THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 14. 1917. to par Uw ? fCoanilng Bii Word, the Una.) M Take- tor laas. Tbaa Li cash with oannt Una. 1 time I or aor ceisecutiv Ineertione CHARGE d per Una t tim Se lar Una I or mor consecutive Insertions ta par Its.. t) ecnseeutlv Ineertlon t jllTfATIOXS , WANTED Its ear oa. ..... ...par week rm-,.f- ... , w I-..-'.,., CABB OP THANK AND 'flX'NEBAI OTI(T.S , IN ar llne,. ........each Insertion . t- t minimum cr-arg It cent. . Out-of-Tawi Rfltea CM With Order (Cioat Bit Word to Une Buln Chance 1 ",r '" 1 " "" Ftaanclal I consecutive .neerllona. All Other CleaaifleeUowa fto km . : 1 a per Una t time, a per fine . er mare eoneet-yilve Ineertione VBB TUB TELEPHONE :f you cannot eon- nlefttlg bring or send. In. your. want ad. as . tor want Ad Tkr end yon will rCMvo the Mmi good eervtce aa warn ( Mu.injni your want a.t at this office. HfO.NK TTLER ICfY ' WANT AO COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS .!: M MOHMlNt EDITIONS..., 10:00 p. tn tract Bate we Appltrattoa DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. iaL died t:turia , h. bama at Jacob Arm buret on Weft Center Interment In Everer r.m.i... u,.. r p. m. BIRTHS ANT DEATHS. Wrln Alflo and Miami atreet artrt: Balvatora and tii.'i.. Scappa, Itlf South Fourteenth a'reet. nan frank and Mary Paxderke. 1135 Booth Six total atreet, girl: Trank A. and Br P. Ayer. 1441 Pratt atreet. girl: William II. and Mable Johnson, til) v atreet, boy; Joeepb and Alma Holo-dek, 1111 Martha .atreet, g Irl; Frank and France Dehletrom, till South fifth atreet. boy; William and Ellen' RM'- n. ;: Varey 't, girl: Seorg and Chrii'ln Hllletrom, tilt North Thlrty-alxth atreet, boy. Deaths Joseph Onnla.. 4 dave, HOT Du pent atreet; J. L. McZfullen, II, ho-ttalt Rate rteot. II. hoe-tut; Ausueta W. Booe. 10, Ill (tenth Sixteenth atreeti John' W ImllhJltMjorth Nineteenth street f!AR?.IAGS LICFM&TS. in louowing itrena.a to wed have betn j"ea: i , Kerne nd Rrilfleno. ' A(e. insepn ', Murphy, Jr., Greeley, Neb.,., II Marl E. Qrlffen, Orocley, Neb....,,,.,. J A Cntjslenken,' Omaha ............... tl Oagmar Anderaen, Omaha .,..., II Barry & Hanien. Atlantic, r tl innle L, Chrlatenaea, Atlantlo, la.,.,.., to Wlltnm J. CVsum, Omaha, ..oyer II boella, VaA Cleva, Omaha.. ....... .'.over II JoeTh Pordek. Omaha M Annla Bhaffer, Omaha. , ,. II Edmond O. IlyiSe-. Omaha II Ueritarrt Loulae Be. Penwr, rotn..,. IK index to mm ADS pf- knnrrn av" ca n vabbhb. AUTOUOHILKS Aatomobllra VanteAV. ..,.. Auromobll. ' Mury and Carafe. ....... Automobile Tlrea and Buppllea, ....... BUKINSB CHANCF8 COMMERCIAL GUIDE FARM AND RANCH LANDS. ri.ORI8TS .......... FINAVi:tAr DEATH NOTICES ... ...... FOR BALE MISrEU.ANr.OLU , Furnltor and Hotwbnld Goat ., Planoa and J! mice I Inetrumrnla..... Btora and Office Ftiturea...., Meehlniry and Engine..'.,,..,.,.,,,. ramraa and Kodak Sewing Marhln ... Tyuewrltfe I.umtwr. nulldlng Materia!.., Nunerl'e Seed , BUSINESS CHANCES run" Ha.Ni Hul Melvla "at Maaon fliy. Neb.1 fond building with it alevptng rooma. ' Price 18 per month fnrnlahrd Cell or writ F N Moaamin. Mnn city. i'PttWKftB, -A marhlnc. prertlrelly new Tflt-holre at llii, olhr tnai-hlnea f rum III Op: two Fort Wayne romnenrart at 111. Com qalrk if yon want tt. Mgr. fit Bromley faldg., Omah. Met. "tl 8AI.F-Comblnrd rr4tati-ent and room ing noneo; j room beelde reataurant and otfico rooma: In heart of city; all "furniture and flxturr go, Addrra Add BeVv. ,H7 ''n'-l' F'.. . Jenh, Mo. HELP WANTED MALE Profefiions SBdJTridet. WA.VTLD Ilock ' mn and "tee meter BanU Fe Railway line between- Coney Kan., and pawnueka fikb Tear work Waney Hro. Co., Fawbuaka. ukl. 110 Cl'ICKLT lnvted mean marveloo onnortnnltyi other making war f irtane; did you?. Write I. A. W. Byndlcet. 306 Ninth St.. "NW., Waahlngton, D. C. Thle , WANTED Eloctrldetn-and helper. I So per hri an aoioiwliil- etperl In ale wn-ke. btn book telle vea how Rah' Automo bile Brnnol I0 E 1Mb Bt . Kenae City "n WAMTED Married man on farm work by year: aeparata bonee: clone to kchoel. mi. rrom (own. E. a. Lrnn, crab Or chard, Neb. BB a detective; greater' opportnnltiea now I man over before; repreeentattve wanted ., overywnere. Hartley Detectlva . Agency, ou joeepn, no. HELP VVANTEBwMALE Salesmen antl Snlieitara. WANTED Two expert epedalty etleemea to rover lemtonr la northern K ansae and aootbern town by (pectalty machine nan. uractwnng company, eatabllahed II yoera: annul Iraalneas H.eOO.MO; atralght rwa mteelen haela Inaare egcellent return in a. prwanceT. Aaaree u E. Fatter. tIM Bynd'eete Tnni Bide.. Bt. Ural. Mo. WANTED TWO NEAT SALESMAN. MUST BK ABLE TO MEET THE PUBLIC. Ill .PES Whr K r0R THOSB WHO QWAT.twT. CALt III BAIBD BLOCK AND A3a FOR MR. HATFIELD. FOR BENT ROOMS Furnlahi'd Room Hona' keeping Rooma..... Board and Room FOR BENTA P'TB HOtrSCS. FURN. FOR fiTNT APAnTMENTB ........... FOR BENT OARAORR ...i. ..... FOR RENT HOUHEB , FOR BENTi-BITBINHBH PROPERTY... FOB RENT-SUBURB AH FtWRAt, nttBCTORS,.;.. HELP WANTED MALIC i.... 1 HELP r.'ANTED FEMALE I HOTELS I HOISER. I'VE BTfVK. VEHICLES.... I LOST. FOUND, REWARD I MON-IY T' LON ,-t. ......... I MONUMENT ANt rEMBTERIEB...... i MOVINO AND BTOT1AOB. I MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I PFirtBONAL i I POULTRY AND PIT BTOTIC I REAL FTAT -IMPROVED ....t.l REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED .....l-l REAL ESTATES-INVESTMENT ....... .1-1 REAL ESTAT";-Ja"CMANOB 1-4 REAL FSTAT WANTED 1.4 REAL ESTATE TRCrAOE ..1-4 ,- ,jui w im juur trounce, v LET oa do your advert'elng. Selling apd dlatrlbutlng In Mr Air Sbln. Increaee your "'neea. Try oor Air Ship (dvertialng. Addreae Spy, ISI,FortWayne,In$. r'HK SAl.w A diut t.ure doing a nice buel- nera: poetofflr In combination pay good. Ha to to to Work en account of ellqff. Wrte Harri Joe. "rClellend. In'. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA If yon or any friend afflicted wletK to learn nf a nc. eeeeful treatment, add-ee Boom 401, 1 Broadway, Detroit. Mich. vV6mINO till men fura'ahed free on re. 5N RFAI, ESTATE BfBTN"S PTIO" . REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS ....I REAL ESTATESUBURBAN nenaoi . , , Council Bl.ffa .IWTHI-. ...............,,...... Mlacsllanedua SITUATIONS WANTED BW p"" rortT.f WANTED TO RENTJ- Unfurnlehcd Hon- end Flat Furnlahed Room ihd Flat WANTED TO BUT t BUILDIHQ PERMITS. ' , BultdlnS noFmltllbAV' oeen liaued to I tie following: , - . i. H. PnreelL 1701 North Twenty.fmirth , atreet renalra, UOOi Axe) Fort. 1074 Pratt treeet, frame dwIilnt, 11,101; Bethel Bap. ttet ehbreh. III! South Twenty-nlnth Itreet, LOST-rOUND-REVAhDS "OMAHA COUNCIL BtpFFt STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Vwria having let runt article wotild do Well to cell p the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa fitreet Railway company ' ft eereneln rhethe they left It la the . re ,-T, i : 'v. Many article each day aro tamed In and the comi.eny l analou to rture them to the tlnh'fttl nwne-a ' l YOU loae anything and will advertlee It her yon will anrely recover It If found by an boneM p-reon; If j on ft -d envt ! af value the honeat way I to advertlee for the- owner; .r toST-Alned petition al)r:ietter of reoommenrtatioS between Cas sad Burt ?. Fjn,1r A,U ohff Tahsr., Pousiaa Bewardf," " ' f 1 ' TWKN'TJT. DOLLAR!! RBWARI) tar lb re. i turn of a gold dollar data 1111. ?ll North It, st(. Omaha. . j ' iosi Bunch el key between 14th and 40th at(4 en Leavenworth,' W'edheaday afternoon. Harney at. Reward. LOGTppaat exalted ruler Elk charm. A. H Rlee lodge No. 1(1, Intcrtbed en back. rpan. pooeia 1131. LIM'al reward. FCIl rAL2M:cce!haeout typewfltirs end Supplier TYPK WRITERS aold. rentTa and repelred Rent an Oliver typewriter I month for central Typewriter Exchange, If 01 re mum. O iaranteed typewriter, III and op. Writ rociHt. Ftiitmnd Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge ' 1 ... I1 .. 11 i - AusesKaneori. iOO.OOt FEET of old and new lumber for ala'at reduced price. Alio window, door. team heating boiler, iteel beam ana oiner Milldltig materlale. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL, liei Leavenworth, Tyi.y 141. KIKE ADJUSTER SALE -All the dnrhagej aooua oi ine (.any t,umoer co. fr hard-wa-o. twlna, nalla, wire r:nolng. Wooden and Iron peat and lumber. H. Oroea Lumber and Wrecking Co llrt and rat! n.. weoeter ,ir, STUDIO maehlna for eale or traie.,in flr. elaa eondtiton. 'Wer,ur 4I. F3li SALE A. reed Puilntip hiby carrUsa. Haroey MIT. ' . . T,....V ill i.TTfuJo cream and. popoor wagon SVApPEHS COLUMN t'li.UiH developed, lOo a roll, one-day aery. tea. Kodak Studio, Neville Dlk 18th and Harney. . Wll.L-oiehaniie goad buUdlng lot f, well or Uulck uaed ear. nee. or Mai ikii told, Omaha LuST brooch conelitlng of three roae,' valcd aa kalrloorn. Reward, Kar LOSTA ruby hroitcb aet la pearhv TeL Webafr 44. , " bv.t-if hid .necklace, value only ae gift of ded frtend . ftfward.. barney IMI. Eorr -"!. owa aable tnuff wim talla. MIT, Bee. , - FO!l f ALMitWny fro' " Fcrnlh'ra and Houoehold Goodi FUHN18H TOI'R HOME AT VKKCXICSC I.Y YOUB OWN PRICU. , Hundrrd nf peonl have take adva. tag ot. th remerkehle price reduction we hey been mining for th reel revere I month on a big tilftee wewhocee atnek of brand, .new, on-to.dete furniture the WO Wen forced to ctoee out Sorb money aavtne; pnee'hlititea rould not be equaled an'-wh- elae.' In the rltvalert huyea h dtaornwred thl and profited by It. Ku'nitttn. for every room In the ham ht lnHi'rid In thl big werehnnne Cock Olfh-OF-Tn W N ORDERS OIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION - Act today, ' , STATU Fl'BNJTURiq CO. TMne 1MI. l4ih and Pods StaOmaha 8AKUA1N8 In furniture, IclTboxea, ga atovea, ru'.a. bed, china and Kitchen ebi seta, table, chair. bUrtela, drener. trunk, kultcete. b'uil lln of rnu.iry net ting eeretn. Hll-41 N, 14th. Web. HOT. 6TOVUS. all crake. heate7ree?nnd" eooUaiovea: furn., Vict,, planoa. -Country lrde-: Oooda packed free. . Loyal Furn Co.. 11 N. mth.CH FtllrjCo 107 8. Iltb. BUSH right down and get you1hrof all kind ttf furniture at aacrlflce. tot N lain. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattreaae male -from your own feather, cummer and winter lda; roet .e and leal longer than, cotton or heir .bed Phone ua for eemnlo. 1101 Cuming. Deugla 1411. CALL r. B"lTEpHENSON. T HIOH CLASS MKHCHAND18B Auctioneer. Mcened'hwd Bond'd. Phen Web 44Tt f BtM'KirR, eay chair, mattagan'y center I" ble, all In khI condUlua. till Arbor St. I ouglRa 14 4. COMBINATION iimI and . icige I new eitra eecttone tor America Ideal boller.S -I'-T. Dom-Ip trri, FOR SALE Soft coal heater, good aa aewT Harney 11)1. . Piancs end Musiial Instniucrttt BARlf OPPORTUNITT For aala my beauTT ful tt: Vlrtrela all phonograph and rec ord; actually new, will accept 16; a d only ten week. - Kplendld bargain. Will ahtn C Q. D., allow examination and trial Without on vent dopoelt, If found an etUf.ctory wlllr-pa .freight both wave. Write S. Norms, .-J?fc KedUe Am. Chleetsllfe VICTRltA.,Xv;ir.Tliarioiiryl flnlab and . twentjt.two' dojtnl racord; . almoet ne; a bargam rrtakeii t ftpoi. Write Earl Barney Taege,Ne. . , FOR 4 ALE-One - Adam scha( ciMnel grand piano; good aa new; cheap, phone Harney .!. - Kacor B sriea. "BXFSTY RAZOR Bfiirt t,H -Joor duM aafcty rasor bind f 4b 4oro 415. Doe idg. Jarkwa F.iec-irte- Jheinlaf !t"n v bi6.a sn.4;i4k litures. VB HAVK moved to n-w orfttlon. We buy a-! and mrke- 'jhwSaTVia: . ebowrapa. ehclvln", etc. imi'i'i Ftsture Supply fe. B, Wy.gwf. ltb and Doua- Phone U. 1.14. EWLWJIIACHINES 1 We rnt. refalr. aeU need lee and parte of all aewtag WMt'hlneav v - ,. ' MICKKL'S . - NEBRASKA CYCL8 CfX. ; Htb and Harn S:- , Dott lf. UachUtgry and kng ties. TRACTOR TOa SALE 111 Aviry -U H. P He been Bacd (ItghtIF r eh yr; in good ahape: -a real bargain: price 1104) f. o, b, Lyon. John F. Sehals. Lyon. WANTED TO BUY WANTfDOLD FAL8 TEBfrii "Don't mailer. U broken.