Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10
1 t&S-tJt&tXv.:&. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY,' OCTOBER 13, 1917. - Fiction. - THE STORY OF A COUNTRY TOWN. By " ' B. W. How. Harper Bro., A new illustrated edition of a story which for years .has held its place as one of the classics that faithfully and imaginatively portray American ( na,ure hook luiai inc. i nc dook is (uii ci simpic homeliness, but is never vulgar. It does not flatter the west, nor paint its rough and rude traits as heroic; it perceives and states, and the re are these descriptions, for the author has lived in close proximity to birds and animals, and shares their secrets. The stories he tells are vivid and fascinating, and many unusual photo graphs add to the value of this unique THE DWELLING PLACE OF LIGHT. By Winston cnurcDili. to MacMlllan com pany. 11.60. America, dvnamic. chancing, di- sults are perfectly imaginable Ameri-1 verse, with new. laws and old de OF JEFFERSON Seltzer. A. C. Ale can conditions, in which no trait of . beauty or pathos is lost. THE VENGEANCE GAWNE. By C. A ' Clurc Co. S1.25. This is a story of the southwest, in the days of the big cattle ranges. It goes back to the time when the gun was the court of final appeal, when men hated fiercely and loved with passionate ardor. It tells how the law came to a cow-town, dominated by a cattle thief and rustler; how one man, by sheer force of personality, succeeded in awakening that in stinctive desire for law and order possessed individually and collective ly by even crude communities. BY THE WORLD FORGOT. By Cyrus t -rownaena Brady. A. C. McClurg Co, , 11.40. $, , . A scion of a prominent New York family, groom-to-be in a "marriage of convenience," is shanghaied aboard a sailing vessel by his business part ner, who is in love with his pro spective bride. The story of the un fortunate victim's awful experiences tmtil and after he reaches a lonely is - land in the south seas, completely cut off from the rest of the world, and the finding there of his heart's desire in a maiden of the forgotten island, is very entertaining and exciting. TATTLKNER'S FOLLY. George H. Doran Co. By Carolyn Well. This is a mystery tale of cumula tive suspense. There is a picturesque house, a spirit medium, a smart Long Island set, a detective very unconven tional in fiction, and the sweet of ro mance at the denouement. The plot revolves about the mystery of which, if either, murdered the master of the house known as "Faulkner's Folly," his wife or his artist's model. ' THE WAYFARERS AT THE ANGEL'S. ... By Sara War Baaaatt. George H. Doran Co. A vine-covered little fishing shanty on "The Capet" known as Cod, shel ters the loneliness of three salt male old maids. Then comes Ann, as old fashioned as she is modern, "better'n a trained nurse, she's a born one" and the course or me changed. ; lhe awakened Three Musketeers even buy a washing machine. And with Ann comes all uninvited, a little god never before at lhe Angels though the shadow of a roving, sailor made Cu pid s task somewhat difficult. But even this shadow could not forbid ' con tinuing humor, pathos, romance and patriotism, and ultimately a sweet peace at Wilton village, which pre ferred the; "church supper" to the telephone. (SOLDIERS SERVICE DICTIONARY. Frank , H. Vlaatally. Funk A Wasnalla Co. $L. This book is designed especially tor Instant use in the United States serv ice and contains 10,000 military, naval, aeronautical, aviation, and conversa tional termvwtd inhf. Belgian, the - British, tv the French armies. The 'vocabulary is 'arranged in one alpha betical crder: ihe familtar" phrases teing giveMndehRir,,prjpci4?aX ordn . : .) 