Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1917, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1017. 11 FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. ., 7-r., -r.. -r., IfOTJSpS ASP" COTTAGES. .PARTLY UOrER.. 1S16 Carlu- Lake Rouleve rd . . $13,08 fiOi Pleroe street .., ,, 6.09 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT 530 So. Twenty-fourth Av... $15.96 1908 California street SO. 00 STRICTLY AIOUEHN. S:2 So. Thirty-first .avenue. . 817 So. Twenty-sixth street .$35.99 5.99 8-r 10-r., 4-r. 18-r., 36.00 35.06 37.50 40.68 48.0Q 5-r. 7-r.. l-r 8!3 Park avenue 30.09 8-r.. 3901 No. Seventeenth street.. 30.06 S-r, 1(13 Chicago street 7-r , So. Thirtieth avenue ails Lincoln boulevard ., C21 So. ; '.neteenth street J!3i Dodge street FLATS. PARTL.Y MuPJCRN. SltS No. Twenty-fourth street . $1$. 50 705 Se. Thirteenth btrert.... 45 69 PORTER & 8HOTWELL, 30! So. Seventeenth St. ' JJouff. 601$. Offices with Home Builder. !WAMjfNOTpiSTAICS. $45-rl87 Cap. Ave., 10 foums, mod. $353553 St. Mary's, 13 rooms. $36t-3S80 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod. 110166 S. IStli. 4 rooms, water pajd. falNOWAVT MHOS., Erandeis The. Bldg. Souses in all pail Qf the 'city. CHEGH, SONS & CO., 608 Be Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. SgLMA TERRACE, 630 PARK AVE. Now ready for occupancy, sightly location, 4rooms with tWoc-m ac commodation, strictly modern in every detail. Fire and soundproof construction. SELMA REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO., Douglas 9069. Harney 1821. THE BOSWORTH, 2217.19 HOWARD ST. 1 rooms end bath, furnished or unfur nished, $35 and 140, winter rates. ARM STRO N GrW A LSH CO., Tyler ISIS. $8$ Securities Bldg. POUGLAS APARTM ENTS. On f-reom apartment, f 56. Very de sirable. Walking distance, pauglas 1313 Calking A pa., Beeos4 fleas Clly Nat'l Bank Bldg. CHOJCP ' " ROOM "APARTMENT In the Pasadena, 430 Park avenue. Present Jessee leaving city, reagqq for va cancy. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. CLOSi lq rooms, suitable (or studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc., with living rms. adjoining. T. F Hall, 484 Ramge. D. 7406. RT PT.iTn 24th am Harney, 3-room apartments. Call Harney 641. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen . did location, 34th and Farnam. D. nit: j. North. ' ' ONE elegant $ and 5-room apt. Web. 7211 and Web. 4333. Miscellaneous. ' THREE HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS. - 3 rooms and bath S9.EQ winter, 333 00 summer. 4 rooms and bathTrr4l:C4 wli)ter, 340.00 summer. 4 rooms and bath, FURNISHED COM PLETE f 56.68 winter, $8.68 summer. All these apartmentp are eak finish, steam beat and flrat-class lit every detail, gas stoves gnd built-in ioeboxe in each, as wel as feullt-in buffet in the four room. Walking distance of downtown . and in high, class location. The first two can ba occupied at once, the furnished apartment wll be vacated pet. 16. BEDFORPtJQHNSTON CO., REALTORS, 323 Kelline Bid?. Douglas 3393. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, walking distance; janitor, heat, etc.; 40 glimmer, 348.50 winter. Douglas S392. P&jTKRS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists In Apartment Management FOR RENT -Busine Pr'p'ty (jtorest- '. WORLD RpALT ? 'COM PAST "(fiealjorg. jl . Theater Entrance. Douglas B843. Sun Theater Bldg. FOR RENT 1106-8 S. 6th St., two stora rooms, good business location. Insult' 1131 8. 6th St." SMALL store, Chicago St., near 16th, 325. O. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago St. Ill SOUTH Fifteenth street; steam heat. jOHN N. FRENZER; Douglas 654. STORE on Cth stret, near postof'flct, Q, P. Stebbins, 1616 Chicago St. Offipt n4 Desk Room. liOW-PRICED mod. offices. Farnam Bldg., 13 & Farnam. (Old 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO., (Realtors.) Tyler 690. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats. " 'VHATJIAVB YOU FT)B RENT " in the way of four, five or six-room mod in, up-to-drte apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want t deal dirsct w(tb pwn r. no agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. MOVINO AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. , FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving". 119 N." 11th St. Phone poug 1 394. METROPOLITAN" VAN" AND ' STORAGE CO. fcpert services; prompt attention. Y ifiEVing, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Stare, lfth and Howard. ' Tel.' Doug. 7J85. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household foods and pianos j moving, packing ant shipping. OMAHA VAN .VD STORAGE CO., 363 8. 16th. Dmjglas 168 RENTAL T?P7,F. rmuT ttiv J'1UDL)111 SERVICE Phone Douglas 288 for complete , list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. frlobe Van and Storage Co, For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. jTcTreed 1387 Farnam St. Express Co.. Moving Packing and Storage, Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. nun TWRI&.-KKH is 1IOVING. Lerge van," two mep. 11.60 per tPHf. MAOGARD'3 STORAUE CO. Xug. I4. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. " " BEMIg PARK BARGAIN. t rooms, all modern, convenient to car, a dandy horns; must be said. - APLE. BARRETT. U See- Pg 4 ROOMS, city water, electric lights, I! large corner lots, southwest of Hanscom ' Park; 3168 cash; balance monthly. Wal nut 3466. North. Koantze Place Bargain Ovyner Reaving City Largs, (-room, full 8-story house; lo - cated in the prettet part of Kpuntss Place; 3 large roams on first floor; 3 large rooms and bath en 'second; ook ' floors throughout; corner lot, south front, paved street. Can be bought for (1,560 less than It could be built for. Payne Investment Company, Realtors 137 Omaha Nst Bk. Bidg. D. 1781. $300 DOWN $25PER MONTH Near 36th and Ames, modern cottage, rooms and bath en the first floor. One room finish on two floors. Large lot. 66H20. east front. If sold owner will sacrifice it for 82.100. This Is a snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. SSI Omaha, Mat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED North; " - " EXCELLENT BAR GAINS IN"". ROOM UUNGAIOWS. k 4iU N. 37TH STREET. frame and stucco, nearly new, strictly mailern with fine chicken louts and small garage. Price, 13.