Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1917, Page 10, Image 10
1 : - r -' : - r,-,- - - - .. - h I IILJ IjCtiul OxurtiiA, ZikU.L, UOmbii it, lVli. Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Word to tb Hot.) K Ad Takes fat U Tba Two Linn Local CASH WITH ORDER So per line. 1 time lo per lino.. 3 or more consecutl,v insertions CHARGE to per lino 1 Hn So per line I or morr consecutive Insertions 7e per lino I) consecutive intertloni SITUATIONS WANTED 16 pr lino ... .! Pf CARD OF THANKS AND , tTNEBAL NOTICES 10c per lino ecb Insertion (Minimum charge 60 ctnU.) Oot-of-Tow Rate Cash Wltti Order (Ciunt SI Ward lo JJ") Hel Wanted Agenti Wanted Business Chance Financial All Other Classifications ' Kc per line 1 time. Is per line S or more L consecutive lueerttons. 9c per Itno 1 time ' ii per line I or more , conaecotlva Insertion. USE THE TELEPHONE '-f you cannot con renlently bring or tend In your want ods. Ask for Want Ai Taker and you will receive the tarn good aervlce at when delivering your winl ail at thlt office. mONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS 12:09 M. MORNING EDITIONS J0:0t P. M. Contract Rate on Application MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. FrINCESS, 1317 DOUGLAS DONNA DREW in '"4V7" North. ALHAMBRA. 24TH AND PARKER EMILY STEVENS in "THE WHEEL OF THE LAW" AND COMEDY GRAMX TH AND BINNKY PEARL WHITE in FOURTEENTH CHAPTER OF "THE FATAL RING" LOST FOUNDS- REWARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST One large black gauntlet automobile glor. Reward. Colfax 3601. LOST Small amthnt pin valued at heir loom. Reward. Har. 722. LOST Eastern Colfax 1S4. Star pin. Reward. TeL FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. NEW FURNITURE AT . AUCTION. On account of quitting business we will tell our entire stock of new furniture, rugs, beds. mattre"t, '.ovea, tafc, desks, brie a brae, etc., at public auction. Kale atari next Saturday at 1 p. m. and eon tinuea each day till a la told. Your gold en opportunity to buy nw furniture at your own price. Take Florence car and get off at postofftce. y ALDERMAN FURNI.URE CO. Florence, Neb. FURNISH YOUR HOME AT PRACTICAL - LY YOUR OWN PRICE. Uundredt of people have taken advan tage of the remarkable price reduction! we hare been making for the patt aeveral month! on a big 826.000 warehouse-stock of bcand new. up-to-date furniture that w were forced to cloae out. Such money ' laving possibilities could 'not bt equaled anywhere elae In the city alert buyeri havt discovered thli and profited by It. Furniture for every room In the home Ii Included In thlt big warehouse atork. OCT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION Act today. STATE FURNITURE CO. Dong 1317. Hth and Dodge StiCQmaha. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feather, lummer and winter aldet; coat let! and last longer tfcan cotton or hair bed!. Phono ui for almple. 1007 Cumlng. Doughia2lt7. BARGAINS In furniture. Ice boxes, gal . . ..... hAm hin. mnii kltrhp.O Cabl- wiwi ,Y - . .. v.t... nhlri huffat. dreaxtersOT trunks, sultcssee. Full line of poultry net. ting icreen. 1839-47 N. 34th. Web. HOT. South. aToLLO !TH ANT LEAVENWORTH MARGUERITE CLARK in "THE VALENTINEGIRLJ BOULEVARD733D AND LEAVENWORTH CHILD PLAYERS in A BEAUTIFUL SCREEN VERSION OF CINErlANDGICm-iPPEjr ROISlFF! TH AND LEAVENWORTH GEORGE WALSH in "SOME ROY" STOVES, all nnskes, heatera. ranges ana eoukstovea; turn., vict., pianoiA country trade Good! parked free. Loyal Kurn Co., 323 N. Uth. City Purn. Co., 10T ft 14th. CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE Auctioneer. Llcenaed and Bonded. Phone Web. 4478. LARGE leather bed-davenport, large brass bed and oak dining room set. Tel.' eve nings Blachstono holI, Room 434. RUSH right down and get your share of all kind of furniture at sacrifice. 608 N. 16th. West. "DUNDEE" &I8T AND UNDERWOOD FREDERICK WARDE in "UNDER FALSE COLORS" Store and Office Fixtures WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy ell and make desks, safes, snowcases, shelving, ato. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D. 3724. Sewing Machines. DEATHS & FlRALJlmCES. 5EWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all lowing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sis. t Doug. 1868. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR Rent Remington Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. Rental applies on purchase. Remington BTinmrMANN Minnie, aae 65. Oot. IS. Fun- oral from Hoffman Funera lHome, Satur .in a m tn hi. Patrick's church, 9 A. M. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. t --a I. .nrvivod hv three sons, Ed. ward, ot Falls City. Neb. Charles SI., and! Frits A.- of omana. ' O'CONNOR-Mra. Margaret, age CI years. jt, tcij.- mnrnlnr October 19. at ,'""'""J r " 1 1 ; H eafey chapel. Rental applies on purchase. Remington , fjtjnimoij. ' ,,. ...I - - Ol56N--Guiitftv-i A., lit Denver, Colo., Octo- 141 t rwl H Vkri. " Funeral Friday at 3 p. ni. from family i residence, 811 North Forty-sixth street I ' Interment, wwit mwb ; i' r FUWKAL DIRECTORS. "TACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. M A Har. D. 187 H L DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlractora. F F. Foro. Mgr.. .3rd and Cumin Bta. Phona Douglas 77. Auto ambulance. &ULSE it R1EPEN, undertakers and lm- balmers. 701 ft. lth. Douglas ., lOHli" A. UENTLEM AN" undertaker and embalmer. 8I vavenworin. . 