Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: OCTOBER 28, 1917. T A ' ' 1 at Sunday, October 23, 1917. Store Open 8i30 A. M. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY. Store Clo$ei Daily 6 P. M. Phone Douglas 137. Now is the Time for Winter Choosing Here at Burgess-Nash Willi!! ML i'llllllimiinillimiiiniiimmi. liLiJIiM.i.- Get Your Dolls Readyjor tjieJParty Which Will Be Held in the "Cricket Room" of This Store Next Saturday Afternoon, November 3d. THE affair is entirely complimentary to every little girl who brings her dolly, and you are strongly urged to allow your children to attend. Tickets are now to be had on application in the Toy Shop, Fourth Floor. It is necessary that tickets be obtained in advance in order that we may make our arrangements accordingly. BURGESS-NASH CO. rumill!HimillllliniJjlJl!lHI' mm Wise Housekeepers will Have Full Linen Chests These Days WE have always heard about the "Treasure of the Linen Chest," but linens were never so precious as today. And yet we must marvel that we can get them at all, with all the world's flax makers and weavers at war. Here are really wonderful bargains for Mon day. Madeira Napkins, $6.95 Dozen Fine hand scalloped, with hand embroidered corner in fine eylet designs, pure Irish linen special, $6.95 dozen. Cluny Lace Center Pieces Fine hand made cluny lace center pieces, deep lace with pure linen center: 18-inch diameter, at, 75c each. 24-inch diameter, at, $1.50 each. Cluny Lace Scarfs, $2.95 Each 18x54-inch scarfs for dresser or buffet, wide, hand made, open cluny lace, pure linen center, special, at $2.95. Hemstitched Huck Towels, 50c Each Union linen huck towels, nice large size, neat damask border, a very serviceable towel, at, 50c each. Heavy Linen Damask, $2.00 Yard 72-inch, heavy satin damask, pure linen, made from select flax, as sorted patterns, a big value, at, $2.00 a yard. 22x22-inch napkins to match above damask, $4.75 a dozen. Pattern Cloths and Napkins Bordered all around for round tables, good assortment of patterns, they are pure linen of excellent quality: 72-inchx2 yards, $6.00. 72-inchx3 yards, $9.00. 72-inchx2 yards, $7.50. ' 81-inchx2tt yards, $7.50. 20x20-inch napkins, $5.75 a dozen. 24x24-inch napkins, $7.75 a dozen. i Burfs-Nuh Co. We've Reduced the Price on a Big Collection of Women's Muslin Combinations to Price IT'S a gathering of odd garments, small lots and some slightly soiled pieces, which we have, reduced to half the original price for a quick disposal. Raps There is a wide -range of selec tions, including combinations made of sheer nainsook, and batiste, daintily trimmed with French val, cluny lace or Swiss embroidery and finished with ribbon run beading and lace or embroidery edges. You'll recognize the value as most extreme at Half Price Burgess-Nash C. ftfaka Floor Brin Squsrs This is a Coat Season and This is Coat Headquarters Prices $19.50 to $75.00 THE coats are very becoming, very roomy, very. comfortable and of diversified style treatment, this season has gathered. Here are models typical of every new idea carried out by leading designers of coats. Most of the coats are liberally fur trimmed and many quite new ideas in collars and throw collars, as well as clever new ways of fur trimming, are to be seen in the coats just in from the east. They include styles for every occasion, for street, motor or after noon wear, and reflect the newest and smartest of designs of the past fortnight. Burgess -Nash Co. Second Floor Here's a Remarkable Clearaway of Silk Petticoats Which Have Been Reduced to $2.95, $5, $7.50 to $15 A BRIEF description such Mwe must give here, will not begin to do this offering justice, you must see the petticoats and the way they are sacrificed in price, to realize fully the true value importance. The offering consists of evening and tailored effects, in neptune, satin, pussy willow silk, wash taffeta, crepe de chine and Georg ette petticoats. Tailored or