Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1917, Image 1

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Omaha; Daily
VOL. jSLVU. NO. 98.
O Tralm, it Hottli,
News Studt. its.. So.
i ii
New Offensive Is Launched On Wide Front With Deter
mination To Cut Lille-Ostend Road and Force De-,'.-
cision Before Cold Weather Sets In; Assault
Opens Before Daybreak.
Husband Protests Innocence of
Blond Mate Sued for $25,
, 000 by Mrs. Dorothy
T. Hale. '
, (By Associated Press.)
" Before dawn yesterday, in a driving rain, across a shell
torn field, deep with mud from weeks of stormy weather and
covered with German dead from week's fighting, the British
forces under General Haig' launched a new attack.
e; ..ij. ........ 1.. :,... lb l.f nfv
their British comrades, the French
-opened a new offensive over a section
which has been comparatively quiet
for several weeks.
British and French official reports
state that both actions are progress
ing "satisfactorily. The indications
are that the new allied drive will de
velop into a final thrust across the
Lille-Ostend road, cutting off the
main line of communication and sup
plies from Germny to the bases on
the Belgian coast.
Paris, Oct. 9. French troops on
the Belgian front at 5:30 this morn
ing attacked in conjunction with the
British army the German positions
south of the forest of Houtholst, be
tween Draibank and Weindendreft.
The French official statement issued
this afternoon says that the struggle
is continuing and is developing fa
vorably for the, French arms.
London, Oct. 9. The British at
tacked on a wide front northeast and
east of Ypres this morning, the war
office announced.
,.j Satisfactory progress is, being made
'everywhere. The attack, the state
ment says, was. made "in conjunction
with our allies." , ' '''
The British have pushed back the
Germans through Poelcapelle and are
fightingin the eastern outskirts of the
city ahout a large brewery.
Justnorth of Broodseinde, at Diasy
wood, the Germans held out strongly.
The British surrendered ' the -wood
and hot fighting followed.
At many places the French and
British have advanced to a depth of
1,200 yards or more.
The attackers pushed forward a con
siderable distance down the slopes of
Broodseinde ridge to the lower
ground. -
The British statement says:
"At 5:20 o'clock this morning we
again attacked on a wide front east
and northeast of Ypres in conjunc
tion with our allies on our left Re
ports indicate that satisfactory prog
ress is being made on all part of the
battlefront. The weather continues
From Dominating Heights.
The new British drive is being made
in the same region as the attack qf
Ust Thursday, one of the most suc
ssfut British efforts of the war. On
that day the Germans were expelled
from high ground along the ridge
east ef Ypres, giving the British
dominating positions of great strate
gic importance. The wedge in the
Germans' line has been driven so deep
that with the high ground lost, their
position has been made most unfavor-
(Contlnoed oa Page Two, Column Ow.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
Temperature! at Oma.ia Yenterdaj. -
S i. m..
a. m..
1 a. m..
- g a. m..
a. m.
10 a. m..
11 a. m,.
12 m
2 p. m..
t p. m..
4 p. m..
5 p. m. .
C p. ni..
7 p. in..
8 p. m..
.. 45
.. 45
.. 46
.. 41
.. 63
.. it
.. 64
.. (5
.. 65
.. 5
.. 84
.. 4
.. 68
.. 56
Coin para tire local Record.
- 1917 1916 1915 1914
Highest yesterday.... 66 66 65 . 76
Lovnt vfntarrtuv 44 44 34 60
Mean emoernture 65 69 44 65
Precipitation 00 00 00 ' .43
Temperature and precipitation departure
irora tbe normal at Om na since uarcn i,
and comiutrcd with th last two oeara:
Normal temperature . . &8
Deficiency for the day 3
Total deficiency since March 1 .231
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day .07 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 20.70 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.94 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1916. .11.46 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1315.. l.M inches
Reports From Stations at 7 F. M.
k' at Ion and a' ' Temp,
of weather. T p. m.
