Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    T-.THB:-BEE-V"-OilAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917.
; Question Whether State or Na
I tional Authority Shall Con
trol Again to the Front
! ' ' at Lincoln.
i From Staff Correspondent,
1 Lincoln, Oct 25. (Special.) To
what extent the State Railway com-
-. mission can enforce the operation of
he new car shortage law in this state
i was ine sudjcci oi a tuuicitu i
;day between the commission, repre
i sentatives of all the railroads operat
: tug in the state and shippers.
The law provides that whenever the
- commission deems it expedient it can
'allow the law to a certain extent to
be inoperative, as long as its general
provisions are not interfered with.
Now, with the government handling
the movement of food products, it
appears that it is necessary to come
te come sort of an understanding as
to handling cars.
According to representatives of the
roads, the railroad committee the gov
ernment committee and the commit
tee of the Interstate Commerce com
mission are working together in har
mony for the purpose of getting cars
. to the places most needed. All that is
asked of the state commission is also
to co-operate with the other commit
tees in this state and not to inter
fere with rules laid down by the gov
ernment committee.
"We. are doing everything in our
power to work with the government
in the handling of the car situation,"
; said Byron Clark of the Burlington.
"This is a national question and not
a 6tate question. We are willing to do
what the government orders us to do,
.but we don't want to get into trouble
with this, state commission when fol
lowing out the commands of the
: J. W. Shorthill, member of the na
tional commission covering the grain
busienss, said he believed the way to
handle the situation was for the state
'commission to keep its hands off only
in cases where there was discrimina
tion as between certain points aird let
the government attend to furnishing
Would Keep Boys in School;
' Not Necessary on Farms
Arapahoe, Neb., Oct 23. (Special.)
At the meeting of the S. W. Men's
association at Arapahoe last Saturday
the resolution was unanimously
adopted: .
. whereas, fa consideration of last
spring's experience in our section of
Nebraska shows that only about 40
per cent of tlie boys dismissed to help
on the farm actually were of material
assistance on the farm, and,
Z Whereas, though farming it im
portant even those who press the
farm work, recognize that schools tt
still more important, and that in peace
or in war the next decades will de
jnand the highest educational training,
J? Be it therefore resolved, that, we,
the S. W. Men's .association, deem it
our highest patriotic duty to protest
(Brains t. .wholesale dismissing of our
"high schools and our high school
toys, and We urge that each individual
4ov be carefully and patriotically con
sidered. High School Students of
j Minden Buy $200 Bond
' Mindertf, Neb.. Oct. 2S.-(Special.)--A
Liberty bond of $200 denomination
was bought ',by the Minden High
- school yesterday. Rev. I. C Rankin
gave a itirrmg patriotic address to the
students, urging upon them the neces
sity of individual sacrifice during the
ar. After school four classes met
i separate rooms and took subscrip
' tions for the bond, this totaling $100,
the juniors heading the list , with
$34.50. Seniors, after subscribing in
dividuatly for; the bond, decided to in
vest $10d-ot:the senior-play money
that will be received next spring when
the play is given, in a bond, in the
meantime borrowing the money from
Jhebank. -. j ','r
iwcPhersort County Potato '
i Crop' Damaged by Freezes
1 Tryon, 'Neb, Oct 25. (Special.)
The unusually large potato crop in
McPherson county is cut short about
one-half mowing to recent freezes.
Some farmers have lost their entire
crops, none of them less than 300 bush
els and somrof the 500 and 800, and
hey will llave to buy for their own
use. Lack of help to harvest is the
fause., .- ( (
, f The county' high school started in
Tryon Tsday morning after a two
months' delay in securing a teacher.
Some of the -rural schools are short
of teachers. '
Early Freeze in Northwest
Catches Unharvested "Spuds"
Hemingford. Neb, Oct 25. Spe
cial Telcgram.)-A severe frost Mon
day night destroyed unharvested po
tatoes. Reports indicate probably
$200,000 damage. Some farmers will
lose 60 acres, though most all had
finished.. The temperature was 10 de
grees above aero for 15 hours.
