Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Invites Them to the Lihrary to
See How He Has Fitted
Up the New
Liberty bonds or no Liberty bonds,
John Lee Webster, president of the I
Friends of Art, remains steadfast to J
his ideal of an art gallery for Omaha.
"Even though this country is j
plunged in war, education of the peo-
pie and the love of art must be en- i
couraged," said Mr. Webster. J
With this thought in mind, Mr. i
Webster had the walls ot the two
rooms in the public library where
paintings purchased by local art lovers
are hung redecorated in a pleasing
gray, rehung the canvases and invited
the executive committee of the So
ciety of Fine Arts to a "little sur
prise" at the library.
Besides the newly decorated gal
leries, the "surprise" included several
new paintings, one a scene in India by
Weekes, which the Friends of Art
probably will purchase.
More than thirty canvases are now
hung in the library. Mr. Webster
hopes to secure permission from the
library board to use a third room in
which to hang paintings. Thi9 will
give over the entire third floor of the
building for the art collection. Pic
tures are also hung along the stair
case. "With such a space set aside for
art exhibition purposes, we can in
duce eastern artists to send us their
works for exhibition for several
months at a time. When these arc
returned, other paintings can be
shown," ytid Mr. Webster.
. ' (Toutinued From F One.)
'and poisoned her against Mr. Rowc
and herself their friendship was un
" usually close and their confidence
. mutual.
"f will be able to disprove every
. rliafff mart atrainif t r Rrtwe and
myself when the case comes to trial,"
'. said- Mrs. Rowe, "hut I cannot tell
how much I regret it all because even
. after we clear our. names in court
there will he certain persons who will
iciust lu ut.tii.vv my win. ..7
t plain case of attempted blackmail."
Names Blond Woman.
Mrs. Hale -recently brought di
vorce action against her husband. She
' alleged extreme cruejty and infidelity,
naming a "blond woman prominent
socially" as the co-respondent. Her
attorneys says Mrs! Kowe is the
"blond woman."
The Hales have been married twen
ty years and have two children, who
are with the mother, . The couple
separated about four months ago.
Mrs. Hale in her. alienation suit
says Mrs. Rowe two years ago "de
signed and set about the task of win
ning the affections 6f her husband."
She alleges they met at the Rowe
home on freauent occasions durint:
the absence of the husband.
- Poisoned Against Her.
As a result, Mrs. Hale declares,
and "by protestations of love and flat
tery, deceptions and promises made
to her husband, Mrs. Kowe poisoned
his mind against her." She sets forth
that Mrs. Kowe "enticed the general
yardmaster from his home for the
purpose of having clandestine meet
ings wun HUM.
Mrs. Hale says her husband,
lavished upon Mrs. Rowe "candy,
fruit, clothing and. other presents too
numerous. to mention." The wife al
leges these presents were received in
order to "further carry out the tin
lawful and wicked scheir and design
of wrecking and ruining her home."
Stay Out Late Nights.
' On June 24, Mrs. Hale alleges, Mrs.
Rowe succeeded in separating her,
and her husband and persuaded him
to make his home with the wire
chief's family. Mrs. Hale alleges that
since that time they have been auto
mobile riding together and "staying
out late nights." She says her hus
band has spent the larger part of his
earnings upon Mrs. Rowe.
Mr. Rowe's part in the alleged
"scheme," Mrs. Hale says, has been
to "encourage his wife when she en
tertained and received the railroad
Mrs. Hale insist!' that she has been
"caused great pain and humiliation,
and has entirely lost the affection of
her husband."
Sutton, McKenzie, Cox & Harris
are attorneys for Mrs. Hale.
Sells Tea Under the' .
Pretense it is Whisky
Joe Tyler, colored, 413 North Thir
teenth street, is an industrious chao
He has a keen outlook for well paying
business methods, and:, last night
sought to take advantage of the ap
parent absence of police officers about
his place by attempting to dispose of
cold tea under tfte appearance of
whisky, at the exorbitant price of $2
a- pint
Several of his friends complained
to the police of his dishonest methods
and Detectives Anderson and Buell
started on a tour of investigation
about lyler s surroundings.
