4 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Intend at Omaha potoffic as eeeond-elasa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Be Mall. Per jaar. W OO f.OO 4,00 Htinrfu Ba nil fa " 1.00 bead notice of ehanie of address or Irrefttlarlty la ddlrarr to Omaha W ureulauon Department. ' Bt Carrier. Dally and Sornlaf per week, 15a IAU wlUxmt Sundej " 10o enina and Bundar 10c Knln wfthoot Sunday o MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asavtsted Press, of irtitrh The Be la a member. Is exclualrelT entitled to the vm tor retninlleeUoH of all netri dlapetrhea crrdilrt to It or not thenrlee credited la this paper and alio toe tofil new pablithed herein. AU rtfta of paMlrelloo. of oar tpecial diipttcbn an auo iwrno. REMITTANCE Kv draft, emreai nr nnatml order. Onlv 1-mnt sUmne take la rnat of an all aaoouat. Personal check, except on Omaha sod taatara etcaans. not aecaptso. OFFICES Omaa Tb Be Rulldlnr- Oilcao People'! Oas Building. South Omaha SI7 8. 24th WL New York tm Fifth At i Council Bluff 14 K. Mala St. St. Louie New B'k of Commerce. I Uoeola UU1 Building. WaahlustOD 1311 O Su CORRESPONDENCE f Addreat eoatanmleiMon relating to news and editorial (nttter I Oaataa Be. Editorial Department. SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION 59,022 Daily Sunday, 52,158 A reran elrenletlm far the month rubecrlbed and iwom to bt D wight William. Clrcolatloa Mauaier. Subscribers leaving tha city ahould have The Baa mailed to than. Address changed aa often aa requested. The mobilization of the Missouri mule ought I to put on the finishing: touch. Liberty bonds bridge the stream of patriotism for the stay-at-homes. Come' across. So far as the real world's series is concerned, . the Hohenzollern team is not in the running. Incidentally, a Liberty bond would make a fine . Christmas present. Do your shopping now. With 3-cent letter postage coming back, the 1-cent postage program must go into the discard. Just the same, it's a shame to blow $20,000 of public money in a junket to Vicksburg at a time like this. ' ; Cardinal Gibbons' talent as a booster of lAmericanism glows with undiminished vigor, despite his years. It is not a question whether Germany will con sent to giving up "a foot of imperial soil." The imain source of worry is to prevent taking with lout asking. Swelling ranks of Liberty loan subscribers 'effectively clamp the lid on the familiar jeers hurled at "bloated bondholders." Dig up and get in the ranks. Don't be a lonesome! $ The Aero club of New York rolls $10,000 into ' the comfort pot of American aviators abroad. Messages from home carrying the golden make flight and fight inseparable pals. pep 1 Culinary experts say the qualities of meat are reflected in many ways in traits of consumer. If to, the jackrabbit feeds for the Sammies fore . shadow record 'speed on tne run to Berlin. $ Medical and scientific faddists' seek opportun i ities to try out their theories on cantonment sol-'-. diers. A society for the-protection of soldiers against faddists appears a growing necessity. , - jOn sober second thought, the South Dakota . paciftV.abandoned the public meeting scheduled at Sioux Palls. Governor Norbeck's proclamation impressed upon the promoters the value of safety hrst j Herr Eallin, the master mariner of Germany, grows more pessimistic as the enemy takes over his interned ships, The ravages of war carry no keener thrust into commercial vitals of the saber rattlers. - 5-.-, ! Iowa votes this week on making its statutory prohibition a part of the constitution. As no Very active campaign has been waged, the chances are it will be a light vote, but at that, it ought to register the present attitude of the people on 'wet" and "dry." '. , A few years ago easy-going Americans stood in awe of a billion dollars. The spendthrift, rec ord constituted a campaign slogan.' Now three billions in the pot is the minimum goal of a patriotic national hustle. Familiarity robs a bil lion of its fearsome size. ) The federal swatter has not yet reached the hide and leather trust, but the blows felt in other directions Induced restraint and shortening of each. Commercial reports reflect wholesome ear in that quarter and a discreet tendency to let Krn'and heart nff a well.rarnpii tannine The steps by' which the kaiser forced 'the Inked States into, the war are plain enough. Ifhe chief offense was committed at the outset jvhen his chancellor declared a solemn treaty to be nothing but a scrap of paper" if it stood m the way of his world-conquest plans. Kaiserism in this country was as inexcusable during the early years of the war as it is today. American Unity -New York World- Nebraska's Wonderful Corn Crop. Nebraska has a corn trop for this year of at least 225,000,000 bushels. Our minds have come to be fixed on the billion point so much of late that they do not work well in millions, but for ordinary purposes the