Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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U. KM 7.
-11 A
729.000 MEALS A !
They Are All Good, Though
he Cost is Only Thir
teen Cents for Each
Meal. ;
General and Mrs. Joseph E. Kuhn, photographed at Camp
Meade, Md. They had been married just a week when this
photograph was made.
Hot milk toast.
t'rnth Khuharh sauce.
Fried spnre rib.
Halted potatorit.
Cot for 100 men
Hulled Vienna Mtmnirtt.
llolled eiiblinee.
Ilollrd potatoes.
Hot eorn bread.
I'lum duff, caramel nance.
Iced tea.
Cost for 100 men S15.5J
Srranibled bruins.
Jenny I.lnds.
Apple nance.
1'ewch sauce.
Iced tea.
v "ot for 100 men It 8.00
Total cost fur three meaN 3H.SO
Government itllowunee for rations 41.JS
How would you like to have the
job of providing three good square
meals a day for 243,000 husky young
soldiers with a total allowance of 41
cents a day to buy all the food, ice
and other materials for each man?
That is exactly tlie job faced by Ma
jor Sherrard Coleman, quartermaster
corps, United States army, who occu
pies a quiet office in the headquarters
of the Central department of the army
in the Federal building, Chicago.
The 243,000 soldiers include all the
selected men called to the colors for
training in the seven great canton
ments of the new national army which
are located in the Central department.
Here is the list:
rmp Sherman. ChlHlcnthe, 0 57,589
'amp Taylor. Louieoville, Ky 41,560
'amp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich 35.992
Camp Grant. Rorkfnrd, III 37,364
Camp Dodge, Dps -Molnos, la 44.629
Camp Funston, Fort Riley. Kan 45,980
Task Becomes Enormous.
When it was decided to call 700,000
men into the new national arm to
say nothing of the 800,000 regulars
already under arms the tiny peace
lime military establishment of the
government faced an almost impossi
ble task.
How could the men who had man
aged the feeding of 100,000 regulars,
for instance, provide for the purchase,
distribution, cooking and serving of
food for 1,500,000 soldiers? Eut here,
as in every other branch of its vast
war-time activities, Washington has
bad the patriotic and expert aid of a
treat army of civilians.
The first problem was how the
s-rcat new army was to be fed while
it was in process of organization. Ma
jor General Henry G. Sharp, quarter
master general of the army, called a
number of prominent hotel men from
the large cities to a conference in
Washington. These hotel men put
themselves, their staffs and all their
great resources at the disposal of the
Chicagoan Heads Board.
A central committee was formed,
with Joseph Beifeld of Chicago as its
chairman and Cecil Gregg of St.
Louis as vice chairman. Subcommit
tees were organized, one for each
cantonment of the national army, with
an expert hotel man at its head. And
through this machinery the hotel men
of the country undertook to provide
civilian cooks sufficient for the needs
of the national army, until it should
be thoroughly organized and ready
'.o handle the work itself.
The plan of the patriotic hotel men
is working out splendidly. They have
furnished all the cooks and bakers
needed at all the national canton
ments. Meanwhile, the quartermaster corps,
villi Major Coleman at the head of
the central division, has established
regular schools for cooks and bakers
at each of the great cantonments.
Here, under regular army instructors,
are being trained the men who, after
their graduation, will serve the armies
during the rest of the training period
and on the battle fields of Europe.
How huge is the job may be gathered
from the fact that the camps of the
central division, where Major Cole
man is in charge, will require 5,000 ex
pert cooks and 2,500 bakers.
Menus Carefully Planned.
In aJdition to the cooks and bak
ers' schools at each cantonment.,
Major Coleman is managing a "moth
er" school at Fort Kiley, Kan., where
he is working out tinder the direction
of expert army cooks a series of sam
ple menus. They will show how great
is the variety of nutritious and appe
tizing dishes it is possible to prepare
within the army allowance of $.4123
per day per soldier for the purchase of
The menu printed at the head of
this article is taken front Major Cole
man's official guide to the Fort Riley
cooks, which provides "menus for
three meals a day for ten days for 100
men. The sample printed in no way
Furpasses those rranged for the
other days.
Mothers of the selected men who
have been called to the colors will
conclude that so far as food goes their
sons arc being well cared for.
World's Butter
Record Is Broken
By This War Cow
Woodland, Cal.. , Nov. 10 The
world's records for butter production
were broken by Aatrie Acme of
Riverside 11, a Holstein cow owned
by A. W. Morris & Sons of Wood
land, in a test conducted under the
supervision of testers of the Univer
sity of California, it was announced
here today.
