Ford deUvery top. Oood as) new. Only Ml. Nelson Karris. Belgrade. BERTSCHT "Kan-Fix It" , Southeast cor ner I0h and Harney Sta Douglaa Hit. salt p. l WINTERS top for Hudson' filx-flfty-fouri FORD eoupelet, excellent condition. Poppletoa Ave. Harney tilt, During the past sixty dayt we have sold and delivered more used cars than during any six months' oeriod in the last rive years. It tt quite evident that the people have begun to realize the wondertui bar gains we have to offer and that the prices of our used , cars have not been affected by the war. We have a good assortment of used cart to put on the market this week: HIT LIOHT SIX CHALM ' ER3 This car is a wonder ful buy for the money. ' Has been thoroughly over- , ' hauled and repainted. . This 1 car has a seating capacity , , of five- people. Tire are f good, with two extra. Car I fully equipped, with teat 1 cover, bumper, etc. If you r at all lntereeted in a "Light Six, be sure and get ' a demonstration la this car. Prioe 1700, . LIBERTY. Four-psaeen-gsr roadster, Thl 1 beautiful ear and in per-' feet condition. Car is , praotlcally new . and In service but a few weeks. Prlc 11,000. " CHALMERS BIX lb fine ' condition, 7 -pass, 'tearing . car. Rear tires nsw, front . tirea fair. A wonderful buy for the money. Frlce ' x tut. " , CHALMERS MASTER SIX Cord tires, new paint ,, In fins condition. This car w ar offering at t4'0. 8CRIPFS BOOTH ltlT ,' J roadster, In fin condition. , A beautiful car, at II0. ' 1 PIEB;OB s ARROW ' Speedster, In good condi tion. A rebuilt car. Price i U00. ' . APPERSON 4 1-aAasen-ger touring ear, Tn good oondl tlon. Extra tire. ' Prlc $500. V . ; - i PACKARD HIT 1-15 toUrlng car, in fin oondl- . tlon, retl nlshed. Prioe $1,000. ' PEERLESS EIGHT Hit t-pass. roadster, fully quipped. Extra ttra. Car . In wonderful condition and ' driven only a ahort time. Original coat with qulp- ment 11,100. W are offering thl car tor 11.750, BUY NOW! . Bargains in Used Cars Guaranteed to be in good condi tion and your money refunded after 7 days' trial if you are not satisfied. Read thl Hit, then 'come up and see them and th other that w hav. i ( , HUDSON BTJPER-SIX TOURING I ' CAR. Overhauled, refinlshed and brand nsw tire. A guaranteed bargain la every respect. PAIGE TOURING CAR. 7-pas-senger, electrio lights and starter, overhauled and a decided bargain, HUDSON SUPER-SIX CABRIO LET. The popular three-passenger ear. Refinlshed, overhauled and guarantied, equipped with Gprd tire. CADILLAC SEDAN. - B-passenger and one of th greatest bargain ver offered la a closed fear, DRUMMOND , TOURING CAR. l-passenger, complete, overhauled and refinlshed. . - GUY L. SMITH '"Service First" lilt Farnam St Douglas 1170. tA(ijKARD ' "Used Car Dept. '' Har, 414. 40th and Farnam. UDEBAKER-VILSON ; ' V. Inc. .. 'QUALITY USED CARS It 1 th Studebaker policy In used cars, ven a new one, that every ear w aell muat be good value at the price and ca pable of giving satisfaction. Wa hav de pendable cars of several makes and , models, some of them up-to-ths-mlnuts In style whloh we have taken trad upon th purchase of new Studebaker. Each ear la a real bargain at the low prioe akd. ' ' if . ,' " - V. ;. " A Visit Will Convince You h USED-CAR BARGAIN LIST , t Ford touring oars, in good ordr $150.00 eson, : 1 Ford truck, Pannell box. Just ov hauled. 1150.00. 