(96; (506 cash; bal. aniie monthly. ' v 4161f N. J7Tif STREET. Strictly medern, brand new, absolutely complete and ready to occupy, with wjndew shades.' wster meter, screens, side walks and lighting fixtures. Nice yard. Living room and dining room finished In eak with iloors throughout. Fine '-Msement and attic. Trice, 491 N- 37th St., ,13.459; 4919 N. 37th. 33.750; 3350 to 3407 cash; balance terms. HI ATT COMPANY, 24$-7r9 pmaha Wf k, BJdfTylrrjIS. FV'E ROOMS. Brand new-- bungalow of frame and stureo, living roc ma finished in oak and nicely decorated, stairway to floored attie, full cetint casement with hot and eeld water, east front lot, nicety sodded, located high and sightly on 47th Ave., just south of Fonteiiella Blvd.. and south of Bedford. Price 33,406 t) 00 down, balance terms. Here is a chance to pocohjc a tiuue owner and stop paying rent. C O. CARLBERO, i 31 8r 1 3 Branddls Theater Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Seven rooms with sun ream; hot water heat, ultb garage; pne-half block te ear; only built a few seasons. This is strictly flrstroiaKs, Will sacrifice, pouglas 6886 T raver Bros., 319 First National Bank. REAL ESTATE Suburban Acreage. South. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-R. STUCCO HOME, PRICE REPlrt'ED TO 34,000 WORTH 5,000. 3650 down, JJ7.50 a month. South front, choice oak finish, nicely decprated. Tiled floor in bath, large living room, book- cases,,paneuju dining ream, builtln kitchen cabinets, 3 (ilea large b'd rooms, choice location. Let us show yqu this: Call Ty ler 496. OSBORNE, 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. ONE 5-room and one 4-room cottage, both Pit qne lot; fine condlt r. ; live In one and rant (he pther. Price for both, 32.760 Very easy terms. No. 3483 8. 30th Bt. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Tbone Douglas 4270 7-ji. HOUSE with dpuble garage, 1 block east of Hanscom park, near Hickory, 33.000 F. D. Wend, 316 Tl. ISth. Miscellaneous. Harney Street Investment Duplex brlpb In first class repair, .veil rented; located. n Harney street, between 80th and 24th streets, with a south front age of 45 feet; paved aley; Income wll carry this property and location assures a substantia! profit. Price, 330,000; 83,700 cash will handle this proposition. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Phone D. 756. S03 Cty Nat'l Bank B)dg. BIG BARGAIN E rooms, all modem except heat; 'only btjilt a few seasons. Price, ll.SoO. TRAVER BROS., 819 1st Nat'l Pk, Pouglas 6886. C 48SY BL'NQALOW. Five-room bungalow, classy outside and nsde. Price 33,560; reasonable terms. BENSON CARMICHAEL. 842' Paxtpn Blk. Douglas 1733. W. FAHNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1336 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. R. S- TRUMBUpi, 1306 1st Nat: Bk. Bldg. , p. 1734, REAL ESTATE t Inveatment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUL'EY 4 SON, REALTORS. 820 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATEB'ne Pr?pty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Wa,re Blk. Specialist in, flqwntpwn business property. REAL ESTATEr-UnimprovccI ' North. AFTER locking at MINNE LUSA 860 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., . 748 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187 : - MIF J.USA Nice lot on Titus Ave.', near 44th St., can bo bought at a bargain. Thtg bit must ba sold. Call owner evenings. Walnut 70. REAL ESTATE To Exchange VB HAVE a client who wns a section in pioux county. Neb., represented as being goad farm land; no sand or rock. Price 138 per acre. Will take a good heme la on this land. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON. 423 S. 16th St. D. 9371. HAVij several choice raw quarters in east ern Edmunds Co., S. D., close to Aber deen, (37.50 to 345 per acre; wheat, 20 to 30 bushels per acre; will consider small Omaha property or auto or houses as part payment. B. N. Clauson, 8213 N. 88th Ave. S" XOTS IN "WASHING TON," R. G., with small buildings, both rented; front "on Union St. Owner lives in Nebraska: will exchange for Omaha city property or Ne braska farm land. J. ' J. Melick, 1518 City National Bank. Douglas 811.' SHERIDAN, Dswes, Rock and pundy Co Improved ranches, clear, for sale ai gxr change. S. S. A B. B. MONTSOMERY. nonglas 4-10. 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 146" ACRES "fine grass land In Blalna'Co., nicely improved, 310 per acre, for bonis In Omaha. 803 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. INVESTIGATE my system. Omaha. Realty Trading Co., U Patterson Blk. Tyler tit, REAL ESTATE- -Other Cities FOR SALE Fine country home, consisting of 12 acres, all under cultivation with or? chard and small fruits. Improvements fine. Nearly new seven-room house with water in the housot well supplied from two large cisten.s; l'i miles from main part of thriving railroad town of Missouri Valley; 26 miles northeast at Omaha. Mrs. Frank Logan, Missouri Valley, la. , REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HA'E several good reliable buyerg for E and 6 r room houses and bungalows with $ZoO to (566 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 436. 701 Omaha Nat. Bapk Bldg. ' pISTlKQ houses to rent or sell on small cssh payments; have parties waiting Weetern Reaf Uetgte, 413 Kgrbaco 91k. D 1607 REAL ESTATE-rSuburban Benson. FOR QUICK SALE. " " 6-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE $2,100. Hot water heat. Best part of Benson, 2 blks. to car, full lot, chicken house. 3706 cash, bal. time. Box 8040. Omaha Bee. Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see ' George & co. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. RHULER & CART. 204 KeeHne. D. E07f. Florence. 2 ACRES FLORENCE. 2 BLOCKS TO CAR AND PAVED ROAD. $13 DOWN-$l3 MONTHLY. Lays fine with, east slope. East front. This is ideal tor fruit and poultry. Price 31.369. Call Tyler 69 and ask for Mr. Manville. I HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Acreage, ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Good tract, fair improvements. If Interested call lu person for Miner at Her Grand hotel. - CALDWELp ACRES. Our new acresg addition southwest of the Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter acres; easv terms. TUB UYRON REED CO. . ph??PUglM!1!7. 