Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1917, 3 41 RIBBONS 4?4-nich Hair Bow Ribbon, infancy stripes; white, pink, light blue and other colors; splendid values, per yard 15c 4-inch Fancy Warp Print, pretty rose and other patterns, per yard. . . ,llr Ladies' Hand Bags and Pocket Books, at 49c These are al1 Jeather bags and purses and are regularly worth $1.00. i Basement Rousing Values in This Big Bargain D WIS Stores Reimiairlkafolle Economies Domestics Down in Price Bejt Grade 36-inch Drew Percale, light and dark grounds,' special iV sale, the yard, at IOC 32-inch "Art Ticking," absolutely featherproof, neat color- OP ings and fancy printings, sale, yard. ....... ; . . faOC Fancy Outing Flannel, fleecy nap, extra weight, 15c quality, all 1 AJL colors, sale price, the yard . . . . . 2 C Strong-Cloth, 27 inches wide, elegant for boys' waists, chll- Ig. dren's dresses, rompers, etc., sale, yard, at IOC Mill Shorts Dress Prints and Shirting Prints, all neat styles, Fl lengths to 20 yards, at, the yard . . 2C 32 and 36-inch Fine Shirtings, best grade, 80x80 cloth, fancy 1 Q printings, yard, at 1JC Mill Remnants, 36-inch Bleached Muslin and Cambric, good Q 1 grade, the yard, at . . . . : 02 C The Genuine "Amoskeag" and American Outina Flannels, 1g fancy light and dark and plain white; off the bolt, yard. ... IOC The Genuine "Everett" Classic and Utility Dress Zephyrs, all 1 P stripes and checks, sale price, yard IOC Beautiful Paisley and Troutille .Challies, all neat printings, Q 1 off the bolt, yard i O 2 C Pure White Cotton Batts, extra fine quality, large rolls, each, 1A at 1UC Best Grade Indigo Dye Apron Gingham, all size checks, 1 O JL fast colors, less than mill cost, at, the yard v . . 2v 27-inch Fancy Kimono and Wrapper Flannelette; the Pacific Mills' 1 Q best grade; off the bolt, per yard IOC 36-inch Bleached Muslin, fine, quality; soft finish,, special 1 OJL, sale, yard 1 2 C Basement s 1 , Warm Comfortable Blankets Beautiful Plaid Blankets, extra weight; fine, soft, warm nap all , colors, block plaids, thread whipped edges, special sale, !o per pair : 7 ' P- OU Fine Cotton Wooj Nap Blankets, in tan, white and gray; extra weight and finish thread whipped edges. Sale price, per EJQ Extra Large Size, 70x80 Inches, Plaid Blankets; wool mixed, fine warm nap, broken plaids; all colors, special sale, per dQ QQ pair ; pO0 Basement Wash Goods Extra Special Extra Heavy Linen every thread pure linen, free from filling; snow white, 36 inches. $1.00 value, in this sale, per ' EQ yard . ..' i OJC Mill Remnants and Sample Bolts of White and Dark Colored Pop lins. These are slightly "imperfect; 27 and 36 inches wide, 1 P worth to 39c a yard, in this sale, only, per yard. ........ IOC Remnants of White Dimity in Pin Checks, broken plaias, stripes for infants' wear. Apron undermuslins, 120 value, 27(jjiches, ijl in this sale, per yard ,7 , . 2 C Basement for E While this sale is advertised for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we cannot guarantee that all of the items advertised will last that long. Therefore, we strongly advise early shopping. Thursday, Friday and Saturday veryome iro This Three Day Sale Linens at Little Prices Table Cloths, 89c These are the Mercerized Damask kind, 2 yards long, a range of pretty patterns, for this sale, each. . . . ....." j9c $1.50 Spreads, $1.25 ' For this sale, 100 Crochet Spreads, hemmed ends, regulation size; a spread for durability. Limit of three to a customer, each $1.25 39c Fancy Linens, 25c ' . One lot of beautiful lace trimmed Scarfs; all in very attractive designs. Special, in this sale, each , 25c 50c Fancy Towels, 39c This is one of the greatest values" in Fancy Turkish Towels, colorings absolutely fast, in pink, blue, helio and orange. Special for this sale, each .j. J. ......... 39c , Padding, 23c This is the fleeced kind to protect your table ; also for ironing pads, ter, yard 23c 1 2 c Huck Towels, 10c t A limited quantity of full bleached Huck Towels, plain white borders. Limit of three dozen. Special, each 10c , 15c Crash, 10c One case of Bleached Toweling, the soft and absorbent kind; also plain Huck weaves, special, per yard : . 