Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1917. UNUSUAL COSTUMES WORN AT THE BALL Maids and Matrons Trip Waltz in Boots of Gold and Satin at King: Ak-Sar-Ben's Pete. (Continued from Fate Four.) Megeath, Mrs. G. W. Silver lace and Jet over blue and silver tissue; allver cloth bodice. Meyer, Mrs. TV, A. Gown of yellow tulle and black silk lace made over orchid sil ver cloth. Kelly, Mrs. George H. Black evening gown, with jet trimmings: dancing length. Miller, Mrs. A. W. Wisteria colored crepe de chine, point lace collar; short chlfton sleeves; skirt made dancing length. MllUken, Mrs. Harvey Purple tulle over orchid sliver cloth: skirt made short; bo dice elaborately trimmed with sequins. Ma honey, Miss May Striking model of flame color georgette crepe combined with gray velvet. Moran, Mrs. H. G. Gown of black char-) mese; akirt draped and cut round length; bodice trimmed with cut Jet and finished with tulle sleeves. Mrtx, Mrs. Charles Handsome gray vel vet win silver embroidery; decollete and en tralne. with which gray satin slippers were worn. Corsage of orchids. Meti, Mrs. Charles E. One of the prettiest gowns at the ball a copy of a Bullos model In a pale pink geranium shade showing the new one-sided effect, one side of waist of velvet draped much higher than the other and caught' with rhlne stone and silver ornaments. From one shoulder descends a dranerv nt ninic chiffon trimmed with spangled beads, the skirt built on clinging lines, falling away from the ankle on one side to form the narrow train. Mark, Mrs. Norman, of Buffalo. N. T. (Guest of Mrs. Charles Metz) Paris im portation of silver gray satin embroidered with sliver threads, draped with gray tulle edged with satin of an ashes of roses shade. Gray satin skirt, slashed at either .side, draped over silver lace petticoat, the bodice caught with a rose shading from ashes of rose color to gray; silver slippers. Gray aigrette in hair: pearls. With this costume Mrs. MaoK wore a long ermine cape lined with emer ald green chiffon velvet with wide sash ends. Meti, Mrs. Philip, of Buffalo Wonderful creation In tone of gunmetal gray sadn and tulle, with trimmings of cut steel; close fitting bodice trimmed with gun metal lace and fashioned with tulle sleeves the skirt being made with a wide band of gunmetal lace around the middle; silver slippers. Ermine wrap lined with rose chiffon velvet. Pearls. Mack, Miss Harriet of Buffalo (Guest of Miss Gertrude Metz and an Out-of-Town Maid of Honor) Decollette gown of sliver cloth and tulle, with wing sleeves of tulle embroidered in silver; entralne; allver slippers; pearls. Miss Mack's wrap was a shaded turquoise blue taffeta banded in velvet. Metcalfe, Mrs. W. H. Navy blue georgette crepe with trimmings of silver bands; skirt made dancing length. Metx, Miss Gertrude Dancing frock of sil ver cloth with tunic of sliver lace; tight fitting bodice, low cut with angel sleeves; sliver slippers. Metralfe, Mrs. Joseph Maul Handsome pearl satin brocaded with gold and trim med with gold lace; opera coat of the same material elaborately trimmed with ermine; pearls and diamonds. Milter, Miss Eva Irene of Fremont. Neb.. (Out of Town Maid of Honor), corn color tarreta with king's blue roses embroidered in bodice and skirt; slippers of gold cloth. Moore, Mrs. Nancy J. Decollete gown of silver cloth with overdress of pink Luclle net, trimmed with sliver lace; silver slip pers; corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Morton, Mrs. James Black Jetted net gown made over black crepe meteor, skirt made dancing length; low cut bodice j with elbow sleeves of the net. . Mullen, Mrs. Arthur Gown of shaded gold and blue faille; skirt made dancing length and trimmed with draplngs of yellow and gold tulle, bodice of embroidered gold cloth, cut decollete and held with rhine- stone shoulder straps; elbow sleeves fin ished with band of rhlnestones. Mi Msg, In, Eva of Fremont Guest of Mrs. 1. Clferk Colt,) regal toilette of black atte sad tulle, skirt