111 h UMAHA bU-NJIAJ i'i UCTOtlh-K K. Ki. 7 B v PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES Exposures -By KILOWATT- Stars IVio JVi Sane on. Screen for Omaha This Week REMEMBER Franklyn Farnum. who I was one of the visltm players at ' Omaha's movie ball? He struck up quite a friendship for Manager Cal vert of the local Bluebird exchange, and In ; a recent letter to htm referred to the good J time he had while here, and wishing all i trlth whom he made acquaintance while : here the best of wishes. j Director R. A. Walsh has Introduced a ' core of his usual deft touch in "This Is ! the Life," a forthcoming William Fox film, tarring hia brother. George Walsh. In one ! cene of this comedy-drama George, having i escaped from Jail, seeks some method of ' ridding himself of his striped convict garb. 1 AS ha SitB In a KHflnriAii bBipU..v ........ i ! " " ..11. J PUJ, IJUAAIIIIK. group of marathon runners, in white shirts and trunks, rush by. In an Instant, George's prison suit reposes In a barrel, and he stands arrayed in his athletic underwear. Dipping hia finger Into the axle grease of a buggy wheel he smears the letter "A" on his shirt Then he catches up with the run ner and wins the race. Helen Holmes and J. P. McGowan and company have returned from Sacramento, where Helen gave the spectators at the state fair some big thrills when she Jumped from a train to an automobile Just prior to a real honest-to-goodness collision. Miss Helen re ceived a splendid ovation anM was not only delighted, but showed it. Francis X Bushman and Beverly Bayne, famous Metro co-etars have returned from Georgia, where southern scenes were taken for their forthcoming feature, "The Voice of Conscience." written by Finis Fox and directed by Edwin Carewe, with the assist ance or the author. "Fatty" Arbuckle estimates that he has received 110 rolling pins, nearly 1.000 pies, several hundred sack 'of flour, an Indefinite amount of crockery and S00 quarts of ice cream In broadside directed at his ample person since he started on bis career be fore the camera. Viola Dana, Metro tar, conscientiously follow her director's instructions, a she believe that the destiny of a picture should be left olely to him. A the result of her ebedlenee. h seldom has to go through "retakes." Bills for Current Week Orphenm When "The Retreat of the German at the Battle of Arras," the Brit ish official war motion picture, Is shown at the Orpheum beginning Sunday, October 24, It may occur to some patrons to ask where wa the camera man when he took those scenes, and again it may not. The twelve reels which comprise these pictures are the composite effort of fifty camera men, the pick of all the expert cinemato urapher In the allied forces. Only four escapea injury, and a moment's thought after the pictures are seen will lend one to wonder what atrange trick af providence saved them. Several men were killed and other are even now lying seriously wounded back in hospital In "bllghtly." It was im possible to save all the cameras, however, a some of them were destroyed by German shot and shell. King George ha recognized the valor of the camera men who took these picture all soldiers, by the way and most of them have been decorated for their bravery. Son For those who want to laugh the offering for today and Monday at the Sun, "Skinner's Baby," featuring Bryant Wash burn, fully equal Mr. Washburn's "Skin tier' Dree Suit." Haiel Daly, "Honey" In "Skinner's Dress Suit,' again appears In that role. Christie comedy, "Out for the Coin," and the latest new weekly complete the program. Tuesday and Wednesday, Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, return In a seven -act play, "Their Compact," a story of manly courage and the west. Sidney Drew offer ''HI Curiosity" Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Valeska Suratt, in the New York ttage success, "A Rich Man's