S7V. s c. OIIAHAv - SUNDAY 1I0SNING, OCTOBER 14, . 1917.' The Omaha Bee's :B HAT I Am Doing to Help My Country" was the subject . assigned, over a month ago,(in the Husy Bee. pi ize contest. Many, interesting letters, shpwing that Busy bees are most earnest in their desire to do tbeir bit. were received. - : ' - Margaret CrosfJy of Sutherland. Neb., a frequent contrib utor on the .Blue side, won the pri?e book. Edith Weir, an Omaha girl, was awarded honorable mention. Doth tetters appeared in recent Sunday papers. The Busy Bee editor hopes all the little girls and boys who read-this page will be alert for any war service or conservation. work they may.be called on to-do ' . . , ' , Here is a loyal American child's-pledge, circulated by the Omaha social service committee of the B'nai B'rith order : ". ' "I will avoid all waste to this I tru!y swear; . rl i. 1 wiTl be careful of my clothes and everything I wear; . ., -.' ; No, foolish pennies will I spend, but save that I may c' . " t To those less fortunate than I, who find it. hard to live; And what I take upon my p!ate; I'll eat up every bit, ' 1 1 Nor make complaint, because I'm not fond of it; ' ' ; And dishes new I'll eat as far as I am able; ,.. -, ; But one thing I will never be that's finicky at table. ; This pYdge I take, .because I am . i A so'dier true of Uncle Sam." : . " v. . 1' . Lois Waite of the Red side won the prize book this week: AlicVHouser fjtbe Blue side and Annie Pershe of the Red. tide won honorable mention. ; Little Storks By Little Folks , , - (Prize Story.) . i . . , Grandpa's Dog. t -.. By Lois Waite, Rosalie. Neb., Aged ; - , 9 Years, Red Side. '. I have never written to this paper before. -but' 1 1 thought I would write and tell the boys and girls about my grandfather's dog. ' t . ; : Her tiame isjPills. . She .is about 6 years old. One summer evening, we were sitting jnray grandpa's yard, when rills came and laid' tiny rab bit at 'my mother's , feet. My aunt car ried the rabbit back to the nest from which Pills had taken it. ,' The riexf-eveniny ' whet." grandpa went to put. Pills to bed- he found her Curled up in her, box,', so he shut the cob house, door and ' came away , In the morning . when , grandpa let her tit 'she whined In 'a funny' way and ran back to her box. , When rrandoa loo'-cd info her box be saw that' s'ie !iad chosen, for, her bed fellow the attic tabbit. ' " 1 " - ' . ."'.".' - ' (Honorable Mention.) ' , . ,,. - Rescres Ch'ckenl ' ' . Annie Persl.e,. Aged 1 1, 3205 T Street; - South 'Omaha. ' Neb. Red Side. . I am a reader of the Busy Bee pae and would lit e to join I would Hire to'be on the Red side. "I'am'll years Old, in the sixth grade. I 'will tell you of my, pet chicj.'enj Onemorn:ng I went' into,the barn and "looked under the board, ' and there I found a, I'ttle chicken, nearly dead, - I took it into' the house, and put a warm rag around it,' Afterwards it was better.' Now it is a' pretty big chicken. - My sister joined; too.' '. . ' - , (Honorable Mention.)' , ' , .1 A Farm Sory. By Alice Houser, Alexandria, Neb., . R, F. D. 2 Box 35.' Aged 10 ' Years. Blue Side. ' , I am a little -girl 10 years o'd and live on a 320-acre farm.' Lam itt- the sixth grade' At school 'and, like' my teachir very well. Her namt is Miss Rules jor Young r " Writers - itt i. Writ plainly oa one eld of paper muy ar'' number lac (mff. 8. tM m aad Ink. nut neni-ll. ' 8. abort and pointed artlrlee aiii be glen rafeivaee. Da not as ever toe word. , - ; , ' . Original .tarle or letter only