Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
' " - BULGARS DESIRE TO BE INDEPENDENT Representative Already Makes Showing Indicating Displeas ure at Prospect of Playing Second Piddle. Tim, f) UTAH A SUNDAY .BEE: OCTOBER 21. 1917. ' . C . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm V SOUTH SIDE (By Aasoclated Pre.) Copenhagen, Oct 20. A Bulgarian representative recently sought and "obtained an opportunity jn a neutral Europeans capital to lay before the en tente governments the special desires of his country with regard to a peace , settlement and in a one-sided conver ' sation explained Bulgarian aspirations to regain an independent political status as soon as the war was con cluded and resume cordial relations with entente powers. As the case was presented, in short, the centra! Euro pean idea of an economic, leagne in which Bulgaria would play a compara tively minor rote does not appeal to the Bulgarian mind. lil-Feeling Rampant Attempts also are being made to Vfet totore the public in America and ; irr tin entente countries a defense of "Bulgaria's pretensions to Macedonia - and the Dobrudja, the suggestion even being openly wade from the Bulgarian V side that Serbia should be compen sated with Austrian territory from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a suggestion . which is pointed to as illustrative of , the .attitude of many Bulgarians toward their own allies. - The correspondent has of late heard ' of considerable ill-feeling between the Bulgarians and their allies. Complaints are made that Bulgarian divisions - were compelled to march - Iqng distances on foot, while favored . German troops rolled. past them in 1 - trains; this favoritism exciting partic ular bitterness on the part of a select Bulgarian division from the capital Legal Department Rules v On Interpretation of Law ; .(From Statf CotTMpoaSeat.) ",. ' Lincoln, Oct 20.(Speeial Tele gram. V-No one bnt the party signing a dted of conveyance can be penalized under the new law passed by the last legislature, which provided that the . actual consideration covering the sale of tha property should be given in the deed, according to a ruling by Deputy . Attorney General Roe made this aft "ernoony ; , liental Society Holds ' " ' . . Banauet at the Castle Til Afa... TAMtftl ! which maintains dental clinics throughout the city, held a banquet last night af the Castle hotel 1 Snb ' scriheri and patrons of the society were present. Short tatks were made in connection with the activities of the organization and the banquet end ed with an appeal for Liberty loan subscriptions., :; .;;" v.: 1 J BUCKINGHAM TELLS AN OPINION ON TAFT Considers Former President One of the Most Cheerful Men With Whom He Ever Came in Contact. "I have reached the age now when 1 can look at things philosophically and feel that, after all, perhaps every thing has happened for the best," said former President William How ard Taft to Everett E. Buckingham Friday. -, ''Mr. Taft seems to practice his philosophy," said Mr. Buckingham. "He is one of the most cheerful fel lows I know. He radiates good will; he has a laugh which is absolutely contagious; hi chuckle wins every one; he is a good speaker, chooses his words with care, and knows Just how to tell a funny story. "Above all, Mr. Taft is a wonderful man. He has keen intelligence and is one of the most congenial men I know. It was a real pleasure to be with him." South Side Youth Hurt In Fall Off Moving Train Alliance, Neb Oct. 19. (Special Telegrara.)--Juck Munson, aged 20, fell from a moving train near Hyan nis. Neb., today. He suffered a broken arm, was badly lacerated about the head and otherwise was severely in jured. He was brought to St Jo seph's hospital Alliance. His chances for recovery are alight His home is said to be 1615 Canton street, Omaha. His relatives have been notified. South Ornaha Live Stock Men Take Over Liberty Bonds The South Side live stock men are making a drive for subscriptions to the Liberty loan bonds. Members of the Live Stock exchange are making a canvass of all of the offices in the Exchange building. The Live Stock Traders" association subscribed $10. 