Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Att For Ladies' French Kid and Bacmo Gloves 3
that sell regularlv to $2.50. A cash purchase of over 1,500 pairs in j
black, navy blue, canary, tans, pastel and white; plain and fancy
backs. All sizes. Greatest values of the season.
Buy Your Christmas GIotcs Now.
m .
A Satisfied Customer Is Our Best Advertisement
That's the reason we've offered you for the past 30 years
and continue to offer you in greater assortments than ever
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Guaranteed All-Wool Clothes
Quality is the watchword here, always has been, always will
be, and you'll find highest quality
in wnrlrmancl-nn m a f o r i 9 1 Q smfl I i
AAA fV VliUslUilUlllf AAA V V A A V W Ml
styles in th$ splendid Hart Schaffner Ur
& Marx Suits and Overcoats we spe- Jr
cialize in at
The" military trend of fashion is very
pronounced in the new Fall offerings,
and you'll find a separate line of these styles here, also the
more conservative models.
Other Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats to $40.
If you have to pay less than $25, you can not afford to
miss seeing the "
Suits and I1 C
Overcoats at....P U
, .1 1 ,
CosttUW Hut Dobsnw k Ihn
No higher quality materials or workmanship produced anywhere to sell at this
price. Styles to suit and sizes to fit all shapes of men Let us show you the,
best clothes at $15. ' '
: A
A Remarkable Offering of Boys' Suits for Saturday
All broken lines of Boys' Suits that sold up to $8.50, Saturday, at. ... ...... .$6.95
All broken lines of Boys' Suits that sold up to $6.95, Saturday, at . . , . . . . . $4.95
Also a large stock of Boys' Overcoats and Suits, all rich in colors and strong, durable
materials, at ;$5.50 to $12.00;
Interesting Specials
Heavy Fleeced Shlrta and Draw,
era, Jaeger color, any size to
46, Cask Special, each 69
Heavy Fleeced Union Suits,
natural color, any size to 40,
Cash Special ......... 9S
Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers,
natural colors, sizes to 46,
Cash Special, each. . . .$1,75
Heavy Wool Union Suits, form
fitting, warm and durable,
Cash Special $2.50
Men's Heavy Flannel, collar at
tached, over shirts, blue, gray
and tan shades; sizes run to 18
neck, Cash Special. . . .$2.50
Men's Heavy Wool . Sweaters,
shawl collar, rope stitched, col-"
. ors,:. navy, oxford and tan; z
Cash Special .... .... .$2.50 .
Men's Domet Flannel Night
Shirts, extra long nd tfide,
Cash Special ........ $1.00
Greatly Underpriced
Odd lots of silk topped Union
Suits, white and flesh, $1.75
values, cash price. . . .98
All-Wool and Silk and Wool
Union Suits, Saturday, spe
cial ..S1.C8 and $2.50
Several different styles to
select from. , .
IaM Silk and -Wool Vests
and PaTits, aU sizoS, $1.25
Ladies' Medium , Weight or
heavy fleece suits, $1.25
Children's Medium Fleece
Union Suits, Cash Price,
at .........50
House Dregs Aprons, plaids,
checks and fancy stripes,
worth to. $1.25. Cash price,
. s at 70
Ladies' Silk and tSatin Camisoles, all sizes, extra quality,- $2.00
values, Cash Price .98
Ladies' Jersey Knit Skirts, all wool and part wool, worth to
$2.00, at 50 nd 98
V. : ;
Women's Novelty SHlr Hosier! in
all the newest Fall and Winter de
signs and colors, big -sample-lot,
worth up to $2.0J), Our d 1 OE
Cash Price .; ipl.AiO
Women's Fiber and Thread Silk'
. Hose, in all the wanted Colors, with
double sole and high spliced heels;
extra long with flare top; regular
79c values, Cash Price, ,r,C7 -f
Boys' and. Girls' light and medium weight school OOJLr
hose, black and white,' special Cash Price ....... 2
B A f l E I
A Cash Purchase of .
: On sale Saturday, at.1.
yAtVV) AMew V V
values. Tams and hats
; of every description.
Suitable for all ages.
For Particular
We recommend the Stetson Hat
All nobby , and new styles and
colors will be found in our men's
hat section
$4.00 to $7.00
The advantage of early cash
buying still enables us to give
you a $2.00 . hat with the same
quality and class as heretofore.
To appreciate them they must
be seen.
Men's and Boys' Golf and Motor
" Caps can be had here, in all pat
terns and styles. , . . . .3f c to $2
A full line of the newest SWAG
GER STICKS mabe found in
the men's hat section- ,
$1, $1.50, $2
Corsets, Sweaters, and Boys' Waists
Second Floor, Front Room
Odds and ends of Corsets, all standard
makes, pink or white, front'or back lace,
medium and low bust, long skirt, six sup
porters; values to $5.00, special, $1.98
Boys' Sweaters, in gray, brown; sizes 26 to
34. heavv or fine weave, regular $2.50
values, Saturday, at , . . . .$1.50
isses' and eirls' Sweaters, in fine or heavy
weave, in cardinal, rose, Kelly green, gray;
. sizes 26 to 34, Saturday, at ....$2.98
Just the wrap for school wear.