'l YPEWRITKltS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 8 months for ii Central Typewriter Exchange, 1908 Famam. Guaranteed typewriters, 810 and up. Writs Tor list. Midland Typ. Co., 1IQ4 Dodge. Miscellaneous. FIUE ADJUSTER SALE All the damaged goods of the Cady Lumber Co. fir hard. ware, twine, nails, wire fencing, wooden and Iron posts and lumber. H. Grosa Lumber and Wrecking Co.. 81st and Paul Ots. Webster 284. FOR SALE Physician's exam.nlng table, Instrument case, medicine stand, all white enamel. Almost new. , Also Ham- . mond typewriter. Phono Walnut Is. i Belgian Hartts from (pedigreed stock. lSDI V.. C. Foshl-r. 24S Pratt St. D. SftNa" 'a,mber of the National Florists rioiivarv aaa-eiatlon. we are In totltlon t deliver tlowern at short notloo i anywhere la the United State or Canada. He 8 oboda, Florists. : fSTLEE L. LARM0N MM DoukImh St. " Dou1m ?"a fSTju-K'T' anrlmatnt tit f rlhTToWtri. ' , HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. Parker flower jhop, u s. 8. d. 8iox THB FERNERTrSvJ ft lth. St. Doug. jt. BAfflTWlontl FlorUt, ISO Farnaiu 6L jr"pnWA01tEr188iiHafney PonirOOl.. mariage LICENSES. ' . Following were granted permit! to wdi '.Nam and Address. . Age. ......JO AUCTION SALES "77 PUBLIC SALE . H0LSTEINS Dressmaking. TERRY Dreuamaklng Co.. 80th and Famam. Fixtures and Wiring. Electrlo washing machines. -electris Irons and reading lamps. 8288 Cuming fit. Doug. 2tH. DURKIN Hairdressing. MADAM Ii WILSON; ltllli Douglas. nougenoia apeciaines K. ADAMS. 623 S. 16th. D. 2007. Under new management Wo want to see old friend an J meeew. Open 8at evening. Your credit Is good. Agenta wanted Insurance. INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Automobile. C. A. Grimmel, 84 Om. Nat. Bk, Bldg; 1 BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. " (12-14 City Nat.. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 281 . Junk Dealers. ST. IOU 8 JUNK CO. Call Web. 6057 after 4. Massuers MISS BART LET, masseuse at the Central Hutu institute, isus narney. ijoag. ivi. MASSAGE chiropody. , Alta Head. 808-14 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglaa. I). MISS HOLLAND. 222 Neville Blk. Lumber and Building jMaterwis tAVE HALF on beama, columns, brick. H. Cross dumber and Wreck Co. wta. zs. Oxy Acetylene Welding Expert Welding on All Metal H. W. LBVERINO. 80 S. 12th St D. 8B78. Osteopaths.' DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandals Bldg Office phono Tyler 8 90. Kes. u. 4711. Mrs. J. P. Muelck, sul?'.ur, steam ana euca lyptus baths. 402-8 Rose Bldg. Ty. 2363. DR. G. B. LORD. 3208 Burt St II. 4051. Pianos for Rent. 83.10 1 per io Aj Hospe Co:, 1613 .ouglas. Painting nnif Paper Hangjng. LET mo figure your interior decorating. .Jarnett .the Paper Hanger. Harnty ins. Patent Attorneys. r ATENTS procured, bought and sold. . INTERNATIONAL PATENT to., (83 Brandels Bldg.- Douglas !. STURGES A STURGES, U. S. and foreign patenta and trademarks, 830 pas mog. Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhsrdt Ptg. Co. 624 8. 13th Bt. Plumbing and Heating TOPP & CO., 1718 Vinton street Plumbing and heating; general repair wor our specialty. Oil burner experts, Tyler 1118. Theatrical Costumes. AUTOMOBILES EXTRA cheap for cash, 3 five-passenger -ra. In vood running order. 1 Bulck, 10- cyllnder block; several used 30x3 casings and tubes, also seversi jacas, pumi, lamns and other articles. 6631 Corby St Bnapn 207W. BRAND new. 1817 Ford touring, extras; for sale Wednesday. 8376. Crosstown gar age, 3lft zun. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. WHITE lady wants wnshlog-at home. Web. 1316. DAYWORK 7467. by ex. colored woman. Web. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 3618. LAUNDRY and houflecleaning. Tyrer 2967. COLORED woman want day work. T 1636W WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. lrJCiBD Dy wcyk tnd bundlo washing. Web. V.ll chsngi Co.. 8107 Farnam Bt Doug. 6036 DAY work by white woman. Web. 4638. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. CO.. all kinds of tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 7662. HQS uongiaa pi Washing and Ironing wanted. Harney 1605. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 3734. USED CAR DEPT. WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC., 047 Farnam St. Doug. 3292-L. WANTED Work by the day. Webster 1422. CoL lady wants day wg1.. any Kind; Ty. 8568. LAUNDRY wk. by exp. col. lady. Web. 7034. STS-w s.R. all mod. oak finish bungalow; will take good auto as part payment 214 BUNDLE washing wanted. Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Walnut 2269. CADILLAC 4-cyllnder. 6 passenger touring car In first class condition. Call D. 2823. GO'OD bargains In used Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel. Xoutp 436U. Day wk.. bdle. wah'fr Call 6 p. m. Web. 6332 WANTED Bundle washing. H. 3747. HELP WANTEii MALE PACKARD touring car for sale cheap. Col fax 1015. , BUY and sell old cars. 1527 N. 21st Web. 5057 after 4 p. m. Storesyand Offices. BOOKKEEPER, 8100; bookkeeper, 390; bookkeeper. 880; office clerk. 380: office clerk, 170; office clerk, 860; office clerk. ot; typist. 159 to 360. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. FOR SALE Ford coupe, 1425. 3520 Popple ton Ave. Harney 4720. 110 a USB OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE In se curing a high-class commercial position, 4 BRAND new Saxon r adsters. 17th St Douglas 9070. FOR 8ALE Ford touring car, good as new. Inquire Harney 4412. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. Always a largo list of vacancies. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W.-Bldg. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM: PFEIFFER AUTO d CARRIAGE VIKS. 26th Avo. and Leavenworth 8t Tyler 01. CORRESPONDENT, sales, excellent oppor tunity to work Into responsible position, 3125. V WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. Auto Repairing and Painting. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, experienced man, 385. - i WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 8100 reward for . gneto we can t repair. 1 736 First National Bank Bldg. Colli repaired. Baysaorrer. ziv mm. GENERAL office man, excellent chance to work Into executive position, 175. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. Starters and Generators Repaired. WE REPAIR all standard , makes ': of starters and . generators, and - , GUARANTEE first-class work; quick serVce and - reasonable prices. ' OMAHA BATTERY . ''IE SERVICE CO. , 22)2 Harney. Tyler 3394. WANTED A young man for grocery store; experienced or Inexperienced, stem s Gro cery and Mat Market. 213 S. 24th St. BOOKKEEPER, posting machine. .360, 380 -OFFICE BOYS ..- 846, oU THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. LEDGER clerk by large wholesale house. Good pay and chance for advancement Address 7409, Omaha Bee. 1 YOUNG men, study law! Eve., downtown ses. UNI. of OM., Secy. Thomsji. 404 Om. Bk. Young man for sales ft It. del. wk., 365-870. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Ai.t. MAKKH REPAIRED Auto Betvlce Co. .(Former Strabltt ft Anderson), 316 ft 19tb " St. Douglas 6488. Professions and Trades. THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dress suita for rent 206 N. 17th. John yswman. v. jui, Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Dupply.,207 8. 11th. P. -y - 1 - Trusses. Si. y 'CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Ths W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-13 Harney St. T Safes. SAFES' BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam J. 4. Derlght Safe Co. Wedding Stationery. GUARANTEED TIKES ' U PRICE. Mads with two old tire. 80x8. 16.60; 30x3ti. 17.16; 82x3. 88.36. , "2-In-l" Vulcani?iug Co., X51 Davanport St Agenti WanUd. Douglas 2914. . TIRES sale, 15 and up, O. ft G. Tire Co. Expert tlra repairing ana retreaamg. 2416 Leavenworth St Tyler 1261W. and j 116 S. 17th St. Tyler 3164. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A lumber yard, dealing also In coal, grain and hardware; located In good farming community, In college town, and making money. Worth Investigating. Cap Hal needed about 87,000. If interested, ad- , dress Daniel B. Atkinson, Jlreh. Wyoming. BUY Lee Puncture-proof Pneumatlo Tlrea and eliminate your tlra troubles, roweu Supply Co. 2061 Farnam St TWES and tubes at half price. New 30z t Firestone, 87.90; loxavi. Iiz. new svx 8H. N. 8. Lee and Diamond, 318. Kalman'e Tiro Shop, 1721 turning, u. esss. TIRE price wreckers. This1 Is no 8 In 1 tin COMBINATION Tints rACTUBX 1103M Jackson. Agti. wanted Omaha, Neb. 3 POWERS. 6-A machines, practically new. Your choice at 3165, other machines from 326 up; two Fort Wayne Compensaries at 335. Coma quick If you want It Mgr.. 210 Bromley Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE CAFE. Only place In town of COO; doing good business; will sell fixtures and Invoice stock. Good reasons for selling. J. H. Reynold Essex, la. WANTED Partner with ,17,000 cash for half Interest In 240-acrs grain and stock ranch, 3 miles from here. Box 11, On tario, Oregon. CLEANING works, stilt order business for sale right if taken at once, uoiiman Press. - Box T 943, Omaha Bee. MOTION v nlcture machine (new and re built), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange. 108 ft 14th St. t - i ' 85 head cows and heifers at the Kcil barns, Council BlufT9,iIa,V0ct. 23 at I p. in. '" ' GEORGE C CLARK. BOWD BALE AND AUCTION CO 1136 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 8266. SWAPPERS' COLUMN 5!!'.ViB!IL!rn.?:4V devlopd. 10o ajoll. one-day serv. Marjory C. Stapenhorst. Omaha ........ 1 Kaae Kodak Btudlo. Neville Blk.. Alfred A. Hausaener. Valley, Neb. ...... 36 Clara C. Robel, Omaha J Chrst E. Wonsmos, Audubon, la. ......,.: Selroa M. Rusao, Omaha .58 JIarry B. Hatcher. Omaha ..............55 Ida Beck, Omaha 2 Asbsrry O. Weaver, Bunol, Neb. 63 Julia Martin, Bancroft, Neb. 63 Joseph A. Whiter Omaha -..47 Josla Btroter, Omaha 40 and Harney, A GOOD fur-llqcd overcoat for on dosen Itiylng hens. Call 2417 Mapla Bt WANTtD TO BUY. CnantS n. Kswungs. inurman, a. f-vT-icirrrt Mary A. Whipple. Sidney, la. DtlOlib WATnTED OLDTfALSE TEETH. Don't matter If broken. I pay 13 to 816 per att : Send by parcel post and re ceive check by return mall. L. Maier, 2007 8. Fifth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 36 DESKS DESKS 4.. .........83 Robert Rolfson, Omaha . . Jfaude R. Llghtcap Omaha rtoy W. Conant. Chicago, III. ...51 Emma W. Dodd, Omaha....... v. ...81 J. Emerson Goodrich Jr., Omaha,, over 31 Marion rearaaii, umana. over i TlXITt VTQ Floyd Ollrasr.' Des Moines, la. ..........37 0CiNlVllNO Roberta D. Mayberry. Denver. Colo 31 s New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J, C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. D. 1164. OLD CLOTHING waendpa8yht HIGHEST PRICES. WE PAY THE DOUOr.AS 6031. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies Western Bup pry Co., 801 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE Bath patlor In fine location, doing a good business. Address Box x-242. Omaha Bee. " - " TO GET in or out of business call on GANOESTAD. 248 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477, YOUR business or real estate bandied for sale. F. V. Kniest, Bee Bldg., Omaha Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete una moving picture auppues. Bwanson 4 Nolan Supply Co.. 106 8. 