ARTMENTS REAL ESTATE- IMPROVED I REAL ESTATE B'neas Pr'pty Apartments JWpitol Ave. jl 2-room apartments, with commodations, now ready All apartments outside .tain built-in beds, ilrwsrr, iuclntrator and other modern 61 grounds; 8 minutes walk and Farnam sts. Kent, a? iu ti 3. 50 summer. (ON & MYERS CO., (Realtors) 4S$ Omaha Nat l Bank Bids. Poug. 746. rHE ST. GEORGE. P1ST & DODGE. 1 Splendid 5-room apart- ment on first floor. 2 I y U rooms, a!) rea' rooms, I I (set West Farnam dls I aistrlc. 45 and 147.60. PAYNE & SLATER I CO. Beautiful 6-r. Apt.. 115 n. 33d, idaiin, NEW, up-to-date, large living room with built-in bookcases, opening into sun t'jun, which Is heated; dining room, which iias built-in bed; large dressing room, which has built-in rhlff jnler and wall "ts; large bedroom with two closets and tnirror door: kitchen and Dam; extra l-'ctric appliances In every room; two Itrge closets In hall; linen closet In bain; oak and white enamel finish. With out a doubt, one of the best and choicest parttMiiitu for rent In the city. b ummer, 165 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG CY, Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. l-r. APT., witit 6-r. accommodations, con ; alsting of large living room, with built-in bed anj dressing room, which has built in chiffonier, dining room with built-in bed, kitchen and bath, NEW, very choice, The Dewe, 3301 Dewey Ave., ?37.50 sum.. $45 winter. See Janitor, 115 N. S3d. Otll him at Harney 1945. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CY, 1 I Hastings & Heyden, 161 4 Har. Ty. 50. TIZZARD TALARIS t(.TBAU.. 1 or 4-rra. apt., tila bath, halls, steam heat, electric lighting;. everything the :est. Tel. Red 4232. Office 22IU4N123d St. CLipE IN, NEW Apt. In the Royal, 313 S 21th; one left, 4 rooms, wLh Murphy bed and dressing room, which has built-in chiffonier, making practically a 5-r. Apt., has large screened porch. See this to day. $42.60 sum., $50 wlnKr. OMAHA'S LARGEST REN ,'AL AG'CY, Hastings & Heyaen, liin nar. ly. o. ST. CLAIR. 24th an-1 Harney: 3 .'nd 4-room apnrt- menta. Cal I Harney 647. APARTMENTS, all slaes and prices, apien- J location, 14th and Farnam. D. 1471. North. NEW 6-room Apt., second floor, ateam heat, winter rate. $32.60, Apt. 8, Maple Court, 1816 Maple Bt. Telephone Douglas 2802. 8 or 6-r. steam-heated flata. Red Ui. ' r South. STEAM heated apt. in ocaigo um. " E. H. Benner Co. D. 8406. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT JANUARY 1. Two modern store rooms with full base ments, 121-133 North I6tn street, jpp. kPostofflce. For full particulars as to-this Mesirablo location see Nebraska & wyom- ng Investment Co., 322 Brandeis l neater llullding. Douglas 1571. I 1 1 1-123 N. 16TH ST. Opp. postoffice. These lvo modem store rooms with full base ments to let January 1. Will enlarge plate Inns fronts to suit. For full particulars "e Nebraska & Wyoming Investment Co., 22 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. RES-STORY and full basement, steam- eaterb store. 126 ft. by 22 It. wiae; in Irst-clsss shape to. a term of years. 1216 (St. ine Bourgeois -u., uiimiiu, FOR RENT, .oreroom. !410 Cuming St., $30. ..FRED C. KENNEDY CO. (Reaj.'tors). lUglas 722. 205 3. 18th St. IE and basement, 2615 Leavenworth, $22. v store and base.. 2419 Leavenworth, $50 JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. Near P. O. 4718 S. 24th St., south side. K. H. Brenner Co. D. 8406 STORE room Sun Theater Realty, Realtors. D. 5342. 4004 N. 24TH-Store, painted: $15. Bldg. World 20x60; interior newly Office and Desk Room. FINEST OFFICES IN OMAHA. FIRST NATIONAL BANIi BI.DG., FIRST TRUST CO., AGENTS, ROOM 400. r- .. r1 - WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and House WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency oi our rental service. If ', you want to keep your places rented see "Payne A Slater Co.. "Omaha's Rental "Men." 816 Om Nat Bk Bldg. Doug. 1U16. LIST your homes with us for rent. demand is good and we have a waiting list. J. H. DUMONT & CO. (Realtors.) , 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 690. i MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Pack'.ng, storage and mov'ng. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug- lae 1H, North. WE WANT AN OFFER ON 972 NORTH 26TH ST. This is a modern two-story house of Si ven -rooms, with furnace heat. Have just finished papering throughout and varnishing and the house is in good re pair. Located top of the hill: Kant froi.t, paving all paid. Has been rented at $20 but now vacant: would be cheap at $2,000 but owner wants an offer. Easy terms can be arranged; Investigate, then sea us. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) Douglas S962. $19-20 City National. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. All modern, oak finish, $300 down, bal ance monthly. This Is a bargain. See us at once. Travers Brothers, 819 First Na tional nan jiag NEAT North Omaha cottage. $1,850. Small payments. Phone Doug. 4268. South. HAX5COM PARK BARGAIN $6,500 HOME FOR $4,900. Seven fplendld rooms and ba'h, piano finished oak woodwork, fireplace, book cases, scats, cabinets, etc., foundation brick and tile: also fully floored attic; garage; lot 50x140; spetlals all paid; only one block to car. CSB-ORN'E REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Hank Bl.lg. Tyler 496. BRAND NEW HOUSE. 