Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    Brief City News
riatlaum Weddlnf Rinse Edbolm.
Lighting Fixtures Burg eas-Granden Co.
Ht Boot Print It New Beacon Press.
V Metal Dlea, Fresswork Jubilee Mfg. Co.
S5o Luncheon t Empress Garden.
Dinner T5c Faxton Chocolate Shop, ( to I.
Isidor Ziegler has moved his law of.
flees to 529 First National Bank build
ing. Advertisement
Lola Sutherland Gets Divorce Lola
Sutherland was freed from John Suth
erland by Judge Day, sitting in di
vorce court.
To Undergo Operation Perry Mil
ler, tree surgeon in the park depart
ment, will enter a hospital Saturday
for an operation on his appendix.
Save Fuel Have your windows and
doors equipped with Higgin metal
weather strips. The Higgin Mfg. Co.,
City Nat. Bank Bldg., Douglas 4911.
Des Moines Couple Married Doro
thy Kelly and Berney H. de Clercq,
both of Des Moines, were married by
Hev. Charles W. Savldge at his study,
515 North Eighteenth, Wednesday aft
' ernoon at 3.
Correction John Dombrowski was
acquitted by a Jury in criminal court
on a charge of Illegal possession of
liquor. Through an error in the court
records The Bee erroneously stated
Dombrowski was found guilty. '
Buford's Arm Broken While at
tempting to start the engine of his
automobile last night, Harry Bsrford,
3510 Blondo street, police patrol
chauffeur, suffered a fracture of the
right arm when the engine "kicked."
Dr. Bongardt attended his injury.
Increases Capital Stock The Sheri
dan Coal company has increased its
capital stock to $2,000,000, according
to amended articles of incorporation
filed in the office of the county clerk
by G. W. Megeath, president, and W.
y. Megeath, secretary.
To Give Farewell Reception Dr.
' Craig Morris will give a farewell re
ception and dance Friday night at
Dreamland, Eighteenth and Harney
streets, in honor of his brother, Elmer,
- and the other selective men and offi
cers leaving for training camp Sat
urday. " Rock Island to Rnige Building
Officials of the Kock Island have
signed up for offices in the Ramge
block, on Fifteenth street between
Harney and Howard. They will move
into the rooms now occupied by a cash
register company and must vacate the
quarters in the Woodmen of the
World building by the end of this
week. i
Announcement Thd James Corr
Dtlectrio company, who have the larg
est fixture display in Omaha, are dis
continuing the fixture business because
they find it impossible to secure new
goods on account of the scarcity of
material They have been installing
fixtures in the better class of homes.
Here is a chance for someone to get
real bargains in fixtures. Adv.
Kooser Here H. B. Kooser, for
many years assistant general freight
agent of the Missouri Pacific here, but
now general manager of the Ameri
can Refrigerator company, with head
quarters in St Louis, is in the city
calling on old acquaintances.
Masons to Moot Friday The Scot
tish Kite Woman's club will hold a
apodal meeting Friday at 2 o'clock at
the Scottish Rite cathedral.
i'ine Fireplace Goods at Sunderland',
SxIe Slice of Bread Each Da;
for Person-for Year Means
Thousands oT Bushels of
Wheat, Says Wattles.
Two Who Have Been at Work
Have Made Success and
More Will Be Given
Trial. '
If every man, woman and child m
Nebraska would save one slice of
white bread every day for one year,
415,000 bushels of wheat would be
conserved to feed our army and the
allies. The whole United States
would have 380.000,000 bushels of
wheat," Gurdon W, Wattles, federal
food administrator, told delegates to
the Nebraska Federation of Women's
clubs at Wednesday evening's session
of the convention at the Fontenelle.
"The world is short 500,000,00ft bush
els of food products."
"If thia war is a long-drawn-out
one, food wilt be more valuable than
ammunition in deciding the victor,"
Mr. Wattles emphasized. "Eat things
-that can't be sent abroad. Save food.