Plaything," a story of a girl and a man who doubt her power to resist the Influence of wealth. A comedy, new weekly and Mutt and Jeff cartoon fill out the bill. - Strand Two worth while comedies hold forth at the Strand this week, Madge Ken nedy In Margaret Mayo' well known farce, "Baby Mine," and Julian Eltfnge in "Countess Charming." "Baby Mine" in picture form Is even more acceptable than when seen on the stage, while Mis Ken nedy Is one of the most charming per former the screen ha yet discovered. Richard Harding Davis' well known short story, "Gallagher," together with the lat est issue of the Pathe Weekly, will also add to the zest of the performance. Wed nesday till Saturday come Julian Eltinga In hi first screen vehicle, "The Countess Charming." Eltlngs was seen here only last season, and much Is said in praise of his first screen vehicle, which is built sole ly for laughing purposes. Next week's tar are Maxln Elliott and Marguerite Clark. Muse Much ha been said about "The Honor System," which will be seen here to day and for the next four days. A a big human entertainment it Justifies Its exist ence. Following are the notable actors and actreaie who carry the big parts: Milton Sills, George Walsh, Charles Clary, Arthur Maekley, J. K. Marcus, Boy Rice, Mlrlan Cooper, Gladys Brockwell, Mrs. Cora Drew and Lillian Hathaway Owing to the length of the photoplay shows will start at 1, 3, 6, 7, 9. Friday and Saturday. Roy Stewart will be seen In "The Devil Dodger." Impress Starting today for the first four days of the week, the" photoplay Is Mildred ALII AM BRA 24th and Parker Today BESSIE LOVE, in "THE SAWDUST RING" Monday FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and JAMES J. JEFFRIES, in "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE" LOTHR OP 1221 BRYANT WASHBURN, in ilLing his own shoes" Thursday- Matinee and Night MARY PICKFORD, in "ROMANCE OF REDWOODS" SUBURBAN Today FREDERICK WARDE, in J "Under False Colors" Tuesday , MARGUERITE CLARK in "THE AMAZONS" , Telephene Harney 1806 28th and Leavenworth Sts. Today at 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15 and 9 EARLE WILLIAMS, in "TRANSGRESSION" Mon. Antonio Moreno Tues. ALICE JOYCE . WEDNESDAY FLORENCE LA BADIE in "War and the Woman" Thurs. Mary Pickford FRIDAY MARGUERITE CLARK in "The Valentine Girl" SATURDAY ALICE BRADY, in "BETSY ROSS" m$ J & . ; tip m 4 ' but a decidedly modern on. Monday, Frances Nelson In a drama, "The l'ower of Decision." Tuesday, Jack Pickford In a college play, "The Varmint." Wednesday, "Haahamurt Togo" with Sessue llayabawa, the experiences of a Japanese ai'hoolboy. Thursday, Bessie Rarrlscal In "Horrowed l'lumage." Friday, Oeorge Walsh in "Some Boy." Saturday, William Courtney In "The Kecoil." and fourteenth chapter of "The Fatal Ring." Apollo Manager Kddy Monaghan has one of the beat bills for the current week, he ha presented for some time. Today Is Karle Williams In "Transgression," a play with a story that will Impress? Monday, Antonio Moreno In his first rathe play, "The Angel Factory." Tuesday, Alice Joyce In "An Alabaster Box." Wednesday, Florence Ia Badle .In "War and the Wo. man." Thursday, Mary l'lckford in "Ths Valentine Girl." Saturday, Alice Brady In "Betsy Ross." fiilZiSmiams Sesse&vrsue &u$, Fairbanks fiidckWwk J(LOTRCP) (APOLLO) ($ANo) (BOULEVARD) (OWSC) i"FJ Manning and Wallace McDonald In "The Princess of Park Row." The ramifications of this drama, which Is filled with thrills, relieved by touches of comedy and romance, are remarkably well set forth In the pro duction. Billy West, the comedian, ap pears In his latest comedy, "The Goat," which In this Instance Is the kaiser's. Billy 1 the proud Inventor of a machine that will destroy the submarines and is engaged In special secret service work, which puts him In the most funny situations. Pathe Newa and latest pictures on the war front com plete the