V THE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1917. Want Ad Rates (Coaming 8li Word to th Lint.) K A4 Taken for Let Than' Tw Line Local , ' CASH WITlTOBDKB e Per tin X tlmo To par lino.. I or mora consecutive Insertions CHABGB ta par Una 1 ttm - lo par Una 4 or Dorr eoasecntlve Inaertlona (Ta par lint,. IJ consecutive Insertion SITUATIONS WANTED .lie par lint.. ..par watk ' CASD OF THANKS AXD '; FUNERAL NOTICES 10 par Hut .tich Insertion (Minimum charg 60 cants.) Ont-of-Towr Rates Caah With Order (Const 6U Words to Una) Financial Htlp Wanted Agents Wantad : Bualnes Chance All Other' ClaaalflcatloM FOR SALE Miscellaneous . furniture and Household Goods. 12o par Una 1 tlma. to per Una t or mora cc-nstcutlva lnnrtlon. Le per Una 1 time. I to par line 3 or mora coniccuuve tnstrtions. USE THE TELEPHONE If Job cannot con- ftnltntlr bring or tend In your want ad. Aak for Want Ad Taker and 70a will receive tba aama food service aa when delivering your want ad at tbi ouica. PHONE TYI.ER 1004 WANT AD COIJUMNS CLOSE SVTENINQ EDITIONS 11:0 M. MORNING) EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Bate an Application Movie Program Downtown. PRINCESS, 1317 DOUGLAS CARMEL MEYERS, in "THE LASH OF POWER" North. ALB AM BRA. 24TH AND PARKER EDNA GOODRICH, in GRAND. ' 1TH AND BINNEY DUSTIN FARNUM, in 'NORTH OS" FIFTY THREE" AND COMKDT - South. APOLLO. 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH MOLLY KING, in "THE SUMMER GIRL" BOULEVARD, I3D AND LEAVENWORTH t V OLIVE TELL, in "THE UNFORESEEN" v BOftWy. . 366 LEAVENWORTH LOUISE GLAUM, in "GOLDEN RULE KATE" West. DUNDEE. 61ST AND UNDERWOOD , JACKIE SAUNDERS, in BAB'S THE FIXER'( DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. MASONIC FUNERAL. s . Nebraska Lodge No. 1, A. F. A A. M. : Th burial lervlce of our lata brother. Charlea W. Allan, will ba htld at hla late residence, 2127 Spencer itrttt, Friday, No vombtr tth, 1917, at I p. m. Maaonlo service at Foreit Lawn etintlff, Frlendi ara Invited. Matter Naaoni will aatemblt at Maaonlo Temple at 1:10 p. m. for at tendance. JOHN W. COOPER. FRANK WILCOX, Worihlpful Matter, Secretary. WILET Mayme, November 7, 1917, aged 41 years, beloved wife of Dan Wiley. 1 ' Funeral Friday, November 0, from fam ily realdenca, 2323 North 80th atrttt, at I a. m. to St. Bernard' church at 0:80 a, m. Interment, Holy Bepujcher cemetery, t NOLAN Mr. Mtry, agtd 30 yean, at a local hospital from heart failure. 1 The remains will be ahlpped from Heafey A Heafey undertaken. Twanty-ilith and Farnam, to Sidney, Neb.,' from the Union tatlon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker. 14 A Htr, P. 117 E. L. 1 'ODDER CO., Funeral DlreotoriT P. L. Fero, Mrr., Jrd and Cumins Bt. Phone Pouglaa 077, Auto amnuianc HULSE A RIEPBN, undertaker and am balmer. 701 8. ltth. Dougltt 1362. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. 2624 Leavenworth. Doug. 1061. FLORISTS. BKINa a member o( the National Floriit Telegraph Delivery association, w ara In potttlon to deliver flower at ehort notice anywhere In the United State or Canada. 1 1 ess A Swoboda, Florists. t 'Vfeli! LEE L7LARMON lit 14 Dooglt 8t Pouglaa 1244. LARGEST aatortment of freah flower. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER IjUOP. 411 B. 10. P. 1101 TllffTRNERY. 601 B. 10th St. Doug. 2011 njLTI irWatlonaTFIortot, 1804 FarnaraTsti ' A. DONAGHUE, 1022 Harney, Doug. 1001, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. if 1 If I Births George and Myrtle Burke, Mi South Twenty-fourth atreet, boyt William and Loula Anderton, 0014 South Eighteenth street, girl; Andrew II. and Fern M. Flasher. -2041 North Forty-seventh avenue, boy; Antonio and Marl Otslne, 010 Plerc Mrett, boy; George W. and Maria Yeoman, 50 li Miami atreet, boy; Sebatiano and Angela Salerno, 2744 South Twelfth atreet, bny;,Clau and Margaret Jenaen, 007 South Twenty-tint atreet, boyi Alvln K. and Jennie Anderton, 1010 South Twenty, filnth avenue, bar; Carl P. and Franc It (route, 2104 Ellison avenue, girl. Deaths Vivian L. Tonlalk, I month. 1(2 South. Tweiity-alxth, avenue; Franoro M. Knot. 00, hoopltnli Mra. Eva Allen, 02, hnapltal: Tereaa Hanley, 17, 2)00 P atreet; John Clair, 01. Oil North Seventeenth street; Mr. Mary Nolan, 2. hotpltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. TaTfolTowuig marriage license hav been Issued: ,. p Nam and Addreea. 'Age. Harry. V. La tiourgue, Omaha.,.. ",,1... 21 Maud1 Brandt, Omaha 10 Ralph E. Lanon, Kimball,' Neb..,...., 20 Margaret Coleman, Kimball, Neb 20 Benjamin T. Starkey, Omaha......',.,,, 22 Carry L. Carter, Council Bluff. Ia..... 10 Stefan Novak, Omaha 23 Mary Stlo, Omaha it Walter K. Stoddard, Omaha 23 I.eona Stoddard, Council Bluff. Ia 20 Charles K. Burke, Omaha hi Winifred E. Hurd, Omaha.. 24 Fred Marshall. Glenwood. Ia.. 24 Amelia Kamm, AIvo, Neb... 30 Jullut ft, Laraen, Omaha 27 Uertrud Meaaeramlth, Omaha........... 20 BUILDING PERMITS. Huldlng permit bava been Ueuttl to the following: J. Q, Miller,- SOU Farnant street, addition to (tore, 2100; Norrl A Norn. Jt South Twenty-fourth itreet, lepalra, J500; 0137 North Twnty-fourth treet, frama dwelling, 13,000; 51 North Twenty-fourth .atreet, frame dwelling 12.000; O. A. Kcclra, 1013 South Thirty fifth atreet. repair. 11.600: Oeorga C. Flack, frame dwelltnin a follow; tlst Saratoga ' avenue, 13,200; 40: North Twenty-eighth avenue. 02.300; 2711 Sara toga avenue, 12.200; 2716 Saratoga avenue, 13.300; 4010 North Twenty-firth avenue, 13.300; 2640 Monro atreet, 11,000; 2116 Jefferson itreet, 11,760; Barker ltealty com pany. 207 South Fifteenth etreet, 11,600; Berka A Muall. 2701 South ' Thirteenth atreet, Jrame dwelling, 13,600. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS v OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, t ' Pertoii having loot tarn article would do well ti call up th of flea of th Omaha 4k Council Bluffa Street Railway company ' to aacertaia whether they left It in th atreet car. Many article each day ara turned In . and tha company la anxloua to realor them to the rightful ownert. IF YOU loo anything and will advertla It her you will auraly recover It If found , by an honeet pertou. If you find anything of valu th hotieat way la to advertite for th owner. SMALL pocket teatament of brown ptgakln leather Sunday evening near 15th and Kamam Sta. Call If. 71. Reward. LOST Boa too bull female pup, whit fact brlndi body. Peart so collar, Wtbtter 730. Reward. 1 EortT Gold tiecklaca, value only aa gift of dead friend. Reward. Harney 3SS1. THESE ARE REAL FURNITURE BARGAINS On glance at them will (how you ther la no mlitak about that. Read and act. Dreasen. many (tyle. 10.76; 111. SO; 111.71 BuffeU, big variety, 110.60; 114.76. Rockers, unequalled value. 13.31; ,11.11. Davenports, bargains, 110.76; 122.76. Heating stoves, all kinds, 16.05; 17.00. W will arrange accommodation to suit your convenience. Railroad far free to rut-of-town buyer within fifty mile of Omaha on purchases of 110 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., ' Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge.St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattreaaea made from yourown featbert. aummer and winter tldet; cost lea and laat longer than cotton or hair beda. Phone ot for ample. 1007 Cuming. Douglas 3467. BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITUR&. Beds, tprlngt, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, table, chain, china and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum. 1030-1147 N. 24th Bt. Webster 1607. Open till 1 p. m. STOVES, all makes, heaters, ranges and cookstoves; furn.,-Vict , piano. Country trade. Ooodt packed ret. Loyal Furn. Co., 33: N 18th. City Furn. Co., 107 8 14th. FOR SALE Center table, email rocker, Bilckonsdorfer typewriter, ix-foot atep- ladder, gasoline stove, gasoline Iron, large ANNOUNCEMENTS Pianos for Rent 13.60 per mo. A. Hospo Co., 1611 Douglas. Piano Tuner. W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglae 0307. Removal. Dr. F. V. Rolano pl.ya., aur. (16 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaners. RUGS CLEANED Scientifically by electric vacuum cleaner, no dust or germ. Harney 1304. Tailors. Di adrlck. P. L 211 B. 0rh. Tailor. D. 2433. Safes. PERSONAL SPIRITUAL eervlcee Sunday and Tneaday 1 p. m.. Mount Hop Spiritualist church. Rev. Ella D. Smith, pastor. Prlvata con sultation daily. 10-0. Tyler 3264. 231 B. 13th St, Omaha. MI0S SMITH, formerly of the Rlttenbouaa Sanitarium, 1 now located at 202 Karbach , BldcT 16th and Douglas. Red 2727. BATHS, massages and manicuring. Central Bath Institute. 1500 Harney m. Mis 8. Benjamin. Mgr. Douglas 7007. ' HELP WANTED-e-MALE Professions and Trades. Manicuring, massage and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1011. 703 8. 34th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 370 Bran, Thea. W4g. V. lib LUELLA WEBSTER, massaire and man! curing. 61 S Faxton Blk. Reil 2400. SAFES BARGAINS. 1213 Farnam J. J. Derlgbt Safe Co. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dress stilts for rent. 200 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 2111. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 021. Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Th W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-1 Harney St. CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIGH-CLASH MERCHANDISE. 'Auctjoneer. Licensed and bonded. Phone Web. 4472. RUSH right down and get your a hare of all kind of furniture at sacrifice. 600 N. 10th. OLD CARPETS make NEW RUGS. Red 4132. Store and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. W buy, ten and make denka, aafet, ahowcatet, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., n. w. ;or. iitn ana Doug, mono w. 3724. Sewing Machines. SEWINGmCHINES W rent, repair, tell needle and part 01 ail aewing machines. MICKEL'8 ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1002. FOR SALE Tailor' Singer aewing machine. Also all kind or household good. Alraott new. Cheap. 2324 L. 12th St. r Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and rimltn Premier typewrlten. Sent anywhere, Rental appile on 'purchaae. Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth and Dotigla atresia. TYPEWRITERS told, rtnted and raoalrcd. neai an uuver montne ror 26. Central Typewriter Kxchanae. 106 Farnam dl.D DUTCH LINK Rlbhoni and Carbon xou can TKT IT before you BUY IT from hiatt. lazii Flrtt Nat l B'k. Tyler 2401. Guaranteed tyjewrlters, 110 and up. Write Toriisi. Miaiana Tyn. Co.. 1404 Dodge. E;atat-'evTJ-v-iaMnPi'- -j jm . SWAPPERS COLUMN FILMS dsveloped, lOo a roll, one-day arv- ic. . .oaaa Dtodlo, Neville Blk., 10th ria nam nj. WANTED TO BUY WANTED. YOUNO LAYING LEGHORN HEN1. 1 do, ilngl comb brown and 2 do. Whltt With 1 rooster to each doa. Mlaa Anna Dodge, 606 2d St. Tel. 016 Council Bluffa. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used deak, bought, sold and gjided. J. C, Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 1140. flTTi nT.TUTrvTr! AND SHOES' JJJ J. J WE PAY TUB HTUHBBT PRICES DOUGLAS 0031. etc Pay highest price for clothe, shoes, trunks. Pougla 0111; Ret., Dotigla 8023. WANTED TO BUY Second-hand lectrlc. in urai-ciaaa condition. Tolephon Doug. ivi. Diamonds 400 S. 10th St. SOL BERGMAN A CO. WANTED TO BUY sTfghtly used" rora touring ear. South 43ti0. "loi? BOOK8 bought. K loser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. H!COKDEON. side, knife, aunburat. box pleating, covered buttons, all lae and tylea; htmatltohlng, plcot edging, - eye let cut work, buttonhnlea. pennantt. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200-100 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1010. VAN ARMAN Dreas Pleating and Button CO., 110-7 Paxtnn Blk. Dougla 1100. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., ISlRamg Bldg. Phon Poug. !!. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY Iss 206 ''THW OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Baths. CENTRAL Bath Institute; eioctrio and plain wunii massage or an Kindsi expert at tendant. 1601 Harney. Douglas 7007. MASSEUSE ' baths, manicuring, physical waiaer, 3 muvhis BIK. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 221 Neville hiock iBtn and Harney Bt. Doug. till. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 17th anoflifnrtha "sta. Carpenters and Contractors. iESSARD A BUN. 2031 Cuming. Ty. 1683. ' Chiropractors. br. J. C. Lawrocar Balrd Bldg. P. 14T! Chirooodist. Carrie 3. Burford, 630 Faxton Blk. ' R. 4017, Dancintr Academv. iDo TitlYO S100'. Popular Ballroom 40 AJUAC Dane Class Mnndav Kva. Dane Class Monday Kva. Ill a 11th. Phon Walnut 1037. TkeP Dancing Academy! private' IsaonT elaates for adult and children. D. 7X60. - Detectives. SUTTON Peteotlvo Agency (Inc.) We Get Reaulta." S1 World-Herald Bldg.. Paul Sutton, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 000 jsi isar, K. Bldg. Fhone Tyler 1610. JAMES ALLAN, 113 Nevlll Blk. Evidence cured in all case. Tyler 1130. 8. P. JOLLY. 612 Paxton. Red 1130. 1 Dressmaking. TERRY Dreaamaklng Co.. 30th and Farnaid. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN, 012-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2110. tr- Dentists.- Dr. Bradbury. No patn, 021 W. O. W. BldgT Taff Dnt. Rma 301 Rose Bldg. P. 3180. Voice Culture. Albert Haberitro Basso cantantt, teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Studio 431 Securltle Bldg., Tyler 2467 J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Pougla Printing Co. Tel. Pouglaa 044. AUTOMOBILES DRIVE IT YOURSELF. RENT A FORD. - DRIVE IT YOURSELF. Commercial, professional, specialty worken have budness to do and have to make trips In and about Omaha. The proposition Is how economi caltaking all things Into con sideration how-quick and how . pleasant th business can be done. You can use our splendid service life your business to an advan tage In economy, time and com fort. THE FLAN: Just like th old time livery barn only w rent you a new 1017 modol Ford motor car Instead of a hora and buggy and which In com parison with old livery ratea , and efficiency ta much better and cheaper. RATES: Ten cent per nil; 2( per hour minimum charge, ex cept Sunday and holiday, which I 60o 'per hour. Our ervlc car at th call of our patron day and night W aak permission to hav our commercial represenatalv call and e you. FORD LIVERY CO., Ill 4-1 Howard Bt.. Dougla 3623. We Never Cioae. DRIVE IT YOURSET.F. 1018 CHEVROLET, all overhauled and new tires 1211 . 1016 saven-paasenger Hudaon 026 "1917 Maxwell, slightly used 436 1010 Overland, Al condition 262 Allp Car Bought and Exchanged. 2306 Harney. Douglas 1101. NEW 1017 Ford roadster 1100 worth of extra , ....,..$325 Brand new touring body 176.00 1011 Chasal 160.00 , CROBSTOWN OARAGE, 214 8. 24th St. Doug. 4443. ALL kinds of car for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fordt, 10c per mile. Douglas 7310. N- prasna Bcrvlcn Garage, MAE BRUGMAN, scientific maaseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam St., Room 2. Phone Douglas 1761. MISS LUCILLE CARYLE. masaage, baths and manicuring, 221 Neville Block. IMMANUEL private maternity home. Beat care. 2C03 Bristol. Webster 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4410 N 31th St. Phone Colfax 2043. SCIENTIFIC massage. 630 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6373. E. BROTT, maanage, 702 S. 18th. D. 0526, Manicuring and mass., 1623 Farnam. R. 19 MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N 17th MEDICAL WHY 8UFFERT Latest and most tclentlflc treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-624 Rose Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He la curing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dangerous. If 70a can't call, write. Hour: 0 a. m. to I p. m.; 7:30 to 2:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. DR. E. R. TARRY . 240 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal 'diseases without surgical op tratlont. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal dlieaae and testimonials. RUPTURE aucceaafully treated without a urglcal operation. Call or writ Frank H. Wray, 106 Be Bid. Dr, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SANITARY whit washing by cower ma cnin. eaiisiaction guaranteed. Quick serv ice. Good references. Call Jotmson, Doug. fur. FOR BALE My services. Bargain rat. experienced stenographer. Box 1613. Oma ha Bee COLORED man want position cleaning of- j ices morning and evening. Keferences, Call Web. 1801 before 10 or after 3. RALPH LANEER can furnish good refer- ence ior a driver. Call Tyler 2682 ANYONE who want any kind of work gone. Call p. 1080 after 0. WANT to take car of furnace and do Janl ior worn. Har. 66o. Female. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker Wilton, Ino. W havt th bett bargains Be os at once. Harney 171. Farnam at 26th Ave. VANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex chang Co,, 2107 Farnam St. Doug. (036. OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2200 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cart. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and-Farnani. Harnty 414. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kind of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Dougla 061. 1100 Pouglaa Bt. Sf ANDARDlMOTOR CbT One Allen touring Trar, good ihapa, 2030 Farnam Bt. Carl Changatrom. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS ? McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agenta. Pong. 260, 1 ' USED CAR DEPT. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 1047 Farnam St. Poug. 3293-L. FOR SALE Service car, garage and filling X gtatlon, account of slcknees. 1316 Main Bt., Florence. MIDDLEAGED lady, with son who can do light work, asks position as housekeeper, Country preferred. Box 3(60, Omaha Be. CHILDREN to car for afternoons and eve nlnga by experienced-woman. Web, 6731. PRACTICAL nurse; highest references. Phone Douglas 663(. v WANTED--Chlld Jo board; good car. Call weDsrer suy. POSITION wanted by experienced stenog rapher. Call Harney 1103. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted by experienced colored laundress. Call for Edna, Webster 6200. DAY work, washing. Ironing, houtecleaning; satisfaction given. Web. 3610. PLAIN and fancy clothes laundered, iter 4311.' Wb- DAY WK bdl wash'g. Call 0 p. m, Web. 6332. COLORED lady want day work, washing. Tyler 2067 EX. COLORED woman want day work. Red 0880. WHITE lady wants washing at horn. Web. 1310. DAYWORK by x. colored woman. 74(7. Web. DAY work, bdl. washing, after 6. Web. 6333. BEBTSCHY "Kan-Fix It." Southeast cor- rier loth ana Harney Sf. Dougla 2663. I'LL bgy your 1217 Ford. 4boilB. 24th. mono 0. 4360. WINTER top for Hudson Slx-Iifty-four; ennap. rarnam. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Kvorreaay Battery Station, 1204 Farnam. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFE1FFER AUTO A CARRIAGE WKS. sain Ave, and Leavenworth Bt. Tyler 701 Repairing and Painting. r RAlll ATDR LAMP AND WINDSHIELD RRPATHTNd Night and day tervlce. Out-of-town -work givtn prompt attention. BOYLAN AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR CO. Pougla 2014. 1610 Davenport 8t, Starters and Generators RepaircdT" AVe reoair anv atnraarn httrv. i.r.n- OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO.. 3212 Harney St. Tyler 2314. Tiresand Supplies GUARANTEED TIRES" H PRICE, Mad with two old Urea, 10x3, 21.(0; aaxsii, J.x&. "2-In-l" Vulcanizing Co., 1611 Davenport St. Agents Wanted. - Dougla 2914. TIRES AND TUBES AT HALF PRICE. New 30x1 Firestone. 17.00: SOxlVt. lis. New 10x3 H nonskld Lee or Firestone, 111. Kalman't Tlrt Shop. 1721 Cuming. D. 6831. Fixtures and Wiring? TiTTRKTM; fc'eotrlo washing machines, JJUAVXYXll ,iotrlo Irons and reading lamps. cumtng it. lougl 261. Jewelry. LlAiUVnUO nrlvlleae to buv back at small profit. GROSS, 403 N. 16th St, T-I a t A a m ir tinuui vadiiigt, SWITCHES mad from combings, 31 to 11 Madam Wilson Halrdresing and Man Icurtng Ptrlnr. lElt Pouglaa. Upstair. Household Specialties. a F. ADAMS. 623 1. lth. P. 2007. Under new management. We want to e old friend and meet new. Open Sat. evening. rour credit ta good. Agent wanted JLumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beam, columns, brick. H. oroas -Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web, 3S84. Massuers. MISS BART LET, inaueus at th Central nam wsmut. 1&01 Harney. Doug. TC07. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandel Bldg. Office Phone Tyler 2000. Re. Harney 4741. Mr. J. P. Mualck. sulphur, steam and euca. lyptu Hatha 408-1 Rot Bldg. Ty. 2361. Optical Goods. 204 N. 16th St. Phone Red 3627. SEE US AND SEE BETTER. Dr. L. C. Laraen. Dr. A. B. Tarbox. Oxy Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding on AH Metal H. W. LEVERING. 301 S. 12th St. P. 1571. Printing and Office Supplies. Watem-Barn hart Ptg. Co. 624 S. 13th St. Plumbing 'and Heating. TOPP A CO, 1715 Vinton atreet. Ftotnblng ana neaung; general repair work our specialty. Ott burner expert. Tyler 1H1. VOW Whit poodle dog. FlndVr return to 3214 R fit., 8. Omaha. Reward. GARNET brooch lost Sunday, valued a a gift. Reward. Webster 4010. o8T Small black ledger In north part of city. v OaU Tyler J0(7. V.K . ... Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and old. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Ill Brandel Bldg. Pougla !. STURGKS 8TURUES, U. B. and foreign patent and trandemark. 33 -Bee Bldg. Papering and Painting. PAINTING AND FAI'EKlf ANG1NU. Pai-er ont-half price. Call 1L S0JO, . TIRK price wreckers. Thlt Is no 2 In 1 tlr WiUtllflATiU.N TIRK FACTORY 11031 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb, BUY Let Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tires ana eliminate your tire troubles. Powell I'K'J .uw. xninnitl cl. TIRES at halt price. O. A O. Tlr c., till Leavenworth St Auto Repafring and Painting. uu wards, JE. 8., 261 N. 10th St. Web ster 1101. For best results with repair wm rename us, 1100 reward for magneto we cah-'t repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer. 210 V. 11th. Motorcyclet and Bicycles HA RLE Y- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used Machines... Victor H. Boos, The Motorcycle Man. 37th and Leavenworth.' BUSINESS CHANCES MANY EARNING FROM v 11.300 TO 110.000 A YEAR. Learn th Investment aecurlty bualnen; opportunity not limited to big cltlea; our Inatruetiona thow how anyone, anywhere, -can make good money; no capital re quired ; honesty and ambloo necessary. Write for details. Krlecel A Co.. Invest. merit Bankers, 137 S. La Salle St.. Chicago. FOR SALE Good paying 3-chalr bibber nop ana tobacco business; leaving city, R. Tuttle, 1836 Q Bt.. So. Side. FOR SALE Firat-clas rasUurant doing a good business. In Missouri town ot (6,000. Address Box T-201 Omaha Bee. . MOTION plotur machine (new and re built), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange. 101 8. ltth St. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Wetter Sup. " P'y Co-. 201 Nat. Bldg. TO GET in or out of bushiest call on GANGESTAD. 141 Be Bldg. Doug. 3477. YOUR buslneat or real estate handled for sale, r. v. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. POWD SALE AND 'AUCTION CO.. 1121 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3216. 4 Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete line moving picture supplies. Bwanson A Nolan Supply Co., 104 8. 14th. PERSONAL THE Salvation Anny Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, 'maga sine. W collect. We distribute. Phone Dong? 413S and our wagon wtll rail. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U4-1U3-1114 .. Pudge St. .. ' ..... ... .-, .. Day work wanted by col. woman. Web. 1760. WASHING and lace curtain done. Ty. 11447 Day work and bundle washing. Web. 172 f. Wahlng ft Ironing don at home. Wal. 2260. Laundry wk. by exp. col, lady. Web. 6200. BUNDLB wtthlng wanted. Webs't"e"r3613"'. COLORED woman want day work T 1636W COL, lady want day wk., any kind. Ty. 26(3. Day work bundle washing delivered D. 1412 WANTED Bundle washing H 1747 HELP WANTEDMALE -Stores and Offices. WANTED Young- man to learn the advertising business; must be ener getic, have good appearance and education; good salary while learn ing; rapid advancement as soon as you show ability. Apply Room 104, Bee Bldg. J WANTED Thoroughly experienced book keeper for automobile concern In Sioux City, Ia.; one with automobile experience preferred; must btf able to furnlth bond; good future for right party. Write L. C 1'ulks, care ot West hotol. Sioux City, I a. Full partlculan In first letter.- , BOOKKEEPER 1100.00 TIMEKEEPER (Pkg. House Exp.). 110.00 HOTEL STEWARD v 1100 and Bd. OFFICE BOY 40.00 BTENO. (Beginner 0. 00 THE CANO AGENCY. (00 BEE BLDD. WANTED A young man. married pre ferred, who lan't making 116 a week who wants to make that much and who isn't afraid of any kind ot work. Th Tanto rlurn, 16th and Jone Sta. STENOGRAPHER (Real Estate) 175-lV Stenographer and Bookkeeper (amall of fice 376. Ledger clerk (short houn) 135. CO-OPERATUTB REFERENCE COMPANY. 1016-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg. USE OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE in se curing a position. Always a large Hat of vacancies. v THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-10 W. O, W. Bldg. WANTED. We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND ' MOTORMEX. Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person-at of- fices of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED A tint-class shoe maker, one that can stitch on a Champion machine; wages 125 a week fr a good fast man. 'Address p. J. Schreefer, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Boys over 11 to learn len grind ing and wholesale optical traje; good chance for advancement. Apply Taylor Jenkins Optical Co., 664 Brandel Thea. Bldg. I WANTED For permanent position. Packing house butchen able to work on cattle, hogs and sheep. State salary. Address P. O. Box 1322, Fresno, Calif. WANTED Furniture warehousemen, help en and packen. Lincoln Fireproof Stor age Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Two all-around machinists. 26 for 13-hour day. Apply Geo. Bushly, Pax ton Hotel. 8 a. m. t WANTED AT ONCE Baker for hand skop. Must be sober, tellable, good wages. Bon Ton Bakery, Greenfield, Ia. HELP WANTED MALE' Miscellaneous. WANTED An ambitious young man for warehouse work. Chance for advancement ypljly superintendent Carpenter Paper Co. FREIGHT HANDLERS, good pay. steady work. Excellent opportunity. Advancement. Adams Express, Burlington Station. FREE shipments south dally. 8. 10th. Apply 322 V, HELP WANTED FEMALE Storet and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS wanting bank positions should consult us, for we are the BANK POSITION SPECIALISTS, always have numerous positions open In country banks. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO.. 1424 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. STENOGRAPHERS , Bookkeepen Biller WATTS REF. CO.. ..75, 166, 250, 176, 160, 140 160 .166 1138 1st Nat'!. Bank. TEACHERS WANTED, GOOD SALARIES. WRITE OR WIRE YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY, 101 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND. ORE. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, .beginner, 136-140. , THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. TV, Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, 186-190. " WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN1, an riret National Bank Building. fcTENQCRAPHER. good position. 156-160. THE MARTI CO. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions1 and Trades. WANTED 12 ir!s for packing and labeling. This is nice, clean work in a new, daylight factory. SKINNER MFG. CO.. 14th r.nd Jackson Sts. FOR RENT- HOUSES West. The Coronado Apartments 22d and Capitol Ave. New, beautiful, 2-room apartments, with 3-roora accommodations, now ready; fin proof building; all apartments outside rooms and contain built-in bed, dresser, refrigerator, incinerator and other modern conveniences; refined neighborhood, large and attfactlv lawu; 1 minutes' walk to 16th and Farnam treet. Rent 139.60 winter. 