Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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VOL. XL.VII. NO. 101.
ee Omaha Daily
VnT VI Tnr ii
, , . n
n i
r JJ
Indications Point to Marshaling
Next Increment Before First
1 of Year; Many Shortages
to Be Made Up.
Recent Storm of Criticism Over
Vice Admiral's Attitude in
Navy Mutiny Makes Posi
tion Unpleasantly Warm.
(By Associated Trrtm.)
Washington. Oct. 32. Dismmn
of the advisability of expediting the ! Fr,a"kfurter Ze"un8.
r,tl fr tu. i : , t ' Admiral Edu
inv. octuuu uiLrciiicni oi me
(By Associated Press.)
Amsterdam, Oct. 12. Vice Admiral
von Capelle. the German minister of
marine, has resigned, according to the
urate army now is in progress at the
War department and it appears likely
that the date may be fixed for' some
time in December or January.
Mobilizations o.r the first increment
of 687,000 men is now far enough ad
vanced to show clearly that there will
be a big deficiency for the seventeen
national army divisions. More, than
250.000 of the first increment are still
to be assembled, but it already is evi
dent that there wll be available at
the sixteen cantonments quarters for
an additional regiment at each nost
and at some for a full brigade of two
Fifty Thousand Short.
The strength of the new regimental
organization is 3,600 men. With a
regiment lacking at each cantonment,
this alone would mean a shortage of
nearly 50,000 men. In addition there
has been authorized a separate divi
sion of negro troops, which means
nearly 30,000 men withdrawn from the
original number assigned to the six
teen cantonments.
The shortage is due partially to the
necessity of taking out of national
army "men to til up National Guard
divisions. Two complete national
army divisions of southern troons
have been absorbed in this way. The
remnants of three other southern na
tional army divisions will be consoli
dated to form a single divisional unit,
and the surplus men from other camps
will be sent south to make up the
missing "divisions.
To Fill Aviation Corps.
Drafts on the national army forces
also must be made to fill up the en
listed personnel oi the aviation serv
ice, the medical corps and the service
battalions needed behind Ae. fighting
lines abroad. Eventually there will
be 250,000 men in the last named serv
ice alone, and aviation and the medi
cal service will take nearly as many
more, though rio1; alt of t Herri will be
taken from the national army.
Operating to deJay the calling out
of the second increment to make good
these shortages are' several factors.
lounng ana equipment is coming ,
lorwara oniy at a rate tnat can meet
the demands of the forces already
calleJk and the railways of the coun
try have been overburdened with' tfic
job of moving the arm'- and its neces
sities without hindering freight ship
ments vital to the allies.
Fixing Date of Call.
Fixing the date o." the call for the
second increnie-t probably hinges
also upon the careful study being
made by Provost .Marshal General
Crowder and his assistants of the re
sults of the plan followed in assem
bling the men called first. Many
questions have arisen which may
be decided hereafter, and substitute
regulations to guide both local and
district boards, prepared in the light
of .what actual experience has taught,
fly be issued to govern the second
Eduard von Canelle
was one of the administrative direc
tors m the ministry of marine before
: sv w C-l
ul r War
Camp Dodge Men Subscribe
For Large Block of Bonds
Camp Dodge, Des, Moines, la., Oct.
12. National army men at this can
tonment today subscribed $32,100 to
the second Liberty loan. It is hoped
to bring the total to ?100,000 by the
civd of thr week.
The Weather
Temperatures nt Omuha lesterdar.
ADJtjRai, yon ror.'ii.p'
the war and had served as a captain
at sea. In March, 1916, he succeeded
Admiral von Tirpitz as imperial min
ister, of the navy. Several times since
then Von Capelle has appeared before
the Reichstag with optimistic state
ments regarding the progress 'of the
unrestricted submarine campaign, as
latc as August 26,-l7, defending the
U-boat policy of his predecessor and
himself at a meeting of the Reichstag
mam committee, ..
Vice Admiral von Capelle '' an
nounced in the Reichstag last Wed
nesday that a plot had been discov
ered in the navy to paralyze the ef
ficiency, of the fleet and force the gov
ernment to make peace. He said that
the guilty parties .had received their
just , deserts, . arid attempted to link
socialists with the plot. The imperial
German chancellor, Dr. Michaelis,
also spoke of the existence of a con
spiracy in the navy and asserted that
certain deputies were involved in the
The socialists and trjeir newspapers
have attacked both the chancellor and
the vice admiral for their statements.
