2 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10,v 1917. POLICE BAFFLED BY MURDER OF OHIO PHYSICIAN Dr. Harry Lorenzo Chapin Is Killed by Unknown Assail- . ant in Room of Cleve land Hotel. Cleveland, O., Nov. 9. The mys tery surrounding the murder of Dr. Harry Lorenzo Chapin, physician, author and traveler, by an unidenti fied assailant in a room at a down town hfitel last night, remained un solved today, although order! were issued 'from police headquarters for the arrest of a man who was known to have been in Cleveland yesterday. The skull was fractured by a blow on the back of the head, and. ac cording to Coroner Byrne, the fact that the skin was not cut suggest that the doctor was struck from be hind with a heavy weapon, probably a section .of lead pipe or a paper weight wrapped in, a handkerchief. Mrs. Chapitu the widow, told po lice that her husband went to the hotel yesterday afternoon to meet a man who recently cime from Chi cago, with whom he had had busi ness dealings in the past . Shreds of paper found on the floor of the room gave the'police clues be lieved to suggest a possible motive for the crime. . . Some of the scraps, pieced to gether, were found to relate to an express package shipped to Cleve land, by a man in Chicago and which, the police believe, was to be deliv ered to Dr. Ckapin on payment of $100. Police investigation developed that Dr. Chapin within the wetk had withdrawn $100 from a bank. On the pieced-togtthtr scraps of paper the police discovered the name of a man for whom search immediately was1 instituted. ' , Dr. Chapin, known to a wide circle oMrienda as the "blind doctor," was 47 years old and had , spent the greater part of his manhood in travel. It All Depends on How You Read It Martha Powell and Bell Ryan, president and secretary, respective ly, of the Nebraska State Teachers' association, believe an indignation meeting should be held. At the Union depot is a sign which reads: "Welcome, state teachers. BEWARE OP PICK POCKETS AND THIEVES." Misses Powell and Ryan, after conferring with several authorities, agreed that the underlined warning wai ambiguous as to whether it was directed to those who might read the sign, or to the teachers themselves. He had been blinded by the glare of the desert sands when, shortly after leaving college, he visited the ruins of Babylon, in Mesopotamia, and neglected to wear a turban or dark glasses. Later an operation restored his sight and he was able to find his way about without assistance. He had written several books and was the author of a number of photoplay scenarios. Strangely, "Twilight and Death" is the theme of one of the ooems fea tured in his last published work. This poem, entitled "The Soul of the Sun," contains such seemingly prophetic stanza as these; thi Anrelus ringing reminds me That th evening or life in at hand; D'nth takes ma awar ai ha finds ma. TIma loaned I am to par on demand; Oh, death's like tha aun In Its sinking; W live, hut to duet we have a-one. Of tha cup of life we're through drinking, Than the sun-setting aoul must pasa on. When Dr. Chapin left his hotel yes terday he told his wife, she stated to the police, that he was going to an other hotel to keep an appointment. Attendants at the latter hotel heard two men excitedly discussing business affairs in ft room on the third floor. Late in the afternoon an inspector at the hotel discovered a. man lying midway between two windows in the room, with blood streaming from his head. The room clerk at the hotel told the police that he resigtered a stranger at 8 o'clock yesterday morning and as signed him to the room in which Dr. Chapin was killed. The visitor carried a small black grin and signed his name and city in an almost illegible scrawl. Police believe both name and city to be fictitious. Li n . the House ot Menagk 1613 FARNAM