program. Hipp "Bondage," with Dorothy Phillips as the star. Is here today and Monday. The story is of a young girl who leaves her country home to make a success as a news paper woman In the city, and Is assigned to obtaining sensational news for a yellow sheet. Tuesday and Wednesday Mildred Manning and Marc MacDermott in "Mary Jane's Pa." a comedy-drama story of rural life. Thursday only, Alice Joyce and Harry Morey in "The Coojrage of Silence.'' Fri day and Saturday Violet MacMlllen In "The Girl Who Won Out," a story of thrills and unusual situations. Boulevard A timely story of base hall Is told in "The Pinch Hitter," starring Charles Ray. It shows a country yap who goes to college and such a poor ball player that he Is mads the macot, but in the champion-" s:ll: f - rt , i and, of course, wins the game Monday, Louise Glaum. Tuesday, Margarita Fischer, Wednesday, Madam Olga Petrova. Thurs day, Douglas Fairbanks. Friday, "Cin derella and the Magic Slipper," with an all star cast of children. Saturday, Juliette Day. Alhambra Bessie Love In "The Sawdust Ring," which shows here today, is supported by a player who, although young In years, gives a performance that will make htm looked for in the future. Monday Is a special treat with Francis X. Bushman, Beverly Tlayne and James J. Jeffries in "Pennington's Choice," In which Bushman In a prize fight knocks out the famous pugilist. Dundee There will be no show at this theater today. Monday Is Mary Anderson In "The Divorcee," a domestic comedy drama. Hearst-Pathe News also. Tuesday Mabel Taliaferro In "The Sunbeam." Thurs day, Clara Kimball Toung In "The Price She Paid," based on the book of the same name. Grand Carlyle Blackwell, Is here today In "The Marriage Market," a play full of action and In which this popular star Is shown to advantage. Monday Margarita ROHLFF in 2559 TODAY THELMA SALTER "SLUMBERLAND" Monday FRANCES NELSON, in "THE POWER OF DECISION" Tuesday JACK PICKFORD, in "THE VARMINT" . Wednesday SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "HASHIMURA TOGO" Thursday BESSIE BARRISCALE in 'BORROWED PLUMAGE Friday GEORGE WALSH, in , "SOME BOY" Saturday WILLIAM COURTENEY in "THE RECOIL" No! 14 "The Fatal Ring" Telephone Harney 4272 BOULEVARD THIRTY-THIRD AND LEAVENWORTH TODAY CHARLES RAY, in "THE PINCH HITTER" MONDAY LOUISE GLAUM, in "A Strange Transgressor' TUESDAY MARGARITA FISCHER in "GIRL WHO COULDN'T GROW UP" WEDNESDAY MME. OLGA PETROVA in "EXTRAVAGANCE" THURSDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "DOUBLE TROUBLE" FRIDAY "CINDERELLA AND THE MAGIC SLIPPER" SATURDAY JULIETTE DAY, in "THE RAINBOW GIRL" Fischer In "The Girl Who Couldn't Grow Up," in which this star Is a happy, reck less tomboy, shocking her stepmother on every possible occasion. Bessie Barrlscale Wednesday In "Borrowed Plumage." Lothrop Bryant Washburn In "Filling Mis Own Shoes," Is here today. It tells of a young; shoe salesman and of his ex periences in the land of harems. In fact he has one wished on him. Hearst-Pathe News also. Monday and Tuesday, Edward Earle and Betty Howe In "For France," a patriotic and timely drama with a lova theme lrreslstable. Hamilton "For France," starring Ed ward Earle and Betty Howe will be seen here today. It is a Greater Vltagraph pro duction, patriotic and full of Intense ac tion. Monday, Mary Miles Mlnter In "Charity Castle." Tuesday, Wilfred Lucas In "A I.ove Sublime." Wednesday and Thursday. Dorothy Dalton In "The Flame of tho Yukon," a fast action story of Alaska. Friday and Saturday, Norma Tal madge and Charles Richmond In one of the greatest patriotic preparedness spectacles, "Tho Battle Cry of Peace." Suburban "Under False Colors," starring Frederick Warde, will be shown here today. In which this veteran of the stage Is said' ((Admission, 10 Cents) TODAY AND MONDAY DOROTHY PHILLIPS, in "BONPAGE" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MILDRED