1 Mason Maytag touring car, being" over- oauiea, fieu.uu, 1 Maxwell truck, a bargain. tlOO.O. 1 HIT Maxwell touring, tin order, run Very little. , , 1 Richmond 4-cyllnder touring, 1114, In sine vraer, eauu.vv. , - 1 good Chalmers 1-ton truck. a oiouunra-ueyioa touring, a fins ca, vuuasi any new car, flov.vo. Second-hand chains and tire cheap. a nw louring car. atarter and I srhta. V Studebaker ltlt-t touring' car, whits wheels ....,'.,1650 Studebaker lilt turtng ear... t60 Studebaker 117-4 roadster .... T?t Studebaker HIT 4-tourlng ear., tit Studebaker 1117-4 ehaasts 450 Studebaker HIT-t landau road ster for 7 Studebaker HIT 4-ton truck... 150 Studebaker tt touring 1(0 Overland tl touring.... 171 Studebaker HIT 4-tourlng car.. TOO ) Bulck IT touring ,.. 550 Maxwell HIT touring 100 SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU MAKE. YOUR . SELECTION. v ... t ...-., -.. ' .. STUDEBAKER-WILSON : Inc.,.;. -, ..., ; . , ;V Baraetr III. Faraam. at lid Am Douglas Hit. 1114-11 Seward St 1171.00.' Boylan Auto Parts Co. Hll Davenport St D. 1114. i ' OMAHA BRANCH ' ' of . Willys-Overland, Igs., Toledo. Ohio. invite yoa to Inspect their tock of ased care in practically all makes, Ovtr- wuu inciuaeo. Look the stock ovr. 104T Farnam Bt , Douglas ISIL AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO., BARGAINS Remember, w are th only used ear house that has no cars on consignment. no parts, ana pay spot casn lor use a care. Our large business ensbles us to deal on a very small margin, thus giving you tne cars at belter price than anyone else. Four Fords touring, each 1160 Ford roadster, thoroughly overhauled 200 ord roadster, 110 J25 Ford touring. Hit.. uo Ford touring, H17., 125 Ford eoupelet, 1917, lota of extra equip ments 450 Oakland touring, good running order.. 160 Hudson "IS" speedster i5 Overland touring, electric lights and starter ..! joe Bulck "87" newly painted 450 Maxwell touring, nearly new 875 Argo roadster, wire wheels, new tires 100 Saxon roadster . JOO Regal touring, electric lights and .starter 250 Chalmers touring. Master slx 450 Saxon six touring 450 Hudson six ''54" coupe 450 Studebaker touring, newly painted.... 354 Pullman touring, like new 275 Cadillac, H14, four passenger, neatly painted ..: 590 1 Jf ' you are dissatisfied with your old tar, trade It in and get one you can use. I Make small payments each morfth. We store it for you until you want It. Open Sundays and evenings. AUTO EXCHANGE CO.-, Douglas 4035. HOT Farnam St. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -So ODERN HOUSES. I-R.. 1711 a 15th. good house for tit. 4-R., Hll S. Hth, good location, house niceiy aecorated, barn, 12S. T-R., tlOt Howard, good eond. ; partly furnished; oak floors, 127.60. 7-R., 1011 Pierce, close to station, 125. I-R 4230 Farnam, -West Farnam Dtst; oak finish : garage, $40. t-R., 4224 Dewey Ave., with sleeping porch, garage, 140. 8-R., 1717 Park Ave., new oak floors, new llghttag fixtures, 130. 12-R., 1705 8. 26th St.Jiouse can be sub cented Into two and three-roomapartments and party can make double or triple their rent good location, 135. MODERN EX. FURNACE. 5-R., 2721 Caldwell, excellent con., t20. t-R., 836 S. 21st St., close in, 117. 5- R., 2534 California, close to Crelgh ton Uni wat. paid,, 121. 6- R., 2436 S. 16th., excellent bargain for 4:1). 831 S. 25th, close In, chicken house, 6-R 20. 7-R. $H. 7-R 2509 S. 20th Ave., good snap for OMAHA BRANCH of Willys-Overland, lac, Toledo, Ohio." invuei you to Inspect their itock of " " practically all makes. Over ituu, inciuuea. Look the stook oven 1047 Farnam St Douglas 129. ,k Rebuilt Overland Automobiles ARE SAFE CARS TO BUY. 10 lilt Model tt Tourings. 4 1918 Model 78-B Tourings. 1 1816 Model Tt Rosdstsr. 1 Hit Model 80 Coups. 