will ba atrd. .. . .y ' . ft. tYrtt yea naaw, ar aad addraaa at tha lav of tbc flml pat; A. arts hook will h (Irea aaeb wb for th'bml raatrlbatloa. - AddrM all : mmmualratloM t Chl. drrn'i Ucpartaiaat,- Omaha. Bra, Omaba, Nf Da . . " ' , SLNI06 PATEOL L2ADER 07 DU1IDEE CCOUTS Ah, " Mary, Haddan. There are fourteen pui pili;in.our schooU-VVe" milk fourteen cows. .1 likei to help milk wheri the cows -stand rood W h horses and' dne mule. :.We have the! 11 M 'i Ill . n i . vniieiriymoutn"Kock chickens and ' have twenty-tlirer duetts.' I love to ' ride horse bark.1 As this is my ' first1 S'ory I wish to see it in pri'it. I wish ' ta join the Blue Side, I wish s6me of tne XJUsy uees would write' to me. , , R-icelyes, Prize Book.1 By May Mansell. Blue Side. Aged U . Years, "2928 .Vinton Street. . . .j ..Omaha. ., I received, the orize book some time ago and was very much pleased with it. - The title is, The Long Journey." I thank the Bus Bee' editor for it. I was also glad to be elected Queen of the page.-and .will write again in a short time. ' . . , , ... ;; - SJ D ": J. " v -; " - it Had to Sell Broncho.' By, Mildred Henriksen, Thurmatt, Ja.'. - - . , rBlue Side.'-! -. I thought I would write -again ber cause I saw my other letter in print. I am trying to win a pri?e, but I don't hardly think-1 can.f iL will tell you of a pony I used-to have. U was a broncho.1? It.wa white with brown ears and flanks. "I used it for a 'sad Cordon. Pray, only 12, is senior ua- trol, leader, of the Dundee r troop of Boy Scouts .Talk, about railroading a popular candidate into office why, Gordon 'was elected to fill this posi tion' the first night he joined tfie Boy Scouts) Gordon is in the-Seventh'B at Dundee school. V , ' , Duridee Boy' Scouts, miss their scoutmaster; Harry Montgomery, who is now at 'the 'Fort Omaha balloon school uv:he aviation 'corps. ' ; "We wish we were, old enough' to serve Uncle San." thev sav . ' Charles Stefkih, assistatil'scoutmas .terAia taking' Mr. Montgomery a place. ' . ! ' , Blue, Favorite Color. , Sylvia" Pershe Aged 9, 3207 T Street. South Omaha, Neb. ' Blue Side. ..I am, a reader of the Busy Bee's page and would Hire to be.on the Blue side, as, I like blue Very much. I go to. West Side school and I like it welLi'I am in the fourth' grade at school have a pet kitten; she has four, pretty, colors, white, yellow grey and black. , Well. I think I will close die horse, I rode It everywhere and it surely wa: k goer;, as most of the children know -who have: had an In- 3.x crs;OU 'tomorrow (Oct. 15): 1 Name. '. . .. ".- -School. Battajlia, Louisa.! . . .". Bancroft Catherwood. EJoise. . . . .Windsor Zawctt, Ileimie . . . Cass Zier. Kuth ............... . Webster Seven Years Old Tomorrow: Farr, Billy .'.Lothrop Kelly, Mary Zella Lake Nelson. Waldon Clifton Hill Rife, Benat "..Mason Rule, -Pauline.. , ........ . .Windsor Sherman,: Ruth . ....... . . . I ake Stoler," Max.. . i ....;'.,; . . . Kellom Weiner Max Kellom E.'cht Years' Old Tomorrow: fr ' Abrams. " Abie.;. . .Long Corso, Mary Jennie-Mason Dasuvich, Mary....- St. Agnes Harder, Melvin ...Druid Hill Nine Years Old Tomorrow: Cornman, Leonard. Farnam Hamrick, Leonard..". .Miller Park Larsen, Ruth Emma Castelar Lipssky, Bessie.... Castelar Schuchart. Paul A.... St. Joseph's Sullivan, Willma St. Agnes , Swift. Marraret......;.,.. Sherman dian pony. I had to sell it because it got so mean. But if I can locate it I surely would like to buy it back. I would . like to h;.vr some -of the other children t. 