14th. AUTOMOBILES FRIDAY'S BAlSlAINS 191t Ford couplet pull starter ,...9500.00 1917 couplet starter 8500.00 ' 1917 sedan, A. B. C. starter ......3750.00 1918 cotiplot electrlo starter 1600.00 New 1918 Ford touring Slightly used 1917 Ford touring.. 8360.00 1916 Ford roadster, good snaps. .$200.00 1914 Ford touring, cheap at 8200.00 1917 Fotd roadster, perfect shape. .3290.00 Practically new limousine Top for 6-64 Hudson touring, cost 8200, pur price $85.00 Your money back If not satisfied. After November 1, 1917, will be lo our new lo cation. 1910 Farnam St ' '. TRAWVER AUTO SALVAGE ft EXCHANGE Douglas 9070. 110 South 17th St ' i Winter tops for Ford roadster , and touring. te. Pays highest prices for clothes, shoes, trunks Doug. 6881 Res., Doug. 6033. v BIRTHS AND DEATHS. OIL BURNER TANKS Will buy at good prices. 'Topp Phone Tyler 1118. ft Co, TJI..1 I....... n w.A V.,lh. A WMlar, berg 3030 Am I avenue ; boy: I WwPP'M' DIAMONDS vlrl: Bert H. and Martha Kstron, 316 Woolworth avenue. glHt-William J. and I Ford touring car. South 4S60. 409 ft 16th Bt SOL BERGMAN ft CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly Used i 191? ANNOUNCEMENTS. . Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON side, knife, "sunburst, box pleating, . covered buttons, all sites and styles; hemstitching, . plcot edging, eye- lot cut work, buttonholes, pennants.-" IDEAL, BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., ! 300-308 Brown Bldg. Douglas 1984.'' VAN ARMAN Drvis Pleating and Buttons Co.,316-7 Paxtorr Blk. Douglas 1109. . Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., 628 Itamgo Bldg. . Phone Dong. 2169. Baths. Mary Moors. HtU South Eleventh street. I False teeth. SfiOH Der.tur St.. Omaha. Neb. .,-1. Hki.M. ..j v,t. u.lm. . '. vilHn I - ... , ., :;... .frTT John .id Rachel Whet.ioni BObought. Kles.r, I.y.1 HoUjBldg. 2J16 W street girl; Andrew and Annie I BOOKS bought 616 S. lth, ,Tylor S836. TCochanowlcs. 4311 South Twenty-eighth street boy; Joseph and Jennie Tucker, 1113 North Eighteenth street glrT; John and Anna Dougherty, J103 tJeward street, girl; Lloyd D. and IdaR. Burdlo, hospital, boy; Jack and Bertha Frost Nathan apart meats, girl; Merton L. and Lela Cary. 1343 South Thirty-sixth street, girl; Jamea A. and Lillian Austin, hospital, girl; Joseph P. and Isabel O'Keete. 4169 Can 'street, . girl; Charles D. and Ltda C. Armstrong, 8323 Woolworth avenue, boy., ' ' - Deaths Harvy G. Fears, 24, hospital; Mrs; Clara Turner, 66. 1021 South Twenty, third street; Hans Madsen, 17, 4340 Charles street: Lewis E. Doty, 40. 6016 Chlcsgo street: Charles Wllltama, 81. hospital; Henry VolUtadt 63. 3323 Pacific street; John Brown. 83, hospltsl. r i rrrm r ! isaMaegagiliiiiiiB .ii i BUILDING PERMITS: John Sobcysk, 4110 South Thirty-seventh street frame dwelling. 31.400; Standard Oil Co., 1343 Locust street, frame shed, $750; John Baden. 6103 North Thirty-sixth street. frame dwelling. 31.600. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS "OMAHA ft COUNCIL Bt.tjFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street RalVray company to ascertain rh.the 'hey left It la th street -r. '. 'Many articles each, day are turned 'In , - and ths company ts anxious to restore them to th rightful owners. - ' - ' - L08T Pink cameo pin, with 4 pearls, be tween Clarkson hospital and Rom hotel. Finder leave at tI6 Bee Bldg., and receive reward. - ..,'. , IF YOU lose anything and will advertls It I CENTRAL Bath Institute; electrlo and plain baths; massages' of all kinds; expert at tendants. 1506 Harney. Douglas 7097. MA8SEU8B, hatha, manicuring, physical . cult Miss Walker, 324 Neville Blk. D. 4297. OMAHA BATH' ' INSTff UTE. 326 Neville '--Block, 14th and Harney Stai Doug., 7381 Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha St Carpet Cleaners. HAVE your rugs cleaned scientifically with electrlo vacuum cleaner. Call H. 1304. Carpenters and Contractors. LE88ARD A SON. 8081 Curolng. Ty. 1633. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. LaVrenee. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Chiropodist' Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Dancing Academy. , her you will surely recover It It found Tip T.11YP 8ch01 Popular Ballroom nd anything I ances t iass uonaay X.TS. by an honest person. It you find of valu th honest way Is to advertls LOST Sable and whit Scotch colli dog; , : answers to the nam Rex. Wore collar and tag. Reward. Call Col. 4141. .LOST Brown marten nock pie- on Dodge road between 35th Ave- and Dundee. Lib eral reward. Call Harney 696. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD for th re turn ot a gold dollar dated 1853. 734 North 18tL St.. Omaha. LOST Lady's purse. Findor call Jerry's Drag Store. Harney 663; reward. LOST Cold necklace, valu only as gift of I ' dead friend. Reward. Tlaraey 3313. . LOST Automobile tire on demountable rim. Reward. Phons Benson 629-W. - 111 & 18th Phone Wslnot 1037. KEEP Dancing Academy. . private lessons . clssses for sdults and children. D. 1860. Detectives. CUTTON Detectlv Agency (Inc.) "W . Get Results." 63 World-Hifld Bide raui oimon. sigr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 900 1st Nat BV. Bldg. Phone Tyler 3610. JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evldeno ecu rod la all easts. Tyler 1136. - 8. D. JOLLY, 613 Paxton. ReoV1136. Dentists. Dr. Bndbury. No-pain. 621 W. O. W. Bklg. Tafl's Dent Rm.r. 306. Ros Bldg. t 3U6. - ' BARGAINS IN USED CARS. .1 Ford car. roadster. In good re pair, 1914, 1916 engln ...... ....'$235.00 1 Ford- touring oar. In good re pair, 1914 250.06 . 