2 B JMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 7, 1917. jjjinnti3m0;-, nutr tarn r m b v m SlfttrlJliirlBirfWIOTaA v4 ' What is Going On in Society Circles Cntlnord froir Pag On.) Clarke, and Mr. Clarke. Mrs. Squires has opened her house on Thirty-ninth and Harney and expects Mr. and Mrs. Clarke to be with her 'or Christmas. They are still at their icuntry place. Villa Belvedere, but a ill be at the St. Regis in New York his winter. Miss Gertrude McCarthy returns to ' hicago this evening. Miss Margaret Sunderland, the guest f Miss Helen Murphy, returned Mon- i.iy evening to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Connell and i eir daughter, Mrs. E. A. Creighton, mid children, arrived home Wednes day from Atlantic City. Miss Gertrude Miller of Kearney and Miss Helen Bushnel! of Fremont were two of the out-of-town guests at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. They will be the guests of Miss Florence Nason for several days. Pre-Nuptial Affair. Miss Bess Watson and Harriet Morse entertained Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Watson, for Miss Myrtle Dutcher, whose wedding to Lewis Anderson will take place Wed nesday evening at Clifton Hill Pres byterian church, and at which tirm Miss Watson will be bridesmaid. Th rooms were decorated in pink am' white. The following were present. Philadelphia Girl Re visits Former Home MlNK-ll Myrtle Dutcher Mary Punn Grace Relff Harriet Moras Helen Hlcke Wataon . Esther Chrtstoph- .!ilnnia Ocll Maa-nuaoa Cheater Dutcher Jay Mu3taln . J. Dutcher Mlm-a Verda Darby Myrtle Vawter Beth Putchar Ethel Vawter Ruth Dutcher Dorothy Dunn Katharine Dutcher ' Meadamea- Roy Straw R. O. Wataon Jamei Watson Mr. Vierlin Entertains. Mr. A; J. Vierling entertained at luncheon at the Blackstone. Covers were laid for the following: Meed me Mesdame U K. Korty, 3. R. McDonald, C. J. Vlerltna ' Ellen Bentley. of Chicago; . Mmrs. Meeara. .' Frank Vlerllnir,. A. J. Vlerllnr, , Miss Elisabeth McDonald. . , Master nobert, VieHnv i - Events of Past Week.' Mrs. F. J. Melchoirs gave a dinner party in honor of her guest, Miss Cora Schafroth Krueger of Columbus, Ifeb., Friday afternoon. The guests were: . 1 j, Mlaaea- ..M "VT"u Cora Schafroth v Marl Dunham Krueger . ' Kat Truworth Charlotte Jenkins Eleanor Fruworth s Melcholr Mart Berg Ana Schonlait '. ' , ( Miss Mabel Graham, assisted by the Missej Niedermeyer, entertained at a farewell party in honor of Mr. George E. Graham, who left Saturday morning for Camp Funston. The house . was beautifully decorated in flags. An original patriotic game was played, the prize .being won by 'Mr. R. J. McLean. The guests included: Mr. arid Mr. Jaolt Oberreuten Mr. and Mr. R. f. McLean. . .. ?. Mint Mlaana . Margaret Englleh, Mary English, Ma Howard, Margaret Hunt.' Catherine Dunnlfan, Sara CMien, Alio Punnlgan Clair Try. Roe Oorman. , Jvlta Howard, Mary Mcaellltrott. Madje Howard, Phllomena Oorman. ' Carrie Niedermeyer, Elliabeth Halt, . ' Meaera, , John Oorman, , William Hall, .John Long, Lawnnc Hunt. Lieutenant Bredbeck, Bara Niedermeyer, Mabel Oraham. Meaar. Jocph Oorman, Jamea Englleh, Gaorg E. Graham, Dr. Nath. Benson t Social Gossip Mrs. F. Lv Bumpus has 'returned from a summer's stay on a ranch in Wyoming. 'J ' - Sirs. M. C Berry is spending a : few. days visiting Prof, and Mrs. Anderson of the state university in Lincoln, prior to her trip to the coast, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. F. S. Trullinger will be hos tess for the Loyal Woman's circle at her home Thursday. Carl Jacobson . will entertain the Augustina Luther ' league,. Tuesday evening at his home in West Benson. A son w born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald ; Tracy ' last Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. William .Scull mo tored here from 'St, Joseph to spend the week-end at the C Stiger home. Andrew Nelson, Blair, and Miss Edith ' RicUter, South Dakota, were married Monday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Crews, Rev. Mr. Crews officiating. The young ' couple will live near Blair. . Mrs.. J. S. Marshall has gone on a visit to her parents in Indiana. Mrs. B. Kist, who has been a guest at the J. L. Carbaley home, left Thursday ' for her home in Seattle, Wash.