Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 I
War Board's! Efforts to Mom Ford M Market tenters
Immense Tonnage Waits the
Equipment to Move It t(k
the Market At
Bulletin information from Wash
ington is to the effect that the war
hoard has started a movement to get
freight cars into the. potato-growing
areas of the country in order that the
crop, now matured and ready for mar
ket, may be moved toward the con
suming centers.
. And with reference to potatoes. A
delegation of potato growers from
Dawes comity, Nebraska, is in the;
city calling oh the railroad officials
and urging that cars be sent to llem
ingfbrd and a score of other towns in
the northwestern portion of the state.
Railroad men received the potato
growers courteously and promised to
do everything possible within their
power to get the crop started toward
the markets and at the earliest possi
ble date.
The complaint of the potato grow
ers is that last spring all through the
western and northern portions of the
state farmers were urged to double
and treble the potato acreage. Act
ing in accordance with the ideas ad
vanced, thousands of acres were
planted to potatoes and an immense
crop raised.
Now, however, with their potatoes
dug and winter approaching, the
farmers assert that there are no fa
cilities for getting the potatoes to
the consumer! aad that unless cars
' are furnished within the next few days
in order that the crop may be shipped
; tje loss-will bcv enormous.
Mayor' Dahlman to Visit .
' OmahaSoldiers at Camps
Mayor Dahlman is planning a visit
to Camps Funston and ' Cody next,
"I have never seen a large military
camp," aid the mayor. "I wish to
visit the Omaha and Nebraska boys
in camp and, besides, I am sure 'he
I trip will be interesting; and instructive.
It must be an inspiring sight to see
40,000 men in camp and to observe
their daily activities. -
City Commissioner George ; Parks
i returned from Camp Funston,"where
he visited bis son, Robert M.
"I ate two meals in camp Sunday
and I was. surprised when I saw the
abundance 'and quality of the food
served," related the commissioner,
i .The food was served in large dishes
and each person helped himself. Mr.
Parks ate with Company B, 341st
machine gun battalion,, of which Reu
ben .Melchcr of Omaha is head Cf the
commissary department.
"It was a wonderful sight to see
more Uian 40,000 men in one great,
camp, a city of itself," stated Mr.'
' Parks. " -: ' ' "' ... ' , ' ;
Fifteen-Pound Potatoes ,
. Are On Exhibition' Here
At the general offices of the'-Bur
lington some potatoes raised in the vi
cinity of Torrmgton, Wyo are on dis-
play and half a dozen of them would
be sufficient to supply an ordinary
sizd. family with foof during . a
greater po'rtion of the winter. Some of
them tip the scales at IS pounds each
and it is said that they 'are by no
means the largest of those raised in
the 1,000-acre field. . ' "; -
The Wyoming potatoes being ex
: hibited won first prizes at the Wyo
1 ming state fair and then started east,
where at half a dozen other state
fairs they won blue ribbons.
So far this fall the shipments of po
tatoes from the little town of Tor
rington have aggregated 650 carloads
And not to exceed one-fourth of the
croo has been marketed. Out there
the potato yield this year is arouncT350
bushels to the acre. ,.,
Red Cross Activities
Ths Or.eley county chapter at Grstiey,
Neb., reports over 1,000 now m inborn In
Its chapter ana the branch ones at Wolbacn
ana urayton. . , .. . ,
Nemaha county has made on t the bent
shewlnca In th elate. Rev. Allen Randall
secretary, at Auburn reports a membership
ot i.OUO and a sum of 15,005, -' (
Word has com In from flsorcs Carter,
secretary of th franklin county chapter,
wit h. headquarters at Bloomlnlon, Neb..
reporting" over 1,000 new meiwers from
that eountv. A
Doing Y
From Litchfield, with a population ot 40,
come , a report ot S4t new members and
S,00. i ,
Elou to Get Rich
UJitli a Ford Car
addition for Ford cars solves the
serious Farm Help Problem for the
average larmer.
It ensfs 1M t riiiw anI
the Feenev Tractor Addition than twn
' horses. It flop tha wnrlr nf fhnv
horses on the farm or hauling on the
.... rUHQS. " , ., . ...... , (-...'.
It is sold on a demonstration or on
"Thirty Hays' Trial"
We offer an attractive) ruutnau
proposition to dealers, or other first
class men, who are prepared to act
s oiaie, jjisinci or uoonty Distrib
utors or to Farmers who answer this
and later purchase the first Feeny
Tau -a.- J 1 f A ? . . a.
iiukwi auauion m me township.
- For a nersonal infoi-vim nr.
C - , ...... f . V., .1...
. W. Bruce, Vice President, phone
DoUErlaaj 7556 fir call at Mn icno
w w w . iaH SJSB1 aV V 0 VVwaai
South 10th Street, Omaha, Nebraska,
ii many or oaiflraay of this week.
