Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha po-tofflce at second-elass matter.
Br farrier.
Psltr ant Randtr It I
IfUT without 8an4ir ' 1J
Kmninf end Bundsr '?
Timing without HunJj e
RnMd&tf Hm an), oc
Br Mill.
Pit rear, RM
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ftful aotjM of chnire'oi'i'or'irreriiJtrllr In dnJlterr to Omaha
hm CIrcuiUioa Utparuwi.
The associated Pra. ot Whirs Th Em U i a TY..,",nlZ
UtM to tM use for rrruMleUon f til newi credited lo It or
mt oUn-M crtdiMd In this l and slso U local i s -ub-iit
h 1 ah nhu of nDubllMttoa U our rpoctil dispatches
art alio
R 1 by drtft. express or portal w4r. Only sum ttaea hi
i-ysml of amall accounts. Pencmil ebock. exwpt oo Omaha and
mtsra esrhuu. stoepted.
Omaha-fas Boa Bulldlnr. ,,,,',I",PJ,.,S1, ."j"1
South Omaha-SM 8. Mta St. New nrx-JM Firth Aw.
Cwmrtl BlufTs-14 N. Mala BC ft Uwls-j IJ of Comnwrn a
Uaooln Mule Bulldlcs. Wwliuujuw lis Mth St. W. w.
AMm eaanHiiristlms relllr to w and editorial natter to
Omaha Boa. aVUtnrlal Department.
, 59,022 Daily Sunday, 52,158
maa dtnlilln tot tha month eubstribfd and sworn to by Dwlfht
Willi. ClRHlaUOB MantfiT.
Subscriber laavinf tha city should hava Tha Baa mailed
U than. Ad drama changed aa often aa requited.
Saving is always in order, but war makes it
jmperative.7 , '
Bids for those potash lakes show what Ne
braska has been overlooking. ,
Note that every eternat love triangle always
has at least three sharp corners.
"Embassy must in no circumstance be com
promised." How about United States senators?
f lf all this captured booze is to be opened up in
court, jury service may be sought for instead pf
shunned as . burden. ( . ii, , , v
. It would seem that Herr von Igel was entirely
too methodical for his own good, in keeping up
his correspondence file. '
.Senator Kenyon knows what he thinks of La
Follette, but does not want to express it until
after the committee reports.
VVhat worries the plotters most is they have
no way pf. tilling, how much more evidence Sec
retary Landing hasjnteserve '
One bushel of corn out of each ten raised in
the state will meet1 the" requested subscription to
the Liberty Loan In' Nebraska. , . '
' What's that, another boost in local cigarette
prices? And the sate of cigarettes in Nebraska is
absolutely prohibited by the law?-;
Colonel Neville has one big advantage just now
he has little trouble in getting .his military se
lections endorsed by the governor. "
Liberty motors are to propel trucks as well as
airplanes over the fields of Eurppe. In fact, the
whole war is taking on a Liberty .aspect. '
i Also, the boya in the training camps haveJ
faith in their works, as is testified by the subscript
tions to the Liberty Loan reported from there. :
Still more disclosures of intrigues in this coun
try by Bernstorff and, tys associates are promised.
My, some people must be otightry uncomfortable.
a vi
. Omaha set a swift pace for -the state on the
Liberty Loan march, and the end Is not over yet
Nebraska ought now to go beyond the mark with
out much extra effort r r
Stones From Class Houses.
For audacious presumption upon short mem
ory as a get-away from the odium of its own
record of rank pro-Germanism, commend us to
our hyphenated contemporary, the World-Herald.
Here it comes on with another attack upon Col
onel Roosevelt, placarding him with La Follette
despite the obvious fact that, while the Wisconsin
senator seems wilfully endeavoring to impede the
prosecution of the war, Colonel Roosevelt is in
defatigable in stirring the people to respond to
their country's call and to make the sacrifices
needful to insure early victory. With the essence
of sublime gall, the hyphenated World-Herald
runs down Colonel Roosevelt in its editorial col
umns at the very moment that, in its new col
umns, it tries to profit by his prestige by printing
under approving captions chapters from his new
book addressed to the farmers.