- L pa II to III per aet.- Bend -by parcel poet n(V receive- cherk br return mall. L. Maaer. toT . Tiftlr.sC, fthllad.lphla.a. ' tyn cash re wtndowa or ah and door rr atom wuih In rood eonilltlon. , Red T BUSINESS CHANCES LARQB corporatloii backed by lorn of i Chicago' mot ucee."ul buaint men, draire to open' branch store br dlatrl butlng 'Jiwarehoue - for (oodatuff and aoi(jhol,-eeitle . . ta all prlnctpa wwn. ,w ouy , ipr ean dirici rrom .- producer. W .11 , fey . cath direct to eoaaumer throujh our dietrlhutln cra ter, w want. men with ability ta act aa branch managers. 11.000 to ft boo en. Ut required. C-amr Wholesale Co., H E. Juchaon, Chlcaco. WANTiiD OFFICEWANAOUK IN OMAHA for a larje Chicago Invce.ment houa, capitalised for 11,001.001; muat Invent 15.000 caeh In flrat rnortgaf. per cent gold bonds ai d furnish atl;ctory refer enoea; aslary ll.tOS per year and euittml. a Son; hlgheat retereneca tarnlahed and re quired. Unlea yoa hava th money and mean bualnen, pleaaa do' not enewer. C. J H.deell, Prca'.dent, CHICAGO TEXAS TRUST CO., II S. La Salle St. CblcaTo, 111. fjftOW1 WHEAT AND OBOW MCg.'T Produce to to II beahtl et the bt wheat land la thl world. HauaHlna. the wheat king, wilt farm your acre per- i- n .. - - ; , , own the land. Aa doe the fl and (ha land net yoa 1:0 to 144 pay acre. Learn how 1 per week bu your wheat firm and yaa har la the crop of If II. Act quick. - Write Hanaklne di Ca., 14th floor, Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Chicago. ' aueat. Oeorg Plnech. SIT 14th 8t:, Den- yer, Co'o. CHALMERS eeven-neaaenger . lx; . latest modyl: rrect condition; l,T00 mile; bar. galS. call Da Prcy J. Hunter. MOTION rlctur marhln (new and. re built), (heater eunplled. Omaha Film Exchange. 101 B. Iltb Bt. MOVfNTplCfURB machine, new and re built, all make; etinplle Wetra Sup Ply Ce.. lli Nit. Bldg. TO OETln or outof bueinee call on OAN'OEBTAD. 14S Bee Bldg. Dog.l4TT. JOR r OffiiFRKY. feeding mdee. eucllon-er of middle wet. Write Bos 1)S. Omaha. YOUR bualneea or reel eetet handled for ala. F. V. Knleat. Bea Bid.. Omaha. DOWD BALE AND AtTCTlON"CO., 111! w. w. omg. Ren line. dorado Electrli-al Supply Co., 101 'Uebaekl - aiof., vi uorado. Kan. WAN TTD Experienced elevator boy or man I ror ateady winter position. Apply man- ayer Empreg oeran. ' TAI(XR WANTKD Penie maker who SELL tO ALTpMOBILB OWNERS -Qutckeet eel ling propoaltloa; coata yon 11.00. aeU for 11.10; eeld yoa In race lota only for .; yeur prof t 14.01; a ca or more eaeily eold per day Act oulckly. Money back propodtlon. Freaa. Jtfena Co.. Dept. R, Monro and Clinton tete, Chic fro. . lao do buahellng; panta 11.71 and up. ivereon, t-ity, ta. Br.IDOw men wanted at Dedham, la., and Tekamah, Neb. Fare refunded on the rival payment! Aply to foreman on Job WANTED For "The Flame" company, 15 men supera Thuryday, Oct 11., p. m. stage entrance. Boyd theater. wanteijIachinItT Moat be fleet elaea. Wage hour. Bwaney Auto Co., Crrll. Me le per WANTBD Nami-a of men wtahlng to be. 'Come Omaba mall rarrlera Commence 147 month. Box Y III. Omaha Bee. tuuu rue ii eikdy law! Eve., downtown aa UNI, of O.'l.. Sac'y Thomeen, 404 )m. Bk LEARN barber trad-, low ratea now fell or write Barber College. 1114 Dootlee St. WANTED Two young men to work on paa- erpirer train. Anniy lit a iota ut. WANTED A, reglater'd pha-maclat. Apply -aniroi nret Co.. cnitr Ave. Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE) MACHINES. Complete line moving picture (uppllc. neo A Nojen gqpplyro 101 S I4th. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. TOUNO married ni"n of abll'v a"d char. acter wtahe poeitlon as city saleemas wlt good, rlble wbdlvMl bouee. open for Interview Friday p. m. or Saturday . . vim mi, umana Off, OHOpERY clerk want steady potlon ana 11; good worker: hid meat rutting ex. penoncer peat wage. . JJOX Y 140, rnnni nee, ? P-'fil HUN wanted by man, capable of taking full cha.e of office work; but of reierenccK. uox 7. Dmh Ree. HANDY man. Cngle, II, wanta employment s janitor or houeemno, Addrea T, Be wniufl, rouin umana. EXPERIENCED houaemea want work' da. Dong. 1114. Re neon o- Baker by COIXJltKD BOY wanta work after echooi eveninT. wen, IV03. Femsle." OFFER a good home and email wagaa for cnoi gin in xcnang for her aayletaaee. vonax enve. - COLORbD lady wanta Place to coot" In pnvat tamtiy. p. 147S. kRESMAKlNa and alteration work. Doug'. 1411, aab for room ll. . . COLORED chambermaid wanta work. Web. mi. PRA;TicAfc huralng Manied! r 't&mpiUnt ""f cuy reierencea. cgll wBter 04 DAT wpjk wanted by coore4 woman. Wb- eir oier, 'rtotsfciiEEPEJt'for1 idawee In ' oe UN Center SB. Red T17. Omaha, Lacodrr andbaw VorlT wAnrtiJ iay work, washing. near t'ontnv. DouMciaanmg; will give Mtlifactlon. Web- eier lano. wanted by day -or week. Martba WORK Harrkton. Doogl 4111. hardy colored woman wanta aweenlng and cleaning by the dev. Webatav kit FllYstCLASS laundry; day work for thunP ?g-Jli. ' i" I Ii ii i BUNPLH waehlng wanted. Webeter ll. LAUNDRY and hougecleanlhg. , Tyler 1I57T COI)RED woman want day work. T 16V? Day work and bundle weening.. Web. 17IL DAT worb by .white wamaa Wab. . 4151 wASHINoVnd laoecurUIn dona, TyTll44, Wahlng and Ironlna- uranted.- Karne 1X LAuNOBT er day pworh wanted. Web IT? Hunnie waehlng, colored lady. Ty. till WANTED Work by the day. Webater 1411. Col, lady wanta day wk., any hind. Ty. !. LAUNDRY Wk. by ekp. tel. lady. Web." T0I4 ... BUNDLE waehlng wanted. Walnut IKS Day wk.. Wile, vah's-. Call 1 n. m. Web." SlTl WANTED Handle waehlng. H. ITI. HELP WAimpMALE . ,', Pteres and Ortices. m.....iu,iiAni, ihi Buromopil saieatnan. ee-itiv ana commimioni cbemlat. Ill; led-er clerk. 