'l about their - pets. I would like some of the girls and boys to;write me. I will answer all letters I receive. ' - ', .' . ' Wake Up! , 4 .-' '' By Maud CMunroe 3416 Hamilton Street,-Omaha,- Red Side; AgVd 12; ,"Wake upl .Wake upl Your country calls ' "To" help win .the war ' : On' this big ball. Wake up! Wake up I Women and all, ' Do your- bit . '. : ' And answer the call. . Wake up I Wake up I ; Listen all, we must ' , Win this war, - ' We cannot fall. i ;' - - ; ' ' ' " ' Think of the next generation. 4,To come., . t k It must not be by the kaiser, That would be no fun." THE FATAL RING V V o. '' FEATURING PEARL WHITE , 5 ; ; ; ; Written by George B. Seitz and Fred Jackflon and Produced ' " : . by Astra Film Corporation Under Direction of Mr. Seitz NaWWiitllSIiliSHaipaiaWlliWW ' ' ' ; 7ih ' 11 's ''''' : "Hi rv" ' ' -V"TNTsoI)rrNWNa': : ond demolished his' windshield. But rarl.8t.n!.h P..r Whit. by thlS V? T?m had reched. or hi Hit-b iritwi'.,..i.w,.;..itUby Hoffman Bun d , his 'first 'ahot smashed the 2?"? "i01! :-'"V'JvA..- Henrr cMi door. to which Carslake was clinging. (Uehard Cra.ak. W.rn.r OUad Now; just ahea(j loom ,he r,nroad - iV). "fffj'ed "desperately with ; crossing and toward , them .sped the botii. Carjlake and .bis assistant in Western express. -pite-rtf hecmanacled wrists but tori . "Stop! 'Stop!-It's' eatcK'us'at the a time was. unable, to free or defend crossingr herself. However, .when Carslake to.k.: , ''Speed' her upl." We'll beat the advantage of . her .helplessness to train bordered Carslake. search her '.pockets 1 for the vio'et . They crossed the tracks just. as the diamond, she avenged herself bv rais- train thundered by. It was a long ing Her arms and-brinjing the heavy train and 'it ramC between the two Steel wfttlet s down hard on his un- cars. Cutting Tom o.l from pursuing, protected head . J - He took a side road. Cars'ake com- tarslare collapsed, hut his assistant.' mandel his hauf;enr . to head , the prevente the girl's escape until he i limousine for the cliff and jump for had recovered i then together they at-1 his ,life.t.This v as Tne.sAl three tacked her. the lefs-pnncipled bench. ' men jumped. The liriionMne." with: man atriking her- down with a ninde' Petffl's helpesi body inside, hean blow from the blackjack which he al-, rolling down the grade 'toward the wavs carnea m njs rip poKet. - feiiT.' '. - , r , "Now.! said Carsfake. ' all we have! - But sensins her danrer Tom to do is to cover our trail.' But when he looked out of the car window for some- mean of . do'ns away with' Pearl he saw .Ton in his' Ford close behind tfem. , Angrily C?rs'ake opened the, door of the limousine. drev his revolver and . fired, on Tom... Te- fHt "shot smashed Tortfs headlights. Tee sec Tom wan hurrying toward her. The limousine struck his Ford as he headed for it at risht angles and . the Ford was sent spinning out into space, Tom beinpr thrown' out and -tossed " round and round in the air as he : fell, v- He graxed the cliff in his descert. however, and. miracnlotts'v snrreeded -1 in grasping an overhanging ledge of rock. - From this, he began', to climb upward,, toward .the limousine, which had stopped on the edge of the abyss, two wheels on solid earth, two wheels in air.t i- ''",. ' ? . Far above both 'car and man," Cars lake and his henchman saw- that Tom was likely ; to. rescue PearL Looking around, thejr espied a huge boulder and with great difficulty dislodged and foreed it over the edger-dowa upon the swaying car. ; . - - if' , But even as it