Potatoes froze in some cars on the
track. V
. - i
Waterloo Subscribes Its , ,
's . Quota of Liberty Bonds
Waterloo, Neb, Oct 25. (Special.)
At a patriotic meeting last night
v Waterloo and community subscribed
its quota of $33,500 for the Liberty
loan. The same amount was pur
chased on the first issue. Lysle I.
Abbott was the principal speaker at
the meetinj.;:
V Alma Man E enters Navy.
Alma, Neb, Oct 25. (Special.)
' Leo Snyder, a resident of this place,
graduate of the University of Nebras
ka, and a former instructor at Beth
any, left yesterday for service in the
navy. He originally enlisted for
service in the branch popularly known
. as submarine' chasers. When the
building of the boats of that type was
, abandoned, he was transferred to an-
i other department
WRITE TODAY sad I will tall yea of the
simpl Bocae treatment for sithma and bron
chitis wbieb has cored many liter physicians
and change of climate failed. I want 70a to
try tt at my expense. Drop me a card and
I'll mail you a tit ample bottle FREE. Geo.
J. Taouassea, Bos Alt, Des Main, Iowa.
Hamilton County High School
Classes Buy Liberty Bonds
Aurora, Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.)
Each class at the Aurora High school
has bought a Liberty bond in the
naK of -the. school, and 'will leave
"these" securities itl ' the' school'a'S" the
classes graduate for the benefit of
succeeding scholars.
The Boy Scouts of Aurora have
already sold bonds in the amount of
T. E. Williams today received a
telegram from "H" company of the
One Hundred and Thirty-fourth
United States infantry, formerly the
Fifth Nebraska, stating that the
Hamilton county contingent has
bought $5,600 worth of bonds.
Every precinct chairman and offi
cer of the Hamilton County Women's
Council of Defense has individually
bought a Liberty bond.
State House Officials
Anxious to Husk Corn
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Oct. 25. (Special.) If
Max Kattleman, late of Omaha, but
now of the secretary of state's office,
has his way there will not be an ear
of corn unshucked in Nebraska when
the frosty winds of March shall blow
across the state. He and Deputy
Treasurer Henry Berge want to come
to the relief of the state.
Both men have shucking records
and are anxious to go to the fields,
provided the farmers who hire them
have plenty of chickens. Outside of
that little inducement they are not so
particular. Of course they want a
power unloader, but itis not neces
sary taht its capacity should be un
limited. Few Rooters See Battling
Cornhuskers Off for East
Lincoln, Oct. 25. (Specjal Tele
gramsLess than a dozen rooters
were at the depot this evening to give
the Cornhuskers a sendoff on their
invasion of Michigan, where Stewart's
pupils play Yost's great 11 next Sat
urday afternoon. A heavy rain was
falling' and the Huskers left , town
with the most dispirited sendoff' a
Nebraska 11 had in years. Stewart
took 19 players, including Captain
Shaw, Riddell, Wilder, Day, Kositzky,
Hubka.-Rhodes. Dobscui. Snallenberg.
.McMahjin,- Cook, Qtopjlik, Kellogg,
Munn,'Deteaitf L'Shaw", Young, Te-
tor and Krimeimeye. frot. Soott ac
companied the team.
All of the Huskers will be in the
lineup at the opening of the game
with the exception of Riddell, it was
announced today, although some of
the regulars were listed as cripples.
Oakland Sends Bond List
Fa& pver City's Quota
'Oakland,' Nebi. Oct. 25. (Special
Telegram.) Oakland went over the
top nicely with its Liberty bond quota.