5-room house brand new. just being completed, at 2805 South Itth St. Prlci $3,600, easy terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-12 Brandeis Theater Bid J. ONE 6-room and one 4 room cottage, both on one lot; fine condlt i. ; live In one anu rent the other Price for both, $2,760 Very easy terms. No. 2435 S. lutb 8t. NORRIS & NORRI8, 400 Bee Bldg Phone Douglas 4270 Miscellaaeous, CLASSY BUNG ALOW V Five-room bungalow, clasay outside and rslt. Price $3,860: reasonable term BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 643 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. LET me hfiow you rr.y brand ' new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent oca. tlon. A real bargain at $3,850. liea sonable terms. Call Owner, Doigls 1722. FOR SALE One acre, 6-room modern house, two docks from school and street car; $4,501.. terms. S. S. & R. E. Mont .-orrery. 213 ,'ity National. ' W. FRNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Doug. 1314. J. J. HULVIHILL, Realtor, 2" rirandeis Theator Bldg. Douglas . FOR RENT, Bale or trade. 14-room brick residence with, furniture for sale. Kountze Place. Phone Wabsfer 2592. R. S. TRUMBULL 1306 1st Nat: Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. Fidelity REAL ESTATE Investment FINANCIAL REASONS NECESSITATE SACRIFICE SALE of my future building Lite at corner of 65TH ST., FARNAM ST. and HAPPY HOLLOW BLVD. 32H4 FT. FRONTAGE ON HAPPY HOL LOW BLVD., 65TII ST. AND FARNAM ST. For the above reasons I offer this piece of ground, which, in my opinion, la a rhoice building site for a fine residence, nnd superior to any Bite left In the west end of the city. One block from Dodge St. and faces Elmwood Park. Beautiful homes being built on all adjoining prop erty. It will be necessary to make a per sonal inspection of this property to fa mllinrize yourself, all of which go to make up a convenient and Ideal spot to build a home. Will make someone a bargain price if taken in the next two or three days. Address Box 8629. SEP; US FOR INVESTMENT AND I SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR Investment or home see us first. In t) real estate bustmss over 30 years. t ''by oar experience. McCague In vi .ent Co. " Acreage. VALUABLE garden acreage, close to town. For sale or trade Inquire of Dr. Todd, 403 Brandeis Blilg.. Phone Douglas 2922. REAL ESTATE To Exchange Ft).1. SALE, v will consider trade on the following: 320-a. imp. farm, Clay county, Souui Dakota: 320-a. Imp. farm Cedar county, Nebraska; 80-a. imp. farm Audu bon county. Iowa: nearly new 6-room house, Oi 'aha Paul Peterson, 362-4 Brandeis Tnunlcr Bldg . Omaha. Tel. D. l:(80 or Wal. tf.06 HAVE a six-room, strictly modern house in a good neighborhood which I will sell taking one or two building lots as first payment. , Would consider a clear or near ly clear four-room property. The house is about four years old Just one block to car, has a full lot and in excelltnt shape. Box 8628, Bee. WE have a client "ho owns 640 acres In Sioux counly, Neb., represented as having rj sand or rock ard oyer 800 acres good farm 'and. ' Price $20 per acre. Will take a good residence in on this land. E. P SNOWDEN & SON., 423 S. 15th St. Doug. $371. REAL ESTATEWANTED I:aVE splendid clear building lot, north part pf, city; would like to put in as first payment in 5 or 6-room mod'rn home; state location of jour property in answer ing. Bo 837G, Omaha Bee. WANT farm for nearly new double brick flats bn main thoroughfore. rented $70 a month; Iwould lll.o 80 acres, eastern Ne braska, Improved. Box 8676. Omaha Bee RENTAL DD SERVICE . Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant house and apart ments. Also fot storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. DESIRABLE store rooms, - modern front metal ceiling, steam heat. $24-628 So. 1Mb. St.; alse 33x60: caa be subdivided; low rent Conrad Young, 121 Brandeis Theater Bldg., Douglas 1571. YO'-'NO DOHKRTY, City Real Estate. Douglas 1571. 33 Brandeis Theater. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. Our Special Discount AND Clean-up Sale OF WEST FARNAM LOTS Begins today and continues for this week only. These lots are within almost walking distance of tho business center of the city; all are within one to three blocks of the West Farnam and Dundee car lines: and every lot has sewer, city water, sidewalks, gas, and shade trees. Paving now being done on most of the streets. Some cf these splendid building lots will be sold as low as $345 $25 Cash Now la the time to buy. Phone Douglas (074. and let us show you these bargains. SHULER & CARY, (Realtors) 201-6 Keellne Bldg. North. Ml.NNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 14th St., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be sold. Call owner evenings, Walnut 70. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. TWENTY ACRES JUST NORTH OF BENSON WELL IMPROVED , $7,500 This lays nearly level. About 17 acres farmed; 200 fruit trees; (-room house; good barn and new poultry house and hogs shed; one-third fenced hog-tight. Rea sonable terms can be arranged. Call Ty ler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney Street. Fine Corner Acre Benson Gardens Half in Fruit $10 Dowri-$10 Monthly Thla lies up well. Only one block from paved road and free Jitney route. Apple, cherry, peach trees; gooseberries, raspber ries. Price $1,000. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 60. Dundee, REDUCED FROM $7,000 TO $6,250. Nearlr new, thoroughly modern, brick and stucco, 7-room house, built for a home. Fine place, buffet, kitchen cabinets and other built In features oak floors throughout, oak woodwork downstairs, white enamel upstairs. Deal with owner. Walnut 1141. HOMES and borne sites In Dundee. SHULER A CARY. 204 Keellne. D. 6074. South Side. STEAM HEATED Apt., In Bcargo Blk., 4 rme. E. H. Benner Co., Douglas 8406. Acreage. ACREAGE SNAP One of the finest acre tracts in Omaha; faces 2 itreets; large 6-room bungalow; oak finish; full basement; furnace heat; Home fruit and all kinds of garden space; H block from car line and Miller park; 4 blocks from Miller Park school. This place was built for a home by owner. Wo also have another acre tract with u 7-room house, modern except heat. If Interested In close-in acreages with all city con veniences, gee ua at once. Payne Investment Company (Realtors) E87 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. CALDWELL ACRES. Our new acreage addition southwest of the Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter acres; easy teims. THE BYRON REED CO. Phone Douglas 397. 