1 Hit Model T5 Light Delivery. V 1 Hit Model 75 All.Var t 1 1917 Model 88-4 Wlllva-Knirht Tn.i. All the above car hav been rebuilt and are in perrect mechanical shape. Many Our stock at this tlms Includes oiner cars, such as Hudsons. nri..... Saxons. Fords. Chandlers. r-i. a..w. ' T : . ' nuuurni mi in IiTSl Claifl ibBDt Kll4 .n4 U..It 1 lu HVw IVUIAIlk Term to responsible parties. U8ED CAR DEPARTMENT, WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., t047 Farnam, , Douglas I2IL un MU mil ord roadatar. In rnnil uuuumun; reasonaDie. call Wal. 861. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD RKDAM Bnnrisa WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A rmniinn Wi eorn jive, ana Leavenworth Bt Tyler TOl Repairing and Painting. KADI A l l JR (LAMP AND WINDSHIELD REPAIR INO. Night and day service. Out-of-town work prompt attention. BOYLAN AUTO RADIATOR 'J REPAIR CO. Douglaa 1914. 1516 Davenport St. Starters and Generators Repaired. We 't'eoalr any storaara hattnrtf. ii.r-M- wmo xor aiz mnntni 0"HA BATTERT AND SERVICE CO., 2212 HarnaV St v rri Auto Repairing and Painting. RENTAFQRD. j . DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c A MILE. , 1 6s aa hour minimum charge (except I Sunday and holidays, whin It ia 10 nt.) ; When all is said and don it 1 cheaper I tnan owlnnig a ear. i - . Nine-tenth of eur business consists! bt I raosat orders; that tells the atory. 1 SEE OMAHA TODAY, Or g eat tn the country, see your friends. enjtoy th fresh air, load up with beautl-l ful foliage, apples and pumpkins and I ether good thing. It's a paying pleasure. ' AND ''.'; . ON WEEK DAYS ' 1 . - V tot busy, rent one of -our Fords, and see how fast and economical and well yon win eau on your trade. Short trips, long trips, any trips at ail. any keur in the entire 14. our uo-to- date bright and shiny new 1917-11 Model rural are at your service. n FORD LIVERY CO, SiJJWABUS, B. Hi. 2116 N. Hth St Weh. ster 1102. For best result with repair wsj 1 sr. VUnsuiC US, $100 reward tor maarneto uuiy rrpairen. uaysaorier, zi w. 18th. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES U PRICE. Made with two old tires. lAzf. tasit ui.H, ei.10; iixsk, 48.ZS. "2-In-l" Vulcanizine; Co.. 1511 Davenport St , Agents Wanted. Douglas 1914. , TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL BIZRH. New 10x1 Flreatone 1 t. New tOxtH nonskld Lee or Firestone It. 00 caiman Tire Shop, 1721 Cuming. D. 6838 TIRE price wrecker. This Is no 1 In 1 tire COMBINATION TIRH PAfTClPV 1101 H Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb, T5TTT . ..... . BUT Lee Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tire ana eliminate your tire trouble. Powell oappiy i-o., zuti Farnam Bt. TIRES at halt prlc. , o. Q. Tire Co 1411 Leavenworth St lyier iai-w. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES, Bargain la used Machine. Victor H. Roos, Th Motorcycle Man, 17th and eavenwortn. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by th Business Men of Omaha. l UKfla uBis, piano and notes, as security, v, e mo.. H. goods, total coat 13.50. 140. t mo., indorsed notes, total eoat 12.80. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. i-KOVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT, 431 Rose Bldg.j 16th and Farnam. Ty. ! LEGAL . RATES LOANS 124.00 1240.00 or more Easy payments. utmost privacy, T40 Paxton BUg. Tel. Doug. 2295. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at 1 and H per cent W. C. Flatau: estab. 1892 4th flopr Rose-Securltlei Bldg. Tyler 160. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. - Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harr Maiaenocic, 1614 poage. P. 6619. Est 1 891, REALESTATE TRANSFERS Now Is the Time and This vis the Place to buy a good used ear that Is really went HIT Hupmoblle. driven lata thaa aaa' miles, took and is as good as new.. $801 Two new Saxon roadsters, electrio starter and lights rt no limousine tnoroughly over hauled with new tires; make good car tor taxi 40I Oakland light six touring, electrio etarter anr lights 46 1110 Briscoe, electrio starter and lights with winter top tot ltlt couple Gray and Davis starter.. 461 Near new HIT touring, leas than 100 miles , 176 1117 touring, slightly used 110 Hit Ford roadster, good tires 261 t ora roadster, run good 226 XUUK MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. Trawver Auto .Co. Dong. 9070. 1Mt Farnam Bt C. R. Dunbar and wlfs to Albert Di- nan, Meredith avenue, tt feet east of Thlrty-ilrst avenus, south side, tt 1-3x121 ...J. ... .13.000 zeua M. ureen te Hastings Heyden, Twenty-first street 10 feet north of Woolworth avenue, east side. tOx 121.1 Bertachy Manufacturing and Engineer ing company to Milton comoany. northwest corner Thirty-second and California atreet. 100x100 - 1.10a, Voxel Investment company to Austin Clark, Thirtieth street It feet south of Bpauldlng atreet east side. 10x86 . 728 Olof Hansen and wife to Edward Stranberg and wife, southeast cor ner Twenty-eighth and Craig streets. Irregular. aDDroxImately 16x100 100 Ida A. Jonea and husband to Erie B. Brown. Seventeenth atreet (5 feet south of O street east side. 60x120. 156 Charles w. Martin and wlfs to Walter N. Carlson et al. Mary street 120 feet west of Mlnne Lusa avenue. north aide, irregular, approximately tixi2 : Paul W. Kuhns and wlfs to Charles Banks. northwest , eotner Thlrtv. ' sixth and Lothron streets. 76x110. I 240 Net nan Somberg and wife t Ooldie Brooks, Capitol avenue. HI feet west -of Forty-sixth street, south side, tOx 101.1 w ........ 1.250 imnaes neaiiy company 10 Marie uen- ling. Fifty-first street 15 feet couth of Farnam street east side, 61x136. 1,500 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FORD Sedan, fine shape. Metx 1917 tewing, good shape, uua urea. , If ATrnn . fcw-k , nUUfiJli AINU 6 LOTS. Council Bluffs, t blocks of Omaha ear line, t blocks if school, walking distance of U. P. shops and smelting works. Oood t-reom cottags on corner, with t good, high, 44-foot lots,' surrounded by nice homes. An unusual bargain at 13.000. 1500 cash, balance easy. M GEB REAL ESTATE CO.. " 101 PesrI 8t. Council Bluffs. Is. FOr Real Bargains ITl TTJPr1 ACRES level.1 heavy black eotl. tractor o 3 ytea Und: good wU and windmill; I mllea of ' r ora uars, ssee us McCaffrey ,. MOTOR CO., , , AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS. DOUGLAS tlOt. 10TH AND HOWARD. Paxton, Neb.! on of th beet aeotlona ta Keith Co. clou t school. Prlc 146 per acre; mall down payment Balance long time. ' SECURITY REALTY INVESTMENT CO. 605-1 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler TO. Omaha, Neb. STENOGRAPHERS ..176, $65. 10, $50. H0 Bookkeeper, some ateno. work........ 150 Typist, some steno. work ..,...$4 WATTS KEF. CO, 1111 First Nat 4223 Seward, choice house for 118. -H4 vie h. zstn. close in, 120. 7- R., 1338 S. 25th Ave., close In. 120. 8- R., 1510 Madison Ave., good location, $20. PART MODERN HOUSES. ' J-R., 1203H S. 11th. close In. 10. 4- RJ, 1344 8. 21st, gas. wat.. 10. 5- R., 3217 AVebater, well, lights, cozy cot tage, J12.60. 6- R., 708 S. 52d, well, $11. 