They discovered Tyler busily en
gaged in "laboratory." situated in
' the rear of his yard, filling discarded
whisky bottles with the Japanese
beverage, and then neatly, labelling
same, A search of the place revealed
two quarts of whisky with which he
said he foiled his customers by show
ing the liquor to them and saying that
the newly filled pint bottles contained
the same. Subsecuentlv. Tvler sold
several bottles of the "fake" liquor,
he admitted.
.. , The officers brought .him -to the
, police station -where be is charged
with two offenses illegal possession
i of intoxicating liquor, and1 obtaining
money under false pretenses.
Kansas City Grain Men
Pleased With Exchange
. CA. Dayton, prominent grain man
'of Kansas City, is in1 Omaha,' the
guest of his old friend, Charles A,
KeaL national food administration
, agent It was the first time Mr. Day
' ton has ever been on the floor of the
, Umaha Oram exchange, lie was
greatly pleased with the building, as
, well as with the methods , that the
Omaha grain men have employed in
doing business, ' ," , j
1 tf$
' y ' it.'
Chief Engineer at Fort Omaha is Training Students There
In the Use of Secrets Learned From Germans;
Was An Officer in Russian Army ; Son
In Aviation Corps.
Ak-Sar-Hen visitors who watched
with interest the huge kite balloons
floating above Fort Omaha daily, will
be interested in this picture, which
shows the first kite balloon ever used
in actual warfare.
The picture was taken by. Lieuten
ant Post, chief engineer of Fort
Omaha, "at Vladivostok in' the begin
ning of the Russo-Japanese war. His
rank in the Russian army was lieu
tenant colonel, lie had taken train
ing at the aeronautical school in St.
He was then ; at Vladivostok as
military engineer and, in desperation,
Admiral Essen, commander of ( the
Russian flotilla, called upon him for
help. . .
Lieutenant Colonel Post at once in
troduced balloons for observation of
the Japanese movements;. At first
round ballopns wer used, these
made by Lieutenant Colonel Post,
himself." But the winds were too
strong for these in that region and
at once kite balloons were imported
from Germany.
While Germany invented and man
ufactured these, she never yet had
used them in warfare, so, Lieutenant
Colonel Post says, to Russia i be
longs Xhe honor of this. Now' Mr.
Post is chief engineer at Fort Omaha
and is employing against the Ger
mans all the secrets they taught him
twelve years ago at Vladivostok.
Served In Rusa Army.
Lieutenant Post is one of the most
interesting persons at Fort Omaha,
that gathering-ground of notables
from, the aeronautical field. He is
chief engineer at the fort, formerly
was lieutenant colonel in the Rus
sian army and the man who intro
duced .balloon observation in the Rus
so-Japanese war.
"Lieutenant Lolonel fecior Alexis
Post-nikov."-is the way the-wrote
jt on the czar's muster roll. At pres
ent he is simply "Lieutenant Post,
aviation section of the signal corps,
Lin ited States armv." though soon a
higher commission is promised him
in recognition of his expenenc ana
One of his feats back in Fetrograd
.. y iv r tn C
was tnc tiiiuing irom a dbuooh i
some sunken vessels in the Gulf, of
Finland, which had been unseeif from
the deck of steamers. , At the out
break of the Japanese war the Japs
destroyed the best part of the bat
tleships of the Pacific Russian fleet
in a night, and then placed hundreds
of mines around Vladivostok bay to
prevent the flotilla there from joining
the Russian battleships at rqrt Ar
thur. Small Russian steamers worked
hard to find these hidden mines, .but
experienced much difficulty.
Aided Admiral Essen.
It was then that Admiral Essen
of the Russian flotilla remembered
that Lieutenant , Colqnel Post had
been able to see sunken barges near
Petrograd from a balloon, lhe ad
miral sent at once for Lieutenant Post
and asked him if he could locate
mines as well.
"Better," answered Colonel Post.
"The waters here are clearer than
near St. Petersburg at the Neva s
delta, where I found the barges. Al
so, mines are usually nearer the sur
face than the vessels were.
"Could vou build a balloon, if ma
terial were furnished you?"
