6 A - fHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 21, 1917. .... i ! Brie) (Jilit Ntwis Platinum teddln Ring Edholm. Lighting llxtare Burg-osa-Orandtn Co. Have Root Print It New Beacon Press. 5 fetal Dies, rrewmoik Jubilee Mfg. Co. So , turn broH at Entpmt Garden. - Dlaoer ISe, Fatton Chocolate Shop. ( to I. Isidor Zlefrlor Has moved his law of fices to Hi First National Bank build ing:. -Advertisement. J Have Gone to Funston George Parka and wife have (rone to Camp Funston to visit their son. Save FuelHave your windows and doors equipped with ' Hlggin metal weather strips. The Hlggin Mfsr. Co., City Nat Bank Bldg., Douglas 4911. At First Methodist Sunday Chan cellor Schreckergaat of Wesleyan uni versity will .peak both morning: and evening at the First Methodist church Sunday. Xovel liberty Bond Poster a novel Liberty loan poster is shown in the window of the Burlington railway ticket office. It represents Uncle Sam with a blgr " broom, sweeping the kaiser off the earth. It is splendidly executed and 1 the work or Miss Marie Vernon. Ilenry Cos, Violinist, assumes duties nf TJathmrlnffton durlnz war: 1 'Kingsborongh Nearly Completed Reservations are now being taken- by the Peters Trust company tor me new KlngsbbrouRh apartments, located at Twenty-sUth and Dodge streets. It is expected that these apartments will be completed and ready for occupancy about November 15. v Lottie Braner Granted Divorce Lottie Braner, wife of Adam Braner, 1502 Cass street, horseshoer, was granted a decree by Judge Day, sitting In divorce court Mrs. Braner testified' to acts of alleged extreme cruelty. Eva B. McGrath was freed from Ed. ward B. McGrath on grounds of al leged nonsupport. She was awarded the custody of two children. Announcement The James Corr Electric company, who have the larg est fixture display In Omaha, are dis continuing the fixture business because they find it Impossible to secure new goods on account of the .scarcity of material. They have been Installing fixtures in the better class of homes. Here is a chance for someone to get real bargains In fixtures.. Adv. ytoa'tVeplae floods at Bundwland'a. PRESBYTERIANS ASK MONEYFOR MISSIONS j 4 ,,., t y ........ Churches of Nebraska Asked forj Twenty-five Thousand Dollars to Expend in fHome field'' At the Friday morning session of the Nebraska synod of the Presbyte rian church the churches of the state were asked to raise $25,000 during the coming year lor home missions. -This is practically double the amount raised last year. More than 1,000 j people have been brought1 into the church during the last year through1 the home missions, it was .said. V. H. Kearns was re-elected superintendent of the missions in. Nebraska. The afternoon was given over to a study of the. reports of' Hastings and , Bellevue colleges, Omaha university . and the Omaha Theological seminary. Dr. C F..Vichart, pastor of' the Second' Preibyterian church "pf : Chi cago, spoke .fast tight on "The, New Educational t j'rogram," defending America in the war. .' 1 " This morning Rev, Mr. Caughey will lead the synod in' special prayer for the! president, the nation, the boys of Nebraska in the army, for the allies and even for .the, enemies, that their minds may be opened to' liberty. This afternoon the delegates wilt be taken to Bellevue college in autOmo biles. They will be guest3 of the col lege at luncheon, after which they will inspect the buildings. ' I G. W. Wattles will address, the synod tonight on "Food Conserva tion" and Rev. Edwin Hart Tenks will speak . on , "Spiritual ; Result of the War."V A'.;v. ' r. Rev. Ralph. H.. Houseman, for six years superintendent of religious edu cation in the synod, tendered his res- ignation. ; i."- . , : .,, 'i . ' Did Not Register Because iHe Was Subject to Fits "Ah gets fits, jedge," an so' Ah didn't think. Ah had to register," said John Henry when brought before Federal Judge WoodrouRh on a charge of failure to register, : The' young colored man gave the further excuse that he can't read or write. He was arrested in Kearney.