7: d'Tftatnan. IIM; profit iu mm iira. i: .n. n. cie, sto; re- " i ""Tar riem, sts: rcne-ai office man, f TS-frSt general merchand'ee elerk, t; traveling saleamen. staple commodity, aa tabMeVd (rede. SI OA . W73HTERN RrFERENCB BOND ASSN., Ort!nore ef the Reference Brlnea. Tl First National Bank Building. PATENTS THAT PROTKCT ANg FAT SMMIKS AND APVICB FREE ' Snd aketrh or model for aearrb. Hlgheet feferenew Real reaulta . . Promi-tnea aeutred Watson R Coleman TiVvm b. S. CANTbNMF.NTnrlgbta"Tio7le7"a an earliialve Soldlera Mementet eom. thing 'that every wddlnr will want la nd back home. Retell for II arb. Ulg. qui. U profit : aend le tnr dlatrlba tore' e.mnlei money refunded If deal not , clt U. Writ or wire. Hood a) Co., Ill Schiller Bldg, Chicago, sole' Dlatrlbatlag Agency for U. 8. vDO.VT lNV..8r IN OiL until yoa have read the Tesaa Inveetor; glvee valuable facta and Information about rich Texaa gueher elt flelda; tell hew to invert for quick actio end large profit: month FREB; aW big map of proven a4 proanecttve fle'de. C C Caanan, Pnbltabtr, lie Union Bank Bldg. Honeton, Tex. .,, ,. , ... h beat e machinery, acb a linotype, folder; eld, Circulation nearly llOO,' Of)? papar- In tw. fwroui r aonlmanUy, ' enltatlng In the arntyv Act onion if you are really In the market. Char lee B. r ronsek, Bloux Fal'a. ,D., ,, "Ti..,r II DOES n. " t .. . '' Mllltena of dollar being made tn Sows lake oil fields; II dnwi t 11 monthly Sloe monthe may pay jreti IS00 tt mar month SOilB SPLENDID OPENINGS. Three beokkeepera, !0-I100. - Two ledger clerk, I4S-I7I. Sit atene.Tranher, 140-1100, . Four office clerk. I0U-JKO. . City aleman. 111 and com. . Many more m'sceManeoc reettlona. THB MARTI, COMPANT. 1S1MI W, d, W, Bldg. WANTED r.-ltered drug clerk about 11 year! old. with Seven to twelve yeara' ex sferlenca, for Salt take City; aa'.ary 1S PCo5PERATivB REFER ENCli CO, 10.11 City jNatlonal Bank Bldf. ; IAN to do routing and billing. 10-16o. ; Boakkseper (auto), 1st: shlpr-lnS le-t. IH:,nisht ejerlt (Lincoln). S; office CCpJERAThrB inCFERErlCB CO, ' 4U City National Bank B'dt , BOOKKEEPERS,' . Iilft.ll04.itl'.?77 aW: nographera. stlii-;.tt rata elerk. s: pnipping ciara, so. v . ,. ' WATTS REF. CO.. pil let yat Banb. LF.DoSr clerk by large whole 1 home. Oond par and ehlnee for advancmn( Addreee Tl, fhnwha Bee, f Ot'NO men. study Jaw! EveJ 'dnwntown : t'NI. of OM.. Secy. Thorn B. 4 fm. Hh WANTKD A drlvr for Ford grocry liuch. Bo IMI. Bee, escorts pn Ttw es. VVANTEI1-A FIRST-CLASS SAU SAGE Maker. Washington MARKET, 1407 DOUGLAS ST.' OPJr3RtfNITT TDK ADVANCEMENT. For as Mperlenped Ford mechanic, pre ferably one who baa bail espertance with the Fold Motor Co.. can start V onci 'Stale age and amount of aaperlence and wegee expected la application. A)o atat whether yon would be leterted In a PV Sit ton AS Satlitant fbrtmaa, -Tequlflsg yoa ta Invest not lee than t&oo ot more than I1.006; tavettuent (horevghly xcdred and will be releaaed at th end ofbay year dlsaatlstted. Bos 1411 Omaha D, 'Zal !7 , WA'StDe-FlR8f LAES PIPB CoVeR. fl.mBorl.,i, tSSLT,iS' iSTTTi It m WORK. MenlU St. fcoula. 'Me -e.utnwi.ik . v.rrt.i.ii. ...xtiulm turlii i want party ahlwh hiarwb of nee niNnag aahvmi-n anIIMntla unllmJi.,4 13 to lie aa nHi.i nnvawr) i handlcewe iw-imMi euieenaW-a 'hlreao . einlmn. H m.i.n . m WnH le't.rei itii. o 1 - A''-rU18ri LVJ:,tt V.H..rt"i;" w.-J. In 111 ynd cet montbllo. H; tea country . weeklle. JS.ta; 4S Sukday penere. II Toar advertlalnr Itteratare written fre by eSperta. Cope Agency, 14 Cbratnal t . FIRST ttktB 6FFREDl ' Old eetabllehed finely eaklpped grocery beat corner ta eltyj-V l. i abnaal y. County teat ' Inveatlgala, Beat ree eon tor jeelilng.. Owner. Boa L NaBraaka City, Neb. FOR kfcNT-r-Furniehed reetaurant, wall equipped, aplendid location, good trad; rent 111 per mo.- Povglu 4111. WAOLS 'leo PER HOUR: TIMB Ahll ONS HALF FOR OVklRTlltB: tKlUULr: TlilS FOR 8UNDA.8, WORK Wll.L LAST THREK fO FOUR VEIKS RAILROAD FARE ON WAY REFUND ED IP- RRCK1PT FOR FARE S ?- ;CURKa CHARLES- weiTZ"' SONS. , Hl'ATlNO DEPAUTMENT, CAilP DODOB. IOWA. : ' " : ' WAN'i'riD Laberera. &e per hear aud tw per hour whir doing concrete work; fire- . men lie par hear: atendy employment In factory f (be right kind of men: bank bonee farnlh-4: board '17.11 per web. Th Nebraska Pqtssb Works Co, Anttoeb. Neb. . - RAll.HoAu traffic Intpector wanted 1111 month. and axpeaaea to atarti ahor ottrai trayeii tbree- monthe heme at4 ander guarantee. We get yoa a poeltlnn , No limit. A sb for booklet c-11. Fron e lee prep, aehool. Buffalo. N.-T ,. : V . . PRINTER WANTED; OOOD SHOP; OOOD WOES. THE OBSERVER. LOO AN, 1A. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. ,. APPLY SH B. 1TH BT. ! WANTED Pre. fi.der, 101 North 13th St Mate or rvma.10. Salesmen and Solicitors. THERE IS A MAN IN OMAHA BBLLTNO INSURANCE, BOOKS OB BOMB KIN DRED LINE FOR 11,000 PER TEAR WHO DOES NOT KNOW HIS REAL VALUE. IF HB WILL COMB TO MB I WILl OFFER HIM WORK THAT IS MORE DIGNIFIED AND CONOENIAL. AND A LIFB JOB WITH COurLB THB IN- COMB. CALL 1111 W. O. W. BLDO. SA LESM EN For . firm long eatabllahed. manufacturing high grade of art eaiea dir and nrl advertising eneclaltle: commence work Dee. 14th; new arrang ing terrlorle; good payi com. baala; real r-o"ratlon ottered. Write fulN. . John Baumgertb Co, 1411 Randolph St, Chi cago, I1L ' . A R"!AL onnortuntty for man with ability ana amoitiom no on without prevleu ttcceea'al. sale excerienc need abely. F-celIent territory en which mnat be flll-d at once. See Mr. MeOovern. Tb Adder yaehlna Company, 101-t W. O. W. B'dr.. Omab. SALES::!::'! WANTED To b ll our new no- to-dat colored Art Knlfj Saleiheara. con. i-mment preposition, eammlaelon paid promptly. . . IOWA NOVELTY COMPANT, Corner Breed way and Fulton Sta., Ke. Iowa. SALESMAN wanted for permanent" road work, eelllng ataple, well known line, di rect f.