Yes." was the answer. Russian of
ficers trained at the aeronautical
school learn to build as well as
manage balloons."
At onee. Admiral bssen advanced
Lieutenant Post the money and told'
him' to go' to work. But where to
find materials in Vladivostok, so far
from the'etnters of the world's civilization?
The first need was silk tor the gas
bag. A special 'silk is usually used
for making these, about ten times tne
strength of that sold in department
stores. Naturally there' was no such
grade in the far eastern city. So
Lieutenant Colonel Post raided the
shops and for a long time the women,
of Vladivostok were deprived of silk
"That first balloon was a funny
sightl" laughed Lieutenant Colonel
Post, "I had to get figured, striped
and plaid silk, as well as plain. The
gas bag looked like-Joseph's coat
First In' History.
"We managed to manufacture some
gas and 60t a. basket. Then we
found cordage to tie the two together
and sent the balloon up from the
deck of a cruiser.
"That was the first ime in the his
tory of the' world a balloon was used
to help - the - navy,, although as far
back as the French revolution, bal
loons were employed by armies."
This odd-looking balloon, the first
made by Colonel Post over in
Vladivostok, he christened, "Esper
anto," in honor of the international
language, Esperanto. This language,
by the way, is Lieutenant Post's
hobby, he speaks it fluently and
hopes soon to sec it the international
Soon the round balloons were
found to be unserviceable, because of
the 'high winds about Vladivostok,
and a new invention of the Germans,
a balloon with a long, sausage-shaped,
bag, was sent for.
That was the first time a kite bal
loon was ever employed in actual
This kite balloon proved useful to
the Russians, who sent it up from
a ' cruiser to hunt for mines and
watch the maneuvers of the Jap
anese shifts. At present Liuetenant
Post is teaching the students at Fort
Omaha how to employ against the
Germans in this war the very secrets
they imparted to him when he got
from them the first kite balloon ever
used in war.
With Lieutenant Post a) Vladivos
tok, twelve years ago, was a sturdy
little fellow, his 8-year-old son. The
little lad often went up with his
father in ht balloon.
bo, now that he is a tall young
Chap, In takes to the air as the duck
tQ pona, uur at Ban wiego, in mc
iviftipn school, Leo Post, this
same boy, is training at Uncle Sam's
flying school and expects soon to be
commissioned to fight Jn (he air
against Germany.
Omaha Division Point
, For the Western Electric
With the appointment, effective
Wednesday, of H. H. Goodell, present
manager of the local branch of the
Western Electric company, as assist
ant central district manager lor ttie
company with his offices here, Omaha
becomes the headquarters for the
western part of the company's central
district with the Minneapolis and Des
Moines branches contrihutary.
This change marks a division of the
work previously handled by the Chi
cago offices and will make a decided
increase in the volume of business
handled at the local headquarters.
Other local men affected by the
change are A. H, Bannister, for the
pas few years local sales manager,
who is transferred to Minneapolis as
northwestern sales manager, and M.
A. Buehlcr, the Omaha 1 apparatus
specialist, who succeeds TMr. Ban
nister as local sales manager,
Electric Equipment Saves
Fuel for the Milwaukee
The Milwaukee Railroad company
makes the assertion that by reason of
the electrification of its lines over the
mountains in Montana, Idaho and
Washington during 'the last year, on
the . one division it has conserved
200,000 tons of coal. This quantity
would have been required for the coal
burning engines -that, have been re
placed by. those operated by electric
Not only has there been a conserva
tion of fuel, but there has been a con
servation of power, it being figured
that with the coal burning engines in
operation it would have required 5,000
cars to transport the coal and 1,756
cars to handle the oil for lubrication
and other equipment. ,
CotU Little Bat Do th Work Quickly,
'o rain. Jig Surf nrw.
Committeemen From All Parts
of State to Gather in Omaha
Omaha October 18 for
Three days before me tood pledge
campaign starts, committeemen who
will work cn it throughout the state
are to have a final organization meet
ing at the Hotel Fontenellc October
18 at 2 o'clock.
The campaign to get signatures to
the food conservation pledge cards
will begin October 21 and continue
until October 28. The state has been
thoroughly organized for the work.