5-lt., 2834 ChirHgo, good house for 116 v 7-R., 4411 N. 25th Ave., newly papered throughout. 15. J-R., 2509 Burdetto. with garage, $15. FLATS. 8-R., hot water heat. 2702 Lali isi 5-R., 607 N. 21st, close In, good location, modern ex. furnace, 121.50. WE HAVE OTHERS. Send for our week, ly printed list, it will help you. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DARK light weight overcoat Ed Thiol, tailor, "somewhere In Omoha." Reward Phone, Walnut till. t STORES FOR RENT Those beautiful, hlgh-qelllng store la th Masonic Bldg at Hth and Douglas. Ckn throw two together if desired, wnj do business In an old. wornout buildini when you can have something strictly uz to date for about the same money? HARRISON MORTON, 915 Omaha National. D. 314 HOUSES AND FLAtSTfOR RENT. 12J.0O 6-r., 1? N. Hth St 130.00 9-r., 210 S. 30th St j 132.60 l-r 214 S. 30th St., mdtlern. 135.00 9-r., 3328 8. 34th SL. hot watel heat. 137.50 6-r.. 4912 N. 24th St.. modern. 145.00 10-r.. 3008 Farnam 8t, modern. 150.00 10-r., 1004 Farnam St., modern. GEORGE AND COMPANY, Realtors. rhoneDjrjjomty Nat. Bk. Bldg. $267o"6 719 Leavenworth St. 50 00 707 S. 16th St. GEORGE AND COMPANY. Ri-:.r,TORS. Phone T. 736. 902 City Nat. Bk. Tild?. CHOICE , NEW APARTMENTS 1 FOR RENT ' ' IN THB , IND ALIA 115 N. 13d, select residence district, consisting of five rooms with juurpny m-a-door bed, making, practical ly a six-room apt. : has large living room, with built-in bookcase, opening Into sun room with French doors between; dining room with large dressing room which has a built-in chiffionler, wall safe, large closet room; bedroom with two win dows, two extra size elosets, m!rrordoor; kitchen equipped with elevated oven tange, refrigerator. Iced from rear; built-in cupboards, extra elec. appliances; bath with latest plumbing fixtures; besides this we hs,ve three other closets; all rooms beautifully decorated: up-to-date lighting fixtures; laundry room; locker room; ex cellent janitor service; vacuum cleaning system, garbage Incinerators, In fact everything to make this one of the moat complete and up-to-date apartments In Omaha. WB WILL MEET YOU THERE AND SHOW APARTMENTS FROM t TO 5 ,P. M. TODAY. DEWEY 3301 Dewey Ave.. 1 choice apartment, consisting of living room with Murphy-In-A-Door bed, with dressing room which has built-in chiffionler and closet space; dining room which also has In-A-Door bed, large kitchen, bath: all outside room, well lighted; high and sightly location. 1 This Is practically a 6 r. apt., renting, for $37.60 su. $45 win ter. See Janitor or call him at Harney 1945. BEND FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LISTS, It will help you get located. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. Hastings & Heyden, J614 Harney St t-ROOM modern house, Field Club district; sen on special terms; monthly payments; see -OANGESTAD, Suite 248. Bee Bldg.. D. S477. 2 LOTS, Fontenelle par, $500, worth $860; 2 tots, urexei Aaa., and 14 lots In Roanoake Add., small payment down and $10 a mo.; t lots, 26th -and Cass, big bargain, $4,000. OANGESTAD, ' Suite 248, Bee Bldg. D. 1477.. FRONT room to party employed, In new brick flat select neighborhood. Reason able to right party. 2821 California St Harney 6790. OMAHA GARAGE. 