Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1917, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily - B
VOL. XL VII. NO. 100.
tlD TrtlM. ! Moleli.
. Newi Standi. Etc.. to.
Indications Now Point to Full Seven-Game Drive;
Chicago Never Gto a Runner Beyond Third;
Giants Playing Almost Unparalleled
in History of World's Series.
Score by Innings:
New York ,
0T(k00000 0-0 7
0 0 1 1 0 1 2 5 10
Recent Activity Against Social
ist Party in Navy Plot May
Spell Ruin as Govern
ernment Minister.
(Br Auccinted Fran.)
New York, Oct. 11. Swinging their war clubs like the
cavemen of old, the New York Nationals battered their way to
victory over the Chicago Americans here today by a score of
5 to 0. As a result of the second defeat of the White Sox. in
two days the Giants are traveling westward tonight on even,
tehns with their rivals in the struggle for world series victory.
The outcome of the, battle for pre
mier base ball honors is as much in
dotibt as before the series began in
Chicago last Saturday. Each team
now has won two contests and the in
dications point to a full seven-game
drive before either club will admit the
supremacy of the other.
The victory of the Giants in the
fourth game was the most impressive
of the struggle to date, for the Na
tional league color-bearers excelled
both iti pitching and with the bat.
While the Chicago combinition
threatened several times, they never
got a runner beyond third Base, and
the American league team left for the
shoresxtf Lake Michigan witJiout
crossing the Polo Grounds home plate
in eighteen innings.
Spotlight Turns or. New Heroes.
Two new diamond heroes leaped to
pedestals of fame in the clash under
Coogan's Bluff today, for Ferdinand
Schupp of Louisville, Ky., turned the
White Sox batter back without a run
and Benny Kauff of Middleport; Q.,
led the batting massacre with two
home runs. .
The youthful left-hander fully re
deemed himself for the. vicious sally
of the Chicago club in the second
ea-me on their home grounds when
the Comiskey park batters drove him 4
from the mound early m the contest,
while Kauff, after thirteen hitless
trips to the plate, finally found his
batting eye and broke through Pitcher
Fyaber for a circuit drive which paved
the way for the Giants' onslaught that
later was to demoralize the White
Sox. The effectiveness of Schupp's
hurling and Kauff's batting was suffi
cient to defeat the American league
y.itmpioiis, but the thrill of victory
Vaj contagious and their teammates
were only a stride behind fhemin the
ruh through the White Sox trenches.
Feat a Rare One.
Only twice in the long history of
world series base ball has Kauff's feat
of two home runs in one game been
duplicated. Before the forme bat
ting leader of the Federal league
made his two circuit drives, the honor
was divided between Harry Hooper
of the Boston Americans or 1915 and
Outfielder Dougherty of the same
club in 1903. Hooper hammered two
hom runs into the bleachers in the
fifth game of the world's series of two
ears ago against the Philadelphia
Nationals, while in the ancient days of
the nost-season play Dougherty estab
lished the record with his twin drives V
against the nttsDurgn iauonais m
1903. -'
-In shutting out the Sox without a
run, following a similar feat by
(Continued on Pae Eight. Column Ona.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fklr; warmer.
Temperatures nt Omaha Tcstcrday
G a. m
tt&T A 'v!tS::H:i:::
Jf "-9a. m
f I 10 a. m
'VtSvifm r 12 m
MV R " j p-im
2 p. m
1- I 4 p. m 42
esfe ; i si-::::::: "
1 7 p. m 3
I p. ni 36
. 62
. 05
. 63
. 52
Comparative Loral Record.
' 19171 1916. 1915. 1914.
Highest yesterday.... 66 63 67 69
Lowest yesterday 36 48 , 52. 49
Mean temperature.... 46 66 df 69
Precipitation T .00- .00 .20
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha yesterday, and
compared with the last lwo years:
Normal temperature 67
tlclency for the day...,.- 11
Total deficiency since March 'l 254
Normal precipitation...! , . .OSinch
Deficiency for the day OSinch
Total rainfall since March 1 20.70 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1916.11.61 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. 1.46 inches
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Raln-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 44 4
Davenport, cloudy .... 36 52 '
enver. clear 66
Dea Molnc-e. cloudy .... 36
Dodge V'lty, clear .... 54
lender, clear 64
North Platte, clear .... 40
Omaha, clear 3g
Pueblo, clear ......... SS
Rapid City, clear 36
fait Lake City, clear .. TO
Santa Fe, clear 4
Shediran. clear 46
Sioux City, clear 3 4H
Valentine, clear 34 42
'" '"T" Indicated trace of precipitation.