In Douglas county W. D. Mc
Hugh, chairman of the County Coun
cil of Defense, ha appointed a county
committee to work with the food ad
ministration on this drive. Frank
Boyd is chairman of this committee
of workers. Harry O. Palmer is sec
retary. The other members are: T.
P. Reynolds, Mrs. A. L. Fernald,
Gould Dietz, Mrs Myron Learned,
Mrs. W. F. Baxter Charles K. Fan
ning, Randall K. Brown, Thomas
Keenan, J. H. Beveridge, Belle Ryan,
C. II. English, Michael F. Gluba.
Isaac Konecky, Mayor James C.
Dahlman, John L. Kennedy, Lucy
Hart, Mrs. ). W. Robbins, Frank A.
Ten counties whose central com
mittee organizations for this drive
have been completed are reported as
Custer County
A. "MotKan, pres1(ltit Public Service club
I Following are members from coun-
' ty precincts:
I Wyoming, John McCarthy. B. F. t. Ne
' traska CUV.
i Berlin, Dr. D. It. SchaH, Berlin.
SyracuK. E. H. Ftncgan, Syracuse.
North Branch, William Kiege, byracu?.
North Rutwel, George T. Wilson, Unadilla.
South Itussel. W. N. Pickering, I'nadllla.
North Palmyra, C. A. Sweet, Palmyra.
oSuth Palmyra. Henry McKee, Palmyra.
Hen'lrhka, J. L. Marshall, Doulas.
South Bramh, CJ. .1. Kahl, Burr.
Osape, W. N. Took, Syraus?.
South JlcWilltams, C. F. Corden, Tal
inae. North McWilHama, JoI Eaton, Lorton
Kock Ore"k, Rudolph Vcnnemon, R. F. P.
Nebraska t.'lty.
Utoe, VV. T. Warden. Nebraska City.
lielaware, ( ,T. Mullif. Dunbar.
HMmont. M T Harrison, Dunbar.
rour Mile, W. V. Neeley, Nebraska City.
Wayne County.
A. R Iavis, attorney.
K. V. Huse, of Wayne elfrald.
(i. K. Gardner, of Nebraska Democrat.
.7. J. Ahcrn, president Wayne Commercial
Pearl fewell, county auperlntendant of
Mrs. Mary Lewis, president Woman's de
partment Council of Defense.
P. M. Corbit, vice chairman Council of
'I W. Moran. station agent.
Mesdames: Ktta Buetnw, Julia Perdue,
Mate Beckenhauer, Berthe Ingrain,
Maflillda Bowen. Freda "'unnlngham, Cleo
Kemp, Chrissle Lackey, Eva Davies, Clara
Jones. Almino Leuers.
(Last mentioned women are the presi
dents of the Women's clubs and societies.)
Holt County.
It. U. Dickson, chairman, O'Neill.
DenulH Cronln. O'Neill.
Minnie IS. Miller, O'Neill.
T. V. Golden. O'Neill.
Mrs. Kdwanl F. Gallagher, O'Neill.
Mrs. M F. Griffin. Xkinson.
Dr. 13. V. McDermot, Stuart.
William P. Dally, Emmet.
,T. S. Jackson, Inman.
Samuel Green, Ewlng.
W. C. Templeton. Page.
Edward Adams. Chambers.
Purcell, editor Custer County Chief.
Grimed, county superintendent of
K. R.
T. C.
Mrs. M. S. Hddy, president Woman's Pub
lie Hervlce club.
Mra. C. H. England, president Woman'
Mrs. A. Morgan, chairman weman'i com
mittee Council of Defense.
Mrs. M. Osbourn, deputy county treasurer.
J. C. Bowen.
J. K. Burl-
Dr. Helen M. Cross, Crawford.
Dawes County
Jurlclgh, Crawford.
Corn sufferers gather, round: gat right
up clost and listen. Here's good newi lor
The real "Corn Killer' la her at last
Ice-Mint, th New Discovery, made Irom
a Japanese product, ts said to surely and
aulckly end all foot misery.