elab orately trimmed with lace, ribbon, net and flowers. Evening shades only, the prices are: $2.95, $5, $7.50 to $15 K-Nash Co. Main Floor Bargain Squar Stylish Stout Reduso Corsets An Innovation for Overdeveloped Figures 'nil rStjfoh Stout" QTYLISH Stout Reduso corsets are dis- tinctive creations for stout women. They will positively slenderize ungainly lines to a fashionable silhouette, and in sure the appearance of less weight. A Stylish Stout Reduso will make any stout woman look ten years younger. Positively the most comfortable corset ever projected for over-developed fig ures. Scientific construction eliminates compression, no belts, no straps, no armor-like multiplicity of heavy boning. Stylish Stout Reduso corsets are guar anteed to fit nine out of ten stout fig ures at the first "try-on." They have the individuality of "made-to-order" gar ments, avoiding the stiffness, the weight and endless fittings. A Stylish Stout Reduso corset purchased over the coun ter will give supreme satisfaction at the first wearing. Prices, $6.50 to $10.00. Burgess-Nssh Co. Second Floor ft Is None Too Early to Select Christmas Gifts for Soldiers At the Front or Various Cantonments By choosing early the articles you desire to send to soldiers you allow sufficient time to enable their shipment to distant points. The United States government has informed the country that all gifts for the soldiers in France must be shipped not later than November 15. We are prepared to give you valuable assistance in the selection of gifts and clothing for soldiers tad will send packages for you, un der such regulations as the govern ment hat laid down. NOTICE! WE do hemstitching and putt ing. Orders taken in our Linen Section, on the Main Floor. Burgfst-Nath Co. Main Floor Boo: Did I Frighten You With My Jack O' Lantern? MANY little fellows will ask that question this week. Our stock of Hallowe'en novelties is still very complete and affords splendid choosing. Favor pies, containing twelve favors. Combination horn ajd place cards. Candle shades. Jack o'Lanterns, larg or small. Jack o'Lanterns, vAth verses. Noise makers, blow-outs. Party snappers, napkins, and nut containers for your table. Hallowe'en place cards. Burfets-Nash Co. Main Floor We Want You to Come and See These Very Unusual Values in Silks Monday at $1.49 A BIG lot of plain and fancy silks, including fancy striped, checked and plaid taffetas, fancy messalines, also a very complete selec tion of new shades of 36-inch satin for waists, skirts and dresses, spe cially priced at $1.49 a yard. 36-Inch Silk Poplin, $1.25 For dresses, in all the new Fall shades, high silky luster and a quali ty for good wear, at, $1.25 a yard. Striped Tub Silks, at 98c A large line of pretty stripes in tub silk, for shirts and waists, on sale Monday, at, 98c a yard. All Pure Silk Satin, $1.95 For skirts and dresses, in a smart line of pretty stripes and plaids in unusual coloring, also a complete line of plain shades, both light and dark, 38 inche wide, Monday, $1.95 a yard. 36-Inch Black Messalines, $1.25 Soft, satin finish, sale price Monday, $1.25. 36-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.49 Rich, raven black, for skirts and dresses, sale price Monday, $1.49 a yard. 36-Inch Black Peau de Soie, $1.59 A good heavy silk that will wear satisfactorily, for dresses and waists. Sale price Monday, $1.59 a yard. Burt ass-Nub Co. Main Floor It's Doubtful if You'll Find Dress Goods the Equal of These at $1.50 AN offering of wool dress goods in the correct weight for making one-piece dresses. All the pretty dark shades, such as: taupe, aigger brown, dark green, burgundy, plum, black and navy blue; spe cially priced Monday, at $1.50 a yard. Wool Plaid Goods, at 98c For dresses and skirts, in large assortment, style and color, 44 inches wide, 98c per yard. Broadcloths, at $3.95, $2.75 and $1.95 A complete stock of fine broadcloth, including all the wanted shades for this