What hurts the World-Herald, 'apparently, is
its own admission that "Colonel Roosevelt stands
high in the regard of the people as an ardent pa
triot." The hyphenated paper, therefore, issued
as the personal organ of Senator Hitchcock, the
senator who went the limit in congress to help the
kaiser and was inextricably mixed up with the
German propaganda carried on under direction of
Bernstorff, Dernburg and other German emis
saries, feds moved to denounce Colonel Roose
velt's conduct as calculated "to do more harm
than everything that the La Follettes can say."
So it again objects to all reference to our inex
cusable unpreparedness for self-defense prior to
our entry into the war as reason for speeding up
our efforts now and adopting every possible meas
ure to strengthen our arms for democracy's vital
world combat and excoriates the colonel as of "the
same ilk" as La Follette, all of which is of the
identical stuff as the assault the same hyphenated
organ made upon the colonel last summer, when
it deliberately misquoted his speech at Lincoln in
order to have a straw man to knock down, and did
not have the decency to make correction when its
misrepresentation was exposed.
Since Senator Hitchcock may have to pass on
the case of Senator La Follette (for whom his alter
ego editor seems to be trying to provide a cover),
'it might invite reprisals for him publicly to pre
judge. When, however, it come to the question of
"doing more harm" we would like a popular de
termination as between Colonel Roosevelt, who,
even after refusal of his prompt offer to serve in
the field, has his time assisting in the mobi
lization of the nation's resources, and the stone
throwing glass-housed senator whose champion
ship of the kaiser's decoy embargo on munitions
bill, had it succeeded, would have left our nation
the helpless prey of ruthless autocracy and utter-1
ly in the power of the German war lords.
Menace of Mental Defectives
Bj Frt'tmc J. Hasktn
Six Cents for Corn Pickers.
The State Council for Defense has acted on
The Bee's suggestion and fixed a minimum wage
of 6 cents per bushel for corn pickers in Nebraska
this fall, this to include board and lodging. The
proposition seems fair, although double the mini
mum wage of three years ago. It insures good pay
for good men, and wilt no doubt be attractive to
hundreds of workers, who only wait to know what
will be paid. Corn harvest means steady employ
ment for many weeks under conditions conducive
to the health of the workers. Nebraska's present
season crop will provide employment for 30,000
men for over three months. Wages of these men
will average $4,50 per, day on the basis of 6 cents
.per bushel,' ana this in turn means not less that
114,500,000 added to the pay roll of the state. These
latter figures are given to show, some of the lesser
benefits that come from our great staple crop;
Getting the corn out of the fields and into the
cribs Is important work just now, and will be
given attention it deserves.
' Mayor "Jim's" advice to the soldiers from Ne
braska was a trifle profane as his tdvice some
times is but in its way it expresses the senti
ments of the home folks tolerably well.
What effect the exposure of Cohalan and
O'Leary will have on the chance for Tammany
getting control of New York City again tan only
be surmised at this distance, but the blow-off will
have no barm for Mitchel, who is rated as "100
per cent United States." . -
Kerensky has his government going along
smoothly once more, but is far from being out of
the woods yet General Winter has come to the
rescue of the Russian army, though, and it is pos
sible that the respite thus granted will permit
' needed preparations to be made before spring.
The quest for precedents' has turned up quite
a few cases of members of the United States sen
ate expelled from that body for disloyalty, most
of them during our civil war. The only two re
cent instances, however," were for corrupt prac-
tice and had nothing to do with the question of
disloyalty. The safe rule is, "Every case on its
own merits. ; .
- It is plain now that the kaiser had two strings
to his bow when trying to cut off the war supplies
going to the allies from the United States. One
was by agitation and pressure to accelerate enact
ment of a munitions-embargo law fend the other
to put the munitions factories out of business by
incendiary - fires,' bought-and-paid-for explosions,
ana oiner genue preventives, xnere was also a
double object to cripple the allies and at the
same time keep the United States defenseless for
the ultimate German attack.