For full information thereafter call
or address - :-. , .
Farmers . Tractor Company
z tuauonai distributors)
Wo. 811 E. 49th St., Chicago, I1L
First Car of New Corn Sells On
Omaha Market at Record Price
The first Nebraska corn of this
year's crop came onto the floor of the
Omaha , Grain exchange Thursday,
and at auction, sold at $1,92 a bushel,
the purchaser being the Updike Grain
company. It is said that this was the
highest price ever paid for new corn,
here, or elsewhere.
The carload, 1,600 Bushels, of new
corn came from Ames, Neb., con
signed -to the Nebraska-Iowa Grain
company. It graded No. 2 yellow and
carried 19 per cent of moisture. In its
sale, C S. Rainbolt of the Rainbolt
Grain, company ated as auctioneer.
Mounting a table, he called for bids
and they started a $1.50 a bushel
Everybody wanted the corn and bids
poured in, going up 2, 3 and 5 cents at
a jump.
. A second load of new corn came
from O'Neill, consigned to E, E.
Huntley, but it . carried so much
moisture, 25.60 per cent, that it was
not offered for sale, being considered
unmerchantable until dried out It
was of a good quality of white, but on
account of ' the. '. large Quantity of
moisture, would not grade. v .
Corn prices were off 2 cents on the
old stock, selling at $1.962.00 a
bushel, with a fairfjr good demand. Re
ceipts were 36 carloads.
Oats were a quarter of a cent
higher, selling at 58S8J4 cents a
bushel. Receipts were 76 carloads.
Wheat receipts were 58 ca'r loads.
Ross Tells Light Convention
Delegates Former Sources of
Supply Cannot Be De
pended Upon.
Nebraska power companies will
have to rely on new fields for steam
coal during the coming year, accord
ing to W. C Ross, of the Nebraska
Gas & Electric Light company, who
addressed the annual convention of
the Nebraska Electric Light associa
tion at the Paxton Thursday.
"We cannot depend on our former
sources ai supply in Iowa and Mis
souri, because the output of these
fields is beinir diverted to the east on
account of increased manufacturing
activities there. Kansas cannot be de
pended upon as a steady source for
any large supply on account of the
nature of the deposits. . The western
fields, however, have an available
supply of clean coal containing a very
small percent of impurities, and eas
ily accessible to Nebraska companies,"
Mr. Koss explained. ....:
While the western coal does not
show as high a test as some' of the
bituminous coals, it is available at this
time and by careful handlinsr can be
made to produce efficient results, be
sides being cheaper.
"Our steam coal at the mines three
years ago ran 85 cents ttySX) tents.
Today it costs at the mine $2.45 per
ton,"-said Mr. Ross. "It may be
necessary for us to raise the power
rates. lt We can t give power at the old
rates with coal prices as they are.
A committee was appointed to.ln
vestigate the effect upon Nebraska
power companies of senate file 65.
passed in the last legislature. It was
stated the law would necessitate,
changes in power transmission lines
at a cost of more than $1,000,000 to
members of the association. ' - ' -
R. W. McGinnis of Grand Island
stated the Coal shortage was pot due
So much to trouble in getting equip
ment to move the coal as in getting
the supply of coal. v -
J. E. Davidson, of the Nebraska
Power companyt Omaha, was elected
president of the association for the
coming year; Thomas H. Fritts, of the
Central Power company. Grand Is
land, vice president; K. w McGinnis.
of the O'Neal Light and Power com
Mity, secretary and treasurer; Mem
bers ..of the executive committee
electeifor the coming year aref W. C.
Ross,. Nebraska Gas and Electric
Light company, Omaha; J: E. Shuff,
Lincoln Gas and Electric company;
O. J. Shaw, Lincoln Traction com
pany: W. B. Roberts, Union company,
Omaha; A. , C. Leflang,,' Lexington
Light and. Power company, and H. B.
Harvey, Public Service comDanv.
York, Neb. ' '
Bee Want Ads Produce Results
Treasonable Talk
Alleged; Greek Is ;
Jailed On Charge
Tom Melonis, a Greek laborer liv
ing at Twenty-tnird and O streets,
employed in the Armour & Co. pack
ing plant, was arrested by South
Side police Wednesday, upon com
plaint of Recruiting Officer T. B.
Crawford, who charged him with
making treasonable utterances. s
Melonis is alleged to have said
"To hell with the United States"
when asked by the recruiting officer
to enlist. .
Crawford also stated that the man
had said he would fight against 'the
United States.
Two witnesses appeared at the
South Side police station to "testify
against Melonis after the latter had
been arrested. They were H. O.
White and Otis White, brothers, who
gave their residence as Douglas hotel.
