The Omaha Bee OAILY (MORNING) EVENING - SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATg?.. EDITOR THE BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha po'toffiea aa second-'.lm matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Br Ctmtr. Bt Mall. Dally sad Hundw per Mfc 1N Per Tear, t 00 Iail7 entbout Bunoaj " ls .J Bteaiaa and Bw.rU " 1' Enautf ail-oat Buadaf " YS. Dund&r Baa ealr " 00 , laad ootlee of aaance of addreas w tmiulirlt la dellferr to Omalia Met OawuetMa Depananau ' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4e Aessrtsted Press, of wtilrh The Bet U a member. U atelutltclr ,eaUtled to la set for reponlwaUon of all new diii-tran credited it H et oUMnnat credited ia thli piper and alio the local aewa axrWltbed kerein. All rU-ta of publication of our special dlaiiatcbea .are alas reaamd. " REMITTANCE Kanlt by draft. a P"J order. Onlj -cnt atanpa Uken la tM-aeal at aataU aomanta, Persoaal coses, except on Omasa and jeaetera anlani. ao aooeptad, OFFICES lOnaha aa Bat Jtalldlnt. tiier Pencle'e Gaa Bulldln. Snath OBMha V4l B. 4ta M. New York V Fifth Aea, AViuntil Alaffa It N. Uata 84. St. Leule New B'k r Commerce, iiooela LtlUa ulldia. Haablaatoo 1311 U Be CORRESPONDENCE Add-as ewaraolftlnn relating to aawa and editorial atatter to tOaiaaa aloe, MUurial Dapartsunt. " " SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION S&022 Daily Sunday, 52,158 Anna Umlattoa let the moat, agbanibed and iwora to fcr Dwtfht WUUamM, CUalatnB Manaaar. . tha city ebould have Tha Baa Bulled to tfea. Addreas chanted aa oftaa aa requested. Liberty Ipa. 2 rounds into the home stretch ignang, "Vatcli my dust!" Liberty Joan subscriptions by convicts fash ions a delicate bid for liberty. On more day for Liberty money. If you are out dig in; if you are in dig deeper. Asidt from the personal touch the "eternal triangle" tint a close race with the Winspear triangle af an unsolved problem. Training camp subscriptions for Liberty bonds emphasize the deep patriotic spirit of the men who stale all. How small and cheap the slacker appearf by contrast! Tha threatened battle of vaccinationists and antis should be headed off at any cost. While a shortage of coal impends conservation of hot air is a primary duty. People who persist in knocking the govern ment under which they live and thrive will have only themselves to blame if the jolt they invite verges on concussion of the brain. Pity the sorrows of Count Luxburgl The rude unkultured prazilians threw the diplomatic scut tier into a detention camp for safety. Spurlos versenkt? Not quite. They have his number. Price fixing is better ordered abroad. Lon don papers report a fine of 200 levied on a food profiteer for exceeding the price limit Three years' experience lends impressive vigor, to war's disciplinary measures. " ' A new species of Teutonic gas shell Is re ported 9 the Italian front Evidently the kai ser, while visiting his "dear friend," the sultan of Turkey, did not overlook any opportunity for advancing rightfulness. Tha social service end of the municipal ma chine wisely restricts to 80 years the maximum , ige of many dancers. 'Youngsters beyond four score n their exuberant gaiety might insist on more encores than the musicians can produce. It should be noted as a sign of the times that Germany's "successes" are now confined to chas ing a disorganised Russian army, sinking tin armed ships and bombing hospitals and noncom batantf. Wherever the Teutons meet fighting men the rale is dig in, submerge or back up. ' To the average wayfarer the Boy Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of the United States look alike la aims and uniform. Yet tbey are leagues; apart and scarcely on speaking terms. Hit. . a in- courts arc now asxea to attirm the prior rights of the former to the designation "Boy scouts' and put the latter out of business. . The discovery in Maryland of a family who had not neard ot war or Liberty bonds chal lenges credulity. It is all the more astonishing because the family hibernated within twenty-five miles of Baltimore, where the American beats the drum end keeps the flag flying every minute of .the sun's round. A case for experts in deafness. Medical men anticipate steady drafts on their ranks for national , service and announce their readiness for the call. The shortage threatened in home service may radiate some of the joy of tie convalescent Chinaman: "No doctor, no medi cine, me get wclL" Holland refused consent, but finally consented to the use of its shipping in American waters in coastwise trade. Six months of idleness con voiced the owners that Uncle Sam could not be bluffed Into altering shipping policies in wartime to suit their wishes. An American's Pledge by Philadelphia Cluuabar ft Co mm In this time of national crisis I pledge myself to support the military, financial and economic policies of my country. I " this, first, because the United States stands tor democracy; for the right of the people to a voice in their government. Under this gov ernment I have received a good education; I have been protected in my life and property, and I have bad an opportunity to enter any activity in life for which J am