- Judge Woodroagh ordered him examined by the medical officer of the exemption board to see whether his fits are seri ous enough to keep him out of the . national army.w v : M V , Brandeis Slie For Policy vV For. Daylight Bank Robbery Brande's Stores have filed suit for $6,500 in district court against the Fidelity and Casualty company of New York as a result of a bank robbery last rebruary. Ihe bank In the base ment ot tne cranaeis , Mores w:ts robbed of $6,500 in currency. Police say it 'as the, work of a daring' day light sneak thief. Brandeis Stores were protected against robbery by the r idelty .and Casualty company. i SBSSSBBiBJeMBSa Pays Fine For Charge Of Adulterating Vinegar lhe marmann. fickle company paid a fine of $700 in 'county, court Saturday morning after a represent ative of the concern had pleaded guilty to selling adulterated vinegar, - L. C Kenible, state food inspector, filed eight complaints against the Haarmann ' company. Explanation was made that the adulteration was due to the negligence of an employe. Mail Carriers Distribute Bond Blanks; Get Results Forty-two thousand . Liberty loan application blanks, have been distrib uted bytfhe mail . carriers in Omaha this week. Ai considerable number have been brought in or sent in to the Dostoffice filled out. - V ' All of the 500 mail clerks and car- ners and other postal . employes in. Omaha except fivehave subscribed to the Liberty , loan, .v :'- rv,v; American Medical Reserve Officer Among Wounded v Washington, Oct. . 20. First lieu tenant P-G. Hamlin of the medical reserve corn's 'was wounded - October 5 while engaged with British .forces. His home is m Jticjimond, ,Y a. v. STRIKING MINERS RETURNTO WORK Indications Men Are Respond ing to Appeal of Their Leaders; Indiana Mines Running: Again. Springfield, 111., Oct. 20. Miners in Illinois coal fields gradually are re turning to work in response to the call of their leaders, reports today in dicated. Whether production of coal is to continue will be decided at a meeting of miners here .tomorrow to be par ticipated in by locals within a radius of twenty miles. Indiana Strikers Return. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 20. Re ports coming into the district head quarters of the United Mine Workers of this field this morning indicated that the return to work by the strik ers has been general and the idle mines were those in remote points. All of the miners in this section are expected to return to work Monday. Miners Are Waned. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 20. Presi dent John P. White of the United Mine Workers of America, in a state ment today warned striking coal miners that the fuel administration will not be forced into a revision of the coal prices at the mines by strikes. He said: ' "I want to say to the mine workers everywhere that the fuel administra tion will not, make disposition of wage matters now pending until all strikes are ended and mining conditions re stored to normal. Therefore, the sooner the miners return to work the sooner they will reap the benefits of the wage increase agreed to." President White has received en couraging offers of thorough co operation from district officials in the various states where sporadic strikes have occurred. Officials pledged their fuir support to terminate speed ily the few remaining local strikes. Brandeis Players Do Their i v. "Bit". For Soldiers at Fort The program staged by . the Brandeis Players in the Younsr Wo men's Christian association building at fort Omaha fnrtayN night was pre sented to an "S.; R. O." house and at the end of the performance the entire regiment gave the players three rous ing cheers. Including the orchestra, un der the direction of Mr. Nordine, 22' people went tc the post. Program: Abbott Finn Empress, 'Tan . on th. PIT" . .1 Duct MIm Shoemaker and Mr.