Washing Their Hands
Chicago Trlbaae
Mr. Bentley, boyhood ctony of La Follette,
publicly severs old ties by writing the senator;
fcAs long as you. in war; fight our commander-in-
chief, you fight me. You are my enemy and I am
yours. Everywhere in Washington statesmen
formerly mixed up with pacifists and pro-Germans
iranucaiiy proiesi meir innocence. tcn ot I
dozen organizations, vaguely pointed out as hav
ing nibbled at Count von Bernstorff a $50,000. is
still bawling, " G way! Tain't me!" All of which
would be funny If it were not so buleinar with seri
ousness and if the moral were not so spirited and
so direct namely: "Never touch anti-American
ism no, not with a ten-foot pole r t
The climate has changed radically since Amer
!ca entered the war. Ours is no longer a temper
ate zone, ceiore long it win be torrid. People
in any way smirched by former association with
.spies or with traitors big. or .little should fumi
gate themselves while there is time. . People stilt
unsmircnea snouia seauiousiy avoid all danger of
: - ; i i tS i j t i . . ' .,
scums amiivncu. isougc uiioynsii as you wouia
the plague. Rather than incur suspicion stay
home nights with the shades up and the electricity
turned on. for the present odium is nothing to
what wUl come when the casualty lists reveal dis-r
loyalists not only as tne nuisances they are now,
out possiDiy as accomplices m murder.
Germany's Military Strength.
Encouraging reports from the French general
Staff confirm what has been believed by American
observers, that the German military strength is
beginning to weaken. Sigris of this have been ap
parent for many weeks, especially since the offen
sive passed definitely into the hands of the allies
after the battle of the Somme last year. This
must not be taken to support the conclusion that
the kaiser's armies are unable to make a stout re
sistance to any effort to expel them from the in
vaded territory they hold. Saving the attempt of
the crown prince at Verdun, the Germans have
undertaken' no serious move along the western
front in two years.-' Their policy has been to cling
fast to the ground gained in the first overwhelming
push, allowing their opponents to expend their en
ergies in ineffective attempts to dislodge the in
vaders, and looking.' for . success along another
course, part of which has been the U-boat cam
paign. The coming of the United States into the
war has destroyed the value of this Strategy, and
has entirely altered the course of the war. Haig's
hammering of the German right wing not only has
a definite objective, but is having also its obvious
effect. , ;
- It is only reasonable, in absence of positive in
formation, to conclude that the Germans. have pre
pared a series of defensive positions back of their
advanced line from which they will stoutly resist
the approach of any force. This means that every
foot of the way across Belgium will be contested.
Their conservation of energy and munitions is the
natural course at present good tactics for a rear
guard action. Anticipating the coming of Ameri
can forces, the Germans are using just enough of
men and supplies to check the British and French
on the western front, holding all the ground they
can while striving to make favorable peace terms.
Americans will 4 find plenty of employment
when they get on the battle line next spring. It
is not to be a holiday parade on the way to Berlin
,. 'S ' . . .. .
"Alten Bannocks" on the Bill of Fare.
When Samuel Johnson compiled his diction
ary he defined oats as "food for horses and
Scotchmen." The sardonic humor of the lexico
grapher has been considerably extended since his
day, and oats have come to be accepted as whole
some and desirable,, food by a considerable propor
tion of the world's population. Palatable and
nutritious, oats may be used to supplant or to sup
plement wheat in bread-making. Consumption of
the cereal steadily is growing, and "aiten ban
nocks" may yet become as familiar an adjunct of
the matutinal meal as the porridge now relished
by millions. However, in fairness to oats, we sub
mit that the formula published as composing the
bread lately sampled and endorsed by the local
food administrator comes nearer to being wheaten
than oaten bread. Give the oats a fair test alone
and they will stand well, even among dainty feed
era. Furthermore, we have always corn and rye,
which list high among the ordained foods for man,
on which to depend when wheat is scarce.
1 "Schooner Jthought' lost in hurricane is safe "
1 reads a cablegram. But only think of all the lost
schooners struck by the prohibition hurricane that
have not been coming safelv over tV "
Washington, Oct. 10. Are mental deficiency
and delinquency on the increase among the popu
lation of this country, and, if so, what can be done
to stop it? These are the questions which the
government has recently sought to answer by an
investigation of conditions now existing in certain
representative localities.
The investigations in each case were under
taken by the United States Children's Bureau,
which is especially interested in the subject since
it is one affecting so many children. . Its, first re-,
port was issued about two years ago, covering the
situation in the District of Columbia. Now a sec
ond investigation has just been completed on
mental defectives in a rejresentattve eastern
county, m , '
This is one of the most illuminating and at the
same time one of the most painful studies that has
ever been made by the government. It shows that
mental deficiency exists to art alarming extent in
the lower strata of society; it shows that there is
no adequate provision for abating it, and it shows
that its chief creator is poverty.