having panels of panne blue sequins, Murphy, Miss Helen Sand colored chiffon brocaded in silver; simply made on long flowing lines; short sleeves. Murphy, Mrs. M. R. Gown of all black tulle draped, with three-quarters length sleeves, heavily trimmed In Jet. Murphy, Miss Nell Exquisite gown of tulle in shade of pale blue, pink and yellow over silver lace, with short fluffy skirt; long, loose sleeves. Murphy, Miss Nan Charming gown of pale blue silk fashioned on long, straight lines, sleeves of tulle; sliver trimming. Stanley, Mrs. Kobert H. Orchid satin even ing gown combined with silver lace; sil ver slippers. Her rose velvet wrap was trimmed with white fox' fur. - Myers, Mrs. Frank H. Lovely black velvet evening gown . t. .turned with Jet; beaded satin slippers. Mrs. Myers carried a black ostrich fan. Her wrap was of gray velvet with a kolinsky fur collar. McCagne, Mrs. B. J5. Attractive' gown of orchid satin; short draped skirt; bodice of silver lace and tulle; no sleeves. MeCague, Mrs. J. I. Jr. Simple gown of pink tulle with trimmings of sliver rib bon. McCarthy, Miss Gertrude, of Chicago (Guest of Mrs. Ben Gallagher) Light blue satin evening gown with hem turned up over a silver laco petticoat and caught with bunches of French flowers; bodice fin ished with girdle of varl-colored ribbon; puff sleeves. Dark brown velvet wrap edged with seal. McKinley, Mrs. James, of Camp Dodge (Wife of Major McKinley) Dainty pink tfctie dancing frock over silver cloth, made with close-fitting bodice: silver slippers. With this, a pink satin eve- ning wrap was worn. -tin lanahan, Mrs. II. M. Orchid velvet combined with silver lace, with draped sRirt and train, short sleeves of tulle MrGrath, Mrs. P. T. Rich luokinp: gown of nark blue velvet, embroidered In beads; sieeves or lace. McCarthy, Miss Gertrude (Guest of Mrs. Taul Gallagher) Girlish model having petticoat of lace with bouffant drapery of place blue satin caught with Lucille flowers. I.ace bodice, with shoulder straps and short puffed sleeves. MrKnlght, Miss Irene Pale blue satin with silver lace petticoat and drapery of satin; blue satin slippers; corsage of red rose bdds. McShane, Mrs. E. C. Handsome dress of black silk net, with draped skirt and bo dice of net; short sleeves of net. McShane, Mrs. John A. Handsome gown of black chiffon, with train, long sleeves and crystal trimming: Dear). McConnell, Mrs. A. B. Black chantilly lace robe over black satin trimmed with lrrt- descent sequins; black tulle draperies. Myers, Mrs. Henry F. M. Black silk foulard nde with overdress of voillo and lace; bodice of cream lace and chiffon; skirt made dancing length. Mlckel, Mrs. G. F.. Pastelle charmeuse, elaborately trimmed with spangled net; round length. N velvet Short slippers N'unn. Mrs. A. B. Black chiffon with bodice of jet and silver, sleeves of tulle; black kid trimmed with cut steel beads. Nelson, Miss Sybil Ceriso brocaded chif fon, trimmed with silver cloth and silver lace; sleeveless bodice and skirt draped high in bustle effect. Miss Nelson cur ried a light gray ostriat fan and wore silver slippers. Niemann, Mrs. Anna E. Peach mcssellne trimmed with silver lace, cut very low In the back; platinum and diamond neck lace; black kid slippers, trimmed with cut steel beads; black ostrich fan; Hud son seal evening coat. Nash, Mrs. F. A. Lovely orchid charmeuse gown trimmed with real lace. Handsome black evening wrap trimmed with sable. Nash, Mrs Kdward W. Handsome gray brocaded trimmed with silver lare. en tralne: gray satin slippers; diamonds. Mrs. Nash's wrap was a plum colored evening coat trimmed with mole. princess satin, trimmed with silver net ana rosebuds. Roberts, Mm, Walter B. Peach silver cloth made with over drapery of tulle In the same shade; silver lace trimmings. Redman, Miss Elisabeth Gown of blue chiffon made over blue satin. Crysttal trimmings. Rosrnstork, Miss Hedwlg Attractive gown of yellow tulle made over yellow satin; elaborately trimmed with gold lace; bod ice of gold