figures for our corn ought to be really impressive. In the first place, the cornfields of Nebraska this year have provided two bushels for every man, woman and child in the United States and some over. Allowing two pounds a day for the ration, which is far from stinting any, it would feed the entire popu lation of the country for two months. To haul this crop to market it will take 22S.00O can loaded to a capacity of 56,000 pounds each. Coupled into a single train and moving steadily every minute of the time night and day at the speed of ten miles per hour, it would require four weeks for this train to cross the Union Pacific bridge at Omaha. As only half of the crop will be exported from the state, it will afford employ ment for 112,500 big box cars during the next few months. Finally, at prevailing prices, the crop is worth $250,000,000 in the fields, or more than $200 for each inhabitant of the state. And corn is only one of Nebraska's great crops. "Smartness" in the Army. One of the best lessons a soldier learns, com ing close to those of discipline and orderly ac tion, is that of "smartness." Indeed this may be set down as part of discipline and for that rea son in all the great training camps the young men, newly from civil life, are getting advice and instruction on the point. It means that the sol dier must be careful of his personal appearance, avoiding slouchiness in dress or- demeanor as he would the plague. The moral effect of this is direct and easily recognized. The "smart" sol dier is a good soldier, and reflects in his bearing and attitude the lessons of his training. He is alert, resourceful, and in all ways dependable and efficient. The American army does not stress this beyond reason, for it is traditional to retain as much of the individual qualities of the men as is compatible with need for concerted action. This policy has been of immense value in devel oping self-reliance and initiative, the chief char acteristic of the American soldier. Proper relax ation essential to personal comfort is always per mitted, and the combination of this element with that of disciplinary routine produces the best fighting organization the world has ever known. European experts have stood aghast at some things permitted in our army, but they admire excessively results achieved. Receding Prices Presage Relief. Some signs are noted in the market reports of appreciable relief from sky-rocketting cost of living. In spite of government efforts at control of supply and fixation of prices, the cost level has mounted steadily, till the first week of .Oc tober showed an index number the highest ever attained. Within the last week a , considerable reaction has taken place. Quotations on cured and cold storage meats, have generally been low er, and these in turn have been attended by a sharp break in live stock prices. Grains also have shown a downward tendency, final figures for the season's crops discouraging whatever of speculative interest had survived. All manipu lation is not yet eradicated, "nor has the general market been entirely divested of features that have turned public need to private greed. The change noted in the priee of staples, however, should find some reflection in the general' situa tion, and with plans for distribution properly car ried out, people may reasonably look for a check to the rising cost of living. i If the Frankfurter Zeitung were as closely cen jored as some other newspapers in Germany it iiever would have published the discoveries and confessions of Rudolf Kommer. Hen Kommer resided long in the United States, where he must . have been saturated with the spirit of German propaganda. Writing now with information be tore him of American war preparations, he mar pels at conditions so much at variance with all his ;ormer conclusions. "The first half-year of war," he says,' "has brought a tremendous and wonderful solidarity in v ihe enormous crucible, and the uniform domestic Front must be recognized as the greatest triumph of Americanism." In plain English this means :hat a shrewd observer knows and is able to say in one of the most important of German news ' papers that the people of the United States are with one accord bringing their vast resources into the conflict against autocracy. I No more eloauent tribute has ever been paid o the substantial unity of the American people pr to the well-recognized loyalty of the very im oorunt element among them having Germanic TiritriiL. All the hopes of Prussianism in this war. so far as we are concerned, were based upon the .belief that through preoccupation with money fretting, political and racial jealousies and, above fill. h defection of citizens of German blood, the United States never could become an important " trtnr in nnnoution to the ambitions of Kaiserism. Every German dollar spent and every German committed in this country had that inspira- wim Hrr Knmmer