-.- :v-,. .v ... . . .. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Wulff enter tained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. H. C Blaco of Kennard, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sowards. , ? Paul Roth, Tekamah, spent last week, at the Gorton Roth home. Mr.. J. Orindulph spent Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Horton. v Mrs. C C Belding of Wyoming has arrived to spend the winter at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. D. Dickonsen. The Woman's club will give a mus ical program at the meeting Thurs day at the home of Mrs. J. W. Welch. Harold Grove, a former Benson boy, has won distinction as a foot ball player at Weslyan. Mrs." Carl Liljenstolpe of Scotts Bluff, is a guest at the home of Mr. Mrs. K. Liljenstolpe. . Mrs. C E. Temple. Lincoln, spent last . week visiting Mrs. C. P. Mc pherson. : . Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Shelley have re turned from a two months' stay in r the east ' '' v ..... Andrew Morton visited last week at his parents home, returning Wednes day to Sharon Springs. Kan. .' - Mrs. John Daniehon will be hostess for the Angustina Ladies' Aid society Thursday. J .. ! . Mrs. R. L. Pennington, Lincoln, is isitinjf at the V. Kenny home. Mrs. M. C Berry will renresent the local Women's Christian Temperance m ..... .r .: ? s w f telegram announcing the serious ill ness of his mother, Mrs. L. Boyer. formerly of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Lincoln, was the week-end guest of Mrs. O. Carlson. Miss Eva Wedmore, Central Park, has been the guest the last month of P. J. Traber and family. The homes of John Inda, Rassmus near his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Conn. . . .. Mrs. G!en Gerkin gave a dinner Fri day in honor of her mother, Mrs. M. Potts, who left that evening to spend the winter in Los Angeles. Those present were Mesdames George Nick lin, H. Stewart, J. Gilmore and Mrs. S. Jones. Mrs. Frank CocVayne enterta;ned sen and S. Sorrensou have been at dinner Wednesay for her aunt, Mrs ft-A .0X0 V union as delegate to the state con vention in Lincoln. Mrs. K. L. Liljenstolpe entertain ed at a family dinner Sunday. Coven were laid for eight guests'. Among those having outf-town guests last week were: V. Kenny, E. M. Cook, J. Speedie, A. C Lessard, D. S. Williams, B. M. Babeock, G. W. Sowards and J. Roshone ' South Side Social Gossip Miss Caroline Carlson has gone to St. Paul, Minn., where she will attend college this year. t Everet Bloom of Wausau,' Neb., has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Her bert Lind. Mesdames Berry, Ilannlng and Wells will attend the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union convention in Lincoln this (week. , Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hoye of Jamaica, JN'eb., and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tate of Lincoln were the'house guists of Mr, and Mrs. John Wells this week. ' .. , ' A daughter was. born this week at the home of Mr.'" and' Mrs. Harry Cooler at Indianapolis. Mrs. Cooler was formerly Miss Hattie Steinberg of this city. " ' Mrs. J. C. Considene of Platte Cen ter and Mrs. J. G, Stone of Sutton, Neb., were tfie guests of J. T. Consi dene this week. Miss Katherine Speri was given a delightful surprise party Tuesday evening by a number of her school friends. The occasion was her fourteenth- birthday. The evening was spent with games 'and music, after which a dainty- luncheon was served. Those vresent were;; . ' M ! Mlite . Luolle Conalden. Anna Lyman, Mary Angllum West Ambler Social Activities Miss Marie Carlsen arrived Satur day from western Nebraska to spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. O. Carlson. Charles Pullman, West Omaha, has purchased the F. B. Holbrook home in West Ambler and will take pos session St once. Walter Stultz and Marian Nelson celebrated their seventh birthdays Wednesday. Mrs. Edith Poltu, ' South Dakota, has been the guest of her brother's