The cow yielded 1,331.41 pounds of
bt.tter in 365 days; 1,167.96 pounds
of butter in 305 days and 2,426.51
pounds of butter in two years. In
each instance the records displace
those established by Keystone Beauty
Plum Johanna, a Holstein owned by
Stevens & Sons of Pennsylvania, it
was contended.
Aagie Acme's milk production for
; the 305-day test was 22,092.3 pounds
and 24.682.7 pounds for the 365-day
Captain Smith of the American
Schooner R. C. Slade Tells
of Cruise as Prisoner on
German Pirate.
(By AMoclated PreM.) i
An immediate armistice of three
months will be offered by the Maxi
malist government of Petrograd. Dur
ing this time Nikolai Lenine, leader of
the Maximalists, plans that represent
atives elected by the people of all na
tions will settle the questions of peace.
crossed the, line near here last week,
was said to be at the Chappo ranch,
20 miles from Ojinaga, in charge of
a force of Villa followers under Por
firio Ornelas, who captured Ojinaga
from the federal forces May 30.
The ranchers were unable to give
an estimate of the number of Villa
troops at the Maijoma ranch, but
said the scattered commands were
gathering there when they escaped.
Reinforcements have left Chihuahua
City to strengthen the Ojinaga gar
rison, but have not yet reached
Villa Prepares
For His Annual
Ojinaga Attack
Presidio, Tex., Nov. 10. Francisco
Villa is at the Maijoma ranch, 50 miles
souvh of Ojinaga, opposite here, and
has issued a call for all of his troops
to assemble there at once for a gen
eral attack on Ojingaga Monday, ac-
I cording to three ranchers who reached
here today from the Maijoma ranch
after being held as prisoners by Jose
Chavez, a Villa colonel.
It - 17'11 1 .1 - f T?
i ... . :ti: . i iiinonto viua, orouier oi rran-
, , cisco Villa, who was reported to have
siaer proposals tor a jusi peace num
either side.
Moscow, the ancient capital of Rus
sia, is reported to have gone over to
the revolutionists. The garrison has
supported the revolutionary commit
tee there in taking over the govern
ment offices. Conditions in Moscow
and Petrograd arc reported to be
The Bolshevik! element in the peas
ants' congress and the workmen's and
soldiers' organization is meeting with
opposition from members of the Pe
trograd municipal council and the
Minimalists. The opposing factions
will not acknowledge the authority oi
the Maximalists and are said to be
planning an appeal to the Russian na
tion regarding the Petrograd revolt.
A cabinet has been named by the Bol
sheviki with Lenine as premier.
Kerensky In Hiding.
As yet no clashes between the
Maximalists and the supporters of the
Kerensky cabinet are reported and
the whereabouts of Kerensky is still
in doubt. The revolutionary com
mittee has ordered that the former
premier be arrested and imprisoned
with the other ministers now in the
fortress in Petrograd. Lenine also
has given instructions that his forces
shall move against soldiers support
ing Kerensky and has appealed to
the railroad men not to transport
Kerensky adherents.
It is not clear whether the Russian
armies as a whole have accepted the
new government, but it is reported
that some units have gone over to the
revolutionary side. All available
Russian advices, except reports from
Germany, must come through Petro
grad and even these have not indi
cated any great rush to the revolu
tionary leaders from the soldiers out
side Petrograd and Moscow.
Germans Seize Advantage.
The Russian war office has not is
sued an official statement for several
days. Berlin, in its statement, no
ever, mentions no great activity o
the eastern front and there are ni
reports that the Austro-Germa:
have taken advantage of the disord
in Petrograd to make a determin
attack at vital points between t
Baltic and Blatk seas. A report fro
ionenhaRen says the Germans ha
occupied the Aland islands at the e
trance to the Gulf ot Bothnia, whi
lies between Sweden and Finland,
Italy Forms New Line.
Italy's armies, under a new co
majider, are tn their new yposrti
probably along the Piave river, res
to offer stouter resistance to the A
tro-German invaders. It is appar
the momentary halt on the Live
river was only for the purpose of
laying the enemy as much as poss
until the bulk ol the Italian to
could establish themselves in the
defense line.
British and French troops have
rived in northern Italy an will
the Italians in beating back tne in
ers from capturing Venice and
rich manufacturing district in I
hardy and Pcidmont. Berlin re
the Teutons advancing toward
Piave through hill and over plain.
dicating that the Italian withdr
m the Carnic Alps lias not yet li
Allied Generals to Lead.