-om factory to merchant; men from 11 to 41 yeara of age with earn experi ence In ratal) dry good, general or gro. eery itere preferred ; good pay wl'h chance ot renin advance. Write Bog T 141, Oma : on nee. , ; SALESMEN AND SERVICE MSN. NEW FORD CARBURETOR Simple. .Mat ' moytng part. Installed In thirty fnlnute. wMiaiiwvq i quudi. Tour III n-it, ana 'art in sero weather without pMmlnst. II day free trtaL Write I. S J. Carburetor i4., uw riymouin ci.. cnicago. FirlAVE ait opening for a man who I hen eat. capable and industrious. Prefer one wl'h prevlon !" egnartenel. Will pay par wee te tn man wna can mak good. On bank -ad two bneln'es refer. encr required. Addretn C. A. NUDSON, 111 Capital B'd.. Toneka. Kan. - DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENTS WANTED. ror gua-enteea rord atsne-; sure, eeller retail III. Big eomm'ae'.on, ' rclolv t-rltory: every Ford owner wanta en. 11 eta-ta yoa In buslnees. 4-d Ste-ter Sates Co., Tit Penobeeot TiM'dfr. Det-att. WANTED wyporleneed ateman to handle the flneat line of temperance be vera gee 6a the market; unusual opportunity for Hire wire -nan-. willing to work mll country towns: commtaslon contract sis weekly- . arawing account. H. su vratg, SO catsi HELP WANTED MALE - Areuts sad Camwassera. lilToNB DAT IN EPtlll'Wrihock er runt. at n. tnereoa of Montgomery irted I stone etnee Aonit- bow read"? tor third. HlggtMi of Ponghkeerele eUru ea aept. is. l.sor flrat day. Aug. Studer wrote Oet 1. ld 10 one day. Tbta It a btg yeer for popcorn ertopettee een- eaitonai renon rroca II wver the V. S. Melxner, Baltimore, I0 ta one day, Perrlne, 1110 la one day. Baker. 1.000 a any, caxina. si.soa profit In one month. We start yon n bualnca. ' Ma experience. little capital. We femleh ererylblng leech yoa to nee th wert formela bow n aaceeea. Build a awaineee of year ewe. Tne aemana ror crienettee la eaornxx every ptckel aala acta almost 4 cents profit. Crispettee are more popular ,ma'lng more money.' High price and war eoTiuier neip. nR tnj winter beat. front ji.000 a month eaeily polbl. W will ;eet yoa qoiekl. WrIU tor faa ' W. Z. long Co., Ill High St. Springfield. O. WANTED. HIGH GRADE STOCK SALESMEN. W have what we bellov I the best tocK-Belllng Propoiitlon In the Wet. vtr pay in nigncit commtaaloa for service and w furnleh our aaleemen with (ha beat Selling Literature, tneluitinv let. tera of recommendation for our nrnnoai. I' nut St, St Ijenla, Mo. on rrom tne leading hank and basinets I SALESMAN, expe lence nnneeeeeary. Strong men of Omaha and th weat W ar not looking for men who ahnnly want advance on which to live. Out men make big money, but after we have ocome acquainted with our meq and tbey uvea money we never turn them down. Addree Bos 1101. Omaha Bee. HIOH COST OF LIVING REPUCED7 , ah neceealtiea. grocerlc, paints, oils ana sioc tooa at who leeaie ttrlcea. Salea. man. eatald of Omaha, ea Int. a AnA. of yiur .Mi SXVr,5A6W -AtifMAr:ror general mercantile trade home li Tt.n? .ilPL i?A-5.u! " Nebrel'taTto aell a new proposition . SLr..i ,r-?.?l'"' . 2L!2" ff "' rr. and 'IS, s weekly for etpdhae.. i-.TIlii v , 1." , wuner. i ji y yj xlef Co- Whslesaia Jeweler, Eatabllah a reeulae trade in van. I r.V V. 77 -2. . a. X urrnory. rio eoiiecttona er lossea, Ex perience not neceeeary with oo almpte bt fteetlv lelllng plln; Exeluelve, pro. ected territory. Write today for mr information. John Sextnn A Co.. Whole, aala Grocer, Lake and Franktla Sta, Chi cage, III. ataple line for general trade, big demand now. Bplend'dt eemmkMron eon tract. 111.09 weekly tor oTwensea. Continental Jew'lry Ca.. 15741 CoaUnental Building, Ctsvw- jna. onto. SPECIAlTT .: 0AUMEiw41w week class with cssn rrrler or dry good experience: record end 'references; met nrove honettw and real eeltlmf ability. Computing TaJrd M'eiur Co.. lb N. Dear born Bt., mileage, ill, SALESMAN WANTED WHO KNOWS SOMETHINO ABOUT OMBURTION. AND WHO CAN INTERVIEW AND IN- TERKBT BOII.BR OWNER 8 IN A COAL- SAVER SMOKB-ABATER, DEVICE BOLD ON A GUARANTEE. DR. T B. SAMPLE: 407 FARNAM BLDO. DOUG LAS aeis. v.,- .. . . x .,. 3.'. WANTED aaleemen who ara. salesmea In wwiT -" vi ine wora; muai DO' over IS year ua; mot attractive Sfteotalty for ..-, wnr eeiosmen are warn ing right along from 1100 to 1100 per wk. Addree. Dept. J. ft, 111 Oreal Northern Bldg, Chicago. SALESMEN wanUd for Bext year to eell our Myera quality line of . exclpltve : art calendar: vry piece copyrighted and msds by as exclusively: tocether with oar high grade Una ef leather goods, memo randum boeke ahd d arlu the most com plete of Indoor and outdoor metal sljni; and a very fine line of ether new s-e. elaltlca. Everything manufactured In cur big factory. Terms: falary, commlealon er drawing account. - The Elwood Myera romany, Bnrln-rfleM, O 1 i I i WW HAVE an eeenlnc for eaeal i.k. clan r'utabl atock ileamen or aic. upiee or on etoea now on a divldend-pnv. ing basis of IB per cent Hava eeven proaueitig wen; more drilling In world renowned Cuihlng field ef Oklahoma. communicate at once with Mldweit Pe eu lta Cornrtln, (11 Campbell Bklg., vAienoma vicy, uai. WANT 6'HIGH GRADE SALESMEN: NEAT APPEAR ANCE; MEN WHO ARE CAP. ABLE OF CALLING TON BANKS,. AND LARGE BUSL NESS.CONCERNS. ROOM 239, ROME HOTEL. sbBSCRIPTION 'BOOKMEN,' ' . ATTENTION. , ' . Several attrattlva propoeltlon. -ranging from 111 to 1:00 per let; excellent plan ef aelei lead an aorna: a'ao th whols St Dunaun lln: Unlvfal CUsalca: Matfpss. seat; Diaraell; Fliubtrt; Secret Court MemMrd; Law C!alri Sacred- Booka of the Orient) ' Immortaia. ate,, etc Currest Opinion. St W. iltb St, New Tort, T 11141 Carlln Bldt.. Cleretapd-. & BALnSMEN-ylfew w unci saay aener nia inmef. Fromot commiasiorai R nohelbI hopw Exree prepaid. ' Bates yuaranted, Harreat craon. Wrf quick. Grov Mfg. Ca, .SUM Cottage Grove. Chi ceo. : ' , WANTED llvo-wlra sitlesrae- to aeU best line of temeranee drlnke In U. Si cotn- m'aalon contract srltli weekly drawing aa- count; ealea tnanaTe wtlt be In Amh fir Interview. 