fell. Tom reached the limousine, tore, open- the - door and dragged Pearl to safety., i - Both car and boulder fell .together into nothingness. i ; t Tom and Pearl, became enpajjed. Tom presenting her with the solitaire that he had been taking, to her. -hen her screams from Carslake'a car had attracted his attention.' .. i He could not induce her. though, to promise "to" break' her vow and give up the puruit of the diamond. - , , ' At . Aunt Mattit's suggestion, a masked . ball wav given to celebrate the : betrothal. From Pearl's maid, who was also in his employ as spy. Carslake learned of e aTair and ob tained an invitation. Cecily, jealous jf his jntfrest jn this girl, followed and thV.Hinh rriestess, with , her, adiier- .oi this time zi l want to leave room for the rest. This is my first letter to you. I will write acarn. Fifteen Million Cltildr en ; : To GivsOZcrinj fcrilte. ArKzvrJzn-SrjrZin Fuiid . Announcement has been made tbat tlie Sunday school children of Amer ica will be as!:ed to make an offering at Christmas" or some other appro pr'ate datj :for Armenian and Syrian relief. This action was ta!:en at an executive conference recently held by the war council of the United Sunday Schools of Amertca. , 1 The need of starving, : suffering millions of children and grown people in Bible' lands w?s presented to the war council by tlie American .Com- mitteeitQr Armen-an ana syrian, re lief., in co-operating with . whom the I Sundav schdots ale "tS act.-:Torrether ' achools ard the committee will work to make th ofTerins of the greatest I possible educational and monetary va'ue.. Suitable literature ;and lessons will be given the children for several weeks priot to the ofTering. while church and other papers are requested to give all possible publicity ,to this cause. , . . . .-, , A request will be, sent jointly to fhe presiden' to repeat his proclama tion of last year setting, aside Octo ber 20-21 as special Armenian-Syrian relief days. . , Sydney A Weston, general, editor of the Sunday school and educational Eublication of . the , Congrepational oard, Boston, was appointed to serve as representative of the. war council in co'-opera'ion with' the' American committee for- Armenian-Syrian re lief, provided he can .secure release, from his'present dutiet on..the 'board.' " Activities along the-line, of Arme nian .re'ief ,work have already bcun in Omaha among the vaKpiis churches and a campaign for funds has been proposed. . ..,. , .' . . CIIILD.LIFE.IN SIAIL. 1.1ST ta "IS: t ttraat. B Italy WW UiiO, and to th. tmeDt of ,rp U4S. compared with . I.Wi. a t' .-..-h inn, hslr to m-t th American ta Hrcomp.rM ' wi5 ' a.m.nd.-Wa.h.nrton Part. die their little boats almost as soon as they learn to swim, which they do when they are 4 or 5 years old. Human Hnlr Bearca. According ta Gjrart E. Anderaon, Amer icas oonaol (encral at Konekons. tba trad ta human hair la 1I1S waa tomea-hat larger than ta 11. but th futar oatlook Is not promtalnir. Shl?innU to th United State were -1.147 caa- Sister Susie ,...;. , j . a , . , . , ' When the Siamese : flks' get up in the morning, they do feot go, to the wash stand to wash their, faces, for the simple reason that, the Siamese houses can: boast no such article ;of furnitife, says an exchange. So our little Siamese friend just' runs. down to t'e foot of the ladder for the housd is built on posts to a tarfre iar of water with a co-oannt shell d:pperi There she washes her face by throw-in- the Water over her' hands' and rubbing, them over, her: face. t 'She needs no towel., for the water tsv left to dry. She does not brush her, teeth; for they are staged , black by chewing the betel nut. Her hair does not re ouire combing, either, " for it Is 'all s'Vaved except a little tuft on the top of the head; and that is tied in a liiile knot abd not very often combed , After breakfast la over, the children go off and find some oleasant place in which to play, The girls play t keep inr house and . make d'she of .clav dried in the sun. Little images of clav Washed' with lime are their only do"s.i . - . ;.. : ,'i.- ' 'The boys in Siam- are very fond. of nitchin coins, and soend much of their time at 'this game.- .They ptav , leao-fro" and very often, jumo the", rope. Now that so. many foreigners are in S:am. they have learned to play' , marbles, too. iJ1 ' As the-streeti in Siam are almost all rivers and canals, the Siamese bovs, and hrl earlv learn to row; and. pad' Pi ease write today for the Free Knitting Hook t wed. by the American Red Cross. . It has full direc tions, supplemented by fine half-tort illus" traiions, for making socks, sweaters, wash rags, mufflers and all kinds of things to add to the health and comfort of the boys in the trenches. . It is enough to thrill any wpman, be she youn j or old, to think that some icL f ;nde of her country's 4 , honor will wear into battle something made by her 1 own hands. ' , . , : Anyon can do this work if they have tht Profit instruction; "'v Write at once for the FREE Knitting Book, i Fill in the attached coupon and enclose a two cent stamp for return postage. 1 rad:r: J Jlaala. tree tor. Vashinston, D. C. UVnuMl) 1 i Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, Entirely free, a copy of "The Knitting Book.' Name- Street Addrcu- Qty State- Gity Pnicia To Maka Bsaatiful, He Men NOW BEING USED BY pyER THItSE MILLION PEOPLE ANNUALLY Quickly Trcnaforroa the fhbby Rash, toWelasa lissuaa, an J palU4 eheeka of weak, aftaamic nan and women into a ' parfaet glow f haalth and beauty-ftcn .Inei ' '- '' ' : I',; down foils .103. lis? cent In ti"ro weeks' tisna. ;:''. i New York, K. T. It it eonservatiyely as ttmated thit over thr. million people an ; aual'y..ln' this. eountry alofta ara taking Nux -ated Iran. Sach atonh:n, regatta-- hivf been reportec. from Ita n"t both"- by doctor? and laymen, tast i'nuniber of physician In, varlout part of tha count-y Hit been asked to axpla'n why they prenerlba It ao axtenslve ly and why It apparently prodae aa mnrb'; better reault than were obtained from the ' old -forma of inoreanla Iron. : , - s .. Extract fr n nmi of the letten received are given below i " Dr. Ferdinand King-, a New York Phyilcian and Medical Author, aayi: "There can be no vloron., iron men without iron. - .Pallor mean namla. Anaemia ' mean a Iron de telchcy. (Th akin - ef anaemic men - and women I pale Tha fle-h flabby. Tha mnaele tack ton, the, brain faca and . tha memory fall and they often become wank,- nerron. Irritable, despondent and , me'aneholy. When th iron aoe from the blood of women, tha me go frnm the'r cheek. ' , ' '. "In th moa common food of. America, tha tarchea, nrnr. table 'yrnp, 'candle, noUrhrd r'ea, wh'te , bread, oda eraekera. btsen'U, BvicaronU apa"liettt. taplon. (fko, farina., degerm'nated .eornmeal. no'lnn)rer I Iron to b found. "R.fning prneeae hsva re moved the Iron of Moher Erth fmm the impoverirhed food, -and aTf mehoda of home eookeryj bv throwing down 'the waste pip the water In wh'ch oar vegetables are cooked ere responsible for