cloth. Raymond, Miss lorothy, of Lincoln (Guest of Miss Sybil Nelson) Flesh, colored tulle and sliver cloth, the tulle embroidered in baskets of French flowers, dancing length: silver slippers. Reed, Mrs. A. L., (Mother of This Tear's Queen) Black gown of velvet and silver lace: short skirt, long sleeves and low cut Rosenthal, Miss I.velvn Girlish frock of blue satin trimmed with silver lace. Rusmthnl, Mm. Henry Orchid satin gowu conililnt'd with sliver lace; diamonds. Rosenthal, Mrs. Morris (Guest of Mrs. Henrv Rosenthal) Handsome evening gown of black satin combined with chantilly lace. Kohlnxon, Mrs. C. X. Simple gown of lav ender satin, headed trimmings. Redlck, Mrs. W. A. Striking gown of black velvet, bodico cut low and finished with long tulle sleeves. Rose, Mrs. Halleck White taffeta gown made round length, silver lace forming upper part of skirt, low cut bodice fin ished with long tulle sleeves, and girdle of flowers. Rhoades, Mrs. W. G. Gown of white tulle over flesh color satin: silver lace and lrltlescent trimmings, with touches of fur; dancing lenglh and no sleeves. Richardson, Mrs. Forrest Conventional black net gown. Jet trimmed with tulle sleeves; dancing length; diamonds. Rourke, Mrs. W. A. Gown of soft black silk, touched off with American beauty trimming. Blark velvet coat, fur trimmed. Blark satis dancing slippers; ropo of pearls. Offutt, Mrs. Charles Lovely orchid char meuse evening gown, made decollete and dancing length. O'Brien, Miss Carlta Handsome gown of pink velvet; muffin fur trimmings. Patterson, Miss Eugenie Pink satin danclpg frock, with draped allver bodice, trimmed with lridescents; skirt looped and caught with plush roses and small square train, silver slippers; purple and sliver brocaded satin wrap lined with flosh-colored satin and trimmed with taupe fox fur. Pearsall, Miss Marion Effective gold satin gown draped over cloth of gold; gold slip pers. ' Faterson, Mrs. Kenneth (Former Queen of Ak-Sar-Ben) Orchid colored satin veiled with orchid net draped over silver cloth on each side; sliver bands holding silver cloth and orchid tulle bodice In place. American beauty velvet wrap lined In the same shadow with seal collar and cuffs, Peters, Miss Daphne American beauty vel- vet evening gown. Peters, Mrs. M. C Electric blue chiffon velvet; bodice made of silver cloth em broidered In silver and studded with rhlnestones; draped skirt. Pettegrew, Mrs. Glenn Rose and gold bro caded chiffon made with pink taffeta bouffant skirt; corsage of pale pink roses and lilies of the vallye. Flckens, Mrs. Charles H. Gray crepe de chene, with overdress of lace, skirt trim med with small ruffles of lace, and waist draped with lace; short sleeves and small, full train hung from shoulders. Parsons, Mrs, F. C. Gown of apricot satin overdraped with llver lace, short sliver lace sleeves, bodice of satin, dancing length. Diamonds. Paxton, Mrs. James I-ove Gown of prim rose pink faille, with side drapes of tulle trimmed with silver lace, silver ribbon and French flowers. Pearls and diamonds. Peterson, Mrs. A. 0. Elegant gown of black Jet over cloth of gold; long net sleeves, dancing -length. Phelps, Mrs. C. A. Stunning Nile green silk gown with overdrape of Nilo green crepe, trimmed with beadn, short sleeves and dancing length. Potter, Mrs. E. L. Simple and elegant gown of black crepe, trimmed wilh Jit, round length and short sleeves. Powell, Mrs. E. G. Fluffy gown of black tulle, dancing length and short sleeves. Diamonds. Preston, Mrs. W. G. Combination gown of pink charmeuse and silver lace with drapes of tulle. The skirt Turkish effect at the bottom, ' Diamonds and pearls. Prltchett, Mrs. Harold Gown vof sunrise pink, built on distinctive lines and cm- i broldered in silver; dancing length, no sleeves. Pearls. Quinbjr, Mrs. Laurie J. Black net over white satin, the bodice trimmed with crystals aid silver lace; black velvet wrap, with seal cuffs and collar. Quinhy, Miss Minerva Apple green tulle over flesh colored satin, the tlgit