inti C&: UMAtlA, IHUKiMlAI, UJ'1UU&K 11, 191T. 13 FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSES. These placea must be rented at one. Will a.low one-half months rent free, T-r. houae. S:i Corby St.. 114.00. 4-r. house, HOS Ohio St.. $10.00. 6-r flat. 967-9 No. 36th St.. $13.50 and $15. 4- r flat. 969 N. 26th St.. 16.00. 5- r. flat. 1104 Harney St., $18.00. 6- r flat. 4915 Webster St.. mod., $15.00. S-r. flat. 0S N. 23d St.. modern. $30.00. 3-r. apt. Km Cumlnf St.. $1J.00. 3 and 4-r. apt. 708 8. loth St.. $10 and $14. -N. P. DODGE & CO.. (Realtors.) IJth and Harney Sts. SEE THESE LOW RENT SNAPS" 1547-4$. 51 N, 17th. 7 and -r. mod. ex. beat, on car line, close in: good repair; fine location for dwelling, room or . boarding, $15 each. Neat 6-r. cottage, good as new. mod. 3S36 N. 30th. $:0; extra re ' bate. Good 6-r. mod.. 1315 S. 27th. $20. , 4-r.. part mod.. S37 S. 24th. $10. 3-r.. part mod., 2512 Rees. $5 11 others. $4 to $70. McKltrick Real Estate Co.. (Realtors) 316 r Bamge Bids IX lOO-Tv. 2140-J. ; WALKING DISTANCE $45 1S17 Cap. Ave.. 10 rooms, mod. .' 3S 3553 St. Mary's, 12 rooms. $25 2220 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod. $10 109 S. !StU. 4 rooms, water paid RINOWALT BROS.. Brandos The. Bldg. JVIOB 7-room flat, 1917 Cuming t.$26 5-room house. 25m Decatur St $12 .JQHN W RQBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST, ; l-ROOM mod. flat, 616 S. 27th. $25. o-roora moa. nouse, 1001 B. 83th Ave $27 C. O. CARLBERO, 312 Bran. Th. Bldg. Souses In all patts of the city. " .RRWIISONS ft CO.. 80 Bee Bldr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. SELMA TERRACE, 630 PARK AVE. Now ready for occupancy, sightly location, 4 rooms with 6-rooni ac commodation, strictly modern in . every detail. Fire and sound-proof construction. SELMA REALTY & CONSTRUC TS rv rr Douglas 9069. Harney 1821. THE BOSWORTH, 2217-19 HOWARD ST. 1 rooms and bath, furnished or unfur nished, $35 and $40, winter rates. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153. 333 Securities Bldr. DOUOLAS APARTMENTS. On 6-room apartment, $50. Very de sirable. Walking distance. Douglas 1313. Calkins & Co., Second Floor City Nat') Bank Bldg. CLOSE in rooms, suitable for studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc.. with living rms. adjoining. T. F. Hall, 434 Ramge. D. 740. CT rT A TO 24th and Harney, 3-room apartments. Call Harney 647. T633 DAVENPORT ST.. 4 rraa., hot" water ht. $20. E. H. Benner Co.. D. 8406. APARTMENTS, all sixes and prices, splen did location, 24th and Farnam. D. 1473. North. ONE elegant 3 and 6-room apt Web. 7211 and Web. 4328. Miscellaneous. THREE HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS. 3 rooms and bath $39.60 winter, $33.00 summer. 4 rooms and bath 148.50 winter, $40.00 summer. 4 rooms and batb, FURNISHED COM PLETE $55.00 winter, $48.50 summer. All these apartments are oak finish, steam beat and first-class In every detail, ' gas stoves and hullt-ln Iceboxes In each, as well as built-in buffet Id the four-, room. Walking distance of down-town arid In high class location. The first two can be occupied at once, the furnished apartment will be vacated Oct. 15. 13EDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. - -22 Kelline Bldg. Douglas 3392. BEAUTIFUL. 4 -room apartment, walking distance: janitor, heat, etc.; $40 summer, $48.60 winter. Douglas 3392. PETERS TRUST COMPANT. Specialists in Apartment Management. FOR RENT Business PrVtyH Stores. TWO large stores on S. 16th St. Will decorate to suit tenant. N. P. DODGE & CO., (Realtors.) ' 15th and Harney Sts. WORL.D: REALTY COMPANY (Realtors.) . Theater Entrance. Douglas 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE fv linm 01 ;nntli 17li (Field Club District). Twas a com fortable home when five in the fam ily, now there's only two of us, so MVS I 3E.L.L,. HOUSE Four bed rooms, second floor, with maid's room on third floor, and additional bed room first floor if desired. Three big rooms and kitchen and pantries first floor, two brick fireplaces. LOT 71.3 feet front, 176.55 feet deep. Fine trees and shrubbery, Garage for two machin'S. No trade. All cash' for my equity. ALBERT D. KLEIN of J. Tyler 2700. Harney u022. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $100 CASH $25 PER MONTH A brand new 5-room bun galow, strictly all modern, oak finish, all complete, ready to be occupied, frame and stucco construction; the ground lies high, large lot, paved street and all paid for. This is a good buy for some one, as the monthly payment is less than you could rent the house for. Price reason able. Located 4031 Seward St. Call D. '2802 for any information. OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SELL ALL Household goods, dishes, silverware, etc., 63 fancy bred chickens, 100 pair of pigeons, splendid chicken and pigeon pens and houses; dandy five-room borne, strictly modern except heat; large lot; two blocks to school; close to car. Biggest bargain In city for $3,000. Will take $1,400 to handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 4. SIX-ROOM, NEW, NIFTY STUCCO HOME $700 Down Price $4,100 STRICTLY MODERN Choice south front, close to car; selected oak floors and finest tiled bathroom floor, clothes chute, all built-in effects. You should see this; big sacrifice. Call Tyler 49ft OSBORNE, 701 Omaha Nt'l. Bk. Bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW TWO LOTS AU modern bungalow, south front, paved street, all on ono floor; fine condition; large chicken penB, fruit, etc.; near best school; three blocks to car line. Owner moves on acreage will take $4,000 for quick sale; $1,600 cash will handle. Osborne 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid Ty. 496. CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW 2822 DAVENPORT ST. Living room, dining room, den and kitchen first floor, 3 large sleeping rooms and bath second floor; strictly modern, , furnace heat, full basement, garage, Prloa $4,100; reasonable terms. HIATT COMPANY, ' 246-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0. Best Buy in the North Side $3,700 Price Just reduced for quick sale. On 24th St.. south of Miller park; a 6-room. 3-story house, modern In every detail. Heauttrui lot with flowers, shrubs and fruit. Living room arrangement on the first floor with three excellent bedrooms second floor; house In excellent condi tion. Owner leaving the city. This is a REAL BARGAIN. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS) Douglas 3963. 919-20 City National. $300 DOWN $25'PER MONTH Near 36th and Ames, modern cottaae. t rooms and bath on the first floor. One room finish on two floors. Large lot, 50x120, east front. If sold owner will sacrifice it for $2,100. This is a snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 537 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Poug. 17111. FOR -RENT 1106-8 S. th St., two store rooms, good business location. Inquire 1121 8. 6th St. I SMALL store, Chicago St.. near 16th, $25. . G. P. Btebbins, 1610 Chicago St. STORK on 16th stret, near poBtofflce. O. P: Btebbins, 1610 Chicago St. STOKE for rent, 8108 North 24th St 325. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 840S. Office and Desk Room. WILL rent private office to stenographer doing public work with telephone service for a few hours work each day. Ad dress B6x 7877, Bee. LOW-PRICED mod. offices, Farnam Bldg., 13 farn.m mill lot Kt TUnlr RMl FIRST TRUST CO., (Realtors.) Tyler 600. Garages and Barns. iiOOD garage 24th and Cass Sts., $10.00. N. P. DODOE & CO., (Realtors.) 16th and Harney Sts. ' J.ARGE barn and house, suitable for good eoal or feed yard. Close in. , - N. P. DODGE & CO., (Realtors.) 15th and Harney Sts. WANTED TO RENT ifurnishcd Apartments and Flats. we want mora houses and apartments to rent The fact that ws have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency ot our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented set Payne & Slater Co.. Omaha Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016 A YOUKG couple of refinement want two or three heated, unfurnished rooms, away from . business section' for housekeeping, Harney 6632. Furnished Apartments and Houses. ROOMS WANTED Unmarried man wants to find a comfortably heated room with breakfast and supper. Bos -7983 Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phono Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN ANI STORAGE CO. 'Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your atorage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos'; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN '.ND STORAGE CO., 803 s. lKth. Douglas 4168 CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW PRICE ONLY $3,800 Owner leaving city and Is sacrificing one of the nicest five-room bungalows In the city. Strictly modern In every de tail, oak finish; splendid lot, 50x130; easy walking distance; $600 will handle this snap. Don't wait, come and see us. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 486. FOR SALE A splendid 6-room cottaga in Clalrmont district, $2,000; your own terms if sold now. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City National. Douglas 2819. BEMIS PARK BARGAIN. 1 rooms, all modern, convenient to car, a dandy home; must be sold. ALLEN & BARRETT, 513 Bee. Dg. 7768. 4 ROOMS, city water, electric lights, 2 large corner lots, southwest of Hanscom Park; $100 cash; balance monthly. Wal nut 2466. North. NEW BUNGALOW 9 rooms, all on one floor, stairway to floored attic, oak finish in living rooms, nicely decorated, furnace, all modern, full cement basement, east front lot, located high and sightly, just one block west of Fontenello Park Blvd., .n 47th Ave., just south of : cdford Ave. Price, $3,800; $100 down, balance like rent. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-13 Brandels Theater Bldg. $100 CASH Balance terms. Brand new bungalow,, 5 rooms; furnace; all irodern; nicely dec orated; stairway to floored attic; full ce ment basement; east front lot; Just one block west of Fontenelle Blvd. on N. 47th Ave. Price $4,800; $100 down, balance terms. C. O. CARLBERO, 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. RENTAL TTPT?.l7. K XWUX.1. X SERVICE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson 8ts. Jlobe Van and Storage Co. Jtor real service in mpving, pacaing ids storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. I. C. REED 1207 Farnsm St SI ExDress Co.. Moving Packing and Storage, Web. 274S. Doug. 6146. r,r-r. wr'crvl-'HS IS MOVING. Large van, two men, $1.60 per hour. M AGO ATtjyS STORAGE CO .JgJij, EAL ESTATE Unimproved North. OTERTooklng at MINNS LUSA 300 dlf ferent buyers decided that it was the best Deposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots IF YOU will come out today you will CHARLES V MARTIN & CO.. i wInnfTlLSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 24th St can be bought at a bargain. This lot must be sold. Call owner evenings. H.lnHt 70. . REAL ESTATE B'ncs Pr'pty k. A." "WOLF. Realtor, Ware Blh. Specialist 1m downtown business property. Payne Bargains $300 DOWN 130 PER MONTH. Near 18th and Laird, 5 rooms, modern; on onefloor; partly oak finish and oak floors. Price, $2,900. $300 DOWN $35 PER MONTH. Near 18th and Evans, 6 rooms modern; oak floors and oak finish; built-in fire place and bookcases. Price, $3,250. $500 DOWN $30 PER MONTH. Near 24th and Miller Park, 5 rooms, modern; on one floor; partly oak finish; corner lot. Price, $3,500. $200 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. Near 36th and Ames, t rooms, modern except heat. A dandy home; east front; close to car. Price, $2,100. $200 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. Near 46th and Lake, 5 rooms, strictly modern; partly -oak finish: paved street, paving paid. Price, $2,800. Don't call up for numbers of these houses, but call up for appointments to see them. Payne Investment Company, Realtors 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. ONE HUNDRED DOU ARS As the first payment gets you out of the rent habit and a monthly payment of $18.00 will buy you a good two-story house at 4717 North Forty-second street. This place has six rooms and It Is close to school, car line, stores and Fontenelle park. Tha price Is right for a sale at this time. See the house today. For price call LKFIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. ! Realtors. 