another ' grave iron loss. ', , .," i- ' , ,i . ' "Threfore, If yon with to (preserve ' yoar yonthfol vim aad Wor' to a r'pe bid ace. yon mast innply the Iron deftcleney-.ln your foodj.by ns!rg om form of .rgnn'e iron hist as' yon wOnld a 'salt' when.; your food ha net enourh salt"; " j . . t -1 - . '- i Dr.. A. J ; Newman, late' Police Surgeon .of the City of Chlcjigo and former Hons Surge-, Jefferson Park . Hop!tl, Ch'tit, In eonmii'W en NnteJ Iron. av j "It ta-a been wr prt'ealrr dn'y dur'nr the'past nix T'-r to eiht in keeofnr Ch ' five thon-i b'orf-ffon In go"d healfh end rr feet f hipr tr'nj ao th-t the Wnld be nhy s'cal'y eon'npi to w'htanl al mnei rf itorm - and the . ravage nf - nature's ele ments, v . "Eeeentiy I wa promnted through n en ircrit ft t'uxMl Iron bv Dr. S-hi'er C Jaine. Viait'ng Surgeon of Ft. iri-abf'Va I Popn'htl. -New York. t- give it tr'sl. This o.sicinoy OR FERfct '. 140 WIS ' - HO I? - w pr. Schuyler C. Jatiues, Visit- , in.T Eui.e n of St illizabch's Honpitcl, New Yorx CUy. s.di "I have never before given out -ny medical information or ad vice .fur publication, aa I onlin crily da not believe in it Cut in 'he ea-e of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remis in my duty not to mention it" I have taken it myself and given it to mjlpa .... " tlent with . most sur- irrtsiag ents. also turned uo. She wanted both diamond and setting;. Carslake had the diamond (or rather Cecily had it. but sheiwas only keeoinir it safe for himl and the setting was hidden in the han dle of an old acimTtar m the armory of Pearl's home. Pearl's', maid smuggled a note to varslake,. telling him where the vet ting was hidden, and this note fell into the hands of the Arabs. Accord, inqly all met in the weapon room dur ing the ball, i . ' .' iCarslaU- obtained 'the settinK-'but as he was making off with it he was intercepted, first by the Arabs ' and then 'by-Pearl.' Several of the' Arabs were wounded, jfjne was killed Cecily was Wounded, too, and as the priestess pursued'the fleeing Carslake. rndy hs proven through my own;tt she 'tripped over the r r s body and or " " JTC?? JS?S Tr iA.j ,),,-, ... i. ' i u-ed f.r ereaHng red b'-iod. bo'W n uo 'h totind. t:'B Chamois bag m which thei nerve,, i-rcmhTn-g the- i-utles and eor diamond was. - ' ; I rectlng d'gestive disorder. " - ' Pr. E. 8-ot." a' P-wton physiMan who ha stnd'ed w de'y." bo'.h in th's country and 'n grett European m?dirl institution, ssys; "As I have sa'd a hundred t'me over, or gtn'e iron' I-th greatest of all strength builder. If People would on'y take Nuxated Iron when they fed" weak or run-d'iwn. In tend of doa'ng themselves with bblt-form-ing drug, atimutant and alcoholic - bever age I am convinced tht m this way they eoi ld ward off d'.seiae.. preventing it be coming or-an'c 'ln thoo nds of case and .thereby . the, live ot thousand might be l'earl. . the onlv 'mtrauer not tn be outstripped, held up Carslake and sev eral 'of his frang - just as they, were about to escape with .the setting from the- Standish grounds. 1 - - 1 -. But under pretense of returning the setting" to her,' .Carslake seined the gun and all nf the men jumped at her simultaneously. . . . ' '(To Te Cuii:nf'. ,. kBVvu 4 .. . mania. .odc: anl other danserau mi'd'es. The real and Ir m pneu- . and ati- Mwr. liver., hc:irt trouble ,-.,, MTri m Tha ".1 anrt ' ' re-alts. And noth'nr . more eond'tion brought' on hy lack of Iron in the blood. " . . . . . . '-.' . "lTot erro i wn r-tnt r vho r neer'v hn'f a een'ury old and -kcd me tt iive h'm a preliminary exm'n-tlon f-w I'fe insur-iie. I .w-.s astoni'hed- to fnl h'i with he b!d pressure of. a by of 20 and as full of vl-or. v'n end v't'"T,a, a yo-n-t man: n fr", a yourg r--n h re""y. n notw:th-"ndr h's are.! The se-r, be r'i. w t-"'nir lrn ruxaed r"n. brd f'Vd h'm w"h: reviewed I'fe. At '0 he w? in.b-d h"'b:at 4 he w"s earewm - an-i rly all in niw et SO. efer tVni Nnr.t Ion, a m'r-eV of vit-llty and hi face beaming wii the huoy!niy of yon'h . . . 