- Rifts, "A Wf-drful airi." - , ' , .Song (Ntgto), souther ballads, ' Mtu DkvIi. i , ;.. Reoltttlon "Alfa If Jot," Mr. Mortimer. Itsadlnfe Miss HluV , Black Face Monolosus Mr. rotter. Sk.tch "Th .. Trumpete ot Sin," MIm Shoemaker, Mlsi Pavie, Mr. Rlggs, Mr, Dickinson i V Jrlih Sons Mr. Patrick O'NolL Recitation Mr. Rrberg. Mr. Mlnturn acted as announcer for th bis allow. South Dakota .Cities'- ; Buy Bonds Generously Mitchell. S. D.. Oct. 20. fSnecial Telegram.) The State Liberty loan committee Has received the follow- i ing telegram": "Beresford. Elkooint and Alcester make good showing in Union county with aggregate sub scriptions of $200,000 and solicitors still out. Brown county reports $330,000 sales of Liberty bonds; Per kins county has oversubscribed its quota by $10,000 and subscriptions are still coming in. ' f Twenty Airplanes Will : Drop Liberty Loan Bombs VJ lull, W. WVfe V.VTCkilcr kUU ditions were ideal at the Wilbur army aviation! held today for the flight of twenty airplanes to Columbus, Cin cinnati, Dayton and Indianapolis to drop Liberty loan literature "bombs" on those cities. :"' Ten of the machines were to eo to Columbus and four each to Cincinnati and Indianapolis in what promises to be the greatest peaceful air raid in the t ; liiini Railway. Committee ,ur- 1 To Aid War Shipments Washington. Oct. 20.--Edward ; C Niles," newly elected president of the National Association of Railway and Utilities Commissioners, has : ap pointed a committee of five, headed by Max Thelan of California, to co operate with the government in keep ing in, touch with state railway and Utilities commissions on questions pertaining to war aid. One of Discoverers of . ' Garden of Gods Dies Colorado Sorinsts. Colo.. Oct 20. Melancthon Sayre Beach, who, ' with his partner. Rufus Cable of Denver. discovered the Garden of the Gods. died here last night, aged 83 years. He came to Colorado in 1858 and was one of the company that formed the ordi nal townsite company of Colorado City, now Colorado Springs. V Accountant Forced to f n vGive Up $10,582 Pay Roll Springfield. Ohio. ' Oct. -20. Plac ing a,revolver against the head of K. Lyman Arthur, accountant of - the American Seeding Machine company. a robber secured the Saturday: pay roll of the company, amounting to $10,582, and escaped. 1 Two Inches of Snow - : Falls at St. Paul St. Paul Minn.. Oct. . 20. Nearlv two inches of snow bjas fallen since early morning, with no indication of stopping. All sections tl the state re port some snow last night and this morning. - , . Persistent Advertising is the Road to success. . Candy Makers Cut Out Overtime To Help Government Save Sugar ' Omaha yand Council Bluffs candy manufacturers have decided to con form to the request of the food ad ministration to cut down on the man ufacture of candy, and at a meeting decided to eliminate all overtime and to discontinue certain makes of candy in order to conserve sugar. The following statement was issued by the Omaha candy manufacturers: "In order to conserve the sugar supply the food administration at Washington is asking for a consider able decrease in the production of candy. To meet this request the candymakers have decided to discon tinue all overtime and also, to cut out a number of items.' Washington, Oct. 20. As a pre liminary step, for conservation of sugar against a further shortage the food administration today sent out a telegram urging reduction of sales to candy manufacturers. The warning was sent to all the sugar distributing agencies of the country, notably the American refiners' committee of New York and the sugar distributing com mittee of Chicago, which handle cane and beet sugar, respectively. "We consider if essential," the tele gram read, "to reduce consistently the sales of sugar for production of candy. Must be reduced in order to provide for household and allied needs. This request a -pl:es to manufacturers of guns, cordials, syrupS and luxuries. Manufacturers of food products should have preference, condensed milk companies coming first" Chicago, Oct. 20. Formal warning was, issued here this7 afternoon on instructions from the office of' Food Administrator Hoover that a sugar famine is upon the country and that ia t th mnmpnt of America S nrst seir- denial in the matter of food has ar rived. The warning states '.hat manufac turers using sugar in' their products1 are' closing down and that thousands of persons are threatened with tem porary loss of employment. In dividuals as well as dealers are called upon to do with the absolute mini mum of the product. It was an nounced that as the Atlantic states have the greatest scarcity,, that Deet sugar from the west will be rushed first to that section. iRingworm ScalpSores MlDftwL ; Try it today an our ftmraittaa. 