10c Twilled Cotton Toweling, 5c Fancy edge, 10-yard limit to customer, per yard. . . .5c Turkish Towels, 7 c ' Full bleached, hemmed ends, 18x36 inches, at 1 .' . . . ... . . .7ic Towel Ends, Each, 2 Vic Basement . ; Dresf GoodsRemarkable Values Remnants of All-Wool French Challies and French Flannels, in light and dark grounds, stripes, plaids, dots and floral designs, etc., in lengths from 2 to 7 yards; would sell from the bolt at 65c to 75c theyard; rtg special, per yard . OC Mill Ends of Traveler's Sample Matched Pieces, of all-wool dress , goods, in all' the season's new and staple shades, and all the wanted weaves, useful for children's and misses' dresses and frocks, 1 f" and many other purposes. Sold by the piece only, each piece IOC Remnants and Mill Ends of Wool Dress Goods, suitings, coatings, in a full range of new fall colorings, and almost every wanted weave, in 'lengths from 2 to 5 yards, sold by the piece only, at about one-third of jo Qf" the regular price, special, each piece, from 95 to. . . pJvO Basement v - Soaps and Washing Powders 0 bars Diamond C Soap. 25c 10 bars Pearl White Soap 35c 10 bars White Borax Naphtha Soap 35c 10 bars Fels Naphtha Soap. . . .56c 5 bars Ivory Soap. 29c 5 bars Wool Soap. 29c Lux S packages for 35c Borax Soap Chips, large package for 22c "Golden Rod" Naphtha Washing Powder, per pavkage 5c "Sunbrite" Scouring Powder, 3 packages for 10c Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 pkgs. . . .21c Steri Foam, cleans toilet bowl per package, including a long handle bowl brush 22c Sani Flush 22c Toilikleen- .'19C Softone . 7c Ammo ....8c Britt's Powdered Ammonia, large package Bon Ami, bar or jpowder. . Small package "Argo Starch.!. Large package Argo Starch.. Celluloid Starch :.. Powdered Borax, 1-lb. package, 10c Powdered Boraxr2 '4 -lb. pkg..,19c Powdered Borax, 5-lb package, 42c Rex Lye ,8c None sent C. O. D. No mail or telephone orders filled. These items on sale Thursday only. Basement 7c ..7c ..4c .21c 7c Four China Offerings Fancy Jardinieres Sizes 7, 8, 9 (worth to $2.50), for 98c Oriental Vases 'imitation Bronze, 12 inches tall,, for 98c (Regular price, $2.48) . Mixing Bowls Blue and white (set of six), for use in kitchen, etc . . , j',98c Cut Glass Vase Beautiful Vase, 12 inches tall, reg ular price ,$2.00, each 98c Basement i Women9 s9 Misses9 and Children5 s Fall and Winter Wearables At Positive Saving Prices WE have been fortunate enough to purchase thousands of ready-to-wear garments from manufacturers and jobbers, who have had to realize money quickly.' Suits, Coats. Dresses, Skirts, Furs, Children's Wear of all kinds. Just the right kind of garments, at the right time, at more than right prices. ! Big Bargain No. 1 Over 500 Womeh's pnd Misses' Dresses Right Up-to-the-Minute Styles Satin, Taffeta, Silk, French Serge, Jersey Crepe Cloth, etc. Black and all the new shades. Every dress is a new, right up-to-date style copies of higher priced models. New big collar, belt and pocket effects. Many are embroidery trimmed, others braid trimmed. A splendid style for immediate wear, at an extremely low price. Made to Sell at $7.50 Up to $10.00 Some Even More. Three-Day Sale Price, only $5.85 Many different styles and sizes to fit most any one. Big Bargain No. 2 . Over 00 Women's and Misses' Dresses Silk, Poplins, all-wool Serge, Novelty Cloths Velveteen, etc., dozens of styles to choose from. Splendid dresses for immediate wear. Made to sell at $5.00, $6.00 up to $7.50. Many even more. Three-Day Big Bargain Price $3.85 Dresses already to put right on , at the price of the material today. Sizes and styles to fit and suit most any one. Big Bargain No. 3 Over 800 Women's and Misses' Cloth Dress Skirts, made to sell at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, J QC orjjy, each P 1 e7y Made of all-wool Serge, all-wool Fancy Plaids, Novelty