1tn i aVMut'y neewry to enMe vmr b'rvd to chn ttoi into livr t'n. W'thout Itrn" mter how much "r wh-t " e. your few! merely pasee throurh yu wihut dVnt yu vry godrnd ri a r-n.. ennenee Ton heome weak, p-1 and 'eVy loo'". -rtt K're tV-',-ry1r to grw in a "'I ef'e'ent in 'r-n If you re not sr" r wet ycu owe it vpr-'f rk th fMlwfr" -t: e hw lon yon e-n w"rk r hiw fr y-n wr w''h-ut h- ilr-t'r-i. N-xt t-V two f've-rr-'n. ts'-Ts of or'nery no-ed 'n ;ree n-r H-v efteT rf I fr tt"- wVi ' Th- t- vonr trenh -'n and r" h-w -'neh.yJt h"ve r-'n'd. I h"ve "en "o-.en of n-rv r-n. H-vrm ne-n' whi w-e rrVt f'l th wh"' dio', th- r ere:h .n '-, an j r rr a, Mm etit'r-'y r'd thm-'ve "f 'l rvmp'-tp rf tym', l!vr "nd oh-r inrnvM in tn tt t -nrrn '-y' t'me "-'y tv t-'-1 ren in the pro-wr firm. And !h' rf r th-v had In c"' b-en d-ieor'" fr raon'h w''h-ut oMj;ninr r"v bnoF. Hut don't l!-e the o'd f-irms f ' redu-i , ron, iron 1 ace-t iir t'ne'nre of' iron, iK-iJ tn ave a fw e-nts. The imn '('cnanrfM y Mothr Nature for h red eolor'ne; mater In the blood of h-r children ales I not thnt k'nd of iron. Yon mnt take n"n tn a form that e-n be easily abvrbed and auimllated to da yon any good, otherwise it my prove w-r-e h-n r-e'es-. M-y en ath!ee and prlxe-fchter ha won the day aimply eaue he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and tilled h's blood with iron before he went into the affray: while many another aaa gone down In ingloriooa defeat simply for th Jack of ir" " ' th jse who wl-h qu'-ekry to lncrea-e their . strength, power and . endurance . will find It a' most remark able and wonderfully ef- fect:e tctredy." , Dr. N. H. Horns tine, for ten year la th Department of Public Health and Charities of Ph'Iadebhia, said "After carefut'y exam In'ng th formula of Nuxated Iron I realised that here at last was organic iron - the only kind , I could conscientiously , recommend, prepared in such a way with other in gredlertt as to be easily assimlated nd calculated to act ah a quirk revitalizer of tha blood and a. true strength . builder It ad-. cn!altrat!oa fas a aumber of stubborn cases where other tcn'cs h-d utt-r'y fal'ed ea'y served H eonv ace me asovtc 4 th remarHeVe ard .omisiial . pewer at No-ated Iroa. t.hen I peraens' y to k It I found th rafC -y w'th wh?sh n-y eo-r-y ard endur ence Increased most aurrrl'r- In ry opin tn the Wi(?erprcail B' e nf tl ixated Iron I b: un4 'to m-!,e a ni l-n of dlr-n-er men. iovi'er wnmrn and hrifh-.V rh-'dren" KOTF fftjutetl trim, w-irn mm fcM are) fee. emmeriaai 'ahmre by it'iiwM in wtt .tri tarett oi case, i i(At a i atit ml c -e m-i rn remit, hi-t.onewh,.a e!l kno- u t rlm--tf n4 h m 1r'' 'twt W al.ieli inrr hnt ot em nent jjivatcliia. enth in .Kjrs an-, mt rt I'mife the ..K"'il,,Jor Ul e"1 If"" !.. Km ap. etu- tt'wsrh' on the c ntiarv. it ta m txent remeri In nrlr sll fi.rm ol Indirwtmn well as SfVi Tf fT?.' ' ' 'ron tlut they I. ' f??"? efensth I on per rant or or in four ; tin-,, pfnnt the, Mw eertoaa ermalr (rooh'e. They alsn nfti k rUmul moras ad all r -irts Silrartiaai