Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 32

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I a
i Then Turn It In as First Payment on Your Own Home, AH These REALTORS Accept Them
3 ' : : r
Liberty Bonds
. offer you' an opportunity to show your
J r
by loaning your MONEY TO YOUR
; We think these bonds are the best invest-
ment on earth, so will accept them at par,
plus the accrued interest, on any Real Estate
we own.
Buy a Bond Today
. we will take it any time
Charles W. Martin & Co.
; 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187.
- I
-V,- 'ir j
Ljli. AAL, - J
U. S. Liberty
1 o-
' Same as Cash With Us
Buy your bond, then apply it on
the purchase of one of the following
properties, or on any properties on
our list . . .
6 rooms, nice arrangement, fur.
nace hent Paved street, located on
South SOth St., Hanscom Park dis
trict Price $3,000. Will consider
offer. '
6-room bungalow, choice location,
v . rjc,, mocbrn and new. Price
$3,250. Your own terms.
i. .oom, nev moda; n with furtnic
beat. Located in Glenn Park, Benson.
Price $$,000. Terms $100 cash, $23
per mont i.
2 choice lots, 100x128, Benson.
Only SG00.'Terms can ba arranged to
suit. Just the dace for home earden.
raj, la ru:3( eoiun pi umnna, $3,5U0. 13 acres in alfalfa; corn
cnM, vov ,,Hv r.n"K, re&, l, CO - a frrit t 1 'j m'l-s f'o-n
Cullom. Land es slightly rolling, with 3 acres partly hilly, in pasture.
1 his is a special rr'ce of $3.CCj ior Liberty bond sale. Owner may con
aider a 6-room cotta-re in e::chv"-e. ' ,.
See ra for-bargains on any terms. ' a ,
. bhopen & .Co., Kealtors
234-220 KceMne Building.
Douglas 4228.
They Sold Themselves
Every completed bungalow w hat
bulll In Montrliir bat on la (old.
Quality, locnAon and price did th
They told thrtneelv. a. -
- W hvf number under construction
aom nl ihrie ar lrea0 tuld. !
Let or t!o you'bow thf r bclnt
Benson & Carmicliael
642 Taxton Block. Douglas 1722.
Wt alo hv In Vontelatr fin two.
lorr, bout. Llvlnr, dtnlnf, breakfaat
room andltcnn duwn; threa regular and
ana healed (lani'd la rombl allon Bleep
Ins poi-rh room up. Full basement and
larti attlo. Pin fln'ah throughout. Com.
plot with ihnrtr. decoration, otit. Prtra
IS.T60.fl8, Rcnmnabl term. Brand n-w.
You could not duplicate It for 1 500 00
mora, v
ton true ted.
Will tako t.lherty id h vtwt !
mrat for any of above.
" ''" " " , v
$.8,000 An exceptionally well built brick build'rig contahinjc 13 rooms,
with'n ten minutes', walk of 16th 'and Farrey: 40-foot frontvre;
in line ff or immediate increase and should be investigated at
oncek Income, $010 per year. ' ,
$10,000 Corner lot on 24tH St.. loatad between Leavwworth and Harnev.
' tS rith b'ci flats rayi"? $0"O yearly rental. WHsn'r-gr of 21th St.
will not disturb th's rronerty, b"t will menn a substantial increase in value;
$5,500 casi wiil handle; no trades. -; , ' ,
$30,000 2 !th erd-DOUGL'S. Fori very sho-t t'mt we can offcr C0xl52.
rear t e eornc? of 2-ith, wit'i improvements paying $1,800 a year.
, , Ground a!"e is worth tha mney and irtTovemcts w"ll ray re-
turns on the investmsnt The onen'"; of DoutIss etrcst r"rt
. from T'th h r-nrrrd and will make this property more dssirable.
Investigate at once.
$;0iCa0 POWNTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY: lot 50x152. with brick im
provements pay a yearly rental of $2,658. In l!ne for s-ibstan-
. t al t'-cre-.s' in view r-f com n? im""'ovcmnts on Howrd St and
, , St. Mary's Aveni'e. $3,000 cash w'll handh; m ece'nt invst
"'. ' me-t 17 Ah s-echtive advantages, TUs is the test closa-in buy
" ' that we know of. '-i
$50,000-. """''Hr " r'ose-'", rr'' 'r'ew: lrvl tV on f
- ' f iveears at $ 100 a month. Easily 8 net, with ground 132x132.
in a uca-ion iuixi i im?rovng.- w - v .
'',......-'' " ' ''' : - '' ' '- ,;' "', ?
150,000-Hicrh. class a'sartmsnt house. close -'n corner s'-owi-T net re-al
of $.0O rper ypar, b-n.T better than 10 fet o
LIBERTY BONDS are considered an exceptionally fine investment y financiers.