Cloths, all-wool Thibet Cloth, with fur trimming, Velveteen, all-wool Poplins, Corduroys, in all colors, etc. v j All good styles with pockets, belts, embroidery and fancy trimmed, etc. Many are samples others in all colors and sizes, etc. Plenty of blacks and navys. Included also are a good many extra siz skirts, of interest to stout women. ' Big Bargain No. 4 Over 1,200 Women's Lace, Net, Taffeta, Silk, Jap- , Silk Crepe de Chine, Tub Silks, etc., d CQ Blouse, each, only iL.DV Made to sell at $2.00, $2,50, $3.00. Some even more. Many are samples, others come in all sizes and colosjB. All good, new, up-to-date Btyles, big collars, frill effects, and plain blouses. We purchased these way under their real value, you get the value of our ready cash. Big Bargain No. 5 " Over 2,000 Women's White and Fancy OO Colored Wash Blouses, only OOC Made to sell at 69c, 89c and $1.00 each. All new up-to-date styles, made from many different kinds of plain and fancy cotton materials; Lawns, Organ dies, Rice Cloth, Japenica Silk, etc. Style and good materialman combined at a ridic ulously low price. Only 38c each. Big Bargain No. 6 Over 600 " Women's and Mines' Fur Neck and Shoulder Pieces, divided into two bargain prices. Values up to $10.00, and 0IJ All good-styles, all good desirable furs, all perfect in every way. Such furs as Tiger Coney, Marmot, Brook Mink, Pointed China Fox, extra large white furs, etc. A. Big Bargain No. 7 Over 200 Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Cloth Suits, made to sell at $6.95 up to $10.00. 40 nr Each, only J0 Not this season's styles, but good styles for early fall and winter wear. Big Bargain No. 8 Over 300 Splendid Fall Weight Coats for Women and Misses, made to sell at $5.00 up to 0 QP $7.50. Many different styles, only, each O d1 QC for women's $3.00 value, Fancy Blan P 1 . ket Bath Robes, fancy plaid and flow Extra Special Bargains As Long As the Quantities Last. 50c 50c 69c t 27c ered: good, heavy material cords to match. All sizes up to 44. for Child's Fancy Flowered Bath Robes, ages 1, 2 and 3; made with pocket and cord to match. $1.00 values, for Women's Plain and Fancy Flowered Sateen Petticoats. Many are samples,' 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 values, for Girls', 2 to 6 size, Tennis Flannel Dresses. . 1 Basement for Women's Gingham, Percale House Dresses; also fancy Lawns and -Colored Summer Dresses, suitable for house wear. All put into one big special lot at 50c each. All good styles and materials. 75c up to $1.50 values. for Women's Light and Dark Colored Cot ton Waists. 39c and 50c values. for Child's 1 to 3 sizes. Tennis N Flannel Sleepine Garments, without feet. 97 (for Gir,s' 2 to 6-year sizes, Tennis Flan- nel Nieht Gowns. 10c 19c Hosiery Offerings Women's. Fiber Silk Boot Hos iery, black and whiter with dou ble heels-, toes, soles and garter tops, seconds of 35c quality, pair, at . x. 25c Women's Black Cotton Hosiery, pair, at ! 9c Women's Black Fleeced Lined Hosiery, in garter hem and ribbed tops, pair, at 25c Children's Fine Ribbed Black Hosiery, pair, at 14c Children's Fine and Heavy Rib bed Black Hosiery, all sizes, at, tne pair V, . 19c Men's Cotton Socks, black and as sorted colors, the pair, at. . .15c Men's Black Cotton Socks, the pair, at 7c Men's Wool Socks, in blue, black and oxford, all sizes, at, pair, 29c Basement Art Embroi&ery 24 Doken, Job of Stamped Un derwear, Dressing Sacques, white and pink; Mull and Cross barred Dimity Gowns, Combina tions and Sacques, each. ., .49c Tatting Thread, size 70, white and colors, each lc Crochet Thread, assorted sizes, white and colors, per ball. .3&c Jap Baskets, four for 10c Knitting Bags, hoop handles, good quality cretonne, assorted colors, each .59c Basement Framed 0ilettesf39c Copies of famous paintings, framed in ornamented gold frame. 