A younger brother, Ernest Melonis,
was among men of the last contin
gent of the South Side draft quota
and is now in training at Camp
Funston. . .
WahQ Guards Go East
To Some Training Camp
Enroute to some place in the east,
two special trains carrying 650 mem
bers of' the Idaho National Guard
passed through Omaha. The boys
were permitted to detrain and spend
several hours . around town. They
left for their destination during the
afternoon. y
Lift Out Your Corns
,v - ALL v
. Foot Troubles
i This) new discovery, msds from a Japsn.
aroduet. is certslnly s wonder the way
?f draws out Inflammation from pair of
swoUen, burning-, aching fret. It takes the
sorcnee right out,, then th corn or cal
lous, shrivels and lifts off. , -
Hard corns, soft corns or corns between
the toes, juit shrivel up and lift off so
easy. It is wonderful. Just think. Not one
bit of pain while apply! Ice-mint or after
wards. It doesn't even irritate the surround
ing skin.: ,
. You wilt never nave to cut a eorn again
and run th risk ot blood poison. Say good.
by to your old corn salve, plssters and
bundling tap for that pet torn of yours is
sure to be "toner" It it -ever feels the
magic touch ot Ice-mint,
. It Imparts such, a delightful, soothing,
cooling feeling to th feet thst you will sigh
with relief. T
Ice-mint is the real Jspsnese secret for
fine, healthy, little feet It prevents foot
odors snd keeps them sweet and comfort
able. . It is greatly appreciated by women
who wear high heel shoes.
Juit sik In any drug store for a Uttlec.
mint and give your poor, suffering, tired,
swollen feet th treat of their lives. It
costs little and there is nothing better.
Omaha hardware buyers are now having an op
portunity'that was never presented to them before and
that is a chance to buy hardware that has always been
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or your money
back that has always been the policy of this store
and think of buying at less than HALF of what the
former prices have been. If you can't believe it, ask anv
of ydur neighbors, for there has certainly tfeen some of :
them that have attended this tJreat Closing Out Sale,
for the store has been simply jammed with buyers all
week. ' -,. .- -
We want to take this opportunity of thanking
those of you who were patient with our inefficient
corps of clerks and assure you that now we have the
stock in better shape for your inspection than ever be
fore and assure you that we stjll have left several thous
and .dollars' worth of hardware that if you will only
takethe time to .look over that you will say with those
who have already purchased that it is the greatest '
picnic for the people that has ever been held in Omaha.
-You still have a chance to make one dollar do the duty
of two. B. J, NEWLON, Sales Manager.
We are now giving In bulk
lots a straight discount of
80 from . the wholesale
price list on our entire line
of bright flat-head screws.
One lot of screws, mixed
sizes on the table, lb.) 18c
. - -
Round head , screws, and
we have a great assortment
at 70.from'list...
. Carriage Bolts at a dis
count of 30 from the list
price. Come and take home
what you want now. - They
are sure to be higher. n
Note the Savings
Heavy mortised inside locks,
worth fl.lfrr sale... 62c
Genuine Bronze mortised
" locks, worth $1.75, sale
price ...31.13
Khpper Klub Skates, worth
l-25, now only.,;-. 58
The best skate made, worth
$5.00, yours for.. $3.24
Barn door track and hangers.-
-y-- : .
Auto wrenches at - about
half price. - , -
Machinist '- drills at less
than half. J - - ..
. Come in and go over the
entire stock again. You are
sure to see something that
you can use. -- s ,
Tanner Hardware Co.
1612 Harney Street t ; ; I ;5 Douglas 421
:i '
Regulation in -Effect Nov. .1
Provides Federal Licenses to
'. Brokers, Commission Men
and Auctioneers.
Washington, Oct. 25. Elimination
of excessive commissions to brokers,
commission merchants and auction
eers of food is provided by special
regulations which go into effect No
vember 1 under the federal licerfting
system to be operated by the food ad
ministration. Licensers will not be permitted to
charge directly or indirectly more
than ordinarily and customarily pre
vail during normal conditions in the
particular locality and trade.
Commission men. brokers and auc
tioneers also will be prohibited from
selling foods to themselves or per
sons connected with their own busi
ness. The regulations, designed to
protect the consumer and the pro
ducer shipping goods to markets on
consignments, are for the guidance
and support of trade'and to protect
the majority of business men against
the few who attempt to take advan
tage of war conditions.
Range Cattle Coming
In Fine Condition
Range cattle from western Ne
braska and Wyoming are coming to
the Omaha market in large numbers
and it is asserted that the animals are
in better flesh than usual, due to the
excellent condition of the range dur
ing the summer.
John P. White Becomes
Advisor to Garfield
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 25. John
P. White resigned at noon today as
president of the United Mine Work
ers of America. He will be suc
ceeded by Frank J. Hayes, vice
president of the union.