Hard coma, soft corns, or corns between
the toes, also toughened callouses, just shriv
el up and lift off easy. It's wonderful.
.There Is no pain or soreness when apply
ing lce-mlnt or afterwards and it doean't
ven Irritate the skin.
Think of it; just a touch or two of that
cooling soothing lce-mlnt and real foot Joy
la youra,
If your feet are Inclined ta swell or puff,
or It you have cracked or bleeding toes. It
will take the Inflammation right out and
aulckly heal tne sore and bleeding places.
Ice-mint prevents foot-odors and keeps
thern sweet and comfortable. It la the real
Japanese aecret for tine, healthy little feet.
Every person who has suffered with stub
born corns or tender feet can appreciate the
cooling, soothing comfort that It brings: es
peclally to women whom fashion has decreed
should wear high heeled snoes and men
who have to stanw all day on their feet Try
It Oct a few cents' worth ot lce-mlnt from
yonr Druggist today and give your poor,
tired sufferelng, burning feet tha treat 61
their Uvea.. There la nothing better, .
James C. Northrup. Cluulron.
Mrs. William (Ada) Hitchcock, Whitney.
Mrs. .1. M. Tollman, MarBland.
Mrs. F. 8. Baird, Wayside.
James Phelps, Belmont.
Mrs. Harry Bartlett, Dunlap.
Mrs. Frank Coll, Hough postoffke.
Mrs. Frank Wolvlngton, Kster.
Allen G. Fisher, Chadron.
Gage County.
H. V. Rlesen, State Board of Agriculture
K. 1. Hevelone, Red Cross.
Boyd Rist, agricultural extension depart
ment University of Nebraska.
Wallace Robertson, Nebraska Bankers'
Louie Scharrer, Btnte Federation of I-abor,
If. W. Munson, Nebraska, Press associa
tion. J. R. McCann, Nebraska Postmasters'
F. V. Crocker, Nebraska Farmers' con
gress. K. C. Salisbury, State Association of Com
mercial Clubs.
Dwlglit 8. . Dalboyv Farmers' union,
Mra. E. C. Drake, woman's committee of
Stnte Council of Defense
Mrs. Julia Mayer, State Federation ot
Woman"! Clubs.
Miss HatUe Summers, Beatrice Wom
an's club.
Thelpa County.
Carl Swanson, Holdrege, R. V. T.
A. W. Danielson, Holdrege, R. F. D.
K. B. Lund, Sacramento.
Charles Redfsrn, Holdrege, R. 2.
Charlie Rndfern, Holclroge, R. 2.
K. K. Pahlstrom. Holdrege R. 3.
C. A. Drews, Oxford, R. F. D.
Carl E. Peterson, Pertmnd.
Ford McWhortor, Bortrand.
H. B. Larson, Holdrege, R. 1.
J. A. HaU, .Overton, R. 2.
S. T Sehreck, Funk, It. 1.
Albln Sand, Funk, R. 1.
W. A. Hwarta, Loomls, R. 1,
Moss Marshall Elmcreek, R. 1.
P. C. Funk. Funk, R. 1.
O. T. Anderson, Holdrege.
Mr. Ferguson, Holdreire Progress.
Miss Alice Ferguson, Holdgere, county su
perintendent of schools.
I B. Titus, Holdrege.
I T. Johnson, Holdrege,
In T, Johnson Holdrege.,
Q. U McClellan. Holdrege,
Valley County.
Bert M. Hardenbrook. chairman
Council of Defence, Arcadia.
Mrs. Dr. Shepard, chairman woman's mm.
mlttee of Valley county, Ord. i
Airs, victory Haskey, Ord.
Mrs. II. M. Davis, Ord,
Mrs. Walter O. Rood, North Loup.
Mra. I. J. Thelln, North Lop.
Miss Fannie McClellan. North Loup
Mrs. M. L. Fries Arcadia.
Mrs. H. 3. Klnsey. Arcadia.
Mra. -J, K. Ward, Arcadia.
Mndlson County.
John R. Hayes. ''chairman.
Mra. Marie Weekes, Norfolk.
County superintendent of schools.
President Madison Commercial club.
Mrs. Harper, Madison.