5 i- ti ,(;. j BOOKS AND " PERSONS. By Arnold Baa , , nett Oaorga H. Doran Co. 1. j The contents of this book; have been chosen from a series of weekly articles which enlivened the New Age during , the years 1908-9-10 and 11 under the pseudonym "Jacob T6tf son." They appear as they ""were journalistically, written in Paris,1 , London,. Switzerland, and the- Forest of Fontainebleau.. They put ' relentV less finger! on the diseased anatomy of society, as Jacob' surveyed it from . Switzerland to London and Fontaine- bieau, and especially did they diagnose the complaints ef England's middle class., . ,'. , HONEST ABE. Alonio Rothchlld. Hough on Mifflin Co. u; , . ' . ' This book deals with the first part of Lincoln's life, the period' in which his honesty was the quality that fo cused the attention of all with whom be came in contact. The author has studied a vast amount of material, and has woven together a vivid and living portrait of his subject, always in this aspect of the typical honest man." The result is at once an im portant addition to Lincoln literature; : and a most inspiring, narrative for tread :rs of every age. v OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS.- Publlahtd by D. AppUtoa Co. II, , To prove conclusively the? identity of the aggressors and their ultimate aims, this book has been prepared from ,the 1 .official documents, speeches, letters and hundreds of un- official statements of German lead ers.: With - few exceptions, the ex tracts included in this collection-are taken directly from the German. n RHYMES OF OUR ' HOME FPLKS. Byi John D. Well,' Harper Bros. ft.IS. A collection of poems of home and simple life-r-scencs of the country, songs of "patriotism, humor and gentle pathos. Among the-subjects are: "At the Old Spring,". "At the Reunion," "Gettysburg, 1913," "In the Married Quarters," "A Bdy's Sum- .... " ' . . . f ' '. .. ,1 , IUCf..,Y. ,- ,yt : ,. .. . CALVARY ALLEY. By Allca Ilegan Rio. ' The Century company, publisher, tl.ti. The, rich and gorgeous cathedral . fronta ou the equally rich and gor geous avenue," but is backed by . Calvary Alley, a sunless and sinful alum. External substances did not conspire to make life a glad and bril liant pageant for Nance, but there was a . conspiring of forces with in her nature, which transformed, for her, even Calvary Alley into a thrill ing world of romance and adventure. An insight into odd and humble char acters, keen, humor and pathos, and the revelation of hearts of gold be neath rough exteriors. - . . s -- sires, new industries and old social rights, new people and old this is the environment in which Mr. Churchill places the heroine of, his new book. Janet, strong-charactered, fine, impulsive, yet thoughtful, under stands herself in part, but her en vironment not at all. Her father is the old, last, sad remnant of the Pil grim force that settled and sterilized New England. She is the new and old combined. The reader follows her from her. narrow tenement home to the factory office; into that volcanic social eruption called an industrial strike; to the country .village quiet of Silliston, where later she finds comfort and joy.xMr. Churchill has never writ ten a more entertaining story; ne nas never written one that is more signifi cant in its interpretation of human re lationships today. vine develops into a picturesque and powerfully dramatic novel filled with the spirit of wanderlust, romance, ad venture eloquent of the briny sea and shining trails and human passion. A CASTLE TO LET. by Mrs. Balllo Ray. nolda. O. H. Dorna, publisher. II. S 5. A story of a lovely, spirited heiress wno ' stoops to conquer. The col orful peasant life and the picturesque heart of the mountainous Hungary iorm a pieasing oacicgrouna tor. tne hallucinations, superstitions, : fancies, rumors and imaginings of the creepy goings on at tne ' big house," a castle which this heiress has leased and in which' she' :'s entertaining : a lively group or people. BROMLEY NEIGHBORHOOD. By Allca Brown. New York. MacMIIIan company, This story introduces a most inter esting group of people all splendidly