I tibl OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1917. FOR RENT HOUSES . North. 6-ROiW. K-.iory house, all modern. S0, 3103 Franklin; vacant Oct. IS, TeL . I'sp-TRUOM modern ta.ul side doubt nouso, iwnn park Walnut 1142. 6-RuOM COTTAGE, modern except ha 1603 N 17th. 118. Wcbeter 671. 1716 OHIO 7-room house, modern, lit per month. Phon Webstar 4309. FOR RENT Furniehed i-room cottage, modern? io n. nth: i:T.so. all South. 01 S. JSTH B'f , eight rooms, modern, new fnrnaoa. low rent, P, K. liar. 114 Ramge 'Jg. pu- ' FOR RENT -room house, hot water heat, 3 bath rooms, on car line. 1141 Park Ave. Phone H. 349$. I-ROOM house, modern except heat, 1)1 S. lt8t. J0. H. 1705. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, modern Webster S36S. except heat 3913 Mason IOOM cottage for rent at treet Call Webster 1174. cottage, modern except heat. 1743 8. th. Bargain. Douglas 119. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAG1S8. PARTLY MODERN. 7-r.. JE05 Pierce St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. OWNER. LEAVING - CITY MUST SELL ALL Household roods, dishes, silverware, ate, II fancy bred chickens, 100 pair of pigeons, splendid chicken and pigeon pens and houses; dandy five-room home, strictly modern aicept heat; large lot; two blocks to arhool; close to car. Biggest bargain In city for 13,000. Will take 11,400 to handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO., i m. .Nan. Hank Bid. Tyler 46 9 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. I FARM AND RANCH LANDS Benson. SIX-ROOM, NEW, NIFTY STUCCO HOME $700 Down Price $4,100 STRICTLY MODERN Chotc south front, close to car; seleoted oak floors and finest tiled bathroom floor, clothes chute, all built-in effects. You should lea this; big sacrifice. Call Tyler eo. OSBORNK, T01 Omaha Nt'l. Bk. Bldg. .125.00 l-r., ISO 8. 24th Ave t-r287 Saratoga St 1309 California St...... STRICTLY MODERN, S-r.. 933 8. 31st Ave T.r., 17 S. 36th St l-r., 811 8. Jth St..... I-r., HOI N. 17th .r., 7i Mneoin Blvd. -r.. SOU Dewey Ave.. 7-r 1026 S. 30th Ave.. s-r.. 223 Park Ave --.,. Ull Chicago St...... 10-r., 1331 Podge St..,.,,, 'I.ATS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r.,3J16 N, 24tj St 10-r.. 70 8. J3tb St.. PORTER A SHOTWJCLU .101 . ITth St. Pquk (013 OFFICES WITH HOME J9VIrtEfl8. 134 N. 14th. St., I rm., mod., 130.09. 3181 Burt St,. T rms.. mod., 127.60. Ill N. 30th alt.. 9 ms., mod.. 187.10. 7U,,8t- 4 ", mod. ex. het, JJ15 Chleago, 10 rms., mod. 'ex. heat, $40 iS"rI,t " ex. heat, barn, 121.19, 2 o ffl 8t" rmi' woa- in, 01 Park Ava.. rms.. all mnA n an ...115.00 .130.00 .130 00 .125 00 ........125.00 ........1400 $30,00 1ST. 10 117 10 135 00 $30 00 ...135.00 .,,140 09 113.59 145.09 I!! 2- 5 ' I tm nea o.oo. " "n at., rms, mod, ex Si?.?"1 T - 135.00, hst. 115 Sw,l,iv.l,worth' rm- mod.,' 119.00. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. . 1108 Dodge St. SEB THESE) LOW RENSNAtvT 1547-49-51 N. nth. 7 and l-r. rood, ex, ....... u car nne, cioso in: good repair fine location for dwelling -,.., k, hoarding. Hi each. Neat 5-r. cottage, good M lisw.med. 1818 N loth, 120; ,tre re. moq., laso H. Z71U. 120, 4-r., part mod., 137 8. 14th, 110. -r., pari mod., 2512 Rees. $5. 11 other, ti i McKltrlck Real Estate Co., 316 Ramge UIU MASON ST.. 6 rnrm trttl -.,.. -ery comfortable house and easy to heat) VSA !lfl sl- 5-room eottage. Rant 111 " oii. o-room cottage. Rent 115. v"uiin5 oi., rooms. Kent 139. GILBERT C. LOOMI8. too Mcuaguo Bldg, Doug. 179, IS 112 NlCii 7-room flat, 1117 Cumlnir l-room house, 2511 Decatur St.. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1301 FARNAM 8T. 261K CAPITOL Ave.. 9-r.. all mnri tii mi Bancroft. 4-r., mod. ex. heat, fjt.lt. ""P jiv iveeime amg. Tyler 731, Houses In all parts of the c.ttv - CREIGH, SONS & CO., SOS Bee Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. SELMA TERRACE, 630 PARK AVE, ' Now rady for occupancy, sightly location, rooms witn o-room ac commodtion. strictly modern In every detail. Fire and sound-proof construciion. , SEXMA REALTY & CONSTRUC Dofigfei 9m:; ; Harney "182!.' ; THE BOgWORIH. ; 2217,19 HOWARD ST. - roams and bath, furnlahsd or unfur. Dished, $85 and $40K winter rates. ARMSTRONG-WAtSH CO., Tyler jiit.' 833 Becurltles BJdf! CLOSE In rooms, , suitable fc studio, effioe, dentist, dressmaker, etc, with living rms. MJolnlng.'g. f. HaU; 414 Ramge. D, 7406. Bf. CLAIR. 4th and Harney, f-rpom apartments. Call Harney, 647. - APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did loaatlon, 84th and Farnam', D. 1473. North. ONE elegant 3 and" 6-roora apt. Wsb, 7311 ana Web, 4321. . -. Miscellaneous. BEAUTlFpfc 4-room, apartment, walking distance; Janitor, heat, etc.; $40 susimar, ...... WUKfr, vovs'M e. fBRS TRUSf COMPANYr BttsHallsts In Apartment Management. FOR RENTBusineta Prop'ty . Mores. topHtp RgAX-'TT COMPANY (Realtors.J .Theater Jlu'ranee. , Douglas 5343. gun Theater Bldg- fOR .RBNt--110e't "i: Ith- Bt," two: stor rooms, good busttst Ipcation. Inquire 11218. th St. P SMALL stqrvOhlcaga" St:, "near'lStb, $2(. yt. r. pieooins, joiu cnicayo pi. STORE" on" lith " stret, near postoffic. r. ptabblns. lm Chigag nt. a. Office and Desk Room. WlXIi"reni private office to stenographer doing, p.ukllp work with telephone service for a few hours work each (Jay. Ad dress Bo' 7877,' Bee. t LOW-PRICED mod. of floes, Farnam Bldg., Jl Farnam, (Old 1st Wat. Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CQ., (Realtors.) Tyler SOjl WANTED TO RENT Urtfurni.hed Apartments and Flats. WB want more houses and apartments to tent The tact that we have practically cleared us our big list la conclusive proof t the efftptepcy of our rental service, if you want to keep four place tented see Payne A Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, til Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Poug. 1011. Furnished Apartments andHousea. BOOMS WANTED Unmarried man want to find a comfortabjy heated room with breakfast, and fitpper. Box 7113. Omaha Bee. - - ' " r -t MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO, SiX-ROOM BUNGALOW" TWO LOTS All modern bungarow. south front, paved street, all on one floor; fine condition; large chicken pens, fruit, etc.; near best school; three blocks to car Una. Owner moves on acreage will take $4,000 for quick sale; $1,509 cash will handle. Osborne T01 Omaha Nat. Bit. Bid. Ty. 49. CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW 2823 DAVENPORT ST. Living room, dining room, den and kitchen first floor, 3 large sleeping rooms and bath second floor; strictly modern, furnace heat, full basement, garage. Price $4,100; reasonable terms. HIATT COMPANY, 145-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. Tyler 0 (JLOSB-IN BUNGALOW PRICE ONLY $3,800 Owner leaving city and Is sacrificing one of the nicest five-room bungalows In the city. Strictly modern In every de tail,' Oak finish; splendid lot, 50x110; assy walking dlstani-e) $u00 will handle thla snap. Don't wait, come and see us OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 4. FOR SALE A splendid 6 -room cottage In Clalrmont district, $3,000; your own terms If sold now. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 113-14 City National, Douglas 2811. 4 EOOMS. city water, electrlo lights, i large corner lots, southwest of Hanseem Park; $109 cash; balance monthly. Wal nut 3466. North. 6.33 ACRES FRUIT" KEYSTONE PARK IMPROVED $6,500 Will Consider Exchange in the prettiest and most highly Im proved section of keystone. Park. A fine view, overlooking Benson; 4-roont new nouse, run easement, garage, barn, mod em poultry house; 109 rasnberry bushes. COO gooseberry bushes, 1,000 asparagus: strawberries; cherry, apple, plum and pear trees ; grapes; fenced and cross fenced, balance cultivated. Will consider 5-room up-to-dste house in Omsha as part payment, uui Tyier to and ask for Mr. Manville, Sunday, Walnut $47$, HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), Oregon Lands. OMAHA LIYE STOCK Jordan v&llsiv ntn1tA. nrasrun. 11 ADA - SSronrroo"ob.r'"t "" Nm Ordinary Run of Cattle Finds HARLEY J. BOOKER. 149 First Nat. Bsnk Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE 5C acres H mile from Dodge St.; I miles from Omaha. D. Weasmann. name . nenson. Web. . Dundee. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE H0ME7 S rooms and larce aarae. on ih ha.t treat In Dundee! convenient to both car lines; family going to the Blacksone. For price ana looeupn see ALLEN tc BARRETT, 513 Bee Bldg. Douglaa T76S. Texas Lands. LANDS AT fair value assured by Chamber of commerce. New plans to settle and develop the moat fertile lands of South Texas Immediately adjacent fine market farming and dalrylug demonstration un der our direction. Only approved lands ot ie red lor sale. If you want to own a farm write for booklet J, Agricultural ept, tnamoer of commerce, Houston, rexas. GOOD corn land. East Texas, 35 an sore. (let my free book. W 8 FRANK. 201 Neville Blnrk,Omha. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURMTl'RE. planoa and notes as security. I4U, no,, H. goods, total cost. 13.50, 140, I mo., Indorsed notes, total eost, 11.19 Smaller, large am'ts proportions! rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOC1KTT. 431 Rose Bldg., lth and Farnam, Ty. I. tOANH Prices Uneven; Hogs Hold Steady; Sheep Steady. .11,409 Omaha, Oot I. HIT. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ...ie.sti i.sjo 3,700 11,113 39,000 47,173 I9.T44 71.117 77,301 11,171 11,171 LEGAL $4.09 RATES $240.00 DUNDKR PROPRKTtP Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homus. Before buying be pura unit ere GEORGE & CO. kOMES end 'home sites ' In Dundee. SHULER A CART. 104 Keellne. P. 5074. or more t.ay payments. Utmost privacy 340 fsiton Bldg. Tel. Doug, 2191. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS amTjTwelry loans at iH and IH per centr private booths, w, C. Flatau, 0l securities (Rose) Bldg. Tyler 150, Acreage. ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Oood tract, fair Improvements. If Interested call In person for Ulnar at Her Grand hotel. CALDWELL ACRES. Our new acreage addition southwest of the Field club. Aqres, half acres, quarter acres; easy terms. THE BVRON BEBD CO., Phone Dourlas 217. 313 a. 17th 8 1. FIVE acres west of Elmwood Bark, ideal suburban home site; could be subdivided. There Is a real future to this. Let me show you. Telephone Walnut 1461. " ' 1 ' .1 . , FINANCIAL. $2,800 EASY TERMS Buys 1817 Lake St., a leven-room house with 72-foot frontage; pav ing all paid; $300 cash; $30 a month This is a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, k (Realtors) 919-20 City National. Douglas 3962. $300 DOWN $25 PER MONTH Near ISth and Ames, modern cottage, I rooms and bath en the first floor. One room finish en two floors. Large lot, 10x120, east front, If sold owner will sacrifice It for $3,100. This Is a snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 1ST Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug 1TS1, KOUNTZE PLACE HOME v Seven rooms with sun room; hat water heat with garage one-half block to car) only built a few seasons. This Is strictly ftrst.elsss. Will sacrifice. Douglas 1881 Travw Bros.. 819 First National Bank. KWNTZB -Plaoe" bargains' owner " leaving enyi f-r. niricuy moaern; oait iinisn, double garage; only 14,200. Let ua show it to sou. ... ;. . F. P. WEAD, 816 8. ISth St, JBLEOANT, new, strictly, modern 7-room residence, 1 blocks south of Miller Park, l.09::j)artcsh,;.'baiance terms,- Inquire jos.. rtcK, imp .juvaaa BfWebr Real Estatci Loans and Mortgagee v arm and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Intereet I per cent. 6H per tent and I per cent PETERS TRUST w., ion farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. I j, uup mtuhj. bearing lit Pt seml-ann, secured by property valued at 112,000, Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. w, Bldg. H. w. bind"eST Money on hand for mortagaga loans. iuy national pank Bldg, I BHOPEN CO,, PRIVATE MONET. FARM and elty loans. I, i and I psr oent. W, H ITSo Thomas, Keellne Bldg, 10,009" Doug. 1048. to 119.009 MADE oromntlv: F. tl. weaa, weao mag., nth ana Farnam Bta, MONEY to loan on improved (arms' and ranenea. moke Investment Co.. Omaha. OMAHA HOMES EAST NBB, FARMS, u-K. alarm jt, . jb. c lOlf Omaha Nat'l, NO DEL AT IN CLOSING LOANS. w. T, GRAHAM, 104 Bee Bids'. 5 MONET HARRISON A MORTOtf, sis umana Mat. Sank Bldg. CITV OARVIN BRO"a7 LOANS. Om. Nat Bk. Bids-. LOW RATESC. O. CARLBERO, ill Bran- Aiianr rxing. u. sis Stocks and Bonds WE OFFEft $41,900 Brpy oounty bends to net the Investor 4H per oent. Bonds are In denominations of fl.OOO and mature In two to tl yesra. We recommend them as ' Investment, a K. Lougee, Jne., 138 uppiiiib jnmg. OIL 0TOCK8, ' A.' U WRIOHT. Flatlron Hotel, Doug. 1711. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. v . South. ONE; tiroom a.'hd. one 4-room cpttgjie," botlt on one 101; line ponait: p; live n one anq rant the Other. Price for both, 13,760, very easy terms. No. 2438 8. 20th, Bt NORRI8 NORRIS, W Bee Bldg, ' Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. ST. JOHN'S PARISH. f-raom, new, full 2-story home, oak; fn. isn, nicety aacoraiea. Beautiful rixttirss, full basement, a nice south front, 1 block to 8t. John'a ehurcb, and ear Hna, Price $5,750. Terms; HIATT? COMPANY. 245-7-1 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0. BIG BARGAIN I reoms, all modern except heat; only built a few seasons. Price, $1,200, TRAVER BROS., 819 let Nat'l Bk, Douglas east. pRANO new 6-r., all mod., oak finished bungalow, food location, -north, fide, price $3,100. Cash or terms, or will take light, nearly new auto op to $1,009 as part pay ment Call Tyler 721 days, or Web. 4661 evening. "C'.AS8Y"BttN0fALGW." ' " Flve.room bungalow, classy outside and inside. Price $3,850) reasonable term. ' BENSON CARM1CHAEL. 4J Paxton Blk. : Douglas 1731. W. FARNAM 6M1TH & CO., " . Real Estate and Insurance. 1829 Farnam 8t " " Doug. 1984. l9f 1st Natl Bk. Bldg. - D. 1TI4. REAL ESTATE- To Exchange WE HAVE client who owns a section In Sioux county, Nab., represented as being good farm land; no sand pr rock. Pries $20 per acre, WIU take, a food home la on thla land.. E. P. 8NOWDEN 80N, 423 S. ISth Bt.- D, 1371, HAVS several choice, raw quarters In east ern Jiiamunas I o., h. u., close la ADer deen, $37.10 to $45 per acre; wheat 30' to 30 bushels per acre-, will consider small Omaha property or auto or houses as part payment B. N. Clausen, 521J N. 88th Ave. LOTS "IN WASHINGTON," D. &, with small' buildings, ))oth, rented; front on Union St Owner lives In Nebraska; will exchange for Omaha, city property er Ne braska farm land. j. J, Meltck, 1519 City National Bank. - Douglas til. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving, 319 N. 11 to St, Phen Doug las 314. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO, Expert services; pTonipt attention. Tour moving, your paoklng, your storage. -Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 31th and Howard. Tel. Doug. T78i. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. - Separate locked - rooms for household foods. and pianos; moving, packing an hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 102 S 16th.. Douglas 4168, FIDELffT RENTAL SERVICE Phone Douglas $88 for complete list ef vaoant houses and apart meats. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sis. FREE Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and taring, eat Tyler 289 er Douglae 4338. J. CREED 1207 Farnam 8t. Etpress Co., Moving Packing and Storage, Web. 2741. Doug. 8148. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. , Large van, two men, $1.50 per hour. MAQGARD'S 8TORAOE CO. Doug. 1498. REAL ESTATE Investment BEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PReERTT. A. P. TUUET & SON, REALTORS. ' III First Nat'l Bank Bldg. SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rack and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, tor gai pr ax change. I. 8. R. B. MONTGOMERY, Douglas 4810. 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 840 ACRES fine grass land In Blaine Co nicely Improved, 111 per acre, for home In Omaha- 803 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Texas land, 160 acres timber land In Oregon. E. J Smith. McAllen. Tex. ' INVESTIGATE toy system, Omaha Realty Trartln Co-t 18 Patterson Blk, Tyler ?68. REAL ESTATEUmmproved V North. AFTER looking at MINNE"I.USA' 309 dlf ferent buyers decided thHt It the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU wilt come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. MINNE LUSA Nice lot en Titus Ave., near 24th St., can be bought at a bargain. This lot must be gold. Call owner evenings. Walnut 70,. Miscellaneous. ' Beautiful 50-foot lots. Price $239. only $2 cash and $9 cents per week. Doug. $393. REAL ESTATEWANTED WB HAVE several good reliable buyers for I and 4 -room heuseg and bungalows with $309 to $599 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 414. 701 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. - LISTING bouses to rent or sell on smell caeh payments: have parties waiting Western Real Estate. 413 Karbacn B)kCjjl7 REAL ESTATE B'ness Prpty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Bill. Specialist ta dewBtowa business property. STOCK .. GROWERS . ATTENTION.E8.A0A acres of choioe out over lands In north central annnesots, at 18.00 a "111.88 par acre, amalj ch payment, balano long ' time. Abundance, of native and tame '" v-iuse iu nest marnen. un iaKes pr streams. Timber for fuel and shelter. . List and map free. PILLSBURT LAND SYNDICATE,' 1230 Wet, Life Bldg., Min, iirmyoi ib, ffiinneioia, BOUTHERN "MINNESOfAT 161 and 48 acrea-i-AdJotnlni; stock uhvu . pvnuinss in i tine vepair, new fences. CArn eron exoallent Prlcea and terms right, as must pell ond or both ni rear, uwasr, Win. H, Hubbard, Pipe. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Prtvsta loan booths. Hsrry Malsshock. 1514 Hedge. I). 5618. Kst. 181. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Hugh H. Harper and wife to John J. Wrobleskl, southeast corner For. tieth and Oordan etreeta. 190x121.11 1,190 Frank O. White and wife to John Lester, Thirty-sixth street, 131 rest north of Madison street, east aide. 40x188 1,309 Herman A. Thlelke and wife to Jacob Mergylnon, Twenty-fifth street, 139 feet north of P street east side. $9x119 3,390 Herman A. Thlelke and wlf to OorgJI Morgylnon, Twenty-flfth street, 159 feet north of P street east side, 39x169 1,509 Bernard N, Robertson and wife to Perna Deau . Crlss, Thirty-fourth atreet. 143.1 feet north of Frances street, east side. 60x140 3,543 Ottille Mauturat to William J. Par- rott, T street, 200 feet east of Thirty-eighth street south side. 10x139 1700 Homer O. Frohardt and wife to Thomas M. Bromwoll, Thirty, eighth street 127 feet north of Mason strstjt west side, 10x155 .... 