bodice trimmed with French flowers; skirt draped to the bustle effect with the lace front edged with rosebuds; white satin slippers with apple green reveres; ri velvet coat trimmed with ermine, R Rohlff, Miss Clara Girlish frock of green Mloshurg, Mrs. J. J. Jr. Turquoise soiree satin and gold cloth, fashioned In the new Turkish trouser effect, with draperies or goui embroidered lace and blue tulle and wide girdle of cloth of gold and gold lace; shoulder drapes of turquoise blue tulle caught with gold ornaments; gold slippers. Diamonds. Sharp, Mrs. Jack Attractive gown of or chid velvet; skirt draped along simple Unes; bodice of silver laco with trim mings of lavender tulle. Skinner, Mrs. Lloyd Black lace gown made over soft black satin and trimmed with black and orchid passementerie. Slater, Mrs. E. M. Gown of orchid satin with bouffant skirt made shortj silver lace bodice trimmed with orchid colored tulle; silver slippers. Sprague, Mrs. E. II. White net gown made over silver cloth, dancing length. Sweatt, Mm. V. R., of Minneapolis (Guest of Mrs. Charles T. Kountze) Handsome green velvet gown. Syfert, Mm. Edward M. Beautiful gown of pale opalescent velvet, the bodice of pale pink silk net and the corsage formed of a broad band of the opalescent velvet; Hilver slippers. Skinner, Mrs. Paul Black and blue net draped over black satin and trimmed with black metal cloth; bodice of black metal cloth. i Steel, Mrs. Harry O. Black tulle gown, em broidered with cut Jet and sequins; skirt made short; low cut bodice, finished with elbow sleeves of chiffon. Scott, Mrsl. A. C Attractive toilette of slack satin trimmed with cut Jet and silver beads; short draped skirt and sleeveless bodico. Sherman, Mrs. C. R. Handsome gown of yellow net, with sleovless bodice, trim med In silver lace and skirt, of dancing length. Stevens, Mrs. Leo, of Fort Omaha Hand some green and gold evening gown. Simpnon, Mrs. Frank F. Handsome gown of Hurgundy georgette crepe embroidered In beads. Diamonds. Stnra, Miss Bertha Pink satin wllh over dress of chiffon, embroidered In pearls. Hope pearl girdle. Stewart, Mrs. J. T., 2d Very lovely and simple dress of all white chiffon trimmed with bends. Smith, Mrs. Byron H. Charming model of white satin comblred with lace, having draped skirt, and short sleeves of lace. Stlmpson, Mrs. Estelle of New York, (guest of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf Callot model or citron-colored satin, hand-embroidered In pearls and crystals, with panels of the same embroidery, and the sleeves fash ioned! of strands of crystals over tulle, opera coat of gold brocade and rose-pink and white fox fur": pearls and diamonds. Shurkleford, Mrs. C. B. All white creation of georxette crepe, accordion plaited skirt and trimmed with roses of white chiffon. Scnnneli, Mrs. It. J. Wisteria figured satin with Madame Butterfly marquisette over ilrapo and trimmings of gold lace. Schopp, Mm. William Orchid satin with overdrapes of tulle and silver lace trim ming; silver slippers; dark green evening cape with black fox collar. Selli-, Mrs. Frank Silver cloth gown with panels of silver lace, forming peg top effect caught with pink and blue ribbon bow knots: tight fitting bodice of silver black satin with Jet trimmings, made round length; black velvet coat, with biack fox collar and cuffs. Standlsh Mrs. Mylcs Embroidered pink satin gown with draperies of pink tulle msde decollete and dancing length; white satin slippers. Mrs. Standlshs wrap was of rose velvet trimmed with marten, Swobe, Mrs. Edwin T. Simple but effec tive combination of soft pink satin and chantilly lace, dancing length; beautiful corsage bouquet of orchids. Thomas, Miss Helen, of Tekamah, Neb. (Ont-of-Town Maid of Honor) Foundation of pink satin with pink tulle caught on the sides with rosebuds; silver lace trim mings on boSlce; stiver slippers. Todd, Mrs. Willis Black satin, with black net draperks and Jet trimmed, th satin fashioned id clinging lines with the net over this and Jet