Don't waste any.
"We need a revival of patriotism
and self-sacrifice," said Mr. Wattles.
"This country has grown too care
less of its obligations."
Prof. C W. Pugsley of ihe depart
ment of agricultural extension, jUni
versity of Nebraska, also urged food
Ex-Governor C. H. Aldrkh of Lin
coln made a patriotic address. "Buy
Liberty bonds," he urged. They are
the mi of munitions in which to
'invest in order that democracy shall
live. Germany will go down to de
feat because it does not recognize the
rights of democracy. Might does not
make right. Democracy stands for
the individual. Autocracy to crush
the individuaL"
' The Nebraska Federation bought
$3,100 worth of Liberty bonds Wed
nesday. Mrs. J. N. Paul, state presi
dent, bought $1,000; Mrs. W. E.
Barkley, state suffrage presid -t,
$1,000; and $350 was purchased for
the endowment fund. The rest was
subscribed by members.
Miss Hanna to Dance.
- Mrs. William Steele of Sedalia, Mo.,
general federation chairman of mu
sic, who was to take part in the pro
gram, has suffered a nervous break
down, according tt a telegram re
ceived by Mrs. John Haarmann.
Miss Claire Virginia Hanna will
give a program of aesthetic dances
Thursd y evening. She will interpret
the Pavlowa Gavotte.
For Itching Torture
Thete is one remedy that seldom fails
to stop itching torture and relieve skin
irritation and that makes the skin soft,
clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
zemo, which generally overcomes all
Bfcm diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pirn-
pies, rashes, blackheads, in most cases
live way to zemo. Frequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnight Itching
usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe,
intiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and
iependable. It costs only 35c; an extra
large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is
lot greasy or sticky and is positively
lafe for tender, sensitive skins.
The E. W. Roee Co. Cleveland, O
Gray IS air?
A preparation of great merit fee
streaked, faded or gray bair.
Yob Cm Hake It Yourself
Get a box of Barbo ConmoDnd at
W17 drug tore. Directions for making- and use
ilaeacb box. carta an itm mm y wmane.
Four more real salesmen are wanted
by the recruiting office in the army
building to sell goods for Uncle Sam.
The "goods" include new khaki
uniforms and guns, but they will be
given free with a blessing to the
young men the salesmen pcrsuad to
enlist in the army.
Last week Major Frith sent out a
call for salesmen to enlist and give
their services in recruiting, at a sal
ary of $100 a month, besides clothing
and medical attendance. A large num
ber applied and the two selected
have done such good work that it
has been decided to take in four more.
Thomas Crawford of South Omaha
was one of the two selected last week
and already he has brought in a
number of volunteers.
Changes at Supply Depot.
A general upheaval is going on at
the Omaha supply depot. New offi
cers are being brought in and ones
who thought themselves stationary
are being sent anywhere the govern
ment considers them most needed.
Captain Philip Cantlon, supply of
ficer, has been ordered to Camp Jo
seph E. Johnson, near Jacksonville,
Fla., where he will be instructor in
the training camp. His place will be
taken by Captain Farnby, who has
been in charge of the shipping de
partment at the depot.
Major Walter Stern of the officers
reserve will come from Milwaukee to
take the place vacated by Captain
Farnby at the depot. Major Stern is
a wealthy flour manufacturer of Mil
waukee who has given up his business
to place his services at the disposal
of the government during the war.
As a result of a talk by Major Ma
her of the Omaha supply depot a
few days ago, the Van Sant School
of Business subscribed $10,000 worth
of Liberty bonds. Of these the teach
ers subscribed $1,000, the pupils $4,500.
and from subscriptions obtained by
the pupils ?4,5UU more came in. The
night school pupils alone subscribed
$1,100 to the cause.
Major Maher also addressed the
Boyles Business college, of which he
is a former pupil. The night school
there put its money together, bought
$450 of bonds and donated them to
the Red Cross.