Cheyenne, clear ES
Davenport, Rain . 46
Den ver, clear 64
Des Moines, cloudy,.,.. 64
Dodge . City, clear 68
Lander, clear. 68
North Plattee, clear ,. 68-
O taha, clear 6
Publeo, clear 66
High- Rain-
eat, fall,
Rapid City, clear .... 62
Salt Lake, clear ...... 70
Santa Fe, clear 66
Sheridan, clear 60
8iou City, pt, cloudy.. 60
Valentine, clar 64
T 1 at
William S. Rowe, who together
with his wife, Blanche Maxwell Rowe,
were sued for $2J,000 in district court
yesterday by Mrs. Dorothy T. Hale,
declared he would stick by her and
fight the charge that she alienated
the affections of Hugh W. Hale, gen
eral yardmaisr for the Northwestern
railroad in Omaha. " '"
Mm. Hale sav Mrs. Rowe stole
he husbaad. ?aw5y from-JwrteMtdinvsntion-'
charges Mr. Rowe, .wire- cruet Jor tne
Postal Telegraph company, aided her
in the alleged "scheme."
Merely a Friend.
"I know my wife is iifnocent and I
will stick by her m this fight," says
Rowe. "Hale is a friend of ours but
he's nothing but sr friend to my wife."
The railroad man is living in the
Rowe home, 1922 Locust 'street. Mr.
Rowe says he came there at his'invi
taon when the Hales separated.
Rowe charges that Mrs. Hale' is
trying to break up the friendship be
tween him and his wife and the rail
road man by dragging Mrs. Rpwe's
name into court
Refers to Suit.
The 'Postal company wire chief
said he would let the divorce suit of
the Hales, which is pending in dis
trict court, bear witness to whether
Mrs. Rowe or Mrs, Hale "alienated"
the railroad man's affections.
r , . ... t,.J
Mrs. nowe, wno is a siriKing diohq,
is prominent in Eastern Star and
lodge circles. '
Mrs. Hale has been living in the
Angelus apartments since she and her
husband separated
Mrs. Rowe Says Blackmail.
Mfs. Rowe denies the allegations
contained in Mrs. Hale's petition. She
declares that she never was with Mr.
Hale except with the consent of her
husband; that the families have been
friends for years and that until the
serpent tongues of gossips unjustly
I .L ' C If TT 'l .
arouseu inc jea.ousy oi Airs, rxaie
(Continued on Page Ten, Column One.)
Mother Breaks Down When
Shown Little Garments Worn
' by Child When Stolen
From His Crib., Oct. 9. J. Holland
Keet, father of Lloyd, the first wit
ness in the trial of Claude B. Piersol,
charged with kidnaping Baby Lloyd
Keet of Springfield, recited in detail
the developments of the case from
the time he and Mrs. Keet left the
house to attend a dance at the Coun
try club, to the finding' of the -baby's
body. He identified all the letters of;
fered by the state as having been re
ceived by him from the kidnapers.
, Tears came to the father's eyes
when he was asked to state if he had
seen "Buddy" again after he kissed
him in his crib before leaving for the
dance. Keet, sobbing, said he never
saw his baby again till the body was
brought to the home from an under
taking establishment.
Mother Breaks Down.
The testimony given by Mrs. Keet
was much the same as that of her
husband. When Prosecutor O'Day
picked up a large bundle and began
unwrapping the apparel which was
about her baby when he was stolen
from his crib, Mrs. Keet broke down
and sobbed. It was the first time she
had seen the little shirt, blanket and
shawl since ' the night she kissed
"Buddy to sleep,
" Admits German Story Fake.
i,?aul N. O'Day, prosecutor at the
trial V Claude J. Piersol, charged
with kidnaping Baby Lloyd Keet of
Springfield, in his opening statement
here today, declared that Piersol had
admitted to Samuel Allender, chief of
detectives at St. Louis, and to O'Day
that the elaborate story he had told
when first arrested of being an agent
of the Gertnan government was pure
The ' prosecutor stated that wit
nesses would-how that a short time
before the kidnaping of the Keet baby
Piersol and his alleged band frequent
ly had been seen m the neighborhood
of true Keet residence; that all of them
were armed and carried -masks and
frequently stationed an automobile at
a convenient point nearby.