peplum effects front and back; bodice with long tulle sleeves. Thomas, Mrs. U. F. Oyster-gray georgette crepe over pussy willow taffettas, skirt draped and bodice of gray over bands of pink and silver cloth, long sleeves; pearls. Thomas, Mrs. Fred W. White brocaded satin gown, with silver bead trimming silver slippers. Todd, Mrs. Willis Black net over black eve. nlng gown trimmed with Jet. Mrs. Todd carried a black ostrich fan and her wrap was a gray velvet evening eoat. Tnlmadge, Mrs. K M. Gown of black tulle made over while silver cloth; skirt out dancing length; bodice trimmed with se. quins. Thurston, Miss Kittle, Onawa. Ia., (Guest of Mrs. L. M. Talmadge) Green tulle over green satin; gold band, trimming. rowie, mrs. nose sapphire blue net over same shade of satin; bodice of sapphire blue chiffon, cut low and flnlshsd with elbow sleeves of the chiffon. Trimble, Mm. R. 8. Simple gown of green satin witn iridescent trimming. u I'pham, Mrs. I I. Handsome gown of pink satin trimmed with silver lace; skirt caught up with French flowers; evening wrap or oia rose velvet with satin trim ming; silver slippers. I'pdike, Mrs. Nelson B. Sky blue chiffon over satin in the same shade with side draperies of blue chiffon; Iridescent se quia trimming; sliver slippers. Vinsonhaler, Mrs, Duncan M. Bouffant gown of Mack satin skirt en train and trimmed with silver oljth, low cut bodice trimmed with silver and Jet embroidery; chiffon angel sleeves fall from shoulders. w Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. OMAHA gggCgjl! j ,Utf T'1 Shortest RoacN PAUL oi MINNEAPOLIS It's shortest by 2 1 miles, and makes the fastest time. You can leave Omaha on our Twin City Limited at 8:20 this evening and you'll be in St. Paul at 7:30 tomorrow morning, Minneapolis 8:05 a. m. Our Day train is fast, too, leaves Omaha at 7:29 a. m., arrives St. Paul 7:50 p. ra., Minneapolis, 0:1.) p. m. Come in and see me, or phone for tickets, berths and information. E. P. KRETZ. C. P.4T.A. 1611 Parnam Street, Omaha riwae, Douglas ISO J;.JHl"i - ui,yti...uag to lace wim lnaeseent trimming; silver slip pure; wrap of wine-colored velvet with collars and cuffs of fox fur. Mrs. Belby carried a white ostrich fan. HmbaURh, Miss firnce Pretty black tulle dancing frock fashioned over cloth of sil ver anil trimmed with lridescents; silver Rlippors. Slnba'-gli, Miss Ruth Pink satin gown hand embroidered in silver, made decol lete and dancing length; silver slippers. Slabaugh, Mrs. W. W. Itlack chiffon ovet Weetbrook, Mrs. K. 8. Orchid net over or chid satin made In decollette and dancing length; white satin slippers. Wilson, Mrs. Wirt of Minneapolis (Ouest of Mrs. W. A. Kedlck) Turquoise blue velvet evening gown with close fitting bodice trimmed with silver; slippers to match set with brilliants. Woodard, Miss Claire Helens Chic model of orchid silver cloth draped to form buMle effect, with tunlo and bodice of sequins held with sequlnned shoulder straps; sli ver slippers; coral velvet evening wrap. Hinders, Miss Lois, of Tllden, Neb. (Uuest or Mrs. Olenn Pettegrew and an Out-of-Town Maid of Honor) White ruffled lace rroek, with bodice of canary colored taf- leta and same tone girdle; canary color snoea; shoulder bouquet of pale yellow roseouns. Wood, Mrs. W. Blghter Black tullo with trimmings of sequlas; skirt cut short. White, Miss Louise Ulack Lucille net over , black satin; bodice of silver cloth, with long flowing sleeves; silver slippers. Wlokham, Mrs, E, A. Striking gown of turquoise blue velvet with trimmings of purple point d'esprlt. Wood, Mrs, W. K. Lovely gown of pink taffeta, overdraper with pink chiffon, trimmed with silver ribbon, turquoise and French blue &owers; danoing length. Wing, Mrs. Herbert Lovely blue crepe de chine, draped, and trimmed with old gold; short sleeves of lace. Diamonds. Watkins, Mrs. I. I). Peach colored change able taffeta combined with gold lace, sleeves of georgette crepo and skirt draped; diamonds. Watkins, Miss Louise Girlish gown of pale