Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1917, Image 12
,, ...v,,... v. - I Sr I? I Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to the l.lnc.l Ns All Taken for Iw Than Two l.!nn local C ASH WITH tmiiEB , 2c per line 1 tint lo per Unci or mare consecutive iiwurlluiia from Nitlt '! I .Mr.-. ill ARt.E - per lint 1 lim? so per line 3 or more consecutive Insertions Tc per line ..3 consecutive Insertion S1TCATIONS WANTED -ic per line jut week CARD or THANKS AM) riNEKAl NOTICES "0 per line .'.each Insertion (Minimum charge 50 cents.) Out-of-Towi. Batea .ih With Order CCtnnt Six Wordt to Une) : lp Wanted ;c p,r ne j tm-. 4Tn.-hn.ncc. ' P.rl.n.ormor. manual L conaecutlva Insertions. II Other J 9c per line 1 time, laasiflcations 6c per line 1 or mora ( consecutive Insertions. SE THE TELEPHONE '.t you cannot con venlently bring or aend In your want ada. Ask (or Want Ad Taker and you will receive tha aame good aervtca aa when delivering your want ad at this office, i THOME TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMN'S CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS ...12:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rate on Application I FOR SALE Miscellaneous ' Furniture and Jlouschold Gcods. i STuvB!. all if,il,-, li-mcrn. ranges and i -ol,iIti c-; Tjrti . it i . pian. I'oU.ltrv I Irmic i!uil- p;..U..I fr.'e. l.i-al Kuril. o . 223 N. I'Jih. I'i'J rCr. Co.. I"T K. Hill. FEW pie.. ih.ilc- I v.: nr. Jr.- ami rui,-, l"ft ; M"-riMi' fir quid: mr.hH.c I'm iis1'in. ' llanyv- 4'iy. KCSII richt ilun n an, I K..( ;. i,i,r r. t all kind of furniture ;i laj-mnfli-r. 1"J lMt:. Pianos and Musical Instruments. I'OK BALK Even-it no. praUtialiy new; alio Nmv I. Iff vtlirat'T. SoiiMt :i 7 " r. . FOR SALE A player piano. In ifood :ond- fion. Very riifrnul)l''. Wi-lv-lcr 5ti4L. Billiard'and Pocke tTables! Kok SALE Two good pool tables at a har gain. H. Kathholz, mi S 24tli. Phone Smith 3:7 StorejindjOffice Fixtures. , WK HAVE moved to new location. We buy 5 and inaki deHkt. nat.-n, Hhowraftc! ahelvlng. ctc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. S. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone I. S724 ANNOUNCEMENTS Patent Attorreys. ! ATKNV p'p'im-l. burht nLfolil. lTI-:r:N VTHiN.M. PATENT Co.. ' 3 lirm .li-- UUik. !..ii:Ik.- rrt:r.!E8 ' :sTrn;j-:..-. r. s , f..r..t -:, , pal 'his a i.l ir!"l-in:irfcs. :::, i- Jv,.i i , Pl'imb-ng and He?t:rs. i Till'',' A- I'll, luloii ylri't. P:iilnlii nf7 I nd h-tinp. i-'niir)'l rtepair Work our i mwlnliv. OIL ISL'RNER EXPERTS. Tel. ; i Printing andj Office Supplies. ' S 'Mtorr-Iiarnhnrdt P'n. Co. bU M. IJih Ht. Theatrical Costumes. i TJIlCATKuVL GoWNS." ill divaa' aalta for r-nt. 2i: N. 14th. John feldnian. P. .11 2. Towel Supplies. j omahToweSupp:y. 20. klllh. t. 62. j Trusses. ! CI.KCO" COMFORT TRUSSES. I Perfect Kit Guaranteed. I The W, 0. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harney Rt Motorcycles and" Bicycles :iA!?LET-rA"V "l t's o'N'ilOTOaCTCI.Fs! Ilarcalrfi ii imeil Tlarhin'S. Victor II Hoi n. TW Sloioriyclt !n, 27tn anl L- venwiylti. MEDICAL wnv PEKKnn? I.a.l'st. and muat scientific tnat r.T ru for all l'.tarr!. Lir. CharlH liarnc:, :i3-:,:l Ros Dida;. Kx Miiinaiion and consultation Pee. He l curing thousands. WHT NOT VOL'? Dclaya are dangerouH. If jnu can't call, wrlle. Hours: J a) m. to 5 p. tn.; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. HELP WANTED MALE ' Professions end Trades. ' WAN TL An cxperlen! phnrni:tei.-t and clvmlf fcr prescrlpfion work and com- i iiounding ;ict.lalt. Khfrwan ft McCon- nell lrug ''.. ISth ami lKdsc Sit j WA.NTL'Ij Eipciientxd larpct l;.yer. steady ! work : Mate vagt:a wanted: references r1 (lulred. AddriB( Stuebncr Cieunlng & i Mi-rc. V., HI. Jore-pb. M". j WANTED Fwreinau for coal yard; married ma'i preferred; ateady Job for hustler. I'pdlke Lumber Coal sCo., 43th and J.m1i?S1. VANTEDr"irt-ciatis automobile rf pair man; give age nnd experience In first let ter. Box Y 23ti. Omaha Bee. L HELP WANTED MALE. . Miscellaneous. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. WICK EL'S . NEBRASKA Cl'CLB CO., ISth nd Harney fits. Doug. 12. Storm Sash. CUT YOUR COAL BILL. (Order your atorm windows and doora before the fall rush. Call Walnut 4S and we will aend a map to measure. Typewriters and Supplies. MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. I'RIKCEKS. 1317 DOUULA3 EXCELLENT PICTURES 8HOWN AT THIS THEATER. COME IN AND SEE. North. AL1IAJIBRA, 24TH AND PARKER TRUE BOARDMAN, in "STINGAREE." GRAND. 16TH AND B1NNEV CHARLES RAY. tn "SUDDEN JIM," a SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY. South. APOLLO. 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH MOLLY KING, in "THE ON THE SQUARE GIRL." HOULEVARD, S3D AND LEAVENWORTH VIOLA DANA, in "THE GATES OF EDEN." ROHLFF, J3TH AND LEAVENWORTH MADAME OLGA PETROVA, in "THE LAW OF THE LAND " West. DUNDEE, S1ST AND UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAY. "CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG." - DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. ft GOT Mrs. J. C. wife of J. C. Root of West Center atreet, .died Wednesday, Oc tober 10. Funeral announcement later. J. C. ROOT AND FAMILY. ILORISTS. UKINO a member of tha National Florlata Telegraph Delivery association, we are In position to deliver f lowers at short notice anywhere in the United States or Canada. Hes. Bwoboda. norma. PVS" LEE L. LARMON HI 4 Donglaa St. Douglas 3t H ENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKe'r FLOWER SHOP, 4U B.U. D. llOi" TlfR FERNERY. 