'On Thai, Keuaer Bldg, St Loul. Mo. LADIES 1 59 a rnenthlhtroduetng our guar- anieca nonary in your mparv iimw. mrm Schurman averages 111 a week with only I hoiira work sr day. Handsome eamnta -outfit furnhmed free. Tberaaa Mfg. Caw .1411 R St., Dayton, O, ' I SALESMAN- for Nebraaka: yeency Oo- toner 11 permanerri voeiiwn; om neoee selling staple una on exceptional - termes hlh rommlaelons with 111 weekly ad vance, Salea managsr. Bait lit, v Wood. ward. Detroit 1 - SALESMEN WANTBD: Calendara, ban auppllca, cloth and leather pelaJtle Liberal commission, exclusive urniorr. permanent aealtlon: Line ready Dec. let. Apply new. Banker Supply Co, Iowa City. i. . .... - . IfOMEN aen miaranteed hosiery to vrear- ar; eeiarjr ll I, fail time, lie an Bear epere tiiqes enerxnoBB irmae; emn- ence mneceery. inWrnattenal Mtlte, irernatowa, ra . OCR, salesmen averaging lift montbU yen can. toe: tremenoous aemana ror ear nig outdoor eiietfld sign MlHrt 11T: fro alme pie: M competition', exciuaivw larrttory. Fiaintne aign worn, cnieage. 8AL .dniN cliy or , I avUlng. . Write for Hat et openings ana new to ontain mem Address aearast office. Nat'L flxleamen' Tr. Asa'n. Pept 411, CJtleago, San Frea c e-o. New Yerfc. SALrsifTN WANTED Large eommlealone paid ror eeinng - ataaxing pnonograpa premium erOnoeltlOn. NO competition. Weekly eettlement . Add- "Baby Grand" 101 Granite Bldg., Bt Loul. Mo. UF.I WITH S'OKD CARS ta aell the Fcot Air Accelerator. ' Burb bet air. Make 141 and up per week In your owa community. Anawer quick Whartner Sale Co..'IIT Paxtna Blk. YRAVL'LlNa alemen, repreeeat factory on liberal commlaalont auto tlrea and acoeet nelee- Arawrine account and benefit re peat orders allowed. A. C, Davla, SAIee HUSTLEUbY get my .Transfer, Alto tnon'o- gr&m ayaiem. nei a gei rien ouick prop, esltlba. BSSt a good hoaelt jhoney (nail, lit businisa. Monogram King. Oklahoma ftltv. Olel. ) ' . r . .-.. . iTT'LlT- ',' '.J.'l SALESMEN ,imw. Miling ready-towear. area goeav tor no line, ns? apjpica, ui aril- eoriPBllo: rrfarenoeb relalre. , Bleenberso, lilt Broadway. N'wTork. SiDJLlNJ. Several ip.claltK.'. eMfters ' thai go with any )irta. Money xnskers. Mail Credit. VflMtlaled ttir .aaetustv .' ne,.Mf-. 1S.T6 Quebec A vv Cleveland SALE8MEN We have "SbaoiuteiyV whpt country merchant want evarkwhera; w pay. Ill .to 0 a d-y; ho aamplea. Am. Factor! ea A gey, Crliry Bldg.. Chtcato. CITY SALESMAN; NEAT APPEARANCE; MAN WHO IS CAPABLE OF CALLING ON LARGE BUSINESS CON CERNS. ROOM 239, ROME HOTEL. WANTED Saleemen; advertlalng epeclalty mn (ireierrea, wnoie or part time, to puah the Standard line of Advyrtlalng Pencil In Nebraek. S. D. and Wye, and part of ta.- Lln well known, Company th only manufact er ot lead pencil weat ef New York City. Attractive prop, eel Hon to reliable aaleamm.. 8ome of out men are averaging 111 a month on com-i mleeion. ' .Writ for deui:. SaleeDept bUhdard Fench ConJpatty, St Louia. Mo, V LtiADLSii HuiiB IN'i.S OWJ KANii IfbESMBN- CALLING CPON GENERAL STORES, CLOTHING MERCHANTS, AND lIA8CEtA6HER8 '. Ti. CARRY SIDE LINI N BAMPLES EVERTTHINU IN OL'li POCKET. EXCELLENT OPPOR TUNITY. LIBERAL INCOME ASSURED. EMITTA44CK3 WEEKT.V anfiRrc'l Sales mgr.. mix m cmMnrv .r: VAN tki L strict "d:irtbutor to"r-ea of"- .loea appoint eg nta and rail oa dealers for MARVEL TlilB, LIFE, a pew d'a covery which ral lvely eeele ranetuce automS'leaily and greatly lengihepa life of uutomoblle tinea. En rge:ki repr-dent-Uvce are m ttl- g 1101 to II weekly. Fo. eien terM'ary.-writ mannfacturer. MAR VEL TIRC LIT; COMPANY. Kanaaa City, Ve. ' -.- , ; . . -r. . . WASTED Traveljog wtleanuri for ppu'a4 prteeq una ratncoeie a aiae ima. s.mpir Mf. Co.. 44 Broadwr". N. T. SALESMAN experienced exiling Inaarance or booka preferred. 141 (o Ml per week. Mr. Ijimbrrt Wellington lnn.- excellent opening for ealea- WSltAVE man. VATTS RKF. CO, 11 it Nat Bank. WANTED ffatennen for Nebreaka and Iowa. Call 111 pee Bldg. WANTED fcxrerlenr-ed clothing ealraman Shirley Cloth Phop. Agents and CariVssSers.' ' ' Lett.. N waSutU -A t b.d e.abi.e.Hil firm wanta a f good aaltenarw ta aeil to farm -re and. abekmna a aew tnat-atlen wbcb they have alwaje' needed and wanted eella oa elsht a good propoel tlon for aaUcman and purrbaaer. Ex clvatv territory to thoe engaged. 110 weekly aaally mad by a good hue tier. Ad dreee Bos TUT. Omaha Bee. SPECIALTY " BALK8MEi SELL ' A& VBRTISINO SERVICE TO BANKS AND MERCHANTS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPOB TUNITIES FOR WI1X.INO WOBKERSL EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. COMMIS- BION PAID -DAILlfi tTNlQCK II.LUSr MAff WITH FORD CAR. lid' per iVr twornt 'pAri !( si now b'lng made by msnf: agents -a iling1 A device at 17.1a bleB deublee the life of asy Fftrdf snRlne. (eld or new 1. and aavel ,' a. third , ot gasoline, and. tali the lubri- eating-on.:- -, . ; r ' ' Adder K. C. Etee), tThlef .EnglneSfi 41 foutb Charleejt, BSltlmqr. M. D. THIS AD WlLIi NOT APPEAR - AGAIN. WANTED. BY L. P. RAlLnd.b. YOt'NO MFf: fj FILll POSITIONB AS -ASSISTANT AtlENTS; SALARY 111 AND - UP, DEPENDING ON ABILITY: WITH ' OOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN RAII ROAD BUS1NRB8. APPLY ROOM IIS. O. P. MEADQUARTEKS, OMAHA. NEB. AGF.NT8 Men or women; a reel honeat- to-iteodnees, acll-lteelf Una; ever IH Iljrhtwieht ponular-prlced neeesettle; w pay juo per cent cemm'eelon; II a day eaa be made at the atarti no capital; po experience required; enormona demand aell last; big repeater: valuable terri tory opsn: all or nar tim; elegent agents' outfit fnrntehed free. Write to day; postal will do. r. M, Feltman, Balra r iwii American B'flv... Cincinnati. O America and the Great wAit ProJ lumiij inueiraieo. yaay eiier. Every mother nd aver rS'l-blooded Amertcn Wahu It. Iw prtc. lg profit Freight L14, r!?'