Its share of Burt county's $342,000 was
$85,50a' ; At the close the amount
raised was $115,000; of which $63,000
was' subscribed at a patriotic meeting
this'' evening. -C Pctrus' Peterson' of
Lincoln made an address, the appeal
ing effect of which was so strong,
that the subscription shot $30,000 be-y.4-0J
ct.yipt , ... s'
QiWmoni Goei b Chadron- ,
T? Attend ScKool Meetings
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Oct 25. (Special.) State
Superintendent W. H. Clemmqns has
gone to Chadron to attend a session
of the Northwestern .Nebraskareach
era associatidn and also to "attend" a
rrteejiiijspbf the. State; Normal iboard(;
which, is called for .that place., Vi YSV
Qperat&-New rower way
Press Twice and Loses Foot
ulnktoiflb. . !.: Oct' 25.5vncikl.t
-rOn he, second day that,Pauf Coch
ran, a young- farmer living neathere,
operated a new; power .hay1 press,-he
haci. his Jeftjoqt caught in, the ma
chine and crushed' so that tt had to
be amputated. Cochran was married
only recently. . , , '
To Bond Sale TotakThere
Bancroft, "Neb, Oct 25. (Special
Telegram.) At a patriotic rally held
here " last' night' addressed by Frank
G. Odell of Pmaha, $10,500 was sub
scribed to the Liberty loan. The
total subscribed hi 'the Bancroft' dis
trict iS, 75,000.,, y ,
First Snowfall Visits 3 '
"'5 'Sectiort About Beatrice,
Beatrice, .. (Special.)
The first snow of the season visited,
this section of the state today. The
snowfall 'was-accompatlie 4 by a 8,t;ea'dY
riin and winter, wheat will be greatly
improved as a result ;
State Board-Grants Bight to
Lake Near Antioch; Legal
Action to Test Coming
(From a Staff Correipenaent.) '""V
Lincoln, Oct. 25. (Special) The
Nebraska Refining and PipeLine
company, of which W. S. Ridgell, state
fire commission is j. president, was
awarded the potash fights to the lake
near Antioch which has been the bone
of controversy with the members of
the board of educational- funds.
The bid of the refining company was
accompanied by a certified check for
$1,000 to guaranty the prosecution of
the work as soon as it can be started.
The bid was for the usual percentage
of income from the lake with a $1,000
bonus. No other bids were offered
although a crowd of people interested
in' taking water from the lakes of the
state was present
The board was a little shy on at
tendance, the governor and treasurer
being absent. However, with Secre
tary of State Pool in the chair, Land
Commissioner Shumway as secretary
and Attorney General Reed present, it
made a quorum. t
What About Suit.
Mr. Shumway asked Mr. Ridgell
what he was going to do about fight
ing the suit in court to' test the valid
ity of the lease if the state gave it
to him, and Ridgell told him that was
not his business. iou people au
thorized the attorney general to go
ahead and begin a suit a month ago,"
said Mr. Ridgell and if you want to
know anything about it ask him."
The attorney general replied that
the state was ready to begin a suit
just as soon as the lease was made
and the lessee took possession. When
that is done the owners-of the agri
cultural lease will begin a suit against
the lessees. Then the state will be
gin its suit to test its right to make
such a lease, but until objection . is
made by somebody to leasing the lake
for, mineral 'purposes, the state has
nothing to start a suit" on. He said
that the state had prepared its case
so far as it could go, but could not
start a suit until there was occasion
for such a suit, when prompt action
owuld be taken, j
Shumway' Votes, for, It '
Under such an understanding Land
Commissioner Shumway appeared
satisfied and said he -would vote to
issue a" lease to Mr. Ridgell's company
and the, motion was put and carried
The legal , question which is in
volved covers the interpretation of
the law and the lease made to farm
ers- andStock raisers who for years
nave neia leases on ,tne state lanqs,
martv .of ..which . havi. lake . shnwinir
"Ti V. . ' ; 1 rt
-heavy potash' propensities.'; The lease's
purposes." The state holds, and it
has some court opinions' to back it,
that, holders .of these lands under
such, a lease- .have no mineral rights
and that the state has the authority
fetoyelKasf s OgtrjliferaUiirposiss,: v.
Recruit Drive at Fairbury
For Company D of Seventh
Beatrice, Neb., Oct 25. (Special.)
Company D of the Seventh regi
ment yesterday arranged to hold a
bjg drive for recruits at Fairbury Sat
'ilprday. " Membersof .the company
will be taken in autos to Fairbury by
Beatrice citizens returning home after
the meetings.
Roy Barnard and Miss Susie C.
Essam were married yesterday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Essam, two miles east
of Beatrice. Rev. C. F. Stevens offici
ated. George Walker, a pioneer resident
of Blue Springs, suffered a stroke of
paralysis the other day and is criti
cally ill.