General Cadorna has been ap
ed Italian member on an inter
staff. The other members are
eral Foch, one of the great F
leaders, and General Wilson o
Birtish staff. These three proi
will take supreme direction of tl
lied campaign in northern Italv
was General Foch who drovd
wedge into tne uernian torces a
battle of the Mame.
The British campaign in Pale
continues with marked success,
entire Turkish army is retiring n
ward toward Jerusalem from
Gaza-Beerslieba line. British
French warships are bombardinpY
retreating Turks from the ci
while British aviators are haras!
them with bombs and machine J
Patent Medicine "Booze"
To Be Ousted in SoJ
Tampa. Fla., Nov. 10. Whole
druggists of North and South G
lina, Florida and Georgia, in convi
tion here, today adopteda resolut
pledging themselves to disconti
the sale of proprietary medic
which they have reason to believe
being used as substitutes for liq
Washington. Nov. )0 The full
tory of the cruise of the German
commerce raider Steadier has been
obtained by the Navy department
from Captain Haldor Smith of the
American schooner R. C. Sladc. and
three other mariners who landed at
: Tutuila in an open boat September 29
(after being marooned on Mopelu Is
land by the master of the Steadier
I when the raider grounded and was
I abandoned.
i The Steadier, formerly the Ameri-
can ship Pass of Balmaha, belonged
to the Boston Lumber company and
was in Nova Scotia trade before the
war. After the war broke out it was
put under the American flag and was
captured by the British and a prize
officer was put aboard it with in
structions to take it to Kirkwall,
Scotland. On the way, it was cap
tured by a German submarine ami
sent to "Bremen and fitted out as a
raider. A picked crew was placed
aboard, some of whom spoke Nor
wegian, and sent out into the Atlan
tic under the guise of a Norwegian
The ruse worked so well that after
leaving Bremen on December 21, 1916,
the Steadier was held up by the Brit
ish auxiliary cruiser Highland Scot,
examined and passed. Sailors' identi
fication books issued by the Nor
wegian government were furnished
the men, although they probably were
taken from captured Norwegian ves
sels and given to the men who seemed
to fit the descriptions given. These,
together with pictures of Norwegian
kings and queens, gave the ship the
appearance of a Norwegian.
Captain Smith learned that, while
cruising in the Atlantic, 13 ships, val
ued by the Germans at 60,000,000
marks, were captured, and four in the
Pacific, the R. C. Slade, the American
schooner A. B. Johnson, the Ameri
can schooner Manila and the French
schooner Lutece.
Capture of the Slade.
Relating the story of the capture of
his ship, the Slade, Captain Smith
"I left Sydney on April 24. 1917,
and proceeded without any incident
until the evening of June 17, when I
was in latitude about 2 north and
longitude 150 west. On the evening
of June 17, about 5 o'clock, the second
mate reported to me that a ship was
firing on us. 1 went on deck and
looked aft, and instantly, as I came
on deck they fired again, and I saw
the shell fall short about two miles. It
was about eight miles off. There was
a heavy squall starting to eastward
wind favorable to this time and I
Cuchillo Parado. The Ojinaga gar- thought it possible to get awav and
rison is under arms and patrols are ; kept holding on. But it kept firing
scouting in all directions to prevent
a surprise attack.
Putting a Muffler
On Those Who Snore
It is astonishing how many inventors
have spent their time in devising ap
paratus for preventing snoring or for
silencing the snore. E. B. Breuer has
been delving in the records of the
patent ollice and has dug up a large
number of these, some of the most
interesting of which he describes in
the Popular Science Monthly.
These are of two types, the first of
which may be described as suffocating
the snore, the second of which are
devices for preventing a person from
sleeping on his back this being the
position in which one is most likely
to snore.
Those of the second type are vari
ous forms of lumps or pads strapped
to the bad- in such a way that when
the sleeper rolls to the supine posi
tion they shall make him so uncom
fortable that he will instantly turn
on his side.
The first type, or suffocators, are
more interesting. One consists of
tvp soft rubber flanges connected by
a soft rubber strip which is to be
held between the teeth, one flange
inside the lips, the other flange out-
it has a valve in the middle.
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on me at intervals of about five to 10
minutes, and was coining up on me
"The ninth shot, fired about 6
o'clock, struck very close, passing the
poop and splashing water on the ship.
Then I concluded that there wasn't
any use, and I lowered down spanker,
clewed down topsail, hosted American
flag, and hove to. About 7 o'clock
the raider was up alongside and asked
what ship. I told him what it was,
and he told nic to lower down sails,
and stand by, and he would send ail
officer aboard me. Shortly after, the
prize officer came aboard, and a docj
tor and about 10 men. These officers
were in uniform. They told me to
leave the ship and go aboard the
raider, and they would give me time
in the morning to pack my clothes.