Out of jUU or more cases uncovered by the in
vestigation only four or five mental defectives
were found Jiving in well-to-do homes.
Parenthetically, it may be said that the term,
mental defective." includes three groups idiots.
imbeciles and morons. According to the classi
fication adopted by the American Association for
the Study of the Feeble-Minded, idiots are those
whose mental development does not exceed that
of a normal child of about 2 years; imbeciles are
those whose mentality does not exceed that of a
child of about 7 years, and morons are those
whose mental development does not exceed that
of a normal child of 12 years. It is in the last
class that the greatest number of delinquents are
round. ; ,
The children's bureau did not attempt to
classify the various cases. Its object was not to
pass upon the mentality of deficient persons, but
to secure data in regard to the conditions under
which mental defectives lived. Hence, the. first
act of Miss Emma Lundberg, who was in charge
of the investigation, was tb secure the records of
the United States public health service and those
of other physicians who had examined the men
tality of this county. Then Miss Lundberg began
to inspect eacn case. . ; . .. .
nrst she took uo the cases of mental defectives
living at large in the community. There were 132
of these. Of this number, ninety-nine were Jiving
m their parental homes, nineteen were being cared
for by relatives or in foster homes, three were liv
ing in their own homes and eleven had no perma
nent place of. abode. '
The coincidence of mental defect .and low
grade of environment was Striking," says Miss
Lundberg in her . report. Of the ninety-nine
mental defectives in tneir parental homes, fortv-
three belonged to families having very small and
irregular incomes, barely sufficient to maintain the
lamuy; wnue imrieen were in lamines more or
less a dependent upon , public or private charity,,
making a total of fifty-six dependent or on the
verge of dependency. Of tbe remaining forty
three only four or five were in what might be
called well-to-do families. .The. majority of them
were in homes of wage-earners who at the time
of the study were financially able to provide for
their defective children.,,. In five of these cases,
however, there were abnormal home conditions,
due to the death of the mother, to alcoholism, in
sanity or low mentality of parents."
Eleven mental defectives one man and ten
women, were discovered by the bureau to be with
out homes of anv kind. The man was a "neigh
borhood idiot" who lived wherever he could ob-
lain sneuer ana naa laiien unaer inc innuence oi
a gang of toughs. All the women were under 30,
six of them being under 19 years old. Of the lat
ter was a voting girl who had been brought up by
a father and two brothers with police reputations,
from whom she was finally taken and sent to live
with a married jister. The sister found, her too
demoralizing to keep in her Jiome, 'and she was
sent to live,, with a family who kept a. boarding
house. FroM here arrangements wereHbeing .made
to send her to an aunt in another city who Jcept a
low-grade lodging house for rhenv The girl al
ready had a police record for incorrigibility which
she was constantly increasing; for a short period
she had been in a hospital for the insane, and pubr
lie schools, police, park guards, probation officers,
charitable agencies and private philanthropists had
all attempted to reform her and failed. What.wa.s
to become of this girl? ,. ". Zi rT"5 v :-'-
Right in the Spotlight.
Dr. Harry A. Garfield, whose ap
pointment as federal ooal adminis
trator has brought him prominently
into the public eye, celebrates his
fifty-fourth birthday anniversary tn-
day. Dr.. Garfield is the son of a resi
dent of the United States, James A.
Oarfield. Like his father, he ,arly
showed aptitudes for study and
scholarship, and accordingly was sent
on to Williams college from Ohio,
where he was born and lived during
his boyhood. On graduation he turned
to teaching. But school teaching did
not prove to be wholly satisfactory to
him, so he studied law, and thereafter,
Instead of practicing law, used his
combined knowledge . aa scholar and
Jurist to enable him to fill Important
chairs at the Western Reserve uni
versity law school and at Princeton
university, his term aa professor of
politics at the latter institution lasting
from 1903 to 190S. when he was elect
ed president of Williams college.