1,800 Willis Realty Co. to Nela J. Skog man, southwest corner Sixteenth and Willis avenue. 10x193 and other property 1,739 William O. Van Ness to Frank W. Olinger, K stre t, 99 feet east of Twenty-first street, north side, 40x100 1,000 Jacob 8. Ronk and wife to Frank W, Olinger, Twenty-second street, 611 feet south of Leavenworth street east side, 35x111 1,600 Peter darken to Antoinette Uher, southwest corner Thirtieth and Vin ton streets, Irregularly approxl. mately, 160x300 1,300 Scott A Hill Co. to J, Herman JCrltenbrlnk, Twenty-saoond street. Ill feet north of Msson, west side, 83.6x244s southwest corner Thirty, second avenue and Frances street 130x169 .... 11,100 Charles W, Martin and wife to Arthur B. Green, northeast corner Thlr. tleth and Newport atreet, 43.1x189 190 Orchard A Wllhelm Co. to Arthur B, Green, Newport avenue, 41.1 feet east of Thirtieth street, north side, i 42x120 ,.. .', 4,750 Hastings Heyden to Henry Vtpel, southwest oorner Thirty-sixth and , Wirt Street, Irregular approxi mately, 60x2C 7I Paul W. Kuhns and wife to Henry Vopel, southwest . oorner Thirty. eighth and Spencer atreet 80x118 149 Jalla Cramer and husband ta Edward u,.pjelson, Newport avenue, 43.1 feet east of Thirtieth atreet south aide, 42x120 ; 1.808 umma u. Grant to Collins Bons, Eighteenth atreet, 140 feet south of Charles atreet. east side. 90x149 .. 1.909 jonn ri. jonnsou and wife to Walter E. Lajie, Thlrty.flfth atreet, 16 feet south of Missouri Pauiflo railroad, west side. 40x120 10 w niter E. Lane a d wife ta Joseph Polcar, Thirty-fifth street, 116 feet south of Missouri Pacttlq railroad. went side. 40x130 128 Elmore M. ttolirbeugh, to Lulu O, ' Rohrbaugh, Fiftieth atreet, 186 feet ' south of Hamilton street east aids. 87.2x120 ,, 6.600 i.oreua npenmau to Thomas M. Vaughn, et al, Twenty-second street, 80 feet south south of Ames avenue, east side. 40x124 1.TA0 iuk a. rarsiey na nusnana to John Henry Hacgn, Twelfth street, 44 feet south Pf J atreet, east- !. 4no !,6 Receipt were Official Monday . Eatlmate Tuesday Two days this wk....l,96T Same day last wk... .99.898 Bam two wks. ago., .,49,731 Same three wks. ago... 19,393 Mama four wks. ago... 13,001 Sam day last year. ..34.144 Cattle Receipts of cattle wer ef only moderate proportions for thla aeaaon et the year, 11,400 head, and the two day' tupply falla fully 6.900 ihort of last Monday and Tueaday. Western rangera ef BlatwaualUr eonstltuted the big bulk of the offerings and with very respectable demand from both packers and feeder buyers the market averaged not far from ateady with Monday, although price were never more uneven than at present Desirable grade sell read) ly and well, but on the ordinary run of light and medium weight etuff, beef steers, sow tuff and etocKers and feeder. It t very tin. certain trade with prices decidedly uneven Quotations en cattlei . Prim heavy beeves, 111.99017. 991 good to eholoa beeves. ll.O0f 16.00,1 fair to good beeves, ll.ooi8.50 common to fair beeves, I.9901.O9 goot to choioe yearlings, $14.09011. 19t fair to good yearlings, lll.99OI4.90) common te fair yearlings, 17.6091 1.n0 prime heavy grass beeves, 113.09014. lit gjoed te choioe grass beeves, lO.99 0tl.99 fair to good grasa beeves, t.00O10.99 common ta fair grasa beeves, IT.80OI.7ll Rood te ehoioe heifers, $8.0001.861 good to choioe eows, IT.T60I 90 fslr to good eows. II.I90T.I9I common to fair eows, I8.99 0l.llt prim feeding (tears, 110.00014. 161 good to cnotcs feeders, 81.IC019.OO; fair to good feeders, IT.690I.IO; common to fair feeders, $6,000 T.OOi good to choice Blockers, II. 60010. 00i stock nslfers, 6.IO0I.99 stock cows, $4,09 BT.60I stock calves. 66,5909.601 veal eaivs. $9.00011.091 bulls, stags, etc, fl.l90T.l9. nepressntative saiee; WTOMINO. II feeder. 117 l 99 I steer. .1911 II II I Betters. 618 6 80 eows,,, III 7 60 (SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 steers. .1110 I 19 I eows., .1901 I steers.. 10 9 60 II heifers. $08 S3 steers. .1233 13 00 11 cows,,, It NEBRASKA. 10 eows.. .1009 6 16 6 steers. , 898 2 calves.,, 881 I 60 IT calves... J6I 18 cows... 162 I 76 4 cows... 862 WESTERNS. . W. D. Harnett--Wyo. 26 steers. .1135 13 35 12 cows, ,.1081 George Davis Wyo. 34 stock'rs. 680 26 8 steers.. 110 Agnes N. Francis. Adm, 'Wyo. 11 cows.. .1048 8 25 Walter Ferguson Wyo. 10 feeders. 132 10 60 38 steers. .1041 Little Horse Creek Cattle Co. Wyo, II heifers. 111 I II 34 cowa... 101 I It J, M, Cattl Co. Wyo. 18 feeders.lOM 19 90 I feeders 1109 U TI Hogs With another light run tiere today the hog market held Just about steady. Spot In the trade war itronger, shipper buying some hog that looked a shade higher, but the packer trade on the other hand had an easier tone and the general market was no mora than ateady. Bulk of the offerings sold at 111.15 011,09, with . ... a .A Representative saleal No. Av. Bh, Pr. No. A. 6,.181 60 $18 71 17, .1ST T II T 36 I 00 T 08 I II I 36 I 01 I 19 I 80 14. .170 II. .171 1..808 11. .211 33. .181 49 110 i ,79 II 16 II II II 10 19 II It 4t 41. .191 41. ,197 II. .165 IT. .310 h. r. ft $18 39 170 II 19 It It 00 til 11 30 II It Nebraska Lands. DESIRABWS EASTERN NEB. FARMS FOR BALIS, Three 40-aore farms. Bit 10-acr farms. xiocatea near uialr, Neb. Prloes reason. Die, iio to IPO per A, Two 120-acre farms near Blair. Price ' fizu to fi4D per A. well Imp. 160 acres, m ml. from Elkorn, Mob, rrai is per a- t-neap, 139. sera farm I nl. B. W, of Color. Idge, till per A. All tillable, Easy terms ir desired. 320-aore ideal farm, near Omaha, Pries 1399 per A. Buy ops ef the woney.maklnf frmj from PAUL FUTPWaON, SIM Brand! Theater Bldg,, Crash. r piair, nap, ynona i. t;o. Sheep A was the oase yesterday most of the sheep and lamb were late getting to the barn. On what stuff cam up early competition was fairly . good and quit few feeder sales were made at prices that were steady with yesterday's general mar. ket though possibly not quite a high ss at the beet time yesterdsy, Good feeding Iamb old around 111.90 01119. while kill, ra bought fair fat lamba at 111.60, and fat we at I1L00. which price were about steady. Quotations on sheen and lambs I Lamba. fair to ehoioe, 17.5801.ll lambs, feeders, fie.PDois.ie lamos, cuhs, ii.uomiJ,6Ui yearlings, fair to choice, $13.00018. 