STREET "The Store for Gentlewomen" SATURDAY Don't Miss This Great Reduction Sale of SUITS DNGLE SAM'S BOYS MUST LEARN MUCH Manual of Arms and Trench Digging Varied by the Three Its and the "Sew-in' Skule." of Their Regular Price All are of the yery smartest models and include some wonderful bustle suits Broadcloth, chiffon velvet, burella cloth, pom pom and imported fabrics. Every Suit in Our Stock Included ; Sale Begin Promptly at 8:30 An Early Attendance Is Advised. ' The HOUSE of MENAGH 302 So. A M hJ E' V Fir.1 Nafl.v 16th St. i IV IV El Bank Bldg. SATURDAY - Your 1U Suit Need Not Cost You More Than $12.50 i'to $17.50 If You Take Advantage of Our Monster Sale Saturday 100 Beautiful Stylish Suits In a Riot of Shades and a Multitude of Styles. " Serges, Gabardines Wool Velouiy , Tweeds, Broadcloths and some wonderful novelty fabrics. They are made up in the season's most successful models, with large collars and beautiful cutfs. The lin ings are of best quality materials, and workmanship the best Colors are navy, black, Havana brown and green. Checks and stapes are also shown and include values up to $35 $12.50 and $1 7.50 Values up to $40 5 $25.00 s Camp Funston, Kan., Nov. 9. Many of the national army men in training here arc obtaining an education in other than military subjects and prov ing that posters hung in' postoffices which urge young men to "join the army and receive a liberal education" were making promises which are to be realized. Night classes are being conducted here for the benefit of any men desiring to improve their educa tion, and, as nearly' every man aspires to be an officer, the classes are popu lar. - Elementary subjects, such as read ing, writing, arithmetic and spelling, have attracted the most students, but small groups of students all through the camp are studying such topics as telegraphy, wireless telegraphy and salesmanship, while prospective can didates for artillery commissions are plugging on' mathematics all the way up into Calculus. Aside from the elementary classes, the French classes are the largest with an estimated total of 900 enlisted officers and men studying to greet their brothers in arms in their own tongue. G. C. Dot ur, former principal of the Lyons (Kan.) High school, and prior to that connected with the University of .Kansas, is divisional educational secretary, working under the auspices of the Yung Men'a Christian association. Many of the classes are taught by men who were teachers in civil life. A class for "seamstresses" has been opened by Captain Ingram D. Hook, a former Kansas City lawyer, who pities the men in his company be cause of the difficulties they encoun tered irt simple jobs of sewing and patching. He undertook to teath them how to sew on buttons and patches and the class made fine progress, but some of the men finally asked for instruction in knitting. Cap tain Hook's "degree" did not cover that subject and no knitting class has so far been formed. Step Taken to Lessen Congestion on Railways Washington, Nov. 9. A new step to lessen the congestion on the rail roads was announced today by the Council of Rational Defense. Ap pointment of a highways transport rnmmittr. headed hv Kov D. Chaoin Of Detroit,' Mich., as chairman, was made to organize co-operation among transportation agencies, so highways and inland waterways will he used more generally, especially for short hauls. Other member include Logan Waller Page federal director of public roads: Henry G. Shirley, chief engineer Maryland State Roads commission, and oeorge a. rnaa oi New York. Vim 'SEETO 4jlfiD ' - fcfi HAIR BALPAM 1M I.I prqwasfea of nerll elptto eradloate daadmO, orKa aatortat Ccriar and treaty loQrajr or Fated Hair, Don't Forget To Attend the Soldiers' Dance AtThe Omaha Auditorium 15th and Howard Sis. Saturday Evening Kov. 10 Entertainment andl Music 1 