sneaks of our tremen iltlVlla V W -aa we, ar ) , Hons and wonderful solidarity he admits the fail tore of German intrigue and forecasts the collapse tof the militarism tnat supporw iu Taking Over the Toll Bridge. The purpose of the state to take over the toll bridge at Ashland or to build a free bridge over the Platte river there will meet with general ap proval, assuming it is on a fair basis of cost. This is with all due regard to the enterprise of the men who constructed and maintained the structure that now serves the traffic along the main high way between Omaha and Lincoln. The public highways are for the use of all the people, and we have always maintained that they should be kept at the expense of the people. Taxpayers of Saund ers county have felt a natural disinclination to provide so expensive a bit of roadway for the use of outsiders, but since the state is going into the highway construction business on a comprehen sive scale, it can well begin by removing such bars to free passage. Owned by the state, the upkeep will be borne proportionally by all, and private profit will not be served by needs of general traf fic Agreement between the owners of the bridge and the state authorities ought to be reached with out much trouble, and a great step taken on the way to a better road system for Nebraska. Consolidating Food Control. The food administrator's plan to license mid dlemen dealing in staple food supplies, Just an nounced, undoubtedly is intended to secure closer control' of the distribution of, supplies. Nothing is said about prices, although room is left for the inference that in some way the cost of living will be lessened. The tendency of the markets today is downward on grains, live stock and packed meats, and this may soon have its reflex on the prices charged the consumer. i ' One of the greatest obstacles to be overcome is the variations in ways of doing business in differ ent communities. Retail traffic in foods is neither stabilized nor standardized. , On one day recently prices were obtained from a number of widely separated centers of population, which showed a surprising range, to a great extent unaccountable on the basis of natural conditions. For example, sirloin steaks sold in Denver at from y to 25 cents per pound, in New Orleans at from 55 to 60 and in Los Angeles from 25 to 28. On that same day pork chops were retailed in Washington at 45 cents per pound and in Aurora, 111., at 34. Other articles showed similar variations, which justifies the conclusion that natural conditions are not wholly responsible for the cost of living every where. The food administrator may effect considerable improvement through control of distribution un der license, but the task of standardizing prices is too great to be finished in a short time, and there fore it is not probable it will be undertaken, furth er than what may be achieved through establish' ing the stability afforded by oversight of supply. Responding to the spirit of the times the pa triotic American hen collectively put 20,000,000 dozen more eggs into cold storage warehouses than were sequestered a year ago. Still, record prices prevail "High living in the henneries," ex plain the speculators in public Whereat they cackle privately. Teaching the Cities to Play By Frederic J. Ha&kin Pardons for a few of the White House pickets thrilled the free militant suffs, says the report, and hats were flung into the air "in an ecstacy of Reckless extravagance? Hardly. Lids of joy. Washington, Oct 4. American cities are be ginning to solve the problem of play. It is only in the last few years that the United States has become a country predominantly urban instead of rural in its population, and this urban popu lation has had a hard time getting the outdoor air and exercise it needs. The solution of the problem seems to lie in the municipal playground and athletic field, which has come to be a fea ture of the parks of almost every progressive city in the last few years. The federal census bureau has just completed an investigation of the parks and playgrounds of every city in the United States, which contains some interesting facts. For the purpose of this work the census bureau take3 account ot all cities or M,VW inhab itants or more. There are 213 such cities in the United States a measure of the rapidity with which the balance of population is moving from the country to the city. Neither the country boy nor the country-dwelling man needs any outdoor recreation facilities; he has only to step across his threshold to be in an out-of-doors that af fords the sports for which games are only a sub stitute. Much attention has been given to the problem of furnishing country dwellers with in tellectual and artistic recreation in an attempt to keep them from moving to the city in too great numbers: but there has so far been little atten tion paid to providing them with outdoor sports