00 year, lings, feeders, $18.90Oll,99 wethers, fair to choioe, $11.00013.76; ewes, fair to choice, $1. 00311.25; ewes, cull and feeder. 16.60 010.99; ewes, breeders, all ages, 119.600 17.60. Representative aet No. Prloe. 100 TJtah breeding ewes ill II 10 721 Utah lamba , 7? "Jill 141 Utah feeder lamb 18 ' II 09 TI cull feeder. Jambs . Itu.uii.14 II 101 Idaho feeds lamba ,,,. . .,11 69 613 Idaho feeder lamb ,al ,tj: l It 161 Wyoming feeder lamba .. 41 'i li 131 Wyoming feeder we 11 .r l 19 16t native feeder lamba St it an 1491 Montana breeder ew,.., j St tout Live Slock Market. St. Louis. Oct. 9. Cattle necelnt.. 100; market steady pally beet steers, 18.99 wn.ou; yeaning siern ana neicsrs, 67,06 toii.uu:. sows, 8t.goDlo.69: atoakers and feeder, 16.69011,19) Texas quarantine GRAIN AHDJPRODUGE Corn Takes a Four-Cent Drop With Fair Receipts Report, ed; Oati Slow and Follow Corn in Decline. Omaha, Oct t, HIT. Carlo! receipts of grain continue to arrive la good quantities, 141 ears being reported for today's business, and all the coarser gratna sold oft, corn declining a much as 4 cents. Forty-three care ef wheat were on the floor and turned over to the food ad. mlnlatratlon. Practically all the durum wheal la disposed of en requisitions from mill ta ether acnes, as there are no durum mill In the local territory handled by Charles T. Nea), d tat Hot agent. Arrival et eorn were forty. two ears, and th spot quotations on thi grain ranged from unchanged ta 4o lower, a few care of th mixed going at unchanged prices, while all other grades were lower, end th demand very light No, I whit sold at 11.17 and 11.18 and th No, I yellow at ll.IT and I1.ITM and the same grade of mixed at 11.86 and ll.lHi. On ear ef No. I whit brought II. IT. Th trad tn eel wag nothing large, the demand (or thla cereal being quits How, anil figure en all grades (luoted a to He off. No. t whit aold at ITi and th standard grade at 6TH and IT lie only one car islling at th higher figure, while the bulk of the No, lwent at IT a and ITVi. N 4 whit sold at IT and ITU a. Rya was t cent lower and barley te to Id off. Th demand for both these cereal was fairly good, but trad i tmwht alow on tne lower market Receipt ef rye and barley were seven and five ears, respectively. Ne. t rye ld at 11.76 and tha No. I at tl.TTU. No, I malt. Ing barley cold at ti ll and II 14. and on ear ef Na. 4 brought 11.11 and another car ef oN. 1 feed went at 11.18. Th leeai fle mand fcr rye and barley would easily take care of much larger relpi of thea cereal Clearance werel Wheat and flour, equal ta 119.909 bushels I eats, 157,000 bushels. Primary what receipt were 1,991,069 bushel and shipments 111,999 bushels, against reoelpts ef 1,141,609 hushal and shinmsnt ef 110,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 111.099 buah. la and shipments 179,990 bushels, against receipts f 417.000 bushels and shipment of 114,000 bushels last year. , Primary oats receipts were 1,119,901 bush els and shipments 171.000 bushels, against receipts of 1,810 000 bushel and shipments of 71,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. . Wheat Corn. Oats. Chlcaga 1" s Mlnneapolla l. ...... 141 .. DVlUth 1S ;; Omaha 43 42 61 Kansa City 6.1 11 T St. Louis .1 it so Winnipeg 1.768 .. .. These sales war reported todayt Wheat No, 1 dark hard winter: 1 car (U percent dockage), 13.11. No. I darn hard wtnteri I' ear (1 per cent dockage), 11.11. Na. I hard winter! 1 car (1 per cent dockage), $3 lit 1 car (I per nt dockage), it ll. Na. 8 hard winter! 1 ear I U per cent dookage), 1101. No. I red durum I I cars per cent dockage), i.uM car n per cm dockage), 11.06. No. I red durum I 1 oar (I per cent dockage), 11,01, No, 1 amber durum: 1 oar IU Der cent dockage), ll.lt, No. 3 amber durumt 1 car 1 psr cent dock .! tl m' w m .--.., 1311. Rye ff. i oar, ll.tr. n. ii earn, $1.7! K, Corn No. whltei 1U cars, 11.11) 1 ear, H IT. No. I white! 1 car, tl.tl; l-l car, 11.17. No. t whltei 1 ear, 11.17. Ne. 1 yel low; 1 car, U.ITMj 1 r. I1.IT. No. t mixedi IVs ears, tl.8im t car, 11.16. No. 1 mixed: t-l car, 11.85. No. 4 mixed I 11-1 car, I1.I4U. oata no. s wnitei i car. it, stanaarai 1 ear. 67koi I can, ITWa, No, I whltei I can, ITHot car, ITU. No. 4 whltei 1 oar, ITUei 1 ear, I7e. Bampl whltei x ear (shipper's wtlghts), 67o; I l-l ears, 6 1 lie. umana casn rnces uorni no. s wnite, $1.9701.81; No. I whit, tt.tT01.ttl No. t ysllow, ll.IT01.l7Hl No. I yellow, 61.86 H 01.171 no. s mixea, i,i0t.iwi era- mixed, tl.l40t.ll. Oatii No. I whit, 6TH 0571to; sUndard, tTHOB7l Ne. white, ITH06tHr No. white. I7067. Barley i malting, ll.IJ01.17l No. 1 teed, 11.1001.18. Rye i No, 1, 1.7lMt: No. I. It.JtHO UTH. Local range er optional AH NEW Y0RK STOCKS Short Selling and Liquidation Causes Decline to New Minimum. Dec Mar Oat. Dee. May til Ul 1H ""Chicago 1 ill in. prloe furnlihSr 'f he Bee by Lagan A Bryan, stock and grain broker, 31 Pouts) Sixteenth atreet, Qmahai ""Close. I es'y. I 11 1 II 111 1 H i it ; ii ui i it IIH 11 H 16 H I9H IIH MJtlJtH MH New Tork, Oct 1. Short selling and Uqul- ..,. ...I... mil vaMTui.ui. iuliu- ence on the stock market today, causing various Issues to decline to new mlnlmums for the current movement In eeveral note, worthy lnatancea these quotations also rep resented lowest levels o:' recent year. Apart from the Increasing beartshneos of a large trading element nothing tangible developed to explain the further reaction. Beasoned stocks offered soma resistance to pressure, United States Steel and Union Pacific rallying briskly on the temporary Improvement manifested at midday, but los ing ground again en the wider and mora axtenslvs offering of the last hour. United States Steel recovered 1H polnta to 101 and Union Feetflo 1H but both went down at the end. Steel fell to 194H, er within a point of Its lowest price of recent months, and closed at 101 H. off en th day, Utilities, oils, tobaccos and a few other specialties suffered the greateet losses. Peo ple's Gas added T polnta to yesterday's de cline of 6, Ohio Gs lost fit, Texas Com pany yielded 8 paints and United Cigars more than 3 polnta. Coppers, dlatllllng Issues and minor rail suffered reversals of 1 te 8 points. Final prices showed no appreciable Improvement Total aalea amountd to 740, 009 shares. Promlss of esslar money, which fulfilled both call and time rate, again relaxed, the latter for th shorts periods enly. Bonds were heavy, Liberty 8 Vis repeating: their recent minimum of tt 13, though ris ing later to 11.74- Total bond aalea, par value, aggregated 14,110,660, United State bonds, old Issues, were unchanged on call. Number of aalea and range ef price of th leading stocks; Bale. High. Lew, Close Am. Best Sugar. Amerlosn Can t,409 41H Amer. C, F 100 is Anicr, Locomotive, 1.708 ITU Amer. 8. 