Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1917, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 191917. IPuhlic R ises to Emergency Buying Ml any NATION ANSWERS THE PftO-GEIifiNS WITH L0ANB00ST McAdoo Warns Law Will Pro I secute Those Who Threaten ! Banlcs Pushing Liberty Bonds; Sales Heavy.5 (Br Am -lat4 Vm.) ; Wasliinglon, Oct. 18. The govern- ment today put in motion- the machin ! ery to apprehend and punish pro ' German workers who have started an ' organized campaign in more than a i ; dozen states to defeat the Liberty :ioan. . ' - By telegraph from Salt Lake City Secretary McAdoo authorized the is suance of a statement here calling hipon all banks upon which German .'pressure has been brought to bear in Ian effort to induce them not to aid "the loan to report the circumstances to him, promising to prosecute lo the limit of the iaw the "disloyal and traitorous persons" making such at tempts at intimidation. Start Investigation. - Department of Justice officials also "fwcran an invrstiffation into the WOfk- .........- , ings of the alleged conspirators wunj City, $7,197,000; Dallas, $6,830,000; San Francisco, $39,040,150. "New York cnt over the $500,000,. 000 mark, an unofficial estimate from there tonight being $560,000,000. Chicago's Wirwind Drive. "Chicago reported a whirlwind campaign and that district's total is thought to be above $300,000,000. De troit sent a telegram saving that $32, 500,000 or 76 per cent of its qftota was subscribed and that by Saturday night it surely would have an over-snbscrip-tion. ' . . - "The Minneapolis district continued to rapidy move on toward a $50,000, 000 total. St. Paul telegraphed that it would raise $15,000,000 by Saturday night 1 "The Cleveland district doubtless has gone above the $100,000,000 mark. The city itself has subscribed more than $30,000,000. Pittsburgh has sub scribed a slightly larger amount and Columbus some $3,800,000. "Increased subscriptions by the New England states have come in fast this week. Meager reports from other states indicate that the $2,000, 000,000 mark is being rapidly ap proached and probably will be reach ed by Saturday night." Three-Day DriVe V Here for Liberty Bonds is Started 'Continued from Pe One.) , all the business houses, and on the streets. - i Hunsicker Subscribes, , Ulgs Ol uie imickcu luhjiju.wh a view to prosecutions, wher justff Fred Hunsicker, president of the ;fied, under the espionage and other-4 JdW9 UCalHlH Willi cuiwuii aiiu . Sempts to thwart the government's "war purposes. The nation's answer to the abortive Utfforts of the prt-Gcrman campaign was the greatest single day's sub scriptions' since the Campaign started. Officials estimate that nearly $l,750,-i 000,000 of the loan has been sub ' ' scribed and heavy sales are reported in prospect for the. closing days of hedrive. ' . , , Progress of the loan throughout ' the nation was announced in the fol lowing statement issued by the treas ury tonight: , . ; ,t , Big Jump Shows Up. ' "Official reports bn ' subscriptions "totaled $827,174,650 up to the close of business yesterday, or about $127,000, ;000 more than was 'reported at the nfclose of the previous. day. "Estimates based on the customary ' daily increases, of the official figures and unofficial reports, from various parts of the, country fcdHo the belief tonight 'that between $1,500,000,000 and $1,750,000,000 had been sub-' t "The official figures follow: 1 Boston, $95,000,000; New York, $389,390,000; ; Philadelphia,- $26,345, 000; Cleveland, $95,300,000; Richmond, $34,470,000; Atlanta, $8,669,050; Chi cago, $91,279,000; St. Louis, $7,354, 350: Minneapolis, $25,500,000; Kansas South Side Lumber company, and nriiiiUnt nf the Sehwitzer fles'ane Verein, subscribed $1,000 for Liberty bonds. The society of which he is president also subscribed $500. "Be ing by birth a subject of Switzer land," said Mr. Hunsicker. "the oldest rnuh1ii in th wnrM. I have the highest regard for-the German peo- pie, UlH H IS iwyuasiuic iui int iu hbld