508 Bee Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Seven rooms with slin room; hot water heat, with garage; one-half block to car; only built a few seasons. This is strictly first-class. Will sacrifice. Douglas 6886 Traver Bros., 819 First National Bank, South. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condlt n; live in one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 S. 10th St. NORRIS NORR1S. 400 Bee Bldg, Phone Douglas 4270. 7-ROOM home, large lot with fruit, choicely located; bar rain at $3,600. F. D. Wead. Douglas 171, $10 South Eighteenth street. Miscellaneous. NOTHING NICER Than the brand new bungalow In Kountse Place. Design and arrangement Is entirely different from the ordinary bunga low. Lot and location the bast Value $4,500. Terms to suit, Ws art suixlous to show you, for we know It will pleas you. RASP BROS., REALTORS. 210-13-14 Keellns Bldg. Tyler 721. BIG BARGAIN 8 rooms, all modern, except hfnt; only built m. ffttv amnn Prlrsi fl inn TRAVER BROS., 819 1st Nat'l Bk. Douglas 6886. 1 BRAND new 6-r all mod., oak finished oungaiow, gooa location, north side, rrlca $3,100. Casn or terms, or will take light, nearly new auto up to $1,000 as part pay ment. Call Tyler 731 days, or Web. 4661 evenings. C ASSY BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, classy outside and inside. Price (3.860; reasonable terms. BENSON A CARMICH AEL. 1 4 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1TJ2. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam Ht. Doug. 1064. R. S. TRITMRITI.T. 1808 1st Nat: Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS. 20 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE PROPERTY" 99x183. 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Oood brick buildings.- For sale or lease. E. H. Benner Co., D. 1406. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WE HAVE a client who owns a section Is sioux county. Neb., represented as being good farm land;, no sand or rock. PtIc $20 per acre. Will take a good boms la on this land. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON. 423 S. 16th St. D. 9371. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgaget. IF YOU are interested la Lead or Zlno min ing In tha Joplin, Mo., or Miami Okl., dls trlcts, see V. F. Wlmsett. 634 Paxton Block. $3,000 MTGE. bearing iS pet. semi-annT; secured by property valued at $13,000. Ta Image-Loom Is Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. HINDER. Money on hnnd for mortagage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SHOrEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. FARM and i-lty loans, 5, 5S and 6 per cant. W-H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. E Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms ami ranches. Ktoke Investment Co.. Omaha OMAHA HOME S EAST N E B. FARM S. O'KEKFE R. E. C. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. ORAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Ct7 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. u v 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, CITY OARVIN BRlsk, LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. LOW RATES C. 0. CARl.BERO. $13 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. (86, Stocks and Bonds. $9,000 tin-year b per cent first mortgage secured by farm near Omaha, K. II. LOUOEB, INC., 638 KoMlna Bldg. OIL STOCKS. A. L. WRIGHT, Flattron Hotel. Doug. $782. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA. !(S and 240 acres Adjoining stock farms. Good buildings In fine repair, new fences. Corn crop excellent. Prices and terms right, as must sell one or both this year. Owner, Wm. B. Hubbard. Pipe stone. Minn. Nebraska Lands. 240-ACRE FUFFALO COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. About 160 acres In cultivation, 80 acres pasture. Good 6-room house on good foundation, wall built barn tor 13 horses with good hay mow, granary, chicken bouse and hog house. Fenced and cross fenced, well and windmill. The farm Is some rolling and some rough, but all good soil. Is In a fins stats of cultivation for fall grain. Located about $2 miles from Kearney and mllca from Amherst. Price, $8,600. This farm will carry a mortgage of $4,600 to $6,000. This is one of the best buys I know of In Buffalo County, and with present prloes of farm products, this farm should pay the purchase price with leas than three crops. Is an excep tional proposition and will sell. C, K. DAVIE9, KEARNEY. NEB. DESIRABLE EASTERN NEB. FARMS. SPECIALS. 160 A. I ml. south of Fort Crook; good Imp.; all tillable upland. Priced $135 per A, 10 A., well imp., 1 ml. from Elk Creek, Johnson Co., Neb. ; close to achool. Trice $125 per A. 330 A. 3 ml. 8. W. of Coleridge; well Imp.; a fins farm. $125 per A. Easy terms. I 330 A. near Omaha the very beat. $200 per A. I also offer 3 good 40-acre farms, six nice 80-acre farms and two well Imp. 120 acrs farma. If Interested, sea PAUL PJ5TER80N. . 263-4 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb., or Blair, Neb. Tel. Douglas 1280 or Walnut 3106. 10 QUARTER SECTIONS, unimproved, Per kins county, NeDraska, land) gooa sou. cloee to railroad. Can sell on payment of $600 to $300 per quarter and carry bal ance against land five and ten years at t per cent. Writs for particulars. Miner A Bradley, Orand Island, Neb. 400 ACRES, CUSTER COUNTY, Improved farm; valley and tabnt-land, good soil, l4 miles from town 400 population, 60 rods from school; 245 crop, 95 meadow, 60 pas ture; $60 per acre. $10,000 cash. Inquire 441 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE At a bargain, 820 acres Im proved, five miles from Sunol, Cheyenne, Co., Neb. Price $TB.OO per acre. Terms, half cash No trade considered. C. H. Moore, owner, Anthon, la., R. F. D. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we sen you The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 15th and Howard Sts.. Omaha. Douglas 9371. (OR BALE Beat large body high grade. medium priced land nn Nebraska very little money required, a Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. HAVS several choice raw quarters in east ern jcamunds Co., S. D., close to Aber deen, $37.50 to $46 per acre; wheat, SO to 30 bushels' per acre; will consider small Omaha property or auto or houses as part payment. B. N. Clauson, 5212 N. J8th Ave. 2 LOTS IN WASHINGTON, D. C, with email nunaings, no Mi tented; front on Union St Owner Urei In Nebraska; will exchange for Omaha city property or Ne braska farm land, J. J. Mellck, 151 City National Bank. Douglas 911. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co. improved rancnes, clear, for sals or ex change. S. S. ft R. E. MONTGOMERY. Douglas 4810. 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 640 ACRES fine grass land In Blaine Co., niceiy improved, $io per acre, for home in Omaha. 803 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Jxas land. jt acres timber land in Oregon. E. H. Smith. McAllen, Tex. INVESTIGATE my system. Omaha Realty Trading Co., 18 Patterson Blk. Tyler 256. REAL ESTATE--Other Cities FOR SALE Fine country home, consisting or is acres, all under cultivation with or chard and small fruits. Improvements fine. Nearly new seven-room house with water In the house; well supplied from two large elsten.s; 1 miles from main part of thriving railroad town of Missouri Valley; 25 miles northeast of Omaha. Mrs. Frank Logan. Missouri Valley, la. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 49. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments: have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbacn Blk. D. 3607 REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive hemes. Before buying be sure and 6ea GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home sltea In Dundee. SHULER & CART. 204 Keellne. D. 6074. Florence. 2 ACRES FLORENCE. 2 BLOCKS TO! CAR AND PAVED ROAD. $13 DOWN-$13 MONTHLY. Lays fine with east slope. East front. This la ideal for fruit and poultry. Price $1,300. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Mahvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St. Acreage. A FIRST-CLASS 320-acre farm, 4K miles from Hartlngton, Neb. Well improved and all good land, will sell or exchange. See O. A. Kull. Oakland, Neb. FOR SALE Cheap, my improved 156-acre larm near fonca, iNen., easy wrnn u desired. Address Dr. C. W. Glllin, 615 r. ij. se l. ciog. ciioux vuy, is your lands for quick results with C J. Canan, 810 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project. Oregon, 4,000 acres irrigated land. Free map. Next ex cursion October 16. HARLBY J. HOOKER. 940 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Texas Lands. LANDS AT fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas Immediately adjacent fine market. Farming and dairying demonstration un der our direction. Only approved lands offered for sale. If you want to own a farm write for booklet J, Agricultural Dept., Chamber ot Commerce, Houston, Texas, GOOD corn land. East Texas, $25 an acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK, S01 Neville Block, Omaha. Wyoming Lands. WANTED Eight or more American cltlaena who would be Interested In filing on government oil land In Wyoming, as I do locating, validating, and filing. Prices reasonable. Can give best of references from Casper, Wyo. Write or call on E. T. Evans, 4640 Dodge St., Omaha, or telephone Walnut 1623. Miscellaneous. 429-Acre Farm, $14,000. On Maryland's Eastern Shore. On fine road pronperoue farming neigh borhood only 2 miles to town. 268 acres level, fertile, stone-free land In cultiva tion, good for I tons hay. 200 bushels ' potatoes, 60 bushels corn or 40 bushels wheat per acre. Timber estimated worth $2,000. Two dwellings, 2 barns, 4 stables, granaries, poultry houses, ttc, etc. We en joy short, mild winters, long, delightful summers, with plenty of rain and hard cement roads. Sow peas In February; dig second crop potatoes In November. Wes tern farmers settling all around. Come and see. Details page 31, Strout's Catalogue of 321 bargains in dozen states. Copy mailed free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGEN CY, Dept. 3072, 206 8. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. ' MONEY TO LOAN ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Good tract, fair improvements. If interested call In person for Miner at Her Grand hotel. BUY NOW DON'T WAIT. 13 A., near Krug park well lmp...$ 7.800 HAHm. Florence car, best imp 9,000 42 A., lij m. Florence car, good lmp.13.000 Three beat l.argalns E. terms. See J. N. SN1TZER. 423 Paxton Blk. D. 2161. CALDWELL ACRES. Our new acreage addition southwest of the Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter acres; easy terms. THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone Douglas 297. 312 8. 17th St. FIVE acres west of Elmwood park, Ideal auburban home site; could be subdivided. There Is a real future to this. Let m sho,w you. Telephone Walnut 346. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest 5 per cent, tVi per cent and per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1(22 Farnam St., Omaha. Nab Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40, 8 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60 Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 668. LEGAL ItATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy 240 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2295. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at 2 and l'4 per cent; private booths. W. C. Flatau, 601 Securities (Rose) Bldg. Tyler 950 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths Harry Malashock, 1614 Dcdge. D. 6619. Est. 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Alfred Barta and wife to Mary Kavan, Polk street, 100 feet west Thirty eighth street, north side, 100x125...$ 300 Vaclav Barta and wife to Mary Kavan, Polk street, 20" feet west of Thirty, eighth street, north side. 100x125... 300 The Byron Reed Co. to Agostlno Cal deronl. Pierce street. 