told with skill, human sympathy and delineated; is of intense appeal, and artistry. UNCLE BILL'S LETTERS TO HIS NIECE. By Ray Irown. Brltton Publishing com pany. II. This book contains letters from a matter-of-fact old uncle, who talka to his voung niece straight from . the shoulder. Uncle Bill gives inside facts about moonlight, becomes violent over athletics, taboos snobbery, ' takes a fling at heredity, and touches up a few complexions. Other nieces will adore it and to the uncles and aunts who can read between the lines, there are a lot"of laughs, which may be missed b ythe less sophisticated nieces., LITTLE STORIES ROM THE BCREEtf. By William Addison Latbrop. Brltton Publishing company, 11.21. This book contains, in addition to many stories in synopsis form, a com plete scenario which developei the continuity of the play, ai a whole. The stone! are the synopsis of pro duced photoplay! in exactly the form in which they were submitted to the studios and were! chosen to show, the handling of a wide variety of themes, in a range of from one to five reels, as accepted at various studious. , t . a. n. FOOL DIVINE. By O. B. Lancaster, ' voran, paoiisner. ' , . A romance of the tropics in which this star gazer, idealist and dreamer pays his debt to heredity. Fool Di- LONO LIVE THE KINO. By Mary Roberta mnnnww itougnion atiiiun Co, publish ers.. 11.40. . ( An engrossing story of love, in trigue and adventure in a European court, " about the . small prince, of a weakened monarchy, sur rounded by tieaihery and held to gether bv terror. He is a very lovable lad and his personality and character will win him many friends. NORTHERN DIAMONDS. By Frank L. Pol lock. Hougnton-Mlfflln. publlahera. 11.26. A story of the exciting adventures of three young Canadian college bovs who the great north woods in winter in search of lost treasures. The kind of story boys like best full of excitement and of the spirit ot tne untamed wilderness one com mended to the librarians and careful parents as well. of this great world-war time. A love story. beginning in America and mov ing on to the old, prison-bound -land of Russia, bringing to light with ter rible realism conditions there, with a prophecy of relief, then relating in flashlight clearness the wonderful ful fillment of that prophecy. The story is one of supreme self-sacrifice and love. It breathes the spirit of world wide democracy,-and is given lor the healing of racial misunderstandings. HOW ARB TOU FEELING NOW t By Ed win L. Sabln.-Little, Brown A Co., pub lishers. 7S cents. This little book is, for those who wish to see the humorous 'Side of such experiences as going to the den tist, or being on a diet, or even hav ing your appendix removed: the pleasure of looking back on days and nights ot anguish and beinsr merrv in their recollection: reading this book. in which there is more truth than fic tion, you shall do that very thing. , THE MASK. By Florenct Irwin. Llttla. Brown & Co., publishers, 11.40. We all wear, even though uncon- scioiisly. a mask to hide our thoughts and feelings from our friends, our families,, our associates . or enemies, irom tne world at large. A crisis lifts the mask fot- Alison Terry and Mtss irwin paints- ner cnaracier de velopment on .a broad canvas in storyjthat Vings tryc.-, , ..,, BELINDA OF THERED CROSS." By" Robert w. uamiuon, PUUj . Klelntalch, flJi, A vivid and absorbing love story of the battle swept field of France. Be linda, truly humau -and therefore truly lovable,. is a character Ions to be re membered when thiivwar is of the past A strong patriotic and uplifting book. Grim humoi mixed with pathos ana marvelous Den Clotures re triven of work in the trenches, among the army airmen, and in the helds hos pitals. TOBY TOWN. By Chsndlef Oaken. Sully ' Klein tetch. publishers. II. The unusual charm of this juvenile lie in the atmosphere of wonder, the extravagance of imagination, and the simplicity of the telling of this imae inary town populated with dogs, birds and other animals which arc given an absurdly human twist THE WARING GIRLS. By Ellen D. Deland. Appletons, publishers, 11.15, . A picture of a delightful, culti vated type. of an American family people pleasant to know and be with The love romance of Cvntra and Juliet adds to the interest of the book. tne great shadow ot war playing a big part in the plot and romance. TEMPERAMENTAL HENRY. By Samuel Msrwtn. iiob&s-Merrlll Co., publisher. 