the same regard for, the kaiser and his autocratic government. I came to the United States where greater right and freedom prevail. Uiuinir twn xiirressfiil here. I am willing to do my part ins financing the war. ' ' ' - More Subscriptions. Some of the latest subscriptions an nounced in Omaha are: t r t ' $ ?oon Hugh Mufphy Const, Co 15,000 James A. fa.K iu.uw A. M. j'effrey 1,000 International Harvester Co... 5,000 Reports coming to Secretary E. F. Folda from several points in the state every day indicate that the movement is gaining more and more impetus out in the state. Reports from Wausa, Gibbon.' knd Lancaster county are particularly favorable. ' Mothers Club Buys. TraiiSchool Mothers' club voted to buy a $100 Liberty bond after an All For .Love ouiove uour ua . J riirtli rrra nAii- aft J J, '3' t If uou 1 1 J -T- - IIISM! i:Y- 1 1 VA"- III fill 1 1 ,n) m 'Mil T fc v v wmmmmmmm-- 1 1 mev. . Tl&r 1 4lt ftt 7 I V Tf - ove vow? mo ou i Jove boup inn I op wire or' Qaujntep ' W v a r a l ' it ... Nmt-t. ur vauu - 8. ThejL- ml appeal made Monday by MVs. C. E. Parsons and Mrs Vaclav Buresh. Thi'o rtnh in whirh ten nationalities are repres'eiited, is iomposed of all illC WU1I1VI1 HI 1U Sixth and Hickory, who have the school vote. Vo their work is due in large measure credit for the new school house now(being erected. Mrs. L. M. Lord, chairman of the business women's committee, an nounces her committee members as follows: Miss Katherine VVorley. Miss Tone C. Duffy, Miss Maud Davies and Mesdames Allen Parmer, CrJ. Hub bard, C E. Parsons. W. B.'Tagg, W. C Lambert, Frank Ames, A. C. Kugel, A. V. Shotwell, O. Y. Kring, Ernest Sweet, Ray Abbott, E. H. Bar rett and Blaine Young. Kennedy Talks to Nurses. John I Kennedy addressed the state nurses' convention ait the Black stone Wednesday. Arthur Mullen spoke at the women's Liberty loan committee meeting at the Commercial club at 2 o'clock. Other addresses at women's meetings today were: Omaha Story Tellers' league, Mrs. Byron Clark, speaker; Garfield cir cle, Mrs. George B. Eddy, .speaker; Woman's Christian Temperance un ion, Benson, Mrs. N. J. McKittrick, speaker; Woman's Christian Temper ance union, West Side, Mrs H. G. Claggett, speaker; Daughters of the Civil War Veterans Mrs. J Warren Blackwell, speaker; Masonic lodge, Florence; Florence Nightingale club-, Mrs. D. G. Craighead, speaker, and B'nai B'rith, women's auxiliary, Mrs. Joseph Duffy, tpeaker. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success BOYS IN KHAKI AIDiOAN DRIVE Give More liaa Thirty-Two Million Dollars in Subscrip tions for Liberty Bonds at . Cantonments. Washington, Oct 18. American soldiers and theAarmy civilian em ployes have purchased more than $32,000,000 of Liberty bonds. Of this amount, mem in the 16 na tional army camps have subscribed $10,600,000 and those in the 15 Na tional Guard camps $9,200,000. The national army soldiers have averaged $24.52 each-, while the record of the National Guardsmen is $33.36 per capita and the average fot the entire 31 camps is $29.97. Three camps have received sub scriptions at latest report in excess of $1,000,000. The National Guard camp, Camp Sheridan, at Montgomery, Ala., leads with subscriptions of $1,229,950 for its 22,500 men. Second -honors are held by Camp Shelby, also a Na tional Guard command, at Hattiesburg, Miss., where 17,800 men have bought bonds to the amount of $1,152,000. The only national army camp which has broken into the $1,000,000 class to date is Camp Grant at Rockford, 111., containing 2.000 men, whose Liberty bond subscriptions stand at $1,096,800. Nebraska' Credit $500,000 In U. P. Bond Allottment In its distribution of the5,000,000 subscribed to the second Liberty loan, the Union Pacific allotted $1,OOQ,000 to New York City, where the chief executive offices are located. The re maining $4,000,000 was . apportioned among the thirteen states in which the company's lines operate, in proportion to the mileage in each state. The apportionment of the $4,000,000 will