That is the great question behind this govern
ment investigation. .What is to become of, these
unfortunate delinquents in the absence of proper
institutions for them., In this county there are not
nearly enough institutions to go around, and its
experience is the experience of many counties all
over the United States, - The majority of the men
tal defectives investigated, who were living in in
stitutions, were not receiving the kind of training
which they needed. Only twelve of the 212 men
tal defectives studied in the county were confined
in an institution for the feeble-minded. The state
was forced to take a nand in these cases because
the children were unusually vicious and consti
tuted an ever-growing menace to society.
On the other hand, thirty-two mental defec
tives were being cared for in the state hospital
for the insane. Here they cannot possibly receive
the proper instruction, and they are ..taking up
space in an institution which is already over
crowded with patients who have a right. to be
there because they are insane. a The investigation
made two years ago in the District of Columbia
revealed the same unfortunate conditions. Here,
too, the government hospital for the insane had
to take care of feeble-minded perspns because no
appropriate institution, was available. One of the
feeble-minded inmaterwas a woman then about
72 years of age. She1 Jiad been living in the insti
tution ever since she "was 12 years old. "This
woman," says the district report, "has Tieen pro
vided with shelter and care and protected from
helpless motherhood .that would have involved the
community in unending expense. On the other
hand, she has been unnecessarily subjected to the
restraint and conditions surrounding the -insane."
Thus the facts uncovered by the investigations
of the children's bureau are themselves an answer
to that question concerning mental defectives
which has long been disturbing the government.
There is no doubt but that mental deficiency is
increasing. It will go on increasing as long as
feeble-minded persons are permitted to breed an
other generation. Forj as has been shown by the
bureau s study, feeble-mindedness in most cases is
a direct inheritance from parents. Moreover, the
mental defective is one of the greatest menaces to
every community.
- In ah institution of his own, where he is taught
useful occupations and educated as far as possible,
he gets along very well. He may even be taught
to become self-supporting. Feeble-minded boys
have learned to become farm laborers under the
proper supervision and girls have learned to cook
and to be dressmakers. It is evident that this is
much cheaper to the state than to pay the cost of
feeble-minded viciousness. Many states already
have taken certain preventive measures in this di
rection in the way of training schools and homes
for mental defectives, but the records show that
there are not enough of them.
People an Events ,
John L. Sullivan, champion of other days, has
taken another fall out of J. Barleycorn. For the
first time in ten years the town of Mulford, Conn.,
voted dry and John' L. is acclaimed the Champion
booster of the dry forces. : : . . 4 . .
A woman on a New. York farm arrested seven
men single handed whom she caught robbing her
orchard and marched them lo . the jail police
fashion. Gee, if that Amazon was turned loose on
the I. W. W indictments would be sapurfluous.
Revised estimates place the amount of stand
ing merchantable timber in the United States'" at
approximately 2,767,000,000,000 board feet. Of
this amount 1,464,000,000,000 board feet, or 53 per
cent of the total, is in California, Washington,
Oregon, Idaho and Montana
One Year Ago Today In the War.
French gained more ground south of
Somme river. .
Greece turned its fleet and sea
coast forts over to the allies upon de
mand of Great Britain and France.
Italians, after eight days of strong
artillery preparation, began general at
tack on Austrian positions on the
coastal district front.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today.
The arrangements for the reception
of President Cleveland and his wife
are complete and Omaha is ready to
accord them welcome on their arrival
today. -Upon arrival at the Union
transfer the party will be met by Judge
J. M. Woolworth, Senator Charles F.
Manderson, Dr. George L. Miller,
George W. Holdrege, W. A. Paxton,
General G. B. Dandy, Max Meyer, A.
J. Poppleton and J. H. Millard.
The rector and vestry of St. Barna
bas church tendered a farewell recep-
tion to George F. Labaugh at the
rectory last evening.
A distinguished railroad party ar
rived In Omaha 'yesterday afternoon
from Duluth over the Chicago, St
Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad
In the elegantly appointed private car
of the Vanderbilts and were met at the
depot by a number of carriages and
driven through the principal thor
oughfares of the city.
The second annual ball of the letter
carriers of the city Is announced to
take place at Temple hall Tuesday
evening, October 18.