Slade Left Burning.
"They took all our men aboard the
raider except the cook. Next morn
ing I went back on board with all my
men and packed up. We left the
ship with our belongings, June 18. We
were put on board the raider again.
Shortly after I saw from the raider
that they cut holes in the masts and
placed dynamite bombs in each mast
and put fire to both ends of the ship
and left it. I saw the masts go
over the side and the ship was burn
ing from end to end, and the raider
steamed away."
aptain Smith said the raider was
iull-riKgcd ship of steel or iron,
t 2,300 tons, propelled by oil-
ng engines. Her captain was
Graf von Luckner, active cap-
eutenant; the- first lieutenant,
Khng; prize officer, Richard
Thers also was a chief en
a navigation lieutenant, a
,nd a doctor. All told, her corn-
was 68 officers and men.
d between decks, she carried
ich guns (10.5 centimeters)
machine guns. Jhcnameon
was Irma.
ind Other Americans.
the men from the Slade ar
:ard the raider they found
oners from the American
A. B. Johnson of San Fran
tured three days before. On
mith stated, the schooner
is captured and dynamited
10 officers and men had
off. Aboard the Seeadler,
as a Hollander, who had
off the first ship captured
pt aboard because he had
suiting remark to the cap-
German money.
it three weeks the raider
4 up and down looking for
ips. Meeting none, tney
to Mopeha on July ol,
i the lee side of the island
ust 2 the 6hip was driven
ast ashore, the three
plains had gone ashore
irman officers on a picnic,
soners were left on the
n were fired to tell the
hip was in danger, but
cturned they tound the
. . . i i r
isten on me corai rccis
sel beyond help. After
afternoon they gave it
1 took ashore everything
ove, including the boats,
less. The wireless plant,
ful one, was set up bc
ocoanut trees. It was
h sending and receiving
1 without difficulty they
hear Pago Pago, Tahiti,
Food Need Abroad
May Delay Start
Of Army for Front
Washington, Nov. 10. The possi
bility that the first increment of the
national army will not be sent to
France for at least six months loomed
large today when it became known
that the allies' demands for food, coal
and iron are so strong as to forecast
use of available ocean tonnage for
their transportation instead of for
A decision on the question will rest
largely on reports expected soon
from the American mission now
abroad and on figures being assem
bled by Food Administrator Hoover
to show the amount of grain and
other food products available for ex
port in the United States and South
American countries.
Present indications are. the food
administration believes, that the food
situation, particularly in England,
France and Italy, will force . the
United States to use its ships to
send food instead of soldiers.
Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, the food ad
ministration's representative on the
American mission, has been in
structed to gather information on the
allies' food needs at the earliest pos
sible time and forward it here so
that the War and Navy departments
and the shipping board may niakt ar
rangements in advance if it appears
there can be surplus of tonnage for
transportation of the first increment
of the national army now in training
Plans for the second draft would
be affected by the postponement of
the removal of the first, increment
from camps, but since the camps' ca
pacity is much greater than their
present assignments it would not be
necessary to delay the draft until the
camps are actually emptied.
Berlin Firm Furnishes Dye
For French Uniform
Paris, Nov. 8. The dyes for the
horizon blue uniforms of the French
army, substituted for the old dark
blue and red since the war began,
have been furnished by a German
firm, according to the Oeuvre Fran
caise. The madder with which the
material for the famous red trousers
of the French infantry were dyed had
long before the war been replaced by
German aniline dyes, but it was not
suspected until lately that the Ger
mans could be interested in the hori
zon blue dye that has been furnished
by a house in Basel, Switzerland, with
a name that was partly of French and
partly of German consonance. The
Oeuvre Francaise now declares that
all the rights and patents of that firm
have been owned for a long time by
a firm in Berlin.
Runaway Balloon Lands
On Trolley Wire; Kills Two
Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 8. A
German captive balloon broke loose
from rriedrichshafen this week and
sailed across Lake Constance to the
Swiss shore near Romanshorn. Seven
Swiss school boys caught the hanging
wire cable, and were endeavoring to
pull the balloon down when the cable
came in contact with an electric street
railway wire. Two of the boys Wcrc
killed by the shock and the others se
riously injured.