000 at a meeting last week and the Live Stock exchange bought $I5MHJ - t I. J . . M..t v I si J fir E. PvMelady, William H. Woods, Sam and A. F. Stryker comprise the committee to take charge of the Liberty loan drive in the Exchange building. South Slue Brevities Steam-heated apt la Seargo bit, 4 room. B. H. Bnner Co. Douglas 1406. Tor Bent S-room apartment, firit floor, all modern except heat. 442$ 8. 21it St. Phone & I6C0. In food location. Telephone Booth lot and order a ease of Otria or Lactonade. the healthful, refreehlnc Home Beveragea, dellvarod to roar reeldeae. Omaha Beverage Co. Early Nebraska Records Are Presented to, State (From a Staff Cerreapoadent) Lincoln, Oct 20. (Special.) Dr. George E. Howard has presented the Nebraska State Historical society with the records of the "Platte Valley Claim Association and the Fremont Townsite Company." These records were obtained by Dr. Howard in 1889 from E. H. Rogers, one of the early settlers of Fremont, and are of impor tance in the history of that early period. . Persistent Advertising Is the. Road to Success SAVff AIR LlQiSTETUh V fill with water, fcaag aabeck af any radiator, eat ef sight Csavnti dry Moor air into atout, wholv Mtltbhii armeee-hei. IT WILbSAVI (IrMtwttrMiMataa), ' Ncallh. 'Mttatt Iraai tract). ' W8 ttm traai mfaa, SnMNtitttrMSrias. WMihinlT treat aeWa. fwrtoMt .. aMaweeilMtrM ' WfHa sets BaTS If aaufaetaurinf Compan- The Tuttle Self-FeedeV and Self "Threader Square End Guaranteed Perfect Balao Witaeot the Uao of DM. iea Boards, County Food Committees ,' Farther committees have been ap i pointed for the food pledge, card cam. ' , pa'ffn in the fol'owin counties: - t - Sarpr- Conty Rev. Chart Baaktrrllle ; Bellevvo; tewrle Child. South Bide. Om- LMri 0' Ul1'' 8ou" Omaha, R. ' F. D.S Kat Honetoii, I Platto; BaV. W. . atambau(h. Ric hfle Mi Mr. Charlea Pike. Papllllon: Hra. W. a, BpHnefteld: rrt Oramllch, Chafce; Mr. 3. M. Fox, Gretna! t Wyltert, Sarlntfleld. r Orant Comy 8. ft Bean, Hyannla: C. W. anartom, Aahbr: tu t. Bleren, Ahh: Bhermaa O. -Night, Whitman! John Hoban Vlvln, Hyannla. . , '"'"alia CouB-.Mr. t.' rt. Saatman. ramnhell! Mr Cte H., Cp m" '""Wa, Hlldreth; Mra. will Shad- Mr William Chl.holm. Hlld- ' B,1u1 Macon". Mr.. Fred Kroae. Maootii Mr. It. jr. Brlgga, Rlvertonj Mra. vM0S'.lv'"i?ni iri- William Hnmph Bert tSu! ' MT ButIelv Mr. Bert Mtl1.r. Bloomlngtom Mm. Martin Nor-, M' ' ""!..-.. Ni-.- I. 1 1 Mr Oaorg Slel. Rlvartoa. t Wjndy County A. M. Patcraoa, Lamonti Iteotor Hedalue. Champion; Elmer FratoVr a"? T"5 hr Morrtaoa. WaaneUr P i-SL "V0! .w"lte". Benkelman; W. D. Kuhna. Bankahnani T. W. Bruder. Stratton- . Benhilrnen i r. P? Sa'rL v xfh County Ml Kunlc Haaklng, Kebrak Prea. aaaoolatloa. Stella! Fred TjahS vrv"' club citn if' "m'- Mrhad, woman' committee V ""'"Pnrey. Nebraska Federation of Worn, an'. Club. Falla City; Prof. D H. Veber county aaperintend.nfc Falla CltV ' Mrfw n "SrVST' WwM.orph' A"worth! tate7d.tT! ' C?Unty ,UPM HirAMfe '?toV ehalrmVn. Jforth Platta; J. j HaJllgan. North Platte; P. H. McKvsy, North Platta; Btirler Bui Malonay, North Platta: O i riViiJ. H, BklM- "or" Platte: . IfET Brd,y!.R- i Bur.. Brady l - . R. Aoderaon, Wellfieet ; Iran a John! ZL.. ?Mftlltr' niTl 3. M. Frhito. Dto. " , w it, iiuiiiun, Vur Z, ' '' vti, rtoriaj nan; w. n. ' r1T."',i;Jr ',C.V R' C h. Arnold Moarafleldi . W. Kunkl North Platte! Z ' ,T . r . Btory, . Oreely, gtapleton; J. M. Burnett, II or. hey; W. , R. Brooka. Hemhey; B. M. Stack houae, " PI"i O. Shaver. Maawell; Jraae Hichbyger. North Piatt! O. D. , Kella, Brad w: fl. P HamM ic.i x)t-... . X Welllver, North Platte: George a Fowler! r s. nwm rmiii j. . ueiaoeraxr. North Platte: J. R. White. Buthertand; H. B. Attarbary. Sutherland' ft W rr. I. ir.kt.. a aw-. . ... w 1 1. , j t,nei. lr, Oothenburg; A. K. Mclntyre, Wallace; . u. o. niiun, naiiace; aiartin jepeon, Uen mark; 3. W. Murphy, Farnam; Will Lane, V P. Bnyder. I. U Bare, A. W. Shilling, Dr. mcnoua aicuaoe, a. a. varoin, ttay v;. Lang 4A . .... " K v. . . I 1 1 ll Kflllshs Mr . T. Bord, Nellfh; Id Mo : Box Buttd County Robert Grabam, .MlMlpMaH AlllaMnfl fim.M. bTIaI aaU.