1 Ford touring oar In good re pair, 1916 300.00 1 Ford truok. 1814. a good one.. 236.00 1 Ford truck, panel box, closed In 360.00 . 1 Chalmers truck. 1 ton 200 ;0 1 Chalmers truck, IVi ton solid tires and chain drive... 350.00 1 1911 Maxwell touring car, good' as new 650.00 1 6-cyllnder Mitchell, electrically quipped 450.00 . Light touring car, runs good..., 100.00 ' 3 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO.. Douglas 3914. 1516 Davenport St . Auto parts H price. . , TOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES . REPAIRED, DON'T TOU T . ALL RIGHT. WE DO THE BEST WORK IN TOWN. , ' TRY US. .. THE TIRE SHOP, ' 3618 FARNAM. ' DOUGLAS 4877. 1917 MAXWELL, slightly used 3410. A condition, 4 new tires and t xtras,"3526, 1916 Chalmers, 7-passengcr, Is like new 3400. Model 80 Overland, very goo. shape, $365. 1816 Chevrolet touring, all overhauled, good tires, looks Ilk new, 3286. High grade electrlo equipped lour Ing, A-l condition; quick tale, 6iOV. CALL DOUGLAS 9108. Or see cars at 2206 Harney street NO WAITING NO DELAY on new Fords. W sell new Fords to out-of-town ous tamers. See as for bargains In used Fords. FORD EXCHANGE. 3508 Farnam. Tyler 1309, Tires and Supplies. THREE men, mechanically in clined, who want steady indoor employment wfth prospect of advancement. No previous ex perience needed. Apply 4225 Lafayette Avenue. Sunderland Marble Mill. Motorcycles and Bicycles .1 ARLEY-D AVID SON MOTORCYCLES. Barcalns In used Machines, victor H. Roos. Th Motoicycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SAU SAGE MAKER. WAbHIJNOTUJN MARKET, 1407 DOUGLAS ST. HELP WANTEDMALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Several experienced magazine solicitors; salary or commission. Apply 606 Brown Bldg. WANTED Experienced clothing salesman. Shirley Clothes Shop. Agents and" Canvassers. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESS WANTED Apply Head Waiter, Blackstone Hotel. s W Ant ED BY L P. RAILROAD. WANTED A dlulng room girl and second cook. Apply Clarkson wospitai. sj Howard St. YOUNG MEN TO FILL POSITIONS AS ASSISTANT AGENTS; SALARY 346 AND UP. DEPENDING ON ABILITY: WITH GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN RAIL ROAD BUSINESS. APPLY ROOM 113. U. P. HEADQUARTERS. OMAHA. NEB. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women, learn the barber trade; few weeks complete: pay while learning. Catalogue free. Ratea now on. Call or write 110 South Uth St'. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn In six weeks, no books; easy to learn; free catalogues National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. BOTH Men and women to learn th barber trade. Special rates. Call or -write, 1403 Dodge. TRI CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2059 Farnam. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. 1EAMSTER3. STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMPANY. 24TH AND BELT LINE. Boys. WlUTITrwl tinvi .v., IS vh. int V work; good, steads' Job. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14thf and Jackson. to WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work. 310 a week, good chance for advance ment for one who can deliver. Night work. See Mr. Miller, night foreman. Omaha Bee. STEAM-HEATED rooms 83 wk.. also apts. with kitchenets. Ogden Hotel. Co. Blutts. BOY WANTED Over 16 years ot age, to learn trunk trad. Frellng ft Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St XT ANTED Boy 15 to 18 years old, living la Florence, to work 2 or 3 hours each day. Ambitious young man can make good in come. Address Box 8286, Omaha Bee. BOY, 15 to 18 years old, to work 2 or 3 hours per day. Ambitious young man of neat appearance can make good Income by hard work. Address Box 8287, Omaha Bee. WANTED Two boys, 16 years. In mailing room. Good wages. Permanent positions. Apply Joseph Gross, Omaha Tribune, 1311 Howard. Tyler 340. BELLBOY wanted. Windsor Hote; 10th WANTED A stock boy. Burdlck Parker Leather Co., 819 S. 18th. - WANTED Boy. G. E. Shubert Co.. 401 B. 15th. v . Miscellaneous. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER T x Latest and most scientific, treat, ment for all diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-524 Ross Bldg. Ex amination andaonsultatlon free. lie is Wing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays ar dangerous, If you can't call, writ. Hours: a. to. to ( p. m.: 7:30 to 1:30 venings. Sunday by appointment iV ANTED Laborers, S5o per hour tend 60c per hour while doing concrete work; lire men 5o per hour; ateady employment in factory for th right kind of men; bunk houses furnished; board $7.85 per week. Th Nebraska Potash Works Co.. AntiocU, Neb. ' -r- : WANTED An expert generator starter and hattery man; none but an expert need apply. Address Box T S44, Omaha Bee. MEN or big, husky boys to carry in coal at residences ror 40 to 60 cents ton big wages Also want men to unload coal cars by ton or hour. Also want good teamsters td drive our beau tiful teams. Call at nearest Sunderland coal yard, south, 20th and U. P. tracks; north, 24th St and Belt line; 42d, north of Cumlpg. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMPANY. 4, WANTED A ' TWO-THIRDS PRINTER. APPLY MR. DOBECK, M. B. BMlTii ss CO.. 9TH AND DOUGLAS ST. ENTRANCE. DR. E. R. TARRY, . 240 BEE BLDG. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr.-E. R. Tarry cures pile; fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op. rations. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured Writs tor book on r to tal diseases and testimonials - WANTED Rock men and teamsters on Santa Fs Railway line between i;uney, Kan., and Pawhuska, -Okl. Year's work. Maney Bros, ft Co.. Pawhuska. Okl. WANTED A good, live drug clerk who la or can register in Colorado; salary nuv a month to start with. Rexall Store, Fowler, Colo. WANTED Names of men wishing to be- coma Omsba mall carriers. Commence 367 month. Box Y 319, omana nee. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs vr Frank II. Wray. 306 Be Bldg. YOUNG man study law! Eve., downtown ses. UNI. of OM., Sec y Tnomsen. sus urn, bk. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writ Barber College. liz uongias at. PERSONAL WANTED Two young men to work on pas senger train. .Apply 814 s itn at. INFORMATION WANTED Should thesa lines meet th eye of on Frederick Ulken, formerly of Piatt City. MO., now suDPoaed to be In Omaha, Neb.. he will learn something to his advantage by writing to M. H. Newton. Caatlewood, South Dakota. WANTED Reg. pharmacist married man preferred. Bexton Pharmacy, 1028. iztn at, WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. 322 M S. 10TH ST. APPLY WANTED Press feeder, 106 North 13th St Salesmen and Solicitors. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licit, vour o:a clothing, furniture, maga zines. Ws collect W distribute. Phon A MAN WITH VISION AND FORESIGHT Doug. 412S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by Mrs. w. B. wetsier. . W.' B.VWETZLER, BATHS, massage and manicuring. Central Bath institute, ioo"iianiey at. ' Miss a. Benjamin, Mgr. Douglas 7D97. GEORGE FALLON Writ at one to 11, E, Fallon, 2842 Meroler St., Kansas City. Mo. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 379 Bran. Thea. Bid. D. 155. Manicuring mass, and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. IQ38: toi ntn. ENOUGH TO APPRECIATE A REAL OPPORTUNITY WHEN HE SEES IT AND WITH ABILITY TO MAKE THE BEST OF IT, CAN OBTAIN A PERMA NENT CONNECTION WITH A NATION AL ORGANIZATION WHERE BIG EARNINGS ARB THE RULE AND NOT THB EXCEPTION, CALL 1S17 W. O. W. BLDG. FOR INTERVIEW. MAE BRUGMAN, solentlfie masseuse baths. 103 Karbach Blk. Red 3727. and MISS SMITH. ; roasaulst. Rlttenboua sani tarium. 210-214 Balrd Blk. D. 3468. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing, 518 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. 1MMANUEL private maternity home. Best .-tar. 2605 Bristol. Webster 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity bom. 4116 N. J8th St Phon Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Be Bldg. Phon Dougla 6373. BATH and massage, 1803 Farnam St., Room 3. Phon Douglas 8761. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. MISS WEST, manicure, masssg. 310 N. 17th E. BROTT. Ma 703 & 18th. D. 9526. PIANO MEN " I deslr to get In Immediate correspond nr. with 4 comnetent retail piano sales men to work, throughout Iowa, conducting selling campaigns on a new, very high class advertising clan which gets results proposition very liberal on for right man; nn "wareroom loafers" or "special sales ar tists" wanted, but applications favorably andi confidentially considered from honest ambitious men, who ar willing to work : h.rd &nd aell ntanoa in a high class way. free from 'schemes." If Interested write at once. 8. L. McMICKLE. Martin Hotel Pea Moines, la SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG married man of ability and char acter wishes position as elty salesman with good, reliable wbolesal house. opi tor Interview Friday p. m. or Saturday a. m. itox 773, omana Bee. SALESMEN WANTED W have a system for creating many prospects. .ujru, .ow ing proposition. Good weekly check fur nished under contract Only honest, .txrir man who will work hard to build un a money-making business. Age over s Bafnraneci reoulred. Position open; headquarters at Council Bluffs. Carroll and Storm Lake. Writ Box 8278, Omaha Bee. - , grocery oirk wants steady poaition; age Established general agency with one 26; good workery som meat cutting ex- r i j t .j t.rff.c. health and perience; stat best wages. Box y 340, the oldest and largest rteaitn ana accident companies neeus a Omaha Bee. A MAN. 38. wishes a steady Dosltion. with anything. Pleas write. H. Petersen, 1616 Vbtcago Bt. Chicago street Mission. STANDARD MOTOR CO.. On Allen touring car, good shape. One slightly used Allen 4-passenger roadster ' bargain. 2020 Farnam St. Carl Chf ng strom. . . FORDS! FORDSI FORDS!, We ar the used For i men. TRAWVER AUTO SALVAGE ft EXCH.. 110 8. 17t4i St, Douglas 9070. SITUATION wanted - by a colored man 8171, Oirii cook In or out ot city.-Box Bee. ah manager; must be a producer able t instruct and worK -witn men. Guarantee proposition to assist him to build renewal income tor mm self. Box 8232 Omaha Bee. Female. FOR SALE 1917 Model 90 Overland road ster, run 3.009 miles: extra mounted cas ing; Pyren extinguisher; first-class con dition. Phon Harney 6199 ALftT kinds ot cars tor hlr. with or with- out driver, by th roll or by th bour Fords, roo per Oils. Dougla 7390. N braskaServlc Garage. K'ATCH for opening of our pew garage and salesrooms. , AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. i4th snd Leavenworth 8ta. - OAKLAND senMbl six model. i INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 20th snd Harney. Douglas 6231. 1814 TOURING car. electric ugnt ana sirij ,.. r, good top. new wlntr curtains; only p, T 8336. 849 S. 38th. Har. 6713. 