133.60 summer. Benson & Myers Co., Agent, 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 746. . North. FOR RENT. New modern oak bungalow near Miller park. Large lot Near school and car. 327.60. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., Realton. Douglas 3140. 4-ROOM cottage, 2812 Davenport St., 113; -r. modern except heat, 1611 Manderson, - 116; 6-r. strictly mod.. In Bemls Park ad dition, 1703 N. 34th, 122.60. Harney 1983. STRICTLY mod. 6-r. cottage. Pratt St, 126r Strictly mod. 4-r. flat. North 18th, 111?. Phone Doug. 420, Webster .1230. ' . 4138 NORTH TH AVE.. 6 iooms. 112. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. 136 7-R. BRICK house, modern; walking distance. Res. 2545 Capitol Ave WANTED 1 boiler maker at once; steady employment Fremont Foundry & Machine Co.. Fremont, Neb. LEARN barber 4rade, low ratea now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Pougla St ESTIMATOR Marble and tile. Omaha Bee. Box 6766 WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. 832 H 8. 10TH BT. APPLY WANTED Press feeder. 106 North 13th St Male or famale. Salesmen and Solicitors. HARVEST HAT SALESMAN World's largest maker; wonderful spe cialty side Jlne; exceptionally good; retail 16o to 76c; small sample case; would place Hue In certain territories; also a few openings for exclusive men; state flnt let ter line carried and exact territory cov ered Best reference required. Commis sions liDerai. jjeiK J, tr. u. box xm, Bt Louis. Mo. WAWTED Advertising solicitor for classified work. One who has had experience preferred. Apply Room 104,Bee Bldg. A REAL opportunity for a man with ability and th ambition to earn more than jutt a salary. No one without previous success ful sales experience need apply. Excellent territory open which must be filled at once. See Mr. McGovern, the Adder Machine Co., 308 w. u. W. Bldg., Omaha. IF you have 1100 cash and would like to get into me selling game in your spare time without Interfering with your present em ployment and earn 125 weekly, call eve:, nlng between 7 and 10 at 1231 Flnt National Bank Bldg. Ask for Mr. Strong, WANTED Two salesmen; must tie able to meet the public; 124 per wee to those who qualify. Apply 212 Balrd Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED at one, a firtt-clats luncheonette man, write ti. . Maim, v;naaren, eo. Teamsters and" Chauffeurs! - TEAMSTERS STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY. SUNDERLAND BROS. CO., 20TH AND HICKORY STREET8. WANTED A chauffeur. References re quired. Telephone Walnut (26. Trade Schools. M0LER BARBER COLLEGE. . Men. women, learn the barber trade; few week complete; pay while learning. Catalogue tree. Ratea now on. Call or writ 110 South ltth St., Omaha. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In tlx weeks, no book; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. BOTH men and women to learn the barber iraae. special rates. Call, or write. 1402 Podge. N TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, . - 2060 Farnam. Boys. WANTED 4 boy over It who want worn; good, iteaay job. ' SKINNER MFG. CO.. ' 14th and Jackson. to CAN USE 2 OR 3 MORE BOYS; $1.71 PER DA TO START; GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; ALSO 1 HAND NAIL ER, PIECE WORK OR DAY WORK. OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. v WANTED Boy over 18 to learn len grind ing ana wnoiesai optical trade; good chance for advan?ement Apply Taylor Jenken Optical Co... 664 Brandel Thea. Bldg. . t WANTED Boys over 11 to learn the trade. Steady work. OMAHA ATJTO TOP, 702 S. 16th. WANTED Boy to learn sign- painting. W. n. noaenoaum. job ratterson Blk. OFFICE BOY WANTED NaUonal Refln- mg uo. Miscellaneous. THE Nebraska Telephone company offen an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local" anoV long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement, good wages. X sal ary Is paid while learning. I Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially Invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 JJouglas at. WANTED Experienced dressmaker, waists, skirts, dresses. Exp. . only need apply, Rm. 24. Pattenon Blk., 17th and Farnam. LEARN barber trade. 1402! Dodge St Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework; small house; good wages; nice room; mall family. Call morning lit North 30th. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work In family; must be good cook; ref erences required. Mrs. Rose, 130 North 39th St 4-ROOM modern, second floor, with barn 112. 2620 Seward St. D. 282. 5 -ROOM bungalow, oak finish, strictly mod ern. Phone Webster 4228. South. 610 S. 24TH AVE., 6 rms 127.50 809 S. 31st St., 6 mis 30.00 1604-8 Georgia Ave., 8 rms.-, 30.00 2408 St Mary's Ave.. 8 rms...... 35.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 332 Securities Bldg. , A 8-ROOM modern flat, good location, easily neateq. 8328 Harney St. Doug. 2450. 6-R. HOUSE; close in; modern except heat 111. 811 S. 31st. Harney 2705. Miscellaneous. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for amall child. No washing. , if tha Birchwood. Phone Walnut 81 WANTED Competent maid for general nousework. Good wages. Small family, n. do. iss s. jjzna Ave. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle-aged iaay preferred. Two In family. Dr. Lin coin Kiley, wisner. Neb. GIRL to work for room and board, 1 block from high school; man kept for hard wora. Douglas 6162. n WANTED Girl as cook or general house work. Good wage. Harney 2162. Apply ai Jdl o. ilflin i. A COMPETENT white girl for general nouaeworK. sin uoage street II. 1870 WANibu Laundress two . days a week. vainut Bza. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy. WANTED Good cook; 210 per week. Mrs, J. l,. Kennedy. Walnut 625 WANTED Competent girl housework. Harney $698. for general GIRL for general housework; no waahlng. rnona walnut 3689. Miscellaneous. WANTED A lady assistant In bath parlor. experience unnecessary. Apply 709 So. inn ac apt. 3. Call Doug. 7040 HELP WANTED 7T Male and Female. OMAHA government clerk examinations No vemDer 14, 190 -month: hundreds wnnteri ample questions fre. Franklin Institute, uept. 237 J, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Lobby porters, maids, bus boy uu uirara men., nensnaw notet EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL, v NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotvnv. tvnewrlt. lng, telegraphy, civil service all commer- clal and English branches. Catalog free. UUYUiS COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 11th and Harney Sts. Van . Sant School ot Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . - Douglas 8890. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL . 20TH AND FARNAM Special low ratea ' to permanent gueata - Hotel Neville l""0-: ltfiL.- 0 TV J' "" ". lOin & DOClgetelephon in all rms. CLAREMONT INN. 17th and Jackson. Transient guests. 11 day. - Permanent gueats, 25 week. Doug. 2735. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackson. Transient guests, 11 day. : Permanent guests, 16 week. Doug. 2735, STEAM-HEATED room 22 wk., also apts. with kitchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. MODERN furnished rooms at tha Sunshine apartments, equipped for light housekeep lng; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rates. Offlc 601 N. 17th St. WANTED Man with practical experience aoio io taae cnarge or sraoKe souse In new and modern packing house. Permanent position. State salary. Address P. O. Box n;x. rresno, cal. BOOKKEEPER (who eaalel 176-I10. ri.lm Clerk 176. OHlco clerk (railroad) 140. Of- xice ooy I3. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE COMPANY iois-1 city Natl. Bank Bldg, WANTED Billing clerk and office assist. ' ant; competent at figure; 166 to start with; chance for advancement Apply v-unany racKing o., Htn and Jones. WANTED Young man with packing house sKPtrience capaot oi rilling testing clerk's ptwiiion. otaie salary. Address P. O. Box , 3za, rresnet Cal. BOOKKEEPERS 110, 1S5,- (80, 176, 165 c.irnogrpner , (S5. 180, 175, 1(5 Office Clerks ,J(5, (50, (40 wAi-ra ltsr. CO., 113S 1st Nat't Bank. STENOGRAPHER and clerk. ISO WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., up r inn jxanonai Hang Building. LEDGER clerk by large wholesale house. Good pay and chance for advancement Address 7400. Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. MECHANIC WANTED. FIRST CLASS MECHANIC FOR WEST ERN TOWN: EXCELLENT WAGES TO MAN OK ABILITY. CALL R. K. LARSON. BETWEEN AND ( THURSDAY P. M., OR AND 3 FRIDAT A. M.. AT FONTE-NELLR ELECTRICIAN WANTED For Inside wlr- ing, merer reading and line work, for elec trro lighting plant In town ot 4,000. Give experience, references and salary expected in flnt letter. Steady position for the right man. Intermountaln Ry.i Lt A Power Co., Auburn. Neb. - TWO young men who want to learn sales manship; good pay while learning: your chance to- connect with a large, growing corporation; rapid advancement to right parties. Call in person Frldaj after 3 tu. at 701 World-Herald Bldg. i .' . ' : I WANTED ? , LABORERS! Tyigea, 25o l(r hour. Mime and one half fop" over eight hour. Day and night work. Apply Wltherston Engler Co., Chicago A N. W. Elevator Co, Council Bluffa. It. ".0 X. NICE room with alcove and 3 large closet, near 3t car lines. 15 minutes walk down town. Hot water heat, no other roomers. reasonable. Harney 6918." -r LABORERS. Laboren wanted. Apply J. C. Mardts Co., 1th and Douglas Sts. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLES. APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. UNION STATION. WANTED Young man of good charaeter who would care to learn the storage bat tery work. Good opportunity. 2203 Fan. - am St WANTED TWO GOOD MEN; STEADY WORK. APPLY OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO.. 21TH AVE. AND SAHLER. WANTED First class man for hog cutting department ot nacklntr house, state irv Address P. Q. Box 1333. Fresno, Cat ATTENTION, farmers. If Sou want help ,ire can Supply you. Bluff Citv Emnlov- tnentUureau, tlik W. Broadway. P. 1JL. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete deacrlptlon of vacant room In all part ot the city. New list issued every week. . RAILROAD MEN ATTENTION. In private home ;warm steam-heated room; plenty of hotvwater at all time 31 month. Phone Douglas 6832. FOR RENT A large front room In new, modern, itrlctly prhate home, to a lady; poara it aesirea; rer exch. Harney 2235. SMALL family with comfortable home wish to rent room to desirable young lady or a sisters, iter, exchanged. Box 6115 Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In private, modern home, on Harney car line. Gentle men preferred ; boanl optional. Web. 4051. PARK AVE., first-class in every respect; room and breakfast, (4. H. 1201. MODERN, eaat room for one or two people employed. 4310 Harney. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN, furnished, suited to small family; steam heat. 4018 Lafayette. Wanut 1903. 1611 HOWARD, Steam heated housekeeping rooms. Board and Room. GOOD board, nice comfortable room in pri vate mod. home, reas. 713 N. 20th. R. 6336. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FOR RENT Furnished apartment Will release on account leaving town. Very - desirable, completely furnished downtown apartment, rive rooms, aun parlor and bath. Rent 255 per month. Telephone. Harney 66(8 between houn 2 a. m. and t p. m. v Houses. GOOD 6-r. mod. house, nicely furnished; cioae in, sau cnicago, m.&Q. -r., ,2420 Pierce. Baby Grand piano, house mod. ex. furnace, 135. HASTINGS A HBYDEN, 1614 Harney St 8-ROOM modern house, partly furnished, 26. MfPtter 164. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HOUSES AND COTTAGES. . y ' PARTLY MODERN. 1-H. 501 Martha St 110.00 6-R. 632 -North 17th St 16.00 6- R. 5016 North 42d St 16.00 7- R. 2505 Pierce St 25.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7-R. 1916 North 27th St ..118.00 7-R. 1909 California St 26.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R. 922 South 31st Ave 6- R. 623 South 26th St 8-R. 223 Park Ave 8-R. 3901 North 17th St 7- R. 924 Soulh 33d St 7- R. 1026 South 30th Ave.... 8- R. 669 South 26th Ave.... 8-R. 621 South 19th St 8.R. 3716 Lincoln Blvd. 9-R. 2910 Dowey Ave... 9-R. 1919 Chicago St.... 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 0-R. 147 North 31st' St FLATS. TARTLY MODERN. i-T? 911E Mn.k 4.4,1. a. 1Q-R. 705 South 13th St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. STOECKER, 823 SoutB 24th St. 4-R. Apt. "A" (25 and 132.50 TORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. Offices with HOME BUILDERS ..125.00 .. 27.50 .. 30.00 .. 30.00 .. 35.00 .. 36:00 .. 35.00 .. 40.00 .. 4Q.0O .. 35.00 .. 35.00 .. 40.00 . . 65.00 .112.50 330 strictly mod. 81-m. house, near Bemls pk. 125 trictly mod. 6-rm. cottage, Pratt St. 120 st-ictly mod. 6-rm. flat, N. 18th St. 117 mod ex heat, 6-rm. cottage, 31st St. 113. 6-im. cottage, mod ex. ht, S. 11th St. EDW F. WILLIAMS CO,. Doug. 420. HOUSES in all parts of the city. CREIGH, SONS & CO., 608 Bee Bldg. ' FOR 'RENT APARTMENTS '- ' ' West. ' . THE ST. ftEGIS - APARTMENTS 37TH AND JONES STREETS. New, beautiful, strictly modern, fireproof building with 4-room, 6-room, 6-room and 9-room accommodations all apartments well lighted and ventilated and all hav gas stoves, refrigerators, kitchen inks. etc., Installed. ' A number of garages and room for ervants will be available. . The St. Regis 1 located In the very heart of . the exclusive West Farnaim dis trict, ' between two car line which fur nlsh excellent service. 1 Building open for inspection aft ernoons between 3 and S o'clock. Bankers' Realty Investment Company, Ground Floor Bee Bldg., Rental Agent. Douglas 2926 any day after 8 a. m. wan ior Mr. a. K, Burr. WE can suit anyone wishing a close-in thre oum aparunenc, as we have one at 25th Ave and Harney Just vacated. Thl 1 an outside third floor apartment, and la a dandy. In a fine apartment house, best of Janitor service, water, heat, etc. 131.50 per month In winter or might furnish for right party at 110. per month more. H&PFUKU.JQHN8TON CO.. Douglas 1140. 5-R. NEW, mod., 207 Paxton Court bet 25th " in oi., rignt orr Douglas; gat range, refrigerator, window shades: cur tain rods, all furnished; no car fare; good cond.; 132.50. 6-R.. 615 S. 26th Ave., close-in. excel lent cond.; nicely dec, 130. 8-R.. 2703 Lake, hot water heat, good cond., 22. -'HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. tfi-; UU apt- ,n "a". 115 N. 33d. A.,;.,., H-rjr rnqice, consisting of five large rooms and Murphy bed In largt dressing room, which' means 6-r. apt Has sun parlor; all oak and white enamel finish; everything In connection with the build lng flrst-clas and up-to-date. Call us for appointment SYHr,VA.RGKS'r RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS , HEYDEN. 1614 W.rn.y ' ST. HI. AIR 24th and Harney. 3 and 4-room apart ments. Call Harney 647. ARTAlKNTS. all sizes and prices, splen: fit! lnsaf nn Dili. n 1 ' un ana raraam. D, 1472. North. 3 or 6-rT, steam-heated flata. Red 4819. South. LOOMIS APARTMENTS, ' 30th Ave. and Mason Sts. Six large, airy and comfortable rooms; very conveniently arranged. Thl apartment has separate entrances and front porch and Is located in an excelUnt neighborhood. Rent 147 50 GILBERT C. LOOMIS, 105 McCague BMg. p0ug. 870 OftH A a . . . . . ikiiw Apt. in s-.argo blk., 4 rraaT j. ji. ac.AjiK.il uu, D. 8406. STEAM heat Abt. In Scargo blk., 4 rooms. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8406- Mi&cellaneous. CLOSE IN, 2-R. apt. with large dressing! room anH llTiimkif t..J . ... . ' ---'.".j . limning j-il. apt. practically furnished; has window shades curtain rods, built-in chiffonier: linen 'etK m.'r,ror door: " ran"' refrigera tor, built-in cupboards, and bed. which necessitates only a very small amount of furniture to complete this apt. ready to move Into. new. Berkeley, 649 S 19th Hr.HV11 ,umm", 137" winter. Hastings A Heyden. 3614 Harney St J PETERS TRUST COMPANY " Specialists ia Apartment Management FOR RENT Business Profe'ty Stores. "JM JL"TK "T.-OPP. PostSfficeTThls. i.nirrn atore rooms w th full base, menu to let January 1. will enlarge PlaTi lass fronts to suit. For full pa'ticSur. El B InveaLent Co 3.2 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Donrl.. jS71; TLiri r e d vi . . u 7. ... "L,u. an.a easement; 624 S. 16th -"ioi ana Wyoming Invest. m?.n' Co.' frandcl Theater Bwi Douglas 1671. Theater Bldg. i MODKRN- store. 16th. near Chicago, 175 mo! ... ciuouins, lBin Ch rain K, World blORb room. Sun Theater mr Realty. Realtors. IX 5342. Office and Desk Room. MR?-? viLts ,X OMAHA. FIRST TRUST Cft ROOt 'tOO. JOPhoTn.uiUg,:a1,A7,u "cniviridTnt PURINA CHICK FEED. egg-produc4ng. scratch and mash, Irar Johnson, Fre mont, tfeb - WANTED TO RENT Office and Desk pnn . .lt-" L'ght desk Bide: tHC "Vf"i P"1" Be 7( QuabZ jjT "o. Addrew Bog 76. t .