Patriotic Airs by Drum Corps Solos by Gordon Wengworth Accompanied by George Compton Singing America California , The Perfect Day Admission, $1.00 a Couple rilOTOrLAT. USE RUTH STOREHOUSE in "A Phantom Husband" sV4 Advance Showing of Christmas Cards For the many who may not have another opportunity be fore the holidays to select greeting cards from a large, well chosen assortment, we announce this early display of distinctive new cards both printed and engraved, illustrated in many unique ways and carrying senti ments of the reason. Art Dept. Third Floor A Sale Saturday of . Toilet Articles Cashmere Boquet Soap, 10c a cakex Extra Fine Combs, 25c. Orange Flower Cold Cream, 25c a jar. Nail Files, with "ivory" handles, 20c, 25c Powder de Riz, 18c box. Mme. Isabell's Hand Whit- ener, 21c a bottle. Japanese Ribbons Cut-work ribbons in a beautiful selection of de signs. Voguish for knitting and shopping bags. Ribbon Section THOMP, 50N.BELDEN - CO. (-Fashion Center Jbr ZVomen1 Activity THnraTuiglhdDuat Tin Stm Tte Fim Days Mosaic Napkins A delightful 4art of a suc cessful luncheon. Mosaic de signs are accomplished by drawing the linen threads by hand. They are very at tractive and beautifully made. H. S. Mosaic luncheon napkins are $12 a dozen. Linen Section New Red Cross Patterns on Sale Several new styles have been recently added, so that we now have the complete line, which are approved as the Official Red Cross patterns. These supersede all other de signs previously accepted. These may be ordered at the McCall Pattern Counter in basement. Women's Underwear l(i Complete Variety This department now has on display every conceivable style and quality in the very best makes. Ydu'll find choosing unlimited in scope. THE FUR SHOP Second Floor Furs of every sort, from the least expensive to the most luxurious. Back of every pur chase is the 31 -year-old pol icy of honesty that has ever characterized the Thompson Belden store. Wonderfully attractive showings of scarfs, muffs, capes, coatees and coats in the most recent fash ions. A visit to the fur shop is enlightening. Correct Apparel Moderately Priced Tailored Coats A selection of fashionable models and favored fabrics, correctly tail ored and beautifully finished. Coats that will be warm and serviceable. Very moderately priced at $25. Silk Petticoats Saturday, $3.95 This is a special low price and is important because of the quality petticoats offered. Your choice of every wanted shade and color. Saturday, $3.95. Second Floor Fine Woolens for Suits and Coats New Suitinffs in every choice weave and color; velours, gunnyburl, broadcloth, jer sey, etc,, $2.50 to $4.50 yard Wool Plaids Suitable for general wear and particular ly good for school dresses; excellent patterns. (40-inch) $1 a yard. Women's High Shoes . $3.95 a Pair Desirable leathers in , new, up-to-date models, selling at this absurdly low price, because they are short lines we wish to close out Sold Up to $7 a Pair Tailored At Three Suits Prices We have taken All suits in stock' priced from $25 to $45 and reduced the prices. These are regular Thompson-Belden suits, stylish, well made of good fabrics, properly fin ished, $16.50, $23.50, $29.50. Serge and Wool Roguish for Present and later wear, practical, serviceable and alto- Jersey UreSSeS gether attractive. Two groups pric ed at $18.75 and $25. Bclding's Silks Here Exclusively The most favored Aveaves and colors are here in a Comprehensive display. Belding's Quality Silks are guaranteed to weaf, but they do not cost more than ordinary silks. Satin de Chine, in twenty- Charmeuse, in a complete five colors and black (36- range of colors. This is a inch) one of the best of all quality that does not wear silks for wear, $2.25 yard, rough (36-inch) $2.75 yd, The New Silks First A High-Grade Shop To Please the Best Men We Have a Selection