7T- BARGAINS la used cars. ORR MOTOR 'SALES CO.. 40th and Farnsm. Harney 414, BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix It." Southeaat cor aer 30th and Harnsy Bta. Dougls 3553, WANTED By middle-aged lady, position as housekeeper for men or elderly couple; 'farm preferred; can give good references. Address 325 8. Ball 8t. Webb City, Mo. WANTED A position playing In music stor or small picture show. Call Ethel Wright, at Red 6909. A REAL opportunity for man with ability and ambition. No on witnoui prevwua iira.uurful sales exDerlenc need apply. Excellent territory open which must be filled at once. Se Mr. McGovern. The Adder Machln Company. 303-6 W. O. W, Bldg.. Omaha ' COLORED chambermaid wants work. Web. 1721 PRACTICAL nursing wanted by competent lady; city references. Call Webster 6040. NEAT reliable col. girl with baby wants housework, small family. Web.. 3029. I HAVE an opening for a man who la hon est capable and Industrious, rrerer on with previous sales experience. Will pay $31 per week to the man who can make good. On bank and two business refer ences required. -Addretr C A. HUDSON, 681 Capital Bldg.. Topeka, Kan. HOUSEKEEPER for widower In or near Omaha. 1901 Center Bt; Red 7379. Laundry and Day Work. COLORED lady wants cleaning and Ironing by th day. Call 7 o clock mornings snd I evenings. Webster 6995. WANTED on 310,000 a year man who ab solutely Is able to meet and talk to busi ness men In this state on a stock proposi tion that la a live wire, 226 Clty'NatL Bank Bldg. NICE pleasant furnished rooms. In modern home; gentleman preferred ; ooara , oe slred. Call mornings. H. 6554. - - 3664 DOUGLAS ST. Nice large and small room, desirable location, walking distance and reasonable. H. 6144. LABORERS. FOR DITCH WORK. TEN HOUR8. APPLY AND MILITARY AVE. 33 PER DAY FORTY-NINTH NOTICE TO FARMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF CLEAN. EXPE RIENCED ORN PICKERS OR DAY MEN. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE, CUN NINGHAM AGENCY, 111 S. 13TH BT., OMAHA. - , ATTENTION, farmers. ' If you want help we can supply you. Bluff city Bmpxoy ment Bureau, 916V4 W. Broadway. P. 431 HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, women Thousands gov ernment war positions open; ivv monin, Examinations everywhere. List free Franklin Institute. Dspt 237-H. Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED Lobby porters, maids, fcus boys and Kitcnen men. nensnaw no mi. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. COMPTOMETER OPR.. 860-360. Bookkeeper, mfg. firm, 865. Bookkeeper, auto firm, 860. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $76. Dictaphone operator, auto firm, 366. All kinds of steno. openings, 340-376. THB MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO., 375; steno., 366; steno., 850; bkpr.. tec. hknr. sbti; aiciaDoone opr., ., compt opr., 6: typist, 360; typist, 850; stem)., omce cier. iv. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank, STENOGRAPHER and clerk (railroad). 360-366. File clerk IDanBj. tu-o. mono grapher, 345. r CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nafl Bank Bldg assistant hnnkkeeDer. UDtown office, 376. WESTERN REFEKEJNU1S a sunu aomi 786 First National nana oiag. Profession and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptions! opportunity io young mum w learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportune Itles for sdvancement good wages A sal r la naid while learning Parents desiring to scqualnt themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially Invited to accompany th annllp.nt.. Apply to - C F... Lambert, 1807 Douglas bt. . WANTED A skirt maker at onoe. Scalzo ft Holmgren, Room 6, Weed Bldg. . LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework, who understands cooking; in family; v-room Iiaiimi! keen second tirl and laundress 3 days: wages. 380 per month. 701 S. 37th. St. Harney 1620. .1avted Comnetent elrl for gen'l house. work; no laundry; man does heavy work; good wages. Mrs., 8611 Jackson. H. 1466 WANTED Active middle-aged woman for cook and housekeeper in country nome near) Omaha. No washing. lei. wai nut 3073. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and fare of small cutia. imo wssmng. pi 11 the Blrchwood. Phon Walnut 31, OFFER a good home and small wages for school girl In exchange lor ner assist ance. Colfax 3804. WANTED girl for general housework Mdftt be good cook. Apply 2806 North 24th. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL FAMILY: SMALL ' HOUSE; GOOD WAGES. H. 2899. WANTED Neat white lrl for general house work: no washing. Mrs. Baumer, Phone Walnut 1182. WANTED A girl for general housework. Three m frfmlly. Harneyv363. . WANTED A dining room girl at the WodB ruff. 114 N. 18th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Day work, washing. Ironing, housecleanlng; will give satisfaction! web- MEN WITH fORD CARS , to sell the Fcot Air Accelerator. Burns hot air. Make 343 and op per week In your own community. ' Answer Quick. Whartney Sales Co., 617 Paxton Blk. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Web- - tr 6647. GENERAL merchand man, Nebraska town, 35. WESTERN REKERENCB BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. FIRST-CLASS laundry; day Work tor Thurs day wanted. Webster 3143. EX. COLORED woman wants day work. Be0888. WE PAY 336 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept 13, Parsons, Kansas. WANTED. Girls and women to work from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. in packing and icing department ' ' Pleasant work. -. . Good wages. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davenport. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL. 2D OPENING MONDAY, OCTOBER 22ND. Salesmanship. Public Speaking. Commercial Law. Plan Reading and Estimating. , Showcard Writing. French. First Aid. Electricity. Spanish. Voice Culture and Sight leading. Choose your subject Enroll at once. 319 Y. M. C. A. Phone Ty. 1600. BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE, . Douglas 1565. 