'J.f- I" FIVE acres west of Elmwood park,-Idea) suburban heme sltet cpuld be subdivided. There Is a real future to this, pet me. sliew you. Telephone Walnut 3444 FINANCIAL. ReanSstateoansja FARM' snd city loiia,running fron (iv to twenty yesrs; intereet t per oent, H per cent and per cent. PETERS TRUST CO 1638Farnom 6t., Omahs, Ne) IP VOU are interested Ih Lead or Zina mlnr ing In the opln, Mo., or Miami Okl., die. tricts, see V. F. Wimsett, (34 Paxton Block. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for msrfegafe (ean. eity National Bank Bldg. SHOPEN I CO., PRIVATE MONET. (.fOO it'TUE, bearing i pet. seiui-aHnually; secured by property valued at 36,669. TaU msge-Leemls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. 3"T00 to 810.000 JIADK promptly. FV"dT Wead, Wead BUlK., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to lean on Improved farms and ranches. KloKa investment Co., pmaha OMAHA H.OMES KAST itTAKa. O'KEEFE R. B. C, 1018 Omaha Nat'l. NO 'DELAY IN CLOSING POANS. W. T. ORAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. DESIRABLE EASTERN NEB. FARMS. SPECIALS. 1(9 A. 3 ml. south of Fort Crook; good imp.; all tillable upland. Priced U5 per A. 1(9 A., wetl Imp.. 8 int. from Elk Creek, Johnson Ce , Neb.; dost to schoel. Price 1136 per A. 330 A. 3 nil S. W. of Coleridge; welt imp. 1 a line larm. sue per A. ussy terms. 339 A- near Pmaha ; the very best 1364 per A. I also offer 3 good 40-acre farms, all nice to-aere farms and twa well Imp. 189 sere farms. If Interested, see PAUL PETERSON. 363,4 Brandets Theater Bide. Omaha. Neb., er Blair, Neb. Tel. Douglas 1980 pr Walnut 8196. 40P ACP Ea. "Cr'STKH OVNTYTIni proved farm; valley end table-land, goed soli. 1U miles from town 499 population, (0 rode from school; 246 crop, 15 meadow, 60 pas ture; (60 per acre. $19,000 cssh. Inquire Ml ttranasls mag. FOR SALE-At a bargain, 24 seres tin preyed, five miles from Sunol, Cheyenne, Co., Neb. Price 336.00 per acre, Terms, half sash No trade eonslrtered. C U. Moore, owner, Anthon, la., R. F. P. C Crt O C MONEY HARRISON A MORTON 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 CITY OARVIN BROS . LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. TH OMAS c SON. Keellne Bl d g LOW RATES-p-e. Q. CARLBERO, 32 Bran dels Theater Bldg. b. 685. Btocts and Bonds. (9.000 ten-year S'i per cent first mortgage secured ny farm near umana. ft H. LOUGEE. INC., (38 Keellne Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. 320 acres, all good levej land, 3 miles depot, fenoed. house, barn chicken house, wel, 1866. 389 acres, ail level, good sal), 1200. 645 4cres, half good lavsl land, f'ne grass, half timber, plose ta railroad, $200; filing fees and all. Will go put Sunday night. Came at once. 181$ podge St., Omaha. Minnesota Lands. stock ' qnowBRs"rTrT"ENTiQtf 6o,ol acreg flf el) koe cut over lands In north central Minnesota at $3.00 ta $16.00 per acre, small cash payment, balance long time. Abundance of native and tame grass. Close to best markets. On lakes r streams. Timber for fue and shelter. List and map free. FILLSBUR? LAND SYNDICATE, 1230 Met. Lfe Bldg., Min neapolis, Minnesota. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA," 266 and 240 acres Adjoining stork farms. Good buildings in fins repair, new fences. Corn crop excellent. Prices and terms right, s must sell one or both this year. Owner, Wm. B. Hubbard, Pipe stone, Minn. Nebraska Lands. " SOME NEW DESCRIPTIONS AND PRICES. 1 am just getting out some new de scriptions and prices of pieces I have here for sale. My older HstsV were so chopped up by reason of having sold so many places off those lists, that I have hated ta Aise there; lately because the prospect let P1" mind set en some par ticular place and then when he finds that place is gold, fta la dissatisfied with anything else. I have eonie mighty fine plaoes which I am quoting you lit my new lists, Write me at oqee for descriptive matter, pic tures of Crawford, picturts ef places which I have for sale and same descrip tions. They are free and I an glad to send them, to you. Just g smattering of the many places I quote In these descriptions, fallows: 699 acres, 160 acres under cultivation, 600 acres can be cultivated., al) fenced and cross-fenced, running water, timber, blue grass and clover pasture, $8 head of dairy stock, one saddle fnare, one geidlng, full line of machinery, plenty of feed for this winter, all goes In with the deal, only $85 per acre. This is only 6Vs miles from Crawford and only three mlle from railroad loading station. 1,047 acres, known as the Old Lake Ranch. 809 acres can be cultivated. 100 acres ts under cultivation, soma good al falfa, nice lake, stacked with fish, twa streams of running water, plenty of tim ber, some imDrovements. all fenced and cross-fenced, only 6ty miles from Craw' ford, only iV miles irom loaning station. Large, real bargain at $17.60 per acre. 880 acres, improved, two milea from, Glen, I miles from Crawford, 260 acres can be farmed, balance, gead pasture, tim ber an4 running water, oply $18 per acre. 340 miles, 3V miles out from Crawford; nice new frame house; frame barn, coal and wood house; 60 acres under cultiva tion; 170 acree ean be cultivated, balance heavily grassed; excellent pargan, fti per acre. 320 acres, tty miles from Crawford; 100 acres under cultivation, some alfalfa, good big buildings, but tn poor repair, Entire place can he cultivated. Bight In the heart of the high priced land. Only $46 per acre. 160 acres, 4 miles from Crawford, every aore cap be farmed; pa Improvements; $35 per acre. , 820 acres, miles frm Wbltitey. 76 acree ean be farmed, palanee well grassed, running water; big bargain; enly $18 per acre. ' 339 aeras, I miles from Whitney, 13 miles from Crawford, lays as level as a home floor. 849 acres unrles eultivatlon, balance cats good hay. All fenced, good sail, na tmprpvementsj $3$ per acre. 489 seres, 7 miles from Oralis, 11 miles from Whitney, i4 miles from Crawford. Right on the Deadweo?PeHYer 8cenlc highway. Mall tioutea end, telephone.' Not much (mprevementa. 