fitted. ' I make thi pledge, secondly, because I believe democracy, not only in the United States, but also throughout the world, is threatened by the am bitions of the German kaiser and his advisers. He has established a military system whose vowed purpose is conquest He has waged war by barbarous and inhuman methods, the principal sufferers of which have been helpless men and women and children. v He has encouraged a course of instruction by which the youth of his nation have been educated to believe in force and conquest ; He ha repudiated treaties. . He baa violated all the principles of humanity and international Law in his treatment of the con quered Belgians., H conspired against our country while at peace with us. He has sought to embroil us in war with other countries. - - He haa fcaaed his policy toward other nations Upon falsehood and deceit j, For these reasons I accept the judgment of the president that no man and no nation can depend upon the word or treaty of the present German government For these reasons I pledge myself and my property to the cause of my country, and I will accept whatever aervice I am able and fitted to jindertake, Welcome to General Wood. Omaha vll have as its guest today another distinguished soldier of the United States, whom the city will be proud to honor. General Leonard M. Wood comes as a special missioned in behalf of the Liberty loan, but his visit will have even a deeper significance. As iormer cltiti of staff of the United States army and one of the fore most soldiers of his day, he will get a welcome from those who appreciate his work in behalf of America's defense. His present command is that of the great training camp to which many thou sands of Nebraska's young men have been sent and this gives him perhaps a little closer bond with the state. He began his army career in the west and came into prominence as commander of an almost exclusive western regiment, so that he is no stranger among us. His visit today will be too brief and his time too thoroughly taken up with his work to permit his receiving thf at tention the citizens would like to give him, but he will know when he leaves here he has been among friends, who admire him the more because of his soldierly qualities. Sinn Fein, Bosheviki and Kaiser. Ill-advised revolts in Ireland and Russia leavf no rdom for doubt as to the pro-German aspect of the Sinn Fein and Bosheviki movements. It has been urged for many years in behalf of Irish who have rebelled against the British govern ment that their efforts must be those of the op. portunist. How they can justify such effort at a time when all the strength of the British empire is being exerted in the cause of human liberty is beyond understanding. No more amazing specta cle can be imagined than that of the Irish engag ing in a revolt, the only outcome of which can be aid to Germany at a time when all the forces of freedom in the world are joined to defeat the Gerr man military party. I And what is true of Ireland applies as1 well to Russia. America, Great Britain, France, and even Japan, have co-operated to the fullest in try ing to bring to Russia the benefits of freedom and banian liberty, only to find endeavors checked and thwarted by the perversity of a minority of the Russian people seeking to accomplish the impossible. Accusations against Kerensky are idle in face of the record made by the Bolsheviki in its disorganization of Russian defense and its fatuous devotion to the notion that war can be ended by a declaration from a group of unreason ing extremists. These have but added to the problem the Al lies must deal with. It is unthinkable that the great cause of humanity will be lost because of the vagaries of men whose selfishness precludes any thought of responsibility to others, even when such selfishness seeks to withdraw behind a screen of humanitarian purpose. Order will be restored in Ireland and in Russia and the only advantage Germany can possibly gain will be a prolonging of the war that tends inevitably to the overthrow of kaiserism and all its fabrics of in trigue and treachery. The sad feature is that the Sinn'Feiners and the Bolsheviki are making necessary the 'sacirfice pi more lives "and the ex penditure ofmore money by their foolishness. Development of Inland Waterways. President Wilson shortly will name a com mission to be charged with one of. the most im portant duties assigned to a government investi gating body in recent years. It will be to study and make recommendations for the development of the inland waterways of the United States, that they may be made serviceable to commerce. Even with the happy-go-lucky methods prevailing some progress along this line has been made in lat years, but at great expenditure of effort and con siderable waste of money. What has been achieved emphasizes the possibilities of an intelligent and comprehensive program. : It is vital, too, that something be done to avail commerce of the services of the great rivers as carriers. Already the railroads are taxed beyond their powers, even with the adoption of methods that have increased their efficiency many fold. The future of the United States is such that all its