&S.BM AfliaJie: Opal KumH, county oprlnUrd- a i h it i ur n ns. am -. Ooro Neuiwatiffcr, Allianct; R. M. Hamp- ' m.m. a lit . i rk. iiii.m.. a v. Va.l.x. f V CL.V.I11 aV Ila . .. W nvuprio, Aiiienve, . ovuiis AMinnvvi vr . D. Ftaher.'Alllaaea; Ben J. Sallow. Alll- ancel Arthur Oreraa, AUtanoo; Mrs. Claudia n.' ieie, Alliance. ' - Dawe' County (Balance of-Allan 43 aftoa Edna Rlncker, county auperlntendeat, Chadroni Mr. E. O. Shama. Chadron: Mra. - K. 8. Hayea,; Chadron; Mrs. Elliabetk . Smtb, Chadron: Mr. Ada North rup, Chad roaj J. C Barlelgh. Crawford; C L. WU " eon. Whitney. . . . Wayao Coanty fBalanc. of) Mra. 3 Weed ward Job'. Wayne: Mra. U. 8. Conn Wayne; MlaO Agne Flnlgan, Wayne: Mra. .a . . .X t. ,ir u . r . a, ' Wayne; Mr. Oeerg Croaalaad, Ways; Mr. . WA fall.. W(uM.. Uh W J V.t. TJ . a. I . a. .' wtlt Wu. V-la. V ... jMkifm. WlaaMc; Ura. Uoyd Prtiw. Win 1.. .a- ta ft iMI.V Dubllaa. .- a. . Siun r nn, n. puaiami twaaiini. of. jr. . Mra. Gorr Abtro, Wakef .); Hra. Alex ' ; mvtiv' ntiyn nra, uwiv nwairi, renqer P. M. Corblt, WaM C. E. Wrlaht, Waynt -. KB aaa mritUH 1tf. TJ fltaakan - ,. ' XT 4- . T xiBaytl w a ti5 , ju. tr . aa vi aa, wr uct, v . OtTortfA 6. Farran. WlMtdo; H. C. Bart tin. . How Winnidt: Dr. H. W. Parchen, Honhtna W a V Bkf.nlW llaa,.ke alaaMaati Idltailr Iwlr awa - : FeMar; Oeorffa B. Alvtropa. Wakefield ., Vu... TL'ita a" ri flallnot Tt.wa doipht AuKuat Wl'tlif, Wayne; Edward Perry, Wayne; . H. Maaale, Wayne; C. M. . -avn. wayne; r. h, uruiiin. nayne; " IV. Culien, Wtaaid. Capacity S ton par hour. Self -throtder lave 40 of tho tying work. Folly guaranteed for on year, and aold on 1 daya' frao field trial. Time allowed on part payment, or liberal diaeoont for eaah. " . TUTTLE TRACTOR CO., 1323 Ottawa St, Leavenworth, Kaaaaa. wmm "The Home of Satisfaction" MIIWBS Satisfaction Guaranteed if 1 ON ;USEiMS - f ' Tho MurphT-0Briea Ante Co. fcavo adoptod a new policy of telling uiodj ear. A guaraatoo aeeompaniM ovory Dodgo Brother and Paige ear we toll. Wo aaaumo voipontibility for defective parte aad give the purchaser ovory ef tat ' iafactioa. This i aomething bow in the autofeobiU induatry a moat radical change from tho policy employed h all dealer ia utod car. ; . . , , : Heretofore tho purchaser ha aumod all tho riik. Me ha , had te depend on his own judgment, er "luck." He could never v be sure he would not have a big repair bill tacked on te tho original purchat price. We are going to change this. Wo are going te itttnre yoo to guaraatoo you will be etif iod. We - believe this I only fairthat the man who sponde his money for a uted car 1 entitled te the same attention and conidera tioa that i given to the purchator ef a new car. , SEVEN DAYS' TRIAL .' . ''.;. -: ' '.; . ' .'. ' ,: r '' Come down and pick out your car. We'll toll you every' thmff we knew about it. Then try it for aovon day. If, lit tho i end ef that time, you are in any way disatifid, brfof the car back and every cent of your money will be cheerfully refunded. That's all there b te It. There Is ae rod tape. - ' .-. , - t .