40 (tptes under cul tivation, 496 acres can be cultivated. Bal ance well grassed- Only $13-50 per acre. 1,440 acres, I miles frem town, fenced and crass tensed. Reservoirs holding plenty of water, cuts good hay. 706 pr 800 acres farmable, balance heavily grassed. This Is a fine fa.rm, ranch proposition. Only $36 per acre. Twa 49 acre tract right Joining town, 'fine layout. All under cultivation. Ex cellent potato (and. $1,006 down en each, balance payable crap payments win handle either pr both, A11 109-acre tract Join ing town just en the ether eide. Good big, new barn, 32x48, good well and engine, all fenced, 79 ta Si seres farmable. Price $5,660. These three tracts could be bought with $3,000 down, arid balance payable alth ene-half the erep each year. 8,419 acres right up an the famous Pine Ridge. All fenced and cross-fenced, about 300 acres under cultivation, more than half the place farmable. Two streams of running water, w ills and windmills. Good improvements and en all .ground excel lent ranch. $18 per acre ke It If sold this fall. 808 head ef stock could go with the place at 66 per cent or 66 per cent of their Value If gold with the. place. Poor health Is the enly reason for this man selling eut. A quick change is absolute necessary. Easy terms en the ranch It self without th (.stock and, If you want to take the stock over, can give yeu good terms op that. Hera I an opportunity for someone to get Into the ranch buslnese on a big money-making basis and fight away. M,y man steps eut and. yqu step in. 169 acres. IVs miles from Crawford, good set Improvements, 66 acres under cultivation, j 20 acres farmable, running water and timter anil blue grass pasture, takes up gome 80 pr 49 acres. Only $35 per acre. 80 acres, all farmable. running water, no Improvements. About half under cultiva tion. 3 miles froin Crawford. Only $45 per sere. These are enly a few of my many offer ings. If yau want to get a real quick bar (fain get right on the train and come. Figure eut yaur finances so you will know Just what you can handle and be able to act at ence. However, tf you can't come Immediately, write m for my list and pictures above described. Bewere ef the Curbstone! when you ar rive In Crawford. They are an unoertain quantity. If yau should throw In with them don't complain If you get bit. I have been here constantly in business for ten years and defy anyone to show other than a clean, straight line of development, promotion and settlements of northwest Nebraska. When yeu arrive In Crawford, ask any honest man fep my effiee. He will be glad to tell yqu I am sure, Most sincerely yours. ARAH L. HUNOERFORD. Crawford, pawes County, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm en easy payments 5 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you The Hungerford Potato Growers association. 15th and Howard (SIS., Omaha. Douglas 837 . FOR SALE by owner, 844. acres 3 mllea north of Bennington; well Improved; all under cultivation. Address Mrs. Nicholas rater- sn, Bennington, Neb. A FIRST -A.ASS 320-acrv farm, 4Vs mi fas iiuiii iltigwH, ftBQ, Trail fiiipiuvcu and all good land, will sell or exchange See Q. A. Kull, Oakland, Neh. SEVERAL coed northeast Nebraska farm bargains; essy term It desired. A. A Pstsmsn, "88 Securities Bldg. LIST your lands for quick results with C J Canan. 610 MoCagus Bldg., Omahs. Oregon Lands. "Heart a( the Raogu." Jordan valley prelect, Oregon, 44,000 acres Irrigated land. Free map, Nest ex eurslon October (, HARLEY J. HOOER? 940 Fltst Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Texas Lands, LANDS AT (air value assured by Chamber of Commerce, New plans to settle and dovelop the most fertile lends of South Texas Immediately adjacent fine market. Farming and dairying demonstratlen un der our direction. Only approved lands offered for sale, If yon want to awn a farm write for booklet J, Agricultural Dept., Chamber of Commerce, Houston, To"- GOOD corn Jane,," East Texas, $15 an aora. Get my frei book. W. 9. FRANK, 801 Neville Bloefc, Omaha. Wyoming Lands, 10 QUARTER SECTIONS, unimproved. Per kins county, Nebraska, land; good soil, Blose to railroad. Can sell on payment of $599 to $899 per quarter and carry bal ance against land five and ten years at 4 per cent Write for particulars. Miner A Bradley, Grand Island, Neb. FOR SALE; Cheap, my improved 156-acre farm near Ponca, Neb., easy terms if desired. Address Dr. O. W. Gillin. $1$ F. L. t T. Bldg, Slouz City, la. " WH Wr AND. WYO . LAND. - HBATLAND, WYO., We can cell you a farm three te ten rnlles from good railroad town at 138 ta $80 per gore, Including paid-up water rights; one-third ta one-quarter down, balance easy terms. With rich al and never-falling water supply, we raise the crops. Splendid water end fine climate. Lands proteeted by the mautains on the west and northwest. . We raise, 60-lb. wheat $8 to 50 bu, to acre. We raise 40-lb. oats ?5 to f 00 bu. to the acre. We raise 4 ta $ to ' alfalfa ta the acre. We raise 200 to 400 bushels of potatoea to the gore. 1 We reise 19 ton) of sugar beet to the acre. We raise an abundance of applet and small fruit. 69,008 acres cf land to aelekt from. Send ue ysur name gnd address end we will mall partleulars. Excursions weekly. Pew R, R, feres. WYOMING. DEVELOPMENT CQ uwriss'i Wheatland, Wye., Land. Ex-Gevernor Joseph V. Carey, Prat. Henry Levi and O. It. Rylanier, general Sales Asenta, 854:57 pmaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Deuarlaa 694. WANTED-Eight or mora AmerlpanlStlsens l . . 1 .1 v.- I.,.....J lm flllna Bit WHO wwum uo ,,. .,,.pi -.. government all land n Wyoming, se I da locating, validating, and filing. Prleea reasonable. Can give best of reference from Casper, Wy. Write pr eall on B. T. Evans, 4640 Dndg St., pmaha, T telephone Walnat 1633. MOflEY TO LOAN Organised by the Businuis Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and notea as security, $40, 6 mo., II. goods, total cost, $3.