of Shirts You'll Like j The assortment of ; beautiful pat terns in Manhattans is larger than ever Madras, Crepas, Cheviots, Oxford Cloths, Silk Mixtures and pure silks, in both soft and stiff cuff styles. Equally good are the selec tions of Eagle, Arrow, Earl and Wil son Shirts. You'll find any number that please you. Sizes 13 to 18; any sleeve length, priced $1 to $10. Men's Fancy Hose Stripes, clocked effects and all the new plain shades Onyx, Wayne Knit, McCallum and In terwoven. You can't go wrong in the makes bought here. In silk, fibre, cotton, lisle. Sizes 9 to 12. Priced 15c to $3 a pair. Mens Bath Robes - Our holiday line. New in ' designs and patterns and color. Prices are practically the same as last season. You should see these before reaching a de cision, $5 to $18.50. Pajamas and Night Shirts 'Muslin, madras or outing flannel, whichever you prefer. Cut full and long. Dependable materials; fast colors; the best of workman ship; all the essentials of service. Faultless, Universal or Brighton night shirts, $1 and more. Pajamas, $).S0 to $5. Mufflers and Reefers Plain colored silks, striped and figured silks, all with fringed ends. Fancy knitted weaves, also, $1.50 to $7. To the left at you ntr PHOTOPLAYS. BILLlfc BURKE i in "Arms and the Girl" And Mack Sennett Comedy. Lat Timet Today HARRY CAREY in "THE LAST MAN" AMUSEMENTS. LOTHROP t, FRANCES NELSON in "THE BEAUTIFUL LIE" SUBURBAN effSfii TODAY B5SSIE BARRISCALE in "WOODEN SHOES" HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton Today MARGUERITE CLARK, In "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" Com In f "THE HONOR SYSTEM" BOYD One Week, Commencing Tomorrow , Matinee November 11.' Tha Photoplay Vartlon ! Rabart Hiehan'a World-Famon Novel "The Garden Of Allah" With Helen War and 5,000 Other. Continuaua 1 p. as. to S p. m. and 7 p. m. to 11 p. aa. All Saata, SSet, Bona, BOc Horn of tha Big Double Show "FLIRTATION ComoJy Musical Satlro on Collef Llfo THE BRAMINOS Comedy Novolty Mmleal Acta. BILLY BOWMAN Character Slngtof ANGELUS TRIO Mirth and Harmony SENSATION PHOTOPLAY ATTRACTION. MRS. VERNOn CASTLE In " Strandec Arcady' Aa Attraction Da Luxa AM18EMENT8. AMC8EMKNTS. BRAHDEIS Tha BiggMt American Play Ever Written. SZSSJSSSSk "F ne Feathen" Aa Abyee of Human Failure. Tha Wacee Sin i Death. Tonight, 85c. 380, Kt. 7S Mat- 150. ?S. 800. BOYD MAT. TODAY, 2So Tonight i let Tiur The Most Daring and Sensational Sue cess of the Season. "AFTER OFFICE-HOURS" j Matinee Saturday,1 28e. Next Sunday the Photoplay "GARDEN OF ALLAH" Phona OU(. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Last Two Times For "HOLIDAY'S DREAM" ' And Current Bill MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 cur& TONIGHT, 8:10 i - "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" ' Daily Mats., 18-lS-SOc Eveniaf . xa-90-T9f i tftk Animal Ptwrara Trip at AL REEVE Beauty Show JiVJL FMmrlnl Pin ttWJS l& BMOtirol MATBK1A1 GIBSON, the modem Ulliu KuimM; Breddock A Uiflibw. Woods Bitten. Ed. J. Gun!. Ksnoedf Kramer. Geo. W. Soot I and tt Beorwoe Bnauttx. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DATS DRANDEIS 4 Day Cora. Tomorrow Night November 11 Mat. Wednesday Seats Now Night. SOe to $2 Mat. 25c to $1.S0 WinchaU Smith e John L. Golden Present Tha Saaaon'a Supreme Sentation i A play of Tears and Laughter, Thrill and Heart Throb. By Wtnchsll Smith (Ce-Author of The Boomerang") and John E. Haziard. ORIGINAL CAST, AS PLAYED ONE YEAR IN NEW YORK . AND 9 MONTHS IN CHICAGO Any Person Holding Ticket on CHEVROLET CAR, Which Was to Be Given Away ai HOTICE 7th Nebraska Infantry Dance Can be refunded purchase price or receive Admission Ticket N to Dance and Entertainment at AUDITORIUM, NOVEMBER 25TH Everybo y Invited. By CAPT. A C. McGLONE. When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Read of Thetn in The.Bee -4. J