I John L. Kennedy to
Be Nebraska's Fuel
Dictator for War
(From a Staff Correspondent.
Washington, Oct. 12. Special Tel
egram.) It is said on reliable author
ity that Dr. Garfield, fuel administrator-for
the United States, -has de
cided to recommend appointment of
John L. Kennedy of Omaha to take
charge of the fuel situation for Ne
braska. . The matter has been held in
abeyance for a considerable time, but
the decision is said to have been def
initely reached.
Bloomington, III,.
To Have City Coal. Yard
BloomniRton, -Jl!., Oct. 12. The
city council today voted to use $1,000
! in buying coal and delivering it to
persons who have been unable to get
fuel ffom dealers.. Consumers will
pay cash at actual cost to the city
plus delivery charges.
Announce at Commercial Club
That Instructors Subscribe
for More Than $50,000
in Liberty Loan.
Announcement that 711 teachers in
the Omaha public schools, with Cen
tral high instructors yet to report,
had subscribed $50,500 irl Liberty
bonds, was made at the noon mass
meeting at the Commercial club.
Anna Held, the famous French
actress, was the guest of honor at
the meeting. The crowd rose and
cheered when the patriotic entertainer
of international fame entered the
Commercial club rooms.
The announcement of the public
school teachers' loyal response to the
appeal to participate in the great sec
ond Liberty loan was the occasion of
another outburst.
Miss Belle Ryan, assistant in the
office of Sui erintendent of Schools
beveridge, was chosen to inform the
mass meeting of the big subscription
by the teachers.
Stands on Chair.
Anna Held was introduced bv T, C.
He helped her up on a chair, on
which she stood while she talked to
the crowd. '
She told of the early days of the
war and her own experiences during
the mobilization of soldiers.
She was a witness to several Zep
pelin air raids and she recited"the ex
periences of the peopleywho were in
the streets when the "giant German
gas bags passed over the country.
A ttign compliment was paid to
BY FRENCH GUNS Here i one German aeroplane that
will never fly again or observe another movement of French
troops. The machine and its pilot were brought to earth
inside the French lines.
American Red Cross nurses by the little-
French woman.
'Some said all thev were coiner to
France for was to flirt with the sol
diers," she said. "But I saw them
saw them pulling socles off legs of
wounded men, when the flesh was rot
ted and came -off ' witli 'the foot cover
ing. They are noble these American
Red Cross nurses."
Anna Hlrf fhlrf At flow ctli tlnir in
French and English soldiers back of
the trenches and of their appreciation.
"Ah, it is a grand thincr to think of
the Sammies helping them." she
The total subscriptions taken at the
Anna Held mass meeting amounted
to $125,000. Wlicn the figures had
gone to $124,300 John L. Kennedy.
who was presiding, said, "We now
have $124,300. and I'll take the other
$700 to make it tven money, and we'll
rise and give three cheers for Miss
During the couse of his soliciting
for subscription Mr. Kennedy
stopped and said,""Now, I think Miss
Held would like to say a few words.
Second Drive of Week Is On Northeast of Ypre; Haig's
Forces Renew Destruction of Berlin's Belgian
Barrier; Making Rapid Progress
Across Lille-Ostend Line.
Hour. Peg.
' 6 a. m it
Jj 6 n. m. ........
mi 2:- I 7 m -
(v HM 'A a. m 25
SJ&4r :'m' ri 3 a. m i'9
j . '.i f v 1 a. m 113
Vi. 1 ! " P. 47
,r til? . 4 '' ni 47
C ' w V -C( .". p. m 4S
' " ! P. m 42
Compnmtlve local Uwnrl.
1917. 19Jf.. 151.'. 1914.
Highets yesterday.... 4S o f.; f.6
Lowest yfsterday .... 14 61! Su 41
Mean temperature ... M fi8 tl 4S
Treclpltatlon 00 .ii) .49 .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperatur 57
Deficiency fur tho d:'.s 21
Total deficiency Nince March 1, 1 0 1 7 .... 2 7 5
Normal pr'eclpltatlo.i OS Inch
Deficiency f' the fly 09 inch
Total rainfall since March 1....20.70 (nchea
Deficiency since March 1 5.18 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1SH..11.7D inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915.. 1.20 inches
Beports from Stations at 1 P. M.
