THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 11. 1917. 3 B t n ; ; 1 ' ? lit I Volney Hampton Writes s r n. " m I --3 OHIMfPlIlT . Ill A Tl TR 11 a. "A7 Jl I V-Wy IV5 A VLJLJLI III II V 1 1 II IVJ ll l nwUl II II if II W U II llflll VW til II I g 111 II I llr l II II M w 1 1 III ',111117 I TC-.. ? " I iLW TiV iVI Dai U V U l I' , OtUWiTB ' , 1 Mr. Dave Tillman and 8o from PPTSSSS I II olney Hampton, playwright ami "Tl iv I life ,xffN fff i The South First Street chapter of St. Paul's guild met at the home of Mrs. I .- A. Niepard, J15 i-ranwiin avenue, on Monday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in arranging for the parlor bazar to be held early in December. The VpA.r?tA XfiMlicrs' rlnh met at the public library on Monday and elected .Mrs. 1 nomas Metcair, sr., as president. Mrs. George Gerncr was elected auditor. It was suggested by Mrs. Richardson that one meeting of each district should be set aside for the collection of old linens for the Red Cross. V. J. Lcverett was pres. cnt to solicit the co-operation of the members in making the lecture course to be held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce a success. the ladies of the Dodge fc-ngineers met at the library on Wednesday .'ttcrnoon to complete tneir arrange ment fnr the Christmas boxes for the of Company B. The club is es- nprislfv anvinnc in renrh thl llOVS who will otherwise have no Christmas packages. Mrs. H. M. Howard has just received a letter from Mrs. E. H. Schulz, wife of the commanding offi cer of the 109th Regiment of Eng ineers in which she says: "The 109th regiment, in which yojur husband is an officer, will undoubtedly be sent to France before the winter is over. I have recently received a letter from headquarters at Washington saying that some of the engineers regiments which have already gone were not provided with the knitted garments fo necessary to their comfort. Con sequently the wives of the command ing officers were asked to form a committee of the wives of their hus bands companies to see that the regi ments were provided with helmets, sweaters, wristlets and socks, which the men must have in order to be comfortable." The local club had al ready taken some steps in this direc tion and definite plans were com pleted. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter I. Smith, 126 South Seventh street, and all those interested are urged to attend. The next meeting will be held at the Young Women's Christian association on the evening of November 21. Mrs. C. W. Gordy entertained eight members of an Omaha club of which she is a member at an informal lunch eon on Wednesday at her home, 374 Harrison street. The afternoon was spent at "500." The Daughters of the American Revolution held an all (lay meeting at the home of Mrs. I S. Pinney on Thursday. Miss Dodge gave a very ivtcresting talk on "What the Red SJtpss Is Accomplishing." Mrs. Tin o3y was assisted by Mrs. Joslin, Mrs. Hazelton, Miss Pile, Mrs. Damon, Mrs. Squire, Mrs. Elickinger, Mrs. Swan ami Mrs. Beresheim. The members of the Oakland Av enue chapter of St. Paul's guild met at the home of-Mrs. H. B. Wallace on Thursday afternoon. The guests of the chapter were: Mrs. George Zol lcr. Mrs. E. L. Cook, Mrs. J. I. Lutz and Mrs. Dixon of O'Niel, Neb. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Herman Rosch, 344 Sherman avenue, on Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett en tertained at dinner on Saturday for Dr. Richard Burton, who is lecturing under the auspices of the Omaha So ciety of Fine Arts. . The L. T. Club was entertained t a 1 o'clock luncheon on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Tucker of Oma ha, a member of the club. Mn. Gil bert Virture of Audubon, Mrs. J. K. Cooper. Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Ernest Mar ,h were also guests. Mrs. Wr. C Collmon is the guest of her si: ter. Mrs. R. A. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. (. C. Zinn of Hastings, Neb., are aiso guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake. Morningside chapter of St. -Paul's guild was entertained 911 Tuesday aft ernoon bv Mrs. F. A. Bradshaw, 714 Perrin avenue. The meeting was de voted to the arrangements for the tea, literary entertainment and parlor ba zar to be held November 22 at the home of Mrs. T. Q. Harrison. Mrs. George W. Roberts will entertain the club next Tuesday. . Mrs. Charles Officer entertained the Booklovers on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was devoted to a dis cussion of meatless and wheatless days and a number of attractive rec :.,,. ,..r. triven Mrs. Rped and Mrs. Ijc; -1 