173 feet east of Twenty-fourth street, north side, 30x91H .., 650 Bryon H. Graves, executor, et al, to Stanley M. Walker, Howard street, 146 feet east of Fourteenth street, south ride, 36x132, undivided one half Byron H. Graves, et al, to Cornell uni versity, Howard street, 146 feet east ot Fourteenth street, south side, 26x1.12 7.000 Jalla Cramer and husband to Samuel Croxer, Fontenelle boulevard, 200 feet aouth of Bedford avenue, west side, 40x127 3,200 Paul W. Kuhns and wife to Cecil C. Dixon, Lothrop street, 41 feet east of Thirty-eighth street, south side, nJ10 100 OMAHA LIVE STOCK Moderate Bun of Cattle Finds Prices Steady; Hog Prices 15 Cents Lower; Sheep Higher. Omaha. Oct 10. 1917. Receipts were Cattle. Hoga, Sheep. Official Monday 14.667 3.630 19,973 Oftlolal Tuesday 11.619 4.233 19,000 Estimate Wednesday . 9,800 4.400 34,000 Three days thla wk... 36.37 11.263 1,972 Same days last wk.... 43.76 11.308 132,901 Same days 3 wka. ago. 49,710 9.404 111.237 Sams days S wks. ago. 41,293 14.933 116.513 Same days 4 wks. ago. 17.337 8.123 6,730 Sams days laat year.. 37,006 8.414 88.741 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Slock yards for twsnty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattla. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. A St. P 3 , 1 Wabash 1 1 ' 1 Missouri Pacific... 13 4 Union Pacific 78 4 69 C. N. W., east.. 18 S 3 C. N. W., west.. T4 1 IS ('.. St. P.. M 4 O... ( 4 3 1 C. H. Q east.. 7 7 1 C. I. & Q.. west. .163 14 I 1 C, R. I. A P., east 9 3 3 Illinois Central..... 2 Chicago, Gt. West. 1' t Total receipts. ...893 61 DISPOSITION HEAD. II Morris A Co 1,438 764 1,114 Swift A Co 1,66 93 1,960 Cudahy Pkg. Co 1.746 416 1.064 Armour A Co 1,683 l.M 1,86 J, W. Murphy 710 Lincoln Pkg. Co 38 So. Omaha Pkg. Co 30 ,. Wilson 34 Cudahy. K. C 291 W. B. Vansant Co... 81 Benton, Vansant... 82 .... .... F. B. Lewia 538 J. B. Root A Co 247 J. H. Bulla S3 L. F. 11 us 101 ltosnnstock Bros. ... 81 .... .... F. G. Kellogg...... 323 Werthelmer & Dagen 493 H. F. Hamilton 141 Sullivan Bros 7 Rothschild A Krebs 20 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. 187 Christie 135 Hlgglns 11 Huffman ( .... .... Roth 18 Meyers 48 .... , ... Glassberg 1 . ... . ... Baker, Jones A 8..,. $19 .... .... Banner Bros. 5 .... .... John Harvey 699 .... .... Dennis A Francis.. 12 .... .... Jensen A Lungren.. 9 ., Pat O'Day 33 .... Other buyers 1,639 .... 20,816 Totals ..' 12,26 1,881 26,808 Cattle A rather moderate run of rattle showed up today, 9,300 head, and the three days' supply has been sofiothlng Ilka 7,600 short of the first half of last week. Western rangers of plain quality contttuted the big bulk of the receipts, and the general mar ket presented few new features as compared with Monday and Tuesday, Anything In the steer line that was attractive enough to bring out killer and feeder competition sold at practically steady prices, while the plain light and medium weight stuff sold very un evenly and in many cases at somewhat low er figures. In the main, however. It was practically a steady trade, but one of tha most uneven of tho soason. In stockers and feeders the' best grades oommanded fully stoady prices as the de mand was broad for desirable stock of all weights. On the fair to common klnda the trend of values was lower and trade de cidedly slow. Tha country Is asking for quality thla seaaon more than ever, and as quality seems to be deficient the spread in prices is wide and tha market very uncer tain for anything not strictly choice. Quotations on cattle: Prima heavy bssves, $16.00 17,00; good to choice beeves, $14.009 16.00; fair to good beeves, $13.00013.60; common to fair beeves, $8.00011.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.00016.60; fair to good yearlings, $ 1 3.00 14.00; common to fair yearlings, $7.6012.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $13.00014.25; food to choice grass beeves, $10.00 12.00; fair to good grass boeves. $9.00010.00; common to fair grass beeves, $7,6006.76; good to choice heifers, $8.0009.26; good to choice cows, $7.7608.00; fair to good cows, $.!0O7.60; common to fair oows, $6.0006.36; prims feeding steers. $10.00014.26; good to choice feeders, $8.1(010.00; fair to good feeders, $7.6008.50; common to fnlr feeders, $6,000 7.00; good to choice stockers, $8.60010,00; stock heifers, $6.6008.00; atock cows, $4.00 07.60; stock calves, $6.5009.60; veal calves, $8.0013.00; bulls, stags, ttc. $6.6007.60. Representative sales: NEBRASKA. 23 feeders.1140 11 75 109 calves 855 60 84 steers. .1020 I 90 13 cows.. .1074 I 60 28 feeders. 1158 11 00 11 cows... 798 1,10 Hogs Hog receipts were Just fair, but as prices here have been a little high the last few days and shippers wars not doing much or anything, packers were able to buy the bulk of the offerings at figures that were 16o lower than yesterday. Movement was not ss active as it might have been, but a fair clearance was made by 10 o'clock. Bulk sold at $18.70018.80, and the top was $19.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr, No. Av. Sh. Pr. 76.. 261 260 $18 6 80.. 201 80 $18 70 6. .266 70 18 76 63. .244 ... 18 80 18. .323 ... IS 85 37. .244 ... 18 90 64. ,262 ... 19 00 49. .214 ... II 10 80. .180 80 II 16 68. .24 40 II 26 FIGS. 69. .14 ... 18 00 231.. 66 ... II 25 Sheep The run of sheep and lambs Was fairly large, but demand for feeders was better and trade was aytlve at prices that were strong to 10O15c higher. Good lambs were scarce and anything desirable sold from $18.00 up to $18.36. Killers were about steady, top being $18.36. Fat sheep were steady, with ewes at $11.20 and yearlings at $13.60, while feeders showed an unevenly higher tendency. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $17.60011-35; lambs, feeders, M. 00O18 35; lambs, culls, $12.0001 60; yearlings, fair to choice, $13.00013.60; year lings, feeders. $1I0013. 60: wethers, fair ,to choice. $11.00013.76; ewes,' fair to choice, $I0.0011.26; ewes, culls and feeders, $5.60 O10.00; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10,600 17.60. Representative sales: 705 Utah lambs 7 $18 21 69 Utah feeder ewes 102 9 40 94 Utah feeder lambs 66 17 00 45 Utah yearlings 95 13 60 17 Utah wethers 11 13 50 (6 Utah ewes 116 11 26 129 Utah feeder ewes 106 9 40 160 Neb. feeder lambs 6 18 20 246 Utah feeder lambs 60 17 80 HO Utah feeder lambs 60 17 00 19t Utah lamb 74 17 80 62 Utah ewes 1" 187 Wyoming feeders lambs.. 