-. - : In a week' time you will know whether the ear ! rapretented and that U what the trial 1 for te determine If you ere tatUfied. Then, a a further assurance ef satisfae lion, wo will ehra n .. . M m 1 f ' 30-Day Mechanical Guarantee We give, for a period ef 30 day, tho same guarantee S te the meehanieal eouadness ef the used ear 'that we five with ' new ears. Thus We assume all risk, , . . - ' . We believe the prospoctive purchaser of used cars will ap. .' prsclate this new policy. We know we will derive a vast amount : of satisfaction If we can say on December 31, 1917, MWe know ' that everyone who has purchased a car, of any, description, from the Murphy-O'Briea Ce. ia satisfied." ' Come fa and talk It over. Now Is the logical time to pur ; chase, as prices are low. ,; ' . ' -:' I : ' J':.; .,.;' ' ; ' USED CAR DEPARTMENT Murphy'Brien Auto Co. 1814-16-18 FARNAM STREET. TELEPHONE TYLER 123. Am. i INHALATUftl la He Now Way to Treat COLD-IN-THE-HEAD Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Hay Fever Simply faille tha pleasant yaoor and . get inatant relief. Do not load the (toat. 1 Mb with drug that ruin digestion. , Trial Sue, with Inhaler, 3 So Full Siio Treatment, $1.00 For Sal. By UNITT-DOCEJCAL DRUG CO, ar r E. BRUCE CO., Whojeealeta. Tha ln!iaJata Chemical Cempsny Colorado Springe, Colorado. . a. . " t 1L aJ .jow.'e- jp. y isr .K iltataajetwiwawaeiejialj 1 Our Annual October Sale of Hardware ajia H ousel urnishings Begins Hereon Monday Morning Despite the fact that iron anf steel have advanced again and again in price, and that the cost of all manufactures irwthis Hoqsefurnishing line is greater than it has been for a long time we began to prepare ' for this October Sale so many months ago'that now we are able to quote prices that would, not be possible if we were buying these things in today's open market. I 'um'i 0j 1 fmrmVTWV " aaaWnatw, Ranges and Heating Stores A very early spring purchase in this line enables us to save yon several advances in price, and the offerings in this special sale are very wonderful bargains. .... . "Stalwart" Laurel, all cast iron ranges (not sheet steel), never rust out, have 16-inch oven, duplex grate that burns hard cqal, soft coal or wood, nicely finished and trimmed; complete with high clos et, gt ,,.. 4 , . .'. e$3aS,00 "Sta-wart" Ranges, with ;back guard and T shelves In place of high closet $28.50 "Popular" Laurel, all cast iron range, a larger range than the "Stalwart," complete with high closet S42.50 Oak Heaters Our "Rex" Oak .Heaters are a line Of popular "priced heaters s e 1 d om equalled at our price. They are heavy, well made and attractive in ippearance. No. 110 Bex Oak Heater ..$7,00 No. 130 Rex Oak Heater . .$8.95 No. 150 Rex Oak Heater, $11,50 No. 170 Rex Oak Heater, $14.00 No. 190 Rex Oak Heater, rt.OO Galvanized Iron Garbage, Cans A large size, heavy gal vanized corrugated can complete with cover, Todnopi. from SI. 59. at.-. ..$1.19 TURQUOISE ENAMELWARE 69c At Very Lowest Prices This lot is our regular line of very high grada blue and white ware. War conditions have made it impossible for the manufacturer to supply us further and we. are closing out this lot at a fraction of its real worth n Berlin Kettles (enamel cov ers), 6, 8, 10 and 12-quart Rice Boilers, 2 and 3-quart. Preserving Kettles, 8, 10 and 12-quart. ' f Tea Kettles, sizes 4 to 8. Dish Pang, 15-quart oval, and 10-quart round. Oblong Stove Pans in two large sizes. Coffee Pots in 1 -quart size. Choice, at 69 Toilet Paper ' 7 large rolls of manila crepe paper, for 15 Limit 7 rolls to a customer. No mail jr : telephone - orders accepted. Coal Hods A medium size heavy jap anned hod, for 19 A ' 5 1 special is- Heavy, full size man's ax, in assorted weights, at. $1.19 Boys' size, ax ........... . 79 Fine Basswood Bread Boards A nice, new stock just received. Small size Bread Boards, 16x22, reduced to ..... .;. -45 Medium size Bread Boards, 18x24, reduced to ...... . . . . ... . . 55 Large size Bread Boards, 20x27, reduced to .65 Extra large size Bread Boards, 20x30, reduced to ...... . . . 