Tried to Secure Aid.
Mr. O'Day declared the, testimony
would indicate that Taylor B. Adams,
who also is charged with the Keet kid.
naping, haq approached. persons in
Greene and Christian counties,. offer
ing them sums of money to engage in
kidnaping projects. These personi
would be used as witnesses, the state's
attorney declared.
The testimony would indicate, Mr.
O'Day continued, that about the 18th
or 19th of March, Piersol and his
companions were stationed in auto
mobiles across the street from the
Keet home, and that on being asked
what their purpose was, that Piersol
replied: "By G , we are going to
get the Keet baby." - The prosecutor
then declared that on the day the
baby was stolen, Piersol and Cletus
Adams went to the Keet home to de
liver a package addressed to W. R.
Woleg, "well knowing that this was
the Keet home, inasmuch as Cletus
had delivered a package to the same
place the day before."
Went to Country Club First.
The statement related that two cars
were driven to the Country club,
(Continued bn Pago Two, Column Three.)
Batle Line From Which A Hies
New Offensive in Flanders Opened
1 J f FXvV v 7 1 - I
.j. i. ii wmwmmmm ' ir Of" MtCES
loosen Up arf
seems Jarlt and Jreartj,
You way iielp lo mh it ciieeryi i
You don't need a maic mni
5usi loosen up, ani luu a W.
Help ourlTroewtn ikit jiffi
ForwJIalis only just atl rtfiij
Help em out "across IRe pond
Just loosen upland tuyabond.
i iSpread 1ie wotL jrow sea to sea
lhat you believe, in liberty j
Of notin else are you so jbnd
5ust loosen tip, and. buy a bond '
Do your bit! just like a man ; -Do
trie v?ry best you can; '
Help our bogs"acro5S te pond
3ust loosen up, and buy a bond
1 . ; '
U A. WELSH, Uetaoroloclst.
Wattles Considers Starting
Bakery to Self New, Bread
at Five Cents a Loaf;
Gives Recipes.
Oatmeal bread so delighted the
taste of G. W. Wattles, state food ad
ministrator, when he tried it for
breakfast vesterrfa'v llint- li Ar.
clared he would establish a bakery
nimseit in Umaha to bake this bread
if the existing bakeries did not begin
putting it on the market very soon.
This is wheatless day. Mr. Wattles
observed it by eating for his break
fast oatmeal bread and rice and corn
cakes. , ,
More Palatable Than Wheat.
"I was surprised to find how. good
this oatmeal bread is," said Mr. Wat
tles. "I got the recipe of Mrs. H. C.
Sumney. It is much cheaper than
white bread and is more palatable. 1 1
am convinced that one could put in a
bakery and sell a big loaf for 5 cents
and make a good profit besides. The
cost is only half the cost of white
Here are the recipes for the oatmeal
bread, and also fnr the rir
cakes, both of which so delighted the
state food administrator at his first
wheatless breakfast:
Oatmeal Bread.
Pour four cups boiling water over
four CUDS oatmeal! et rnnt. AHH nn.
cake yeast foam or compressed yeast
soaked in one-quarter cup luke warm
water lor the dry yeast one hour;
one or two .cups white flour, or
enousrh to make" a soft snnncre- let risr
over . night; in the morning add two
taDiespoons ot melted lat, seven and
three-quarters cups bread flour, one
third cun brown giicar. nne tpastmnn
salt; let rise when light make into
loaves, when doubled in bulk bake one
hour andJifteen" minutes.
One cun of hoilpd r'icf. half run
cornmeal; pour enough boiling water
on tne meal to make it sott, let stand
until cool; add one-half cup white
flour and enough milk to make a soft
batter, one-half teaspoon salt, yolks of
three eggs, one teaspodn baking pow
der, whites of eggs beaten stiff.
Would Suspend.
Schools of States
For Corn Husking
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 9. A plan to
dismiss all Nebraska schools, includ
ing the state university, for a period
of three weeks during cornhusking
time, was discussed tonight in a meet
ing called by W. H. Gustafson. presi
dent of the Nebraska Farmers' union.