Captain Adam Lephart is an
other new officer assigned to the
Omaha supply depot. He will arrive
some time this week.
Girl Drinks Poison
When Letters From
Man Are Withheld
Anna Wilczsky, 18 years old, tried
to solve her life problem yester
day by drinking carbolic acid. The
empty phial was found on the
dresser in her room at the home of
Mrs. C. L. Williams, a practical nurse,
who conducts a private hospital at
151? South Twenty-sixth street.
Anna is a ward of the juvenile
court and was taken from her par
ents three years ago following their
estrangement. Since that time she
has been employed as maid at the
Williams home.
Last spring, according to Mrs. Wil
liams, a repair man who came to the
home met Anna and has since been
corresponding with her. The man
is a total stranger to the girl, says
Mrs. Williams, and because his let
ters have been withheld from her, she
procured the carbolic acid and
drank it.
Police Surgeon Bongardt said she
would recover.
Yeggs Get Away With
$5,000 From Illinois Bank
Carmi, I1L, Oct. 25. Burglars blew
open the safe of the. First National
bank at Crossville last night and es
caped wkh $5,000. There was an ex
change of shots with citizens, but
none were injured..
Says the Labor Unions May
Resort to Anything Not
Violation of Law, Or
Bights of Others.
Deputy Attorney General Alfred C
Munger, attorney in the Omaha labor
union injunction cases, makes the fol
lowing statement in reference to
Judge Leslies decision:
"There seems to have been some
misapprehension as to the meaning
of Judge Leslie s decision in the labor
injunction case. It has beeu assumed
by some, and given some publicity,
that this opinion reversed a former
opinion of the district court declaring
so-called peacetul picketing to be
"This is not the case. The present
opinion states that labor unions, in
attempting to persuade nonunion men
to leave their work, may 'resort to
anything that is not in violation of
law or the lawful rights of others.'
The Princess theater case decided
that so-called 'peaceful picketing,'
when it constitutes intimidation by
mere numbers, even though there be
no actual violence or oral threats, is
unlawful. Under this decision there
is the same limitation upon extremes
of 'peaceful picketing' that was estab
lished in the Princess theater case.
"This statement is made in order to
avoid any misunderstanding on the
part of union members, as it is the in
tention of this office to enforce the
law s interpreted in these decisions."
Discoverer of Finger
Print Indentification Dies
London, Oct. 25. Sir William
James Herschel, discoverer and de
veloper of the system of identification
by linger prints, died yesterday.
Corn Pain
Stopped Quick
Corns Lift Right Off With "Gats-h"
Biassed relief from corn paint 1 aimple
as A B C with "Gats-It."
When jreu've been limping' around for
days trying to tret away from heart-drilling
corn or bump? callus, and everything
Girls! Try This Pretty
French Woman's
Beauty Recipe
Paris Oh, What a beautiful
complex k 1 The charming
Mile. Mareix says every woman
can have on by ugiaff Creme
Tolcalon BoscateeT each night
and morning. Tatatty different
from all others. Success guar
anteed a money back. Supplied
at every- good toilet counter.
Among' ethers: Sherman 4 Mc.
Coaaell Drug Co, Green'
Pharmacy, Brandei Storea,
Rtehanram Drag CV, aa Hay
den Bros. Store.
you've tried ha only made tt worse, and
then you put some "Gets-It" on and the
pain eases right away, and the corn peels
right off like a banana skin "ain't it a
grand and heavenly feeling?"
"Gets-It" baa revolutionized the corn his
tory of the world. Millions Use it and it
never fails. Ladies wear smaller shoes and
have pain-free feet. We old fellows and
young fellows forget our toes and feel frisky
as colts. Everybody with a corn or callus
needs "Gets-It." We will all walk about and
enjoy ourselves as we did without corns.