44x112, steam-heated, rent $100; lease, rent pd. to Dec. 22, $760. OANGESTAD, Suite 248, BeeBldg. P. 8477, t-yr. OMAHA BARBER SHOP Excellent location. spienam opportunity; any reasonable offer accepted. See GANGESTAD, Suite 248, Bee Bldg, D. 1477. NEW SIX ROOM BUNGALOW. Built for home by owner who Is no compelled to leave the city. Located, close in. West Farnam district Many bullt-is featurt-s and all conveniences. A bargall at $3,650. Terms. Shuler & Cary, Realtors Phone Doug. 6074. ' .204 Keellne Bldgt MORE ladles wanted who can work at home spare time decorating pillows. Experience unnecessary; good pay. Call afternoon. 2307 8. 13th. LARGE comfortable room In Hanscom Park district; suitable-tor 1 or 2. Block to car) walking distance. Harney 1461. FOR SALE TWO DOWNTOWN f COTTAGES, $2,150. . Paving all paid, 25th and Chicago. An. other bargain, 7-room modern house OS DouglaK St., paving paid, at same price. Act quick for these bargains will not last long. Douirlas 2R42. Harney 6808. $30 Per Month Five Rooms Strictly Modern Just completed and In good neighbor hood. Oak floors throughout Close t car. See this today. Phone Harney 1551 BOOKKEEPER, 175; stenographer and sec retary, 185; stenographer, 175; bank olerk and stenographer, $65-$75; stenographer, insurance office, $60; stenographer, law of fice, 150; general office clerk, 140; ateno., credit dept., $65) steno., advertising busi ness, 50; steno., state institution, $40 and expenses, WESTERN REFERENCE 4k BOND ASS'N Originators of the Reference Business. T3S First National Bank Bldg. . . TRAVELING salesman, staple mercantile line, $100 and expenses; bookkeeper, mer cantile, 1100; bank clerk, some stenog- 1 raphy, 185; bookkeeper, small office, soms stenography,' $100; gen. office clerk. $76; general merchandise olerk, $15; stenog rapher and clerk, $70; cost olerk, $60-$86. WESTERN REFERENCE 4k BOND ASS'J Originator of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Machinist operator . tinder SI with speed 6.OOO1 ems and eleaa proofs; daylight, 1-hr. week-day Job; wagea tit per week. Dally Journal, Fall City, Neb. BIG DOLLAR DOWN SALE ELMWOOD GARDENS Continues Today Salesmen on ground from 1 to 6 P. M. Our opening sale has, been fine, thank you, considering bad weather .the first teji days, and 73 lota have already been sold. There are 142 splendid lota, ' most of them the best in Elmwood Gardens, yet to be sold. ' v Rich Garden Lot, of good size,' $105 and upwards, at ONE DOLLAR DOWN and One Dollar a WEEK. Large, Sightly Lot, mostly quarter acres, overlooking Elmwood Park and miles of country view, ?300 and upwards, at $10 DOWN and $5 to $8 a MONTH. 1 ' ; .?' No City Take; No County Taxo until May, 1919; No Interest until ApriL 191&; No Payment during Sickness or War Service. COME OUT TODAY AND BRING YOUR DOLLAR. Take Your Pick Now- While the Picking Is Good. ' " Take a West Leavenworth car to Elmwood Park. Auto will take you t Elmwood Gardens adjoining Park on the West. ' . - ' ; 1 t PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1016. write An Exceptional Offer jThe Lasater-Miller Co. of Falfurriaa, Texas, are owners of 360,000 acres of the finest land in Texas, for jdairying, fruit raising, truck gardening.- We are divid ing this great tract into smaller farms and making the f price and terms so easy that it should all be sold within the next few months- We will sell you any number of acres at $40 per acre and arrange terms to -"suit your meaiis. V '-" - ' ' We will stock your farm with Hereford cattli and let you pay for them from their own earnings. (No interest). Mr. Lasater's Jerseys won all first prizes at Waterloo, Ia . , : Come down and see this prosperous country. Land adjoining ours is selling at $250 to"$500 per acre.. For full particulars and date of excursions phone or " Thomas Olson ; 407-8 Karbach Block; Omaha, Neb. Ifef4"