3DXIQXIEIX' rJie Liciuid. Wash . , : fchrma A McCennell .Drug Co. ' - si f AUTUMN BRIDES K paying"ioo dividends daily m health, happmess and prue of possession- . .71 H ARTISAN'S, THE WORLD'S GREATEST1 HOME i FURNISHING ORGANIZATION cordially wel comes the Fall Bride to look over its extensive as sortments for ideas and suggestions in the proper, equip ment of the modern home. Brides, happily, are restricted to no season. 'Wedding bells ring as happily in October and November as in May and June and marry are the house-warmings celebrated about the fall fireside. , - : . And because brides are always with as, the bridal gift always Is a timely suggestion. If In the circle of your acquaintance a new home Is to be established, remember that the "gift to the home" Is sure of warmest appreciation.' Ion will find at all times in the gift assortments of this store suggestions which will solve the bridal problems. ''' EJ3a Bjp j3 j i SPECIAL I ASY CREDIT ViTEfi MS GLADLY ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE-IF DESIRED, ,"1 mIssivb 'COLONIAI DRESSER Built of se lected hardwood, elegantly finished in Imitation quar t ter-eawed, oak, base fitted With 5 individual drawem, large eize French bevel plate mirror, ; measures 22x27, inches; a , Very special value that must be seen to -be -appreciated, only , .., $14.75 MARRIVB 4t I N C H TOP BOLID OA I EXTEN S I O N TABLE Built In attrao Wi William and Mary Deilg-n, haavy padeHtal, aplendtdly flnlahed fumed, can bn extended to 6 feat, only tl8.50 A REMARKABLE OKFERINO IN A l-PIECE BED COMBINATION Constating- of continu ous post metal bed. atronff wire fabric sprlnr and aoft cotton-top mattreai, bad la enameled In Vernls Martin and can be i.4Q OA had In all sizes. Entire S SjIZaOa plecea priced for thU week,t..v sanitartI, HIOH K1DB WOOD CRIB Complete with flexible aprlnsr. mraaurea l-fx 4-6; haa Auto matic: drop aides and fin ished in whit e n h m el, ex, ftctly aa illui trated and spe cially priced at THE FAMOUS "SELLERS" KITCH EN CABINET Made of selected solid oak, oil- ... rubbed finiBh, fitted with sliding roll drawers, metal bread and cake box, roomy flour bin and sifter, sliding aluminum top and 7-piece ,. crystal glass spice jars, drawers have sanitary -.'!Syk.S26.50 New High Grade WiLiam and Mary , Jacobean Oak Dining Room Suite 1 Lends distinctive charm that cannot fail to appeal strongly to all who love and appreciate good furniturethis charming suite is done in - solid quarter-sawed oak, Jacobean antique finish, complete suite includes a buffet,' extension table, 6 dining chairs, china cabinet and priced separately, as follows: 64-inch top dining table, 6-foot extension, 6 attractive period designed posts and strong stretchers, moulded rim, our very low price.. 60-in. artistically designed buffet, roomy drawees and linen compartment, metal period drawer pulls, very (SCQ Q special, at only ily09 Roomy china closet, fancy grill work, front panels, adjustable shelves, splen didly designed, our .very CO 7 K.0 special price, only V O i i U $39.85 William and Mary Period dining chair, strongly constructed and braced, genuine Spanish leather seat, spe cially priced for each, at. . $5.50 $825 S"''llBBTJfcB'jKe5 try.'. 