Infants' and small children's Sweaters, in
gray, red, Copenhagen and rose, at,
$1.50, $1.98, $2.50, $3.50
Snes 2 to 8 years.
Ladies Sweaters, in all the newest styles
and colors, in rose. Kelly green, cardinal,
maroon, gray; shawl or sailor collars, with
or without belts, at $3.08,
$4.98, $5.98, $8.98, $7.98
Children's Knitted Leggings, in gray, cardinal and wh'te; all
sizes, per pair , PI .?5
Children Knit Toques, in all colors, at. ..... . .49 and 69
Bovs' Blouse Waists, in the newest patterns and colors: arei 4
to 16 years, at .65 J
L&j fa
Men's Gun Metal Blucher Shoes,
all sizes, a shoe that is worth
$3.00 on today's market, per
pair $1.88
Women's All Kid French Heel
ed Lace Shoes, in all sizes and
half sizes, up to 7, $4.00 val
ues, at $2.95
Women's Silver Gray Kid Lace
Shoes, with a French heel cov
ered with kid, and cloth top to
match, absolutely worth $6.50.
at $)00
Harden'. Special Shoes for men,
in both button and lace: Union
tamped, at. ....... . .$-1.50
English Lace Shoes for girls, all
sizes, shoes that fit the grow
ing feet, at $3.75
Kreider. Pollyanna Shoes for
children in a tan storm calf
button, a shoe without a rival.
Sizes 8'i to 11, at... $3.00
Childs Turn Sole Button Shoes,
in sizes 5 to 8 .$1.00
2 to 5 of same shoe 75
Warm Lined Slippers for men
and women-, witti leather soles,
at 75
Stetson and Crottett Shoes '
for Men.
Grover and Queen Quality
Shoes for Women. ,
No better Shoes made.
Specials From
75c, $1.00 Men'e Gold Front
Cuff" Links; ' guaranteed for
. wear, new, attractive patterns,
initial engraved free, JQ
iasn i nee
$2.50 Men' Waldemar Chain
find Gold Pocket Knife with 2
best steel blades,s:hains and
knives are guaranteed to give
good service. Knives are en-
graved with assorted lodge em
blems; Cash , v $J49
$1.95 Fine French Pearl Neck
lace, full filled beads, with 10k
solid gold clasp. "Neck lengths.
Cash Price,
69c French Pearl Necklace,
neck lengths, good AQg
white color, Cash Price 7l
. $1.00 Baby' Gold Filled Lock,
et and Neck Chain, will give ex
cellent service, one initial en
' graved free. Gash CQ,
I Price J'C
$1.00 Sterling Silver Ring., set
with clear, white stone, in new
filigree styles. Cash ilPy
$1.00 French Ca.que Comb,
net with five white Rhinestones.
large variety of styles to choose
from. Cash price,
A splendid assort
ment of stock col
'lars in net and geor
gette, trimmed with
filet lace; regular
price $1.25, Cash
Price, Saturday
Georgette and Satin
Collar, in many
pretty styles; regu
lar price $1.25, spe
cial, Satur- AO.
day, at ... UOC
Organdy and Pique Collar,
trimmed with lace, also organdy
sets in many pretty styles; reg
ular value, 75c, Cash Price, Sat
urday 49
Ladie' All-Linen Handkerchief
with embroidered corners, in
white and colored borders, reg
ular value 20c, Cash Price, Sat
urday, each 15
Ladie Initial Handkerchief,
regular value 7 He, special,
Saturday, at ' 5
Drape and Circufar Veil, in
black and colors, regular price
79c, special, Saturday, at 49
tore Open Till 9 P. M. It Pays
lr.rj-L-.-.-.r .r'i .
3 95c to $1.25 Leather Handbags and Purses S
j: n. Dig special casn purcimse imm iwu weu wiunu uiuujiuivi w
3 newest shapes and styles. In seal grain, crepe grain, novelty grain and fi
1 many other fancy leathers. Silk, moire or leather lined. Many Pais- J
0f tb Fall Fashion's Fairest Fancies
Women's and Misses' Outer
Offered for your selection Saturday at Cash Prices, which
constitute them
Truly Remarkable Values
Over 200 Handsome New Suits
In splendid quality Serges, Poplins,
Tweeds and 4 fancy Suitings and in
erood assortment of the very nobbiest
Hjl Autumn styles. All sizes, from 16 years
to 46 bust.