within average means after they arrive in the city. But the movement is under way and it is growing steadily. City parks are increasing in numbers and size, and the idea of the city park is changing com pletely. Not so long ago it comprised a green, shaded by stately trees and traversed by winding walks and drives which lived under, the rule of "Keep off the grass." Nowadays the tendency is to urge the public to stay on the crass as much as possible and to play everything from foot ball to croquet thereon. The census bureau classifies the facilities for outdoor games maintained by American cities into playgrounds and athletic fields, acording as they are intended for children to use or for adults. The 213 cities included in the investigation main tain from their municipal funds 2,200 playgrounds. In the case of the children something more than a mere outdoor space marked off for games is re quired. The children need a leader, when what may be called the "tradition of play" is broken as it is among many city children. In the small town and the country the small boys pick up their knowledge of the national games from the boys a little older and an un broken tradition of the seasons and rules for all games from marbles to base ball is passed un broken from generation to generation. In the big city this is not the case. As the president of the Playground and Recreation Association of America puts it, "Children inherit an instinct of play, but they do not inherit a knowledge of base ball." Out of this need for leadership in children's games has grown a new field of opportunity and a new profession that of recreation supervisor and leader of games. American cities today employ 3,800 men and women of this new profession and the demand is greater than the supply.' The task of the play leader is to put himself at the head of the group of children to teach them the rules of the games and the underlying spirit of fair play and sportsmanship that is the foundation of the best American athletics. here is no teacher who has a greater opportunity to form children's char acter than this leader of play. Some interesting light is thrown on the popu larity of various games by the figures collected by the census bureau. Tennis would seem to be the game that is coming forward most rapidly. There are 3,368 public tennis court maintained by the cities of America. Ihe tacts that the game can be quickly learned, that it furnishes an ex cellent outdoor exercise not too violent, that it can be played by people of any age and of either sex, seem to guarantee that tennis will always stand' near the top among municipal games. Its popularity is unaouoteaiy growing rapiaiy. Equipment is not expensive, which is a point of first importance, for the municipal athletic field is intended for people who do not belong to country clubs. I The question of the expense of equipment accounts partly for the relatively small place oc cupied by golf in municipal athletic fields. An other point which tends to keep golf down in the large space required in proportion to the number of people who can enjoy the sport at a given time. Especially in the east, where park room is at a premium, the municipal golf course occupies a dis proportionately large part of the park space. There are only sixty-six municipal golf courses among the American cities. Polo, the rich man's game par excellence, is represented by only nine grounds in the 213 cities. ... , . , i . f a ; case Dan, iraaiuonai icaaer or mcrican sports, is represented by 1,334 municipal dia monds. Considering that eighteen men can play on a single diamond, while a tennis court takes care of four at most, the facilities for base ball may be said to be greater than for any other . V . 1 1 a! .1 sport, n is a question, oowever, wucmcr uic tennis courts are not in more continuous use.. The 213 cities also maintain 331 foot ball gridirons. Besides these major sports, there are a host of others whose devotees are provided for in the municipal parks of the nation. Outdoor basket ball fields are numerous and the two popular Young Men's Christian association; games, hand ball and volley ball, are beginning to be recog nized on municipal athletic fields, A few aristo cratic cities provide cricket fields for those who would emulate our English allies and cousins. Northern cities provide toboggan slides, skating rinks and hockey rinks. Here and there some city turns up with an advantage peculiar to itself. Cleveland boasts the only municipal la crosse field and Des Moines the only municipal rifle range. . . Another municipal recreation facility which is probably the most popular of all, judging by the number of people who patronize it, is the swim ming pool or bathing beach. There are 237 such maintained by the cities, and the attendance last vear was' over 26,000,000. In the hot waves of the east and middle west they are godsends and life