' k A. WELSH. Meteorologist.
(By Associated Press.)
Copenhagen, Oct 11. Germany's
paper crisis over the pan-German
propdanda, which loomed so big in
anticipation, but was 50 small in re
sults, has passed.' In its place has
Visen a new, and this time a realty
serious crisis, caused by the attempt
of - Chancellor MjcJbaelisrVice Chan
cellor Helfferich and Minister of the
Navy von Capelle to use the alleged
plot-in the German navy as a political
weapon against the party of the ex
treme left in the Reichstag..
. It is not improbable, German politi
cal observers point out, that Chancel
lor Mic aelis in an hour of apparent
success sowed the seeds of his own
downfall. Results are not to be ex
pected immediately as the Reichstag
adjourns this week, but the new con
ditions of German political life, it is
contended, will undoubtedly from now
on work against Von Bethmann-Holl-weg's
successor. ,
Opposition Lined Up.
The immediate results of the dis
closures of Chancellor Michaelis and
Vice Admiral von Capelle have been
that the government socialists have
been driven -into complete opposition
and into alignment with the radical
socialists, that the followers of Philipp
Seheidemann have delivered a formal
declaration of war against the gov
ernment until Chancellor Michaelis
has been removed from office and that
the radicals, the members of the
center and even the national liberals
have criticised and condemned the
Michaelis-Capelle move as one which
ought not to have been made unless
the government had full proof of the
complivity cf the three radical social
ists in an actual conspiracy to mutiny
proof which they evidently bcUeve
the government will be unable to pro
Stripped of its embellishments, the
government statement reduced itself
to the charge that agitation to enroll
members for the radics.1" socialist
party had been carried on in the navy,
that leaflets had been distributed and
that two of the exec-led sailuii had
visited Deputies Haase, Vogtherr and
No Grain Market in-
' Omaha Friday; Holiday
""It having been decreed that tomor
row, Friday, Columbus day, is a holi
day, there will be no Omaha grain
market. The occasion is observed as
a holiday with the grain markets in
other cities.
Uncle on the Job
r7""K r - - - - -- , ' r . -n ' . , - m
o .
Butler and Parks Mix Over
Handling the Muinftpal Coal
Yard Long Line of
If the coal being sold by the mu
nicipal coal department generates as
many heat units as were generlted
du-ing the city council meeting yes
terday, when mutiy coal was dis
cussed, then consumersNshould watch'
their check drafts.
Commissioners Butler' and Parks
threw burning remarks at each other,
winding up with a handshaking scene
like the finale of a roped arena affair.
Mr. Butler's office has been receiv
ing orders Mr. Parks' department
is to do the hauling. The latter
wanted to know specifically how the
funds were to be handled, whereupon
Butler suggested that his colleague
should have his photograph taken on
a car of coal. ,
Should Get Together.
The city council decided that Com
missioners Butler an,d Parks should
get together and handle the situation
co-operatively and amicably.
Two hundred cash orders were re
ceived in Mr. Butler's office before
noon and a line of customers was un
broken until noon. Eight cars of coal
were, on track and more cars are ex
pected daily.
V. C. Lambert, corporation coun
sel, received receipt No. 1 in pay
ment for two" tons of coal. D. E.
Johnson of 1306 South Twenty-eighth
street was No. 2. Cash orders will
not be received in excess of coal act
ually received. There are more than
800 other persons who wish to' be
notified as soon as more coal is in
One grade of coal is being sold at
$5.75 per ton and another at $6 per
ton, which prices, it is believed, will
cover actual cost of delivery. Deliv
eries will be started this wek.
Governor Neville Calls , Upon All
School Boards to Aid in Harvest
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Oct. 11. (Specials
Gathering of the 1917 corn crop is
made the theme of a special procla
mation issued "by Governor -Neville
today. The proclamation says in
"There are, without doubt, many
students, in the schools, colleges and
universities of the state who could
render valuable service as corn husk
ers. Various methods for making
these men available have been sug
gested. Among others, to declare a
general holiday of three weeks in
November; to shift the regularly holi
day season coming later in the year
to November; to dismiss the grades
from which corn huskers could rea
sonably be expected to be secured; to
furlough students pledging them
selves to assist in harvesting the corn
crop. '
"After careful investigation I aim'
convinced that I have naegal au
thority to prescribe any particular
method, and further, that no method
suggested could reasonably be ex
pected to meet the radically different
conditions in the local communities
throughout the state.