family, F. C. Poltu. Miss Ella Rogers arrived Tuesday from Waverly to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. William Murray, and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fratt, wife and baby, Norfolk, are guests oj the Gautz and Roessig families. i , Mrs. I. A. Miller was the guest of Mrs..J, W. Russell and son Loyd the week-end. . Mrs. George Davis, who has been visiting in Ohio, was the week-end guest of her brother, J. W. Davis, and family, in East Ambler, leaving for her home in Cheyenne, Wyo., Sun day. Joe Boyer left Tuesday evening for Ridondo Beach. Cal., in response to a brightened by the arrival of sons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stultz and two children returned Thursday from a vis;t with relatives in Qreenfield. la. Mrs. Ed McCreary, Des Moines, ar rived Friday on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson. Mrs. W. Broadhurst. I.ithlridge, Canada, is spending the fall with her niece, Mrs. A. J. Wislu, and other relatives. Julius Roessig, Aurora, 111., was called here by the illness and death of h's brother, Max Roessig, at the family home near Florence. Gus Armburst, wife and daughter. Miss Elizabeth, and sons. Harold and Vernon, of Ralston, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Long. Mrs. M. M. bcott and small son Toe arrived the first of the week on a visit with her sister. Mrs. F. Dunn. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Park Edcar enter tained for dinner Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielsen and daughter Jane. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shenpard. Tacoma. Wash., arrived Thursday from Kan sas City on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. A. L. James. J. II. Dedrickson. who has been spending the summer on his ranch in Custer county, was the week-end guest of W. A. Webber and family. leaving Saturday tor his winter home in Rrooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Ed Marshall was called to Norfolk Monday to help wait on her aged grandfather, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Thed Smith. West Side. returned Tuesday from Columbia City, lnd., where they were visiting rela tives. John Allioth autoed here Wednes day from Sioux City to spend a few lays with his brother, Alex Allioth, at the J. W. Russell home. Mrs. J. W. Blitsch. Buckingham, la., arrived Saturday to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thayer. E. F. Miller, who has been a resi dent of West Ambler this summer, has taken the former J. Hart home in t.ckerman. S. A. Holbrook, Denver, Colo., has been visiting home folks the .last week. " , George Conn and family moved to Omaha from, Papillion Monday to be Will am Vickers, West Side, and her cousin. Mrs. W. Broadhurst, Canada Park Edgar was re-elected superin tendent of the Jenhings Sundays-' -ol Tues.'ay evening, Hans Nielsen as sistant superintendent, F. E. Jensen treasurer and Ralph Gautz organist. Mrs. Wilmer R. Blackett gave a party Monday evening in honor of her daughter's, Miss May, twelfth birthday. The following were pres en: Misses Frances Bollman, Virginia Lightcan. Cecil Potter, Ruth Ham mond. Margaret Lelash, Helen and l ily Sydow and Messrs. Fred and Vernon Bollman, Joe Hixon. LIP READING For th allghtty r totally deaf adult. For Particular Addrea. EMMA B. KESSLER NO. 4. FLO-LES APTS. -Corner 20th St. and Capitol Ae. I I Talented Pianist Plays Duot All by Hsrsslf Ursella G. Deitrick, talented pianist who has played in American cities from SanFrancisco to Bar Harbor, gave some remarkable demonstrations with the Artapola at Hospc'sNast week. Miss ' Deit rick, possessing a finished techni que herself, alternates her own play irrg with that of the automatically modulated playing of the mechanical ly operated piano in such if way that the two are not distinguishable. Miss Deitrick performs the para doxical feat of playing a duet with herself. This is made possible by the fact that as an accomplished pianist she has been selected to play several selections,- including Chopin's "Bal lade" and the "Invitation to the Dance," by Weber-Welagarten, for the