Station and States Temp. Men- Raln-
ot Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy.... 3 60 .00
Davenport, clear 32 35 .00
Penw, clear 2 72 .00
Des Motnes, clear 44 4; .00
DodM City, clear 62 r,8 .00
Iander. part cloudy 58 68 .00
North Platte, clear
Omaha, clear 44 4(t
I'ueblo, clear 4 7.
Rapid flty. clear 52 to
Salt Lake City, pt c'.oudv .4 .0
fianla Fe. clear .
Sheridan, part cloudy . "
' Hloux City, clear 4"
Valentine, clear 44 64
T Indicates trace oi precipnaiiun.
U A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
(Continued on Tare Two, Colnmn Three.)
Nation-Wide Society
To Aid Dependents
Of Fighters Formed
Cleveland, p., Ocf. 12. Cleveland
is to become the headquarters of a
new organization, "The Fathers and
Brothers of Our Soldiers and
Sailors," being formed here today.
The organization proposes to supple
ment the work of the Red Cross
among dependents of the country's
fighters and is intended to become nation-wide.
It is proposed to organize
with twenty-five directors, and en
courage the formation of chapters all
over the country, the , goal being a
membership of 10,000,000 men and
wonien, fathers and mothers and
brothers and sisters of soldiers.
Americanization of Parents
Urged by Settlement Worker
Americanization brought about in
the homes of the foreign population is
the doctrine preached by Mrs. Marie
A. Leff, new head resident of the
South Side social settlement, who
arrived in Omaha last week from
"Teach the parents American ways.
Don't expect them to learn them indi
rectly from their children' said Mrs.
Leff. "It the foreign woman won't
come to your settlement house, go to
her. She is probably, too busy wash
ing dishes and caring for the baby."
Mrs. Leff has a scheme all her own
with which to accomplish the Ameri
canization. Her volunteer workers,
whom she specially trains, go into the
homes and teach not only the A, B,
C's, but rudiments of home-making,
according to the American style.
Washing dishes, sweeping, making
beds, washing clonics all come in the
course of instruction. . j
Mrs. Leff asks for volunteers who
will "adopt" one foreiga family ta
help Americanize them
Monster Parade Precedes Ex
ercises at feohemian Hall
City and County Off ices
, Friday, "Columbus day," legal holi
day by the grace of the state legis
lature, was observed in an aus
picious manner fcy 15,000 Italian resi
dents of Greater Omaha, accompanied
by many representatives of other na
tionalities who regard Christopher
Columbus as one of the world's great
est cosmopolites.
Four hundred and twenty-five year;
ago the famous Italian navigator em
barked upon a memorable cruise and
discovered this land which now is the
home of more than 100,000,000 people.
Opens With Parade.
One of the features, of the day's
local observance was a parade which
moved from Sixteenth and Cuming
streets to the Bohemian hall at Thir
teenth and Martha streets. A motor
cycle squad lead the fine and city and
county officials followed. In .the
marching demonstration were Chris
topher Coiumbus society and band, I
Italian Benevolent society and band,
Society Dal Cenesio alia Etna, Cosen
tino's Liberty band, Society Gioyan
nia D' Ameglio, and Italian citizens
in automobiles.
L. J. Piatti, chairman of the parade
committee, presided at the hall( where
short addresses were made by Mayor
J. C. Dahlman, Sebastian Salerno,
president of Society Giovanni Ameg
lio; Dominick Anania, president of
Italian Benevolent society; Carmelo
Falconi, president of Christopher Co
lumbus society; Louis Cantoni, presi
dent of Society Dal Cenesio alia Etna,
and Rev. Michael A. Stagno.
Italian Courageous.
Mayor Dahlman referred to the
valor of the Italians in war, their
thrift and loyalty as citizens of this
country and their domestic solidarity.
A "grand ballo colonaile" was given
last night in the Bohemian hall,
on South Thirteenth street, under aus-
p.res of Socieja Italiane Di Omaha.
Omaha Italians during the year con
tributed $4,000 to the Italian Red
Cross society, gave liberally to the
American Red Cross, subscribed $50,
000 to the first Liberty bond loan
and are responding patriotically to the
second Liberty bond issue.
Thursday night L. J. Piatti was
elected honorary president of the
Christopher Columbus rocicty and
was presented a fine badge in memory
of the occasion.
Boy Scouts , Active While
Schools Are Closed; Insur-
. ance Men and Bankers
. Start Next Week.
The boy scouts of Omaha have al
ready hustled in $11.1,000 in sub
scriptions to the second Liberty loan.