acilties of every kind will be required to meet demands certain to arise. Wlth intensified efforts at production, now only begun, projected to the degree easily attainable, not only will all the waterways be needed, but the railroads will have to be dou bled in capacity to carry the goods. The busi ness of systematically harnessing the rivers of the United States has been too long neglected. , "Shoot the Way You Shout." Colonel Roosevelt has given us another epi gram worth remembering: "Shoot the way you shout" It does no good, says the colonel, to wave the flag unless you are prepared to back it up. Every citizen of the republic is included in this. Not all can go to the front as soldiers, but everyone has a chance to do something to help win the war. Stay-at-home duties are not spec tacular in any sense, but they are vitally impor tant' Each day each of us has opportunity to do something. Save a little food or a little fuel; do the task a little better and in a little shorter time and thus increase production In short, con tribute of what we have to the general sum of effort, and not only is the way to winning the war made easier, but we are all bettered because we have helped even in a small way. It is not necessary to shout to help, but if you feel that shouting will do any good you need not hold back. Only be ready to back up your noise. Soldiers Insurance Plan v Additional details I the government's plan for insuring all in its service who are exposed to military risks have been made public Main points in the information are as to the ages covered and the rates to be charged for insurance. The range of age for insurance exceeds that of most in surance companies and of all the "fraternals." From 15 to 65 takes in all who may be eligible otherwise, while the rate appears to, be rea sonable. ' In old line" companies' the element of protection varies in cost from $7 to $12 per thousand. This is approximately the rate fixed by the government for eligiblea between the ages of 21 and 31, at which the larger proportion will be insured. Term insurance, with payment of premiums in installments, to be stopped out of the soldier's pay, puts this insurance within the reach of all and provides a more equitable and certain, forai of settlement for injuries or death than is possible under the pension system, which it supersedes. A conference is called for this week at Washington, when representatives from all branches of the service' will be present and discuss the plan in detail, to report back to the main bodies with full information for the men. It la intended to make the insoranco immediately effective. The operations of this movement will be watched with utmost interest, as it will undoubt edly have a bearing on the future of life insur ance in the United States, Curbing the Dynamiters By Frederic J . Haskin Washington, Oct. 23. Beginning November 1 the control of the federal government will be ex tended for the first time oyer the most powerful and deadly of destructive agencies in the world. After that date it will be impossible to sell any high explosives without a permit from the United States bureau of mines or to buy it without giving your name and address, a full account of what you intend to use it for and a promise to return at once all that you do not use for the stated pur pose. This licensing system will apply to manu facturers, wholesalers, jobbers and retailers. As a matter of fact, plans to get control of high explosives have been under1 way ever since we began making munitions on a great scale. It began with a conference of the governors of sev eral New England states a couple of years ago. Alarmed at the frequency of explosions about the munition plants, they formed an organization and sent representatives to Washington to ask for federal aid on the subject. Ever since then the War department and the bureau of mines have been co-operating with congress in drawing this law, which provides an elaborate system of li censing and gives Director Manning of the bu reau of mines very broad powers besides, so that he could regulate the manufacture as well as the sale of high explosives if it becomes necessary and so that he can command the co-operative Services of all the police departments jn the coun try. Major Raymond Pullman of the Washing ton police force has been placed at the head of this police organization, which in effect unites, all the police of the country into a federal force. In case of a great explosion it will be his duty to direct the local police in their work of investiga tion and perhaps co-ordinate the work of sev eral adjacent forces, while the bureau of mines will rush experts in the techncHfgy of high ex plosives to the spot. Of course, no system can prevent absolutely the use of explosives for nefarious purposes. If an alien enemy wants to use explosives to de stroy a bridge or munition plant it is possible for him to make them out of materials which he can obtain from any drug store, provided he knows how. Also, if he is ingenious, he may success fully pose as a person entitled to use high explo sives for industrial purposes. But heretofore practically any person has been able to obtain