6 18 00 Kloux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, la., Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $7.OO16.0O; fat cows and heifers, $6,600 9.00: canners, (6.250S.2S; stockers and feeders, $7.0013.60; calves. $7.50011.60; bulls, stags, etc, $.l6OL60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.009.2S. Hogs Receipts, 3.000 head; market 5 to 10 cents lower; light, $18.70011.00; mixed, $18.80J18.90; heavy, $18.80011 06; plgB, $17.00018.00; bulk, $18.80011 0. Sheep and Lambs 'Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady. Chicago Live Stock Market. f Chicago, Oct 10. Catt'e Receipts, 11,000 head; market strong; native steers, $7.20 17.60; western steers $6.26014.76; stockers and feeders, $6.25011.60: cows and heifers, $5.15012.36; calves; $9.5001. 00. Hons Receipts, 16,000 head; market weak 16c under yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $18.00019.20; lights, $17.36019.00; mixed, $17.60019.45; heavy, $17.60011.45; rough, $17.60017.80; pigs, $13.60017.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 38,000 head; market steady; wethers, $9.10019.00; owes, $8 60O11.86; lambs. $13.5001 36. Turpentine and Rosin. Savanah, Ga., Oct. 10. Turpentine Firm; 47c; sales, 481 barrela; receipts, 488; ship ments, 200; stock, 31,324. Rosin Firm; sales, 847 barrels; receipts, 1,205; shipments, 3.309; stock, 81,366. Quote B, D E, $HO0; F, O, H, I, $1.20; K, M, $.22H: N, $6.25; WG. $6.56! WW. $,46, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Omaha Safe Deposit Co. to Clara Meyer, southeast corner Flfty-'econd and Cuming street, 96.9x136 3,600 Charles W. Martin and wife to Loren E. Olllett. Titus avenue, 127.6 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 42x120 . 760 Byron Reed Co. to Florence Deckman, Ama avenue, 233.4 feet west of Fifty-first atreet, north side, 46x129 175 Bernard Gross and wife to Joseph G, Gaver, et al. Twenty-sixth street, 63.75 feet north of Charles street, west side, 63.76x120 7,000 Byron Reed Co. to Harry Roesslg, Elizabeth street, 184 feet west of Fifty-eighth avenue, north side, 46x129 300 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Cora Declines With One to Three-Cent Drop, With Oats Following One-Half to Three-Quarters Off. Omaha. Oct. 10, 1917. The demand for corn and osts continues to be light and tho greater part of those aales are for Immediate use. Receipts were much lighter, the total amounting to 128 cars. Arrivals of wheat and corn were very light, while those of oats were fairly liberal, sixty cars being reported. All the samples of hard winter wheat wont to the mills and a few cars ot durum were sent to tha ele vators for storage. Corn broke off again today, actual sales showing these quotations to be from lc to 80 below yesterday'a sales. No. 2 white sold at $1.95 and $1.95 W and the No. $ at the tame prices, while tha No. 1 and No. 3 yel low sold at one price, $1.86; 9c to 9'ic un der the white ol the same grade. No. 2 mixed sold at $1.83 and $1.83H. Oats followed corn and sold off generally Ho to c. No. 8 white sold at 67o and 6" Ho and the atandard grade at 67o and 67HC while the No. 3 grade brought 66Hc. and 66 e. the bulk of the samplra going at 6Vo. Four cars ot No. 4 white sold at 66 H". and a few cars of sample oata went for 60 and ttc. Receipts of rye and barley were five cars each, but only a few aales of barley were made, no sales of rye being reported, al though the demand for these cereals con tinues to be very liberal, but sellers were not Inclined to let go of their offerings at ths aomewhat lower prices. No, 3 barley aold at $1,304 and another car of relected bar ley went for $1.13. The bulk ot ths samples of barley sold today were shipped from the western, central and northweatern part of Nebraska. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 131,000 bushela; oata, 1,393,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 817.000 bushels and shipments 489,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,729,000 bushels and hli.mcnte of 1.074,000 bushels last year. Primary cor receipts were 310.000 bush els and shipments 166.000 bushels, against receipts of 693,000 bushels and shipments of 441,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,194.000 bush els and shipments 780,000 bushels, against receipts of 1.723.000 bushels and shipments ot 733,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS, Wheat Corn. Oata 4 143 77 IS 5 40 ..663 These sales ware, reported today: Wheat No. 1 dark hard winter, twe cars (H per cen( docksge). $1.11; No. I dark hard winter, one car (1 per cent dockage), $2.13; one car H per cent dockage), $3.13; No. 1 hard winter, one car (1 per eent dook age), $3.15; one car (6 per cant dookags), $2.16; No. 1 northern spring, two cars (5 per cent dockage), $3.15; No. 1 dark north ern spring, two cars (H Per cent dockage), $2.19; No. 3 northern spring, three cars, (H per cent dockage), $2.12; No, 3 northern spring, two cars, (1 per cent dockage), $3.09; No. 1 amber durum, one car (1.6 per cent dockage), $3.19; No. I amber durum, one car (l.per eent dockage), $3.16; No. 3 red durum, one car (H per cent dockage), $3.05; No. 6 red durum, one car (3 per cent dock age), $3.03. Barley No. 8: 1 car, (northwest Ne braska) $1.21; H car (central Nebraska) $1.10. No. 1 feed: 1 car, I1.20H- Rejected: 1 car (western Nebraska) $1.13. Sample: I car (central Nebraska oats mixed) $1.10. Corn-No. 1 white! 3 cars, I1.96HI 1 car, 11.16. No. I white: 3 6 car, $1.16; t-l car, $1.13 H- No. t white: 1-5 car, $1.10. Sample white: 1 car. $1.96. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.8. No. I yellow: 1 car, $1.8. No. 3 yellow: I cars, $1.8H- No. 1 mixed: 1 car, I1.I2H; 3-5 oar, $1.83; I cars (shipper's weight) $1.83. No. S mixed: 1 3-5 oars, $1.83 H; 1 car, $1.81; No. mixed: 1 car. $1.88'4. Oats No. I white: 1 car, I7tte; I cars, 67Kc; I cars, 67a Standard: 1 cars, !7Ho; 4 ears, 67c No. 1 white: 18H ears, 6c; 13-1 oars, 66Hc No. 4 white: 4 cars, 66 He Sample whits: S cars, 66 tic; 1 oar. 66c. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 3 white, I1.96 01 I5H: No. 1 white, $1.I3H1.95: No. 1 yellow, $1.86H01.86; No. 3 yellow, $186H 0186; N. 2 mixed, I1.8301-83H! No. 1 mixed ll.8301.83H. Oats: No. 3 white, 57 57Ho; standard, 6706714c; No. 3 white, 6H06c; No. 4 white, 664 66 He Bar ley: Malting, $1.811.37; No. 1 feed, $1,099 1.20. Rye; No. 2, $1.761.7S- No 3, $1.72$ 1.75. Chicago 11:46 m. prices furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 911 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: NEW YORK STOCKS Drastic Liquidation Character izes Market; Urgent Selling Forces Prices Down to Minimum. Chicago Minneapolis .. Duruth Omaha Kansas City... St Louts Winnipeg 67 173 s is Jo 17 33 38 87 . . . Art. Open. High. Low.j Close. Yes'y. Corn, t Jan. 1 13 1 It 111 1 11 114H Deo. 1 18 "I IS 114 1 15 114 May 1 14 1 14 UOU 1 10 118 Oats. Dec. 61 II 67 17 61 May 60 10 I9U M 0 Pork. Oct. 41 90 48 36 41 90 41 15 44 15 Jan. 46 26 46 16 43 55 43 75 46 47 Lard. . Oct 13 85 11 87 23 72 11 71 24 07 Jan. 23 35 13 16 21 10 21 (0 13 11 Ribs. s Oct 27 75 17 75 2T 60 17 50 21 00 Jan. 14 35 14 16 28 42 18 60 24 80 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Unmerciful Slashing of Prices Owners Dated by Prospect of 110 Hogs. Chicago, Oct 10. Unmerciful slashing ot prlcea took place today In the corn and pro vision markets largely owing to reports of more drastic government food control after November 1, but also Influenced by peace talk and by weakness of securities In Wall street The close was flurrlod both In corn and oats with corn 4O50 net lower at 11.13 OL13 for December and $1.08 0 1.08 for May. Oats showed a setback of llc Provisions finished 47c to 2.17 down. Heavy unloading of holdings of corn was accompanied the extensive liquidation tlons that under pressure from Wsshlngton corn was destined for $1 a bushel to match with hogs at $10 ,a hundred pounds. In connection also with ths talk of government regulation It was said a list of twenty-five commodities to be subjected to a scaling down of values would be made publlo within a few days and that corn might be Included. Short selling that reached unusual volume accompanied tha extensive sllquldatlon which was in progress. - Urgent step loss selling, especially of pork, carried the provision market rapidly down ward. Owners seemed dased by the cur rent forecast of $10 hoga which implied a cut of nearly 60 per cent In recent values, Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Oct 10. Cattle Receipts, 18.00; market steady; prime fed steers. $16.00017.00; dressed beef steers, $11,000 16.60; western steers, $9 00018 00; southern steers, $7.00011.50; oows, $6.60010.00; heif ers, $.50O13.00j stockers and feedtM, 86.60 IB 14.76; buns, J6.2SO8.00; calve $6.too 13 50. ! Hogs Receipts, 7,000, market stetdy; bulk $18.76019 40; heavy, $19.1001160; packers and butchers. $19.00019.50; light, $18.60 19.40: pigs, $17,0007.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000, market higher; labbs, $17.26018.26; yearlings, $12. 00 013.60; wethers, $11,00013 50; ewes, $10.25 11.75. St. Louis Live Block Market, St Louis, Oct 10. Cattle Receipts, 8.500, market higher; native beef ateera, $8,000 17.60; yearling steers and heifers, $7,000 17.00: cows. $6.00010 60: stoskers and feed ers, $6. 76010.50; fair to prime southern steers, $9.00 12.66; beef cows and heifers, $6.00010.00;; prime yearling steers and heif ers. $7.60010.00; native calves, $8.76016.60 Hogs Receipts, 7,00, market lower; lights $18.90019.40; pigs, $1 00 18.25; mixed and batchers, $18.85019 5; good heavy, $19.60 019.6; bulk, $18.90019.60, Sheep Receipts, 2,300, market steady; lambs, $18.00018.00; ewes, $10.50011.60; wethers, $11.60012. .60: canners, $6.00 8.50. New York Metal Market. New Tork, Oct. 10. Metal exchange quotes tin quiet, $00.60061.00. Lead 4julat; spot $7.76 bid. Spelter Firmer; spot East St Louis de livery, $8.2008.87. At London Spot uepper, 110; fptures, 110. Electrolytic, 126; spot tin, 1244 10s; futures, 242. Lead, spot, 120 10s; futures, 29 10s; spelter, siot, 54; futures, 60. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Oct. 10. Evaporated Apples Firm, but quiet; choice, 10c; prime, 15o. Dried Fruits Prunes, strong; Californias, 9012o; Oregons. 12OHc. Apricots, firm; fancy, 20o. Peaches, firm; standard, 10Hc; choice, 10c; fancy, 12c. Raisins, little offerings; loose muscatels, 7H09o; choice to fancy, seeded, 9010o; seedless, 8H0IOVU; London layers, $1.80. Close Stock Exchange Saturday. New Tork Oct 10. The governors of tht. stock exchange today voted to close tha exchange on Saturday, October 13, the day following Columbus Day. New York Cotton Market New Tork, Oct 10. The cotton market closed barely steady at a net decline of 7$ to 104 po!'- s I New Tork, Oct 10. Liquidation more drastlo and comprehensive than swept over the market a month ago accompanied to day's atock exchange operations. Urgent selling forced prices still lower by 1 to 7 points, most leaders reaching lowest prices of tho year while others touched their minimum for a much longer period with not a few absoluto low records. Unsettlement began at the outaet Peo ple' Ga soon broke 7 points In conse quence of the passing of the dividend. Other gas shares dropped 2 to 6 after which a gradual ahrlnkage set In elsewhere. United States Steel was unloaded in the heavy Individual lots falling from 10. Its maximum of tho day. to 101 H. but rallying on short covering just before the end to lo;l,, closing at 101, a net decline of 2 ' points. Steel was at Its worst after publication of the September report showing a decrease ot practically 600,000 tons In un filled orders. ' Other equipments, coppers, oils, tobaccos and kindred stocks fell 3 to 7 points, Texas company supplementing yesterday's 7 point decline with a further break of , nearly all of which was regained. Bethlehem steel, new and old shares, fell I to 7 points. In the main, final prices were 1 to 2 points over lowest Gilt-edged rails lost 1 to 3 points. Sales amounted to 107.000 shares. All rlasaea of bonds were heavy. Liberty !s holding firm, however, at 91.70 to 99.78. Total bond sales par value aggregated $5. 