Get a bottle today from your druggist, or
sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence A
Co., Chicago, III.. 25c is all you need to pay.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy by Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. Stores. Advertisement.
You Can't Brush Or
Wash Out Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the finger
Do thia tonight, and by morning,
most if not all of your dandruff will
be gone, and three or tour more ap
plications will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work. Adv.
I All in the City Directory
Think of the ways you can use the full name,
vocation, business connection and PROPER AD-
DRESS of every man living in your city. Use the
LATEST CITY DIRECTORY in addressing let-
j ters, sending bills or delivering goods.
S Every department in your business NEEDS
I A CITY DIRECTORY every day in the year.
j The 1918 Omaha City Directory will contain
1 OMAHA in one volume, making a complete di-
rectory of GREATER OMAHA.
Omaha Directory Co.
Tel. Dong. 5888 317 Ramge Bid?.
If your business is not properly classified in
the directory Telephone Douglas 5888.
URGESs-ta Company.
Thursday, October 25, 1917.
Package Goods
Odd lot package goods, includ
ing children's dress hats, bibs, pil
lows, etc. To close, 10c each.
Knitting Bags, 50c
Cretonne knitting bags, with
loop handles and handles of same
material, 50c and 85c.
Doily Roll, 29c
Cretonne doily rolls, pink, blue,
brown, trimmed with ribbon bows,
29c each.
Pillow Tops, 19c
Stamped pillow tops, scarfs, pin
cushion covers, centerpieces, etc.,
19c each.
Sample Hose, Pair, 23c
Women's and children's hose,
roadmen's samples, cotton and
fleeced lined, plain and ribbed top,
seamless, special, 23c pair.
Girls' Union Suits, 50c
White cotton union suits for
frirls, medium weight, fleeced
lined, drop seat, ankle length, all
sises; specially priced, at 50c suit
Boys' Union Suits, 50c
n j : - ..:i.
a vrctun cuiurvu uoiuu auua iui
boys, ribbed cotton, open crotch,
ankle length, in all sizes; special,
at 60 suit.
Burftsa-Nash Co. Dowa Stairs Star
Telephone Douglas 137.
A Very Special Offering Friday of Women's
Winter Coats
A BIG coat manufacturer willingly accepted a big
sacrifice that he might clear his floor to make
room for the new lines he was preparing to place
on the market. We bought the entire lot and for
Friday we are featuring two special groups of
these winter coats. Group 1, at $4.95, Group 2,
Women's and Misses'
Winter Coats
Including black broad
cloth, plaid cloth and color
ed astrakhan sport coats.
Wonderful values; very spe
cial for Friday, at $4.95.
Women's Waists at 49c
Lawn, organdie and voile waists, prettily trimmed with
lace and embroidery; also a few colored waists. The waists
are slightly soiled, but all are wonderful values and for
Friday we have reduced them to 49e.
Burfsa-Nash Ce. Down Stair Star
Women's and Misses
Winter Coats
Mostly of burella - cloth,
some with large cape collars,
others plush trimmed; colors
green, burgundy, brown and
navy; sale price, $9.95.
Special Purchase of Children's Warm
P Winter Coats at $2.25
ALL new models tailored and warmly in
terlined for mid-winter wear, in vel
ours, corduroys, cheviots kerseys, zibelines
and oxford mixtures. Some with large col
lars and cuffs, torn boy pockets, half belted
or belted models. Splendid assortment of
colors, including reindeer, traut, beet root,
Sammy blue, brown, navy, green and taupe.
Sizes 2 years to 6 years.
Never have we offered such bargains this early in the season,
and we are doing this to acquaint the public with our children's sec
tion in the Down Stairs Store. . , . . ,
Burf tss-Nash Co. Down Stain Stora
Women's Shoes in the Down Stairs
Store at $3.45
A BIG lot of women's shoes from the
' second floor. Short lines and odd
pairs of good shoes. Several hundred
pairs to select from; price $3.45.