312 S. 17th St. FIVE acres west of Elmwood park, Ideal auburban home alte; could be subdivided. There Is a real future to this. Let me show you. Telephone Walnut 8466. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty yean; Interest 6 per cent, IVi por cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb SIX per cent first mortgages secured by improved real estate located in Omaha. K. H. LOUGEE, INC., 38 Keellne Building. DIVIDEND8 OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. Cne dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDO. ASSOCIATION. $1,200 MTQ. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually, secured by mortgage valued at $6,100. Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortagage loans. City national Bank Bldg. . METROPOLITAN VAN AND 1 STORAGE CO. I Expert services; prompt attention. You .'moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Ceitral Furniture Store, ' 17th and Howard. Tel. Douj. 7786. 1. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. afl Separate locked rooms tor household . tj goods and pianos: moving, packing and V shipping. fa OMAHA VAN ND STORAGE CO., 803 S. 18th. Douglas 4166 Globe Van an4 Storage Co. For real aervlce In moving, packing and storing, call Tyif-r 230 or Douglas 433S J. C. REED 1207 Farnam St. Express Co.. Moving Packing and Storage. Web 274S Doug. 6146 OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING Large van. two men. $1.60 per hour. MAGGARD'S STORAGE CO Doug UH. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. FINE modern seven-room Dundee home with garage, corner lot 50 and D&venport, large shade trees, everything in first class condition, price. J5.006. 203 Morris Apts.. 18th and Dodge sis 4 ROOMS, city water, electric llghtr. 2 large corner lots, southwest of Hanscnm park: $li)0 cosh, balance monthly. Wat nue 3466. 16-ROOM. house. --. -H located. 4 blocks from 24th ant. Farnnin. on easy terms, or will rent to responsible party. Owner at 2526 Dodire St WEST Farnam district. i3,i)i). ti-room modern hom--. i-hoicelv located, east of 36tr. F. li. AV. .-I. 310 s. 18th St. $200 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 4!"". 70'. Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payment ha parties waiting Western Real Estate. 4'3 Karbarn Blk P $07 CALL BROWNE The acreage specialist can sell or exchange. Doug. 2819. SHOPEN 4 CO., PRIVATE MONEY, $100 to $10.0C0 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Ste MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE North. AFTER looking at Ml.XNM LUSA 300 dif ferent buyurs decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they banked their judgment by buying lots. IF i'OU will cume out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha- Nat'l Dtink HIlp Tyler 187. CARPENTER'S. ATTENTION! Move right into a iroo.l comfortable C room cottage nrar Milkr Park and com plete It afterwards; only $50 cash re quired. Edward F. Williams Co.. Realtors. tOi'i Omaha, Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 420. FOR SALE The best 32cre farm in the Red River Valley of Western Minnesota. This farm is well im proved and is situated two and a hal miles from city of Crookston and one mile from the state experimental farm, on a graded ahd gravelled road. Has three feet of good black soil over a good sub-soil. Will raise thirty bushels of two dollar wheat, or, two hundred and fifty bushels of potatoes per acre. Is well droned an$ good alfalfa land aid will raise goocj corn of an early variety. Crookston is a town of about 15,000, has good schools and churches and two main lines of railroad. This farm is priced for a quick sale at $90 per acre. Good terms, and I might take in some clear in come property. Answer quick if you want a real bargain. ( S. S. MELCHERT, Bloomfield, Iowa. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages, OMAHA HOMES EAST NED. FARMS. O'KEF.FE R. E. C. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg Kt? MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. V V i Omar- Nat. Bank Bldg. C1TT GARVIN BROS.. V LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk Rldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS at BON. Keellne Bldg LOW RATES C. Q. CARLBERG, 31$ Bran dele Theater Bldg D. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 1,720 ACRES on Niobrara river, mix miles from railroad town: 700 acres g.oa, level farm land; 250 acres In cultivation; 160 acres of Niobrara bottom, part of which Is the best of hay land: balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, well grassed River and Boar creek furnish ail abun dance of stok water, plenty of timber for fuel and fence posts, as well as affording protection for stock. Improvements located in a fine native grove in the valley and consist of 6-room house, two barns, silo and other buildings. School house located on ranch. This Is a well-balanced ranch. Our price $16 per acre; easy terms. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., S45Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALEimproved section In Kimball county. Eight miles from town, $7,000 worth of improvements; 160 acrea In fall wheat, sixty acres In alfalfa; price $36 per acre If sold soon. Write W. L. Bates, I .odge Pole. Neb. VERY choice, level 400 acres improved farm, 8 miles from Omaha. Price $2(0 per acre. Would rent to right man for three years. W. 8. Blackwell, Harney 718, 3618 Farnam St., Omaha. FOR SALE 480-a. farm, li mllea fr,om Sparks, Neb.; Improvements fair, t( a. cultivated, 2(0 a. pasture, balance hay land; $10 per acre; easy terms. L. Box 136, Norfolk, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you The Hungerford Potato Growers association. 1Mb. and Howard Sts., Omaha Douglas S71 If C Farm loans, Washington, Douglas, i'O Sarpy and Cass Co., Neb. Bee Paul Peterson, Financial Correspondent for the ?onn. Mut. Life Ins. Co. Prompt service. FOR SALE Cheap, my Improved 16-acr farm near PonSa. Neb., easy terma If desired. Address Dr. C. W. Olllln. $16 f. L. A T Bldg. Sioux City, la. A FIRST-CLASS 320-acre farm, 4Vs mllea from Ha.'tlngton, Neb. Well Improved and all good land, will sell or exchange. See O. A. Kull. Oakland, Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C. J Canan. S!0 McCague Bldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Bange. Jordan valley project. Oregon, 44,000 acrea Irrigated land Free map. Next ex cursion November Cth. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 140 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND. Wyoming farms. Henry Levi and C. M. Rylander, 864-6. omana National hank. Texas Lands. LANDS ut fair "Slue assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to aettle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas, immediately adjacent fine mar ket. Farming and dairying demonatra tion under our direction. Only improved lands offered for sale. If you want to own a farm, write for Booklet J, Agricul tural Dept., Chamber of Commerce, Hous ton, Texas. . GOOD corn land, Ease Texas. $26 an acre. Oot my free book. W. S. FRANK, $01 Neville Block. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total coat. $$.$0. $40, 6 mo.. Indorsed notes, total coat, 11.80 Smaller, large am"ta proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 43S Rose Bldg.. lth and Farnam. Ty. $ LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $$40.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy ?40 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 119$. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and Jewelry loana at ISi and 2 per cent. W. C. Flatau: estab. 1892, 6th floor Rose-Securlllea Bldg. Tyler $60. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harrv Malashock. 1614 Dcdge. D. 661t. Est. 1891 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Michael J. Naylon and wife to Jo seph Hanley, Cass street, $6 feet east of Twenty-sixth street, north Bide, 3Jxl43 $ .$00 John Moore and wife to Thomas Ruckor and wife, Forty-fifth street, 620 feet south of Cuming street, east side, 62x165 1,1(0 J. E. Larson and Wife to Hattle L. Weldon, Twenty-seventh avenue, 216 feet north of Spencer stroet, east side, 40x112 1,400 Ella Byrd to Mary A. Eddy, south west corner Twenty-third and Q streets, 50x125 1,900 Sarah TS. Ulmer to Ralph E. Solo mon, Twenty-ninth street, 60 feet south of WooWorth avenue, west side, 60x102 $,600 II. M. Widney, guardian, to Eliza beth M. Shahnn,' southeast corner Eighteenth and Ohio streets, 42x 117 100 County treasurer to Harry D. Reed, southeast corner Eighteenth and Ohio streets. 42x117 Harry D. Reed to Elizabeth M. Sha hnn, southeast corner Eighteenth and Ohio streets, 42x117 1 Theresa Peterson tt al to Leo T. Han kins, northweBt corner Thirty- eigncn street anu joeuiora avenue, 80x134 i. . lOW Security Land and Improvement com pany to Paul H. Ellis, southwest corner Forty-first and Hamilton streets, 44x130' 1 Frank B. Helntze to Paul H. Ellis, Lafayette avenue, 40 feet west of Forty-first street, south aide, 40x 150, 4,600 Homestead company to Charlee Swopes, northeast corner Clarke and Lucas streets, Benson, 140x121 1,750 Ottls Nllssn and wife to C. George Carlberg, Forty-sixth street, 40 feet south of Wirt street, west side, 40x 125 Mary Piska and husband to Stella A. Mandevllle, O street, 90 feet west of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 60x120 Homestead company to Cleopba Ste phens, Drexel street, 257 feet went .of Thirty-third street, south side, 40x134 Ernest Sweet and wife to J. A. Noris, northeast corner Swcetwood and Dewey avenues, 71x53 Randolph S. Johnson and wife to Soren Hansen, Izard street, 200 feet east of Fifty-first street, north aide, 60x136 Martha A. Withnell to Myrtle C. Green, Harney street, 310 feet east of Thirty-third street, north aide, 84 xios Jeanette Gregory to John C. Nlela, Ames avenue, 200 feet east of Six teenth street, south side,, 60x120... Nathan R. Hart man and wife to H. W. Harrington, Seventeenth street, 101 feet south of Fort street, west side, 60x128 Jennie E. Hpanggarrd to Nela Peter Nelson, Reed street, 276.2 feet east of Florence boulevard, south aide, 277x184. Thomas J. Flynn et al, executors, to Katherlne E. Burke, Cass street, 172 feet east of Twenfy-slxth atreot, eouth side, 92x116 , 6,800 Rhoda A. Rogers and huxband to Wil liam II. Smalls, Nineteenth stroet, 123 feet north of Lake street, east side, 30Hxl49 2,JoO i'eter s. Theurcf et al to Nathan Lande, Sixteenth street, 132 feet north of Nicholas street, west side. 44x140 j,. l,70J (76 1,600 236 33,181 1,(00 30,000 ISO 1,260 I (7$ 2,2(0 Kansas f'lty Live Stork Market. Kansas City, Oct. 30. Cattle Receipts, 18.000 head; market steady; prime steers, tl3.6016.75; dressed beef steers, $11,009 16.00; western stcors, $x.noi813.00; cows, $5.S010.00; heifers, $6.6012.60; atockers and feeders, $6.76012.00; bulls, $6.00 7.75; calves, $6.6013.50. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; higher; bulk, $1.0P31.0; heavy, $16.25 16.70; packers anu butchers, $16.O016 60; light, J15.25W16.3.'