blue net over taffeta, trimming of flowers; sapphires. Wright, Miss Mabel, of Schuyler, (Quest of Mrs. A. 11. McConnell) Lovely gown of white net over sat(n, scalloped skirt of satin and bodice heavily spangled. Walrath, Mrs. C. II. Black silk lace over black satin, with elaborate trimmings of dark blue sequins; lace bodice trimmed with the sequins and finished with long sleeves of the lace; skirt cut round length. Whltehouse, Mrs. H. It rtegal gown of black duchess, satin oldered In (liver and rhlnestones, ma 1th long straight effect. Short sleeves mid skirt dancing length; dtamonds. Wood, Mrs. H. B. Gray tulle over silver cloth, with short full skirt cut In points. bodice of silver cloth, with long sleeves. Woodard, Miss Marie Sleeveless model of moonlight blue brocade, with touches of begonia velvet: draped skirt. Waggner, Mrs H. A. Attractive creation with short full , skirt of filet lace and bodies of orchid satin, beaded; long sleeves of lace. Ward, Mrs. E. H. Sleeveless model of apri cot net; bodice of allver lace with touches of orchid satin. Weeth, Miss (iertrude Ivory messallne, skirt having draped side panels of silver cloth; angel sleeves; girdle of sliver. Wherry, Mrs. W. P. Pale blue messallne trimmed with coral velvet: draped skirt of dancing length; sleeveless. Wead, Mrs. F. D. All black gown of satin and Chantilly lace and tulle; diamonds. Welch, Mrs. Frank Deep yellow satin char meuse trimmed with cream colored lace and net, the bodice set off with a pale blue girdle. Mrs Welch carried an os trich fan. Wyman, Mrs. Henry Plum shade of net over cloth of gold; the bodice of self toned net trimmed with lridescents; gold slippers. Mrs. Wyman's wrap was of American beauty plush trimmed with gray fur. Young, Mrs. Raymond G. Pale pink taf feta combined with blue net embroidered In silver Tost, Mrs, Casper K. Handsome black lace robe trimmed with dark bluo sequins, made round length. UN1TBD STATES ARMY OFFICERS. Co'onel F. A. Grant, Army building, omala. Colonel Bannister. Omaha. Major Henry B. Hersey. Fort Omaha, Major Harold Grelger. Fort Omaha. Major James A. Mattlson, Fort Omaha Major John O. Maher, Army building, umana. , Major V. IT. Frith, Army Building, Omaha, Major Robert L, Hamilton, Fort Crook. Captain Arthur Boattcher, Fort Omaha. Captain David H. Bower. Fort Omaha. Captain Philip K. Cantion, Army building, umana. Captain Pelaney. Tort Crook. Captain William H. Farlnghy, Army ouiioing, omahs. Captain Max Flelsrhmann, Fort Omaha. Captain Tolbert F. Hardin, Fort Omaha. Captain F. H. Kennedy, Fort Omaha. Captain II. F. Klelne, Army building, i niana. Captain K. Laiar, Fort Omaha. . Captain Newton, Fort Crook. Captain S. A. Paegelow, Fort Omaha. V Captain Piatt. Fort Crook. Captain James Prentice, F' -t Omaha. Captain Albert Wedemeyer, Fort Omaha, Captain Howard White, Fort Omaha. first Lieutenant W. F. Bruett. Army funning, umana. First Lieutenant Roy Cook. Fort Om.h. First Lieutenant Charles J, Qlldden, Fort viiinna. lrst Lieutenant Clarence F. Gonyo, Fort isinana. First Lleulensnt Frsnk W. Qoodale, Fort umana. first Lieutenant K. F. Kerfnot Arm. Rouse, Jean Cudahy Wilhelm. Frances Nssh, Klliabeth Pavls, Kllzabeth Pickens Patterson, Elisabeth Congdon Forgan. Marlon Howe, Frances Hochstctler Daugherty, Mary Megeath. Fred A. Tost, Fort Scott, Fort building, Omaha, First deutenant Omaha. . first Lieutenant Howard A. Sehoii. v.r, n . - umana. First Lieutenant Frank W Omaha. First Lieutenant Spencer, Fort Omaha. Ensign K o. Condtot. United States navy. Fort Crook. Captain F. A. Cook. Captain C. W. C. Whiting. First Lieutenant W. F. Freehoff. First Lieutenant A. K. Kuptor. First Lleu.enant R. B. Wlttman. First Xleuunant C. H. Parker, Jr. Second Lieutenant O. A. Carter. Second Lieutenant H. C. Barbour. Second Lieutenant O. E. Flngaraon. Seoond Lieutenant P. P. Wiggins. Second Lieutenant O. A. Miller Second Lieutenant W. R, McReynolde. Second Lieutenant H. M. Drake. Second Lieutenant O. B. Marsh. Second Lieutenant