recording devices producing the Artapola rolls. Miss Deitrick is a clever and very -successful entertainer and will play at several concerts" and musicales in Omaha this fall. Baptist Missions Official To Talk Before Omaha Women Mrs. Luella P. Ford of Chicago, national president of the . Woman's American Baptist Home Mission so ciety, will talk to the Baptist women of Omaha at the Immanuel Baptist church, Twenty-fourth and Pinkney streets, on October 12. A reception will follow the address, when local mission, enthusiasts will have an op portunity to. meet Mrs. Ford. Face Wrinkled? Complexion Sallow? Then Why Not Treat Your Skin As Beautiful French Women Do? Pari i Science has discovered that faded, mottled, aged-looVlne complexions can be vir tually renewed merely through the combined application of warm water and roeeated cream by a new process called (kin osmosis. Th warm water softens th rough skin cuticle and open the pore ' 10 a to induce th absorption of th cream. Soseated cream not only help to remove the half-dead skin aoales so that the fresh, soft, beautiful sk'n from underneath may take its place, but it possesses the valuable prtmerty of revitalis ing the tissue and producing akin osmosis,. which gives to the complexion a most aston ishingly clear, youthful appearance. Thus do famous actresses preserve the rare beauty of their complexions, and if you were to p-y hundreds of dollars for expensive treatment you probably would not be anything like as well off as by using this simple horn recipe. Try it tonight. Merely wt-sh your face with dear, warm water and rub in a teaspoonful of roseated cream (which can be obtained from druggists) ; wipe the face and apply roudre retalias a very fine complexion powder prepared especially for shiny noses and bad complexions'? If your face is badlv wrinkled, get a box of Japanese Ice Pencil to use in connection with the roseated cream and you should get quick action on even the deepest wrinkle. Many a wrinkled, hollow cheeked, careworn looking woman has in this way btniahed every aoMDlexion blemish and unsightly mark of age and marvelously in- creased ner beauty, while others by faUing to supply their skin with what it needed have lost their beauty beyond recall. NOTE Creme Tokalon Roseated and the other articles mentioned in the beauty re cipe above are inexpensive, and the manu facturers guarantee success from their use or -refund the price paid. They are supolied in this eity by Sherman ft Mcponnell Drug Co., Green's Pharmacy, Brandeis Stores, Richardson Drug Co., Hayden Bros. Jeanett Vail Katherln prl . Esther Olddlng, . Messrs. Jamea Donahue, Francis Conslden. William Tatar, Francis McDonald, Elisabeth Speri Messrs. ' Bernard Coyl. John Roncha, Albert Zlger, John 8prt. 'Miss Kathaleen Shea of Columbus. Neb., was guest of Miss Ljicile Consi dene this week. . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barta entertained Sunday evening in honor of James Barta and John Krajick, who left Wednesday for Camp Funston. The evening was spent with games and musia, followed by refreshments. 1 hose .present were Mlssei Mathilda Paltk, Ma Kudna, Anna Vana. 'ary Smith, Pauline Smith, Bens Krajick, Messrt. James KoMnarnik, Joe Krajick, Steven Lessick, John Svague, Mlaar Llbhy Maeejaka, Mary Korlnarnlk, Prances Barta, Agne Barta, Mary Barta. ' Mer. Jame Kopesky, Thomas Holmes, Frank Barta, Harold Wright. Mr. Joseph KraJci "and daughter, Tillie, of Schuyler, Neb., are guests at the home of J. L, Barta. The wedding of Miss Ines Lovejoy, daughter of Mrs, M. E. Lovejoy, and Lawrence J. Connor occurred at St. Peter's church Monday, Rev. Father Stetson officiating., The attendants were Miss Mary Connor and Charles Lovejoy. The wedding was followed by a family breakfast at the home of the bride's mother. The young people have cone to Colorado for a rfhort trip and will make their home in Umaha on their return October 10. Valuable Paintings Run by th3 Submarinss R. McClannahan of Tecumseh, Neb., has recently purchased two oil paintings by the Enplish artist R. Watson valued at $400 each and a mezzotint by listed possessing re markable