John H. Ames, who has been east
negotiating with capitalists In regard
to the proposed cable line, is at home
again and states that a line will be
The state convention of the Home
for the Friendless meets today at the
rooms of the Young Men's Christian
Paving progresses in the first pav
ing district and a third estimate was
passed upon Monday evening by the
council, this estimate being for $19,
565.40. This Day in History,
1614 The name "New Netherland"
was first applied to what is now New
1 169& Treaty between England,
Jrance and, Holland for the partition
of Spain. '
177-Count Caslmlr Pulaski died
on boarcMhe United States brig Wasp
from wounds received in the attack on
Savannah- Born in Poland In 1748, -
1850 Austria, Bavaria and Wur
temberg entered a league against
Prussia. w
1870 The Germans fired the first
three shots Into the Suburbs of Paris.
1892 The Columbian celebration in
tw XorkvCity was. featured by a great
naval parade. -
1911 Chinese revolutionists cap
tured Wuchang and threatened Han
kow. 1914 German taubes dropped
bombs on' Paris, killing, three persons
and injuring fourteen.
1915Germans continued their Ser
blan Invasion ' along: the line of the
Orient railway.
The Day We Celebrate.
"Joseph li. Baker is 63 today. Ha is
the principal organizer and owner of
the Baker Jce Machine company.
Princess. Elizabeth . ot , Roumania,
celebrated for . her beauty born at
Bucharest twenty-three years ago to
day. Dr. Edward K. Graham, president of
the University of North Carolina, born
at Charlotte, N. C, forty-one years ago
Dr. Joseph E. Trance, Junior United
States senator from Maryland, born,
forty-four years ago today.
Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, U. S.
N., retired, born near Belleville, 111.,
seventy-six years ago today.
Willie Hoppe, world's champion bil
liard player, born at Cornwall-on-Hudson,
N.. j., thirty years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
' Italy is to introduce bread and flour
scards Joday- - , - t ..,
' The National Association of Insur
ance Agents meeta in annual conven
tion;, today at St. Loula. rV
Representatives of 'grain exchanges
thvoughout the country are to meet at
Chicago today to . discuss a maximum
price on corn for future delivery.
The special meeting of the Episcopal
House of Bishops, originally called to
meet In Chicago today, has been post
poned for one week.
A contest between the two factions
of stockholders is anticipated at the
annual meeting of the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific railway to be held at
Chicago today.
Financial problems arising from the
war are to be discussed by prominent
speakers before the annual convention
of the Indiana Bankers' association,
meeting today at Evansville.
Storyette of the Day.
The old millionaire and his beauti
ful bride, after their quiet wedding,
had a quiet wedding breakfast a deux,
Astrakhan caviar, eggs pompadour, a
truffled chicken, fresh California
peas, champagne so the quiet break
fast ran.
"My dear," said the old millionaire,
as the fruit course, a superb Florida
melon, came on, "tell "me, dear" and
he laid his withered hand on her
young one "do you love me for what
I am or for what I was?"
The beautiful girl smiled down from
the window into the admiring eyes of
a young clubman who was passing;
then she bent her clear, considering
gaze on tbe-gray ruin opposite and (re
plied: "I love you, George, for what you
will be." New York Globe. .
The park board of Minneapolis plant to
apend $600,000 urithin the next two years
in Improving- partis and parkways on tha
north side of the city. Purchase of a forty
acre tract is included in the improvements.
Galveston features notable evidence of
export development in the trade and coast
country edition of the Galveston News, Issued
October 1. The city last year handled 24
per cent of the cotton crop of the south,
amounting to 2,649,951 bales, besides 22,
000,000 bushels of wheat and vast quantities
of other foodstuffs. The total value of ex
ports from the port in twelve months
amounted to (271,110,000. .
7 ..VJ
Doesn't Understand "Camouflage."
Omaha, Oct. 8. To the Editor of
The Bee: 1 make it my rule not to re
ply to any anonymous' replies to any
of my letters that are published in the
daily papers, though I think one who
replied to two of my letters in The Bee
last month replied to me under an as
sumed name, for no such name is in
the city directory and has not been at
any time so far as I can find. I am
not going: to reply to the person who
Is afraid to sign his own name, but
who goes under the name of "A Read
er." But I would like to ask that per
son to state what . they mean by the
word "Camouflaged." I am unable to
find any such word in any dictionary
or in any other place that little used
words might be found.
Defends Lutheran Church.