Announcement was received here
yesterday of the death of Mrs. Sher
man Avey," aged 34 years, formerly
.of this city, at Mallett City, Idaho.
She is survived - by her husband and
three children. Mr. Avey was former
ly city clerk of Beatrice. '
. Judge Pemberton of the district
court, yesterday denied the restrain
ing order asked for by Mel Raw
lings of Wjrnore to prevent the li
Brary board of that city from erect
ing the new library building on the
Whitson site. Evidence in the case
will re heard Thursday.
1 Charles Johnson was severely
bruised ip a runaway west of the city
yesterday. His team ran away and
threw him out of the wagon. He was
brought: to Beatrice for treatment.
ilma Red Cross Chapter
' Raises $354 at Meeting
Alma,' Neb., Oct 25. (Special.)
An enthusiastic' meeting was held at
the , court house here last night to
boost work of the local Red Cross.
The court' house was crowded to its
capacity. Music was furnished by the
high school orchestra, by a male quar
tet and by Miss Hagg and Miss Rass
mussen. The meeting was presided
over by W. J. Furse, chairman of the
County Council of Defense. Mrs. W.
C. Bartlett in a short talk explained
the work accomplished by the local
Red Cross. The principal speech of
the evening was made by Congress
man A. C. Shallcnberger. A great
deal of enthusiasm was shown and a
collection was taken resulting in do
nations to . the local Red Cross
amounting to $354.
Mrs. Minister at North Platte.
' North Tlatte, Neb., Oct. 25. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Rev, Joseph H.
Curry of Kansas City has been se
lected to take charge in the local
Presbyterian church, and will take up
his duties November 15.
Subscribe $14,000 at Commu
nity Liberty Bond Banquet;
Townspeople Buy $20,000
' Worth.
Kearney, Neb., Oct 25. (Special.)
Citizens of Elmcreek held last night
what is believed to be the first com
munity Liberty bond banquet in the
United States. Plates were set for
100 and following the banquet the hall
was thrown open to all.
Dan Morris, president of the State
Bankers' association and the City Na
tional bank of this city, President
George S, Dick of the Kearney nor
mal school and George Webster of
Gibbon, chairman of the Liberty bond
campaign committee, were speakers o(
the evening.
A subscription list was opened, fol
lowing brief addresses, and $20,000 was
subscribed. There were present a
large number of farmers who came
loaded down with Liberty dollars. A
separate list was started for the vis
iting farmers and they subscribed an
additional $14,000 worth of bonds.
It was the greatest drive made in
this county during the week of cam
paigning and the first time the farm
ers, as a body, have rallied to support
the Liberty loan.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
j Storage is J
' Cheaper !
' Than Rent i
If you fail to find the house '
or apartment that you wish for
? a. home, store your household
goods in our '
9 ?
I : Omaha Van f
a S
f & Storage Co.
PHONE DOUG. 4163 i
806 South 16th St .' ;
iii!ii!iiiliiliiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiMiti'infi!: liilhiuii.f
I ) -'CSSU U 0 :r'h
To Relieve Catarrh : v
CatarrKal Deafness;
Ani HeaH Noises
persons sufferta from eatarrkal deafness
and bead noises will be glad to know tbat
this distressing;, affliction can ntusJly be
saeeessfully treated at bom by tt Internal
medicine thst in many instances bat effected
complete relief after ether treatments have
failed. Sufferers who could scarcely bear
have bad their hearing restored to such .an
extent that the tick of a wateb was plainly
aadible seven or eight inches away from
either ear. Therefore, if you know of some
one who Is troubled with bead noisea-or
catarrhal deafness, cut Oat thle ' formula
and band It to them and you may hse been
the means of saving soma poor sufferer per
bsps from totsl deafness. The prescription
eaa be prepared at home and Is made as fol
lows i
Secure from your druggist 1 ounce Par
mint Double Strength), about BO cents'
worth. Take this bomt and add to it H
pint of hot water and 4 oss. of granulated
sugar; stir until dissolved. -Take- one tabie
spoonful four times day.