.; pigs, $14.6016.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; market strong; lambH, $16.25017.00; year lings, $12 0013.60; wethers, $10.50 12.60; ewes, $9.00 11.00. Plonx City Live Ktoek Market. Sioux City, Oct 30. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $8.00 15.00; fat cows and heifers, $6.(09.00; fanners, $5.256.25; atockers and feeders, $7.6012.60; calves, $7.0fr12.00; bulls, stags, etc., $8.257.60; feeding cows and heifers, $5.768.60. Hogs Receipts, $,600 head; market 10 to 10 cents higher; light, $15.76016.00; mixed, $15.90016.16; heavy, $16.001.25; pigs, $15. 6019. 60; bulk of sales, $l(.9u?SlJ,16. Bheep and Lambs Receipts 7Q0 head; market 10 to 15 cent higher OMAHA LIVE STOCK Better Run of Cattle Boosts Prices; Trading in Hogs Active and Higher; Sheep 25 Cents Up. Omaha, October 30, 191T. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 12,766 2,147 16,961 Katlmate Tuesday .... 9.900 2,700 16,600 Two days thla week..:.66 4,847 81.461 Same daya last week. .27,(01 7,17 67.691 Same days 8 wks. ago. 33.629 8.070 $,64 Same daya 1 ks. ago. 26.076 6.SHJ 37.973 Same days 4 wks. atfO.SO.MI 6,622 80.764 Same day last year.. 27.(77 16,898 41,364 Recelpta and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for twenty four hour ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, li t 1. C, M. ft SI. P.... 4 Missouri Pacific .. S I 1-1 Union Pacific .... 74 4 66 $ C. & N. W., east.. 6 4 O. N. W.. west., 176 12 IS 4 C, St. P., M. A O.. $ 1 C, B. Q., east.. 10 ,. 4 ('., B. A Q., west. .174 11 C, R. I. & P.. east 1 .. .. C R. I, P.. west T 1 Illinois Central 1 .. ., Total receipts.... 463 $7 84 8 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morrla ft Co 733 Swift Ik Co .....1,160 Cudahy Pack. Co.... 1,635 Armour & Co 2,508 Schwartx A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pack. Co.... (9 8. O. Pack. Co 8 Wilson Packing Co... 63 W. B. Vansant Co.. 198 Benton, Vansant A L 104 Hill ft Son 230 K. B. Lewis 390 Hunslnger ft Oliver 71 J. U, Root ft Co.... 68 J. 11. Bulla 124 Buresa 202 Rosenstock Bros. .. 319 F. O. Kellogg 295 Werthetmer ft Degen 389 Elli 99 Sullivan Bros 126 Rothschild ft Krebs 78 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co 213 Christie (6 Hlgglns Huffman 1 Meyera 16 Glassberg 12 Baker, Jones & 8.. 197 Banner Bros 73 John Harvey (44 Dennis ft Francis.. 131 Jensen A Lungren.. 90 Other buyers 2,034 Totala Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 278 (00 418 (19 162 86& 95 660 1.4(8 956 14.491 11,188 2,743 18.(60 Cattle Recelpta were about 12,000 cattle, and the quality of the offerings was rather better than recently. Competition for the good weight and good quality steers was stronger than It has been for several days, and the market was active and a shade higher all around. No good cornfeds wero on sale but packer paid a high as $13.00 for choice range steers, and the general mar ket for beef waa 1016o higher for the two day. Improvement in cow and heifer was even more marked than In beef steers and the two day advance ha been fully 15 26c. There was considerable activity In tocker and feeder and the market wa fully 10 4(1 5o higher for the two day on anything at all desirable. Ordinary light and medium weight kind have been In liberal supply and ilack demand at price that are at least no better than the latter part of last week. Quotation on rattle; Prime heavy beeves, $16.00016.60; good to choice beeves, $14.001(,00; fair to good beeves, $12.00 13.50; common to fair boeve. $7.0011.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.0016.(0; fair to good yearlings, $12.00014.00; common to fair yearlings, $8.(011.00; prime heavy grasa beeves, (13.0018.(0; good to choice grass beeves, $10.001.(0; fair to good graas beeves, $9. 0010.00; common to fair gras beeves, $7.008.60; good to choice heifers, $7.(04.00; good to choice row, $7.7(9.0O; fair to good cow, $6.267.(0; common to fair cows, $6.00(.8(; prim feeding steers, (10.(013.00; good to choice feeders, $8.(0010.25; fair to good feeders, $7.268.2(; common to fair feeder, $6.00 7.00; good to choice atockers, $8.609.60; stock heifers, $6.60 8.00; stock cows, $6.00 7.25; stock calves, $6.0010.00; veal calves, $8.0012.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.507.50. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Ay. Pr. $ 693 $6 76 11 761 $7 (0 14 761 7 60 10 802 8 00 1 ..776 8 (0 ..12(8 12 (0 4.. ..1007 10 35 Hog Receipt, of hog today were again light and trade at the opening wa ao- tlve. Outside buyer wore taking a fair upply of hog and both packer and ship pers paid prices that were anyway 16 16e higher than yesterday. Toward the close, however, with some six or eight load unsold and hog also reported back, the market weakened, The beat price today wa paid for hogs averaging around 275 pounds, which sold for $16.60, with the bulk going at $lfl.2516".60. Representative sale: 1 No. At. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 39. .173 ... $16 IS 76. .213 40 $16 ii tt. .270 100 16 30 72. .239 70 16 40 66. .307 70 16 45 30. .261 120 16 (0 68. .240 80 1 li 10. .268 40 1$ 60 Sheep Anything In the line of fat sheep or lamb wa active thla morning at price that were 26c or more higher than yes terday. Best fat lamb here reached $17.15 and fat cwea brought as high a $10.76. Feeding ewes also sold 25c higher, best reaching $9.90. The demand for feeding Iamb was a little slack and while opening ale were steady the market had an eas ier undertone. If anything. Nothing real good waa on tale. Best price reported wa $17.26. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.26 17.26; lambs, feeders, $16.6017.(0; lambs, culls, $ll.