1 riwaL, SPLENDID VALUE IN ROOMY LARGE SIZE BUFFET Care fully constructed throughout and finished golden in imitation quarter-sawed oak, base fitted with two small drawers, 1 lined for sil verware, large linen drawer and roomy china compartment, for this selling, at. 814.65 EXTREMELY MASSIVE OVERSTUFFED DAVEN PORT Elegantly upholstered in blue velour over steel spring construction, the most comfortable piece of furniture you can put - In your home; finely built, high-grade piece of QKEZ A4& VUUlUV furniture, at only FT. P. 4 j ' urn . i Cole's High. Oven Rarge Tfce Stove That HMrta, (oka, Dakr All with th. faaa. Fire In this great ranse we offer every bouaekeeper the meat perfect baking range, moat economical d convenient atove ever placed on the m a r k . t when placed In dining: room or where house la throws open. It heats th. whole home while It doea the fam ily cooklna;; only one fir. to build each' win ter, you can make breakfast every morn ing with the same bucket of coal cut In at night , for holding ilre; come In and let ua demonstrate this marvelous stove to you. A VERY PLEASING AND ATTRACTIVE BED ROOM SUITE In rich American Walnut, attractive Queen Ann design, splendid construction, artistic period ornaments. QUEEN ANN TRI PLICATE! MIR ROR DRESSING TABLE Station ary center mirror tM In. swing ing .Id. mirror, QUEEN ANN DE SIGN BED Head end SJ Inchea high, foot-end In proportion, . very graceful and SS30.50 QUEEN , ANN DRESSER Roomy base mted with 2 large and 2. amall drawer., large .aize French bevel . plate rrilrror, attractive 3.,.W!Mi UBEl ANN FFORETTE Htal roomy drawer, and drawer, in en closed compart-? ment as llluetrat- ., . ...f ..... WHITE ENAMEL KJKCELIRON TOP SANITARY KITCHEN TABLE Table entirely b u 1 It of metal, h a a angle Iron leg. s.cu rely braced. Top meas ures 42x27 inchea and gives year, of service, offered for this week', selling at 3.85 LARGE SIZE HEATER p Body built of high grade polished steel, resting on high sanitary legs, full nickel trim med ni very attractive. Will economically burn Boft coal or wood; a handsome ami depend able stove at an unusually low prices $11.98 T-l i m i fVj, m. irT" Owr Stare aiHt Ranrt mtr all urchaaea before he present biah m r r t nrieee INK eneet, hi rieaa. , The Rug Sale of the Season Thousands of rugs from our mail order department, in all patterns, offered at unusually low prices. Consists of odd lots, quantities too small to catalog, etc. Lot No. 1 US Brussels Rugs, 6x9 ft. size, as sorted patterns, florals, ajlovers, etc. Catalog price, each $11.26; ape- pr1c.!!,.,.........i.38 Lot No. 172 Worsted Face Brussels Rugs, 8-3xlO-S ft size, assort ed patterns, medallions, all-overs florals, etc Catalog price, each. $20.65. Special tl7 1? Lot No. 4 8 Velvet .Ruga, Sx9vft. slae, as sorted patterns, all overs, orientals, medal lions, etc. Catalog; price, each $17.75: iM apeclalonly..1" Lot No.i t 103 Assort ed Worsted Face Brus sels Rugs. 9x12 ft atae, orientals, medallions, all-over designs. Cat alog price, each, $55 8. X'f.1"1.9. MM Lot No. S 149 Assorted Velvet Rugs, 8-JxlO-6 ft size, medallions, orientals, florals, etc. Catalog price, each, $25.95. Special til 75 sale price....:..1''1' Lot No. 5 Velvet' Rugs, 9x1$ ft else, as sorted ; patterns, all overs, orientals, florals. Catalog price, each, $29.35. Special 49 AO sale price " flartman's Columbia Gralonola j Shop The Best Place to Buy Tonr Talking Machine n .Tibs Elegant Graf onola Columbia and Tea Selections I Dovblt D ie Bctorit . 882.50 - Fay Only $5.00 Cash, $1.00 t Week. .. Ifo Interest Charged. (it. . j F i ml Walsat. Oak r Hafcogany Cabinet. m m TBI f4 n m ears, ELABORATELY 1 NICKEL TRIMMED SELF -FEEDING BASE BURNER 14-inch fJrepot suf ficiently Urge to heat S or 4 rooms, large size magazine self-feeding at-1 tacbment, will bold ' fire all night; special tor this week, g Q HfBlCAS GREATEST BOXS FTJRSISHEES 413 -15 17 South 16th Street Gr O V R OUARANTEED "Mfi RIT R E 3 IT N T' STEEL XaNGE Complete with high closet Exceedingly well made, body built of pol ished steel, 15-inch oven, S hole top, d iv'lex grate, stove rests on sail-tf f " f p"c....0."votf.d(l "COLE'S" HOT BLAST HEAT ER Just what you want to keep down the high cost of living, most economical stove made, burns anything, holds . fire for a longer period than any other stove. We have them as low J; T & . m id iv.' m j ,