Omaha, Oct. 8. To the Editor of
The Bee: One of the consequences
that pro-German utterances by a few
irresponsible ministers have brought
upon the Lutheran church of this
country is the suspicion that the Luth
eran church as such is disloyal This
aspersion will not die for a generation,
Although only a few Lutheran minis
ters have been found guilty of disloyal
propaganda, still when a pro-German
statement is made by a minister, espe
cially when he employs the German
language, the press report it as an
other Lutheran pastor in the clutches
of the law. Just last week such a case
was again reported and the writer s at
tentlon was called to the report that
another Lutheran minister got what
was coming to him. I have reference
to the case at Lowden, la. That pas
tor in question is not, nor ever was a
Lutheran pastor. I have been ac
quainted with the Lutheran pastor at
Lowden for the last fourteen years and
know that the report is wrong. It is
not fair for the press to bring such re
ports without verifying them. This is
not the only time that such an odium
has been cast onto the Lutheran
I think I can truthfully state that
Lutheran pastors at present are very
careful in expressing themselves m
regard to the war question, more so
than they were before congress as
serted that a state of war exists be
tween the United States and Germany.
I had a talk with some ministers not
lone age who were very emphatic in
their pro-American statements. It is
true their statements and opinions
are seldom found in the daily press,
but that should not be construed as
disloyal, because the Lutheran clergy
as such has very seldom and that only
in extreme cases employed the public
press. It is not right or fair that the
vast number of Lutheran pastors
should be made the scapegoat of the
few who have been found to be dis
loyal. The writer does not wish to
convey the Impression that he excuses
or condones any anti-American utter
ances before the war or after it began
these with all loyal Americans he con
demns heartily. But whenever a Ger
man minister has been arrested he
should not be called a Lutheran and
such report should be taken with a
grain of salt. The Lutheran church
owes nothing to Germany.
Another report that has made the
rounds in the daily press reflecting
odium upon the Lutheran church is
that the monstrous fiend disgracing the
German throne is a Lutheran. The
kaiser is not a Lutheran, whatever else
he may be. When the public considers
these things the great burden under
which the Lutheran church at present
suffers will become somewhat lighter
and in time will be lifted altogether.
The church as- such has enough to suf
fer because of'the disloyal utterances
of a few of its members without hav
ing more opprobrium heaped upon it.
2417 Maple street
-Ere. 'ave 'era at tuppence," growled the
butcher. , . .,. '
"It's too mucn, sam
" -Ave m at a P"'- thfniok: of. ajs
8tUl the women hesitate. ;
eust cam. over the butcher s face.
Still too much? you snealc
ang It! I'll turn my lia" mle uu
em." Boston iransunpi.
.t,i in orison reform
sne was mucn . ri
and was vis.tinga lne f
"Don't any ot your . , hig,
you on vUitlne days?" she asked of a D,
burly ruffian. vrM.r: "they're
"No m. respond " Ulll,axjne.
all here wlf me."-Rverybod s Magaxine.
Mrs. Flatbuoh-Wbat does your husband
rail your dog? r.llinft him
Mrs. Bensonnursi "".hj,,inlt nim
in the house do you mean or chasing mm
out? Tonkers Statesman.
What did they do with that accused offl-"nl'-Ht--
. hrin. they have suspended
him without prejudice " ome.
"Looks to me iih --
thing that can t be done.
''"spending a man without prejudice.--Loulsvllle
Our young rubbe7 trees aren't growing
Ve.VhyP!doyn"t you go around
em a. little every morning ?"-kansas City
What makes you so thin. Bligson?"
"My wife's ill." t . . ,,-.
"And you're worrying about her, eh .
"Not exactly. It's the form, not the
severity of her illness that tu m
"How so? From what is she
"Extreme Hooverltls." Buffalo Express.
Jane A. Thomas In Providence Journal.
We cannot bid you go nor bid ou sta .
With Hps that tremble and tth e5es
We sef k0Mme' word, but this Is all w ayt
"Good luck! God bless you! We will not
Tou pass us, splendid In your untried youth.
That thus defies a kaiser's pomp ana
woe to them, ay, bitter, bitter woe. -
Who brought us to the partings of this
Still on you pass. God bless you, and good
The flags fly out, brave music fills the
And heart-beats quicken till on .pities
most . . ,
Tried age that looks, but must not Join
you there.