These chaps have been exceedingly
active, particularly since there were
some days when they could not go
to school. These days they improved
by hustling for the Liberty loan. Be
sides they have hustled hard every
moment out of school hours, and are
piling up the subscriptions so fast
that they are amazing riot only their
scout masters, but the general Lib
erty loan committee besides.
: The biggest single subscription
thus far reported coming through a
boy scout was that of $20,000 brought
in by Herman Grotte of Troop 5.
Young Grotte worked hard for this
one, even though he got it from his
uncle.- He has worked on that uucle
for about a week, and everv dav he
reported his progress. For the past
several days he has been reputing
the climax drawing nearer and
nearer, until at last he .came gallop
ing -into scout headquarters in the
Patterson block, shouting "I got him;
I got him," and waving high over his
head the subscription card.
Boys Have a Slogan.
The scouts have a slogan all their
own, "If-you can't go across, come
across; boy a Liberty bond."
The scouts' parade which was
scheduled for Saturday of this week
has been postponed to Saturday, Oc
tober '20. At that time the' troops
will march through the streets with
banners flying, calling attention -to
the Liberty loan drive.' At stated
driven home less than twenty-four
hours after it was made by the begin
ning this morning of another, British
attack in Flanders.
1 Only three days had elapsed since
the last attack made on Tuesday.
Tuesday's push was launched after
four-day paute, the last previous
drive having been carried out the pre
ceding Thursday. .
Previously intervals of a week or
more had elapsed between the Brit
ish attacks.
Good progress wss reported earl:
(Continued on Paf Two, Column Hlx.)
(By Associated Press.)
British Headquarters in France and Belgium, Oct 12.
By 7:45 o'clock this morning reports were received that every
thing was going well with today's British attack in Flanders.
The troops along a wide front had pushed forward to a)
depth averaging 800 yards or -more.
The main enemy today was not the Germans, but the mud.
The Germans were far less formidable than previously,
owing to the disorganization occasioned among them by the re
cent terrific blows of the British.
Indications are that the Germans early were aware that
trouble was impending, as about 4 a. m. a large number of gas
shells were fired by them along the British front.
Prisoners were beginning to come in early, although
slowly, owing to the condition of the ground.
The British steamroller "goes uphill very slowly, but it is
now going downhill and battles are following each other more
and more rapidly," said Major General Maurice, director of
operations at the British war office, yesterday.
I'LllBVUflRIV UIIIILl" The truth ot this assertion was
ucmtimii nurco
Kaiser Will Ship Grain, Sugar
and Potatoes to Replace
Those Cut Off by New
American Blockade.
London, Oct. 12. M. Widen, who
lias been asked by King Gustave of
Sweden to Jorm a cabinet, will at-
tempt to construct a ministry solely
of liberals, says the Stockholm cor
respondent of the Daily Mail. Hjal
mar Branting and his associates in
the socialist party will be excluded by
M. Widen, who is a moderate liberal.
It is the correspondent's opinion that
M. Branting will not be sorry to be
excluded, as popular discontent is
likely to increase during the winter.
As to the effect of the American
blockade, the correspondent says, the
manner in which the policy of the
United States is to be answered is
f i i . t .
indicated oy tiie government s an
nouncement .that Germany will sun
ply to Sweden grain, potatoes and
sugar, which the allies have refused.
This announcement, if realized, will
naturally stimulate the pro-German
trend of public opinion developed by
the Washington news of the last few
days, the dispatch says. It adds that
particular resentment has been pro
voked in the press by the statement
that the Swedish delegates to the
United States had suppressed the
tacts in relation to Sweden s expor
tation ot iron ore to Germany.
Congregational Council
Favors Woman Suffrage
Columbus, O., Oct. 12. The Na
tional Council of Congregational
churches, in session here, today
adoptei. by a large majority a resolu
tion favoring woman suffrage The
suffrage question was unlocked for
and developed hot debate.
Active participation in prohibition
work and support to the Anti-Saloon
league also was pledged by the coun
cil today. The resolution urged Presi
dent Wilson to forbid during the pe
riod of the war the use of food values
in the manufacture of alcoholic liquors
and the sale of such liquors.
ninrbart-SlcMen root
MunitiorrJorker8 Pray
' To Make More Shells
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 12. Muni
tions workers here have forwarded
a petition to Sir Robert Borden,
premier, praying for the letting of
further shell contracts in this
province on the grounds that this
kind of work should be provided for
the dependents of those who have
gone to the front and for returned
soldiers. Within thirty days all
shell contracts in the province will
be completed and 2,000 men and
omen thrown out of work.