601 B. 18th. Bt, Doug. Hit. BATH. NatlonaTFIorlat, 1804 Farnam Bt. aTtjONAOHUE. 1638 Harney. Doug. lObT. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER . Independent Undertakers. 84 Or Har. I. IT i;, L. DODDER CO.. -Funeral Dlrectora. 1C F. Poro, Mgr.. S3rd and Cuming 8U. Phone Douglas 7T. Auto ambulance. 1 HUL8E A RIEPEN. undertakers and m- balmera. 701 8. lth. Douglas Hl. , idllN A. UENTLEMAN, undertaker and e'mbalmer. 2(24 Leavenworth. Doug. 16. JENKINS DIAMONDS BIRTHS ANT DEATHS. i Births M. A. and Martha Roecker, 300 Harney street, boy; Forreat and Edna Pfott, omahs. girl: Carl Edward and Hilda El bo rg, 4(20 Bpencer street, boy; Charles and Harriet Haynea. 170 North Forty-fifth alrent, boy: Burtram and Mary Jan Tay lor, 22JO Burt street, boy: Jamea and Anna Voyer, 440 Booth Seventeenth street, boy; Peter and Katerlna Kubejka, 42ia South Twenty-ninth street, boy; Albert and Elisabeth Wiley, 1031 North Eighteenth street, boy; Veo L. and Ella Huntley, 2621 Charles street, boy; lgnao and Anna Udron, 4207 South 1 Thirty-eighth street, girl; Ueorgr and Katie Jlmta, 1107 Davenport street; boy and girl; Bldney and Clara Mo C'leeae, ttOI Bouth Twentieth avenue, glrL Deaths Floaale O. Wagner, 11, 1137 North Twenty-seventh street; Charles Rosehaugh, i. hospital; Mytfle Alberta Under, 1 year, 4331 Reward street; Veldora M. Johnson, 4t, 4211 Nicholas street; Mrs. Jane Franels, H, hospital -Vames R. Pallk, days, 6641 South Eighteenth atreet; John 8. Shlah otr, It, 4711 Bouth Twenty-seventh atreet. BUILDING PERMITS. Bulldbig permits have been laaued to the following: I J. J. Orabowv Fifty-eighth and Center treets,- brick garage, 11,000. - Benson A Carmlchael, 4301 Leavenworth rtreet, atucco dwelling, 13,000. B. E. Price, 1130 North Forty-seventh wenue, frame dwelling, 11.(00. , B. E. price, loit Western avenue, frame welling, 13,100. ' B. E. Price. 6011 California street, frame twelllng, 13.(00. B. E. Price, (014 Western avenue, frame 1 welling. 11.000. Rasp Bros., 1104 North Eighteenth atreet, larage. 8-9,cl8l'l , M , , , ,, : 'lr hi',,,, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREtT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would do wall to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company t aacertaln whether they left It In the treet "t. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious lo restore them to the rightful owners. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you wlll. surely recover It If found by an honest person. It you find anything of value the honest way Is to advertise for the owner. LOST -Gold wrist watch, marked "H" on the back. In the Muse theater or between Muse and Twenty-fifth avenue. Reward. Harney ((. , v LOST Saturday afternoon, black onyx pin with diamond center. Reward when re turned. Call P. 4470 after 6:30 p. m. "TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD tor the re turn of a gold dollar dated 1163. 734 North lltl. St.; Omaha. LOST Gold necklace, value only es gift of . dead friend. Reward. Harney 1311. FOR SALE- Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. FURNISH YOUR HOME AT PRACTICAL- LT YOUR OWN PRICE. v Hundreds of people have taken alvan lege of the remarkable price reductione we have been making for the paat several months on a big 126.000 warehouse stock of brand new. up-to-date furniture that ' we were forced to close out Such tatoney saving possibilities could. not be equaled anywhere else In the city alert buyers have dlaocovered this and profited by It. Furniture for every room In the home Is Included In thla big warehouse stock. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. ' STATE FURNITURE CO. Doug. 1317. 14th and Dodge fits.. Omshi J-'OK sale cheap. (60 Wilke gas kiln; fine - oak dining room set, leather bed daven port, handsome oak bookcase, braas bed and other household articles. ' Call be- tween 1 and 11 a. tn. 114 8. 33d St. - hakualns. in rurmture. Ice boxes, gas stoves, rugs, beds, china and kitchen Cabl- Beta, tables, chairs, buff eta. dreaaers. trunks, suitcases, full line of poultry net ting screen. 181S-4T N. 14th. Web. H07. OMAHA PILLOW, CO. Feather matt reuses - made from your own feathers, summer . and winter sides; cost leas and laat longer men cotton or hair beda. Phone u for ample. 1907 Cuming, Douglas 1447. CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE j Auctioneer. Licensed and Bonded. Phone Web. 4471. TYPE WRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 1 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farifam. Guaranteed typewriters, (10 and up. Write for Hat. Midland Typ. Co.. 144 Dodge. Machinery and Engines. TRACTOR FOR SALE 1914 Ayery 1-14 H. P. Has been used slightly over one year; In good shape; a real bargain; price 1600 f. o. b. Lyons. John F. Schulza, Lyons, Neb. Miscellaneous. AUCTION! . AUCTION! UNION PACIFIC UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE at Omaha Van and Storage Co. (West Ent) Near ISth and Leavenworth streets. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday eve nlnga, October 1, 10, 11. Sale starts promptly at 7 o'clock In the evenings, about 700 parcels of unclaimed baggage will be sold one piece at a time consisting of trunks, grips, wearing ap parel, guns, musical Inatruqients, etc. OEOROE L. ALLEY, General Baggage Agent. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. 'IRE ADJUSTER BALE All tha damaged gooda of the Cad Lumber Co. fire hard ware, twine, nails, wire fencing, wooden and Iron posts and lumber, H. Groaa Lumber and Wrecking Co., list and Paul fits. Webster 2SH4. FOR BALE A carload of red afd yellow onions. 4i. M. Kaynorn, Mlnburn, la. STUDIO machine for sale or trade, lu first oiaaa conouion. Webster 3949. FOR BALE A reed Pullman baby carriage. Jiarney okdv, i v SWAPPERS COLUMN FILMS developed,-lOo a roll, one-day aerv- .. aoaax oiumo, nsviiie lilK., 14th and Harney. WANTED TO iSUY., DESKS DESKS DESKS - New desks, used desks, bought, sold and J. iteeq, zp; rarnam. v. 8164 WANTED TO BUY Sweet corn. Stowell's evergreen and Country Gentlemen, Send samples and state quantity you have. The Harnden Beed Company. Kansas City, Ho. OLD CLOTHING ANP SHOES. WA PAY THE yiGHEBT PRICES. DOUG. AS 8021. Paya highest piicea for clothes. . ahoea. trunks etc. uoug. 8i; nee., Doug. 9033, CAN uae second-hand ateel for concrete worn, sucn ss rails, bars, etc Apply A. i. jupirn, un ana uougiaa ats. 401 B. 16th St. 80L "BERGMAN A CO. WANTED TO BUY Slightly used 111? yorq touring car, Bouth 4S80. FALSE teeth. 1604 Decatur St., Omaha, Neb, BOOK3 bought. Kleaer, Loyal Hotel Bldg. BOOKS bought. 610 8. 14th. Tyler 1136. 'ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDKON, side, knife, sunburst, box pieaung, covered buttons, all sites and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., gug-u arown Bldg. Douglas 1938. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Buttona Kio., raxton am Douglas ato. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., (2 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug, 1181. Baths. MASSEUSE, bathe, manicuring, physical cult. Mlaa Walker, 114 Neville Blk. D. 4297. OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 321 Neville iuock, lotit knd Harney Bts. Doug, 7181. Central Bath Int-1604 Harney. Doug. 7097. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Bta. Caroenters and Contractors. LESS ART) BON, foil Cuming. Ty. 1413? Chiropodist. Carrla J. Burford, 30Faxton Blk. R. 45(7. Dancing Academy. Tiai T.71VO School Popular Ballroom AVC J-ilAAC rincea Claaa ' Mnndav F.v. Ill 8. 11th. Thone Walnut 1017. V- TURPIN'B SCHOOL ot Dancing. ISth and rarnam. rnone n. eit3. or call personally ror date ot classes. Circulars mailed free, KEEP Dancing Academy, private lesaona classes for sdults and children. D. 7850. Detectives. BUTTON Detective Agency (Iiio.) "We ue Jiesulta." a2( World-Herald Bldg, ram Button, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 100 1st Wat. BE. Bldg. Phone Tyler S510. . JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence securej in all oases. Tyler 11S8. - 8. D. JOLLY, 511 Paxton. Red 1138. Dentists. Dr. Brt.dbury. No pain, 931 W. O. W. Bklg. Taft'a Dent. Rms., (08 Rose Bldg. D. 31! Dressmaking. 'BRRY Dreaamaklng Co., 30th and Farnam. Junk Dealers. ST. LOU 8 JUNK CO. Call Web. 6067 after 4. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTPTfTM K'actrlo washing machines, i-Ui.VXVli( elecUlo Irons and reading lampa. 1321 Cuming Bt. Doug. 2619. Hairdressing. MADAME W'lLSON; 1510 Douglas Household Specialties IF. ADAMS. 623 S. 16th. D. 2007. .Under new management. We want to aea old friend and meet new. Open Sat. evening. Tour credit Is good. Agents wanted. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. (11-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 111. Lumber and Building Materials SAVE" HALF on beams, colun's. brick. H Gross Lumber and Wrock Co. y'eb. 2884. Massuers FISHER'S Sulphur Bath and Swedish Mas- saga. Trained attendants. 179 Brandels Theater Bldg. MASSAGE chiropody, Alta Head, 208-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglaa. 1. 1468. MISS HOLLAND, 221 Neville Blk. Central Bath lnt..'l604 Harney. Doug. 7097. - Ony Acetylene Welding Expert Welding on All Metal H. W. LKVERiyO, 101 8. 12th St. D. 1671. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnara J. J. Derlght Safe Co. m Wedding Stationery. WKDDINO announcement and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel., Douglaa 844. BUSINESS CHANCES KLOUR MILL AT TRUSTEE SALE. To be sold at Greeley. Neb., October 18, 11 a. m. 75-barrel flour mill. Fully equipped, uooa location. Ready to run, Worth investigating. P. J. Rooney, Trustee. FOR RENT Hotel Melvln at Mason City, N'eb. ; good building with 20 sleeping rooms. Price 10 per month furnished. Call or write F. N. Mossman, Mason City, Neb. 3 POWERS. 6-A machines, practically new. Your choice at 1165, other machines from 126 up; two Fort Wayne Compenaariea at 136. Come quick if you want It. Mgr., 210 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb FOR SALE Combined restaurant and room ing house; 19 rooms besides restaurant and office rooms; In heart lof- city; all furniture and fixtures go. .Address Add Tjakey, 617 Meeaanle Bt,. Bt. Joaeph. Mo. FOR SALE A drug Btore doing a nice bual' ness; postotflce In combination paya good. Haa to go to work on account of selling. Write Harris Jones, McClelland, la. "OR quick action 'wNl rent you all fixtures and everything to do business; small stock of groceries, well established bust new; good ..location. Box 6804, Bee. NICE confectionery, cigar and aoda fountain and email line of groceries In our store. Florence 826. MOTION picture machine (new and re- Dutiw, ineaters auppiied. Omaha Film uxenange, 1U B. 14th Bt. MOVING PICTURE machlnee, new and ire ouiii, an manes; supplies Western Sup nlv Cn 4n1 Ma TIM ' v TO GET In or out of business call on OANQE8TAD. 148 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. YOUR buslneaa or real estate handled for salary. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. LAW business for sale or will sell librabry separate, vox Y-Z37, umaha Bee. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 w. u. w. Bldg. Red 3285 MEAT MARKET for sale. C. M. Huffman, mnpirnurni, neo, Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete line moving picture supplies. Bwanson & Nolan Supply Co., 106 8. 14th. AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC ROADSTER. This car la perfectly new, driven but a few miles. All cord tlrea. One extra , In wonderful condition. To fully appreciate this bargain yau shoKld see It Packard Used-Car Dept., . 40th and Farnam. H. PEERLESS I, 1917 TOURING. 7-passenger touring car, wire wheels, 1 extra wheel and cover. Equipped with cord tires. In fine condition. Car has Delco Ignition. Packard Used-Car Dept., 1 40th and Farnam, 11. 414. - YOU NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED, DON'T YOU 7 , ALL RIGHT. WB DO THE BEST WORK i . 'IN TOWN. TRY US. ' 1 TUB TIRE SHOP, , 2511 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4877. FORDS! FORDSI FORDS! , We are 4he used Ford men. TRAWVER AUTO SALVAGE A EXCH., 110 S. 17th St. Douglaa 9070. COLORED chambermaid wants work. Web. WATCH for opening ot our new garage and salesrooms. , . AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 18th and Leavenworth Bts. ALL Rinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglaa 7310. ' Ne braska Service Garage. STANDARD MOTOR CO., One. slightly used Allen rosdster; bar gain. 2020. Farnam St. Carl Changatrom. OAKLAND light alx. 1914 model. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney, Dquglas (251. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnara St. Doug. 6925. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglaa 7653. M09 Douglas Bt. USED CAR DEPT. , WILLY'SrOVERLAND. INC.. 2047 Farnam Bt Doug. 3292-U RAMBLER touring car, alectrlo lights and starter, In good shape, (225. ,v Call at ' 148 8.-Sth Bt. . . TELL & B1NKLET. WJB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. . Harney St. Doug. 1640. JOS. MATHE, patent vulcaulser manufac- lurer, expert lire repairing.-- oo far nam. Phone Harney 4380. BARGAINS In used cara. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. FOR SALE A aecond-hand Ford runabout, with delivery box attachment. Call Doug las 3070. 6-36 PIERCE Arrow roadster, 1912, excellent condition; cheap If taken Immediately. R. 8. Baratow, Council Bluffs, 131 8. th St. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everready Battery Station. 1204 Farnam. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix It." Southeaat cor- Br yh Harney Sts. Douglas 1553. BRAND new T-passenger Studebaker. Col fax 4009. Don t call Sunday afternoon. 4 BRAND tew Saxon r.adaters. 110 S. 17th Bt. Douglas 9070. BUY and sell old cars. 1627 N. 21sU Web. 6057 after 4 V m. ' , GOOD bargains In ased Fords. 4001 S. 24th. Tel. South 43$0. FOR SALE Lease and all or part of equip ment of Cro.-Mown garage. 115 8. 24th St. t Auto Repairing and Painting. (100 reward fert gnato we can't repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer. 210 N. 19th. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD BEDAN BODIES. WM.TFBIFFER AUTQ A CARRIAGE WKS. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth Bt. Tyler 701. Starters nd Generators Repaired. WE " REPAIR all ataudard makea ot V ... Starters -and generators. , WB GUARANTEE first-class work. quIck aervlcV and reasonable prices. OMAHA BATTERY ft SERVICE CO.. , 3313 Harney.y Tyler 1394. ALL MAKES REPAIRED AutoiSrvic Ce. (Former Strahle ft Anderson), till 8. 19th St. Douglaa 6488.- Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES tt PRICE. Made with two old tlrea, 10x3, (6.40; 30x3 H. 17.16; 32X3H, till. "2-In-l" Vulcaniziug Co., 1516 Davenport St Agenta Wanted, v DouglaasS114. - - 1 Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 414 Brandels Bid-. Office phone. Tyler 111. Res. H, 4741. Mrs. J. P. Mustek, aulphar, steasa and l plus hatha, 4l- Bo- Bldg. Ty. 1141. DR. G. B. LORD. 1301 Burt St. H. 451. Painting and Paper Hanging. LET me figure your interior decorating. Garnette, the Paper Hangar. Harney 1711. Pianos for Rent (3.60 per tuo. A. Heape Co... 1611 itouglea. TIRES and lubes at half price, Flreatone 40x1, 17.(0; 10xlH. 111.00. Bargalna la aU sixes at tlrea, Katman'a Tire Shop. 1711 Cuming St Don. (838. TIRES sals. It sad up, O. ft a Tire Ce. - Expert tire tepalrlBeT and retreadlag. 1411 Leavenworth St Tyler 1341W, an 111 8. 17th Bt Tyler 1164. T1RB price wrarkere. Thts la no 1 In 1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY HOIS Jack-on. Agfa wanted Omaha, Neb. BUY Lee Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tlrea ana eliminate your Ure troubles, rowcll Supply Co, 1064 rarttam St, DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 BEE BLDG. t riLES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. K. R Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeaaes without aurglcal op--ttratlons.' Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal dlaeaaes and testimonials. WA.