v. - - l assisted Mrs. Utncer in serving ratreshments TV,,, linnip economics deoartment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club celebrated apple day on Wednesday afternoon at the Young Women's Christian association parlors. Each member gave her favorite apple recipe and three-minute taks were giveri on the intelligent buying and storing of apples. Mrs. II. W. Anthony, who is moving to Kansas City, tend-ered her resignation as secretary, which was accepted, and Miss Mary McMillan was elected to fill the vacancy. DUNDEE Mrs. James Hodge is spending a few weeks in New York City with her daughter, Mrs. Samul Carrier, and Mr. Carrier. Mrs. C C. Belden was hostess for the Mu Sigma club Wednesday morning. Mrs. N. K. Sype was the hostess tor the Dundee Woman's club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ellen Martin left for New York City Friday evening to join her son, H. L. Mar.tin, and family. Mrs. Helen Morton and little Bet ty Morton came in from Grand Is land Tuesday. They are stopping with Mrs. I. H. Arey for a few days. The marriage of Miss Anna B. Jan kins and Mr. A. B. Zimmerman took place Saturday, the 9th inst, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Leavitt. The wedding was a quiet family affair and Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman went immediately to their home in North Omaha. Dr. Leavitt was the officiat ing ministt. Twelve members of the Rockford Hair On Limbs Rtmorra arh rrowths J nut u m. rarlouily a from face, nrck, arm nd under a mm. f v rWVX SKiss p gjee Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Duval an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Alice, to Mr. Rollin Sturte vant of Kansas City. The date has not been set for the wedding but it will be some 'time late in the winter. Miss Duval is very prominent in musical as well as social circles. She is the possessor of a beautiful so prano voice and is the soloist at the First Congregational church. Mr. Sturtevaut is the son of Mrs. F. A. Sturtevaut of this city, but he is now engaged in business in Kan sas City. Mr. Sturtevant is a grad uate of Dartmouth college and a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. College club enjoyed a knitting party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Willard C. Slabaugh. Dr. and Mrs. I. S. Leavitt leave early in the week for the west. They go first to El Paso and then join Bishop and Mrs. Bashford in Tucson, Ariz., for a few weeks before going to Los Angeles for the winter. Miss Elizabeth Stewart sailed from New York for France . last week (Thursday) with the Young Men's Christian association canteen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart, the parents, are left alone, as another daughter, Mrs. Clinton Brome, has joined her husband at Camp Cody, Dcming, N. M. Mrs. Frank S. Selbv gave a tea at her home, 1300 North Fifty-second avenue, Thursday afternoon for Miss Ruth Slabaugh. 1 1 "Sammy (Girls" of Nrtlh Platte (Good Work ! same cpmpany who have been trans ferred to other camps. I en or more pounds of "goodies" to North Platte hoys who are scattered in different branches of the service. Eight lucky boys at different forts have been the recipients of these boxes of good cheer beside. Bed socks and other garments have been sent to various boys who are in the navy. Mrs. John McGraw is the leader of tliis group of energetic bees and from a dozen members the club has grown to 75 and there is not a drone among them, each active, full of enthusiasm and in love with the good work they are doin. Still another task -which these Sammy sisters have set for them selves is the filling of a Christmas box for every boy from their home town who is in the service of Uncle Sam. Surh zeal and natriotism i I c .1.. t.:i...t cciidiuiy wuiiHv ui wic inquest cuin- mendation and is an example for all to follow. . Probably the largest amount of war work accomplished by one small group of girls has been done by a club of workers in North Platte who are known as the "Sammy Girls." They have already bought $222 worth of .yarn, two-thirds of which has been used for knitted garments. A box weighing 75 pounds full of good' things to eat has been sent to the boys of Company E at Camp Cody. A similar box weighing 50 pounds has been sent to the boys of the Thorne'j Suit Bargains $75.00 Suits, $49.75 $60.00 Suits, $39.75 $50.00 Suits, $32.75 $40.00 Suits, $27.75 $30.00 Suits, $19.95 $25.00 Suits.17.75 F. W. THORNE CO., 1812 FARNAM ST. Saving Money While You Are Prnmnfinor Rpaiifv T Little Economies in Banishing Objectionable Hairs, Clearing and Beautifying the Skin, Restoring