credit Nebraska with $500,000; amounts to other states as follows: Iowa, $75,000; Kansas, $500,000; Missouri, $150,000; Colorado, $225,000; Wyoming, $250,000; Utah, '$250,000; Idaho, $650,000; Montana, $100,000; Nevada, $100,0(KHCalifornia, $300,000; Oregon, $500,000; Washington, $400,000. ' . Boyles College Students Subscribe for the Bonds As a result of Major John Maher, U. S. A., giving a 6hort address on Liberty bond subscription, yesterday afternoon, to the students of Boyles college, that school has subscribed $160 to the Liberty loan movement. in the name oi the American ata Cross. The names and amount of all stu dents subscribing were recorded, and will be forwarded to the Treasury department at Washington, D. C, where they will be filed for record. Hcmestake Mining Interests Buy Quarter Million Bonds Mitchell, S. Dak- Oct. 18. (Special Telegram.) The Homestake mining" interests at Lead have bought Liberty bonds to the amount of $250,000 and paid 2 percent oi the purchase money with the application. Law 'rence County will exceed its appor tionment by $50,000. The Homestake contribution is the largest one of the campaign and is probably the biggest individual donation ever made in South Dakota to any cause Wants Jells and Dainties . , . For Army Post Hospitals Mrs. Gould Dietz is making an ap peal for jellies, preserves and chopped pickles for the two army post hospw! tals. The Red Cross committee ha$ furnished seventy-two dozen four ounce glass containers which thej wish the'-Svomen to fill. . Already seventy-two glasses of jelly have been sent to tthe Fort Crook hospital and fifty to Fort Omaha. Many Musical Moments at Hospes URSULA DIETRICH APOLLO REPRODUCING PIANO Coma1 Tomorrow- Coma Saturday Afternoon A. HOSPE GO. . PIANO PLAYER ROOMS. 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET. o) y TV THIS GREAT SALE Opens Friday 8:30 A. M. COME-EARLY 1111 IP Ol I O B ' I.T Havin decided W close out my entire, tock of Aelf hardware,; we have secured the services of Col. E BIIU rUoMvB. J. Newlon of the firm of PIERPOINT BROS., Merchandise Brokers and Sales Experts, to help us line up the stock and mark down the prices, and to handle the crowds that will come hundreds oi miles to attend this Great Slaughter Sale of Real High Grade'Hardware. Now, we want you to understand that our Entire Stock will go on sale, not just a few odds and ends picked out to get you in the store, then sell you something else, hut we include everything from Basement to Ceiling will have the Yellow Tags on that will show you the GREAT SAVINGS! Therefore beginning Friday Morning at 8:30 o'clock, we will open our doors to the public with the Greatest Price-Cutting, Closing-Out Sale of Hardware ever held in NebraskV We want you to remember that this isiot a So-Called Salvage, Reduction, Contest, or a Flim-Flam Sale, but is a Genuine QUITTING BUSINESS Sale, for we. have decided that we are through with the Hardware Game in Omaha, and we have said t4 NEWLON to make the prices so Cheap thafc the Merchants that are up-to-date will come right in and buy this stock in a few days, for we are tired of paying Big Rents and having the Landlord eat us up, so now it is up to you, the Consumer, to help us let go, for we are bound to get out, regardless of what the goods will sell for. V Now, get out your Catalogue and go over the Items that we have listed, then go carefully over this circular and compare the prices' with any wholesale catalogue which you may have. Then come right in with your pocketbook well filled, or your check book, and take home enough to last you for a year, for we assure you that now "ONE DOLLAR WILL DO THE DUTY OF TWO." COL B. J. NEWLON. 1 1 r -- v. of c tllie Rflainiy Bargiains k - Write For - .Remember These Prices Are Only Good k While Present Stock Lasts DO IT Price DRILL AND AUGER BITS 3-16 FordXJar Bits, worth 35c, now : only, each , .7. . . v. . . . ..... .18c 9-16, 45p value, on sale at. . .'