season's dresses, suits and coats, $3.95, $2.75 and $1.95 a yard. Velour Coatings, at $3.25 to $3.95 A complete stock of the velour coating, in the wanted shades of blue, dark green, burgundy, African brown, gray, plum and black, 64 inches wide, $3.95, $3.50 and $3.25 a yard. Burt ess-Nash Co. Main Floor A Forerunner of the Great End-of-the-Month Sale in the Down Stairs Store A MESSAGE announcing a series of remarkable values in merchandise of the sort which you need and want. Brassieres of batiste, lace and embroidery trimmed, 25c. Women's outing flannel house dresses, $1.13. Women's silk poplin dresses, special, $5.95. Children's gingham dresses, stripes, plaids, 79c. Women's pink coutil corsets, low bust, 79c. Infants' fine cashmere hose, mill run, 23c. Women's fleece lined cotton hose, at 25c. Boys' Wright health underwear, at 35c. Boys' heavy vellastic, fleeced drawers, 35c. Children's warm fleece lined mittens, 45c. Boys' and girls' fleece lined gloves, 39. Remnants of silks, l1 to 6 yards, at, yard, 98c. 66x78-inch wool finished cotton blankets, $2.98. 70x80-inch wool finished blankets, at $4.98. Heavy fleece lined flannelette, at, yard, 18c. Sanitary feather pillows, big value, each, 49c. 2x2VSs-yard mercerized table cloths, at $1.98. Heavy, absorbent huck towels, at, each, 25c. 6-inch plain or fluted candles, at, 2 for 5c. Reading lamps, brushed brass, special, $5.75. Wire lamp shade frames, special, at 49c. Women's colored border handkerchiefs, at 3c Women's fancy embroidered handkerchiefs, at 5c. Val. and torchon laces and insertions, 2 Vic. Linen torchon laces and insertions, at 7 Vic Embroidery edges, insertions and headings, at 5c. Burf Ms-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo Announcing Our Annual Pre-Holiday ale off Book Which Begins Here Monday at 8:30 on the Fourth Floor A SALE that affords unusual advantages for anticipating and choosing your holiday gift-selections. By making your choosing from complete stocks. At a time when selections can be made more leisurely and conveniently. At prices, which, in many instances, are far less than present day costs. Take, for Instance, this Offering of Standard Works in Sets The present day costs are 25r to 40 'r higher then the prices we quote here in this sale. And what makes a more appreciated gift than a set of books from the pen of some good author. Dickens, 15-volumo set, cloth. $10.50. Dickens, 15-volume set, half leather, $18.50. Thackeray, 10-volume set, half leather, $15.00. Balzac, 18-volunie set, half leather, $21.50. Dumas, 15-volume set, half leather, $22.50. Tennyson, 6-volume set, half leather, $7.50. Scott, 30-volume set, cloth, $39.50. George Elliot, 10-volume .set, half leather, $16.50. Scott, 12-volume set, half leather, $17.50. Hawthorne, 12-volume set, half leather, $15.00. Guir.ot's France, 8-volume set, half leather, $13.50. Stevenson, 10-volume set, half leather, $11.50. Stevenson, 10-volume set, cloth, $9.50. II Books of the War "My Four Years in Germany," by James W. Gerard, $2.00. "A Green Tent in Flanders," by Maud Mortimer, $1.25. "Over the Top," by Arthur Guy Empey, $1.50. "First Hundred Thousand," by Ian Hay, $1.50. "With Our Faces to the Fight," by Frederick Palmer, 50c. "The Pan-German Plot Unmasked," $1.25. 1 'mmi mmm Books of the War "A German Deserter's War Exper ience," $1.00. "Mademoiselle MiBS," 50c. "Over the Edge of the War Zone," by the author of "Hill Top Oc the Marne," nt $1.25. "Plnttsburg Manual." "Moss's Official Manual." "Take Me to France," a French phrase book for the American soldier. IN HAPPV VALLEY FOX j 1 M..r v.. w:n r d j liew 1 iciiuii 1 uu it 111 t? ciui iu lvcau ffggssa- Talked about and worth reading, worm owning, at S1.Z5 to $1.60 Ml PCI - THEWO-UNC PLACE OF LIQIT ner cony. "The Dwelling Place of Light," by Winston Churchill. "In Happy Valley," by John Fox, jr. "The Soul of a Bishop," by II. G. Wells. "The Wanderers," by Mary Johnson. "We Can't Have