- i El) Names wf men wishing to be come Omaha malt MVirrlnra. Commence 1G7 ninirth. Box Y 219, Omajva Bee. TAILOR WANTED Panta maker wlio will also do bnsheling; pants (2.75 and up. C. Iverson, Sac City, la. SUOVKLERS. LABORERS O.V STRAIGHT TIME OR TO UNLOAD BY THE TONr MEN TO CARRY IN BY THK TON": STEADY WORK; GOOD PAY. APPLY SUNDERLAND BROS. CO. COAL YARD. 20TH (AND HICKORY. HELP WANTED-JFENIALE Waxtkd-a MrAlt M'PLY WASHINGTON MAK KET, 1407 DOUGLAS ST. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461 PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Induatrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga alnes. We collect. IWej distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and out wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 uonge St. ELECTRIC treatment baths. Swedish maa- sage, central institute, 1(06 Harney, HOUgns 7097. MI8S FI8HER, sulphur, steam baths and. ma usage, ji nran. inea. ma. v. 1559 Manicuring mass, and scalp treatment. For appointment can ry. ivm, 703 o. Z4th, MAE BRUGMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and oatns, 33 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. MISS 8MITH. massulst. Rlttenhouso aanl- lacium, aiu-zi4 mird Blk. D. 3468. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing, 618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best care. rsu Bristol. Webster 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. sain ot. rnone Colfax 1043. SCIENTIFIC maaaage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 6372. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam St, Room : i-none uougias 8701 Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnay. R. 19. MISS WEST, manicure, maasaae. 210 N. 17th E. BROTT. Maaj, 703 8. 18th. D. 9626. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PRINTER-OPERATOR, all-around rnTS "-"- piwiuira as toreman or manager In modern country shop; first-class work man; Cn nma . . n n . . w V v . 62081 McKlnley S, Benson, Neb. Phone REGISTERED pharmacist desires position n ngo. or iowa. Agea 25 years. Exempt from drajt. Single; 13 yeara" experience In retail drug business. Best references. Box Y 229, Omaha Bee. YOUNG married man of ability and char acter wisnes position as city salesman with good, reliable1 wholesale house. Open for Interview Friday p. m. or Saturday m. aox i tit, umana Beer- EXPERIENCED clerk, 26, snlgle. five yeara a grocery, anoe ana lurnishlng goods salesman, open for position. Best refer ence-, box i z2s, umana Bee BY married man, work on farm by month; state Darticuiara in rimr iite is m Carver, 621 W. 6th St., Grand Island. Neb POSITION wanted by office man, capable of taxing run cnarge ot of flee work; beat of reierenoea. aox ss, umana Bee EXPERIENCED young attorney wants po- uioo; wor on aatary or otherwise.' Box Y-238, Omaha Bee. V HOUSEMAN Good on screens, atormwln- uowa. carpets, iioors. call Houseman, J yier ivsv-w. EXPERIENCED housemen want work by aay. uoug. 894. Kanaon or Baker. Female. SITUATION aa housekeeper In hotel, com- peieai. oeiiiea ana respectable. Address ouvBr ireqa, iep., n. Mr. V. BOX 88 GOOD honest girl can have a home .while louring lor. wora lasts 'iiarimor Ave., Omaha. DRESSMAKING and alteration work. Doug. of, bsk ror room 310. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day. work, waahlng, ironing. nousecieaning; will give satisfaction. Web ster 8680. COLORED woman wants day work of any Kina. Ty. 1835-w, WORK wanted by day or week. Martha narrison. , uougias 4383. . Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1727, DAY work by white woman. 1 Web. 4639. WASHING and lace curtalna done. Ty. 1144. Washing and Ironing wanted. Harney 1605. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 1734. Bundle washing, colored lady.- Ty. 3663-J. WANTED-iwork by the day. Webster 1491 Col, lady wants day wk.. any kind. Ty. 2668. LAUNDRY -wk. by exp. col, lady. Web. 7034. WASHING, Ironing and housecl'ng. Ty. 2967. LAUNDRY and housecleanlng. Ty. 2957. BUNDLE waahlng .wanted. Walnut 2269.. WHITE laundress. . Call eve. Red 1844. Day wk bdle. wah'g. Call 4 p. m. Web. (331 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. . YOUNG man stenographer and cashier. Ex- salient 'twuHtlAn. nnan a.H-a man. Must have good character.' Exper ience not necessary. State age. references anq aaiary to even. iXJX 7gg&, umana Bee. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, (wholesale). 185; 1 office clerks, 160;' asst. . shipping clerk, 160. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-18 City Nat Bank Bldg. USE OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE In se- curing a high-class commercial position. A large list of vacancies at all times. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1 1117-18 W.'O. W. Bldg. (100 85 BOOKKEEPER, A-1 future C31VUU, a,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, eo Ledger Clerk I.. 76 Office Clerk 60 WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bk' LEDGER clerk by large wholesale house. Goott pay and chance for advancement Address 7409, Omsha Bee. YOUNG men, study law! Eve., downtown aea. UNI. of OM., Secy. Thomsen, 404 Om. Bk. Professions and Trades. WANTED A-FIRST-CLASS SAU SAGE MAKER. WASHINGTON MARKET, 1407 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED Laborers, 36c per hour and 60c per hour while doing concrete work; fire men -45c per hour; steady employment In factory for tha right kind of men; bunk houses furnished; board 17.36 perXweek, The Nebraska Potash Works -Co., Antloch, Neb. WANTED Men with some mechanical knowledge to - learn to - operate lathes, planers, boring mills, milling machines, drill presses, ettv. Good opportunity to learn the machinist trade and be paid good wages while learning. No labor trouble. Write, giving experience. Daven port Locomotive Works, Davenport, la. TAILOR for new and Aid work by the week or piece. Call or phone A. Tolberg, Tatlor. Carroll, la. WANTED Experienced upholsUirer; steady worlV, Ralstosr Furniture Factory. Phone Kalston 4. YOUNG man study law! Eve., downtown aea. UNI, of O.U.. Sec'y Thomson. 