509 and nearly every one dif ferent. Basement . Notions J. & P. Coats' Chain Brand Thread, per spool .3c (No mail or 'phone orders ac 'cepted.) . "American Maid" Cotton , per ball . ...6c Large Pieces of Elastic, each, 4c . Ladies' and Children's Hose Sup porters, 15c Value, per pair..6c Notion. Boxes, each ...10c Large Boxes of Assorted Wire Hair Pins, each 4c Side and Back Combs, 25c values, each . 10c San Silk, all colors, per spool, at 3c Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box, at 3&c Fast Colored Darning Cotton, per spool i;$c Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, black and white, at ' 2c Large Bolts of Bias Tape, spe cial, each A 5c Lingerie Tape, fast colored, for underwear, at 5c Large Bolts of Rick-Rack and Wash Edging, per bolt 9c Rust-Proof Safety Pins, per card t 4c Shoe Laces, all lengths, pair, 4c Steel Shears, per pair 25c Basement. Handkerchiefs Men's White Cotton Handker chiefs, good size, each..... .6c Women's Cotton Handkerchiefs, in fancy embroidered cornerj, in itials and plain, in white and col ored effects, at 6 for 25c, or, each, at 5c Women's and Children's Hand kerchiefs, each, at 2c I Basement Knit Underwear ; Women's Cotton, Lightlr Fleeced, Shaped .Union Suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length style and heavy cotton; low neck, no sleeves, knee length. All sizes, at, each .,; 49c Women's Heavy Cotton, Fleeced Lined Union Suits, in Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. Very snecial, at $1.19 Women's Fleeced Vests, ankle pants to match, at, each. . . .5c Girls' White Fleeced Union Suits, ages 2 to 12, each 59c Boys' and Girls', Peeler, Fleeced Union Suits, ages 2 to 12, at, each .... 49c 6 Infants' Sample Shirts, in cot ton and part wool, each, at. .21c Women's Summer Gauze Sleeve less Vests, each 9c Basement v Rug Specials 18x36 Rag Rugs, 35c value, at, each 25c 36x72 Rag Rugs, $1.50 value, at, each ......98c 27x54 Smith Yonker Axminster Rugs, regular $3.75 value, each, at $2.49 36x72 Smith Yonker Axminster Rugs, regular $6.00 value, each, at $3.98 Brussels Rug Remnants, 1 and 2 yards, worth 75c, per yard, at 49c and 79c Axminster Rug RemnantB, 3, 3 and 4-yard lengths, just the thing for hall rooms, at, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.48 Stair Carpet, regular 75c quality, at 49c Basement Hair Switches Fine Wavy Hair Switch, 20 inch es long, regular value, $1.00, at 69c Basement Shoes for Men, Women and Children 900 Pairs Men's Dress Shoes, in vici kid, dull leather, or box calf, rubber or leather sole, English or high toe, lines of shoes, in sizes from d0 QO C to 11. Value in this lot up to $4.50; sales price P5ie470 400 Pairs Men's Work Shoes, blucher style, 2 soles, heavy d0 QQ uppers, black or tan, sizes from 6 to 11, at. ..... . ... . . VfcisivO 2fi00 Pairs Women's High Grade Shoes. In this lot of shoes you will find real bargains in patent colt, gun metal, calf, vici kid, Russian calf, and white buck; sizes in this lot from 2 up to 8; values up to $5.00. d0 QC Sale price VW 1,500 Pairs Women's Shoes, in sizes from 2 to 4 only; made with welted sole, leather or Louis heel; patent, dull or vc kid; good styles,-mat QQ. kid and Qloth top, lace or button stylo. On one large table, choice, VOv Boys School Shoes, of box calf, velour calf, button or lace, one-half double sole. These shoes are made for wear. Specially d1 QQ priced at PSe70 Girls' and Boys' Shoes, in sizes from 8 up to 11. 500 pairs in one lot. Just now you are looking for a good shoe at little money in calf and velour; also in dark tan stitch down and McKay welted sole, all solid dt OQ and made up for good wear. Extra special, at, per pair P Children's Shoes, in sizes from 2 up to 8, vici kid, and velour calf, hand turned sole, patent top, button style, 500 pairs and every Qfi size in this lot OC Basement. Extraordinary Values in Corsets And Accessories In Our Basement Corset Department. Corsets for Stout Figures, medium low top, with extra wide front steel, which is reinforced, long hip with heavy garters, . 