Mrs. C. S. Sutton, Madison. '
Fred D. Wolt, president Norfolk Com.
merclal club.
W. L. Whltla, Battle Creek, Neb.
Otoe County.
D. V. Livingston, chairman, Nebraska
City, Neb,
Charles Speedle, county superintendent,
Nebraska City, Neb.
J. H. sweet, Nebraska city. Neb.
W. O. Brooks, citi superintendent, Ne
braska City. Neb.
Dr. S. P. Crcsap, president. Business Men's
association, Nebraska City, Neb.
Mrs. S. S. Wilson, chairman n omen i
Committee Council of Defense, Nebraska
City, Neb.
John W. Stelnhart, Nebraska City, Neb.
Mlsa Louise Cot, Nebraska City, Neb.
Mjs. C. M. Hubner. Nebraska City, Neb.
Try This If You
Have Dandruff
Mrs. Jane Donovitz Dies
Following Long Illness
Mrs. 'Jane Donovitz, widow of the
late Benjamin Donovitz, died Sun
day at her home, 1818 Maple street,
after a long illness. Her husband
passed away less than six months ago.
Funeral services will be held Wednes-
There is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
and that is to dissolve it. This de
stroys it entirely. To do this, just
get about four ounces of plain, or
dinary liquid arvon ; apply it at night
when retiring; use enough to moisten
the scalp and rub it in gently with
the finger tips.
By morning, most, if jiot all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and enWrely destroy
every single sign and trace of it,
no matter how much dandruff you
may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop
instantly, and, your hair will be
fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and
soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive, and
four ounces is all you will need. This
simple remedy has never been known
to faU. Advertisement.
day morning at iu ocw
mcnt at Golden Hill w.-
City and Stewart lioiunnz. -uptown
members of the family haxc ar
rived for the funeral.
Urges Elevator Owners
to Guard Against Fires
General Manager Jeffers of the
Union Pacific, in the interest of the
conservation of foodstuffs, is sending
out circulars urging that extra pre
caution be taken to guard against fires
that might destroy the grain in stor
age in elevators. ,
Mr. Jeffers urges the company
agents to get in touch with the ele
vator men along the lines of the road
and induce them to clean up around
their buildings, removing all accumula
tions of h.flammable material and rub
bish. He also urges that where glas?
has been broken out of the windows
of elevators; it should be replaced in
order to keep the birds out of these
buildings. He suggests that the nests
of birds, either in the building, or
under the eaves are very inflammable
and in the past have been responsible
for numerous fires that have been set
by sparks from the passing engines.
I You Get Better Cough f
Syrup by Making I
I it at Home I
m i ,
! What's more, you save about $2 by ?
a it. Easily mads and costs little. g
H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I 1
You'll never really know what a fine cough
syrup you can make until you prepare this
famous home-made remedy. You not only
save (2 as compared with the ready-made
kind, but you will also have a more effective
and dependable remedy in every way. It
overcomes the usual coucrhs, throat and chest
colds in 24 hours relieves even whooping
cough quickly.
Get 2Vi ounces of Pinex (60 cents worth)
from any good drug store, pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Here you have a
full pint a family supply of the most ef
fective cough syrup that money can buy at
a cost of only 65 cents or less. It nevr
The prompt and positive results given by
this pleasant tasting cough syrup have caus
ed it to be used in More homes than any
other 'remedy. It quickly loosens s dry,
hoarse or tight cough, heals the inflamed
membranes that line the throat and bronchial
tubes, and relief comes almost immediately.
Splendid for throat tickle, hoarseness, bron
chltisKcroup and bronchial asthma,
Pinex is a highly concentrated compound
of genuine Norway pine extract,' and has
been used for generations' for '' throat and
chest ailments.
Avoid disappointment by asking your drug
gist for "iVi ounces of Pinex" with full
directions, and don't aecept anything else. A
guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded, goes with this prepara
tion. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The New Home Treatment
for Ugly, Hairy Growths
(Boudoir Secrets)
Here is a simple, yet very effective
method lor removing hair and fuzs
from the face, neck and arms: Cover
the objectionable hairs with a paste
made by mixing some water with a
little powdered delatone. Leave this
on for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off,
wash the skin and the hairs have
vanished. No pain or inconvenience
attends this treatment, but results
null be certain if you are sure to
get real delatone. Advertisement.