. .28c 1-inch Ford Car Bits, worth 70c, speciajat :i ............. .44c (We have all sizes in these aUhe same bif discount.) x, , BED CASTERS We have in stock all sizes and kinds of Casters for beds and tables. Set of four Bed Casters, wdrth 25c, yours for . ;i 13c One" set Casters, worth: 35c, spe- : cial, at7;7.v.7.v;.i.;.v;::,,2ic Real $llvalue, now only . 69c Large; size set of four' Casters worth 85crfor . . .... .V.. .54c WINDOW CLEANERS Window Cleaners made of rubber, worth 70c; sale, 47c Window Squegee, worth 60c, now on sale. ........ .38c Best ' grade " brass bound squegee, worth $2... $1.09 Bristol' window brush, worth 60c, now . 34c Scrub brushes, worth 10c . sale price . . i ....... . ?6c Good heavy fiber scrub brush, worth 15c, now. ... . ,9c Galvanized iron Daisy Spray ers, worth 75c, for. . . ; 58c Plumber's Friend best grade rubber", worth 85c, now 64c Plumber's Friend for'clean ihg , closets, worth $1.50 ' now at $1.09 Rubber ; cup , cltaner, worth . 50c, sale, only . ...... .22c Dust Pans, worthy 45c, yours for .....28c Meat Hooks, just the thing1 for butchers, while, they last, each, only 2c OIL OF CEDAR AND MOPS - Oil of Cedar, worth, per bot tle 25c, now only. 8c 50c size; yours for.... ..24c Real $1 bottle, njw. . . .48c Best .O'Cedar Mop, worth $1.25, yours for 64c PLIERS AND 4 NIPRERS 8-inch Clinch Pliers, worth $2.50, now .$1.44 8-inch Red Devil Pliers, worth' $1.50, yours for. . . ... .98c No. 9 Red Devil PKers, worth $1.75, only 79c 19-inch," worth 60c, for. . .34c! 1-inch Pliers, worth 85c. ,53c Red Devil Side Cutters, worth 80c, tnly 52c Diamond Edge Side Cutting, .worth 75c, for. 36c 9-inch-- Diamond Edge Side Cutting, worth 85c, yours ..for only...! . ..63c Round nose Red Devil, worth 85c, for ....... A.... 44c Regular $1.25 round hose pliers, we close out at 69e k Pocket size electrician's side cutters, worth '50c ..... 32c Combination nipper and punch and pliers, worth $1.35, we quiti,.....76c Bradawls, worth 10c, now, 5c V LOCKS , Yale '& Towne . Padlocks, worth 40c, ,on sale at. .23c Yale lockrworth 50c, now 34c Yale padlock, worth $1.10 now at -64c Regular $2 lock, yours, $1.38 No. 843 Yale, worth $2.50. now only :$1.48 No. 860 Yale,' worth $30 now only $2.14 SPRING HINGES 3-inch Chicago Spring Hinge Butts', worth 60c, yours 38c 5- inch Chicago Spring Hinge Butts, worth $1.10, now 78c 6- inch Chicago 'Spring Hinge Butts, worth $1.60 ..1.04 5- inch double action hinges worth $2, for ....98c 6- inch double action hinges worth $3.25, now $1.68 7- inch double action hinges worth $3.50, now. . .$28 1 ' I BUTTS v Steel Door ; Hinges, : bronze finish, 3yx3y, worth 40c, now on sale, at ....;.;.24c '4x4 Nickel Plated Steel ' Butts, : f worth45c, now. . . . . 28c 5x5 Steel Butts,-worth 65c now 46c 2x2 Brass Finish Butts, worth 25c, . 'for nj . . . . .... .. , j16c 3x3i4, worth 12Mc, f or . ; . ,7c 3x3 Brass Finish,worth 15c, 'sale price," only ; .'.I .....' -i 10c 3-inch Strap Hing worthlOc -4 and 5-inch Strap Hinges, worth 15c, now on sale . i . . . . . . ... . V .yc 6-inch . Best ' Strap Hinges, "worth 20c, now at. . . . . .1 . . . . . . . .12c FIXTURES ARE -V FOR SALE : ;.vr ' C We hive a very full and coh plete line, of Hardware Fixtures that are for sale, and we want every Merchant in this territory to come in and lock over this store and place his bid on the entire line or part of it, as we will re ceive sealed bids up to Saturday, November the 3rd, when they will be opened and the highest bid will get them. Don't be afraid, but come and look them over or write for description. - MY o) o) TIM! V MERCHANDISE BROKERS, OlvlAMA SELLING THE STOCK OF 1612 HARNEY STREET WANTED-25 HARDWARE SALESMEN. APPLY CY TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 421 Special Notice As to r Deliveries ' We have definitely decided to make deliveries as follows: pur wagon will go south of Leaven worth and will leave the store at 8 a. m.; west, north of Leaven worth to Cuming, at 10 a. ni; north of that at 1 o'clock. Noth ing delivered to anyone unless you buy. at least $2.50 worth., v 1