4 R. .. f.109 9IH Amer. sugar net.. son 10T Amer. T. 4s T Amer. T. L. a 8, Anaconda Copper. Atchleon A U. W. I. 8, L. Bal. Ohio Butte A Hup. Cop, Cal. Petroleum ... Canadian Paclflo . Central Leather., ,13,100 614 41 H 41 Vi ITU IT IIH 11 tlH 101 191 1.100 1141. 114U 114V 1,009 1IU 16 U 11 11,100 IH IT 4TH 100 t6i tl 15 '4 1,100 101 H 109 100U 3,800 HH IIH IIH 1.700 11 0T4 11 VI 400 II 1IU n 4.109 159U 148 149 H IU 11 49 Vi Ches. A Ohio 1,400 C, M. St P.... f,09t C A N. W 109 191 -' K. 1. H P. otfs. 1,600 Chine Coppsr 4,809 Colo. r. A 1 1,500 Corn Products Ret. 10,600 It Cruolble Hteel 18,600 70H Cuba Cane Sugar.. 4,690 31 Distiller' 8eo.,,, 18,100 14 Erie 1.700 10 General Electrlo,, . 1,800 111 General Motor ... 11,300 IT Ot No, pfd , Gt. No. Ore ctfs.. T 11 1 - 1 1 .iiiiiuii, ... Inspiration Cop.., 1,990 Int M. M. pfd.... 1,690 Inter. Nlokel ..... 1,709 Inter. Paper 1.100 k. o, aoutnern 63H 'HH 694 4196 J!5 3IH 18 S 66H 17 H 13 18 116 IIH 11 13 10 190 IIH 44 Vi 11 38 17 17 12 19 131 15 190 10IU 191 1114 1,190 IIH 39 V. 11 4IH II 11 IIH 11 41 11 11 11 17 v.. .uwuivrn..,, .,.. .. , ! Kennecott Copper. II.IOQ MH) IIH 11 Louis, A Nash,,,, Maxwell Motors Meg. Petroleum ,. Miami Copper .... Missouri Paolflo Montana Power Nevada Coppsr ,. , New York Central, N. T.. N, H, A H,. Norfolk A West.. Norther Paclflo , Pacific Mali ,,,, Paolfle T. A T.... Pennsylvania ..... PltUhurgb Coal,, Ray Cons, Copper, Reading ,,,,, Republic X AS).,. Bhattuck Arl. Cop. Southern Pacific,. Southern Ry , Studebsksr Corp... Teaae Co ,, Union Paolflo .,, V. B. ind. Alcohol. MM !" 1,190 IIH 1.000 II u 4.09 ( y..oj i." 4,199 tltt 1.300 IIH 100 101 4).ooo tin t q 1,800 in i.ioo T.400 1,900 609 1.900 4.00 1.190 100 14IH 141 4,400 118 til 1.809 138 181 111 11 to 31 11 17 11 18 107 J07 T 19 11 41. II 10 T 11 19 Cta v HI 17 fiS-RH tu I9H t ivt f T4)tj 18H 11 H 10 19 141 H lis U, 8. Steel ,111,990 109 104 ir, 8, Steal ,fd... 1,190 111; HI Utah Copper 101.990 6 l wanasn pfd "B' foo 11 Western Union ,,, 190 IT Weatlnhause Klee . TOO 44U 41U 131 106 111 16 - s 41V4 T. PROVISION PRICES TODAY, irn .. . . teera, s.todio.50 fa r to pnm southern Following are the Wholesale and re- beef steera.- I.00bl3.7l bel ! cwp and tail prices of oroduce Drevailina- ifl Omaha today: . , t . Wholesale. Retail. Potatoes, bushel 11.16 I .40 nk Butter, (extra), pound. ,46 ,41 pound nutter, (common), lb-, .41 .47 pound teeieci), goen .4$ , ,47 dOien Effei. (cholcel rinenn.. ,1ft il . ... Toiwatoes, ripe, basket. ,40 .69 basket Tomatoes, green, bskt ,36 .10 basket Bquasn (Hubbard), dox 1.26 .86 each Squash (summer), dox, ,19 .01 each Celery,, doseri .49 .01 sack Lettuce, (leaf),-dozen.. ,10 .96 each Apples, (fancy hand . picked), bushel .... 1,26 Apples, (windfalls), bu. ,69 peaches, (Elberta), box ,76 heifers, 8.tO019.99i prim yearling ataers and heifers, f, 10 0)9.99) patlv CSlv.s, fl.llVll.OU, Hogs Reoslpf. 1,601 marks! steady: light, - tll.OOOlt lOi pigs, flf.O60tl.IO: mixed and butchers, tlt.99011.79i good heavy, H.IO01I.Ti bulk, tl9.6O019.T6. Sheep and, Lambs Reoelpts. ,I09. market steady; lamos, iij.uuoh i.( j ewes, 9.bO0 ii. tu; wetners, fj.tujfji.ogi capnsrs, 8. tye.ov. 10 JUAR1T8a BECTIONa,Tunfmprvd7TJr- P"ohe" (choioe), box. ' .68 kins couaty, -Nebraska, (andi good otl close to railroad. Can U on payment ef uo io noo per quarter end carry bal .t peek .20 peck .99 bog .TI bo New YorK General Market. New) Y6rH, Oet. , t. Flours-Easy) spring 1tW6 :i0l . Winter straights, 'lll.llOlO.ll A Bradley, Grand Island, Neb. Kansa straights, f).l6f 11.49. 409 ACRES, CUSTER COUNTT. Improved farm; valley and table-land, good sol), 1 ' miles front town 400 population, I rods from, ohool 45 crop, 11 meadow, It pas ture: 169 per acre. $19,00(1 cash. Jna.ulr in pranneis pigg. FOR BALE At a bara n. 320 acrea Im. proved, five miles from Sunol, Cheyenne, Co.. Nb. Prloe $35.90 per acre. Terms, ball eash. N trade considered, a H. woore, ewwer Antnon, la., tt. y. p. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments -"6 acres pp. We farm the farm we sell you Ths Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 15th and Howard Sis., Omaha. Douglas 8211. A FIRST-CLASS lilKacre farm, 4 miles from HartingtoM Neb, Well Improved and all good land, will sell or exchange. eee u. A. kuii, Oakland, Neb. FOR BALE Cheap, my Improved 156-acre farm near Ponca, Neb., easy terms If desired. Address Dr. C. W. qillln, 116 if. L. A T Bldg, Bloux City, la. LIST your lands for quick results' with, C. j. canan, ai aicuagite tsiag., umana. Wyoming Lands. Cornmeal Quiet i fine white ysllow. 11.89 01.161 coarse; 11.1106.11; kiln dried. M.tO i.'f SfJSJ" 019.19, . I i.w".t. corn spot easier: No. I ysllow. 61.68 nd No, t mixed, 12.01 o. I. f. New York. uats spot easy; standard, 16 e. Rye Easier: No. 1 western. 11.16 e. L f. New York. Feed Steady; western bran. 136.10: Jtandard middlings, $41.69. aad, lty.bran, r.i.uv, mi in iirv-pounq saens. Hay Quiet: No. 1. I1.1031.2S: Nn. . $1.1601. J0 N. 1. l5o 011.96; shipping, tO t3oc. Heps Bteadyt atata medium to choice. 1917, lOfisic; 1116, nominal, Paclflo coast, HIT, 49048c; 1111, 130270, , Hldee-8teadyj . Bogota, !7o Central America, I6H. Perk Firm; mess, f 4l.$904.99i lamlly, $41.60; short clears, f47.9O 048.IO, ' ' tJira-rweani middlewest, 124.65021.81. Tallow Strong; city special, loc.a, Ho. Wool Firm: domestia fleece. Ohln mail Pennsylvania, 16c. Butter Market steady! recelDts. 11.141 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 44 0 46c; creamery extras (92 score 1. 44Ua- firsts, 41 0 44: ssoonds. 41f4JH. Eggs Martet Irregular: recelnts. 14 in eases; fresh gathered extras, 464c; extra Kansas Cty 4v a tack Market, Kansas City, Oct l,-Cattl Reoelntn. jo.pqu; marasi steady; prime fee steers, 111.00017.99; dressed bsef steers. 111. 100 15.60; western steers, $.ao8.89l w, 16.6001.60; heifers, 4.0ll.90l stockers and feeder. I6.66 01l.09i bull. 16.1101,99 calves. 