Serge Dresses
Hundreds of classy new styles in
plain tailored and novelty combina
tions and embroidered effects. A
wonderfully varied assort- J 1 C
ment for selection, choice.. ipA
Afternoon Dresses
An almost endless variety of beauti
ful designs in Satins and Georgettes,
in all colors and sizes. Attractive val
ues, at, $35, $45, $55 to $75
Thousands of New Coats on Sale in
Three Big Special Groups Saturday
Coats at $25 Coats at $35 Coats at $45
Include Velours, Burellas, Pom- Smart Cloth Coats with fur col- The Classiest lot of fine Cloth,
Poms and Plushes, in 20 dif- lars, Rerann Cloth trimmings Plush and Velour Coats shown
ferent styles in all sizes, 16 to 46. and in fine quality Plushes, j anywhere at this price. You'll
Remarkable values at our Cash Pom-Poms and Novelties. Great i agree with us when you see
Price. I values. I them.
Long Silk
Usually sold at
$5.00 and $6.00,
Two Specials in New Blouses
One splendid lot of new Georgette Blouses in the choicest
colorings, including the dark suit shades, in embroidered and
beaded models. Special bargains 0g
Crepe de Chine and Georgette Bloutei that sell usually to
$5.00, also high grade Tub Blouses, in d0 QQ
Saturday's sale, choice J)J0
Hundreds of new
ones just re
ceived, in all
newest materials
and colorings
$5, $7.50, $10
A Most
Extraord inary Sale
of Millinery tor
We offer for the first time Saturday several hundred advanced
styles in Trimmed Hats.
Portraying the newest Fall Ideas in smart lines and late
colorings. You make no mistake in making your selection here
Saturday, as these cash prices are about one-half of what you
would be compelled to pay for such hats elsewhere.
Specially Priced Saturday
$4.95 - - $6.50
$8.50 - $10.00
UllljrVTo out-of-town customers we box and ship these CD EC
rivEiEi hats to any address, without additional charges riXEiEi
Hayden's Sanitary Market
Offers you best assortments of choicest quality
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fresh end Cured Fish,
Butter, Cheese, Eggs, etc., AT LOWEST CASH
Great care is given to sanitary features in our
big new market, all kept under refrigeration.
Spring Chickens, lb 27 K
No. 1 Pot Roast, per lb., at 15c, 17 c
No. 1 Round Steak, lb .20 He
No. 1 Shoulder Steak, lb .17 lie
No. 1 Sirloin Steak, per lb .22 He
1 Veal Roast, lb 1 5c ana wc
1 Veal Steak, lb. ..
1 Veal Chops, lb. .
Veal Stew, lb ",c
Hindquarters Lamb, per lb 19?4e
Forequarters Lamb, per lb JHc
No. 1 Corned Beef, per lb 12 He
Home Made Sausage, per lb "He
Pure Pork Sausage, per lb 23 H
No. 1 Regular Ham, per lb 27 He
Creamerv Butter, best bulk, per lb 47c
Strictly Fresh Egtrs, dozen, at 43c
Fresh Peanut Butter, per lb. 20c
Cheese, New York Cream, Brick or Lim-
burger, lb. . , 35c
Young America or Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
ib. 30e
Domestic Swics Cheese, lb v0e
Blue Hill Chili, each 10c and 15e
Nippy and Deviled Cheese, each 10c
Neufchatel Cheese, each -6e
Camomhert Cheese, each. 35e
r t. C-:.U -t All kr:J. Fun Dav.
V. :
-It fays More upen nil r. m.sjH
Cash Specials In
20c Mennen's Talcum Powder, Our Cash
Price 12tf
50c Locust Blossom, or White Rose Perfume,
Our Cash Price, per ounce -29
50c Violet Elite Toilet Water, Our Cash
Price 25
25c Suoerior or Roboin Toilet Cream, Our
Cash Price
50c LitMa Tablets, Our Cash Price
$1.00 Black Draught Liver Medicine, Our
CashPrce ...49
2Rc Woodburv's Facial Cre?m, Tooth Paste or
Tooth Powder, Our Cash Price J7
1-lb. pkr. Borax. Our C'h Price 10
Large pkg. Borax Soap Chips, Our Cash Price.
at 1
2Pc Na'I Buffers, Our Cash Price 1?
25c Nail Polish (cake form), Our Cash Price.
45c Bottle Bay Rum, Our Cash Price.
25c Pottle B Rm, Our Cash Price. . .15
50c Syrup of White Pine and Tar, Our Cash
Prce 3)k
Borden's Eagle Brand Milk, Our Cash Price,
at 21
10c Toilet Soaps, Our Cash Price, 2 caVes
for 15
This lot includes Jap Rose, Olivilo and oth
er norvlar bwds.
$2.98 Vaginal Douche (extra quality). Our
Cash Price Sl;50
$1.60 Water Bottle (guaranteed 2 years). Our
Cash Price 98
$2.25 Combination Water Bottle and Svrinee.
Our Cash Price S1.C9
Don't overlook the money to be saved by
having us fill your prescriptions.
- -