A Concrete Garage-
Is Fire-Proof -And
It's Permanent
YOUR automobile represents a
lam investment, that Investment
should have perfect protection against the
aver present fire hazard.
The concrete garage ta fire-proof. When
joa o lace your car under the protection ot
concrete, yon have taken the best and cheap
est means of removing the danger of fire,
for the concrete garage is not expensive.
Extremely reasonable in cost. Requires no
apkeep expense, bo repairs, no repainting.
Concrete is by far the cheapest in the long run.
And beaoty? The concrete garage la
the aristocrat of the back yard. Nothing
more attractive in appearance can be built
for the purpose. . -
Portland Cement
is the Ideal cement from every
standpoint Dewey-built structures
insure trood looks, low cost
protection against fire, ana
Look for the
Dewey Sign
See the Dewey Dealer and
let him tell yoa about
Dewey Cement in pep.
manent construction.
He has bulletin on
Concrete Garages,
or wiU ret It lor
you. .
and Living Room
Values That You Can't
Afford to Miss.
Big Values That Will Prove, in the Enduring Qual
ity of the Rocker You Buy-at the Little Price
You Pay.
Fumed Oak Rockers, in leather seats. .. .$8.75 Up
Golden Oak Rockers, neat, nifty patterns
$2.25, $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.25 and Up.
Big Overstuffed Rocker, in Velour ??
Big Overstuffed Tapestry 'Rocker $13.75
-'-ynn-t-1- y
the home drink
Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and
restaurants, Bovo hat found a welcome place in the
home. A family beverage a guest offering a table
drink that goes perf ctly with all food. :
As m Buggeation for Sunday eupper-Smet red or
green pepper etuffed with eream cheese end
chopped nute or olivet, served on lettuce eaves.
French dreeaing. Cold meat. Toatted cracker.
Bevo for everyone. A beverage that tastes like na
other soft drink. Pure, wholesome and nutritious.
Bevo the all-yeif'round soft drink.
Sold in bottltt only and bottled axcluMtrely by
Anheuser-Busch St. Louis
Paxton St
Gallagher Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Disf I la! Matinee Today
. The Beautiful Allegorical Play
Which One Shall I Marry?
Would you marry for lova
or money? -
Mat., 25c Nlfhta, 25c to 75c.
Next Sunday "The White Slav.'
DAVH Three Nights, Beg.
Dvl U Tomorrow, Mat. Sat.
Direct From Casino, New York.
In the Musical Comedy Sensation
"Follow Me"
Prices 50c to $2.00. Mat. 50c to $1.50.
"THE FLAME" comes here
exactly as seen in New York,
"Double Crossed"
Last Timet Today
Foremost Woman Trainer.
- Lesson in Everyday Life.
Comedy Music Mixers.
The Wop and the Cop.
Pathe French Government
Wm. Hodfe'a Greatest Succesa
The Road to Happiness'
"It Takes the Ouch out of Grouch."
Night, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c Mat., 25c to 50c.
Daily Matinees. 2:15; Night. 8:15. This Week
KUBtVllX. witos: B( Only A Co.:
' '- Discing Tjrtlli: Dirto A
. Rltlts: Orghtaa Traml Wstlily.
Prim: MstiaM, Gallsry. 10c: Ben Seats (exesst
Satirday as Suassy) c; NljhU, IOc.2X.60e
ase lie.
OUf. 494.
Daily Mats., 15-25-BOc
Even'fs, 2S-50-75c-$l
Strictly Uo-To-Dstt Are The
great cast and beauty chorus in tha two
act melange, "O. K.-K. O."
Sit. Mat. 4 Wk. Bea Welch (Hlaeelf) 4 His Shew.
Last Times Today
"The Lifted Veil."
M William Desmond
M "The Sanghaied Jepah"
El Keystone,-'' m
fyl Coming: ( i
M "The Honor System" Q
Last Times Today
The Bee
Is the Reliable
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