850,000. United States old Issues unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prices of the leading stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 2,100 81 78 78 American Can .... 8.500 42 39 40 Amer. C. A F 1.900 S7 65 65 Amer. Locomotive . 3,700 67 63 68 v, Amer. S. A F 15 400 91 97 18 Amer. Sugar Ref.. 1.600 10 104 104 Amer. T. & T 300 114 114 114 Amer. Z.. L. A S. 1.100 1 15 15 Anaconda Copper . 18.800 (9 16 5 Atchison $.900 5 11 14 A.. O. W. I. 8. L. 1.700 100 17 11 Hat. A Ohio 1,200 11 6 61 Butte A Sup. Cop. 1.700 14 10 10 Cal. Petroleum... 00 16 13 13 Canadian Pacific. 14,400 161 149 149 Central Leather .. 16 800 7 73 73 Chesapeake A Ohio 3.100 14 51 61 C, M. A 8t. P .600 II 49 49 Chi. A N. W 1.90 100 99 11 C R. I. A P. ctfs. 1.108 14 II 11 Chlno Copper .... 1,800 46 41 41 Colo. F. A 1 1.80 18 16 $1 Corn Products Ret. 17.900 It 16 17 Crucible Steel .... 14.100 7 1 14 Cuba Cane Sugar.. I TOO II 26 17 Distillers' Seo 11.700 13 31 11 Erie 4,400 19 1 II General Electric. 1,00 137 134 135 General Motors.... 14.100 I 94 9 Gt No. pfd 100 101 100 100 Gt No. Ore ctfs.. 4,100 10 21 19 Illinois Central ... 100 19 99 99 Inspiration Copper. 35.300 41 44 Int M. M. pfd 13,100 14 II 81 Inter. Nickel 11,000 11 80 30 Inter. Paper 4.100 14 11 11 K. C. Southern .... 100 17 IT 17 Kennecott Copper.. 11.000 83 31 13 Louis. A Nashville. 100 111 118 111 Maxwell Motors.... TOO 11 II 33U Mez. Petroleum .. 14100 11 86 17 Miami Copper .... 1.400 11 30 10 Missouri Pacific... T.400 18 17 17 Montana Power .. 100 73 70 Nevada Copper ... 4,300 11 1T 1T New York Central. ,80 73 71 73 N. T., N. H. A H... 1,000 18 37 28 Norfolk A West... 1.100 107 1 10 Northern Pacific.. 1,000 17 97 97 Paclflo Mall 1,700 26 94 34 Pennsylvania 1,600 61 51 61 Pittsburgh Coal 4' Reading 11 400 80 71 7 Republlo I. A S... llilOO 77 74 76 Shattuck Art. Cop. 1,800 21 10 10 Southern Pacific. 4,900 90 91 , 89', Southern Railway.. 1,100 17 2 16 StudebakertCorp... 11.000 41 11 11 Texas Co 11.600 141 11 140 Union Paclflo .... -.4.(00 126 134 135V U, R. Ind. Alcohol. 8,300 131 186 127 U. 8. Steel 100,700 106 101 103 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 1.800 116 116 166 Utah Copper 33 600 85 82 63 Wabash pfd "B".. 400 18 51 21 Western Union ... 300 11 I 16 Weatinghouse Klec. T.90O 43 40 41 Total sales for the day, 1.076,000 shares. Mew York Money Market. New York, Oct 10. Mercantile paper. 5 O 5 per cent Sterling Sixty day bills, 14.71; com mercial slxty-dsy bills on banks, $4.71; com mercial sixty-day bills, $4.70; demand, $4.76; cables. $4.76 7-1. Francs Demand, (5.78: cables. $6.77. GullderaDemand, 45c; cables, 460. Lire Demand, $7.77; cables. $7.7. Rubles Demand, 16.10c; cables, 11.15c. Bar silver 88c ' Mexican dollars 17 e. Time loans Steady; atxty days, 606 ! ninety days an! six months, 5HO. Call money Steady; h gh, 1; low, 1) ruling rate, !; closing bid, 1: offered at 3; last loan, 1. U. 8. 2s reg.... IT Int M. M. Is .. I8j do coupon .. 9,K. C. 8, r. 6s.. 80 U. 8. 3s reg.... tKL A N. un. 4s.. II do coupon .. 99 M K A T 1st 4s (1 U. 8. 4s reg.,..106Mo. Vac. g. 4s.. 65 do coupon .,106 Mont. Power 5s.. 91 Fan. 3s coupon 84 N. T. C. d. Is.. 97 Am. F. 8. 5s.. 96No. Paclflo 4s .. 14 Am. T. A T. c. 6s 11 do 3s Anglo-French Is. 11 O. 8. L. r. 4s 17 Arm. A Co. 4s 8Pac. T. A T. 6s 93 Atchison Ven. 4s 8Penn. c. 4s....l00 Bal. A O. 4a.... II do gen. 4s.. 13 Ceru Leath 6s .. 97 Reading gen. 4s 89 Can. Pan. lat .. 108 L A S F a Is II C. A O. c. 6s.. 10 So. Pao. c. 6s.. 15 C. B. A Q. j. 4s 14 do ref. 4s.... 14 CMASPg4sll So. Ry. 6s ...... 94 C. R. I. A P. r. 4s "Tex. A Pac. lat 11 C. A 8. r. 4s 77 Union Paclflo 4s 19 D. R. Q. T. 6s 64 do cv. 4s .... 17 v D. of C. 6 15 TJ. 8. Rubber 5s.. 81 N Erie gen. 4s .. 93 U 8. Steel 5s. .100 Gen. Eleo. 6s .. 99 Wabash 1st .... 18 G. No. 1st 4s 10 West Un. 4r, . II 111. Cen. r. 4s.. 10 'Bid. "Asked. Coffee Market. New York, Oct 10. The market for cof fee futures showed continued Irregularity during thevday's trading. The opening was unchanged to 1 points higher on tho firm' er tone reported In the cost and freight market reported late yesterday. There was a renewal of December liquidation, however, while there appeared to be a little trade selling of later deliveries with December easing ofl from 7.30o to 7 17c and May from 7.72c to 7.680 during the afternoon. The closo was 3 points to 1 point higher. Th business included switching from December to later months. October,; December. 7.18c; January, 7.16c; March, 7.60c; May. 7.8; July, 7.86; Sept., 1.00 The local spot market was unchanged at 8 for Rio 7's and 9 for Santos 4's. Of fers of Santos 4's were reported here at 8.90o and their 3 s and 4's at 1.16c by sail, but It was said these prices figured out a hlgherd cost to the Importer than nine cent: by steamer. The official cables reported a decline oJ 100 rels at Rio and 60 rels in Santos futures Rio exchange l-ld higher. Brasllian port receipts, 73,000 bags. Minneapolis Grain Market, Minneapolis, Oct 10. Flour Marks' Changed. Rye $1.7801.79. Barley $1.1001.83. Bran $30.00081.00. Sharp Reduction in Price of Provisions Chicago, Oct. 10. Sharp reductions in the cost of provisions came about today largely as a consequence of government action to put an end to speculation in cottonseed oil and be cause of gossip, that moves would follow to cut down prices of corn and hogs. The biggest setback in values was in pork, which at one time showed an overnight fal. of $1.90 a. barrel. January delivery. McAdoo Urges Soldiers To Invest inLiberty Bonds Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 10. William McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, carried a message from the government of the United States to 30,000 men of the national army at Camp Lewis today. He urged the men of the national army to subscribe for Liberty bonds. American Telephont & Tilajri?1! Co. A dividend of Two Dollar per share wilt be paid on Monday, October IS, 1917, U stockholders of record at the dose of bad-' ness on Saturday. September 29, 1917. CD. MILNE, Treasurer