(0. $40, ( mo., indorsed notes, total Vost, $2.60 Smaller, Inrge am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 439 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam- Ty. 86$. rEOAtT RATES WAN $24.00 , $240.00 or more - Easy payments Utmost privacy ?49 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. $296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, QIAUONPS and Jewelry loans at Si and IH per cent; private booths. W. p. Flatau, 601 Securities (Rose) Bldg, Tyer 150. nrivrnNrv inn .TKWHLRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan bootha. Harry Malaajiock, 614 Dodge, p, $61. Est, $$9L LEGAL NOTICE. " The annual meeting of the Forest Lawn Cemetery association 'for the election of trustees and the transaction of such busi ness may com Mre it wl be bald Tuesday. ' October 18, 1917, at i p. m., at the offices pf th association, lit Bran., dels Theater Bldg. U. U MANN, Secretary. 8310ntl8D?t. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE With Light Receipts of Corn Prices Fluctuated From One and One-Half Gents Higher to One Cent Lower. Omaha, Oet. 11. 1917. Receipts for todsy market were com. pargtlvely light, pnly 1)4 earg being re, ported In Buyer were not keen for th coarser grains. Twenty-four csr of wriest wsre ea the floor snrl a greet number ef these were sent direct to th mills, while the rest were either diverted or ordered for storage. Arrivals of corn Were unusually light, only 38 cars of this cereal being reported. Spot quotation were very uneven, flaurea on ail grade running generally Itye higher to Jo lower than yesterdsy' gale. There were no sale of white corn, sellers asking more far their offerings than buyer were In clined I Py. Ne. t yellnw laid at $1.85 and $.8t and en car of No, I yellow sold nt $1.66, while sale of the No. 3 mlxatl ranged from 11.13 H to $1.88. No. 4 mixed anld at $1.64 U and two cars ef near white brought 11.93V, and $1 94 Cash quotations on oat were unchanged to a fraction lower, a few ealre being msds at a 14e decline. The demand for this oereal was sqmewtut slow, hilt th hulk of thfae esmnles were disposed by noon. Th "lan ds rd grsde cold at $7o and 67 He. and the No. 8 white a. 1644 0 and Ho. and a few ear ef N. 4 white sold for 86 and ic. Sample eats went at 56 Ho. Receipts of rye and bsrey were I end I car rtsneetively, and the spot figuree on both three eeresl wera unchanged from y terdy, with. good demand for either. No. t rve solrl at 3171 and 81. 78ty and en cr ef Nt, ' ry brought 31. 73. No. t barley seld at 11,1'' 1Mb csr coming from esstern Colorado, an ' two or "t No. 4 old at $1.39 gnd $1.88 these being shipped from oentral Nebraska. Clearance war, wheat and four equal to 773.000 bushels; corn, 8,000 bushels, oats, 198 999 bushels. Primary wheat rernlnte were 664,999 bush els end shipments 3S6.000 bushe's. Prlmarr corn receipts were 2l.oop pan els, and shipments 191,000 bushels. Primary oats recelnte were i.nua.ouo bushel gnd shipments , 686.690 bushels. CARPOT RKCKJPT8- Wheat. Corn. Chicago Minneapolis ........ nuluth ., Omaha ., Kansas City St. Louis ,. Winnipeg ., 43 $38 194 84 70 88 53$ 6 83 8 18 Oat 17$ 43 39 43 The islet were reported today) Whaat-Nn. 1 dark herd wlnteri It ears I per sent oocasgei, si. is. no. s narq win. ter: egr (Vi per cent dockage), $118; 1 ear (5 per oent duokaae, $8.13. No. I hard winter; 1 car (5 par pent dncikaeo), 83.09: 1 car it uer cent dockaael. 83.08: 1 car (t per cent dockage), $3.09; J car (Ne. t red spring, mixed, 1 per cent dock age), $3,04. No. 4 hard winter; 1 ear (4 per cent rye, 4 per cent dockage). $3.67. No. 6 hard winter: 1 bulkhead (5 per cent rye, 1 per cent dockage), $8.08. Sample hard winter: 1 bulkhend (lti per rent dock age), $(.?8. feapiplo hard wlntert ) bulkhead (IV- per tent dockage). 11.88. no. 2 north ern spring; 1 .car (5 per sent doekageV $1.13. (No. 1 dark northern, spring: $ cars (4 per cent doakage), (3.16. No. 8 red sprlngi 1 egr (smutty? per sent dueksge), si.Dti. no,. reu spring; 1 car per oen dockage), $3.84. No. 8 mljed hard red win ter: 1 ear (M per cent dockage), $3.11. No. 1 amber durum: ear tie per pent deck age), $$.9. No- I am Uer durum: t para IH per cent dockage), 13.16. no, I red durum; 1 ear () per cent dnckege), $8.65 1 8 ear (ft per sent dockage), $9.95; I car (musty), (2.04. no. 4 red iumm; 1 oar 41 per pent dockage), $1.18, No, I red dqrum; t car (2.6 per sent dockage, 5.6 per cent rye). $1.88. Med grain; I ear tin per eeni ryet, n.oi. Rye Nei 1; 4 care, $1.T1U; 1 par, $1.71 j 3-5 car. $1.71. No. 4; I rare, $1.73. Barley rNo. 1: 1 car (Colorado). 61.16. No, 4:(1 ear, $1.18; oar (oentral Nebraska), (1.30. No. 1 feed: 1 car (western Ne. brsska), $1.17, Rejected! 1 oar, $116. $ white: 1 car. $1.88. No. yellowi $ cars,. $1.86; 5 cars, $1.36. No -No. Corp Howl yellowi ) car, $1.8$ Na. 1 mixed 1 $ ears, $1.85: 1 ears. 31.84 'A.! 1-1 esr. $1.83v. No. mixed: 1 car" (near white), 8)1.04 ; 1 car. (near white), $I.a(Vt; 1 car, (1.64. Ham, pie mixed 1 1 car (pearyellnw), $1.84. Oats Standard: 8 cars, 67ic; 1 cars, 57o. No. 8 whit; 7 ears, 57c 1 4 oars, 66 c. No. 4 white: I cars, 56 Vie; 1 ear, 66V1C. Sample white; ( gars, f S Vi 0. . No, 4 mixed: 1 oar, Omaha Cash Prior Corn: No, 3 whit, 31.97til.88. No. 8 veltow. 31.8501.66. No. 8 yellow, $1.841.66. No. t mixed, $1,834 Iff J. 16. No. 3 mixed, $1.8801.84. natal No. $ white, 67H&67IAC. Standard, 67967140. No. 8 white, $64t67p. No. 4 White, 66 V. 4 66 44 0. Barley: Malting, $1.21 $1. 27, No. 1 feed, l.98l.$9, Rye; No, $, $t,fff.73H. No, , $1.70fj)1.71. Chicago 12:46 m. prices furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock nnrl grain brokers. 