Men's Shoes, at $4.45
Men's shoes, the balance of the recent big
purchase :
Men's black calf lace and blucher cut.
Men's black kidskin, lace and button.
Men's tan oil grain, army lasts.
Men's tan calf, English lasts.
Men's black calf, English lasts, choice, $4.48.
Boys' Shoes, at $2.19
Odd lots of boys' school shoes, button and
lace, heavy tan soles, at $2.19.
Girls' Shoes, at $2.65
Girls' shoes, sizes 11 to 2, in black gun
metal, black kidskin, patent colt and tan Russia;
button, at $2.65.
Infants' Shoes, at $1.00
Infants' black kid with cloth and kid tops,
tips, tan soles; only $1.00 pair.
Burfsss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora
Remnants of
Dress Goods
A BIG lot of wool dress goods.
Remnants in lengths from
1& to 5 yards in a piece, consist
ing of plain colors, checks, mix
tures and other fancy weaves. 36
to 40 inches wide. To close out,
special, 29c a yard.
Broadcloth, 89c (
60 inches wide, broadcloth, in
plain eolors of green, brown, gray
and navy, at special fieale, Fri
day, 89c a yard.
Corduroy, 79c
Erto-lish eordurov. for makiner
children's coats and dresses, in a
nice, heavy cord ; large assortment
of nlain shades. A verv snecial low
price, Friday, 79c a yard.
Crepe de Chine, 49c
In a full line of colors with a
bis fine cotton warp. This assort
ment has plenty of flesh, white and'
pink, for waists and underwear: do
inches wide, special. 49c a yard.
Barftsa-Naah Co. Down Stair. Star
Notion Specials
Machine thread, spool, 2 He.
Silk thread, all colors, spool, 3c,
Darning cotton, 3 spools for 5.
Kid curlers, a dozen, 10c.
Bone hair pins, a box, 5c.
Hair brushes, each, 5c.
Hair combs, each, 5c
Men's shirt bands, each, 2 He
Embroidering edging, all colors,
i bolt, 7c.
Hooks and eyes, card, le.
Inside skirt belting, a yard, 10c
Odd lot of buttons, card, le.
60-inch tape lines, each, le.
Thimbles, each, 2c
Skirt markers, each, 12 He
Buriess-Nash Co. Davn Stalra Star.
Traveling Bags
Down Stairs Store,
Friday, at
GOOD steel frames, bars,
catches and locks, keratol
and cloth lining. Very special,
Friday, at $3.95.
Burg wa-Naafe Co. Dewn Stairs Stort
Soaps and Cleaners
Friday in Down Stairs Store
Britt's ammonia powder, 7 He.
20-MuIe-Team borax, 12 He.
Beat 'Em-All soap, 12 for 59c,
Borax chips, large, 25c
Borax chips, small, 10c.
Crystal White soap, 12 for 66c
Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 17c.
Diamond C soap, 3 He
Electric Spark soap, 5c
Fels' Naphtha soap, 6c
Golden Bod naphtha washing pow
der, small size, 5c
Gold Dust, small, 2 for 15c
Ivory soap, large, 2 for 21c.
Ivory soap, small cake for 6c
P. & G. Naphtha soap, 6c
Swift's Pride soap, 5c
Golden Rod washing powder, 24c.
Pearl White soap, 12 for 45c.
Rub-No-More soap, 3 for 19e.
Rub-No-More Powder, 2 for 11c.
Star Naphtha Powder, 4-lb. pkg.,
Star Naphtha powder, small, 6c
Softon, 3 pkgs. for 25c
Sani Flush, at 19c
Toilikleen, at 18c
White Borax naphtha soap,
cakes for 45c
Wool soap, small size, cake, 6c,
White Russian soap, cake, 5c.
Kleentone, 3 pkgs. for 25c.
Victoria cleaning powder, 5c.
Sal Soda, 2-lb., pkg., 12c.