Citizens of Alsace-Lorraine
Are Given "Kultur" Treatments
(By Aiuorlalei! frni.)
French Front in France, Oct. 12.
Fresh evidence o; the German cam
paign of terrorization in Alsace-Lor
raine comes to hand every day. Since
the beginning ot hostilities German
courts martial sitting in the annexed
provinces have inflicted sentences to
taling 5,000 years' imprisonments on
citizens of Alsace and Lorraine whose
sole offense has been the expression
of opinions favorable to France. All
classes and all districts have suf
fered. Many Escape to France.
Since Alsace and Lorraine were an
nexed by Germany in 1871 until the
outbreak of the war in 1914 no fewer
than 500,000 of the inhabitants of the
provinces, according to official figures,
have migrated to France. Immediately
after the declaration of .war three
years ago, every one of real Alsatian
or Lorraine origin who could find a
way to do so made a hurried departure
over the frontier line. Hundreds of
those remaining, owing to their in
ability to leave in time, were at once
seized as suspects and sent to prisons
or internment camps, where they have
been l$cpt in confinement for three
While the migration was in progress
the younger and more daring spirits
among the nieh of Alsace and Lor
raine took the still more serious step
of joining the French, army. Ove.r
30,000 of them have fought beneath
the tri color since the war began.
Many of them by their heroism have
gained high rank, while numbers of
their comrades have made the great
Five Generals From Porvince.
In addition to the men in the ranks
and among the minor officers who
have fought for France the two
provinces have supplied many military
leaders of high renown, among them
no fewer than five generals having
sealed their patriotism by ' dying
soldiers' deajh in fighting the Ger
mans. These five were Generals Si-
bille, Duuuy. Dion. Trumelet-Faber
and Stirn.
v ; .
by Field Marshal HalgVtfrrg the si"F
milt front northeast of Ypres, on'
which today's assault is being deliv
ered. -
Apparently the objective is the re
mainder of the ridge commanding the
Flanders plain, over the. dominant
points of which the British have al
ready passed and are driving down
ward. Another notable fact in connection
with the present series of drives is
that each is now apparently being
made regardless of weather condi
tions. One good day for airplane ob
servation was enough for the British
in this 'instance to get their ranges,
launch their drum .fire, drop their bar
rage and push to the attack through
the mud and renewed rainfall.
Not Waiting on Weather.
Military observers in this connec
tion credit the British high command
witlj the belief that it is probably of
little use to wait for good weather
at this time of the year in Flanders.
Another consideration pointed to is
the reported weakening state of the
German army morale, an opportunity
to be seize! with all possible prompti
tude, if the utmost advantage is to be
taken of it.
' There is no indication that the
French-, forces on the British left,
.which pushed forward approximately
a mile to the edge of Hourtiolst wood
in Tuesday's attack, are participating
in today's advance. Their task for the
moment seems to have becii com
pleted by the bringing up of their
lines to a point where efficient protec
tion would be given the British left
flank in the renewal; of the wedge
driving process beiim carried out be
tween Fassschendaele and Gheluvelt.
Open Attack at 5:25:
London, Oct. 12. The British
troops in Flanders attacked the Ger
mans this morning on a front of
about six miles northeast of Ypres.
vThey are reported to be making '
satisfactory progress.
Kain fell heavily during last night. .
The official report from Field Mar
shal Haig's headquarters today
reads: '
"We attacked at 5:25 o'clock this
morning on a front of about six miles '
northeast of Ypres. Our troops are
reported to be making satisfactory '
progress. Rain fell heavily during the
1-ield Marshal Haig s latest effort
is being pushed in the same region as .
(Continued on Pa Two, Column Fire.)
Mutiny in German
Fleet Causes Delay ;
Of Petrograd Attack
London, Oct. 12. The inactivity of
the German fleet in the Baltic sea
recently when there were obvious op
portunities for attacking Russia, ac
cording to a dispatch to the Daily
Chronicle from Amsterdam, wis due
to the mutinous outbreak in the Ger
man navy. J. he outbreak affected at
least six important units of the fleet.
putting them out of action and caus
ing the authorities to doubt the disci
pline and lovaltv of the crews of
other large ships. It was impossible,
the dispatch adds, to take stern mea
sures on a large scale against the ofi
fenders, because that would have :"
creased the evil.