It was proposed to start the recess
the last Friday in October and to
eliminate the holiday vacations.
The boys would be able to go into
the. fields and husk Nebraska's great
corn crop, which exceeds last year's
by about 2,000,000 acres, and . the
girls could do patriotic work, or fill
the. vacancies left in , the cities by
men "attracted to the fields by the
large wages offered.
Preliminary Parliament With
draws Air Demands on Pro
visional Government and
New Cabinet Called. ,
Petrograd, Oct. 9. The provisional
government apparently has won a
complete victory over the preliminary
parliament, an outgrowth of the
democratic congress. r M. Tseretelli,
one of the leaders of the parliament,
yesterdr.y informed Premier Keren
sky that the parliament had with
drawn all its dpniands that the gov
ernment be responsible to it and had
acceded to the government's - plan
that the parliament act merely in an
advisory legislative capacity.
The parliament has been christened
officially as the "temporary council oi
the Russian republic" and will sit until
the1 constituent assembly convenes. It
has been agreed that "the 'Council
shall have a right to put questions,
but not demands; to initiate legisla
tion) on state questions and to de
liberate on measures which the gov
ernment lays before it."
Premier Kerensky yesterday of
ficially informed all those selected last
Thursday of their appointment to the
new coalition cabinet.
M. Masloff, who was offered the
ministry of agriculture, declined on
the ground, that the interests of the
present party required his attention.
M, Skobeleff, Kerensky's choice for
minister of labor, has not decided
whether he1 will accept.
I The coalition cabinet selected in
Tetrograd last Thursday follows:
Premier A. F. Kerensky.
Minister of Foreign Affairs M. I. T
restchpnko. Minister of the Intcrlpr M. Nlkltin.
Minister of Agriculture M. MasloU. .
Minister of Labor M. Skobeleff.
Minister of Buppllts M. i'rokopovltch.
Minister of Finance M. Dernatzky.
Minister of Religion M. Kartasheff.
Minister of Public Welfare M. Klshkln.
Minister of Trade and , .industry A. I.
Konnvalnff. '
State Controller M. Rmymoff.
Minister of Justice M. Malysntovltch.
Minister of Education M. Sulaskln.
President of the j Equmenlcal Council M.
Tretyakoff. j "
Minister of War-General Verkhovsky.
Minister of Marlnf Admiral Verdervskl.
The constitutional' ''("mocratic party
is represented by Ki !:in, Konovaloff
and Smvrnoff.
Meet Strikers' Demands.
The railway men's strike has caused
the government to decide to grant the
increased' wages demanded fts from
September 1. This will necessitate an
(Continued on Page Hit, Column Fire.)
Sharp Reduction in '
Price of Provisions
Chicago, Oct.- Sharp reductions
in the cost, of provisions came about
today largely as a consequence' of
government action to put an end to
speculation in cottonseed oil and be
cause - of gossip that moves would
follow tocut down prices of corn and
The biggest setback in 'values was
in pork, which at one time showed
an overnight fal. of $1.90 a barrel,
January delivery.
Opening Subtcriptioni Total $7,758,550 With Several '
. Large Concerns Yet To Report; Enthusiasm 8
Runs High As Patriotic Omahans
Respond To Appeals.
With several of the big concerns in Omaha not yet ready
to announce their full Liberty Bond subscription at the opening
mass meeting at the Commercial dub .Tuesday noon, those
present nevertheless subscribed for a total of $7,758,550 of the
O Th Smith Omaha T.lve Stack ex.
change, the Union Pacific railway and
several other large conoerni, it was
announced, were unable to get their
figures ready ! to 1 be announced at
this-meeting, but gave assurance that
they were' coming with substantial
subscriptions in due time. .
Enthusiasm ran high. John L." Ken
nedy as chairman, could hardly keep
pace with the subscriptions as they
were announcer.
Raise Nearly $8,000,000
at th Commercial Club.