!r. 8PI fre. Cnlversal Woiwe, PMIedelnht HIT OREATEST SENSATION ll-Blec. wiit good combination selling Ilk blase at II M With 11.00 carving set Everybody bnya. Engle's profit first week 161.04. Greet crew proposttlon, Were Co, 171 Pierce Bld, Chlraao. tAOlES. attention; we have a corking good proooMtion for lady repree-ntatlvee: 1-cent poet card will b-lng full d-talla ?' ejrrtuilty: don't heaitat. Write -to-day.iDly. list, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemoht lit" WANTED Men. " women and cMdrea agent, will you eii your anar time '21 fZ d'T I'W'w Chicago Mer chaddlM House. 411 S. Dearborn gt, Chi 1 cago. Ill, AGElfi!;tker sex. Pay aatary il(0 per men h or Ito per Wek . and expen. .'B t,08 kln' selllni ralheoatd. Oood flt Mand'actoring eornpany. iOI Audubon avnu. Nw York tlta. Dnt A. POSTAte brlnr ;Piltlv , l.roo"S"7marM" HELP WAimP--MAiE " t MUvellAneotis. SEVER.L MEN WANTED. STEADY WORK. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT OF MILL, EAST OMAHA. v - Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co. . SHOVELERS, LABORERS f ON STRAIGHT TIME OR TO UNtOAB Bt THB TON: MEN TO CARBT dN BT THE TON: STEADY WORK: GOOD PAT APPLY SUNDERLAND BROS. CO. COAX. YARD. I0TH AND HICKORT. WANTED Experienced fireman for nights. SKINNER MFG. CO., N 14th aad Jackson. WANTED A STEADT TOtTNO MAN Tf DELIVER GROCERIES: GOOD WAGES. M'OEOUOH JACOBBERGER, 1101 N. iflTH. COLFAX 170. WANTET TEAMS STEADT WORK. CO. TO HAUL COAtil PLATNER WaiBEB WANTED Farm laborera at once for geni era) farm work In Floyd county., to era, Flrst-clsss wage ta experienced men Ad dree Wf A, Ptcklneon, County Agent, . Chdrle City. la. t ATTENTION, farmer . yon want belw w can (apply you. Bluff City Employ. meni Miireeu. tim w. Broadway, p 4lt. oi repeal, order propoiitlon, ;Aa oppor tuhlty to own yeur owis buitne: tremen i?0,. W'Mrtrtes .ttnnec,.rr. .EqniMbl Comoratlnei. 141 OMA, Chleage AGENTS, tii t euli .i 1 k!27 'wrl ,?twlM,l,r Pwrosltlon (hit MAN OR BOf wanted tA taks care ef ray. '"-" -eiK(wiiie ror isrgis sng free I lor oon ita room, ten ST i ,X 7 ...T omnness. Oi)ranteed H celery Co.. till Drew St. Dayton. O. COULD you aell auto gawlln at le per gaji toBT Easter ta seJ Oeeo Tonfe. reittr enminaie rarboa. Tremendous demand. ronloC PtlT. ClndnnatL "-riurryl . cornm:lon every call. ?7fii i?u'l' ney eaver vr In Vrattsgl. "Tsiww(4x,a I . ait. ' Ores Mfg; Co.. Ml Ovea Bllg Laal. ...... nf. . -. '--" .voa aa-sampi'S, new STfti'"!, "' ht - FTtl make u , "yt. n asriarisneej worW -"if PIBJ' VySUnrtDSilL -tniralsM AGENTS Perhln In f,T ' wki JQt err Dreee. Ime uink. tie plctu-e wltb punch, aMrvboae Samnle free. PnnnlM Uh e. r-hi . a WBlTBOr 'fr4. aampll ease' oVfer. " MM vrua nnjus KBfit, ,rpaAt ardsrf. . ftefto asc. ntrrrai. J3TT ' s .rtwnea ran AGENTS Big money idAmOnetrailn CehVa jun winner. aTvery woman Who. fcnlte wosoy y amrww bw, -. vemana ne,raotta w- wntt tnunewiauij. Mta Lot Craft Shop, Erie. Pa, BUTTER to pound; Economy baiter maker aoea t&e worx: guaranteed pu-e food proa oot; arenr gt buay: Kartlcntar free. Bcontmiy Berleg West MsMlcken Cincinnati, O, TOU want a typewriter Then write me. A at haw to MIIIVMrni. etanderi ITn. derweod 'end 1S0 ta money. M. C Frank, sol tuver Bt, cnicago. AOENTS-llO to'1100 a week, rrea saror.lea. Gold Sign lejttere for Store and office window. Liberal offer ta irenerah eeent. ' Metaltls Letter Co, Alt N. Clark. Chicago. toUB NAME brine. copy Money Making laeaa. tb great ss-vaga agent's ana maw dealer's magajriae,' Av H. - Kraus,. 101 y-apa Bid?,,, Mllwawteev wis. ' vacuum clkanebTagents: Best hand machine on, th market. Toln, let. 11.IK eaeh, Season new opes. BUir.Mfg. Co., Unify Bldg, Chlearo. AOENTS-esJ. weekly Introducing Wonderfai nw antnrnobll fuel. Saves 1.0, Oi Its coet. in; gseonns. aamoi cAtrt. fre. u Hallway. 114 Ore BldT, -Uulevtll. K. Bit PAT a4 Automobll . furnlehed agents introdacing wehdemi .tew anmMia foet Samnle free. J Balwey, f 14 Ovea r"i, imnvi"eity, FvB a new JnTaf soap eatraeta. jefflt SSSSZ perTumee. ete,v for- lHf..lHr rAr)! prprit. aamptea ire, wrttg quten, a- eaiaisn, c.. Bpv S3, Bt, - pws; Ma. . CHEWING orrur i. wtiitmJ- rJt . pertence reqm-ea. wan toga; Helmet Co,. ClnolahatL. ' . GAS fire In coal s'eve from eoel otl; Cheaper (haa coal; gen to bonaitss. W4 Co.. colnmbns,' OJ Hotels end Restaurants. NIGHT POTtf EB, Wanted at . theFlMaa wnfi. urn and FSraam. Tenmsers and ChaaftetTs. IeamsTErs. steadt work. oood wages, SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMPANT. I4T8 AND BBtf LINE. 4- Tratls cidhtirols. uL'hil'fiAribKit r'tM.t' Mitt, women, leant the barWr trad': s few week complete: pay-while learning catalogue-' rr, . natea .sow an, uu ar write no Boutn nth St.. omatsa. AtTOMOBtLE SHotiir" Leant 'Ui ls veeeka, bo book: assy ta leari Scl frea catalogue. National Ante nil n. tots Bt, omaba. Neb. MUTH-r-Mfn a(l women to learn the barber tredA Special fatee Call ar writ. 1401 TRl'cifY BARKER COLLEGE. RR an ante arra tractor expert In a few weeks; era 110 ta l-i"S a month Oar big reee Bona explna Ran a. AMI gcaoel 111 ok rttt . Kane Cltv. Mo AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COIXUGB." rSoylT WRAPPER-BOY ABOtTfj 8. A- PLY THE OMAHA NEWS CO,. 