In order to help the government as much as possible, the Omaha Eealtors, In addition to their large
subscription to both the Liberty loans, have agreed toa accept these bonds at par and accrued interest as
cash in all real estate transactions.
A REALTOR is a member of the Omaha Real Estate Board, which is affiliated with the National As
sociation of Real Estate Boards, a id as such isjorced to live up to the strict code of ethics of the associa
tion. He must have maintained an office for at least six months; he must have a reputation for fair deal
ings in all transactions before he is eligible to membe -ship. He is at all times subject to censure and forfeits
his membership if his dealings with his fellow members or the public are questionable. He is at all times
a strong booster for his home town and state. Therefore you can expect honest statement and honest deal
ings from all Realtors. . . . f
Buy a Liberty Bond
JJring it to our office and we
will build your home complete
Two thoughts are uppermost In the minds of many men. (1) How to aid the gov
ernment in its time of heed. (2) How to secure their own home. The Realtors of
Omaha have made it possible for a man to do both at the same time by accepting
Liberty- Tnd3 as cash and paying the holder all accrued interest.
Home Builders, Inc.
have identified themselves with this movement and are continuing their successful pol
icy 6f building homes complete from blue prints to the last coat of paint. This relieves
the buyer of the thousands and one little troubles that attend the building of any home.
All you need to do is
Purchase a Liberty Bond, which you can secure through the American Security
Co., at our office.
V ; Home Builcle: s, Inc.
Mux c.J Dsusla Sts,
American 'Security Co., Fis. Agts.
Omaha, Neb.
if? r
: ' A
' I I
"- ISass j l
cF )! J!
. 1
f. s
v--.Am. "!; . lis
Liberty Eonds will bs accepted In
full paymant on any property wa
have listed. Y7e offer the following
in exchange for bonds: .
50000 Two St, Louis flats on North
18th St., in practically walking
distance. Rental $D30 per annum.
A- cc-Uae will be considered as
first payment.
52000 Strictly up-to-date 5-room
bungalow, near Uilhr ra.k ssaool,
$2C0 ccli or bonds, balance $J0
C1200-re have a nice, comfortable
C-rootn cotlao oa paved street
' which can be sold o.i a payment
, of 5j0 ci3h, balance 512 mant ly.
, Ccmo in and 'ess us avid l"rn of, a
great many others wo can sell on very
easy paimiiivS.
'Consider desirable residence as part payment!
f et on f o equity.
.1 . ;
'803-4 Cmaha Natl Bank Bldj.
At Par With Accrued Inter
est Will Ee Accepted By
202 South 17thStreet -
On Purchase of a Home,
Vacant Lot, Investment Property,
Or Anything We Have For 'Sale.
3uy a Libsrty Bond Now For Your
, Country's Sake.
a Home Or Make An Invest
imr;nt When You Are Ready
' For Your Family's Sake.
, -, - (,. ., r
,Va Have Several Close-in Building
Sites For Mercantile Business
or Garase and Auto Serv
ice Stations. '
Office With Eome Builders,
202 South 17th Street"
Cloa to ' pT4 roJ and trt ear
urvlc. Ideal for a .(amlljr wanting a
eloMln country bom.
Nw (-room modern hous with hard-
wood floora, hot water beat, bath room
with bot and cold water, aUetrtq light,
ga plant; cUUra water piped to tb bouu
wltb prenur tank; garag with cement
floor; obkken home, ihad tree, lawn
and all kind of fruit Price, wltb ten
acre. 113,000, or I-acre, wltb the Im
provement, flMOS. One-third eaih. nil
ano to ault purchaser at I per cant.
10 acre, high, itgbtlr land, wltb barn
and we'll, 1 acre In fruit, icptlonlly
(In alfalfa land; of a mil from paved
road; clot to Omaha olty limit; 1H
mile from itreet car. Prlc. 15.000; eaiy
term. Alo Improved It acre adjoining.
. Prlca, ,000.
411-11 Keellne Bldg. Phon Dong. 610.
What Shall Your Answer
Rent or Buy?
Prosperity la not only knocking At the
door of nvaryun of u Just now. but i
nieraliy funlng :e.f upoit ua. aiany h
already nvIUJ thmeWe uf thla grrai
oiimrtrnlty and IwuRht a hum. Will youf
W are Juel finlhlu two fxceptlunall.v
tin biin;luw hum at 114-11 Locu;
iroet. In beautiful "Kiiunli Plav. Th
pro bo i a 1 1st well arranged bum
low, almnal entirely flntahrd In oak. wltb
Riwt-Il built-in fraturra. full hasmni ar
ranged for undry purimara. nlro atalr
way In am-ond fMr tha can tw fit lahrd
Into two (hrw full-heiah rtmm There
iw very few bnuaa on the ma ket a well
built and arranged for anythln near b
prlc w ran no yon on theoe. If
you aro even lnterHtl l the word .hnm
, yoa will to enthraeil vhea von ar"1 "?