this deadliest of all forces in any reasonable quantity for any purpose. It has been possible to buy the lower grades of dynamite at country stores as easily as one could buy soap or sugar. Safe blow ers, according to the testimony of an expert given before a senate committee, commonly did not even go to the expense of buying their materials, but stole it from the barns of farmers or from construction gangs. In the building of a road to Mount Rainier some years ago hundreds of pounds of dynamite were left lying about merely covered with bits of canvas. A certain western coal mining company admitted that it had al ways lost large amounts of dynamite by theft and that these thefts had been greatly increased since the European war began. A few years ago some Mexicans in the southwest who had quar relled with the forest service planned to blow up the government headquarters with dynamite, the plot being revealed when several hundred pounds of the material accidentally exploded in the adobe hut of a sheep herder, reducing the hut to its original constituents of sand and straw, while a couple of teeth were all that could be found of the plotter. . Captain Tunney of the New York bomb squad says that he believes 95 per cent of the danger from illegal use of explosives will be removed by this licensing system and cites his own experience in New York as proof. In order to find out how easily dynamite could be obtained there he sent some of his men out incognito to purchase high explosives. They easily obtained all they wanted. Captain Tunney then, ordered that they should return a part of the purchase with the explana tion that they did not need it. They did so and the purchase money was refunded by check. Tak ing these checks as evidence, the New. York po lice department laid the case before the explosive makers and demanded their co-operation in re stricting the irresponsible sale Qf their product. By this co-operation, which was not enforced by any law, much was accomplished in New York. A licensing system which will enable reputable persons to obtain high explosives is absolutely necessary because of the importance of these ma terials in industry. In farming, for removing stumps and boulders and to break refractory soil, great quantities are used. It is also indispensable m mining and road building. About 200,000,000 pounds of dynamite are used annually in the United States for industrial purposes. Hereto fore it has been possible for practically any per son to obtain a share of this tremendous quan tity of explosive for whatever purpose he wished to use it. Our stringent regulations with regard to the selling and carrying of revolvers look rather futile in the, face of these facts. ' This explosives law is one more step in the rapid extension of federal power which has been one of the most significant developments brought about in this country by the war. It is also sig nificant that th industries interested, which are usually the first to oppose any extension of fed eral power over their activities, were in this in stance almost wholly favorable to it. Representa tives of most of the great American powder com panies appeared before the congressional com mittees and testified to the need for federal con trol in the distribution of their product a most unusual spectacle. No doubt the fact that they have lost millions of dollars worth of property in explosions, many of which are believed to have been caused by alien enemies, had much to do with their amenability to federal control. . "Lasting Peace Boafatn Transcript 11 The phrase "a lasting peace is, in its current use, traced no further back than President Roose velt's effective call to Japan and Russia m 1905 to get together and settle their great difference. The step which Mr. Roosevelt then took resulted in a peace between those countries which bids fair to last Emerson says that he who effectively quotes a saying is equal in honor to him who first said it. If this is the case Mr. Roosevelt is en titled to stand side by side in credit with Jean Jacques Rousseau, who in the year 1756 put forth an essay with the title, "A Lasting Peace Through the Federation of Europe." This essay has just been republished in English and is well worth reading at this juncture, Rousseau, who lived and died in the eighteenth century, was in the habit of talking and writing just as if he belonged to the twentieth. Some of his educational ideas, for example, are being taken up now as a startling novelty. It is very much the same with his political ideas. And it must be said that although he liked the notion of European federation Rousseau had all the twentieth century incredulity as to the advantage of perfunctory universal alliances. The essay now republished contains these words: "My friends I you must allow me to tell you that you give too much weight to your calcula tions and too little to the heart of man and the play of passion. Your system is excellent for Utopia; for the children of Adam it is worth nothing." Let us say that in the case of whatever great league of peace may arise its lasting peace, it there is to be one, will have to be based on a sharp watch kept by the children