1STH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED Bog" tor preeiroom, hvy ?ort lie a wees, goo a cnnr pr, savenc. meni tor one who can deliver." , Night work . Be Mf. Miller, night toremeh. -, Omgha. Bee , '.a fJ ite. (0 Stsinia. HOT .wiNTEDier li Uni of - leart , trunk trade, 'Feeling IIOI Frnfn St ' WANTED Boy,Jli IrUr. lai mailing roomi good .wages; permaaent poettion., APpiy Joeepb Ore;, OmabA TflbttSN 111! Howi drd St Tslef 140, W JN ViSlwBoy about It yea a of age te do- Jlver Usht , packages ana worn a-ounn e'ora. Tiemlncmn Jk Keasler, tailo . second fnoe T;m 71k. - wXlvThl) AT l)Nf-E '' . .' . -OTIr boy f.r edl'oilal depsrtm"nt Omaha Biie. ftoon tip .. ...... n-iY WAKi'MJ wllh 'nmxuny. fwelfth i d ljarTsm F.'-8'4t LAhie-. eiauufatUier waau reyrtavauUvca . ta aell ehtrta. underwear; bealary . dreasee, walata, skirta direct to bomee. Write for free aample. Msdlsen Mill. M Bmad- TtATTNO covrNT, TRIBUNB BLDG I hit: tf permanently located, write. Schu NEW YOP.K CITT - I bett ilOIC 8. Halsted, Cblcagw I I bett tlOiC 8. Halsted, Cblcagw n -,,u-Tt-o's. CORRESPONDENTS rievea Weeded Im- - m-dlstely; open In i fr more soon. $ii to iS when training, . f renee,- experiehee, bow, dating ag. frenc. experience, edacatlon. - Write Monro. 10 W. 40tb 8t New Yorb. - ' ' ' MEN AND WOMEN ill " good 40-aere farm In Mmneaota will be given FREB la - exchange for a little work. Addree H41, Boa IT. Oirafd. Kan. - WANTEDA reliable man for light delivery wagea; steady poeltioa: 111 -per week: gtva reference and pbaaa number. Bos 3111, Omaha Be . HELP WANTED Male andlFemalw. WANTED Men. women. Thoueanda govi ernynent war peeitlena open; list month. Examlnatlone everywhere. Liet f-e. frasklla Inetltnta. Dept ItT-H, Rocbe. , for. N. T. j WANTED LoUy porters, maids, boa boy aad kitebeb men, fisnahaw hossL HELP WANTED-. FEMALE Stores anrl OfSraa. STENOGRAPHER and clek. nwWntW 4tftr eilaflMa, SHratmiegvapaer An4 eierk, toerruTVtarlftg tirm. out of town, fill aiaafertt bookkeeper, tmtewn efVtoe, I7S; etttiot-aptter. abt firm. Ill: aisaog. shbsv i bag(br, InstrraAc efflcA, fH ateneavApipar aad cterfc. o town efrie, fg. roeantJeb room girt, prefer typist. p49: f!l- - lae -Mev' ai WESTERN RBFERENCB BOND ASSlV, un-iumi-r or in nerenne puamtna. rirwrtienl Ban Building. EARN CfOOD WAGES"" Pleasant work fcing and pacWnt SUNSfflNB BisctlitB, Good workers rapidljr advanced LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT rO 2th and Davenport Sts. . HJVffRTtniTa" Tlx as ttiT tx, 'A . Bookkeper. fine Ine, office. I7K. Bookkeeper and etenograpber, 171. Bookkoeperv manufacturing fl-m. US, Ledger cleric, good penman, ICO. Two dlctanhone nneretnee.. SHAFTS '.Two eomptdmeter operator. 10-7. k jugntnea stenographer. 140-171, - THB - MARTI COMPANT " ' " 1I1T-II W. O. W. Bids. Stenographers., st-ts-7Q-te,si-i4tri Dw-K.".r.,' ese-f ia-e-v; typiai. sts- ii.tM-t45-40; pffica clerks. Il5-I40.t- I40-I1S, :r - WATTE. RE. CO.. tilt Ist-Nat. Bank. FIFTEEN '' STENOGRAPHERS., lli-lfi: Tfplst, 9ll;-ledgr CMrk. 7; Two Order Clerks. ftMt. - : COiOPBRATIVB REFERENCR C(V Iftll.Clty Natjamtf jBank Bldg. DEMONSTRATOR wented to aselst at fdod show Oct II. 3fve telephone number. Sen tell. Omlha. Bee. - . - '. WANTBIW-Two good. . bright experienced 5i.on-s-.pne, salary e xe siari. x ar enter Penee Co, '.- .. , WANTBDr-qi.l to wotk "in" elgaf drink jOarlbr.- S401. aa aoft 101 -Plorce street Household and Domeit:c. ANTED Experience' ufatalra rneHd to do aewing ana ensmoer workr reference re auired. Annt I. Uta irtkn,.r iniii, 4lll Park Av. TelephOn H lS. ' WANTED EXPERIKNCED WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SMALL rAMiLT! COOD WAQES; NO WASHING. 1011 PACIFIC. H. 111. . $ntEt-Houekeeper by young Grtrnaa larmer: Carman nreferred: give full par -tlculara la anawer. f. O. Bos 111. Reg. nard. Neb. . . WANTE"D-A eempsteht white gUI for gen- erai aeuae work; email family: no wneh In 1111 f!.Mi. tw,, ttr.i.. WANTED C Irl la Saalst Wt. hotieeweTk an can i cg email enua. . No waining. Apt 11 th Blrehwood. PhOn Walnut If. . t. WANTED Compt tent -gif!- fef geatfai .'reU waggish WMJg &LPP. 6J?.irP 4EriRAS nui'snwyna BaAliIiJAUlM; SMALL HOUSE: OOOltJ AGES. k. 1II4L r-r.T1 AfTTEAsnit!ales5i "lady-aal - keeper la wlddwaf'S faihlly ,yilb I f drei tesIlS Xdwarda. AlMdn. K'.tv WANfJWA rcmpeteni whiw cook, .Ref! wanieo.. ppw t CtuS. Mr. arence wbhtW. , Apply St otiie. Jifb. gL A, Htggtnat 101 S. 19th St . , WANTED-Silrl for geheral housawolir.eS washing; email fatally; good wakoa.' Mar. GIRL lor Keaeral houaework, lira Start event Phone Harney 41. WANTED A white girl for general bouee? . work! no Weening. Tel. Har 1041. OlftL for aacond work, Food ' waged "Uri 'T weraer. hbt Jacfceon. Harney IT. colored woman oij (ara. Southern preferred. Benson 17J. , Hotels and Restanranti. . WA NT iiD -Experienced head waltrea. High "". iicKei eavanceq. itotel faddock, Beatrice, hfeh. WANTED A dining room girl anJ iilUl Hospital. I10S Clarkaon eodk. Apply Howard St. WANTED Good dlnlbg room girl' at Wlae Memorial, hospital. Ty. jilj, Tr1 SctiMnla - y. . WANicD MdleS ,lo learA ina Sperlat rate and bsrbtr ucement trade. TRI-CITt BARBEB CoI.LRqtf M acellanemie irAJfTED-at once, four .bright 'cai'obie I- "SI?!." V f er o', ". reeldents yf Omiha and ViJnity who find It free. arjf ta Sara fhelf own llvlgf And would be interested in Sa iling from Al to tii Alsd Walited (o (ravel. Nursing, teaob. Ir.g cr other experience prefcr.ed. bee wet aieoiutely ctsmtlaL . Tall Caatle hotel Monday ! a. m and ask. for Mr. -Wheeling. , v II- evi vlif i.".amiaatii...4.u ouuilu .wo. i"onnn dalrlng rlerlsshlia, poetofflce, governmi"! t d Rrtm-Ji:a, Sttmogrftrhere, write for f.-r-e parti-. n i:t to i. C. Leonard, 'f irrp -r govt ram st xamlner), 6:4 'ern e Tl'd -, .Weeh'-.-'on -i.o. ku.trrtini .it vnr poewtio e oiien lu wcmei, H or pvtr. In) mentn, I.tet fre. Franklin In;iiute. Det. tJ H, l(lei'fr, V. V. EARN 111 weekly. -.aee Hms, writing, for new i-apera, mim: exj- onnec.j o tall free. Pre Syadkate, 24, St boots, Mo. -, . ' WANTtD Ocior, d wornea cblckea picker? Swift at Oo 3th aad Lcaveowort. . t; i " is Ptreitte'nt AdYtitktnf If lb R44 to Soccee