3)5 South Sixteenth street, Omaha Close. Yes'y. Corn. i .tan. 1 09 1 09 l08Vji 1 08 109Vi Deo. 113 1151,1112 1 13 113 May 1 ISVg 108107Vi 1 084 108 Oslf. ! I Dee. 57 (8V. 67 68 (7 May 69V4 80 69 59 69 Pork. Oct, 41 00 43 60 41 60 43 09 48 26 Jan. 48 99 43 99 49 76 41 60 43 39 Lard. Oet, 18 59 $8 5( 8 15 $1 (6 '3 60 Jan. 33 83 2$ $2 20 55 11 79 $1 87 Rib. Oet. if 66 7 11 2 00 17 It 27 60 Jan. 28 18 $8 14 SI 85 $3 45 88 10 REAL ESTATETRANSFERS Adel Naye and wife to Joseph Van Ryekeghem and wife, Fortieth etreet, 160 feet north of Q street, east side, 40xl$O $ 600 feter C. Hemmingsen and wife to Samuel E. Bamford, Pinkney street, 193.7 feet west of Thirty-first street, south side, 60x188 2,860 Peter C. Hemmingsen, and wf to Samuel E. Baiuford, Taylor street, 328 feet west of Thirty-third street, south side, 50x129.6 .s 2,750 finudt Thompson and wife to Rev. Peter O. Nolson, southwest eorner , Thirty-sixth and California, atreatg, 66x69 , $".48? Hastings & Heyden to William B. Al exander, Blnney street, 200 feet west of Fortieth street, north side, 60xl$0 ., $8 Oscar Manger apd wife ta porg Horn, Twenty-fourth street, 899 feet north of tlahler street, east Side, 60x12$., Clayton W. DeLamatre apd wife to Margaret B. Haller, Florenoe boule vard, 48 feet south at Hlmebaugh. avenue, west side, 84.33x814 1 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, tfl. Sara A. . Stebbins, Twentieth street, 109.6 feet north f Elm street, east side, 68x145 2,100 William C. Norrls t Endl Toth, Oa den street, 248.8 feet west of Th'rs teenth etreet, south side, 41133. 499 Nora A. Weekes and husband to 8. B. Poyle, Twenty-third street, IH feet south of K street, WMt lids, 60x50 1,606 Bt. Louis Plv Htoek Market. St. Louis, Oct. lt.wTeatth3-rBolpl, 7,169 head; market lower; native beef steers, $8.00 &17.68; yearling stenrs and heifers, $7.00 f7.90; cows, $5.00010.60; stockers and feed ers, $6.6011.50; Texas quarantine steers, $6.7510.10; flr to prime southern beef steers, $9.00012.75; beef cows and heifers, $6.09,10.00: prime yearling steers and belfr ers. $7.59910.00; native calve, $5.76$) 1,5.69. Hogs Receipts, 6.900 head; market lower; lights. $18.25)18.90; pigs. $16.0017.75; mixed an' butchers, $I8.2513.39; good heavy, $18.5019.25; bulk of sales, $18.86 g19.36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.100 head; market steady; lambs. $13.00018.901 ewes, $10.50611.60; wethers, $U.6613.69; can ners, $500 8.60. Kan hks City Live Mock Market. Kansas City, Oil. H- Cattle Rueeipts, 7.900 head; market, weak; prime fed steers, $16.0017.00; drossed beef steers, $11.60 16.60; southern steers, $7.00011.00; cows, $5.60S9 60; heifers, $5.50013.00; stockers and feeders. $6.90pl4.50; bulls, 86. 268. 99; calves, 36.6013.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head: market, lowr er; bulk of sales, $1. 50 18.10; heavy, $18.85 019.30; packers and butchers. $18.68 18.$$, tight. $18.0019.00; pig, $16.860 17 $9. Hheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,096 hed; -.,X A.., Sit ll&eilfl fit, a r jings, 312.00 41 13.75, wethers, $11.90$). 8.$9; ewes, siv vutsi New York pry Goods. v New York, Oct. ll.-r-Dry Goods-rCatton goods here today were firm and yarn in better demand. Long cloths and cambric advanced )o yard. Raw silk w mf active and wool markets very ateady. CHICAGO GRAIN ANp PROVISION!1. Corn Rallies From Report That Government Plcens Will Not Interfere. Chicago, Oct. 11. Reports thgt. govern ment license regulation fur th handling of foodstuffs would not apply to dealing on th Board pf Trade, hlp8t, tU rly the corn and provialon markets ' today from acute weakness. Corn closed nervous,. at the same s yesterday's finish to lo higher, with December, $1.14 to $1.14, and May, $1.09 to $1.10. Oats gained o to e. Provisions after a collapse that reached an extreme of $2.56, ended th day at lasses of 60c to $1.20. a Corn lipwed hesltfney at th opening, then quickly plunged down grade on talk ef $1 a bushel rs the aim pf the food ad ministration. Besides, pefi talk had ac quired decided force and was accompanied by heavy selling ascribed to Important foreign sources, Th market, though, re bounded during th last ftalf of the ses sion, aided by evenlng-up for the holiday tomorrow, al well as by abatement of anx iety in regard to chances of radical govern ment mGsaure touching corn. Big export purchases had a strengthen ing effect on oats. Brest la liquidation, on the part ef held erj breke provisions severely for the third day tn eqcoesslon. The flurry about in creased government control appeared later, however, to have subsided In the main. New ' . t Now York, Oct. 11. Flour Easy; spring patents, $11.15011.45; winter patents. $10.65 010.90; winter straight-, $10.3310 65; Kan pas straights. $:!.. '"1' ' Corn Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow, $2.08; No. $ mixed, $2.60, 0. I. f. New York. Barleyr-rWeskerj feeding, $1.18; malting, $1.4401.4$: California, $MQ ' York. Feed Steady; western bran, $36.68; stand ard middlings, $41.56; city bran, $37.00, all In 180-lb. lacks. v Hay Quiet; No. 1, $1.1991.16; No. 2, $1.15(8)1. 20; No. 3, 95c$.106; shipping, 90 0960. Hops Steady: state, medium to choice, 1817, 89t88e; 1916, nominal Pacific coast, 1917, 4043o; 1918, $327c Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 11. Cattln Receipt, 11,000 head; market, steady; native steers, $7,200 17.50: western steers. $6.3G14.76; stockers and feeders, $6.25011.(0; eows and heifers, $5.156?18 36; calves, $9.60916.99. Hogs--flecelptB, 10,000 head; market, weak: 59a under yesterday' average: bulk of sales, $17.70(i18.6Q; light, $16.75 WIS 60; mixed, J17.00J1 IS.80; rough, $) 17.00 17.30 ; plKs. $12.60016.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, J6.009 head; weak; wtthers, $9.1013.00; ewes, $8.00 11.86; lambs, $13 ,519)18.85. Slonx City Live Stack Market. Sioux City, Oct. H-rCattle Receipts, $, 690 head; market weak; beef steer. $7. 00 if 16.06; fat vows and heifers, $6.509.0,0; canners, $5 3508 86; stockers gnd feeders, $7.90s12.(0; ealves, $7.68911.(9; bulls, stag, ete., $6.9008.80; feedipf cow and heifer, $d.80&$.$6. Hogs Receipts, $.508 head) market !6o to 860 lower! light, $18. 46f 18.76; mixed, $18.691$ 79; heavy, $18.69919.00: pig, $17.96018.98; hulk at sale, $18.60l8.79. Sheep gnd pambs Receipts, 1,000 head: market steady. Minneapolis tiraln Market. Minneapolis, Oct. 11. Flour Market un changed. Ry-$.691.88. Barley (1.1091.38. Bran $30.00 81.00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle 15c to 25c Off For the Week; Hogs 25c to 40c Lower; Good Demand for Sheep, Omaha, Ootolwr 11, 1917. Receipts were Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Official Monday ......14.667 1,639 18,87$ Official Tuesday ..,,.11,61 4,338 19,008 official Wednesday ,.10,69i 4,flnj sa.ivs Kstimate Thursday .. 6,600 4.600 23,909 Four days this week 43.168, 15,966 83.169 Same days last week. .60,095' 16.649 14. 