The following subscriptions were
announced at noon at the Commer
cial club:
Armour & Company $
Metropolitan Water District
Packers' National Bank!...
Mr, Coad
Stock Yards National Bank.
Standard Oil, Nebraska....
Fairmont Creamery
I. H. Rushton
C. B. & Q. R. R
Building and . Loan Associa-
, ,!am f-m. 4 1AA AAA!
mvn, viimua i,uu,uuiaa
- T1 ,v . n I
Boy Scouts (subscribed) 18,000
JJaniBh Brotherhood of
'America 15,000
woman's Comlt'tee, Omaha ' 42,100
Am. Smel. & Ref. Co 100,000
Merchants' National Bank.. 300,000
Members Grain. Rxchsnge.r '102,000
Jay Burns Bakery.;....,.. 10,000
Iter) Biscuit Co 25,000
Newman Brokerage Co.... . 1,000
Carpenter Paper Co... ...... 25,000
McCofd-BjrSdy ' 30,000
Paxton , ft Gallagher , 50,000
Sheridan Coal Co., 50.000
John . A. Monroe 50,000
John A. Cayers............ 25,000
Beebe & Runyon - 10,000
O'Brien Co. 5,000
R. B. Bush , 10,000
Realtors of Omaha 313,000
Omaha National bank .... 500,000
Guarantee' FUnd Life In
surance Co. 50,000
Peters. Trust Co.. 50,000
Omaha Street Railway. ... 50,000
Rotary club members , 36,000
G. W. Wattles , 50,000
J. L. Brandeis & Sons.... 50,000
Met Brothers 25,000
Omaha Fire Ins, Ex 25,000
M. . E. Smith Co. and Bur
gess-Nash . . . . . . . ........ 100,000
Live Stock National bank.. 200,000
Nebraska' National bank. . . . 150,000
Corn Exchange Nat Bank.. 150,000
State Bank of Omaha.... ' 100,000
American State bank ..... . 25,000
Union State bank 25,000
United States Nat. bank. . . . 500,000
Woodmen of the World.. 510,000
Fairbanks-Morse ft Co.... 5,000
Neb. Moline Plow Co 2,000
Wright & Wilhelmy ...... MO.OOO
William Newton 5,000
Mr. and MrsA. A. Schenck 6,500
T. E. Stevens 10,000
Byrne ft Hammer Co..... 25,000
W. D. McHugh 10,000
John L. Kennedy 10,000
H. H. Baldrige 10,000
Capt. H. M. Baldrige...... 1,000
First National bank -500,000
Lee-Coit-Andreesea 10,000
Union Stock Yards Co. .... 100,000
Thos. Kilpatrick Co. ...... 10,000
E. H. Benner ...' 2.000
Paxton ft Vierling 6,000
Live Stock Traders' Ex..... 10,000
Hayward Bros- Shoe Co.. 5,000
W. W. Baughan 1,000
lone C. Duffy 700
Marion Howe 1,000
City Hall 15,000
o Vinci ' 100
Irs. Joe Vinci . .. 56
Joe Camalattl 50
Associated Charities ....... 50
H. Grossv... . .'. '. .. '500
I. C. Buffington '5,000
Jacob Morris,. N. Y. - 3,000
Martin-Cott Hat Co ; 5,000
Isaac Conicky Hat Co 5,000
Simon Bros Co 2,000
iames T. Walker 10,000
-ieut. Mons Burn 500
Commercial club 2,000
Chief Henry W. Dunn.... 500
E. F. Howe. 1,000
Jesse McNish 2,000
Francis A. Brogan ' 1,000
(Contfr.ued on rage Sll, Column Tbree.)
Commercial Conference ,
6f Allies Opens in Paris
Paris, ' Oct. 9. The council' of thp
interparliamentary commercial con
ference of. the allies began a three
dayssession herd yes(erday to ex
amine suggestions for economic meas
ures to be submitted to the general
interparliamentary conference of the
allies,-which is to meet in London.
Delegates are present representing
Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy,
Portugal, Roumania and Serbia,
The highest amount announced. was
that of the building and loan associa- ,
tions of Omaha, which concerns .
jointly subscribed $1,200,000. . .