"I. therefore, call upon the Board
of Regents of the State university,
the state normal Hoard, the governing
boards of the various colleges, the
Boards of Education ,in the cities and
towns of Nebraska, the school au
thorities in the rural districts and all
county' superintendents to adopt the
method that will, first, make avail
able the greatest number- of corn
huskers at the proper season; second,
that will prefect the sjudents enlist
ing in his work against loss'of credits,
to the end that 110 penalty be placed
upon their patriotism."
Persistent Hammering in Flan
ders Compels Reformation
of Defenses Along Entire
Western Frpnt.
(By Aseoclnlfd Press.)
Extremely bad weather on the
Flanders front is limiting the ac
tivities of the belligerents. The allies,
however, have maintained themselves
in the territory they gained in Tues
day's gret drive.
At only one point has their hold
slipped at all, and that was in a par
ticularly low sector along the British
front below Poelcappelle, where their
advance posts were drawn in' a little.
Wliile the work ot consolidation
and preparation for the renewal of the
offensive is proceeding, German
counter attacks are being held off by
the entente guns.
Last night the French had one of
these rttacks to deal with in re
gion east of Draeibank, but broke it
See Danger at Verdun.
Some attention is being attracted
by' the persistence of the German ef
forts to regain ground on the French
front in the Verdun region.
In this connection it is noted that
recently one of the German military
critics, in alluding to the situation in
Flanders, spoke of the peril to which
the Germans might, be subjected on
the Verdun front if the German lines
in the Belgivm area should give way.
French Near German Territory.
The French are very near German
territory northeast of Verdun and a
forced weakening of the German
lines there mieht well have a serious
effect upon the whole military situa
tion, well placed as the trench now
are for the initiation of a drive from
the -outlying Verdun positions.
The German effort to push back
the French here, or possibly to re
gain the lost initiative in the region,
may possibly be traced to anxiety in
(Continued on race Two, Column Three.)
President Approves Price
' Fixed on Steel Products
Washington, Oct. 11. An agree
ment between the war . industries
board and steel manufacturers, fixing
maximum prices for steel products,
about ond-third under existing market
prices, was approved today by Presi
dent Wilsoiv
South America Aroused
Over German Intrigue
Buenos Aires, Oct, 10. There is
much concern among the people of
Argentina over disclosures of Ger
man intrigues to bring abo a
conflict between Brazil, Argentina
and Uruguay. '
Scnor Carlos Rodriguez Larret-'
ta, the former Argentine minister
f finance, declares in a published
article today that a Von Luxburg
dispatch, which has not yet been
made public, refers to German in
trigues in Argentina and southern
The government is expected to
take measures to prevent a pro
posed neutrality demonstration next
President Holds Evidence Ger
many Financed Opposition to
Celebration of 100 Years
Peace With England.
Washington, Oct. 11. Germany
financed Irish-American propaganda
organizations in the United States as
early as 1909 to combat the newly de
velope dmovement for celebration of
100 years of peace between America
and Great Britain, President Wilson
has learned from leaders in the cen
tenary celebration.
John A. Stewart of New York,
chairman of the American branch of
the centenary committee, who recent
ly called at the White House with H.
S. Perris of London, a leader in the
British phase of the movement,
brought evidence that within five
weeks after announcement of the cen
tenary plans, early in 1909, German
and Irish-American interests in the
United States formed a number of as
sociations and leagues to foster in
terest in German affairs. '
Merge with Truth Society.
Most of these organizations, Mr.x
Stewart informed the president, short
ly became merged with the American
Truth, society, whose president.
Jeremiah O'Leary, was mentioned in
the secret message to Count von
Bcrnstorff from the German govern
ment, disclosed yesterday by Secre
tary Lansing.
One of the activities of the organ
izations was to erect elaborate monu
ments over the graves of prominent
German-Americans and to .Rive pub
licity to historic roles played by Ger
mans in the United States. Develop
ment of the British-American peace
centenary movement was combatted
by German propagandists in a multi
tude of ways, extending even to lob
bying against bills in state' legla
tures to promote success of the cen
tenary celebration planned for 1914
and disarranged by the war.;'
Propaganda Eight Years Old. "
Mr. Stewart offered to place at the
disposal of the president or. State de
partment records of the Britislt-Amer-ican
peace centenary committee indi
cating that German-Irish popaganda
to exploit public opinion came into
existence at least eight years ago.
Coal Prices in Some
Districts Revised Upward
Washington, Oct. IT. The fuel ad
ministration today announced an up
ward revision of coal prices in 4:r
tain outlvinar district, nf KenttirWv-J
Tennessee and iirginia.
