THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1917. SECURITY SHRINKAGE PROCESS CONTINUES Shares of All Description, Add 3 to 7 Points to Decline During Week; Seasoned Industrials Better. ew xotk, ucl t. operations in the securities market this week were curtailed to an extent by the observ' ance of a double holiday, but the process of lfuidation continued with little inter-uption. Shares of all descriptions, particu larly investment shares, added 3 to 7 points to their shrinkage of the last month. Utility issues were hardest hit, suspension of the dividend on Peo ple's Gas being preceded -and fol lowed by extreme losses of 10 to 20 points. Declines in rails, amany of which touched lowest quotations of the year and not a ew for many years, excited widespread comment, inasmuch as the movement included shares of high in trinsic value. Steady offerings of these stocks occajioned much con jecture respecting future dividends. Employes' Demands Complicate Rails, Numerous additional statements of railroad earnings compiled by the In terstate Commerce commission ac companied the revival of agitation for increased freight rates. The demand of the railway employes east ot Chi caeo and north of Potomac for more pay add,ed to the complicated condi- lions aireaay existing m mc ihiib portation field. On the whole seasoned industrials fared better than mos,t other shares, althoueh United States Steel came within easy approach of its low quo tation for the year and affiliated is sues were even weaker. Time and call money loans were decidedly lower, but funds were not available for stock market purposes. Rates to some of the neutral Euro pean countries hardened on the more restricted embargo, but remittances elsewhere showed no material altera tion. Brazil May Put German, Vessels at Allies' Service Paris, Oct. 12. Maurice Long, minister of provisions, was asked in the Chamber of Deputies- yesterday whether he believed the sequestration of German shipping in Brazil could be raised. The minister replied that he not only hoped so but be believed that he could assure the house that this tonnage was at the disposal of the allies for use in carrying food. Brazil severed diplomatic relations with Germany on April 11, 1917, and seized forty-six German merchant ships aggregating 240,779 tons, laid up in Brazilian harbors. On Sep tember 5 the Brazilian minister of marine announced that his govern ment would not lease the German ships to the entente allies. Four More Suspects Are Indicted in Ship Bomb Case New York, Oct 12. Indictments charging a conspiracy to "plant" in cendiary bombs aboard ships carrying munitions of war from this port to the entente allies in 1915 were re turned by a federal grand jury here today against Eugene Reister, Joseph Zeffert, Walter Uhde and Bonford Boniface Three of the men were taken into custody last night by the police "bomb squad" and the fourth today. In default of bail they were sent to jail Germer Says Socialist Party Ordered Pamphlets Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 12. Adolph Germer, secretary of the na tional socialist party, testifying in his own behalf in United States district court today, declared that the so- The Most Sensational SEWING E MACHIN SALE i EverHeld,Now On at Mickel's NteQiifMiBi! ACT QUICKLY, The Club Is Filling Rapidly IICKEL'S Omaha Kiddies Rehearse for Russian Dance Under Tutelage of Mrs. J. Ervine Brandeis and Her Sister PHOTO TAKEN ON STAGE OF BRANDEIS THEATER SHOWS MRS. BRANDEIS (ON RIGHT) AND HER SISTER, MISS A1LEEN FRANK (ON LEFT), TEACHING THE KIDDIES THEIR STEPS FOR THE PUBLIC PERFORMANCE. Cinderella, Cupid, and a tiny Rus sian ballet, made up of eleven little dancers between the ages of 6 and 11, will appear on the second floor of the Brandeis stores, this morning at 10, then at 11 o'clock, and in the after noon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. E. John Bran deis, a talented dancer and a student of Vestoff and other celebated dancing masters, has been training the little terpsichoreans almost since her arrival in Omaha as a bride. Her sister, Miss Aileen Frank, of San Francisco, who has been visiting Mrs. Brandeis for several weeks, assisted the little Omaha woman in getting the ballet ready for the public performance. Miss Frank helped design the costumes of the children also. Mrs. Brandeis originally planned the called anti-war pamphlets which were printed in Chicago at his direction were ordered by the national war committee of the socialist organization. Gprmpr. wlih with plpvpn nttipr nr. sons is being