L. L. Houghton. Second Lieutenant R. H. Trelstad. Seoond Lieutenart F. F. Johnson. Second Lieutenant R. H. Milne. GOVERNORS OF AK-SAR-BEN, Chas. P. Beaton, Wlllard D. Hosf'ord, C. K. Black. Frank W 1. ,,!. j.ouis j. maan, J. De F. Richards, Chas. L. Saunders. J. D. Woaver, Bee rotary, Geo. Brandela, Randall K. Brown, E. Buckingham, Guuld Diets. Goorge B. Haveratlck, Gertrude Kountie Stewart, Grace Allen Clark. Kthel Morse. Mildred Lomax. Kdlth Smith Day, Klla Cotton Magee, Bessie Brady Davis, Ada Klrkendall Wharton, Mary Lea McShane H oxford. Margaret Wood Cramner, BALL COMMITTEE. Randall K Brown, E. Buckingham. Chairman. Wlllard D. Hosford. SPECIAL MAIDS. Mlsnes Misses Virginia Offutt, Henrietta Mr Arthur, Kather Wllhelra, Mildred Todd, Florence Rahm, Emily Keller, Kuth Klnslnr, Helen Rastman, Hasel Updike, Dorothy Meyer, Marion Coad, Eleanor Austin. CARDINAL. Ben Gallagher. PAGES TO THE KINO. Tayeon Adams, John Davis, Sam Caldwell, Edward Westbrook. PAOES TO TUB QUEEN. Misses Misses Jean Kedlck, Gertrude Marsh, Virginia Richardson, Marian Cooley. MAIDS OF HONOR. PAST GOVERNORS OF AK-SAR-BEN. Edgar Allen, Joseph Barker, K. M. Bartlett. W. R, Bennett, Emll Brandels, A. D. Brandela, E. E. Uryson, V. B. Caldwell, Clement Chase, C. R. Courtney, Geo. P. Cronk, ' J. M. Cudahy. W. Lysle Dickey, Thos. A. Fry, William Glass, Matthew A. Hall, James M. Hendrle, Robert C. Howe, Walter a Jardlne, W. J. C. Kenyon, O. 1), Klpllnger, C. T. Kountze, L. L. Kountse, J. C. Root, H. Vance Lane, A. J. Love, J. O. Martin, W. II. McCord, Fred Mets, F. J. Morlarty, A. It. Noyes. D. J. O'Brien, K. P. Peck, H. J. Penfold, M. C. Peters, Chas. H. Pickens, Ai Powell, L. M. Rheem, C. N. Robinson, A. C. Smith, Dudley Smith, Mel Uhl, J. H. Utt, a. w. wattles, Geo. F. West. C. M. Wilhelm, R. 8. Wlloox. W. L. Yetter. KINGS OF AK-SAR-BEN In the Order of Their Reigning. B. M. Bartlett, Casper E. Yost, Edward P. Peck, R. S. Wilcox, W. D. McIIugh, F. A.' Nash, H. J. Penfold, T. A. Fry, Fred Mets, Chas. H. Pickens, Ourdon W. Wattles, QUEEN CONSORTS OF FORMER DYNASTIES. MISses Misses Mellora Woolwortb Nathalie Merrlam Fairfield, Millard, Mae Dundy Lee, Brownls Bess Baum Gould Diets, V. B. Caldwell, Will L. Yetter, Arthur C. Smith, K. Buckingham, Joseph Barker, Thomas C. Byrne, C. E. Black. Chas. D. Beaton, Ward M. Burgess, John L. Webster. M Isses Dorothy Adktns, Dora Alexander, Grace Allison, Margaret Haum, ' Dorothy Black, Elisabeth llruce, Margaret Bruce, Nellie Calvin, Irene Cartor, Beatrice Coad, Alice Coad. Ellen Crelghton, Basel Cook, Mary Cook, Josephine Congdon, Halcyon Cotton, Helen Clark. Reglna Connell, Mellora Davis, Blanch Deuel, Holla Dewey, Nina Diets, Louise Dluts, Daisy Donne, Nina Doyle, Isabel Doyle, Mary Duffy, Alice Duval. Dorothy Darlow, Mae Kngler, Fran Fltxpatrlck, Anna Fry, Alice Fry, Bessie Fry, Daisy Fry, Mary Furay, Anne Glfford, Margretha Urlmmel, Amy Gllmore, Mary Grant, Dorothy Grant- Helen Grant, Klsa Haarmann, Dorothy Hall, Janet Hall, Leeta Hnldrege, Hilda Hammer. Leborta Huston, Ophelia Hayden, Clara Hart, Helen Hlbhard, Kthel Hulmqiilat, Carol Howard, Haxel Howard, Marjorle Ilowland, Helen Ingwersen, Geraldlne Johnson, Emily Keller, Kern, Marlon Kuhn, MAIDS OF HONOR From Neighboring Kingdoms, Miss Dorrett Arndt. Blair. Neb. Miss Alma Baldwin, New Orleans, La. Misses Carol Kuenne, Alice Landls, Mary Louise Latenser, Ruth Latenser, Pearl Laverty, Bess Mahoney, Eva Mahoney, Marguerite Mar. shall. Cordelia McCoulloch Irene McKnlght, Margaret McShane, Alice McShane, Mable Melcher, Olgu Mets, Gertrude Mets, Jessie Millard, Catherine Moorhead, Nan Murphy, Helen Murphy, Carlta O'Brien, Margaret Parka, Eugenie Patterson, Helen Pearce, Daphne Peters, Gladys Peters, Mary Leda Proulx, Florence Rahm, Nannie Richardson, Mary Richardson, Dorothy Rlngwalt, Anna Russell, Helen Redmond, Beulah Sharp, Ida Sharp, Martha Sharp. Marjorle Smith, Harriett Smith, Blanche Sorenaon, Helen Sholes, Olga Stqrs, Isabel Shukert, Sidney Stebblns, Minnie Thorson, Naomi Towle, Katharine