W. Theodore Woodward Fined
$500 and Sentenced to Jail
for Hindering; Liberty
Bond Sales.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results
Atlantic, la., Nov. 10. W. Theo
dore Woodward, a young banker of
l ewis. la., pleaded guilty to a charge
of violating the Iowa espionage law
today, and was fined $500 and given a
suspended sentence of six months in
jail. He was charged with having
urged patrons of his hank not to buy '
Liberty bonds and with making dis-'
loval statements. I
Wonderful Bits of Business j
By Famous Stage Players
Mv first impression ot "the Duse"
was that of a woman weeping in a sort
of dumb, impotent way. Of all sor
row that I ever saw depicted upon the
stage, this seemed the most poignant
and appealing. It was like a dog that
had been kicked. I noticed the same
thing in the great Italian actor No
velli. No one has ever cried on the
stae to me as have these two artists.
They made you feel uncomfortable, as
though some faux pas had been pre
cipitated in the play that should not
have occurred. When I beheld No
vell! weep it was in "Lear," and when
the old man was deserted by his
daughters the actor simply broke your
heart. He cried in such a quiet, dumb,
hopeless way. It was the grayest
grief 1 had ever seen on the stage
with the exception of Duse in "Caval
leria Rusticana."
In "Lear" Novelli used a wonderful
bit of business when his troubjes
drove him mad he plucked at in
visible straws. With eyes staring and
hands jutttretched he was ever reach
ing phantom objects suspended in mid
air! It was the epitome ot madness
and illustration in a vivid, authorita
tive touch the flash of an unbalanced
mind. In the audience the night I
saw tint performance at the Lyric
theater in New York was Julia Mar
lowe, who was watching intently from
a box. A few months afterwards I
went to see Miss Marlowe as Ophelia.
In her mad scene (ever a particularly
fine piece of work) she suddenly be
gan plucking at straws just as No
vell! did. This was the second or
third time I had seen her in the part,
and I did not remember her doing
this before. In this I may be in error
and it may have been neither imita
tion nor unconscious imitation, but in
anv event it illustrates the interesting
fact aga'n, that great minds think alike
and makes one think of the story told
me by one of her company when Duse
was witnessing a performance of Miss
Marlowe as Juliet.
It was in the potion scene, I think,
when Duse suddenly jumped to her
feet, exclaiming, "Why, she is doing
all my business I" The actor who told
me this seemed to think it proved th
fact that if a state of mind were truly
and thoroughly dissected the result
in expression must be the same. Yet
Duse with all her reputed intelligence
Reemed petrified with astonishment.
theater Magazine.
Naval Boys to Play U. of X.
Great Lakes. III., Oct. 00. The
crack foot ball eleven of the uaval
training station is to play the Uni
versity of Iowa at Iowa City on Sat
urday, November 8, the only open
date on the Iowa schedule.
Going Out of
The Electri
cal Fixture
That's the reason for the
remarkable values listed be
low. If you need fixtures
for your home or office now
is the timo to get them at a
big saving. There's a big as
sortment loft to choose from
although some of the lots
are limited.
Semi-Indirect Bowli in sev
eral sizes close-out prices,
Shower Fixture! Many
beautiful designs left
close-out prices
Candle Piecei These are
very popular for any room
close-out prices;
Brackets and dataware A
large variety of designs--close-out
price, about
y2 Price
Floor Lampt, Table Lampi,
Piano Lamp, Reading
Lampi quantity limited
close-out price, about
V2 Price
james conn
Electric Co.
207 South Nineteenth St.
Phone DougU 4466.
i a. $
1 ( y
INebratka Power Co.,
Year Elcetrte Service Cenpuiy.
Tflef Three, One Hundred
Mj i
m f ' 1
Hi I I lii
I 1
Shame on You, Sir!
.veil Appointed
to Secretary Baker
, Nov. 9. Major Benc
of Cleveland, O., an
r now in charge of the
iffice of the Panama
pointed assistant Fecre-
day to succeed William
Mr. Ingrham was
r of the port of Port-
d accepted the aopoint-
YOU, YOUNG MAN, in civilian clothes,
between the ages of 18 and 45; you
whose conscience arrests your atten
tion every time you pass a man in uniform or
a recruiting station; you who feel that your
precious hide should be puncture-proof and
are willing to have your neighbor do your
fighting, remembering even that he is a bet
ter man and nobler citizen than you-
Change Clothes, Young Man
Your country has called-your life, your
fate, your destiny is not yours to with
hold even in the solace of imaginary
The Lucky Seventh needs you. Federal
inspection has been ordered for November
22nd-join up now-get into a regiment where
you can serve with your friends-don't wait
for the draft. Call Sunday morning-talk to
recruiting offrVsr
1612 Farnam Street Phone Tyler 2413