563 Sams days $ wk, ago. 6s, 693 14,901 131.547 flame days 3 wks. ago.4.S7 20,Jii 111.303 Same days 4 wks. ao.8S.)HS ll,s;6 107,347 Sams days lust year,. 43, 81 lt,4S0 121,639 Cattle , goed average Thuradny run of cattle showed up today, 1,500 head, but the four days' receipts have been fully 7,000 smaller than for the corresponding period a week ago. There was no improvement In the quality of the offerings, and compara tively little change In the general market. Desirable beef steera and cows were scarce snri quality fully stesdy with Wednesday as well a a week ago. On th plain or Inbe. tween cattle It woe the usual slow and ir regular trade with the tread ef vslues downward, the decline for the week amount ing to 16925a on all except the choice cattle. Ill stockers and feeder the trade pre sented no new features. Anything that had weliht and quality gold readily and well, but It was pretty close to a ISo lower deal on the general run of light and medium weight, stock as compared with th first of the week. Queletlnns en cattle: Trim havy beeves. 816 096117.09: stood to choice beeves. $11,009 16.99: fair to good beevis, $18.00913.60; Mmmsn ta fair beeves, 88. 99911. 00; good to rhotce yearllnaa. $l4.oni6.50;' fair ta good yesrftngs, $!3.89(M4.00i common to fstr yeerllnM. 8T.l0Mli.H0i prim heavy grass beeves. $13.00 4 86: good to cholee gross beeves, 310. now I J.oo; fair to good grass beeves, $9 99910.00; common o fair grass beeves $7.6903.75;' good tn choice heifers, $8.0093 36; good to choice eows, $7.760$. 99; fair to goad cows, $6.6007.50; common to fair rows. $3.0096 26; prim feeding steer. $19.99014.1(1 good to choke feeders, $H.CI 916.90; fair to good feeders. $7.6098.(0) common to fair feeders, $6,000 7.891 good to choice Hooker. $3.60010.00; stock heifers, $6.600$. 00; stock row, $6.09 97.69; stack calve, $6.(098.60; veal rslves, $8.89911.06; bulla, slags, (., $5.40 7.50. Representative sales. BEEP STEERB. No, , Av. Pr. No. A. Pr. 16 669 $7 89 th, 739 $t $9 I $37 $ $6 COWS. 1 83$ $ 16 1... 868 I 9 1 93$ $5 4...,..,. $1$ I 35 1 679 $ 69 t 1078 $ (9 it 181$ 8 $0 RTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 (85 $ 49 15 861 T IS 22,,. 120 8 10 81.,.,,,,. $30 $ 40 NEBRASKA. 19 feeders. $2$ I $0 I feeders. $99 $ 00 1 feedere. 888 8 96 COLORADO. 10 feeders 871 7 60 6 steer., $$$ ( 10 MONTANA. 44 steers. .1198 18 69 23 feeders 1192 11 40 U cows. ,.1031 1 49 WYOMING. I 23 feeders. (6$ 8 20 oow(,,.004 7 85 4 heifers, 66$ I 16 13 stoek's. 664 8 25 13 steers. .1003 19 99 $7 feeders. 1001 10. 60 6 steers. ,1290 11 10 Hogs Receipts ware moderate, but ow ing to yesterday's bad break In provisions packers were very bearish, gnd with hardly any shipping competition they succeeded in buying the bulk of today' offering at prices that were 36tf40o lower. After the market was established sellers put loose rather freely and a pretty good clearance was made by 16 o'clock. Bulk of the sale was mad at f '8.40fJU.$0, ana) fha top was $1810. Representative It, No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. 61. .$1$ 166 1$ 111 63., $7$ 169 $18 16 66. .261 ... 1$ 49 68, .871 8$ 1$ 46 64. .368 139 16 69' 61. .$11 -49 13(5 62. .252 ... 13 (0 76. .213 80 1$ 61 66. .260 ... 18 19 86. .$21 40 13 75 49. .24$ .., 18 19 PIQ8J. 45, .187 ... 17 75 83. .131 ... Sheep and Iambs Th run of sheep was fairly large for a Thursday, but the (seder outlet continue good, and the market was fairly active with the general ton ta) prices stronger. Good feeding lamb sold around $18.85018.40. Fat stuff was about steady, $18.90918.86 buying fair to good killing lambs. Old sheep continue uneven with (he general trade fully ateady. Quotation on sheep and lambs; Lamhs, fair to pholce, $11.69011.(5) lambs, feeder, $17.40018.48; lambs, culls, $18.89019.69) yearlings, fair to choice, $12.00013.60; year lings, feeders, $12.00913.60; wethers, fn If to choice, $11.00012.75; eWts, fair to choice, $10.00911.26; ewes, culls and feeders, $6.60 010.50; ewes, breeders, all age, $19,600 17.60. D.n....t.4lll. .al... No. Av. Pr. V 168 Wyoming lambs 70 17 85 OK Native Imb 70 17 63 (3 Wyoming fettling ewes.... 88 8 $9 $1 Wyoming feeding lambs..., 65 17 69 174 Idaho feeder lamb 69 17 35 18 Idaho feeding lambs 61 18 35 NEW YORK STOCKS Rails Are Liquidated, Bally, and Finally Fall Away To ward Active Close of Market; New York, Oct. 11. Investment stocks, principally rails, were again, extensively liquidated in th early stage of today' trading, .rallied moderately on th more restrained operation of th mid-session and fell away again toward the active close. Much of the temporary improvement, which favored war stocks and specialties morn than standard Issues, was ascribed tn short covering, that faction evidently deem ing it advisable to take profits and other wise reduce committment ever the ap proaching holiday. Renewal of pressure in the last hour wa doubtless Impeded, how ever, by the rather meager buying power, or lack of public inquiry. ' Early declines parried St. Paul common and preferred and Baltimore ; Ohio com mon and preferred to new low records at ex erenie ri'tslnns of $ tn 8 points, Union Psclflo, Canadian Pacific, Nurthsrq Pacific. Oreat Northern, Chicago & Northwestern, Reading, Norfolk A Western and New York Central, included he other rail that broke 1 t IVs point to the lowest quotation of the year or for a much longer period. Weakness In this Important division again aff eted every other branch of th market, notably prominent industrials. In which early lendenclse were mainly towards betterment, galna of 1 ts $ polnta soon be ing effaced. United State Steel rallied from It Inw of 101 to 104, but closed at 10$ un changed on the day. Other steals and equip ments, metals, oil and specialties lsn re versed their course, eloslug at alight de cline or nominal gains. Shippings showed underlying strength, likewise the motor is sues Sale amounted to $69,909 shares. Honda were Irregular on heavier offerings. The Liberty 8s changed hands st 99(8 to 99.880. Total bond sales, par value, $. 