Thummel, Louise Watkins, Henrietta West, Frances Weasels, Eugenie Whituiore, Claire Elalno Woodard, Marie Woodard, Dorothy Weller, Marion Weller, Louise White, Helen Yates, Gertrude Young, Marlon Towle, KmmmmmBsmmammnKnmmmR is 120 South 15th St. Is Saturday, October the 6th i 1 Candy Has a Food Value . That Everyone Should Enow CONSERVATION is the word of the hour the government is asking everyone to know the value of foods and make the most of them. Candy As a Food Ranks High Dr. Leonard Keene Hirsberg, A. B., M. A., M. D., of Johns Hopkins University, advances analysis of candy and it is substantiated all over the world. "Candy contains so many food essentials that it is sure to become a bigger and bigger factor in these conservation days Pure candies are excellent rations, rich in calories, because of the sugar, butter, milk, chocolate and good flavors in them' They tram the palate to distinguish the indifferent from the good, and the reason well known brands of candies are famous treats" is because their richness in food value yields energy. Saturday Is Nation-Wide Candy Day Make the Day Memorable to Someone By Sending a Box of Candy. Take a Box of Candy to Your Wife. Take a Box of Candy to Your Children. Take a Box of Candy to a Friend. Send a Box of Candy to a Soldier. Send a Box of Candy to Your Sweetheart. Send a Box of Candy to Your Mother. Send a Box of Candy Anywhere and It Will Bring Joy to Someone. Buy Candy Saturday, Nation-Wide Ca'ndy Day. Candy Is a Food Candy Is a "Treat" Nation-Wide Candy Day Committee of Omaha and Council Bluffs. i m MaWHlMsV Miss Katherlne Baum. Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Hazel Bennett, Alllnnce, Neb. Mies Avis Boyd, Auburn, Neb. Miss Blanch Burke, Portland, Ore. Miss Maybelle Burke. North Platte, Neb. MIrs Louise Coe, Nebraska City, Neb. Miss Catherine Elizabeth Cone, Ashland, Neb Miss Helen Dill. Grand Island. Neb. Miss Margaret Doyle, Neola, Ia. Mtas Ulauor Eastlake Miss Marjorle Ellas, Buffalo. N. Y. Miss Hazel Frlnk. Newman Grove, Neb. ( Miss Helen Hall. Lincoln, Neb. Miss Helen Harrington, O'Neill, Neb. J Miss Francis Hlbbard, Yonkers, N. Y. ' Miss Laura Htlllard, Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Katherlne Howe, Valentine, Neb. Miss Evelyn Hubbard. Rochester, N. Y. Miss Mary Elizabeth Hughey, Nebraska City, Neb. (f'ontlnned on Page Six, Column One.) STYLISH NEW Walk-Over Boots LACE and BUTTON They come either all over leather or leather vamps with cloth toppings. AH the favored colors and styles are shown. Full Louis wood covered or all leather heels. They are splen did values at from '. $6 to $12 "CAVALIER" WALK-OVER LACE BOOTS This style of boot is very popular this fall. Has semi military lines' and the lines are plain. The colors are Brown, Dark Bnown, Black, with leath er or cloth toppings in har monizing shades to match. Our showing of these boots is the most complete in the city. They are reasonably priced at fronv $6 to $9 Phoenix Hosiery to Match. -Mail Orders Sent Prepaid. Walk-Over Boot Shop 317 S. 16th Street BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets' Get at tne Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the tahsHi tute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. PeoDle afflicted with bad brenfli flnrl quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The cleasanfi coated tablets are taken for bad breath oy ail wno Know tnem. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets r otmtiv but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action. clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Fir Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or any disagreeable effects. . Dr. P. M. Edwards discovered ffc formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint; with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely a vqscuwiB compound nuxea wtta olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for . a week and note the effect 10c and 25c per box. AH druggists.