98 C Corsets for Slender and Medium Figures, in pink and white. These corsets are well boned Af ti7t and fit well, at. low Top Corset for Average Fig ures, long hip with elastic band in back, bust tape, also two JP- , at UtSl hooks below front steel Brassieres, embroidery or lace ' trimmed, both in back and Ol . front, reinforced under arm, Children's Underwaists, OP at 1 eSUC Basement- Men's Furnishings y 100 Doxen Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts; collar attached and 1 AQn neck bands, soft laundered cuffs. Regular $1 values; sale price. . TC 50 Doxen Men's Fall and Winter-weight Union Suits, made of Q C fine quality ribbed cotton. Regular $1.50 values. Sale price, JOC , 35 Doxen Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, assorted patterns, in plain IP. and fancy patterns. Regular 25c values. Sale price. ........... JL OC 48 Doxen Men's Wool Mufflers, in plain colors; mostly !Q samples; values 75c and $1.00. Sale price. TC 35 Doxen Wool and Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts, in plain and fancy colors; mostly samples; some slightly imperfect. Worth $1.50 to $2.50. QC, Sale price . OC 50 Doxen Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, broken, lots of regular AA 75c values. Sale price, per garment C 75 Doxen Men's Cape and Kid Gloves; samples and surplus stock. Small sizes, 7 to 7. Regular values', $1.50 to $2.00. r Q Sale price .'. DaC 45 Doxen Men's Sample Wool and Wool-Mixed Sweater Coats. Regu lar values, $2.50 to $6.00. l QQ to Q QQ Sale price P 1 10 P070 x Basement- N Boys' Suits and Overcoats At a Wonderful Low Price for Three Days $2.95 Good, Serviceable School Suits in various mixtures; dark and light patterns, come in ages 6 to 17 years. . i . Juvenile Suits for Little Fellows, ages 2 to 8; different styles of pleated suits to belted suits, many with extra white collars. Every suit worth A great deal more. Boys' Overcoats .' Chinchillas and Mixtures; sizes 2 to 8 gears button to neck style or convertible collar styles; all good, warm, serviceable ctfats. Many. pure,, au-wooi iauncs. r Boyt Heavy Knit Sweaters, 95c Gray Color, good, shapely sweaters with large shawl collars; sizes 6 years to 14. Little Fellows Sweaters, 95c ' Plain Colors or' Fancy Colors and Knits an exceptional value. Sizes, 1 year to 5 years. Basement Women9 s Stylish Hats 200 Doxen, New Silk Velvet Shapes, in big variety; mostly black; Worth ZSJTL (,....-. $1 .49 r $ 1.95 Hundreds of New Trimmed Hats, made of silft Velvet shapes, triiflmed with ornaments, flowers, d0 A f" and dQ A f ' fancies, etc.; very special, at. .... . vmiO , PJ40, 100 Doxen Fancy Feathers, such as wings, Stick-ups, bands and O f" many other different feathers. Special swOC Basement, i Drapery Reductions 5,000 Extra Heavy Extension Rods, extend 54 inches; special, each, at .- 3,000 Yards of Scrim, slight mill imperfections, 2 to 20-yard lengths; special, at this sale, the yard : One Big Table of Fancy Colored Border Scrims, white, cream and beige; worth up to 15c the yard; Special, per yard 1,800 Yards Marquisette, Voiles and Dotted Swiss, a large variety to select from; lengths from 2 to 10 yards, per yard. One Case of Flowered Silkolines, splendid qualities for drapes, and' covers; in all lengths; many worth up to 19c a yard; special, per yard 950 Pairs of Scrim Curtains, fancy colored borders, also lace edges; 2 yards long; worth $1.35 the pair; special, pair, at Basement ;.Sc 6c 7ic Sic comfort 8ic 89 c Drugs at Lowest Prices 1 Lot Face Powder, your choice at 11c I Lot Talcum Powder, your choice at t .i!!.J!.!!J.9c 1 Lot Toilet Soaps, your choice at.. 2c Peroxide Vanishing Cream, 25c value, at.... ..!!!! 1 ills 1 Lot Face Chamois, your choice at !.!!!!!!. lc 4-0x. Bottle Peroxide of Hydrogen, at... ,-, V ' gc 1 Lot Powder Puffs, your choice at ........'..' ...' 6c Epsom Salts, 1-lb. package.. i !8e 1 Lot Toilet Soaps, your choice at ; ', . .-'. '. te 2 quart Maroon Rubber Fountain Syrinje, with three pipe3 and i tubine. complete, for .. 3ge 2-quart Hot Water Bottle, regular $1.19 value, at . . . . . . . . '. . 8c 1 Lot Hand Scrubs, your choice at. . . I , . . . '. . 7fc i " Brsemeni. , J