18th snd Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Evening Schools. Munson, Pitman and Gregg Shorthand Typewriting, Office Methods, Bookkeeping Commercial Law, Penmanship, Spelling Civil Service subjects, courses by profes sors from the University School of Com merce, snd Domestlo Science. Ask for bulletin, 220 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT-ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND F.ARNAM Special low rates to permanent guests. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION . ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms in all parts of the city. New lists issued every week. MODERN furnished roomi st the Sun- amne sparimems, equippeo. iut m". housekeeping; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rates. Office 608 N. 17th St. lOIli LARGE, comfortable, warm room In prlvi home, one bock from west uansconi Park car line, 25 min. walk to 16th and Farnam; breakfast If desired. H. 1461. TWO nicely furnished rooms suitable for one or two; hot water neat ana eiecino lighti: In private home; rent reasonable. V.1506 S. 10th St. Phone Douglas 6563. EXCELLENT room In private, mod. home All conveniences. Close to car . treason able rental. Phone Webster 4971 TWO modern steam heated rooms In pri vate family. 903 North Seventeen!) street Red 6834. WILL rent room to lady employed and care for her child; walking distance; reason able. Tyler 3264. TWO nicely furnished, connecting rooms, In private family, for one or two gins, rrice reasonable. Harney S698. DAINTY room lor one or girls; board If you wish, lines. Col. 997. two business Near two car LARGE nicely furnished room suitable for two. 2213 Dodge St. References ex changed , MODERN single sleeping rooms and house keeping apts. 2580 Harney Bt. Ked szas. NICE front room, modern, furnished or Bn- .. .. . ' ,1 TT ..tO lurnisnea; on two car hum. xx. x.. 2209 DAVENPORT ST. Close In, strictly modern furnished rooms. Tyler 1683. 818 S. 19TH ST. Close-in, nicely furnished rooms, modern, 38, 32.50. NICELY furnished modern room, reason able. 638 South Nlneteentn street. GREYSTONE, 25th and Cass Sts.- furnished rooms. Dg. 7994. . -Nicely DESIRABLE front room, modern and up-to- date. Webster 1225. TWO FURNISHED rooms, for light house keeping rooms, wal. 3239. zn xxar, m. NICELY furnished room; all modern; rea sonable. Phone Wabstetaa3. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN housekeeping apts. 24 . Sherman Ave. Laundry privileges. rri housekeeping rms. Doug. 8879. 617 N. 30th All mode Reasonable to refined people, MODERN room for sleeping or housekeep ing; gas furnished. 6,49 S. S6tn Ave. x di. NICE, pleasant housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 2019 Leavenwortn t. v. bvii. WARM, clean housekeeping rooms In suite. 710 8. 16th. ; . Board and Room, r J. vnv lift, lare-e front steam-heated room. mahogany finish, private nnn, two targe closets, excellent 1oard. Phone Har. 179Sy BOARD and rooms, excellent location, walk. lng distance; home cooking; .oo per ws. and up. 2543 Capitol Ave. Doug. 7341 ROOM and board for one or two ladles of couple. Walking distance. H. X7. LARGE steam-heated front room, excellent board. Phone Har. 1796. ' . A NICE room with board, for 2 gentlemen. Harney 6164. 604 , 35tn at. . Unfurnished Rooms. A WANTED Gentleman, and wife, unfur nished flat of 3 rooms In reflnedyiamuy, permanent If suited. Douglas 4114. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. FURNISHED PARLOR, AND BED ROOM WITH BATH. . For Rent An elegantly furnished par lor and bedroom with private bath In a modern flreprooot Jmilding. First-crass v cafe in building. Suitable for man and wife, or two men, or business man looking for a comfortable home. This is an unusual offer. Refer ences required. Address Box 8218, Omaha Bee. WALKING DISTANCE. 3461917 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms, mod. 335 2562 St Mary's Ave., 13 rooms. 325 3220 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern. . 3X0109 8. 28th, 4 rooms, water paid. RUN'GWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES West. A BEAUTIFUL large brick and stucco house with big garage in the best part of Dun dee. Tel. Douglas 2696. , 4228 HARNEY ST. 8 rms.; good repair; 337.50. E. HBenner Co. P. 8406, SIX rooms all modern. Walking distance. Adults only. Harney 2049. , : North. 2802 FRANKLIN, 6 rooms, all modern, 310. 2616 Burdette, 6 rooms, modern, 620. 3716 Seward, 6 rooms. 312.60. Call D. 2802. 640 Paxton Blk. FIVE-ROOM house, modern except heat, half block from car. Call Web. 498. 6-ROOM COTTAGE,"- modern except feat, 2602 N. 27th. 318. Wjbatcr 671. JL. South. 9-ROOM, modern house, northwest corner . 33d and Mason. TeL evening Blackstone hotel. Room 434. 1729 a 28TH ST. 6 rms.; 318.00. Benner Co. D. 8406. E. H. 9-RM. HOUSE Field Club district: modern; 350. E. H. Benner Co. D. -8406. 6-iTDOM house, modern except furnace, large yard. 623 B. 24th Ave. H. 4356. Miscellaneous. WE want more bouses and apartments te rent The tact that we have practically cleared np our big list Is conclusive proof ot the efficiency of our rsntalserrlc It yovwant to keep your plaetr rented see . Payne ft Slater Co.. Omaha Rental Man. 616 Omsha Nat Bank Bldg Doug.' lOUt. COLORED free to November, six, and three-room houses, one down town and other outskirts; garden ground, chicken house, etc. Rent applied on price it yes buy. Rd,740L 612 Paxton Blk.