savers. f The whole playground movement, which brought with it the athletic field for adults, is of very recent growth. The last decade has prac tically seen its development. Boston is generally credited with being the pioneer in this field, since the first organized outdoor playground was established in that city in 1886. Bostonians are, fond of tracing their tradition in this matter back to colonial days, when a party of Boston boys playing on the common were chased off by a group of British soldiers. The boys with true Pilgrim spirit carried their case to Governor Gage, who gave orders that the children of the town should be protected in their play. All in all, the results of the census bureau's investigation are illuminating. They show great progress in the municipal recreation movement They show, too, that there is room for much greater progress in- the future. The aggregate of tennis courts and base ball diamonds and other facilities is not unimposing, but, compared with population of the 213 cities of the richest nation m the world, it is clearly only a beginning. The entire value of the municipal park property of these American cities all the parlc property, not the athletic fields and playgrounds alone is $1,212,000,000. This is only about 6 per cent of what the United States will appropriate for war nnroosei in one vear. Considering the wealth of the communities interested it is a safe prophecy that this figure will be increased many times as the movement for municipal play takes wider root Henrv Ford's only son failed to make good his draft exemption claim and must go into serv ice like the rest of the boys. The appeal board at Detroit denied his claim and certified him as idiutant central of the Michigan National Guard already in active service. Young Ford was ad jutant generat of the state guard before it was miiatrri in Right in the Spotlight. Duncan U. Fletcher, who is to tare aide over the sessions of the Southern Commercial congress, which Is to meet in New York City today, is the senior United States senator from Florida. Senator Fletcher has long; been prom inent in various movements aiming at the commercial development of the south. In addition to his activities in connection with the Southern Com mercial congress he is president of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways associa tion. He is a native of Georgia, but has resided at Jacksonville, Fla., since his graduation from Vanderbilt uni versity in 1881. In his early public career he served in the Florida legis lature and aa mayor of Jacksonville. In 1908 he was sent to the United States senate and is now serving his second term. One Year Ago Today in the War. Germans prepared to attack Russian lines southeast of Lemberg. Allied forces occupied Athens, seized entire Greek navy and took over rail roads, forts and other military works. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Henry Yates took out a building permit for his new residence, to be erected on Davenport street between Thirtieth and Thirty-first. The Omaha City mission is maturing arrangements to secure a home for the homeless newsboys and bootblacks. An amusement hall will be provided in the home and still later a night school started. Heyman & Delches will open their cloak and ladles' furnishing emporium at 1518 and 1520 Farnam street in the new Paxton block next Wednesday. The old veterans of the Omaha Are department have called a meeting at the office of Chief Galligan for the purpose of organizing an old veterans' association. A mass meetin, of the republicans of this city is to be held at exposition hall Tuesday evening. Addresses will be made by General Manderson and Charles J. Greene. ' Rev. J. k. Reld has moved into his new residence just north of Dr. Mer cer's. Mr. and Mrs. George White Knight have returned from their wedding journey and are now at home at 224 North Nineteenth street Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metz have re turned from their wedding journey. The county commissioners opened bids for grading the Cannon hill road yesterday afternoon. The attractions at Boyd's this week are "Romeo and Juliet" "Maggie, the Midget" and "Turned Up." This Day In History. 1812 Theodore Cehon waa conse crated Protestant Episcopal bishop of South Carolina. 1 1832 John Clarke, a llteutenant in the continental army at the age ot 16, and afterward governor of Georgia, died. Born in North Carolina in 1766. 1840 Attempted assassination of of Louis Philippe of France by Dar mes. 1862 Governor Vance of North Carolina appealed for shoes and cloth ing for confederate troops. r 1889 First state legislature , oi South Dakota convened at Pierre. 1897 Edward Langtry, husband of Lily Langtry, the actress, died in Eng land. ' 190S Swedish Parliament passed a bill repealing the act of union with Norway. 1914 The allies advanced between Lens and Arras. 