75 . Clothes Bar Made of very select, sessoned material; has a large smo'unt of drying space and securely braced when opened,' to keep from col lapsing; said price $1.19 Extra heavy cotrof ated elbewa.J ' ' at 19 Heavy smooth blned finiah atove pipe, fer ............... .15 Clothes Baskets . One lot Of Everlasting Elm splint willow, clothes baskets, in three sizes: "Everlasting" elm splint clothes baskets, small size. "Everlast ing" elm splint clothes baskets, large . size. "Everlasting" elm splint clothes baskets, extra Aluminum Percolators A beautiful C olonial pattern per colator, in the new S a 1 u co " MirrV ware; a $2.29 value. .... .$1.98 A plain pattern Aluminum Perco lator, at $1.29 Universal Percolators, $4.00 upward. Rome Percolators, $2.89 upward. Andirons A large variety, including all the new patterns, in black, statu ary bronze, h a mmered brass - and Swedish finishes; specially priced, from $2.50 to $10.00 Genuine Wearever Aluminum A "Wearever'V'fry pan, 9-inch diameter, regular price $1.30, at ..69 Wearever Roasters, upward from .........$4.40 JVearever Cake Griddles, 11 inch size, $3.10 No mail or phone orders ac cepted on these Wearever items. . Casseroles A full size. 8-inch, nickel plated Casserole, in. the Carpathian de sign, a regular $1.49 value, at i.98 A new and heautiful line of Casseroles with decorated China and . Pyrex insets, $3.50 to $10.00 of to at Fireplace Fixtures Portable Fire Baskets A beautiful line in a variety -styles and all sizes 22 inches 81 inches. Specially priced, from ........ $5.00 to $9.00 Patent ' Ash :' Sifters M ad e of heavy gal S necessity when coal is scarce and high, worth $4.50, at. . . . .$2.98 All metal barrel Ash Sifters, 49, Wood frame barrel Ash Sifters, at u .19 Food Choppers , The New Standard." It tuts, does not crush, all kinds of flesh, fruits or vegetables, leav ing all the juices. It's the kind that has the patent drain "and opens up and cleans so . easily, ; Medium size New Standard Chop per, special, at I... $1.29 Large size New Standard choppers, reduced to $1.49 Medium size Universal Choppers, t ......$1.65 Large size Universal Choppers, t $2.00 Lisk Roasters The best roasters made, both in quality of material used and re sults obtained. It consists of three !)ieces, all heavily enameled, the arge bottom pan, . a large cover . and an inside tray. No. 1 size, large enough for an 8. pound roast, special, at.. $2.59 No. 2 size, large enough for a 12 pound roast, special, at. .$2.79 ; No. 3 size, large enough for a 16 pound roast, special, at. .$3.19 Seamless, t sanitary self-basting Savory Roasters .$1.49 CrysUl Pattern, Wood Lined Stove Boards 28x28, special, at,. 98 30x30, special at. $1.29 33x33, special at.. . . .-.$1.69 36x36, special at. ...... .$1.98 MI Kitchen Cabinets We carry the "Napanee Dutch . Kitchenette," a cabinet weu known for its sanitary and dur able construction. 1 Special During this sale we are offering the model "G," regular price $40.00, at. ... . . . .$32.50 Model "G" is an oak cabinet, finished in the natural oak color. It is finished with several coats of the best spar varnish obtain able, which is water-proof and mar proof. Inside it is finished in a beautiful white. It has one of the. very few really sanitary, roll cur-"' tains and many other exclusive sanitary features. Wash Boards Full size and well made,- white metal rubbing surface, a 3:, value. . . .19 l i I i - iia.ii I V" A Wool Wall Duater A scarce and very high priced article just at this time. An early spring purchase enables us to of fer you this item at a bargain price for your fall housecleaning. It is the adjustable kind that lays flat on the wall regardless of the angle of the handle; furnished with a long and a short handle; special, at 69 Waffle Irons No. 8 high frame irons, it ..$1.19, No. 8 low' frame irons, at 98 No. 8 high frame aluminum Waf fle Irons, at ............ $3.25 Low frame, at $3.00 Ironing Boards $1.49 Basswood Folding Ironing Boards, for ....