of Adam on the sons of Belial. People and Events One day last week a rally of retail merchants of New York City considered the proposal of the Chamber of Commerce that the United States exercise complete power to fix prices as a war measure. What happened to the proposal was. a plenty. One report says "no a single ad vocate of that policy made himself heard. Every speaker stated reasons against it" Right In the Spotlight. Elbert H. Gary, who Is to preside at the annual meeting of the American Iron and Steel institute at Cincinnati today, haa been th real bead ot th United States Steel corporation since the day it was formed, llr. Gary be gan, life as a farmer's son in Illinois. J is father was able to send him to col- i lege and to a law school and in 1871, ; at the age of 25, he secured a position as clerk in the superior court at Chi cago. Two years later he began the practice of his profession, specializing in corporation law and eventually be coming counsel and director of two large steel companies. His industrial interests gradually came to over shadow his law practice and he finally abandoned his profession and removed to New York, where he was chosen by the late J. P. Morgan to head the board of director of the United States Steel corporation. One Year Ago Today in the War. Austro-Germans under General von Falkenhayn recaptured Vulcan pass. ' Two German warships reported de stroyed in the night raid on the Brit ish channel transport service. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today. A meeting of citizens to ratify the nonpartisan judicial ticket in the com ing election was held at the Grand Opera house. The gathering was called to order by W. V. Morse and John Wilber of the Omaha Savings bank assumed the position of secre tary. The grand shooting tournament opened up under the management of Penrose & Hardin and many of the distinguished crack shots are expected to arrive today. Stephenson & Williams were granted permission to erect a barn on lot l, block 6, Horbach's First addition. James Casey, proprietor of the Ar cade, and wife have gone to Denver, where a week will be spent in recre ation. The executive committee of the Douglas county republican central committee held a meeting at which it was decided to hold a grand rally at Waterloo next Monday evening. Sev eral talented speakers have been se cured and there will be music by a brass 'band. The contract for the grading of Dodge street from Twenty-eixth ave nue to Thirty-eighth street was awarded to Hugh Murphy. This Pay in History. 1759 George Jacques Danton, one of the conspicuous figures in' the French revolution, born. Died by the guillotine April 5, 1794. 18'fhoma8 P. Ochiltree, the first native Texan to sit In the national house of representatives, born, at Na cogdoches, Tex. Did at Hot Springs, Va., November 25, 1902. 1850 -Discovery of the northwest passage by Captain McClure of the In vestigator. ' 1 ' 1867 Pontifical troops badly de feated by Garibaldlana at Monte Ro tondo'. 1893 United States battleship Ore gon launched at San Francisco. 1914 Generals De Wet and Beyers started new rebellion in South Africa. 1915 Art works in Venice seriously damaged by bombs dropped by Aus trian aviators. 1916 The new Trolpastta canal, be-1 tween Wener lake and the North Sea, was opened by the king of Sweden. The Day We Celebrato. ' Rear Admiral Charles Fremont Pond, U. S. N., born at Brooklyn, Conn., 61 years ago today. Martin A. Ryerson, president of th board of trustees of the University ol Chicago, born at Grand Rapids, Mich., 61 years ago today. Henry B. Warner, popular actor and motion picture star, bornjn London 41 years ago today. Benjamin h. Jefferson, United States minister to Nicaragua, born at Colum bus, Ga., 46 years ago today.. Sydney Rosenfeld, one of the most successful of American playwrights, born at Richmond, Va., 62 years ago today. Richard Hoblitie.1, first baseman of the Boston American league base ball team, born in Parkersburg, W. Va., 28 years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. The college of bishops of the Metho dist Episcopal church, south, will meet in semi-annual session at Jack son, Tenh., today to outline the pro gram of work for the coming year. The memory of Dr. George W. Bai ley, who was president of the World's Sunday School association, will be hon ored today by the, unveiling of a tab let at hia grave In the cemetery at Clarksboro, N. J. Former President William H. Taft is scheduled as a speaker before the annual convention ot the Affiliated Ad vertising Clubs of New York and Pennsylvania, which la to open today at Rochester, N. Y. Autumn Arbor day Is to be observed at Harrlsburg today with the planting of a tree for every governor ot Penn sylvania In the State Capitol park. Governor Brumbaugh will open the ceremonies by planting the tree for William Penn. Rev. William Gerhard, the oldest citizen of Martinsburg, W. Va., la to celebrate his 100th birthday an niversary today. In 'recognition of the fact 'that Mr. Gerhardt is the fa ther of the Pythian order in West Virginia, the Knights of Pythias grand lodge haa arranged to present him with 100 fl gold pieces. Storyette of the Day. Mr. Justice