Everything," by Rupert Hughes. "Fanny Herself," by Edna Ferber. "Extricating Obadiah," by Joseph C. Lincoln. "The Triumph," by Will N. Harber. "The Road to Understanding," by Eleanor H. Porter. "How Could You, Jean," by, Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd. Popular Fiction, 60c In our reprints you will find hundreds of titles to choose from, at 60c each. For your table, pocket or library shelves. Mark Twain in India naner. full leather edition, volume. $1.75. Rudyard Kipling, $1.75. I Robert Service, "Spell of the Yukon.".. "I Pocket leather edition "Rhymes of the Red Cross Man. "Rhymes of A. Rolling Stone Robert Service, cloth, $1.00. "O'Liven and Just Folks," by Edgar A. Guest, at $1.25. Van Dykes' small gift books, "The Mansions," "The Lost World," "Other Wise Man," at 50c. " THE SOUL Or A BISHOP MiMO kon.".,l P n.",,,.r $1.50 EXTRICATING OBADIAH jnmtciaicnji a Boys' and Girls' Books Now is the time to fill in the series you started for the boy or girl last year, "The Rover Boys," 60c. "Aunt Jane Nieces," 60c. "Dorothy Dale Series," 60. "The Betty Wales Series," 60c. "The Motor Boys," 60c. "The .Motor Girls," 60e. "Dave Porter Series," 60c "Boy Scouts of the Air," 60c. The Oz Books Oh, don't you remember when the children loved "The Wizard of Oz." A new one this year is the "The Lost Princess of Oz" Every child will love it just the same as they did the other Oz books. "Boy Scouts" .. "Frontier Boys" "Tom Swift Series". "Uobbsey Twins" .. 35c Volume Billy Whiskers Books Then there are' the "Billy Whiskers" books. Let the children have all of the 16. If they have read the first one they'll want the rest; if they haven't, start them this year. For the Little People That beautiful illustrated edition of "Mother Goose" complete for $1.50. "The Enchanted Peacock," special, 75c. "The Kneetime Animal Stories," each, 35c "Burgess' Bed Time Stories," each, 50c. "Work and Play" Books "Gardening and Farming" ff 1 (( "Housekeeping" P V V "Mechanics" 'Needle Craft" Each "Burgess' Mother West Wind Stones," each, $1.00. "Japanese Fairy Tales," each, 75c. "Adventure's of Puss in Boots," 50c. "Twilight Tales," told by the Sandman, 50c. "Alice in Wonderland," 111., by Winter, $1.50. "The Boy's King Arthur," $2.50. "Fairy Tales for Children," $1.25. "Stories Children Love," $1.25. "Stories to Tell the Little Ones," Sarah Bryant, $1.50 "Child's Garden of Verse," 35c to $2.50. "Told to the Little Tots," Edmund Vance Cook, $1.50. Free Demonstration of Fleisher's Yarns. Expert in Charge. MRS. LAURA F. BURTON, a rep resentative from the factory, is here this week and will give in structions free of charge on the many ways to use Fleisher's yarns. Come and see the many pretty fin ished models made of Fleisher's yards. Plenty of Khaki Colored Yarn A recent shipment brought in a generous supply of Khaki col ored knitting yarn now in such great demand. Fleisher and Sunlight brands, price $1.00 a hank. Fleisher's knitti lg yarns in wb'tc and black for Red Cross work, at 90c per hank. Burfeu-Nash Co. Third Floor. If You Come Monday and Buy a at SEWIHS PIACHIfiE I We Will Credit You with a $10 Payment N other words, if you buy the "Standard" here Monday at the regular price, and make a down payment of $5.00, we will give you a credit of $10.00 as first payment. Could you make $5.00 easier? And then, too, you secure the best sewing machine in the world, with its many features which add so much to the comfort and convenience of those who do their own sewing. Other Specials Monday New Home, drop head, at $17.00. No. 66 Singer, used, special, $18.00. No. 66 Singer, new, special, $45.00. Buret-Nli Co. Fourth Floor SPECIAL Sewing machine t.'.l, bottle, 5c. Charming Neck Fixings for Women Nothing else gives the same note of graceful daintiness the air of being well dressed the finishing touch for the smart tailored suit. Low neck collars, or high neck jabots; wide variety in every style. EVERYBODY STORE" 1PI