(016.26; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.60 13.00; yearling, feeder, $13.00 13.25; wethers, fair to choice, $11.0012.60; ewes, fatr to choice, $10.0010.7(; ewes, breeders, all agea, $10.60 13.60; ewes, feeder, $7.60 10.00; ewe, cull and canners, $5.007.26. Representative aales: No. Av. Pr. 113 South Dakota lamb (0 $1$ 75 100 Wyoming feeding lamb.... 60 1$ 75 86 cull 89 15 00 123 Wyoming feeding ewe .... $5 8 75 94 native lamb 81 16 76 St. Louis Uv Stock Market. St. Louis, Oct. 10. Cattle Recelpta, 7,500 head; market higher; native beef ateer, $8.0018.(0 yearling teers and heifers, $7.6016.00; cows, $6.00 10.06; atocker and feeder, $6.60011.60; Texas and quarantine teers, $6.75010.50; fair to prime southern beef iteern, $9.90 12-.76; beef cow and heifers. $8.00S10.00; prime yearling steers and heifer, $7.601Q00; native calves, $5.50 14.76. Hog Receipts, , 6,000 head; market higher; lights. 86.0016.80; pigs, $13.60 16.26; mixed hd butcher, $16.00 17.00; good heavy, , $16. 8617. 10; bulk of aales, $16.0017.0. Sheep an-1 Lambs Recelpta, 2,200 head; market aYrong; lambs, $ 1 3.00 16.90 ; awe, flO.C067Vl.25; wether, $11.5012.50; can ners, (i.008.60. ''Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Oct 10. Cattle Receipts, 17,000 head: market steady; prime fed ateers, $1(.C016.76; dressed beef steer, $11.00 16.00; western steers, $8.2513.00; cows, $5.6010.00; heifers, $6.6012.60; tockers and feeder, $7.0012.00; bull, $6.007.75; calve, $8. 60013. 00. Hog Receipts, 9,000 head: market 6c higher; bulk of sales, $16.0016.60; heavy, $10.30016.70; ;acker and butcher, $16.20 16.60; light, $15.6016.60; pigs, $14.65 15.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 6,000 head; market strong; lamb, $16.00016.80; year lings, $12.00013.60; wethers, $10.60 12.60; ewes, $9.0011.0. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 30. Cattle Receipt $.000 head; market, steady; native ateers, $6.75 17.00; western steers, $6.2013.70; atock ers and feeders, $6.0011.50; cows and heif ers, $5. 60012. 10; calves, 88.00 lb.ou. Hogs Receipt 17,001) head; mantel un settled, 20 cents above yesterday' average. Bulk, $io.6018.80; light, $14.85 16.80; rtilxed, $15.3516.9Q; heavy, $16.16H.80; t-ough. $15.1615.46; pigs. $11.00014.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000 head; larket, strong; weiners, 86011. 40; lamb, 91z.4o0ri.eo. rna ewes, St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph. "Oct. 30. Cattle Receipt, 6), 000 head; market ateady; steers, $8.00 1(4 00; cows and heifers, $6.25012.75. 1 Hogs Receipts. 4.000 head; market high er!; top, $16.60; bulk of sale. $18. JO 16.10. Bheep an$j Lambs Receipts. 2,000 head; market higher; lamb, $11.60017.60; we, $60010.65. . Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa., Oct. 10. Turpontlne: firm, 49ic; sale 133 bbl.; receipts, 276 DDI.; hlptnent, 791 bbl.; tock, 24,249 ddi. Hoisin, linn: aie vum. ,ci-i..-, 1.2961, bbl.; shipment. 1,275 bbl.; stock. 79,904 bbl. Quotations: B, D, $6.066.10; V t(!iB7i 10; F. 16.1006.12: Q. $8.12ftO 1 6.15; ( II, I, $6.15: K, $ 40; M, $6.66; N, lU0tl WO. $7,45; WW, $7.60. Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. jYes'y. Corn. Dec. 1 14 1 14 114 1 14 114 May 1 11 1 12 111 1 11 111 Oat. Dec. 67 67 (T (T (T May (IK 69 69 69U 69H Chicago .2:30 prices, furnished The Be by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broker. 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Ar't."'" Open. J High. Low.j Close. Ye'y Corn. Jan. 1 1 1 1H 110U 1 1H HU Dec. 1 18 1 19 118 1 18 118 May 1 13 1 14 113 1 14 113. Oat. Dec. 68 (8 (8 68V ($tt May (0 $0 69 60 (0 Pork. Oct. 41 00 42 00 41 (6 41 (( 41 00 Jan. 40 (0 41 00 40 90 40 96 41 00 Lard. Oct. 24 85 24 85 24 (( 14 (8 24 10 Jan. 22 45 22 47 21 26 13 26 32 40 Rib. Oct. 28 16 28 25 21 2( 11 2( , 21 it Jan. 22 15 22 23 05 11 05 1 21 17 GRAIN ANHRODUCE Arrivals of All Grains Light; Cash Yellow Corn Jumps Five Cents Despite Slow Trading. Omaha, October 30, 1817. Arrivals of all grains were extremely light today, only 68 cars reported in. Wheat re ceipts outdlstancul all others, a total of 81 earn of this cereal arriving and these were diverted to mill In the local tone. Cash corn trading waa rather slow, a few sale of yellow corn being disposed of at a 6c advance, while a few cars of mixed went at ycstornlsy's unchanged price. There was only a light Inquiry from buyers while sellers seemed to be Inclined to hold their o.'ftrlngs for a better price on the late strength In the option. No. 3 and No. 3 yellow sold at $2.02, while the No. $ mixed old for $1.94. Receipts amounted to only 8 earn. The oat market followed that of corn, and only a few trades were made, these lairs bringing generally a cent more than yesterday's. There wa a great ahsenco of export Inquiry and local buyer showed no particular interest fur tnts article. Sales of the (tamlard grade were made at 58 He while the No. 3 grade sold at the same figure, and a few cars of sample went at (8c. Arrivals of this grain totaled 36 cars and a few of these were left unsold. Rye and barley were steady, and receipts unimportant. There wern n sales of rye reported, and only a part car of barley was sold, this grading No. 8 malting and brought $1.20. The market on the whole was very inactive due to the unusually light receipts. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 237,000 bushels; oats, 360.000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 1.050,000 bushela and shipments 477.000 bushels, against receipt of 1,774.000 bushels and shipments of 802,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 216.000 bush els and shipments 83.000 bushels, ngnlnst receipts of 607,000 bushel and shipments of 135,000 bushels last year. Primary oat receipt were 1,(28,000 hush els and shipments 8(1,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,836,000 bushels and shipments of 941,000 bushel last year. Wheat. frn. Oats. Chicago 143 122 569 Minneapolis 297 Duluth 246 Omaha 81 8 26 Kansas City 69 21 (4 St. Loul 67 29 17 Winnipeg 769 These sale were reported today: Wheat No. 3 dark hard winter: 1 car, $2.13. No. 1 hard winter: lara, $2.11. No.' $ hard winter: 1 cars, $2.09; 1 bulkhead (1 per cent rye), $3.09. No. 6 yellow hard win ter: 1 car. $2.01. Sample yellow hard win ter: 1 bulkhead, $1.90. No. 1 dark northern spring: 1 car (smutty), $3.14. No. 2 dark northern spring: 1 car (smutty), $3 14. No. 2 northern spring: 8 cars, $2.1$; 1 bulk heads, $1.11. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $3.09; 1 car (smutty), $3.04. No. 1 red spring: 1 car, $2.07. No. mixed hard red winter: 1 car (30 per cent hard red spring, 70 per cent hard red winter, (.6 per cent barle), $2.00. No, 1 durum: 1 car, $2.15. No. 1 durum: 1 bulkhead, $2.09. Mixed common and red durum: 1 car (11 per oent hard red spring. 89 per cent common and red dur um), $2.13. No. 3 mixed common and white: 1 car (smutty, 10 per cent spring. (0 per cent white, $0 per cent durum), $2.04. Barley No. 3: 1-6 car, $1.20. Corn No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $3.01; 4-$ car, $2.00. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $2.01. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.96; 1-6 car, $1.94. No 3 mixed: 1 car, 1.94. No. 4 mixed: 1-1 car (old and new). $1.80, No. ( mixed: 1 car (new), $1.60. Oats Standard: 12-$ ear,$$e. No. $ white: 6 care, 68 He Sample white: t cars, 680, Omaha Cash Price Corns No. 1 yellow, $2.0001.01; No. 3 yellow, $3.001.02; No. 1 mixed, $1.(31.(4; No. I mixed, $1.93 I. 94. Oats: No. 3 white, 680(9e; atand ard, C868c; No. 1 white. 6868o; No. 4 while, 6.vAf58c. Barley: Malting, II. 10O114; No. 1 feed, $1.0601.14. Rye: No. 2, $1.7101.71; No. 3, $1.701.71. Omaha futures Mew York General. Market. New Tork, Oot. 80. Flour Easy; spring patent, $10.(011.26; winter patent, $10.65 O10.90; winter straight, $10.1510.(0; Kama freights, tll.KOll.40. Corn Spot, easy: No. 1 yellow, $9.16; No. 1 mixed, (2.13, 0. I. f.. New York. Oats Spot, dull; standard, 66 a. Hay Firmer; No. 1. $1.30; No. 2, $1.20 $1.26; No. I. $1.061.10; shipping, 0(6c. Hops Easy; state medium to choice, 1917, 75082c; 1916, nominal; Paclflo coaat, 1917, 3588c; 1916, 2025c. Hidea Steady; Bogota, 41c. Leather Firm; hemlock first, 67c; sec onds, 55c. Provision Pork, unsettled; mess, $47.60 048.50; family, $48.00049.00; short clear, $48.00062.00. Lard, barely steady; middle west. $25.40026.60. Tallow Steady; city special, loose, 16o. Wool Strong; domestlo fleece, XX Ohio and Pennsylvania, 70c. Rice Strong; fancy head, lH9o; blue rose, 8c. Butter Weak: receipt. 10.027 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 4446c; firsts, 1244c; second, 4142c. Egg Steady; receipt, 11,981 case; fresh gathered extras, 4647c; xtra firsts, 44 46c; first, 4043c; seconds, 16039c. Cheese Unsettled; receipts, 2,88.", boxes: stats fresh specials, 23. 023a; state, aver age run, 23c. Poultry Dressed quiet; chickens, 3036c; fowl, 1826c; turkey, 2436o. Omaha Hay Market. Hay Receipts light on both pralrl hay and alfalfa and the demand oontlnuea good. Market higher on all grade of hay. Choice upland prairie, $21.00; No. 1. $10.00 O20.00; No. 2, $16.00 17.00; No. 1, $10.00 14.00. No 1 midland. $19.00 20.00; No. 1, $16.00 017.00. No. 1 lowland, $12.00014.00; No. 2, $10.00 O11.00: No. 2. $8.009.00. Choice alfalfa. $27.00; No. 1, $24.00 26.00; standard, $22.00 23.00; No. I, $19.00 21.00; No. 1, $16.00018.00. Straw Oat, $7.008.60; wheat, $7.00 $.00. MlnneapoU brain Market. Minneapolis. Oct. 10. Flour Unchanged. Rye $1.76 1.77. Barley $1.041.2S. Bran $30.5013.(O. Corn No. 1 yellow, $2.0(2.07. Oats No. 3 white, 67 68 lie Flax $3.141 3.16. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City, Oct. 30. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.971.99; No. 2 white, $2.112.12; sjo. 2 yellow, $2.002.01; December, $1.19; Jan uary, $1.16. Oat No. 1 white, 10o; No. I mixed, 5! Si 59c. St. Loul Grain Market. St. Louis, Oct. 30. Corn No. 2, $2.00; No. 2 white, new, $1.98; December, $1.22; May, $1.13 01.14. Oats No. 2, 5961c; No, I white, (0140 SO He. NEW YORK STOCKS, Appointment of New German Chancellor and Unfavorable Statements of Earnings Disturbing Elements. New Tork, Oct. 10. External develop menta wern again the disturbing and un certain influence In the stock market hert today. Latest advices showing the extent of Italian defeat were supplemented by the re stricted measure adopted by th Canadian stock exchanges, appointment of a new German chancellor, and publication of sev eral unfavorable statements of earnings, notably that of the Canadian Pacific road, which disclosed a net decrease of almost $1,400,000 for September. Canadian Pacific was tho storm center, falling 6 points to 132 during the morning on the temporary suspension of operation In the Montreal market. From this mini mum the stork rallied to 135, closing .1 point under that quotation at a net losx of 4 points. Other rails, especially tranx contlnentala and the western division, yield ed 1 to 3 points. Cnltod States Steel moved with the ac tive list, ranging from 1014 to 103, It--final quotation of 102 representing a tie; loss of of a point. Other steels recorded extreme reactions of 2 to 6V points. Among the prominent equipment and cop per groups recessions extended from 2 to ', points and In the case of New York A i r -brake, a 12-potnt decline was largely nin.l up. Final prices were from fracttuns to 2 points over lowest levels. Sales amount,-, I to 980,000 shares. Bonds worn heavy. Liberty 4s ruling lit par to 100.02 and tho 3a at 90.94 to 9(1 .!i:. Total salis, par value, aggregated $4.i!fn. 000. I'nlted States bonds, old Issues, wrn unchanged on call. Number of sales nnd quotations on hail ing stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close Am Beet Sugar.. 