But th"r r only two. of 1hm. On for
yoa and on Tor aomeoao tUo.
' RASP BlOS., '
Krfllne lg. . Tyltr 7M.
Special Bargains
T-roora modern, houa, except heat, lo
cated In north part vt town; larg lot,
t front, on block from car tine. Prlc.
11,809. '
T-reom, strictly modern hou, xept
heat; looatad oa & lie St., i room on
flrt floor, S antf bath en aecond. Can
be bought for Sl.too caali.
room. -rand new bungalow, afl on
on floor; oak floor and Oak flnlah; built.
1,1 U- .. ii:a M, t ii, . iti ... ' . l
buffet, kltrhen feature, and m room;
large lot on paved itmt, Mock and tia f
from ar Una; ono-half ' block from
Kounts park. Thl bungalow ba never
been ued and can b bought for lea
than 11 can be built for today.
T room, strictly modem, full two
tory buue. located on corner lot; at
front; paved ttreet, paving paid. Owner
ha authorlard oa to saertflc thla pyoparty
for $4,000 oa easy paytnaata for quick
sal. ' '
i ,
' I30fl OOWN4 130 PER MONTH.
I room, strictly modern bungalow, all
on on f.oor; living room and dining room
oak flnlah and oak floor; renfent ba -merit;
furnac heat; floored altlrf at
"front; crened-ln porch.. Prlc 13,(00.
Payne Investment Co.
Kl Oma. Mat. Bk. Bldg.' Doag. 1781.
Your duty to your
country and your
family is
To purchase a Lib-
erty Bond and own
your own home,
Liberty Bonds are
good as gold.
We ' accept them
.with accrued interest
on all real estate
424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank.
Douglas 746.
I am now
. building the
house you have
longed for
Its in Parkvale on 33d,
St, 34th St'at Wright
Oak, Frederick and
Spring Sts. Watch em
while in construction
see how thorough they
are being built.
ill. n."
In the Meantime place your saving in Liberty
Bonds, as your government wants your aid to make
your future heme secure.
Then when your home is fully completed your
bonds will be accepted as cash, plus accrued interest,
and the remaining balance can be paid practically
the same as rent
C. G. Carlberg
312 Brandeis Theater Bldj.
$5,t50, south front on JIarney street, near 41st. A new two
Story frame and stucco house, just finished; d'ning room, livinjj
room, kitchen, combination breakfast rocnj and pantry on first
floor, three bedrooms, bath and slse-ing porch '(' eated) on sscond
floor; oak floors t'lrouthout; oak finish down stairs ar.d pine
finish upstairs. Fine plumbing and heat'rs rhnt; two b!oc'-s from
ear line. Now bcinjr decorated. Th's is PRICED EIGHT, BUILT
RIGHT AND LOCATED HIGIIT. This surely is a bargain. See
me about it at once.
C. A. G33MMEL, Roller,
849 Omaha Nat'L-Sank. BKJg. Fhone DouCli 1815.
Buy a
Liberty Eond
They Will Bo
Accepted By This Company
. At Par and Interest
On any acre, half acre or quarter acre h Caldwell
Acres, our new acress addition, southwest of the
Field club. vOn!y 3 miles from postoffice. Adequate
building restrictions. Low prices. Easy terms.
The Byron Reed
3220 Charles St., 4-room house, 30-foot front, water,
gas and sewer $1,250
2881 Burt St., 7-room modern house, 50-foot front
close in....'. $3,500
3dl8 Miami St., 8:room modern, with barn, corner
.lot $2,500
2618 Emmet St., 7 rooms modern, 50-foot frontage,
fine Ideation :. .$2,500
2626 Emmet St., 7 rooms modern, 50-foot frontage,
fine location' ..;.;...'.i:.?.;.;..,..;;$2,500
3546 North 27th St., comer,,80xll8, 8 rooms, mod-
ern, .'. ... . . . .... .-.$4,500
4715 tf6rth 40th Ave., 5 rooms, modern except heat,
for , $2,250
Mr. rter ,T" - :--- r- -c
giins when a sma'.i payment down and y6ur rent will
pay for a nou-c v . .. v ..... -
60 feet on North ICth St.. close to t!:a Ford plant.
Ideal for garage or repair shop. Thi3 has a future
and is a bariain at . . '. . . .. . . .$4 500
Liberty Bonds ri pr with accrued interest as part
or in full, on any of the above.
Doughs 415.
1 r
Phnn TlMtav M7.
212 S. 17tK