18.66011.10. Hogtv-Keeoipt, 11,006 maritet usaoy bulk.. 111.86011,40; heavy. IU.lO0il.lOi r ackers and butcher, l.9O011,5Oi llht, 18.IO0ll.l8i Pigs. 117 16011.80. tihtes and Lambs Receipts. 14.601 mar. ket ateady; lambs. HT.IIf 18.10; yearling, 112.90011.60; wetners, ii,DO0ii.io; swes, ChJcagq JJv block Mnrkt Chicago. Oct I. Cattle Reoelpts, 11,699; market steady; native steers, IT.llOtT.69; western steers. tl.1601l.6Ol stockers and feeders, I.1601MO cowa and heifers, 6.9t 011.26; oalves, fl.69 011.90. Hogs Receipts, ll.ouoi maraet weax, so to 10o under yesterday's average, Bulk, tll.19019.lll light, 117.19011.19 miMd. tlT.T0l.l9 heavy, $17.76 11.60; rough! I17.TIS1I.99: Bias. 118.16017. 60. Sheep and Lambs neceipis, it.sob mar ket steady; wethers. 11.10011. uo; ews, I.4O0U.I6 lambs, ll.5O01l.i, WHEATLAND. WYO.. LAND V'tfviait iun nrvA We can sell you a farm three to ten ,t' 46o; dlrsta, 81041c; seconds, 17 market teay. miles from good railroad town at 36 to "7.,.,, " ..... . tu per acre, including paid-up water ..V . " ., " ..! pw .! right; en-thlrd to onWuarter down, iri"h, Pc1"- 20Vje; average naiance easv terms. i : i - - - Dressed Poultry Market dull; ekirk.n. 340ilj fowls, UH933o; turkeys, 140 Bloux City Live Stock Market. fllout Citv. la.. Oot. . attl Roelpt, 1,669 head; markst steady; beef tr, 7.99 016.90; cows, t5.5O0S.oo; fat cow ana heifers, 16.7601.09; (tanner. i.50l.85; stockers and feeders, 17.90013 60; calves, 17.99 0 12.99; bulls, stags, te., tl.9901.09. Hoge Recslpts. I, lot heed; markst I ta 10 cent higher; light, fll.lO01t.35; mixed, 118. 65018.00; heavy, ito jh.i, pigs, I17.'66ai8.26: bulk. 111.16011.90. Sheep ana l.emus iteaeipis, s.cuo inaui balance easy term. With rich oll nd navr-falltnt water Splendid water and fine climate. Lands protected by th rnoutlns on thl west and northwest. We raise 19-lb. wheat 30 to 60 bu. to acre. We rail 40-lb. oata Tl to 190 bu. to th acre. Wo raise 4 to t tan of alfalfa to the acre. tor fee Harkt, New York. Oot . A mnv At.tmi-.i View of peace prospects was considered ra. sponsible for some scattered Wall Street buying in the market for coffee futur.. eny ipuay, put aught advances were not f , . n 1, ..... i ..... i ... ., . U..INI.IH.U .uh iwier (fuuiMaUOns Were We raise 300 to 490 biwhell ef potatoes Irregular. The epenlnar was 1 oolnt hlahar ta tne acre, ana; active months sold about 4 to I points We raise 0 tons of ingar bt to the net higher, right after the call with De cember touching f.llo and July T.llo. There was some traae aaa a renewal or new month liquidation, which cent December baek to 7.80s and July te f.Ho. The close was net acre. We raise an abundance f apples and gmall fruit. (9,999 acrea at land to select from. Send us your nams and address and wo I points higher to I point lower. October, Excursions week lav will mall partieulars. Low B. R. fares. WYOMING DEVELOPMENT CO., j UWNtCMB, V Wheatland, Wyo., Land. Ex-Gevrnor Joseph M, Carey, Pres. Henry Levi and O. M. Rylander, General Sales Agent, 164-67 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Tel, Douglas 694. 7.11e; December, 7.28c: January, T.19c March. 7.62CI May. 7.71c: July. 7. 8 7c: Ben. temper, t.99c. Spot 'coffee unchanged, Rio 7s. 6c: San tos 4s, 9c. Comparatively few offers were reported In the eost and freight market with the Santos offers about o to Ml higher. Tne effleial cables reported an advance ot 1-I2d in Rio exchange with milrelf prices unonangea except nantos futures which were unch.an4 to H rel higher. WANTED Eight or more American cltisens who would be Interested In filing on government oil land In Wyoming, as I do locating, validating, and filing. Prices reasonable. Can give best of references from Casper, Wye. Write er call on B. T. Evans, 4649 Dodge Bt, Omaha, or .telephone Walnut 1621. Hew York Dry Goods Market New York, Oct I. Dry Goods Cotton good in yarns hero were very strong. Wool goods were firm and quIeL Bilks wr higher and burlap firm at top prices. New- York Hugo Market. New York, Oct. . Raw Sugar Market Steady; etntrlfugal, 9 80c; molasses, 6.02c rerinea sugar, tadyi una granulated. 1.10 1.66c Bt Joseph live Stock Market. Bt. Joseph. Oot l.,-Ctt!s Receipts, 1,006 head; market lower; steers. $8,890 16.08! oows and heifers, 11.11014.99; calves, 16.00011.69. Uogs-r-Reeetpt. 1,109 head) markst high er! top, 119.16; bulk of sales. l.eo0l.4O. dbeep and Lambs Receipts, t.utiv neaa; markst steady; lambs, 11.69011,99; ewes, 16.00011. 60. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, Oct. t. Evaporated Apples Dull and firm; choice, 16o; prime, lie, Pried Fruits Prunes, strong; California, lOUHe; Oregon, 11 Ho. Apricot, soarce ind firm; fancy, f0o. peaches, scarce and firm; standard, IIH; choioe, 19e; fancy, 11c. Retains, firm; loos muscatels, TVi0: choice to fancy, seeded, f019Vil losdless, IH01Ooj London layer, fl.10. Turpentine and Bosln, Savannah, Ga., Oet 1.-Turpentine Firm, 47c; sales, 191 bbls. ; recslpts, $11 bbls.; shipments, 289 bUls.l stock. 11,911 bbls. Rosin Firm; sale, 147 bbls.) reoelpts. 114 bbls.; shipments, 141 bbls.; stock. 86. 129 bbls. Quotations: B, 16. 8i; D, 11160 1.00; E. F. G, M.00 H, I, 16.06; K, $6 if; M, 11.46; N. 7.t0 WO, 7.5; WW, ti lt. Linseed Oil Quotations. Duluth, Minn., Oot. t. Linseed On track, !3.9801.19 arrive, t3.6SH03.8B; October, ;,&Ut bid; November. t.08; De cember, U.tt'ii May, 13.08. nominal. New York Cotton Market. New York, Oot. I. Cotton Tha cotton market today elosed ateady at a net ad vane of I to 13 point. floriC Jan. Deo. May Oata. Deo, May Pork, Oct. Jan, Lard. Oot Jan, Ribs. Oot. .Jan. Ii J... , , I..,. .I,' .ml. , .i . inl 111 1 II UIH 1 IIH 111 1 11 11TH 1 17 116 IllHUIH I 13H IIH I3H H H 11 ui tu o vi ton 'U'li 'ii'ii" ii'io 'ii'ii'' It 10 9 II II 14 11 14 00 14 tt II If il tt I tl 90 II 99 tt 10 tl 09 14 97 24 17 4 00 14 It I 11IH 110 IIH 414$ tl It II 14 it CHICAGO CHAIN AND FROVIIMON Talk of Oovamment AetloB to Curtail Price Has Hmi4s) Effect. Chicago, Qot,. , possibilities pt govern, mint notion to curtail prise of corn and hog tn line with measure already taken to cheapen sottonseed ell and ether food preauota nan bearish erioe today on grain and provisions, especially pork and . lard. Corn elosed uniettled 1H to 1H Ht lower