qualities of perspective and tone coloring. "These pictures were brought through the submarine blockade from England at a time when the submarines were doing their worst," said Mr. Hospe at whose tore the three paintings are now on exhibition. ' Superfluous Hair .Sllliracfe 'VC It anlrklT. rtk Mirf.lnf. aureate a rarh package. JBS on lion CORSETS Sack JSacQ or cfront Jface "BUSINESS women, includ 13 ing stenographers, private : secretaries, clerks and all women who work, recognize how all-important it. is to be properly corseted, ' 7:. Sitting at a desk all day requires a ' supple, comfortable corset that does not bind or - pinch; and one that holds the form erect preventing tired bach Standing demands a corset that supports the form, thus eliminating fatigue. BON TON corsets are anatomically correct, being scientifically designed over living forms. --Model 810 combines all the features you expert in a smart corset for average figures. Coutil, white or pink. Price $3.50. Other models for all figures at $3.50, $5,, $6.50, $8 and up. . YOUR DEALER may offer substitutes. Insist upon the genuine "BO?! TON". If he refuses to supply you, write us. Accept no substitutes. . a IMliteslerte 33sr&$ 1621 FARNAM rS ft ft We Must Continue this Sale Monday; Couldn't Do Justice To Everyone Saturday So Come Early and Take Your Choice of All Our New Fall SUITS-CO AT3-DRSSES Priced in Stock at $30, $32.50, $34.50 for $24.75 . Just think what this means stylish New Fall garments priced almost one-third lower at practically the start of the season just when you need them. Snappy stylish suits in the late Fall models; swagger coats in plush arid all the other new cloths; pretty dresses in either silk or serge. We originally intended this sale for one day only, Sat urday, but we're stretching a point and will repeat it for Mon day. Remember, no samples, no odd lots, just garments from our regular stock, up-to-date and new. A Big Sale of New Fall Blouses .Georgette, Crepe de Chine. Any Waist in the house priced up to $6.50 for $4.95 On All Our Better Grade Suits. Coats and DRESSES Priced over $50.00 we offer a reduction of $10.00 Sale on All High Grade Blouses All Waists priced at $7.50 or up 1-5 off SALE FOR MONDAY Petticoats Klosfit and other makes, Taffeta or Jersey Tops. All $5.00 Petticoats $4.25 338ms Co 1621 Famam - WOMEN'S SHOP - 1621 Far nam The Pantorium GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS 1513-1515-1517 Jones Street. OMAHA, NEB. , Dear Madam:, .When you are ready to clean house, let us relieve you of all worry and most of the work. Call Douglas 963 and we will send a man to quote a price for cleaning your Rugs, Cur tains, Draperies, Portieres, Table Covers, Couch Covers, Blankets, Comforts, Pillow Tops and other Furnishings that require CARE and Skill in handling. We will make them clean and sanitary, and as Fresh and Bright Looking as when new, and guarantee satisfaction. Call us when you are ready. It will cost you nothing to get our prices, and you need not send them unless you care to. THE PANTORIUM. a Announcing the BLACKSTONE HOTEL CONCERT SERIES Season 1917-1918 For the Benefit of the i Associated Charities of Omaha To Be Held In The Blackstone Hotel Ball Room on the following dates: ' October 12, 1917 Miss Myrna Shadow Coloratura Soprano (Chicago Grand Opera Company) , November 2, 1917 Oratorio Artists Reed Miller, Tenor. - Nevada Van Der Vere, Contralto. Fred'k. K. Wheeler, Bass, Myrtle Thornburgh, Soprano. November 16, 1917 Merle Alcock, Contralto. Bechtel Alcock, Tenor. (Damrosch Symphony Orchestra Tours.) November 27, 1917 Keller-Thornburgh-Wille Trio Harrison Keller, Violin. Stewart Wille, Pianist. Myrtle Thornburgh, Soprano. April 4, 1918 Alice Nielsen, Lyric Soprano. (Metropolitan Opera Company.) This Series of Concerts, each one of which will b rendered by famous concert artists, will be one of a very few enter tainments of this character to be held in Omaha this winter Admission price, for entire tenet, per person, $6.00. Attendance Limited to 400 Write, call or telephone THE BLACKSTONE Harney 945 or season tickets mey be precnresl at Beaton Drug Store.