195,098. United Hlglea 8s deyllned a quarter and 4a a half. Number of sale and range of prices of the leading stocks: Sales. High. 8,068 17 7.708 1,709 3,498 8,899 8,106, (6 65 30 167 Amer. Beet Suggs, American Cgq . .,, Amer. C. A F Amer. Locomotive. Amer. ft. R . . . . . Amer, Sugar Rot, Amer. T. T 1,99(1 $16 Amer. , L. 8. 609 UU Anscendg Copper.) 11,809 (6 Atchhjon. ., ' 1,999 (114 A., 0. Vf. t I. I 3,709 J 98 Bal. 4 Ohio $1,99 $7 Butt Sup. Cp. 1,109 11 cai. Petroleum I,. 109 14 Canadian Central I, Chee. Ohio .... 1.9 C. M. Bt. P.... 1,609 Chi. V N. W 1.109 $00 O., R. f. A P. cfs. 7,900 $4 '4 China Copper i. .., ,)89 46 Colo. P. & I....... $.409 89 Corn Product Co, 7,609 13 Crucible Steel .... 31,799 66 Cuba Can Sugar , 3,000 $7 Dlatiller' Sec...... 16.901) 86 Erie '. ... 8,800 19 General Electric, 1,898 198 General Motor .. $,309 199 Ot, No. pfd 8,989 91 Gt. Na. Ore clfs... 5.899 89 Illinois Centrsl ,. 1,509 109 Inspiration Copper, JL"6 Low. 74 39 (6 68 88 106 n 13 111 $4 18 18 Paclflo . 14.068 1,4941 146 148 Leather.. 4 11.699 .76 13 Ji Ohio .... 3,990 534 62 63 69 46 98 88 48 87 $7 63 17 8'. J8 188 85 Close. 76 40 66 64 88 10S 16 (9 81 9$ 16 46 109 23 44 8ti 38 66 36 33 16 (6 99 10 Int. M. M. pfd. Inter. Nlnhel Inter. Paper K. C. Southern ... Kenneoott Copper.. Loul Nash- 1 Maxwell Motor , Miami Coppr . .,, Mei. Petroleum.... Missouri Paclflo ., Montana power , Nevada Copper . . . New York Central. N. T X. H. H.. Norfolk 4k West,,, Northern Paclflo,. Paclfia Mall Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal .. Ray. Con. Copper. Heading Uepubllo I. fl.,, Phsttuck Aria. Cop. Southern Pacific, Southern Ry. ... .. studnbakar Corp.,,, Texas 0 Union Paclflo .... U. H. Ind. Alcohol. 16,800 6,699 $.809 809 18,900 46 84 81 18 17 . 16 19 18 44 $8 81 11 4 19 34 $9' 33 17jt s 1,904 118)4 $18 111 $.100 4,194 4,109 1,808 409 1,809 4.806 8.689 1.400 1 $.909 87 34 89 88 18 12vJ 106 it ii 77 II 10 87 43 89 87 17 68 17 10 $7 10$ $0 H 75 75 $0 18 18 80 108 18,809 V,609 $1,499 19,1100 600 $.809 10,000 1.469 1,600 16.104 4,986 U. fl. Steal ,.,,.,.145,809 U. 8. Stool pfd,,., 3,400 Utah Copper 15,809 Wabash 1 f d "B" .. 1,100 Western Union ... 609 Weatlne-housa Bt... 104 Total sale for th day, 9tt8,009 shares. . 1 ,1 . 1 33 39 88 $6 79 18 71 17 106 C 16 14 69 47 23 16 7 lots 89 87 U 43 148 123 isH 146 140 126 733 l!Vi 1364 104 101 101 116 113 118 84 $1$ 84 18 18 IS 88U. 16 86 4814 41 J1 FORTUNES IN OIL Th Uteet map of th famou Big Muddy Oil Field of Wyoming, (holing all th dif ferent properties, sent fre udp" request. tiki. HI ifet.Mut Hnnri mi An,,. the Van Keuren'MtuweH Investment Co, 639 Foatr Building, Pvr, Colo. THE MERIT OF VIRGINIA HOG REMEDY TO BE DEMONSTRATED TO GOVERNMENT COMPETITIVE TEST PLANNED UNDER SUPERVISION OF EXPERTS, AT WHICH TIME SUPERIORITIES OF ANTI-CHOLERIC WILL BE CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED, CLAIM VIRGINIANS MINOR TESTS NOT CONCLUSIVE AND PERMISSION REFUSED REPRESENTATIVES TO PARTICIPATE IN THEM, "TOO MANY OWE LIVELIHOOD TO SERUM" THEY SAY We are soon to fnake an exhaustive, thorough and conclusive demon- titration of the merits of Anti-Choleric Hop; Remedy under the supervi sion of, experts of the Department of Agriculture at Washington," says P. B. Gravely, who is at present in Nebraska introducing this remarkable Virginian Hog Remedy, "apd if the, test s staged as suggested and all methods and remedies participate, including serum, the results will conclusively prove which is the surest, best and most economical method of cholera prevention and eure, continued Afr, Gravely. "Many tests, perhaps prejudiced, are constantly being made and personally I would like to participate in them all. the following wire received in answer to my request for permission to assist gentlemen of Ames, la., however, tells the viewpoint of out home office : "Cannot grant permission. Test would not be conclusive. Real tests by parties in no way interested in serum welcomed, though demon strations conducted now are only to convince skepties as we know Anti-Choleric te bp everything claimed. "We have interested officials, Department Agriculture, Washington, and opportunity for real test in competitipn with all other methoda will demonstrate its superiorities. " "Minor teBts of subordinates, local or state, carry too little weight nationally, so do not lend assistance or donate time or remedy for such purposes, Government bulletins, issued from Washington will keep all hog raisers informed. Meantime continue introductory work. Hog raisers are our final jury. We cannot ward off all attacks from parties makie or interested in serum, There are too many who owe. trjeif livelihooa to serum- ' " ANTI-CHOLERIC STOCK REMEDY CORP." We arc striving for national distribution so that by quantity pro duction the cost of Anti-Choleric may be lowered for our own Virginia Hog raisers. Needless expense in tests and expenditures are- discouraged, because our folks down in Virginia use lots of Anti-Choleric, not only to prevent cholera, but to stimulate growth and appetite, and as blood remedy. Biek hogs are treated with it and used regularly this way about twice a week, the price, even at one hundred doses for a dollar, costs a dollar per year per hog and we want to cut that down. , We never anticipated the deep-rooted prejudice we hav discovered here in Nebraska, nor the antagonistic attitude of many who supposedly are striving as we are for better stock raising conditions, -Te cpnvjne all, the home office has planned on one grand teBt, which will fqrever set at rest the fears ef skeptics. In war times such plans are necessarily slow, but the above telegram shows we are going about this "proof" business in the usual b-g way, ' We have arranged for the pale of Anti-Choleric Hog Remedy ip at Jeast one drug store in nearly every town in Nebraska and the glowing reports of results convinces US our efforts are winning out and if the reader will secure a hundred-dose dollar package, he, too, will be flonr vinced of its value as a preventative, tonic, blood remedy, appetizer and Stimulant to grqwth for hogs. Jf your stqre hasn't Anti-Choleric he can get some for you from the official' Nebraska distributor for this territory, Beaton Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Ask. him to order a dozen hundred-dose packages or mora today.