God bless you, and good luck! We, too, will
War's awful work and vigil as we may,..,
Our busy hands tho" sometimes, hearts,, dtr,
break '-.,''
Will serve you, brother, as day follows
O, comrades, wheresoever you may h ,
At dawn or dusk, or lonely, watchful
God bless you, and good luck! W stay
to keep
For your return home's altar-fires alight.
An authority estimates tha number of
known- languages and dialects at M2t.
For providing the body with "energy.
bread is only, surpassed by oatmeal and by
Mora tobacco is smoked per head in tha
United States than in any other country
except Holland.
The frontier line between Canada and. the
United States is the only "undefended" iron
tier in the world. ''
' Among the few English words that eon.
tain the vowels in their reverse order are
uncomplimentary and unnoticeably.
Every Important war in which the United
States has been involved, excepting the war
of IS12, had its beginning in April.
In Paris the sellers of newspapers in the
streets are not allowed to shout out the
items of news. The women sellers have
overcome this law by singing the Items in
soft tones, adapting the words to tome pop.
alar melody.
Longfellow's "Wreck of the Hesperus"
came to him &s he was sitting by the fire
side on the night of a violent storm. He
went to bed, but could not sleep; and as he
lay tha verses were composed until .the
poem was complete.
Tha longest known survival of any seed
la that of a certain Egyptian lily. A dried
seed-pod kept in tha South Kensington
museum in London contained seed wh;ch
was tested and found to grow after a period
of ninety-five years.
If a man ia going to commit a crime dur
ing his life-time, tha chances are that he
will do it at the age of 2?. It is a curious
fact that statistics have shown that man
is more dangerous at this period of his life
than at any other.
The Germans have been importing large
Quantities of pork from Koumania. In order
to get it through Austria without the hungry
Austrians getting it first they put the pigs
in coffins and labelled them as "German
heroes," sent back from the front.
Uncle Sam possesses one-fifth of all the
world's wealth. His possessions are greater
than those of France and Germany combined.
S5.000.000.000 more than the entire wealth
of the United Kingdom, three times that of
Bussia, and fifteen times that of the whole
Australian continent.
American capital Is financing the con
struction of a big cement plant in Argentina.
The value of Canadian manufactures last
year was $2,000,000,000, compared with $1,
s92.000.000 in 1915.
The Methodist Episcopal church now num
bers 4,110,864 members. This is an increase
during 1916 of 100,661.
A frame covered with wire netting to be
attached to automobiles as been invented,
the purpose being to catch hats or other
articles which would otherwise be blown
An Englishman has Invented a safety suit
for aviators which is covered with parachute
like pockets, by meant of which the entire
suit can be inflated, to that the force of
the aviator's fall may be broken.
- If all the seeds of any one sort of plant
were allowed to grow they would soon cover
the earth to the exclusion of all else. A
tingle orchid plant produced more than 10,.
000,000 seeds in season and many com
mon plants, as the foxglove, very nearly
equal this remarkable record.
55c Per Gallon
A Heavy, Vitcout, Filtered Motor
The L VJ&holas Oil Company
Ruddy Cheeks -Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have .
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician V
Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated
Korea of women for. liver and bowel
ailments. During these years he gave to
his patients a prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable ingredients mixed
with olive oft, naming them Dr. Edwards j
Olive Tablets. You will know them, by,
their olive color.
These tablets are wonder-workers on the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying oflf the waste and poison-1
ous matter in one's system.
If wm hava a fix .,11. l--t. '
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts,1
inactive bowels, you take one of Dr.'
Edwards Olive Tablets nightly for a time
and note the pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as mea
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomel now at
then just to keep in the pink of coriditioa.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Soothe Your Itchinfif
plication of Cuticura Ointmfnt. Tfie
ZT ? lCan is not to soothe
and hea but to prevent skin troubles
by keeping the pores free from inX"
t.e. and irritation. For sample of each
tree bv mail address post-card: "Cnti
enra. Dept. 12G, Boston." Sold every
where. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and SOO
Washington, D. C
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for Which you will dImum .ni -
entirely free, a copy of "Storing Vegetables." P 8 8end me'
Name... ,
Street Address