- Mr. White will leave Sunday for
Washington to assume his duties as
adviser to Dr. H. A. Garfield, na
tional fuel administrator. -'
John Henry, Certified For
Camp Funston, Dejected .
When Passes Examination.
Jolm Henry, colored, is now certi
fied to go to Camp Funston and be
come a soldier. John was arrested
in-Kearney and brought to Omaha.
He had a hearing before Federal
Judge Woodrough Saturday and later
Deputy Marshal Quinley tookjiim to
the Third, district board for examina
tion. ,
John first declared he was subject
to fits. When examined he was found
to be a fine physical specimen, but
gave those present much amusement
through his anxiety to fail in the phys
ical test. The doctor introduced a
few new stunts for his benefit. Hold
ing up one finger he asked John how
many fingers. '
"Five," said John promptly.
He was much dejected when told he
had passed the examination.
Jess Adams and George Welch, col
ored, who were arrested in Grand
Island and brought to Omaha, passed
the physical examination and were
certified for Camp Funsto.
Dr. 'Connell Refuses to
Debate With Mrs. Little
, Health Commissioner R. W. Con
nell declines to debate with Miss
Lora C. Little, anti-vaccintioniSV
The doctor transmitted the follow
ing message to his challenger:
I respectfulfy decline to meet either you
or any one else to debate on this or"
other subject. . in me jinsi v-. --
no' claim to even a moderate ability along;
the line of public speaking-. E ven J
were accomplished In the art. I have neither
the tlroo nor the Inclination to try to Changs
the opinions of those who are opposed to
the only method known to the medical pro
fession to be a preventative of smallpox
I feel that It would be time and effort
wasted to attempt to uphold such an ele
mentary and fundamental proposition as is
vaccination. It Is the only method Inaugu
rated by our government.
A r
FL 1
Route of the
Celebrated Seminole Limited
Most Direct Service to the South
and Southeast
Round trip reduced WINTER Tourist Tickets on sale daily. .
Limited to Return May 25, 1918.
Ft. Lauderdale $75.16
Palm Beach 873.06
Lake Worth $73.06
Miami $76.66
Key West $87.66
Fort Myer. ....... .$71.26
Harana, Cuba, via New Orleans $95.91
Havana, Cuba, via ( Jacksonville. ....$102.56
Tickets to alf other points at same proportional rates.
Tickets via Washington, D. C, in one direction, returning via
any direct line, at 'slightly higher rates.
For full particulars, descriptive literature and . sleeping car
reservations, call at City Ticket Office or write S. North, District
Passenger Agent, 407 5. 16th St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 264
Jacksonville $54.56
Ormond $60.96
St. Petersberg $66.16
Daytona ...$61.26
Tampa $66,16
Orange City $63.66
I Ch .
Closed Car Delivery Oh Same Day As Ordered
Modem men and women cannot tolerate la-
efficiency. ,v - ;
, You want what you want when ou need j
7 Winter suddenly force the imperative need
of closed cars. - . ..
A That is, of these closed cars that are most
practical to use and economical to buy. '
V Overland prepared for you in advance
: jUke pushing a button" you get instant delivery
of exactly the style, quality and priced close car
y best suited for your needs. .;
If Of course it is a convertible closed car; one
that opens up when desired like a touring car or
roadster. .
, The big point b,you can get it right now,
without suffering a long delay, v
In addition to this advantage you save
' Because, the material for these cart was
bought when prices ruled much lower. .
You get the benefit!
Take your choice-of four cylinder Sedan or
Coupe, or pf six cylinder Sedan or Coupe.
You gain a substantial saving oh any one of
these cars. , . , 'J'L. . uxus "-'-7
You get a most modern, beautifal, accom
modating car of highest quality both mechani-
wuuy emu in oaar rcuncrocuts.
And you get it at once!
. Side windows and uprights disappear when
you want an open car. . , "
v The Sedan interior is completely trimmed in
rich grey worsteds with harmonizing upholstery
and carpet.
Everything is amplenothing is overdone!.
Common sense health social reoiirements
and business acumen warrant your immediate
order. - - - -
Now is your opportunity not for a long,
long time,' can such quality cars be bought at
prices so low let us show you.
WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc., Omaha Branch 7
2047-49 Farnam St Phone Doug. 3292,
20th and Harney Sts., Phone Doug. 3290.
' Moid Eighty Five tr. ' Modd Eighty Fin Light Six
Stdn$147i Coup tlXt Sdm$1610 Coup $1410
. J. a. ft. Ms Ta trt
frfost sutler ( cfcoa ttittuml ttetkt
,TT fL Jl
i i: ata mm jw-r. a v - a r
. i I . ILL Jl 1.11
k t So -t A