V V V aiwwa ) was
, The largest subscription of any one '
concern was that of the Woodmen of
th WrtrtH i "f ; uia niirtinr!7r) in
come here and subscribe as much as
any one corporation in Omaha would
subscribe, said Sovereign Comman- .
der W. A. Fraser. "Now I have lis-
tencd for while and I am not only: -
going to equal' tjie largest; but have. .
decided to go them one better. I will .
subscribe for the Woodmen of the
World,. $510,000." , v v "
It was antMHine44hat the Boy
Scouts of Omaha already have sub- '
scrlptioits signed tip for $18,000, and
their drive had uot yetlcommenced -officially.
, , : :tr':, '
''Ji-Fi Let toi; for th Hotel Men's -association
announced a total of $50,- 4
500 from the various hotels. ' t J
! Frank H. Myers for. the Omaha
Real Estate board, announced sub-
scription from individual realtors ;
thus far totalling $313,000.' ,! w ..
From the members of the Rotary
club came a subscription of $36,000. ' .
; Captain and Private Subscribe ;
. II.. if. Baldrige announced his sub- j
scription of , $10,000 arid then an- ,
nounced the subscription -of his son
Captain Malcolm Baldrige of the ar- ,
tillery, $1,000.- Thf; captain's' sub
scription was loudly cheered.
John R. Webster followed by sub
scribing $5,000 for ' himself, and an- f
other $5,000 for his son, John Potter
Webster, who, he said, "Is a private
in the army." , " 1 '
"Three cheers for John . Potter '
Webster," shouted Chairman Kent '
nedy, "and three cheers again f6r him
for being a private," and the crowd
whooped in voluminous unison. " 1
; W. A. Fraser subscribed $2,500 for
each of his two little , sons, W. A.
Fraser, jr., and T. ,E. Fraser. t
Mayor James C. Dahlman an
nounced $15,000 subscribed , by , the
"city hall officials and employes.
; Cadet laylor announced a $100 sub- .
scription for his grandson, Wallace.
Cadet Taylsr, jr., aged 1 year, born
in the Philippines, "and a private in
the army," joked; Mr. Taylor. The -'
father of Wallace Cadet Taylor is an
officer in the army, j :
The siren whistle began to shriek
at 12:55, and scores of other whistles - ;
and automobile horns threw in their ;
discordant notes to tell the metropolis 7
that the campaign' is ' oh the cam-' '
paign in which every loyal citizen is :
expected to loan what money he can -to
help feed and clothe the soldiers
of liberty. . . 1
For five minutes' the shrieking and-",
honking continued, and then John L-i'
Kennedy arose to preside 'over the :
meeting at the club rooms. Y
Subscriptions Com Fast. r b J - '
When he asked for subscriptions,
business men leaped to their feet in
various sections of tlfe room, eager to
record the subscriptions they or their
business firm would make to' the big'
loan. It kept a number of clerks busy
tabulating the figures, for they .came
thick ana fast. -
Last night at 8 o'clock -.William J. '
Bryan spoke at ' the Auditorium in ;
the interest of the- Liberty bonds. A t
big mass meeting was? held there,' '
where, everyone was welcome afl4 '
where no admission was charged,-
Mr: Bryan arrived- irom Lincoln-" "
at 6 o'clock over the Burlington.' -He -was
met at the, station by, a recep-
tion committee of the; local Liberty. :
loan committee. - . ' . ; , i ;.' ,
The doors of the Auditorium
opened at 7. At 7:30 the patriotic-
singing, and the - patriotic music
started. O. ' T. Eastman v led ' the,
audience in the patriotic songs. ' "
, T. C. Byrne, general state chairman
of the Liberty ' loan ' drive, presided" '
and Introduced Mr. Bryan. ' " .'-" - "
The subscription of $400,000 by the
Burlintgon railroad was its total sub
scription for the corporation in ' Ne- ,
braska. The sum of $150,000 will be
accredited to the Omaha drive and
the rest to other portions of the state, ,