the Silky Lustre and Fluffy Softness to the Hair, Cleansing the Hair and Scalp, Removing Wrinkles, Developing the Figure, Etc. By Madame Madeline Maree WORRIED writes: "Hair under my arms embarrasses me so I cannot wear the new style evening gowns. What shall I dot" Get 60c worth of delol and with some water make enough paste to cover the hairs. Let remain on the skin 2 or 3 minutes then rub off, wash the skin and the hair will be entirely gone. This is a quick, safe and painless method. If the growth is thick or stubborn a second ap plication a few weeks later may be neces sary to entirely discourage it. Be certain to get real delol. I I T- 1 vigorously. Directions: Apply every night for a week, then two or three times a week for a wlfile. This home-prepared tonic is fine for dry, itchy or oily scalps, profuse dandruff and dull, brittle or faded hair. A F. E. S.: "My skin is wrinkled and ugly- regular course of treatment will make the looking. Please publish the formula of tht scalp healthy and pliant and Induce a thick new rolling massage cream made with milk.' The formula: In pint of sweet unskimmed milk dissolve 2 ounces of bryol, then put it on the fire for a few minutes and stir care fully. When it cools you will have a half pound of the most delightful rolling mas sage cream you ever used and the cost for the whole amount will be only COcl As a wrinkle-remover and skin-cleanser you will find this massage cream all you can wish for, and I am sure you will never use any other kind. growth of soft, silky, even eolor hair. The beta-cantho! should not cost more than BOc, and aside from making a very fine hair tonic, it is extremely economical. MRS. G. says: "Please recommend a safe shampoo. My scalp and hair are in terrible condition from using shampoos containing lye." Get 25c worth of eggol and when you wish a shampoo just dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and it is ready. This makes a very soothing and cleansing heaJ wash and leaves both scalp and hair lm- Using it regularly soon natural lustre and soft brittle hair. maculately clean. will restore the fluffiness to dull, ANNE writes: "My face burns and is full of pimples and blotches. Doctor say cheap powder caused it Please help me regain my once lovely complexion." Wash the face with tepid water and a mild soap, then apply the lotion made as follows: In a pint of hot water dissolve 2 ounces of amarnl. This is very soothing and healing and will do won ders in restoring the clearness and velvety smoothness to pimply, blotchy, sore or rough skins. The amarol lotion costs not to exceed BOc for a full pint and is truly an economy lotion. B. X. says: "Your formula for removing hairy growths is just grand. Mine are en tirely gone. Please give me the recipe for a good vanishing cream for a dry, scaly skin." Here is the way to make a fine vanishing cream: Dissolve 2 ounces of cerol in a scant pint of hot water.'then heat well for a few minutes as you stir it. When cool, your cream is ready. This makes nearly a full pound for BOc and is about four times as much as you would get for that price if you bought it ready prepared. Use this cream night and morning for a while and it will soon correct the troubles you mention. This cerol vanishing cream is splendid for re storing the- beautiful texture and velvety softness to the skin. MRS. A. writes: "Please send immediate ly in enclosed envelope a reliable formula for developing the figure." So many re quests have been made for a good form-de-velnper that I print it here: Make a syrup with 1 pint of water and xh eupfuls granu lated sugar and to this add 1 ounce of gallol. The dose is a tablespoonful twice a day. It may take two or three weeks be fore development actually begins, but pa tience will be rewarded if you are faithful in taking the treatment. It will cost yon a dollar for the gallol, but my making your treatment you will save about two dollars over the cost of the finished product. GRACE R. : "Your gallol recipe for de- NOTE Should you be unable to obtain veloping the figure is truly wonderful. Please I from your druggist any item mentioned publish a good hair tonic." Here is one I J above, send the name of it, your name and frequently recommend because of its ex- i address and the necessary price to my Sec cellence: To pint hay rum add 1 ounce ' retary. 