Parmint is used in this way not only to
reduce, by tonic action the inflammation and
swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and, thus
to equalise the air pressure, on the drum,
but to correct sny excess ot secretions in
the tnlddle ear; and the results , it gives are
nearly always quick and effective.
Every person who has catarrh In any
form should give this -recipe trial Adv.
Simple Home Treatment
to Remove Hairy Growths
: ' (Beauty Culture)
Two or three minutes' use of a
delatone paste will banish every bit
of hair from your faee, neck or arms.
This paste is made by nixing: some
water with powdered 'detabne. -After
the paste is removed the skin should
be washed to free it from the remain
ing delatone and it will be clear and
spotless. You will not be disappointed
with this treatment if you are sure
to obtain real delatone. Adv.
If You Would Protect
Your Health
...... f. ).:; f...
i' '
lPa mTfT " . 1
;uuri i
' If -your feet are properly
protected; they will not get
cold. We have in our cushion
' insole shoes an absolute non
conductor of heat and cold.
Your feet are alwayswarm
and comfortable in ' these
; ehQes, :- x
v They re made on com
"mon sense lasts, fitted with
. soft porous felt cushion in
sole, which gives a soft, firm
foundation. The only, real
cushion sole shoe on the I
market " , .' - '" "- ( . i
: The very highest quality
of vici kid, first grade oak-
sole,, plain and cap toe. in 1
lace only. . ,
, Eizes 5 W to 12 B to EE
Price $8.00 f
Shoe Company i
1419 FARNAM ST. j
Mail Orders Solicited.
roir To Destroy the Germ and End
ii-o v.! Jiseae V
To sure eatarrn so It won't come back you
(ust, according to a noted authority, tint
Un from your body the mill ions, of germs
thst are flourishing in the inner recesses of
your nose and throat and are causing;, the
There is a preparation which does this
called Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me). Hy
omei is a germ killing vaporised air formed
from the purest oil ot Eucalyptus combined
with ether healing and antiseptic ingredients.
You breathe Hyomei through the mouth and
nose by means of a little hard rubber in
haler which druggists furnish with it. This
medicated germicidal air penetrates into
every fold and crevice of the mucous mem
brane of your nose and throat, kills the
catarrh germs that lodge there, soothes, re
duces and hears the -swollen fnfianted- mem
branes, stops the disehsrge and opens up
the clogged nose and air passsges in a truly
wonderful way. Sherman A McConnell Drug
Co. and many other leadtnjL druggists in
Omsha and vicinity sell Hswmei with the
positive guarantee that it must cure catarrh
or that the money paid for it will be re
funded. Advertisement
How Many Den
tists Can Give
a Satisfactory
Answer, to Both
Patient and
. Fear is the. strongest-of the emotions. In tie publib mind
pain has always been associated with dentistry.
People allow good teeth to decay, jeopardize health and-corn-fort
because t,hey fear pain and yet they are. finally driven ,
to the dentist: by the very pain they sought to avoid. -j,
. So great is this fear that the wonderful progress of dentistry
as a' science and the great achievements of many individual,
dentists are entirely lost sight of in the more vivid impression
made upon the public mind that "H HUBTS.?, ;
To this day patients come to me in fear and trembling -and.
ask over and Vver again the dreaded question "WILL IT
HURT" and despite ray, positive assurance"; that the tooth
will be extracted without pain, distrust and fear is Written .
upon each face until the offending tooth is: held tip before the :
astonished vision and smiles chase away the waiting tears. , .
I haw often said and still repeat that half the pain inflicted
in the dental chair was entirely unnecessary due to careless
ness, lack of skill or plain cruelty. , . . . .
. , . . ". ' - . .: ;- -
I also desire to reiterate that all unnecessary pain is entirely
eliminated in this office. , ...
I have extracted countless thousands of teeth, even live nerves
have been removed withput .the slightest twinge on' the part
of, the patient and within a few feet of our reception rooms
'where waiting patients were unaware that aching" teeth .were
being removed practically every minute. . : v .
If you are unusually sensitive to pain, and are delaying your
dental work on that account come to me and learn how we
have robbed dentistry of its chief terrors. .
Painless Withers, Dentist
-: ' 423-428 Securities Bldg.16th and Farnam Sts.(: .