Jn, Virginia prices in some districts
are raised from $2 to $2.40 for run-of-
miric coal.
In eastern Tennessee run-of-mine
prices in five counties lire raised from
$2.30 to $2.40: f
In Kentucky prices in several dis
tricts were raised from $1.95 to-$2.40
for run-of-mine coal.
; ; :
Russ Bandits Wreck Train
And Kill Eight Passengers
Petrograd, Oct. 11. Eight passeng
ers were killed, and fifty wounded by
a band of seventy yiminals, who
derailed a mail train on the Rostov-
Tiflis line at Vladikavkazaccording !
to 'ine Moscow newspaper Kanneye
The robbers tore up the rails and
after the train had been wrecked, at
tacked the passengers with rifles.
Financial Men From All Parts of State Sub$rib2
Amount Ranging "From $3,000 to $1,000,000;
Federal Reserve Representative Makes
Appeal in Nation's Name.
Women's Organizations to Be
Urged by Prominent Fair Sex
Speakers to Purchase
New War Issue.
Editor George Ade Tells Boys and Girle
How to Do Their Bit for Soldiers at Front
: Assuming that this letter is now
being read by some bov, or girl old
enough to go to school, but still young
enough to be called a "kid" (by those
who don't know any better) let us
begin by asking the question, "Is" it
wrong to fight?" -v '
Every boy or girl with civilized par
ents can answer that question.
It is not to be answered by "yes"
or "no."
If we say "yes," we admit at once
that our old friends George Washing
ton and U. S. Grant were depraved
characters because they fought and
then kept on fighting.
If Buffalo Bill once upon a time
rode out across the plains and came
upon a bajid of Indians attacking a
settler's cabin apd went dashing up
with his scouts and killed a few red
skins, is there any. boy in the world
who would go back on Buffalo Bill
and pick out some quiet, elderly real
estate dealer as a substitute hero?
It's too foolish to talk about.
Suppose we say it is not wrong to
fight. Then we remove all blame from
the Indians that Buffalo Bill killed
and we t.nd ourselves so mixed up
that probably we had better back up
and take a new start.
In answerXto' the question, "Is it
wrong to fight?" there can be but one
"I predict that Nebraska will be held up as a monumental
state of the union when the Liberty loan returns come in."
These were the words of Charles S. Hamlin of the Federal
Reserve board, Washington, D. C. Nebraska bankers, in con
vention at the Hotel Fontenelle Thursday, rallied to his call.
: O nmrv tn Ptrsomm
Thirty minutes after the prediction
had been uttered the bankers of the
state' had subscribed $3,205,200 toward
the Liberty loan as their bit toward
making Nebraska the banner state in
the second big financial offensive of
the war. . ,
Bamcers from every section of the
state sprang o their feet with sub
scriptions authorized by their direc
tors, ranging from $3,000 to $1,000,000. :
and averaging around $23,000, whenN
John L. Kennedy offered the invita
tion for subscriptions in behalf of the
state committee.
"It was a splendid sfght," said E. F.
Folda, secretary of tha state Liberty
loan board. "Fine showing. Very
well satisfied with the results of the,
brief meeting."
Ex-Governor Morehead evoked ap
plause when he pledged $25,000. for
th Falls City First National bank on
his pwn initiative. ' "I am- poor,1
weak and ineffectual director of this
bank." he said, "but I nloHcre them
$25,000 worthof Liberty bonds with
out any authority to do so. 1 If tley
don't want the bonds, I'll foot the bill
myself." t . . -.lEnthusiiAni
ran high, ahd several
delegates '.revised their, subscriptions
upward, as the meeting y progressed. ,
The Lincoln banks; made the fiigh1"
offe of the day with a subscription
of $1,000,000.
' Equip th$ Soldiers.
1 "Every $50 bondyou buy equipj a '
soldier." said Mr. Hamlii in hi
f dress preceding,. the open meeting.
every $ouu oona pays his expenses
for a month in the army or the navy,
of the United, States." . T
Mr. Hamlin alsofcpoke at length on
the federal reserve bank, urging all
state banks to join the federal reserve
system. "We are going to triumph in
thje war ithrough the federal reserve
system," .he said. There will not be a
state bank out of the system which
will not wish it were in it before we
are through the trying times ahead of
us during this war." . ,
Predicts Bright Future. .