350 N. Clark St., Chicago, and she beta-canthol. Pour a little of the beta-can- will get it and mail it to you. Madeline thol at a timVs. into the bay rum and shake ! Murce. Advertisement. olney Hampton, playwright ami director of many amateur perform ances, witnessed a splendid interpre tation of his latest efforts Saturday night at the Hamilton residence, .'2.U) Webster street. "Halloween in a Boarding House" proved to be a success tiiianciallv. The idea was a child of Volney "s brain and imaginaUm; the scenery was im provised and patriotic. This "Musical Review" combined some of the best talent of Central High, where Volney is a freshman. The cast included live boys and four girls. Patriotic and popular songs were featured throughout the two acts and Vic Eisler's (as near Eriu Kreis ler as possible) violin moaned, wept, wailed, laughed and sang during the evening, lending itself to the mu sician's moods. Costumes were designed by Vnlncy Hampton and Miss 1'cnclopc Hamil ton. Invitations read: "The Webster street hunch (that awful mob of kids1) have decided (our ! mas said we could) to give an enter- I tainment, at Hamilton's, the big house ! on the corner of Thirty-third and Webster streets. The play to be given is a musical review entitled. "Hal-j lowc'cn in a Boarding School." All proceeds go to buy gum for the sol- i diers. Please come and all of us will ; be overjoyed at receiving your ad-1 mission of 10 cents (if you arc a kid, 5 cents.) "On Saturday. November Tenth, at seven-thirty at Hamilton's." j SI A WEEK PAYS THE BILL- .j Mr. Dave Tillman and son from Montana arrTTisting relatives here. Hemy Van Haur, formerly of this village,' but now residing in Mon tana, is here on a visit with relatives. The Ralston Woman's club will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. R. L. Reynolds. Jack Kay departed for Missouri for a few days' visit. Mrs. Jensen was visting her par ents last week. Mr. Howard Wilson is visting here from Roncstecle, S. 1). Mr. and Mrs. F. (. Scott of Coun cil Blutis were guests here last Stm dav. Mr. and Mrs. (j. W. HulYuian de parted for Oakland, Cal., last Saturday. I 1 m t a CLOTMINOON CREDIT Nl 5QUARC. DEAL 3TDRC LIP READING For sliihtly or totally deaf adults. For Particulars Address, 12 EMMA B. KESSLER 1 NO. 4, FL0-LE3 APTS. I Corner 20th St. and Capitol Ave Heinie will never forget "der tag" when hcNattcmpted to tag Eddie Collins. I Persistent Advertising Is the Roaf to Success. i Cast of characters: Calvin Hampton, Virginia 1 lamp ton, Xedie Hamilton, Luther Hamil ton, licit Itaumgardnrr, Miss Erdicc Raumgardncr, Mable (iilbaugli, Everett Little, Victor Eisler. The proceeds will buy gum for sol diers in the trenches. REPRODUCING -PIANO-- The fatality of the same inning in five of the six games for the world's championship was a keen disappoint ment to advocates of a "noiseless Fourth." LLO Almost Human-Demonstration Daily A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St. ijxjui v j'Jn m t xcfr (05? Z Nm J W I I "THE MICKELS"-Always at Your Service. Here's a Large Victrola, $85 Model X Here wo have the be ginning of the scries of large and massive Vic trolas. Rest assured this model is as good as it looks. It is wonderful in its performance. And Here's the $165.00 Victrola Model XIV Superb Vast in its en tertaining possibilities. Plenty large and massive enough for anybody. B g Above Is the $215 Victrola Model XVI This is the favorite model of the entire Talk ing, Machine World. Money cannot buy anything- better unless one pays the extra money for extra finish, etc. This Style Victor Victrola at $30 Model VI An excellent lot of value for only $30 one of our biggest sellers. (tOft Buys This. Victor Victrola Model IV-Small. yet very powerful. It Is doing pleas ure duty In thou-' sands of happy American homes. Pay Cash if you wish or buy on easily graduated monthly payments. We want to make matters convenient for you. If time payments or easy terms arc desired just say the word.' Put your Sewing Ma chine want up to us. Parts, Supplies, Repairs or Sun- If it's a matter of Re- r largest and most com- MarliiTio plete Sewing; Machine IVldUime. Itrpalr fthopa In Amrlra. Save $100 on a High Grade Piano the Famous "Pack ard""Hobert M- Cable" Our mode of1 selling Pianos does not include the salaries of highly commis sioned special salesmen. The money such special representatives would cost is saved you when you buy a. piano here. Don't think of buying a piano from any' one with out investigating the New Mickel Plan. We Sell the Famous Bali-Bearing 'WfflTE It's a White arid it's right. Sewing Machine There arc thousands of "White" Sewing Machines in use in and about Omaha, Council Bluffs and vicinity. Come in. Let .us show you the points that have made the "White" so big a fa vorite the world over. .n ;.IV Open Sat. Eve. Till 9 Open Sat. Eve. Till 9 15th and Harney Doug. 1662 334 Broadway. C. B.