,.,V OMAHA, NEB. '
Office Hours: 8:30 A. M. ,to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1.. ,
Buy a Liberty Bond 1
This Bank will be open every evening this
week until nine o'clock to receive subscriptions
for Liberty Bonds. .
UnitedStates .NatioDyd.Bank
Northwest Corner 16th and Farnam Sts.
The Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
buys Hayden Bros.' $100,000 stock
of high-grade Pianos. Player Pianos.
Musical Instruments, Sheet Music,
for Spot Cash at their Own Price.
' Here's the Whole Story
Hayden Bros, recently put their store on a cash basis, but found that their Piano
Department was not a paying proposition unless they would sell on installments.
Hence, rather than throw food money after bad they made us. a very attractive
proposition to purchase their entire stock for Spot Cash. We accepted their low
offer and are now in position to five the people of Nebraska and tributary ter
ritory Pianos, Player Pianos and Orf ans at prices to lose sifht of cost.
VgTqf-, fn4r - !yigJ;gn
I" iiiimiNit. - I l
This great, stock Includes such well known makes as
TEEPL, MARSHALL, ex WtlNUtLL, SHON1NCC.K, and msny others.
You can buy a Beautiful Upright Piano at $68. 875. $90,
$100 na up.
'You can buy an Excellent Grand Piano at $325, $450. $475,
$500 nd up. s
You can buy a Fine Player Piano at $175. $212. $258. $325
and up.
Do not lose this golden opportunity to secure one of these famous makes
at such a remarksble price savins;, and on terms to suit., Make your selection
early, and have the piano delivered to suit your convenience next Christmas will
do if not ready today. v
, MR. PIANO BUYER Are yon trointc to be alive to your interests and secure
the greatest Piano Esrgsin ever offered T
$350 Hamilton Upright. .$148
$350 Wegman Upright. . .$174
$E0O Checkering Upright. $188
$400 Price & Teeple Up. .$205
$425 J. & C. Fischer Up. .$292
$800 Knabe Grand. .... .$515
$500 Price & Teeple Tlyr. $212
Hare Is Partial List of the Values We Hire Hundreds. of Others:
- $225 Groversteen Upright $ 68
$225 Smith & Barnes Up.S 85
$300 Sohmer Upright $ 88
$250 Cable Upright $ 94
$350 Steger Upright. . . .$110
$360 Kohler & Chase Up. $118
$400 Schubert Upright. : .$124
" SQUARE PIANOS AND ORGANS, $5, 10, $18, $20 AND UP.
., this is not a hlf-bearted Piano Ssle. The prices are plainly marked. No
baffling; atrquibbnnlf. ONE PRICE TO ALL. First Come; First Served. A simple
vand -VuVe method at f ivinf satisfaction.- Terms to suit, $8.00 per month and up
will do. t ',L;'V.-' J
Every sale is backed by the entire resources (over $1,000,000) of Omaha's
. Oldest and 94ost Reliable Musis House. Call or writs at once.
... .800 Copies of Sheet Music, anly.... .Be per copy
' 100 Musis Rolls, only N...12c per roll
;:EtablisIed. PIAlMr. rfi 13H-1313
1859 YUXJAJ., Farnam Strsst.
Peter. Peter. Pumpkin Eater. '. '
a . Had s wife and couldn't keep her;
' - ' Put Washington Crisps in the pumpkin shell
Theri he kept her very well.
THE picture showing the Pumpkin
A Eater's wife in the Pumpkin shell,
is one of the many beautifully colored
toys given away free with Washington
Crisps. ,
Mother Goose, and her friends, Humpty
Dumpty, Cinderella, Little Jack Horner
and all the others have always been
- great favorites with the children, and
thousands of them all over the country
are now playing the new Mother Goose
game. v
Order Washington Crisps from your grocer and
start your children today.
Once Father tries these delicious Corn Flakes he
will join in with the children and demand Washing,
ton Crisps.
rvn n n n n
Exterminated With Ona Application
OMAHA, NEB. . Douglas 1370.
673 Brandsis Bldg
Bee Want Ads Are Best Businees Boosters.