8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 28, 1917. NO STOPPING THE New Home of the U. S. Rubber Co. AMPRIP.iN ROTORS! Now Being Built For Omaha Offices IllllJJlll Villi UVUU1U11M Sergeant Hanley Tells of the Fighting Qualities of Men of Different Nationalities in the War. Sergeant Hanley, one of tlie thir teen survivors of the Princess Pat Canadian regiment, who will lecture on the war at the Auditorium Octo ber 30, in an interview, nude the fol lowing statements regarding the fight ing qualities of the various national ities on the western front: ' There ; re various classes of fight ers, each seen to fight according to the nature of tiie ground or training they have received in their native land. The Canadians and Americans are very similar in their methods, the old Indian tighter instinct showing up very strongly in them. "The English and French and their colonists arc in classes by themselves and each is placed where they are most advantageous. "In the beginning of .he war, the Canadian troops lost lots of men on account of their over-anxiety to fight. They warned to go over the top and the idea of sitting quietly in the trenches with the enemy shelling them from seven miles distant, with nothing to do but to take it, did not appeal to them, with the result they were careless and exposed them selves recklessly and were the victims of thousands of German snipers. Patience Is a Factor. 'Tatience is as big a factor in this war as enthusiasm and it is one thing the American troops will have to learn, or their losses will be heavy until they learn it. Discipline is an absolute necessity; orders will have to be obeyed or disaster will result. "The cockney, the London Kng lander, makes a wonderful soldier under shellfire. He will calmly stand cooking his mulligan with the shells dropping all around him and with as little concern for thein as if be was I ' I M3'trr rrr m m v& flT fff I n I Li) tyj m t m rm ro ffr rrnxiTf ni Ht FT ft, 1 id. rK Km r "ft Tm mi H t SJf- ' rFD f-m rrn TP, ft BEING ERECTED AT NINTH AND DOUGLAS .STREETS OMAHA in bis home in London. He can sleep as peacefully as a child in the dug outs with a hell- bedlam of shells dropping all around him, and is very calm and very little excited in an assault, which makes each man ca pable of using' good judgment in in dividual fighting. "The Frenchman makes a wonder ful soldier and stands sell fire more calmly than was expected of him. In an assault he shows firm determina tion to avenge himself for the de vastation of France. The French colonists, the Moroc can troops, are adversaries which the Germans do not wish to contend with in hand-to-hand fight. They disregard their guns and resort to their knives, which are more effective in band-to-hand encounters. They invariably win their objective, but have to be well supported, owing to their habit of throwing -way their guns, as they arc unable to hold a trench after they take it without rifles. "Over enthusiasm will he the great est factor the American officers will have to guard against in their troops, to prevent useless loss of men, be cause the Yankees will go into the fight with their do-or-dic spirit, which has made them the greatest factor iiti the world. I heir ability of readily adapting themselves to conditions will overcome this after they realize what it means. I have seen their fighting ability displayed by members of my regiment who are Americans, and there is no question but what when they get started, nothing will ever stop them." Farewell Reception to Morris. A farewell reception was given El mer Morris by his brother, Dr. Craig uMorris, at Dreamland hall, last night. The gathering was in honor of the de parture of the honor guest for war service. Year-'Round SedanTwo Sizes and Two Styles Year-'Round Cars In New Mitchell-Made Designs Among the 19 Mitchell body styles are some new year-'round models. That is, convertible models Sedans aad Coupes where the side windows disappear. Cars for all weathers,' all seasons. They are fast becoming the most popular types in existence. The Coming Types There are numerous styles a large Sedan and a small Sedan, a Club 'Sedan, two Coupes and a Cabriolet. They are open cars when you want them. But they instantly change to closed cars, or to half-closed, when you wish. In summer they protect one from wind and dust and rain. In winter they arc snug closed cars of a most luxurious type. More and more they are taking the place of Roadsters and Tour ing Cars. 1 1 in " mm 19 New Creations Sixes TWO SIZES $1525 The Mitchell line now offers 19 - new style bodies. All are designed by Mitchell experts and built in Mitchell shops. So every design is dis- tinctive. i nis new body plant saves us a large sum on each car. This saving is spent on luxuries and beauties which are very rarely found. All. the best attractions you find elsewhere are combined in a single car. Our designers ex amined over two hundred late models, so nothing has been over , looked. Mltfk.tll a roomy 7-pan.nx.r 8 Ix. with 1 It-Inch wherltma. sntl n hlchly developed 4B horsepower motor. Three-I'BMenrer Komlotrr. ft 490 Club RotuUtrr, $1580 Sedan. tt-7S tobriolrt, l(IO CouM 92135 (tub Sedan, ItlM Also Town Car and Umou.ine. $1250 Mltcbrll Junior a 1 or S-pita-enter lx on almllar llnea, with 110-Inch wheelba.e and a 40. horsepower motor. U-lnch mailer bore. Hub KoadMer. $UM tied an, i.io Coup, f 1830 All Price, tab. Hartne. Any Mitchell design will im press you as a masterpiece of its typp. And the 19 styles form the largest line of like class in motor dom. Mitchell Extras The Mitchell has extra strength. It is built to the stand ard of 100 per cent over-strength, which is twice the usual margin of safety. In three years all our strength stand- . ards have been dou bled, to make this a lifetime car. The Mitchell has 31 features which nearly all cars omit. Things like a nower tire pump, reversible headlights, shock - absorbing springs, etc. It offers at least 20 per cent extra value, compared with . other cars in this class. All this because of factory efficiency, due to John W. Bate. It saves us millions of dollars yearly. And these mil lions go into better cars. See what such things mean to you in a car you buy to keep. MITCHELL MOTORS COMPANY, Inc. Racine, Wis., U. S. A. J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. 