200 74 7:1 TO Am. Can 8,900 40 39 .19". Am. Car ft Found. 3.100 65 2',4 63'-. Am. Locomotive... 1,500 66S, 66 a 56 Am. 8111. ft Ref... 8,700 K3V 81 81'-. Am. Sugar Ref In,. inn 1 03 102 1n2 Am. Tel. ft Tol... 1,000 113 112'j 113 A-m. Z L. ft 8.., 800 14'i 14 13i Anaconda Copper. 14.100 62 Atchison 2.400 93 61 91 61 92' A. O. ft W. I. 8. S. 6,600 100 97 it B. ft Ohio H. ft S. Copper... Cal. Petroleum . . . Can. Pacific Central Leather .. Ches. ft Ohio C, M. ft St. P C. ft N. W C R. I. ft P. ctfs. Chlno Copper.. 19' 191.. 12' 13 2d' 42' J.inu no iiti bulj 400 20 200 13 42.700 138 m 134'. 13.800 70 6Hli 70 2.300 60 48 49 3.700 46 44 45 "i 600 99 99 ill' 3,600 20 iff. 1.800 42 42 Colo. Fuel Iron 1.000 37 86 3d Corn Prod. Ref... 8,200 29 27 2K'i 18,900 64 61 4 62', 2,800 29 26 2si- 9,800 36 .15 36 "C 13,100 16 15U 15?, 3,600 1.11 128 180 34,000 879 87 84', UK". fit. No. Ore ctfs.. 2,200 27 261, 27 Illinois central .. i.ntio 103 ssi, jji. insp. copper x.noo 44 Hit, M. M. pfd.. 80,400 103 44 Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar. Diet. 800 F.rle Gen. Elnctrlo .... Oen. Motor fit. Northern pfd. 43 42 99 1. inu micaei 7, zoo 27 26 26 Int. Paper 2: Kenneoott Copper. 2.800 33 32 32'', Loul. ft Nash 1,300 117 116 llfii maxwell aiotor .. 800 31 30 ,11 T.700 83 81 14 82ti 400 81 30 31 ,UU0 26 Max. Petroleum Miami Copper .... Missouri Paclflo . . Mont. Iower Nevada Copper... N. x. Central 26 70 17T4 71 li 8 600 18 18 2.700 71 V 71 N. T., N. H. ft H.. 1,000 26 26 U Nor. ft Weatern... 1,400 106 104 106 northern paclflo . 1.200 (4 (3 93 Paclflo Mill 1414 Pennsylvania .... 1,500 (0 60 60 Plttaburgh Coal 46 Ray Con. Cop 1,200 22 22 22 Reading 18,(00 71 70 71 Rep. Iron ft Steel. 7,800 76H 7 76 8hattuck Aria Cop (00 11 20 10 80. Paclflo t.000 16 86 86 Bo, Railway 1,00 26 26 26 Studobaker Corp. 1,600 17 37 87 Tex Co 4,900 141 138 140 Union Paclflo .... 1.500 118 117 117 IT. 8. Ind. Alcohol 2,700 114 111 114 V. 8. Bteel 160,000 10) 101 102 TT. 8. Bteel pfd.... 1,600 111 112 113 Utah Copper 14,000 81 79 80 U Wabash pfd "B", . 400 11 21 31 Western Union ... 600 85 83 84 Westing. Electric. 4,100 43 40 4l'.j Total sale for the day, 980,000 shares. CHICAGO 41 BAIN AND PROVISIONS Trader Mostly Mark Time Awaiting Move meal of New Corn. Chicago, Oot. 10. Corn traders a a rule marktd tlm today, awaiting a liberal move ment of new corn. Price closed unsettled, at $1.1$ to $1.11 December and (1.13 May, M off to a Ilk advance aa compared with yesterday' finish. Oats gained to cents. Th outcome In provisions varied from unchanged figures to 66 cents decline. Temporarily, corn seemed to hava been old to a standstill, so (ar at least a futures deliveries wera concerned. Commission fcouses and floor trader Were said to have been snaloualy backing effort to prevent undue Inflation of price and had reached a tag where the market needed a balance such as would be afforded by Increased stocks. At first today, cold weather that seemed likely to stop damage to corn, tended to ease the market and so aid Wall street weakness, but the effect was counterbal anced later by talk of Increased feeding demand and by advice that the movement of th8 new crop had been much hindered by now. 1 - 1 Oat developed a lltlt firmness, owing to lightness of rural offering. Provision Went a ssg after an early ad vance, The Initial strength was associated with an upturn In quotations on hog. Later, however, realising took place, seemingly be cause of announcements of government con trol of meat prices. Corn No. 2 yellow, $2.11l.ll; Nos. :! and 4 yellow, nominal. Oat No. 1 white, 8((0c; stand ' 6061c. Rye No. 1, $1.781.7$. : Barley $1.10 1.84. Timothy $6 607. 50, " Clover 118.004U24.00. Pork Nominal Lard $24.82. Rlb $27.75. gutter unchanged. ' EKg Higher; receipt, 7,261 eases; flrKla. I $738c; ordinary first, . 18ffl$7c; at mark, cases Included, 28 38c. Potatoes Receipt, (0 car; unchanged. Poultry Alive unsettled; fowls, 13 17 He; spring, 17c. ' New York Sugar Market. New Tork, Oct. 10. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, (.90c; molasaei, (.02c. Re- fined steady; fine granulated, (.860. THE TRUTH ABOUT OIL AND MINING In Colorado. Wyoming, Kama and Okla homa. If you want th honest, straight from th shouldsr fact about what i actually taking place in thi vaat field of wealth and investment lend for a copy of CDtr thi independent, reliable journal OIL & MINING AGE BOX 391 -N. DENVER, COLORADO. rilbk Wyoming Oil Field. Send for it Thermopo'is Oil Brokerage Co. Thermopoli, Wjro. GIBSON CONSOLIDATED COPPER CO. Right in the heart of the famous big copper mines of Arizona that rt-oduced $80,000,000 in copper last year. The Gibson Mine has produced over $2,100,000 of rich ore, averag ing more than 20. It has been mined in a primitive way. The mine produced $35,000 in copper last month. With the contemplated improvements, at the present prices of cop per, $800,000 annually it is estimated will be added to the income. This wilj, bring the earnings up to $1.25 on each share of stock. Stock now being offered at $2.00 Per Share before active trading on the New York Curb. The officers and directors are men of high standing, manufactur ers, bankers and merchants; the profit possibilities are sensa tionally brilliant; the offering of stock is limited. WRITE TODAY for full information. . ROGERS, NORTON & CO., 43 Exchange Place, New York City. W. A. LAMSON, Lamson Broo. & Co., 6 Board of Trade, Chicago, III.