$1.19 6 feet or 6 feet plain Basswood Skirt Boards ,.-79 Floor - Polishing" Mops The "Ezy Slipon" : ombination, ' -onsisting of two rge size mops, in oiled polishing mop, a dry, chem ically prepared dusting mop and a small can of ....98 floor floor polish, for The "Ideal" oil mop, special, at . polishing ....39 Diamond C, "'9. bus. . . .V...25 White Borax Naphtha, 10 Lars 35 Pearl White, 10 bars 35 Soaps at Wpnderfulljr Low Prices Large Package Powdered Ammonia eee-oeee- Old Dutch Cleanser, 3.. Steri Foam (cleans toilet bowls) e e e i . a 6 ..21 .19 Gplden : Rod Naphtha Washing Powder 4 Rex Lye, a can. .'. ......... .$ Celluloid Starch, pkg .8 No Mall er Phone Orders on Soap. We reserve the right to limit quantities. A 6-piece set of Mrs. Potts' nickel plated sad irons with oval Japan ned top; 6 irons, a stand and a handle;' sale price $1.29 Universal Hot Point and .nerican Benufcy Electric Irons. . . .5.00 and $6.08 Borax Soap Chips (large Pkg) 22 Borax, lb. pkg., -10; 2. lb. pkg., 22, 5-lb. pkg..., T...45 Sof-Tone, a can 7 Practical and Beautiful Home Furnishings Hangings, Draperies and Curtains COLOR SCHEMES AND HARMONY are two factors that we can five yon valuable advice upon and we shall be pleased at any time, to elp you materially in the furnishing of your home with Draperies and Curtains that will make them perrect in tneir nraess. nonsuit us ireeiy. Tapestries, Velours, Velvets Shiki, Armures, Damasks, Sunfast Ma dras end ether Sunfast Fabrics, also a very complete line of Nets. Cre tonnes, Grenadines, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, etc. Every known style of Curtain, by the pair. Bods and Window Shades. Couch Covers, 'Portieres," Cedar Chests, Curtain Trimmings, Curtain These Special Offerings for Monday Suafast Madras, large assortment of patterns and colorings, d 1 CO fully worth $2.50, special, at...,.........,....;.. TV , Largo assortment ef Now Imported Grenadines; 72 inches wide, in nice all-over designs, very pretty for Curtains and Bed Sets, CA fully worth $25, special a yard .................... P JV Beautiful new assortment ef '36-inch Cretonnes, in all the colorings and patterns most desired, value $1.00, special for' . CQ this sale, at, a yard New Tapestry and Velours, for Portieres and Furniture Coverings, fully worth to 4.50, a yard. . . Beautiful Shiki for kanginers of all descriptions, Sunfast fully worth $2.50, special, a yard Couch Covert, new assortment, in nice colorings and patterns,' special, each, at Cedar Chests, large new line, JQ flA special, at ipO.UU Third Floor to $2.25 $1.69 $1.98 $28.50 Blankets and Comforters Right in the Nick of Need Time Wool Blankets, 68x80 inches, all color plaids, neat, fancy colorings, permanent nap, well finished; Monday, specially 5C QQ priced, at, a pair 4OeVO Silkoline Covered Comforters, extra quality; full stuffed, filled with pure white sanitary cotton; tufted; light and dark l QC grounds; special Monday, each j 1 ecO Finest Sateen. Covered Comforters, extra large size and fHl Winter weight, neat printings, fancy centers, plain colors, fQ CQ 9-inch borders, stitched; special, at, each. v3eOa7 ' Basement Beth Robe Blankets, 72x90 inches, all the new styles; absolutely fast colors; the well-known "Beacon" pake; each Blanket large enough for a full site Robe, Cords and Frogs attached; ' tJjO OC special for Monday, each .... ; T -1 ' j Full Siae Australian Cettoa Blankets, in neat, fancy plaids and plain shsdes, extra weight; beautiful nap; well finished,' dJO QO Monday, special, at, a pair ................. WeaU 66x80-lnch, Extra Heavy Celten Blankets, in plain gray, tan and White, fine, Warm, iancy nap, weu iinisnea inrena, , try UK whipped edges, special sals Monday, pair ieStee Buy Liberty Beads New year Country the war. needs the Loan to win Brandeis Stores Buy Liberty Bonds Now your Country needs the Loan to win the war. , ' - t