204852 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 138. Our Semi-Annual SALE of EMM At Prices Astonishingly Low Market quotations on Linoleums today are sky-high and indications are that they will cost even more later on. Bur lap, linseed oil and cork, which are the three principal things used in their manufacture, are higher than they ever have been, to our knowledge. Linoleum For This Semi-Annuai Sale Was Purchased By Us Months and Months Ago and we anticipated the high prices which now prevail, and are able therefore, to offer to you Lmoleum at prices which are below those quoted by the factories in many instances. For years this store has regularly announced a Semi-Annual Sale of Linoleum, buying carload lots at different times to obtain the best of terms and, in turn, jrive you the benefit of the savings and notwithstanding the fact that our sales in the fiast have been very wonderful, we anticipate for this event, still greater results, because this may be the last time that we shall be able to offer Linoleum at anywhere near the prices that will prevail here in this sale. There Are Urgent Reasons Why You Should Purchase Liberally Not Only for Present, But for Your Future Needs as Well These are all made by Farr & Bailey, who for years have manufactured the very best Linoleums. In this sale we offer the best patterns and designs we have ever had for any Semi-Annual Sale. Inlaid Linoleums, $1.19 These are all good patterns, in tiles, parquettes and mosiac all Farr & Bailey's A and B grades, that retail at $1.65 and $1.85 ordinarily, a square' djl 1Q yard . .'. p l.LZJ Inlaid Linoleums, 89c Excellent patterns and colorings and merchandise that re tails ordinarily at $1.25 and $1.40, and some that sell in the regular way for $1.65 and $1.75; a square OQr yard ovc Printed Linoleum Remnants a Square Yard, 39c These range from 6 to 20 yards in length, remnants of Linofeums that sell regularly at 65c and 75c arSquare yard, special for Monday's selling, a square yard 39c IMPORTANT Be sure to bring your estimate of size of rooms in feet, not in inches. Third Floor Draperies, Curtains and Cretonnes Crisp, New and Beautiful READY with a stock of these things that is so complete and so charming, that everyone will be enabled to obtain just what they most require and desire at very moderate prices. Outfit your home in a distinctive manner don copy anyone else be original have an "atmosphere" in your home that cannot be measured in terms of money and that will re flect your individuality. We will be glad to advise with you. Three Special Offerings for Monday Lace Curtains Beautiful assortment, in white, iv ory and beige, full size; extra special At $1.79 a Pair Curtain Samples Very fine for Sash Curtains, repre senting values up to $3.00 a pair. Special at 15c Each I Less Than Half Price Third Floor mm Let Us Replace Your Old Sewing Machine With the Beautiful "FREE" Cabinet and pay you $12 for the old machine to apply on the , purchase of the "FVee," and $1 a week completes the transaction. The "FREE" Sewing Machine is guaranteed for a lifetime and we issue an insurance policy good for five years, against injury of any kind to the machine. Any breakage of any part will be quickly replaced at no extra cost to you if you return the broken parts. New Machines of Other Makes These are Golden Oak Machines with drop heads, new and efficient machines, $18.00 to $35.00. A Few Used Machines From $6.00 to $15.00. Picoting and Hemstitching, efficiently exe cuted and all work guaranteed. v Moderate Prices. Third Floor Mil V AM Printed Linoleums, 65c 12 feet wide, all beautiful patterns and this quality and width retails in the ordinary way at 95c a square Qc yard special, for this sale, a square yard Printed Linoleums, SSc 6 feet wide this is also Farr & Bailey D grade, that re tails in the regular way at 75c per square yard ; 55 C special, for the Semi-Annual sale, a square yard . . Drapery and Curtain Remnants Such materials as. Voiles; Marqui settes, Colored Madras, Cretonnes, Nets, etc. Victor Victrolas civ The Improved Models Are on, display and for sale here now. There are many new and imnortant feature! added which we should like to explain to ypu and so we invite you to come to this Victrola Depart ment at your convenience and permit us to demon strate th r,o"r y:- A VICTROLA placed in your home means a wonderful and never-failing source of en tertainment to your family to your entire family for no matter what the individual preference in music may be, the Victrola will render just that kind of music or any kind of music. If another factor could be added to the trademark of the Victrola, surely the Blue Bird would be a good one, for it is surely a sign an unmistakable sign of happiness. Let Us Demonstrate for You. Some of the Newest Records 64687 "Deep River," Aida Frances, 10-inch $1.00 87277 'Star Spangled Banner," Louise Homer, 10-inch $2.00 64706 Etude in G Major Flat, Paderewski, 10-inch $1 18208 "To a Wild Rose and The Rosary," (Ve netian Trio), 10-inch 75c 35648 "For You a Rose," Medley Fox Trot. Mondaine Waltz, (Valse Berceuse), 12-inch. .$1.25 (By Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra) 18347 "Isles of Aloha," Pua Mohala, Wright and Dietrich, 10-inch 75c Main Floor, Pompeian Room $70,000 Painting on Ex hibition here on Second Floor. Be sure to see it. brandeis Stores See this wonderful picture "The Red Cross Letter," on second floor.