1915 Great Britain officially de clared war on Bulgaria. The Day We Celebrate. John O. Yelaer Is celebrating his fifty-seventh birthday. He was admit ted to the bar at age of 17 and came here from sbuthern Nebraska. William H. Lawery was born in Iowa City, October 16, 1885. A grad uate of Iowa university, he has since 1909 practiced law in Omaha. Victor D. Reynolds, local sales man ager of the Dalton Adding Machine company, is 52 today. Vice Admiral William S. Sims, U. S. N., who is in charge of American naval forces in European waters, born in Canada, fifty-nine years ago today. Brigadier General P. E. Traub, U. & A., In command of the Fifty-flrst Infantry brigade, born in New York fifty-three years ago today. General Robert NIvelle, field com mander of tha French armies, born at Tulle, France, fifty-nine years ago to-. day. Helen Ware, popular actress and motion picture star, born in San Fran cisco forty years ago today. Dr. William W. Guth, president of Goucher college, born at Nashville, Tenn., forty-six years ago today. John L. Sullivan, former champion pugilist of the world, born in Boston fifty-nine years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Iowa votes today on the question of constitutional prohibition. The supreme council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the southern jurisdiction begins its bien nial session today In Washington, D. C. The trial of former Chief of Police Healey, under Indictment on charges of protecting criminals, is scheduled to begin today in Chicago. Many men and women active m the work of humane education and en deavor throughout the country are ex-, pected at Providence, R. I., today for the annual convention of the Amer ican Humane association. More than 1,000,000 pelts, embrac ing fifty-five varieties and coming from practically every fur-producing country In the world, will be offered for sale at the annual fur auction to be opened today in New York City. Serious housing shortages, especial ly in industrial centers of the country, eo emphasized by the war as to cause the government to consider stepping into the breach, will lend added inter est to the proceedings of the sixth Na tional Conference on Housing in America, which is to open today In Chicago. - Storyette of the Day. Scotch cannlness and thrift were illustrated recently by an ' incident which occurred "somewhere in France." Sandy had been out on a foraging expedition and had returned with a good fat hen under his arm. He was about to decapitate it for roasting when another Scotchman in terfered. "Will ye no bide a wee. Sandy? ne suggested cautiously. "Leave that bit bird till the morning. She micht lay an egg," Boston .Transcript HERE AND THERE. At the preaant rate of conanmptloii. Great Britain' mine axe eatimated to hold enough eoal to last about 175 years. That there ia more food alue in one acre of beeta than to four of wheat t the con tention of German MTieulturml aeientista. . i Each time the top of new rrbajr can is dropped it ahakea dUtnfecting and do odoriiing preparation on the content. 0 xaisiv Howell's Profit on Coal. Lincoln, Oct 11. To the Editor of The Bee: There is nothing like keep ing the records straight, hence this communication: Several newspapers have; erron eously printed the statement that the board of control awarded to E. E. Howell & Son, Omaha, a contract for supplying coal to nine state institu tions, from date to June 1, 1918, on the basis of 5 per cent of the cost of the coal. The facts are that the board let the contract to Howell & Son for a fixed price of 5 cents per ton com mission, and not 6 per cent of the price paid for the coal. This makes a material difference. In other 'words, the board has contracted to give Howell & Son 5 cents for each ton of coal purchased by them for state use, the state taking care of the cost at the mines, freight etc. The bid of the Omaha firm was one-half the price bid at Lincoln. E. O. MAYFIELD. Member Board of Commissioners of State Institutions. Some Miracles of Healing. Omaha, Oct. 9. To the Editor of The Bee: Apropos the "Power of Healing" recently discussed in your columns: Mark Twain relates of a farme's wife near his boyhood home who h.