tried on charges of con spiracy to defeat the purposes of the "nvint man, ucnicu wiai lie was involved in any anti-draft conspiracy. The government has charged that the pamphlet sent out contained dis loyal utterances. Germer declared that he did not consider the pamphlet disloyal and testified that it was not sent out for the purpose of inducing young men to oppose the selective draft. ballet to be given for a Red Cross benefit and had trained the little dancers especially for this purpose. So many Red 'Cross affairs have been given, however, that it was deemed wisest by local authorities not to make any more demafids for funds in the name of the Red Cross. "The children were so disappointed. They had looked forward to their 'de but' so eagerly, we decided to give the performance rh the Brandeis stores," said Mrs. Brandeis. Besides the flance in honor of Cin derella, there will be interpretive danc ing with much pantomine work. The children will appear in several dif ferent costumes, besides the Rus sian. The photograph of the little danc- ers, with Mrs. Brandeis and her sister, Miss frank, was taken at a dress re hearsal Thursday. The dancers are: Cinderella, Gwen dolyn Mayes: Cupid, Anne Amsdcn Russian ballet: George Pcrlman, Jose phine Thomas, Marguerite Rhine, Adele Brady, Stephen Brady, Frances Harrison, Doris Secord, Agnes Burns, Hazel Lewis. BeLl-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25cat all druggists. 15th and Harney. s 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Pure Thread Silk Hose $1.00 Pair- "Onyx" Quality, all shades, sold at oth er stores at $1.25, our ' price, pair, $1.00. "Famous for Blouses" Omaha. Up to $9.00 Silk Petticoats $4.95 II Taffetas and Jersey tops, change able, plain and fan cies; remarkable values. Featuring Suits of Extreme $ Good Style, Saturday at . . ; . We've re-grouped many of our $29.50 and $35.00 Suits and priced them $25.00 to augment this very special Saturday offer The Colors: Navy, Seal, Russian Green, Beet Root, Taupe, Plum, Reindeer, Oxford. The Styles: Smart, high waisted effects, new shoulder effects, large, novelty collars. The Fabrics: Broadcloths, Poplins, Ve lours, Serges, Gabardines, Homespuns. mm wm Beautiful Tailored Suits $ Greatly Under priced at . These rare styled suits are easily "worth $10.00 more the styles, fabrics and splendid workmanship can not be dupli cated in suits elsewhere at this attrac tive price. Rich Broadcloths, Velours, Ga bardines and Serges, in Beet Root, Greens, Blues, Reindeer and Brown. Coats Coats Coats Coats Never Such Stacks As We Show Today v Hundreds of coats, comprising the greatest stocks in the history of this , store, greet you here Saturday from the finest to the least expensive - that's good, we can more than satisfy you. Coats at $19.50 Wonderful values, the very type of , Coats which you see elsewhere priced at $25.00. Warm, luxurious Coats, in Kerseys, Velours and Novelty Coatings, all de sirable colors, stitched, plush and fur trimmed; all sizes. v Coats at $29.50 Stunning new models, so attractively priced that you'll find it difficult to resist buying. Rich Velours, Pom Poms, Kerseys and other favored cloths, fashioned into most becoming Coats; all the wanted colors are here, many are trimmed in fur; rich linings. Serge Dresses Reach a New Stage of Popularity Every day the demand for Serge Dresses becomes more pronounced Every day sees dozens of dresses leave this store and other dozens of new ones arrive. For Saturday, we offer two very special Dress values. ... He y - An Important Offer in Dresses at ... $ Men's Wear Serges, in Navx Black, Green and Reindeer. Braided, stitched and em. broidered trimmed; wonder ful range of pleasing styles. Very special, at Stunning New Models in Serge Dresses, $ Extreme good style distin guishes every dress in this ' great lot. Navy and a few colors, wide varieties of trimmings, all sizes ; most un usual values, at WO You'll Buy Blouses Saturday at Decisive Savings Lot 1--Up to $10 Blouses (j Beautiful Georgettes, Satins, Crepe de UJ Chines and Taffetas; about 1.000 in the lot, including hosts of dainty styles; new suit shades as well as white and flesh. , 00 I i Lot 2-Up to $6 Blouses Crepe de Chines, Georgettes, in white, (ft flesh and fancy stripes; tailored and i dressy models, wide range of beautiful styles. It's the-blouse opportunity of the season $95 Sequestratorjakes Over Bolo Pasha Money Taris, Oct. 12. The military court inquiring into the activities of Bolo Pasha has appointed a sequestrator for the money Bo!o advanced to Sen ator Charles Humbert, owner of the Journal. The money amounts to 6,000,000 francs, which the sequestra tor will deposit with the deposit and consignment oflice, a section of the ministry of finance. The sequestra tor was appointed at the suggestion of Bolo, Senator Humbert not oppos ing the move. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. . Berg Suits Me Double Service Clothes Means double wear and double looks Made from the finest fabrics and the strongest selected wool yarns and identify The World's Very Best Kuppenheimer and Society Brand The magnificent display we offer in these famous clothes furnishes positive proof of our Superior Styles, Qualities and Values. The youth of 20 and the youth of 50 find them equally pleasing. $ Suits In the best models and fabrics. Clydes, Tiltens, Spartan Plaids, in Plum Shades, Shadow Greens, Cocoanut Browns, Coffee Browns, Flash Blues, etc., etc. $20 to $45 Overcoats In fabrics from the most famous wearers in the world. Belted Trench Coats, form fitting, swag ger full-back models. $20 to $60 JPH mm $15 Wonderful Values at $15.00 For the man or youn men who Jim only fifteen dollars to invest In a suit or n over eot, we en probably give more real quality and atyle than anyone In town caiaimerea, worsteds, ehevloti, serges, oxfords, kerseya and novelty fabrics. Regular $18 to $20 value. Fall and Winter Style Hats All the fashionable blocks and colors greens, browns, grays, pearls, palmettos, olive, ivy, bronze, laurels, coffee, tan, khaki and black. Berg Specials, 93.00 and $4.00. Mallory's "Cravenetted," $3.00 and $3.50. Crofut-Knapp Co., $3.50 and $4.50. Stetson's, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. Plain, Scratch, Satin Finish, Ve- lour and Beaver Styles. Imported Borsalino Hats, at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. Shooting Vests, leather lined. Corduroy and Khaki rants. Furnishings of Class and Reputation Choice styles and qualities. Manhattan Shirts, $1.75 to $3.50. Superior and Vassar Under wear, $1.50 to $6.00. - Two-piece Underwear, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. Hosiery, 23c, 35c, 50c, 60c. Handsome New Silk Shirts, $5 to $8.50. Star Shirts, $1.75 to $3.00. Jersey Sweaters, fancy, $3.00 and $3.50. - Jumbo Sweaters, $5, $64 $7. Cotton and Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.50 to $2.50. Auto Lined Khaki Goats. Extra Wool Trousers. Canvas Hunting Coats. 1415 Farnam Street AMUSEMENTS. LAST TIMES TODAY "Please, Mr. Detective" Musical Comedy. . Sperry and Rae In "The Traveling Salesman." Julia Edwards Eccentric Comedienne. Lew Wells Monologue and Saxophone. Pathe Photoplay Feature Gladys Hulette in "Crooked Romance" BOYD MATINEE TODAY, 2:30 TONICHT LAST TIME ANNA HELD In the Musical Comedy Sensation "FOLLOW ME" Nights. 80c to $2.00 Mat., 50c to $1.50. Com. Sun. Mat. For Four Days . MATINEES TUES., WED, 25c. Bartley Campbell's Beautiful Southern Romance 'THE WHITE SLAVE" With Colored Plantation Singers and Dancers. Mats., 25c Nighta, 25c to TSc. BOYD Phone Doug. 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Daily Matinees, 2:15; Night, SilS. This Week AUSTIN WEBB A CO.. Hamlltoe & Baraet: Stnor Wsitear: Baa Deely A Co.; Dtnoiei irrens : Dsns "RUBEVILLE" Rlilto: Omhaum Trawl Weekly, Priest: Matlsee, GslKnr. lOe: But Bests seei Sttyrdiy and Sunday) fie; Nlahti, 10c. 23c. Me sad 7Se. TONIGHT MATINEE TODAY Wm. Hodge's Greatest Success 'The Road to Happiness' "It Takes the Oucb out of Crouch." Night, 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c Mat, 25c to 50c "PMAH'S FUN CENTER" CCrtttIf7m ""y Mats, IS-25-BOc ff-yCf Evenings. 25-50-75c-$l Burlesque's Most Popular Entertainer, BEN WELCH A B G SHOW MUSICAL BURLESQUE Only time her this season. See Iny at the moving picture studio and the Welch Danc ing Girls. Beauty Chorus of Soloists. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS AMUSEMENTS. Phono Doug. . 484 "RUBEVILLE' THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE. Last Two Times and Currant RIII Matinee Today, 2:15 CURTAIN TONIGHT S SHARP. - Nest Week MARTIN BECK Presents "THE RETREAT OF THE GER. MANS AT THE BATTLE OF ARRAS" In Addition to the Usual Sup rem Vaudeville. PHOTOPLAYS. USE M A BELLE BENNETT "The Bond of Fear" X "HIS PREVIOUS LIFE" X H (Keystone) 2 0 Sunday : A "THE HONOR SYSTEM" A IB III PAULINE III FREDERICK- "Double Crossed" Last Timss Today HARRY CAREY, in . "THE SECRET MAN" LOTHROP I? VIOLA DANA, i "GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S" ' SUBURBAN I25AY ,. WILLIAM RUSSELL, in "MY FIGHTING GENTLEMAN"