at vi, to i ii vecemper, ana li.lH, May. Oata finished H te V4 0o efl Latest fluetatlons fer pork, lard nd rib ranged from lt to 11.76 down t ompa4 wun twenty-tour poura pstore, Downward swings at aern price began at tha opening, with Interest asntsred chief, ly on tha government prop report showing a yield much In excess of what dealer had expected. Attention later turnsd more and more tn gossip of n likelihood ef federal efforts to bring about lowered ratio of values, approximately corn 11.19 a bushel and hogs 119.900 a hundred pounds. . As ertlon that a new pesos offer wauld bo made by Germany counted also against th bull. A moderste recovery at th last tt ascribed to profit taking by short. Seaboard demand prventd any radical uecune in oats. Announcements that th cottonseed oil market had been closed to the public Jed to considerable unloading of provisions and In the absence of any fro buying pork and am oron esveriy awing to surront talk pf further drgstto steps toward mora rigid food control. n Corn No. I yellow, ti.l301.l4i Na. S vol. tvw aw i.w, v yeiww, pomipai, .Oats No, white, lOOftH; standard, fBHOIle. Rye No. I, Il.l90r.ll. Barley fl.1501.18. Timothy IT.O60f.fi. Clover $11.60 011.69. Pork 14415. tard 114.12014.18. Ribs 118.60018.87. Butter Market unchanged. Eggs Markst hither; recslots. 4 111 cases; nrsis, kvbio; erdinary first, 110 oeeo, at marn, case included. 36037o. Potatoea Market higher; receipts. 66 carai Wlseomjla, Michigan and Minnesota bulk, Il 1601.16; do., aaoks. tl.3901.ll, r-ouury Alive, martlet uncnnf(d, Now York olinoy Market, Ne York. Oct, I. Mercantile naoer. 1 01 par cent. 1 Sterling Sixty-day . bills. M.TlUi earn. merclal sixty-day bills on banks, 14.71: com. merulal alyty-day bills. I4 TIH) demand, demand. 14 76; cables, lift Ml. Bar Silver 19 He; Mexican dollars, lie. Bondt Government, ateady; railroad easy, Tim Lpalfs Easier: sixty day. IOIH months, IH0H Per cant. Call Loans Steady I kliih. 4 nas cent: law. I psr "cent; ruling relet, 4 par sent; oloxlng bid, 1 per Cnt: offered at 1 oar cent: last loan, 3 per ceut U. 8. Is rag. . , . IT IH. Can. y. 4 Tt do coupon.,,, II Hint M. Ml.. II I. & I re llvZK. c. a ref. Tl do coupon .... tHL. A M. un. 4s.. 88 J. B. 4 reg;....106M., K. A T. 1st 4 41 do coupon ,...106Me. Pae. gen. 4 19 Pan. in coupon 14 Mont. Power la.. 11 Am. B. 8. g.... 16 R Y. Can. d. 17 T, A T. e, la tlH'No. Pas. 4a.... 14 Anglo-French l. tt do Is ....... 66 Arm. A Co. g ltOr. 0. L. r. 4 15 Atchison g. 4.. HH'Pao, T. A T. In 11 B. A O. 4 .... 19 Penn. on. 4s.. 91 Cen. Loath I.. 17 Reading sen 4s.. 81 Gen. Paolflo lit.. t0Vt& L. A S. F. a. la. 17 C. A O. o. I tt So. pas. e. ta.. 16 C. B. A Q. J. 4 14 do ref. 4o... 14 O M A 8 P g 4 16Bo. By. 6s...... 84' O. R. I. A P. r. 4 tt tTex A Pac, 1st f I 'u. at h. r. h 78 union Paclflo 4s tl A B. G. t. ta It do ev. 4s 87 U r. of O. 6s .... 94 U. 8. Rubber 6.. 11 Erie gen. 4.... II V. a Btsel Is.. ..199 Gen, Elan. 6s. ...109 Wabash 1st ..... 98 Ut Mo. 1st 4e t West. Un. 4stl Bid. lOffered. Local Rtneks and Hoad. " ' QllOtatlona furnished bv Bum.. Brink a, Co.. 449.61 Omaha NationaL . Bnw dm. ,. Omahei 8took. . ' Bid. Asked. BurgjM-Nash Co. Y not pfd,. ,.190 191 ' Cudahy Paoklna. Co.. com un ti Peers A Co, pfd....,.........;, 11 101 Fairmont OreanVy Co,, T not Pfd.101 ..i. Goooh M, A H, Co., f pot, pfd. B.ioj jit' Mountain States T. A T. com....lltU 111 Ntbraeka Power Co. f pot pfd.aoo 199h o. c, u. ut Ry. pfd...,,,,,..' i fl Man, Bt Ry. com.. .... , " if O, A O. B. Ry. A Brtdg, pfif ii" , , M, . Smith A Co. 1st pfd..',, .100 )01 2'V.! 1? Omb,,,,, Iith Swift A Cempanyi 146 1481k, Bloun city Stock Yard' pfd.,.; 19 . ..." Un on Powjr A Light t pet pfd.ioo . 109 V Union Btoek Yards I pot.,..,,19l . 101 Wnitsd atateoypsum pfi:i!!.; 10 tt Bonds, , , O.. R. L A P. ctfs.,1,600 14 11 14 Booth-8t L. Cold Storage Is, 'tl, 61 loo Cudahy Pack. Co. I. 1149.,,.,, tt ) 13 Chicago Sanitary Dlst Is, HIT,, T 87' General Else, I pot. note, 1110, ,.,,191 Mldvala 8, A O. Co. i, 1116,,,. la 11 6. a c. B, st By. i. IBM.. . il IU oiw. Atb. Ctuh Bid t. aovil, 16 H 1" City of Omaha ,t. ..., . 4.91 Provlnc of Alberta ts-'lll, 1" 4.?5 Swift A Company Is, lii, It l mo :,::,.i7t state of Cailforola,. .,, .,, ,,,4.11 'til fl. B. Si f. IU. i.mmu 1,11 V.u ...j B.r utah pTa 'iiTuVe-. "VuV'u'iX" u7 ' ' . -. f. . 71 I LI. Mill,. 1 , . Mlnnenpoll Ormla Market, Minneapolis, Minn.. Oct l..F)ouiwrBf patents, toe lower: euoted at Iib.ia; eit clears, T60 lower 1 Quoted at II lit aik... frades unchanged. , , RyH-tJ.T7 01.71. , Barley lt.180l.lt. , , 5 : , Bran 129.99011.90. Corn No, I yellow, 1. ITOMt. Oats No, I white, I7H0IIH, Flax 18,11, . , . Kansas City Grain Markst. - Kansa City. Mo.. Oet. . firn. 4n mixed. 11.17 i No. 1 white, 3.94; No. I yel low, 11.89; December, 11.11 1 Man. Il.tlu. Oats No. 'I white. 81o: No. 1 H06iHo.. ; . , ; FARMERS FOLLOW tiif SAicennn ! l g If PrufiitU, by Kpln'f LUt of Hog Ik I I Warn e . mm m W ""o7 er; in vicinity, Make . PlaPossiW. "la the fall, when the Vircinin farmers tret through with the busiest season, a bunch of them art) gojn. to be asked to coma out nnrl nfao-a some real demonstrations of tha rn euy wntcn iney re so SKiuea in tjs ingr," accordinff to Mr. C, j, Mains, ona of the several Virginia gentle, men now hero arranging for the tw tribution of tha Virginian Anti-r Cholerio Hog Remedy, about, which to much is being said these days, Jtiese chaps, all. users of the remedy on their own -farms. cn teach a lot of tricks about units.. tion, quarantine, feeding and farrow, ing, fattening and keeping, and they, ot: fnA soma Iiima wUam m..H:.m . ii this vacation stunt, keen their eves peeled for new ideas themselves. . "I have known of some going Jnta a section literally alive with eholera and with hogs dying like rats in tt tran from sickness, and throucV, little tricks of getting this remedy down me inroats ot nogs too sick to eal or stand, they nut thami back on' their feet. It is a.joy to watch them work, and I only wish they would 5 come out sooner.' 'Advertisement. FORTUNES IN OIL Tti latest man of tha famous Ri m.i.i. - Oil Field of Wyoming, showing ell tha dif -ferent propertie. sent free upon request This will interest you. Send nt on, 1 I be van Iveuren-Mwwwli Investment Co. 129 Foe tar Bull ding. Denver, Cain.