404 Om. Bk LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Cal or wrlp Barber College, 11M Douglaa St, WANTED Painter and paper hanger. H. A. Whltcomb, 2238 Ohio. Phone- Web. 133, WANTED Two young men to work on pas senger train. Apply 814 S 10th St. TWO young men for factory work. Omaha dot company, rjastomana. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLY 322 8. 10TH.ST. WANTED Press feeder, 106 North 13th St. Male or female. Salesmen and Solicitors. salesman: WE CAN USE THREE HIGH GRADE MEN WITH SELLING ABILITY. PERM ANENT. BIG PAYING PROPOSITIONS CAN BE HAD BY MEIf OF. THE RIGHT STAMP. REFERENCES REQUIRED, CALL 1217 W. O. W. BLDG. SADDLE hands, harneas makers and cut ters, attention : We have contracts for McClellan saddles and other equipment that will guarantee you ateady employ ment for at leaat alx months at highest going wages, with good opportunity for overtime. Come at once, wire or write, Duncan ft Sons, Inc., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Machinists, to operate lathee, planers, boring mills; mining machines, radial drills, slotters, ' etc. Good wages to competent 'rues. No labor trouble. . Steady work. . . Davenport ' Locomotive Works, Davenport, la," '. WANTED 1 EXPERIENCED GORDON PRESS FEEDERS, APPLY MR. DO BECK. M. E. SMITH ft CO.. 1TH AND DOUG LAS 8T. ENTRANCE. - - WANTED TWO HEAT APPEARING YOCN MEN. MUST BE ABLE TO MEET PUBLIC. IF 124 PER WEEK WOULD INTEREST YOU, CALL BEFORE 9:30 A. M. OR AFTER 1 P. M. 312 BAIRD BLOCK. ASK FOR MR. HATFIELD. V WE HAVE an opening . for several high- class Teputable stock talesmen or sales ladles of oil stock now on a divldend-pav ing basis of 20 'per. cent. Have seven producing wells; mors drilling In world renowned Cushlng field ol Oklahoma. Communicate at once with Midwest Be curltlea Corporation, . 616 Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City Qkl. ; SECURITY SALESMAN. Wanted Several good men on a very 'good proposition, backed by local business men, with A-l security back of It. o aa vance artists need apply. 226 CITY NATL. BK. BLDG. 1 MEN WITH i FORD CARS to sell the Foot Air Accelerator. Burns hot air. Make 142 and,, up per week in your own community. Answer quick. Whartney Sales Co.. 617 paxton bik. WANTED Salesmen . for Nebraska and Iowa. Call 403 Bee Biag. WANTED Experienced clothing' salesman. Shirley Clothes Shop. Agents and Canvassers. upomi iwn THS! aRRAT WAR. Pro luseiy musiraieu. easy eoner. , u.cij motner ana ever rea-oioqueu iimwi ii;h . wants It. Low price. Big profit. Freight paid. Credit Sample free. Universal House, Phiiaaeipnia Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED AU EXPERIENCED MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF HIGH CLASS CAFE BOX 6602, OMAHA BEE. NIGHT PORTER wanted at - the Paxton HoUl, 14th and Farnara. , -: : Trade Schools, , MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men, women. , learn the barber, trade; few weeks complete; pay while learning. Catalogue free. vRa tea now on.' Call or write 1W South lw,h St., Omaha. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn in six weeks, ho books; easy to learn; tree catalogue. National Auto School, 1814 N.- 20th St., OmVha, Neb. BOTH Men and women to learn the barber trade. Special, rates. Call or write, 1402 Dodge. TRI CITY BARBER COLLEGE. DRAFTING Private' Instruction. . mechani cal or architectural drawing; iimitea num ber students, by malt ' Write for terms. C. W. A., Box 403, Pes Moines, lows. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, , ' 2069 Famarii. , Teamsters and Chauffeurs. teamsters. . steady work, good wages, sunderland brothers company, tifil AND BELT LINE. '" .' . . ' "t " . Boys. A Regular" Job Where You CaruMake Real Moriey! Light work and. regular hours. Good chance for "advancement and , more money. .. v : ' apply Superintendent. SKINNER, MFGf CO.. 14th and Jackson Sts v ' . I Boy with wheel who does not attend school; General work. Good wages.' THE KING PHARMACY, 24th and Farnam. "i . WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work. (10 "a week, good chance tor advance ment for one" who can, deliver. Night work. See Mr. Miller, night foreman, Omaha Be. I ..." .... BOY WANTED Over 16 yeara of age, to learn trunk trade, . xtellng ft ' Btelnle, 1101 Farnam St WANTED Rock men and teamsters oa Santa Fs Railway line between Cuney.1 - Kan., and Pawhuaka, Okl. Year's work. MiUW Bros, ft c, Pitbusk CkU BOY WANTED with wheel. M. F. Shafer Company, Twelfth and Farnam. Miscellaneous. .:;- SEVERAL MEN WANTED. 'STEADY WORK. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT OF MILL. - . . EAST OMAHA. V Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co. .... ' ATTENTION, farmers. It you waal help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 1H W.Broadway. P. 41L WE have openings for several young men from 16 to 18 years who wish to learn ati exceptionally good trade or business. Ap ply Rlggs Optical Co., 769 Brandels Eldg. WANTED A MIDDLEAGED MAN TO AS SIST IN TRAINING DELIVERY MAN AND. BOOSTINO SALES. PERMANENT POSITION AND GOOD SALARY. GIVE REFERENCES. BOX 6607, BEE. WRAPPER BOY ABOUT 18. AP PLY" THE OMAHA NEWS CO 15TH AND DAVENTORT, WANTED SEVERAL RELIABLE MARRIED MEN FOR CLEAN WORK AT THE NEW RULL MAN VACUUM WASHING MA CHINE PLANT, 4226 FLOR ENCE-BLVD. WANTED A STEADY YOUNG MAN TO DELIVER GROCERIES: GOOD WAGES M'GEOUGH & JACOBBERGER, 5901 N 30TH. COLFAX 1.0. WANTED -TEAMS TO HAUL COAL STEADY WORK. PLAINER LUMBER CO. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS in Oma ha Soon. Men rteairlnff. atwemwiant nnj tlons, departmental, poltofflce, railway mall, customs, write for free particulars 10 j. i. ieonara, (former government ex aminer) 24 Kenols Bldg., Washington WANTED Farm laborers at once for sen eral farm work In Floyd county, Iowa, First-class wages to experienced men. Ad dress W. A. Dickinson, County Agent, cnaries city, la. i WANTED EXPERIENCED MEAT CUT TERS. APPLY WASHINGTON MAR KET. 1407 DOUGLAS, WANTED 2 potato pickers, wllk pay 40o nour. jonn Wlps, 2 miles West of Elm wooa Park. HELP WANTED Male and Female.- W ANTED Men, women. Thousands gov ernment'war positions open; (.100 month, Examinations everywhere. List free, Franklin Institute, Dept 237-H, Roches ter, is.. Y. t WANTED Lobby porters, maids, bus boys ana Kitchen men. Henahaw hotel. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. FEMALE OFFICE HELP ; . WANTED IN LARGE BUSINESS OFFICE, Lady, stenographer ' who can operate a Bonemian typewriter. Applicant for this position must be suf flclently well educated to be able to handle the translative from English Into Bo hemlan or vice-versa. Efficiency Must alao be fitted to meet and converse with people and act as an interpreter. In reply to this letter please give full . details regarding paat experiences. , nrea- ent employment. If employed, and other aeians regarding age, etc. Address Box 7793, Omaha Bee. TWO stenocrraDbera small town h,ni t7K '. isager cierK, s; stenographer and i no cierK, u; stenograpner, (insurance) 170; typist, 146; stenographer, (auto), 160 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WE CAN ALWAYS PLACE mnii,nt atenograpners, pookkeepers and office THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. YOUNG lady stenographer and cashier. Per manent position with well known house, experience not necessary. State age, ref erences and salary to start. Box 7986, vmana Bee. COMPTOMETER OPR. ...160 STENOS. .140-160-175-185 TMBi CAKO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. stsno. and Bookkeeper ijl n ' 140-150-165 w Alia MEr, CO., 1188 1ST NAT. WANTED Two good, bright, experienced aumosrapnei salary t0 to start Car. pen ter Paper Co. Professions and Trades. THE Kdhrafilii, Tl.nlinn. m, excepuomn opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating, permanent positions, opportun Itles for advancement, good wages. A sal t arv in nafri whlU l..mU. , Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas loxi, WANTED A skirt maker at once. Seal ae noimgren. Room 6. wead Bldg. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. H0. HARNEY 5553. 3511 WOOLWORTH AVE. WANTED Housekeeper by young German -"".', "oiiii.ii iMTTierreu; give run par ticulars In answer. P. O. Box 231, Ken- ii a i u , ii r o, ' WANTED White girl for general house" wora, smau laimiy, good wages, no waah Ing. 3006 Paclflo St. Phone Harney 675. experienced housemaid; refer ences required; good wages. Apply to mr. itrtnur u. pmnn, 1308 Park Ave, WANTED Girl to assist with housework ana cmre ox smau cnua. no washing. Apt in- xnrcnwooq. rnone wamm 31 WANTED Girl for general housework; tainiirj nigaeat wagea paid. AddIv 4201 Bouth 22d Bt COMPETENT white girl, general housework; Peasant room; gooa wage, small fanUly. Walnut 1636. I ' COMPETENT girl for housework. No laun dry work. Small family. (8 per week. Call H. 667. WANTED Girl to aaaiat with houaawork, no waomng 138B a. amn Ave. If. 3468. RELIABLE white girl wanted, 1 in family. .-no wasning. si. Mrs. uenner, wal. 2112. WHITE girl for general housework. 1633 Park avenue. Harney 1401. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED HOWARD. WAITRESS. 1611 WANTED A dining room girl and second cook. Apply Clarkson HospltaL . 2100 Howard 8t. WANTED An s experienced reliable .food checker. Apply Auditor Hotel FonteRelle. Miscellaneous. WANTED Two experienced girls to take phone orders and wait on trade In grocery store. H. 514 i-iiir SKRVICE EXAMINATIONS In Oma Uha LJZ Women desiring clerkships, post office, (rovernmwit departments, steno grephers. write for fr-e particulars o J. C Leonard, (former government examiner) 524 Kenols Bldg . Washington. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEOt, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book, keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service al m"J5r" clal and English branches. Catalog Ires BOYLES .COLLEGE, PouglanJjiSS; 18th and HarneySts PRIVATE lessons in expression, dramatic art nnd phonetics. Address Edwin Puis, Department of PuWlic Speaking, Omaha Y, M. C. A. . x Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5S90. FOR RENT-ROOMS Hotels. -4- HARLEY HOTEL STEAM -HEATED rooms $2 wk.. also apts. with filtchenets. Opden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. "CTH AND FARNAM 'Special low rates to . permanent guests Furnished Rooms. YOUR OWN HOME Could Not Be Better Than This Room. Large cbutheas. room tn new house, near Hlaekstone .hotel.. Very large clothes closet: two large windows; telephone ex tension In room; bath adjoining; steam heat; always hot water; use of library and piano; breakfast If desired; will rent to two young men for (S week. 125 S. 35th St. Phone Harney 6011. ay ATTENTION . ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the rooty, you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. MODERN furnished rooms at tha Sun shine apartments, equipped for light housekeeping; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rates. Office 608 N. 17th St.' LARGF. fifmt room, comfortable for Ak Bar-Ben visitors, reasonable; prlvnt. home; all modern; one block from us-. line; excellent location. 2al4 Emmet fcf. Phone Webster 4581. PLEASANT nicely furnished room io. mod ern home, 2 gentlemen preferred. H. 2401. Call mornings. ' LARGE comfortable room, private family; suitable for 1 or 2. Hanscom Park dls trlct. Walking distance. H. 1461. PRIVATE home, excellent location, modern, furnace heat; reasonable; (2 to (5 week. 614 S. 20th St. Douglas 7751. FURNISHED room with board, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen; refer ences. Harney 37TO7' MODERN furnished front room; breakfast If desired. Webster 3058. FURNISH9D Furnace heated room; 13 per week, 838 S. 22d St Walking distance. M.ODERN room for gentleman, private fam ily: walkina distance. Done n3lK ONE small Bleeping room. Electric lights. weii neaiea. Z6lt uougias. 618 N. 41ST AVE. Four rooms, first floor; partly modern; 110. Walnut 2943. LARGE front room, close-in, gentlemen preferred. 605 S. 25th Ave. D. 8367. 1611 HOWARD,-ateanli heated, turn, rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE OF CLEAN, NEATLY FURNISHED WELL HEATED HOUSEKEEPING RMS.; NO CHILDREN. 2802 DODGE ST.- PRIVATE home, modern, furnace heat: 13 to ween. 614 8. Z-'th St. Doug. 775L' 617 N. 20TH All modern housekeeping rms, reasonable to refined people. D. 8879. Board and Room. EXCELLENT board, modern home, warm and comfortable, (7 to (7.50 week; walk- ing distance. &I4 B, zoth Bt. Doug. 7761. FURNISHED room with board, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen; refer ence, Harney 3786.' v ROOM with board to young couple, strictly private family, references exchanged. narney loan. 2316 HOWARD Large H. K. room, newly" papered; laundry privileges; (3.50 and up. g COZILY furnished rooms; good board; 16.60 and 18 week. 2112 Douglas. Tyler 8279. .JFOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. NICE six-room bungalow, uzy blarney, either furn ished or unfurnished, with garage, until May 1. Call Harney 1592 between 5:30 ana:u p. m. EIGHT rooms completely modern, furnished ""L'io " uunuee.- win regse ror season or longer to good party. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1636. Realtors. 333 Securities BM STRICTLY modern 6-room furnished house; yiauu, iiu unuaren; reasonable. Web. 2471. FOR RENTr-HOUSES West. .v ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT 2706 Farnam St. desirable location, walking- distance, . in the heart of the church and school district: also near a number of large hospitals. It has 10 large rooms, rilcely decorated, excellent heating plant. Price 150.00.- A. P. TUKEY & SON, T? TT A t nrrT a ou nrse mat i Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 602. FLAT. 2305 Leavenworth. 6 rooms. (20 00 ovni, in. ritcINZiKK, DUUGLAS 654 SIX rooms all modern; adults only; walk- ia ui.iinwr. jiarney auis. ' North. 9-ROOM house, all modern, has oak floors throughout, two flr.nlor. .!. s . .in a,. , , , ' -i a-viLu 1 1 UI1L, 0; (45 with garage. 819 First National-Bk. Bldg' Doug. 6886. 6-ROOM, 2-story house, all modern. 120"" 80 ,"IIIVUU vacant uct. 16. Tel. D, 6-ROOM COTTAGE, modern ,.,i .... 2602 N S7th tia lvk.... .-7" 2716 OHIO 7-room house, modern, 116 per rnone weoster 4auu. 2401 BURT ST.. 7 rms.. all modern. 132.507 it. n. uin.-HBK CO. . D. 8408. NICE 6-room cottage, modern 'except heat; South. NITEaeS.ur- Sttas,e' "oiern except heat 1743 ... ....... odiiMni, uougias g-ie. SO 2STH ST.. 8 rm. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8405 1-RM. HOtSE Kield club district, modi'lSO". i. n. ucrtCK uu. I). 8406. Miscellaneous. 4-r., 6-r., T-r.. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 1?J rtir Lake Boulevard.. (13.00 '.ili rth Seventeenth street. 17.00 2505 Pierce street 25 00 .WDERg CTrVDT Ulr.m ir' So-Twenty-fourth Ave. 7-r., 1909 California street KTRTPTI V irnrLCDM -r., 92! Bo. Thirtv-first ...... 115.00 30.00 a ... avenue. i : iS Twen,y-"Ith street.. 25.00 J25.00 8-r.. 223 Park- ... 8-r., 3901 No. Seventeenth "street! ! -T.. 1919 Chicago atreet J'r i??f ?"! Th,rtletn 8-F.i 21 So. Nlntpfk - - - - . bvicswi a a 30.00 10.00 36.00 15.00 17.50 40.00 40.00 " aouwoill 10-r., 2221 Dodge street FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r, 3115 No. Twenty-fourth street. 112.50 10-r., 7(5 So. Thirteentlf street.... 46.0 . "n.a r otiijintLL, 20a So. Seventeenth St. . Doug, fcoil. Offices with Home-Builders. 1001 MASON ST ( rooms strictly 'inoderC .,iuii.uit nouae ana easy to Beat Rant-132.60. . S' S1,t st - cottage. Kent IJ5.' ?' uth 8t- -room cottage. Rent 115. 151 Bpauldlbg St.. 1 rooms. Rent $20. GILBERT C LOOMIS,- 101 McCague Bldg. tou,