Darling, in a case where ont ot the wltnessea was obviously per juring himself, cautioned him, where upon the witness burst forth: -"My lord, you may believe me or beilevc me not. but 1 have not tated a word that la false; I have been wed ded to the truth since infancy!" "Indeed!" came the retort, quick as a liphtning flash. "Wedded to. the truth since infancy, eh? But" sweetly "may I inquire how long you have been a widower?" London Tit Bits. YOUR SHARE. Lea Shlppey, la LeaUa's Tha fcaya who enlisted ar giWag their blood Ia kmttla for mine and ate; The women and bablea are giving their food In countries across the aea; They suffer privations undreamed In our land For the aame Ideals we hold. They make aacrlflces we can't understand Where in plenty are bread and gold; The mothers, the children, the old, the unfit. Are giving their all over there By George! I don't want to do merely my bit But do my full ahara my share! It's little enough I can do over here For the boys who are fighting for me. But I'll gire 'till It hurts' and I'll give with ?ood cheer When It pinches the prouder I'll be. Why, the shirt from my back I would Joy fully tear J sat tar teal leas amasad. lea aa-aae4 Every time my thoughts turn to our boy over there And the women and children and maimed; Just to feel I waa doing my utmost with grit. Just to (eel I was playing things square. Just to know I waa not merely doing my bit But thank Ood ! I waa doing my ahara! Why Not Help Sailors? Omaha, Oct 22. To the Editor of The Bee: Your paper as well as the others all over the country have joined in with Mr. Hoover and other govern ment officials in preaching "conserva tion of food," which all thinking per sons highly approve of. Let me re cite a case in which the government might help that worthy object just so much and at the same time bring a great amount of Joy and gladness to just 100 Omaha and Nebraska boys who left father and mother, brother and sister and their best girl last April, May and June and at serious financial loss to themselves at the be ginning of their life offered their serv ices to their government and are now at Mare island. These 100 boys of Nebraska con ceived the plan of coming to visit home at Christmas time, planned to save $50 or $60 each and see if the Southern Pacific company would not give them a round trip ticket from San Francisco and return for that amount. I had a letter today from one of these boys, my son, in which he said the railroad company could not give them any better than the regular rate of $104 each and gave as a rea son the interstate law. I know that these same railroads, starting in June each year, give round trip tickets to the coast good for stopovers at any point and good for three or four months for $60. These are exceptional times that try men's souls. Why can't the govern ment commission allow the railroads to do the same thing at Christmas time and bring joy and gladness to the hearts of these boys, who have gladly sacrificed so much? I fancy that they would be better seamen and better men every way for such a kind ness, besides saving the government that much food. A FATHER. done in any common case. But I want to lodge a hot old protest against the very unfair condition wnicn tn worker is up against. Say his wages are 50 per cent higher than five years ago, his living has gone up from 100 to 300 per cent. Now they stick a chunk under these abnormal prices to keep them from coming down, then the profiteers complain of paying labor 50 per cent more. While five years ago the air rang till it cracked with the H. C. L-, now to spike the cost 100 to 200 per cent higher than then and to spike the wages to keep ing them from raising is something beyond any limit or reason heretofore seen or known. FRANKLIN POPE. Won't Do. A stnry Is told of an Irishman who went to a chemist'a shop for an empty bottle. Selecting one that answered his purpose, he asked: "How much?" "Well," said the chemist, "if you require the empty bottle it'll be two-pence, but if you have something put In it we won't charge anything for the bottle." 'Sure, that'a fair enough," observed Patj "put in a cork." London Bits. Farm Wages and Profits. York, Neb., Oct. 24. To the Editor of The Bee: In reading The Bee's Let ter Box one is at a loss to know who is who In the debate on the price for corn picking. One writer says that 10 cents would be about right, while another says that is outrageous, and then goes wild and says that 6 and 7 cents is unreasonably high, as it costs so much more to raise it now than formerly, and says the man that said it does not cost much more than it used to is false, but he was right. Yet if it even costs 50 per cent more to raise corn now, what of it when the corn is bringing five to 10 times what it did a few years ago, and instead ot the tools costing more now than they did that is a mistake and a big one. Yes, we admit they are higher than they have been in late years, but cheap to what they used to be when our produce brought one third to one-fifth on' the average of what they do now. Now to be fair the farmer would be better off now to pay 25 cents per bushel at the pres-t-nr prices than 3 cents