-id great fame as faith-doctor; that suf ferers came to her from all around, and they went away well of their ail ments. "Faith" was all that was necessary, she said. He also relates of a peasant in Austria who had a great trade in that sort of industry, who had patients high and low in society. That in Bavaria was a man who performed so many great cures that he had to re tire from his profession as carpenter and became rich by his miracles. He pretended to have no religious helps, no supernatural aids, but thought there is something in his make-up which inspired the confidence of his patients, and that it was that confi dence which did the work and not some mysterious power Issuing from himself. Mark Twain also tells of a "miracu lous" cure of a paralytic whom all the best .medical science of New York failed to help. A traveling quack (so they called him) came on two succes sive mornings and lifted the patient out of bed and said, "walk!" and he walked thereafter for forty-one years. I have an old friend, a pioneer of Nebraska, who tells me of the cure of a man crippled with rheumatism. They proceeded in a biblical manner by pouring oil on him and praying so fervently that as his limbs were straightened out, crackling in the bones could be heard. , In the city of Karlstad, Sweden, some twenty-eight years ago, I saw what purported to be evidences of healing of all sorts of cripples, as re sults of the activities of a preacher and healer named Boltsius. In a corner of the large hall in which tfie held his meetings were shelves about eight feet long, and on those shelves, laid all sorts of bandages and against them leaned crutches by the score, all left by former cripples who had been healed and had gone away rejoicing. This man Boltsius had attained national fame, even having been called on for help by members of the royal house hold of King Oscar II for absent treat ment - In Chapter 6, II Kings, we find the story of how the Syrian captain, Naaman, was healed of his leprosy by dipping himself in the river Jordan on advice of the prophet Elisha; and in Psalm 103 we find David says: "Bless the Lord, O my soul who healeth, all thy diseases." From this we discover that the curing of cripples and healing of diseases by other means than medi cine has been in practice for thou sands of years. It did not originate with Jesus and was no discovery of Mrs. Eddy. Even Mark Twain admits "they all achieve some cures, there is no question about it" In view of all this, and more tfould be added, he that belie veth might re move a mountain without subscribing to the Christian Science faith or believ ing in the non-existence of souls, mat ter, evil, pain, diseases, etc. DAVID OLSON. Many Dogs Are Useful. Omaha, Oct 1L To the Editor of The Bee: Replying to the letter of A. T. Heist of Shenandoah, la., I will say that, of course, I will admit that there are measly curs among dogs and there are also measly curs among men. But because there are some kinds of worth less dogs is no reason for condemning all of them as being worthless. Mr. Heist may hold hto hands up In holy horror at my saying it but I have had dogs that I would rather as sociate with than with some men I have seen, for at least one of them exhibited more than human intelli gence many times. I had one dog for more than ten years and he was more valuable than some men, for in his time he caught at least 600 rats as well as skunks, moles, cats and other var mints. Then, besides being an ex tremely handsome dog, he was Intel ligent smart and affectionate. He al ways knew when I was coming home and would come two blocks many times to meet me and would always hold up his right paw to shake hands with me. Scores of men. womenjind children would stop on the streetund shake hands with him, for he would hold up his paw to shake their hands and they did not consider they were lowering themselves to shake hands with a dog that Was so smart. He was smarter than men I have seen In my time. I saw men vote here last fall when I was inspector of elections, that did not have any more conception of what they were voting on or for, than that dog had, if a ballot had been placed in his paws. My old dog on two different occasions barked furious ly when he say houses on fire, even be fore the fires were discovered by the owners of the houses. There are num erous Instances of dogs saving the lives of people and of their value in many other ways. Any man who says they should be exterminated, is simply showing his Ignorance of what they are worth. It Is probable that tens of thou sands of men who have been sorely wounded on the fields of battle in Europe, owe their lives to theid of the numberless dogs all the armies have with them. Thousands of dogs have been trained to rescue and to dis cover the sorely wounded men. They must be considered of much value or they would not be allowed with the armies. Many of our American troops may be saved by dogs. The talk about dogs carrying disease has been Indulged in so much that it has grown whiskers. I do not believe in such rot at all. Any one who will practically approve of poisoning dogs, simply a proves of what Is a criminal offense, for that is just what it is. Those who poison dogs, do not pick out curs to kill. They always pick out valuable dogs that do not harm any body. Those who have measly curs never lose them. They are not worth the effort of the poisoners to kill. Property owners seldom poison dogs. There is nothing in existence so val uable as a good dog. Then a dog is always steadfast and true to his mas ter. He Is a friend who never falls nil other friends desert We could all