Light House cleanser, 2 for 9c.
No Mail or Phone Orders, None Delivered.
Burf ess-Nash Co. Down Stalra Stora
SPECIAL- ' ' m'-
Smart New Trimmed Hats
Featured for Friday at
VERY special1 hat offering Fri
day. New, up-to-date models in
small, medium and large hats. All
are smartly trimmed with all the late
style features. Made of good quality
silk velvet, in all fashionable colors.
Specially priced for Friday, at $1.50..
Burt tn-Niik Co. Dawn Stalra Stora
' 7 4n
Men's Fleeced Union Suits
MEN'S derby ribbed fleeced union suits, silver gray col
or, closed crotch. Very extreme values, at $1.45.
Men's Hoae, at 12VzC
Men's black and assorted colored hose, double heels,
toes and soles. Maco yam, price, I2lc.
Men's Mittens, at 69c
'Men's leather mitts, mule skin S
and horse hide palm, less expens
ive leathers used for back; knitted
wrist, wool lined ; price 69c
Men's Handkerchiefs, 5c
Men's hemstitched white
handkerchiefs, all good qual
ity cambric, price 5c
Men's Shirts, at 69c
Men's genuine chambray
work shirts, gray color, fast;
flat collar attached, Friday,
at 69c.
Burfass-Nash Co. Down Stalra Stora
Take Advantage of These Special
Blankets and Household Linens
Cotton Blankets, $2.98
66x78-inch heary cotton blank
ets, soft and warm, two-tone bor
der. Plaid Blankets, $3.39
64x8Q-inch plaid blankets, as
sorted colors, good weight; a big
value. $3.39.
Beacon Comfortables, $3.98
Good, warm blanket comfort
ables, wool finish, bound edges, as
sorted colors and patterns.
Remnants of Crash
Toweling remnants, 2 to 10
yard lengths, in cotton and linen.
Some big bargains for Friday.
Barf aaa-Nask Co.-
Table Cloths, $1.00
2-yard mercerized! table cloths,
good weight, assorted patterns,
hemmed ready for use.
Auto Robes, $5.00
Heary blanket robes, fringed,
big, fancy plaids. Very warm and
a big value, at $5.00.
Turkish Towels, 14a
Bleached bath, towels, good
weight, soft and absorbent; size
17x38 inches; Friday only, $1.05
. per dozen, each, 14.
Fancy Turkish Towels, 39c
Bath towels, heavy double, and
twist weave, fancy broche borders
in blue and pink; each, 39c.
Dow Stair Stora
Cold Weather Needs Underpriced
Perfection Oil Heaters
Perfection oil
heaters, new
1917 models,
smokeless and
odorless, 4-qt.
font, at $0.95.
Coal Hods,
Galvanized coal
hods, well made
special, 65c
Ash cans made
of heavily galvan
ized iron, heavy
reinforced steel
sides, priced, at
Buck's Round
Oak Heater,
Buck's round Oak
heaters, made of the
best quality sheet
iron with heavy cast
base, first length of
pipe furnished free.
No. 1 size, at $6.95
No. 3 size, at $8.95
No. 5 size, at $10.95
Stove Pipe, 15c
Blued steel stove, pipe, 6-inch
size, length, at 15.
Cast iron monkey or laundry
stoves, priced at $3.95.
Universal electric heater, com
plete with detachable cord, at
Climax wall paper cleanser, spe
cial, at 10.
Forest King axe with handle,
3 to IVz -lb size, at 95c.
Coal Scoops, 69c
Furnace scoops, good quality
steel blade, handle, special, at 69c.
Sapolin stove pipe enamel, in a
large can, at 19c
E. Z. liquid stove polish, can, 5c
Drainer, 9c
Vromann's Jap-,
tnned sink strain
er, priced, at 9c.
Cedar Mops,
Cedar tri
angle oil mops, j
oiled ready for '
use, special, at