when the corn brought 10 to 13 cents, but I am not suggesting that as the price, but just stating a fact and while that would leave the farmer higher pay for his corn, yet it would not be any higher for the corn pickers when they come to buy some things they have to have. We get the climax of the debate when Mr. Hoare ot Monroe, Neb., says that it is manifestly unfair for unskilled labor to expect $S or $10 per day, which 8 or 10 cents a bushel wduld mean. Now I want to inform him that no unskilled labor is picking any 100 bushels per day on an aver age and, more than that, not one in a hundred of his skilled labor is doing that, and that the man is not very much of a skilled farmer than cannot raise and market one-half acre of corn for every day he puts in with his team in the field, except the picking, and that is the only real hard work there Is In raising corn. Now, say his corn makes the 37 bushels per acre (the average for the "state this year); tbei half acre would be 184 bushels, his two-thirds 12 bushels and a fraction, worth $1.15 per bushel, malting $13.80 for his two-thitds of hie half acre for his one day's work. Now give the unskilled picker 10 cents per bushel for the 18 y2 bushels, $1.85, and the poor farmer would have but $11.95 for his one day's work. Now, I have not given an unfair showing, but Just such as ought to be mm. increases strength of delicate, nervous, run-down people 100 per cent in ten days in many instances. $100 forfeit if it faila as per full ex planation in large article soon to ap pear in this paper. Used and highly en dorsed by fonsier Cnjited States Senators and Members of Congress, well-known physicians and former Public Health of ficials. Ask your doctor or druggist about it, . CuticuraSoap is Ideal for theGomplexion LOFTIS FROS. & CO. ANNUAL 0 TOBER SALE Our Diamond., -re superior gema, of distinctive beauty, full of the brilliancy and dazzling fir that captivate. With tha crisp autuma nights come dancing parties, and Hallowe'en almost here. Social occasions demand hand some jewelry a Biamond Ring, La Val liere, Scarf Pin, Wrist Watch, etc. You can wear and owa anything desired by simply opening a charge account with us Loftis Perfection Diamond Ring This exquisite Diamond ring stands alone as the most perfect ring ever pro duced; 14k con solid gold 1179 Cameo Bing, 4 fine diamonds, pink Coral Cameo; fine solid C1C gold. $2.25 a Week $2.80 a Month $1.50 Month 17-Jewsl $1475 Elgin ...n No. 16 Men's El gin. Waltham or H a m p d en watch, in 2 5 year guarante e d double strata gold filled case. 1 50 a Month Oped Daily till 9 p. m Saturday till 9:30. Call or write for Catalog No. 903. Phone Douglae 1444 and salesman will call. FHE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS 409 So. 16th St., OMAHA. B0FTIS UBROS&G-SSI Tells How to Stop a Bad Cough Sarpristaf reaalts from thle neme mado syrup. Easily prepared and Costs Utile. AA.l,tr-- AAAlAai AAAAitA iAAAA A A lTTTTTTfTTTWrTfTTTTTTTTT If you kave a severe cough or chest cold accompanied with soreness, throat, tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathing, or if your child wakes up during tha nichfc with, croup and you want quick help, just try this pltbsant tasting home-made cough remedy. Any drujr jrist can supply you with 2 ounces of lMnex (CO cents worth). Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Thus prepared, you have a pint -i really re markable cough remed-- one that can be depended upon to give quick and last ing relief at all times. You can feel this take lold of a cough , in a way that means business. It) loosens and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothea and heals the irritated membranes that 1 line tha throat and bronchial tubes with such promptness, ease and certainty that it is really astonishing. Pinex ia a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and is noted for its speed in overcoming severe coughs, throat and thest colds. Its millions of enthusiastia users have made it famous the world over. , There are many worthless imitations of this noted mixture. To avoid disap pointment, ask for "2 ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded, poea with this preparation. The Pinex Co, Ft, Wayne, lad, HOTICE TO TAX PAYERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Commencing November 5th, 1917, I am by law compelled to sell all delinquent taxes or special assets ments on all property in Douglas County It is not my desire to sell the property of any tar payer, so, for the benefit of the tax paying public I will state that there is still time to avoid the sale of your property for delinquent taxes by attending to the mat ter at once, as the taxes on all property advertised may be paid without any extra expense except advertising, before November 5th, 1917. If you arc in doubt as to whether you have unpaid taxes, call us up by phone, or read the Evening World herald of October 20th and 27th. M. L. ENDRES, County Treasurer. THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C. Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which yon will please send me, entirely free, a copy of "The War Cook Book." '- Name. Street Address City State