learn the lessons of kindness and steadfastness from the dog. Mucn as some people claim to despise them, they would be the better to follow the instincts of a faithful and true old dog. The world is not advancing very rapidly, when the most ruthless and inhuman war of the -history of the world has involved all nations of the earth. I favor exterminating the kaiser but not all dogs by a good deaL Dog poisoners as a general things are those who own no property and have no interest in the community where they live. FRANK A. AG NEW. Democratize Ak-Sar-Ben. Omaha, Oct 12. To the Editor ot The Bee: I wish to suggest an idea which I have had in mind for several years to the Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben. Why should we, the fore most advocates of democracy in all the world, continue to perpetuate, even in mimic form, the old, decrepit and tyrranical form of government known as a monarchy? Why not at this op portune time, have a peaceful revolu tion in Quivera and elect a president by vote of the Ak-Sar-Ben member ship? This could be done at the close of the present king's reign, and in all probability without bloodshed. Let the present kingdom of Quivera be divided into states and let us have an annual inaugural ball, at which the president would take the oath of of- ' flee, administered by the chief justice of the supreme court. The same Board of Governors could easily be changed Into a cabinet for the man agement of the affairs of Ak-Sar-Ben. The inaugural ball could easily be made even more brilliant and enjoy able than our so-called coronation balls. Diplomats from all the leading nations and countries of the earth could be selected, army and navy offi cers of high rank could be invited or appointed for the occasion; all the various branches of our own govern ment could be represented, the su preme court, the senate, the house of representatives, the Red Cross, etc. The scheme Is susceptible of wonder ful possibilities, and I believe it would arouse a great deal more enthusiasm and more hearty co-operation than the present scheme of goin" through with a mock ceremony of a system, that the American people look upon with disapproval. The thing that prompted me to make this long-contemplated sugges tion was the spectacle of a group of men on one of the beautiful floats In the parade of this year, imitating the revolutionary fathers in pulling down the statue of King George, and at the end of the parade came another beau tiful float upon which we had King Ak-Sar-Ben triumphantly and gorge ously exalted. I was impressed with the inconsistency of the ground plan of Ak-Sar-Ben more than ever and for this reason I submit the foregoing. The people of Omaha and Nebraska should wake up and show more en thusiastic appreciation of the magnifi cent electrical pageants provided by the Ak-Sar-Ben each year. Generous and well-timed applause from the great concourse of people watching these wonderfully beautiful parades Would lend zest and spirit to the occa- ' sion and would certainly be Inspiring to the men who assist so loyally in the preparation and presentation of these splendid spectacles every year. I doubt whether one can witness in any other city In the country so mag nificent a pageant as we saw here in Omaha last week with so little ap plause. It will do everybody good to loosen up and express enthusiastic ap preciation of the Ak-Sar-Ben paradeC J. M. GILLAN, OCTOBER SMILES. - "De you conalder It a rood ldaa for a bank to aend every depositor a, atatemenr once a month?" "Well, aome might ba glad to aee It. Others might not Ilka to be reminded ae constantly ot how little money they hare," Louisville Courier-Journal. Jones A man'a luck la never ao bad that -It couldn't be wo-se. Brown For example t Jonas He might be married to a White House picket Judge. Wyse My dear, there's no use for you to look at those hats, for I have only S3 in my pocket. Mrs. Wyse Ton might have known when we came out that I would want to buy a few things.' Wya I did. Boston Transcript. ' SSc Per Gallon A Heavy, VUcout, Filtered Motor ' ae The L V. Ificholas Oil Company GRAIN EXCHANGE BLDG. PrnlaW Hotel Dyckman t Minneapolis ' FIREPROOF Opened 1910 Location Moat Central. 300 Rooms with 300 Private Baths. Ratei $1.75 to $3.50 Per Day. H. J. TREMAIN, ' Pres. and Manager. Stop Itching Eczema Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying a little zemo furnished by any druggist for 35c Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a greasy salve end it does not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of ell kinds. The E.W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. ' THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C. Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, entirely free, a copy of "Storing Vegetables." Name. :errirors Street Address. . . . v. City ......a...... ...State. . i -, .wv "4ArW.,)re