11.10. An1 episodic historv of the earlv life and young loves of 'Henry Caverly, the 3d, an individual and distinct per sonality, whom you will svmoathize with, love and laugh at There are also a half dozen young ueoole in troduced, so unconsciously entertain ing and so tragically amusing that one cannot but enjoy them in this de lightfully interesting and highly amusing human document ' THIS WAT OUT. By FrederK. a Isham.,Th j30Dus)-i.arriu i puousnera, 11.40. A . daintv comedv. with all value fanciful, and none of them realistic. Tenuous is the development and the nominal ; marriage, . the subsequent courtship, the masquerade and the de lightful , revelation have all sorts of amusing possibilities. The touch-and- go method, the swift skimming over of realities and dependance on dia logue are admirably fitted to a storv of this substance and type.; ; ,' THE COMING OF, DAWN., By Jane Ai Pier- son. Tba standard Press, publishers, 11.50. This tale of Jew and Gentile. of Russia and America, is one of the I most thrilling and suggestive books) Snappy New Fall WALK -OVER SHOES FOR MEN-- la black and tan calf, with plain or fancy cloth . top. - Some have) Neolin and Pinex fibre soles, which outwear leather and arc . waterproof. A style to suit every man. They are very reasonably . priced from ?S to $ 1 For the man who i troubled with his feet or. who, walks or stands' a great deal, we suggest Walk-Over Shoes with Dr. Reed's cushion soles, or "Ground Gripper" surgical shoes. ' Come in today and. we will gladly show these comfortable shoes to yon. '. They, too, are reasonably priced and we guarantee to fit your feet perfectly. WALK OVER rfMM- boot shop 2&;i55l 317 So. Wtlrj V.; 1519-1521 DOUGLAS Street :i , aw. as i n . if 1 as aw u 1 , . 11 11 as , m m mm 1 as ss is . 1 mm mm bt " '". '' '.' ! iln 11 mil 11 .ii.ii " 1 ' ''f'l i" ' . ; 1 - , - 4519-1521 DOUGLAS S(mt 1 Lower Prices At All UNION 1 II li! '!,, -.Il.-i :; :,ii MiWlMWiiitliiii iMfTTO it 1$ m Easy to Pay OUTFITTING CQ Union Way. I'LEf THI "MM" I SUPPLY THE HEEDED I HOMi FUntJISEIIHGS For your home from their immense stock of HIGH GRADE quality furniture. Beautiful furniture for the dining room, living room, bed room and kitchen, at MUCH LOWER prices made possible by our INEXPENSIVE location, combined with. our LOW operating expense and IMMENSE buying power; and, as usual, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. Three Rooms Furnished Complete r Four Rooms Furnished Complete 99 Select Your Range or Heater From Our v Immense Stock of High Grade, Guar .' . ' anteed Stoves We Are Sole Agents for "Howard" Overdraft Heaters and Ranges Howard .Overdraft Heaters are air tight heaters,, of great power. They - have, many patented, exclusive fea tures that are' found only in Howard ' Overdraft Heateri They are so con structed that they consume every bit ' ot fuel in the coal and all the gases -' -T-mucti' of which, in the ordinary stove," escapes, up the chimney. They are guaranteed to give you TWICE THE HEAT WITH ONE-HALF THE FUEL. Many styles to select from. All moderately priced. I - ; . H O WARD RANGES Are Ranges of merit, the bodies of which are made of polished -sheet steel, treated with rust proof solution. They are fitted with extra large fireboxes, with heavy linings and Duplex grates, so you can burn either . wood or coal. Are handsomely trimmed with plain . nickel, which makes it easy to polish and keep clean.' They have large ' ovens, which are positively guar anteed to bake and stand the test-of time, and hard service. HAVE A HOWARD RANGE . PUT IN YOUR HOME ON THIRTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL. Your Old Stove Taken in Exchange on the Purchase of a New Range or Heater. May Be Used As a First Pay ment If So Desired. . OUR Opens SATURDAY at 8:30 A. M. New . WsmWt- fc : $30 to $39.50 Values $30.00 to $39.50 ' Values More than twenty-five Beautiful Styles to Choose from This great sale, coming as it does, right in the heart of the season, will be the talk of Omaha. Orkin Brothers is holding a sale of high class tail ored suits V at $20 Suits that are worth nearly double, and right, in the' face of rising, prices-, Goods going higher and higher every day. It's -the result of ( being right on, the. ground floor- shaving a large' store in .New York City, which gives us a buying power and opportunity that no ; other Omaha store enjoys, ' ' A Purchase of Over 400 Stylish Tailored Suits, ; More ThanlHyenty-five Styler to Ghooise From VT MS. Br Past UnUr. Oeorca 11 Dona oompsjjr, puoIUJiers. ll.Ji. Reminiscences of a gunner of a 75 mm. battery. In its French version this story of tM boy who endured and died for France has already won its place among the few present rec ords of- war ; which wijl prove im perishable. It further re'veaJs' the ad mirable patience. ; the great gdod humor, the intelligent' 'cleverness and heroic devotion, Wgether with the plain simple courage, all the - deep-rooted, undreamed of qualities of the French race, making it a monu ment to stoic virtue. - OCR BACKDOOR NEIGHBORS. Br Frank C. PclietU Tb AHofdoa Ptssm. Il.l. . . fJiarmutOL. intimat snd, true to lif ' ' Rally,v. there isn't a fashionable model missing stun ning high waist, models, clever plaited effects, belted .suits and mannish tailor models.! It. would take pages to describe them; all. , Come Satardayf and let 4 your eyes be the judge of 'these wonderful suit values, i COLORS Beet-root, plum, taupe, . brown, green, navy andJ . black. , ; v ' $30.00 to .$39.50 Valuet tbr-4 ' $2o;oo J MATERIALS ? Broadcloths,' wool velours gabardines, poplins, trieotlnes, aerges and - Oxford doth, i, . 1 1 Solid Oak Three-Piece Library Sets Just like illustration, aid substantially made of Solid Oak in a Fumed finish; The set consists of a pretty . Library Table, a comfortable arm chair and rocker, the seats and backa of wWh are upholstered in Moroccoline (does not include book rack). uur iow price xur iae complete, sex, g "1 I 7C , vuijr . , n : : 1 ; m , . $30.00 . ' to $390 Values f $2P0 m - DINING ROOM TABLES Beautiful designs in the massive Colonial and Period designs. Fin ishes are golden and fumed oak. Prices are, $12.50, $17.50, $22.50, $27.50, $34.50. One like illustration above, in Mary and William" $1 750 style. Our price.,. 810.50. delect I oar Colombia iAKk $17.50, $24.50, $29.50 Stewart Phonographs Play any make of "records. On af.f.a.t:!'....:$5.oo. Temt SOc Cah, 25c Weekly. DRESSERS Splendid values in high grade dress ers. rnces are, E3 Grafonola No Make the long evenings short this winter by having one of these -wonderful ? musical in struments installed ,in your home. Many styles and finish es to select from. Prices range from $15" $150 Thousands of double -' disc Columbia rec ords to select from. O Household Necessities Folding Ironing Boards well made. Our . n"Q price J C Folding Ladder Stool, folds compactly. Our- Q price C Gm Plates, nickel Cft 'fiF ." ff!. . P i 5 Electric irons, positive guaran teed. Our price $1.85, $2.95 Taborettes, made of solid rj mm oak, Golden or "Kerned ' JT t finish. Our price W W V, Pedestals, solid oak. golden or fumed finish..... $1.10 n THE PEOPLE'S STORE. rain .... !-, .ICf. OPPOSITE HOTEL ROME 1 When Buying Advertised Goods Say Xou Read oF Them in The Bee