MANNING & MARC MAC DERMOTT in "MARY JANE'S PA" THURSDAY ONLY ALICE JOYCE, in "Courage of Silence" No. 14 "THE GRAY GHOST" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY VIOLET MAC MILLAN in "Girl Who Won Out" m as m 9 . TODAY Till Thursday Gladys Brockwell, George Walsh and Marian Cooper in WILLIAM FOX'S MASTER DBAMA HE NiaoB SYSTEM" In 10 Reels Guaranteed to thrill you to send you away glad for having seen it. We stake our word on the "Honor System." Please Note Schedule Feature Begins 'at 1:00,3:00,5:00,7:00 and 9:00. ' ilui Matinee prices same as night 7. to be shown to better advantage than any of his other notable (Urn productions. A good comedy will also be shown. Monday, Uessle Barrlscale In "Borrowed Plumage." Tuesday, Marguerite Clark In "The Amazons," Rohlff-"In Slumberland," will be shown here today. Starring little Thelma Salter and a competent cast. It Is not a fairy tory, Ha roil ton TODAY EDWARD EARLE, in "FOR FRANCE" MONDAY MARY MILES MINTER in "CHARITY CASTLE" TUESDAY WILFRED LUCAS, in "A LOVE SUBLIME" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY DOROTHY DALTON, in "Flame of the Yukon" The Picture That Has Made All Omaha Talk of It. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NORMA TALMADGE CHARLES RICHMOND in "Battle Cry of Peace" TODAY MONDAY A Continuous Laugh For An Hour and a Half J us mm:.- hnn i -s .yf rtiiaii, ..... .-jiy Skinner's Baby Featuring Bryant Washburn a)4 the all-star Skinner Cast, including Hazel Daly as "Honey" A scintillating and refreshing comedy wound 'round the life of the most lovable, true to Ufa married couple the screen has ever known. ONCE WILL NOT SATISFY YOU YOU WILL WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN T U E S D A Y 1 Francis Bushman and Beverly Bayne THURSDAY Valeska Suratt DUNDEE 51st and Underwood NO SHOW TODAY MONDAY MARY ANDERSON, in "THE DIVORCEE" THURSDAY ONLY Clara Kimball Young, in "THE PRICE SHE PAID" FRIDAY Frederick Warde, in "Under False Colors" THEATER BEAUTIFUL GRAND Today CARLYLE BLACKWELL in "The Marriage Market" MONDAY MARGARITA FISCHER in "THE GIRL WHO COULDN'T GROW UP" Presents Its First Comedy Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Madge Kennedy in "Baby Mine" By Margaret Mayo Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday, Sat. Julian Eltinge in "The Countess Charming" immmesMmMMmMMMOMm ni'rom li,:llllinr:ill',ibii! is; is Si H m wmmsmum isiMMiMiinwMnimmM THANKS We want to thank all the exhibitors for the past bus iness they have given us, which has made it possible for us to Move Into Larger Quarters and our new Nest will be 214 South 14th-2d Floor where we will be in a position to give you eren bet ter service than in the past Pay us a visit, for we are all dolled up and rarin' to go. Business is good, thank you. P. S. Alico HotcII Cotnodle wr nwvlag with m. Alice "Howdy, Folks." BLUEBISD Plays Photo ILL Cl T U 1 1) r,T-i in m . ' Mirtiirm iniei tr m lUUJJidiiiiuMiiuiuiiiii ti luir LiiimHunuiiiiitMUJiPiiiJiriu jiiii jumijm i rniiMnii uh t r NioriijHMuniiuriiiiriJiiiiiiiutujriutiiciitir fhii: Jif luiHi.MEtitirj nun: urn rntimt m itiPMHHiuU!ntii ' 'I the mm ; , m 'Worop M'J?, f f mm with 11 the Worlds Greatest Serial Star HERE is A GREATER serial than any in which Pearl White has EVER appeared. That 'statement alone is wonderfully alluring, but more alluring still is this fact: Pearl White takes part in more amazing THRILLS than ever before. Can you imagine THAT? This marvellous girl has again outshone herself. She has positively reached the HIGH WATER MARK of success, in a serial that excels. .It is a WONDERFUL serial with a MARVELLOUS STAR and a SUPERB cast, including Ruby Hoffman, who gives an exquisite portrayal of' an Arabian Priestess, and Motion Picture the temow "Vinian of Patrm e Read the fascinating story in the Omaha Sunday Bee See a new episode each week on the screen At Best