The federal resetve system rfow
controls more than $100,000,000 in
deposits and has $?W,000,0OQ in gold.
holding as much" as. Great Britain, 1
France, and Italy together. Mr. Ham
lin is. confident the United States will
come forth from tht war, themost
powerful nation, in citizenship, in
finance and in armament, of any na-,
tion of trie world. . .
A. D. Welton,"manager of the de
partment of public relations of the
American Bankers' association, spoke
on "The Profits and the Benefits of
the War." "Business Is being subjected'
to, tne ruling ot politics because busi
ness will not regulate its own pur- '
poses ' in accord withr the modern
spirit," he said. "The modern spirit
puts service to humanity above pri
vate profits. Business to reach its pin
nacle of success in these times and
after the war must recognize , that ,
principle. Business must voluntarily
socialize its purposes or that socializa
tion will be forced upon us."
Weston Elected President
W. S. Weston of the First National
bank of'Hartington was elected presi-
(Contlnued on Paga Two, Column Two.)
Yeggs Rob Des Moines ' :" '
Bank in Broad Daylight
Des .Moines, la., Oct. '11. (Special
Telegram.) -Two unmasked men held
up the Euclid Avenue Savings bank '
about 12:30 o'clock today, and, while '
Cashier: Jerry Saclor was compelled
to lie down under the counter, the
men gathered up about $1,500 in loose -money
and walked leisurely out of the
bank and down the street. The bank '
was founded by former Mayor Hanna
a year' ago and was robbec1 last win
ter by yeggs who blew the safe and
obtained about $J0O. Nox one has
been arrested for either crime.
Many prominent Omaha women
will make their Idebuts as platform
orators when the speak in the inter
est of the Liberty bond loan.
Every women's club meeting
this month will
be addressed by
a Woman speak
er urging the
purchase of Lib
erty, bonds, ac
cording to Mrs.
Warren ,., Black
well, iu , charge
of this .division
o f w o r k ;
W-iirnXn of the1
oratory depart- -mint
r of the
Omaha Wom
an's club, too, .
are training to
serve by going
out to make
One of the
first clubs, so
W e d n e. s day
m, o r n . i h g
brought satis
factory results. Ars. Blackwell her
self spoke at the Mu Sigma meeting
at the home of Mrs. N. P. Feil. when
the club as well as individual mem
bers mado pledges to the fund. Tues
day Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. E. S
Westbrook spoke at rfie Daughters of
the American Revolution meeting at
Bellevue. Mrs. Fairfield spoke at
Swedish Immanuel church and Miss
Gladys Shamp at the Omaha Wom
an's club.
. Mrs.vK. A. .Benson talked at the
Dundee Woman's club meeting and
Mrs. Edgar II. Scott has volunteered
to reach all associations of collegiate
alumnae. Mrs. Westbrook will bpeak
to Red Cross auxiliaries in (he Baird
building every day this week.
First Day Good.
Mrs. Frank YV Judson, .chairman
of the church committee, turned in
$15,700 the first day of the campaign.
Mrs. Alvin Johnson and Mrs. S. S.
Caldwell secured $1,350 in contribu-
(Contlnued on Pag Two, Colunva Onr.)
sensible reply, as follows: "It all de
pends." The Neighborhood Bully.
Suppose a boy of 14 is walking
along the. street with his . sister and
the neighborhood bully swaggers
around the corner and pushes the boy
up against a fence and cuffs him
alongside the head and then tries
some insulting familiarities on the
sister, and suppose the boy -who is
thus humiliated and whose sister is
in tears suddenly remembers that he
has been told tokeep out of fights!"
What shall he dp?
Retreat to an alley, or stand up in
uetense ot his own self-respect and
try to protect his sister?
Suppose he says to the bully. "I be
lieve in peace and no matter what you
do to me, I won't strike back."
Then he would get a few more cuffs
for good measure, and his sister
would be ashamed of, him and be
would be ashamed of himself and the
little rowdy who attacked'him would
call himself cock of the walk and be
a greater nuisance than ever before.
The United States of America is
involved in hideous war because
President Wilson and congress and
all persons who are warmed, by red
blood instead oif being chilled by sar-
Ten Days in October
Display Advertising: in The Bee
- (Warfislsl Aftncy McaauramasHs.)
The Bee Alone Gains
: This Year" 7778 'Inches ;
Last . Year 5972 Inches
The Bee ' Gain ' 1 80S V Inches
World-Herald Loss 1223 Inches
The News' Loss 342 Inches
Keep Your Eye On The Bee
(Continued on ! Flv, Column Thr '
Improving Every Day 1 -
.-( " '.:. ' ', i "