Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1917. "NATIONAL PARTY" ' BEING ORGANIZED New Political Amalgamation of Five Groups Under Forma tion in Chicago is Christened. Chicago, Oct 5. The new politi cal party still in process of formation was christened the "national party" at last night's conference of the five groups which are seeking amalgama tion. The i 'ans are necessarily tem porary and must await formal ao proval by the governing national bodies behind the participants in the conference. It was said that the plan decided on called for the election of a temporary national executive committee at once consisting of four members from each of the five groups represented in the Chicago conference the progressives, prohibitionists, single taxers, social democrats and independents. The conference also adopted a ten tative platform, in which a demand for t bone-dry nation was emplia sized. Other names for the new party which were considered were liberal people's, commonwealth and union. haig"smashes germans for GREAT VICTORY (Continued from Taia One.) peror had taken such pride in the davt srone bv. But these massed troops were not the only ones to suf fer, for reports trom prisoners an along the line indicate that the Ger mans lost heavily throughout the ter ritory involved. At many places Germans ran in terror or were captured in large num bers as the British attack began. AH day streams of broken prisoners poured into the British cages in the rear. Perhaps half of them were wounded. Some were blinded and some were with shattered limbs, a pitiful tight even to those hardened to such scenes. Taking the battle as a whole, the Germans offered weak resistance to the British advance. But, despite the heavy blow dealt to the enemy, it was not considered improbable that they would make strenuous counter at tacks as soon as they could, reform their shattered forces. Earthquake of Artillery. The story of the fighting is that of perfect organization, which worked with clock-like precision. It was still dusk when the British began the steam-roller advance, for low hanging clouds blanketed the country and a tight drizzle was ailing. For davs an intense bombardment had been maintained over the' German front, but the artillery fire which opened as the great barratre dropped was appalling. Guns of all calibers, from enormous howitzers to light field guns, joined in the infernal thunder which shook the countryside like an earthquake. Solid lines of vivid fire belched from the earth, and from the murky sky above the great shells and shrapnel burst along the German lines. The ruins of the little hamlets perched on the ridges stood out in ghostjy silhouette against the flashes, and over the whole scene the clouds threw back a crimson blow. On the left of the advance the ground in the region of Poelcapelle was well garrisoned, but apparently did not offer strong resistance. The British were within reach of the town by 10:30 o'clock. Take Over Gravenstafel Ridge. Meantime others ware making their way over Abraham heights, near Gravenstafel. There was some cellar fighting here, but it was brief. The main trouble was encountered near the fort, where the Germans had eight strong concrete redoubts. Sharp fighting followed, but the Germans finally were forced, with rifles and bombs, to surrender. Both Poelca pelle and Gravenstafel are masses of ruins.. The latest reports show the British have swarmed over virtually all of the Oravenstafcl ridge. South of the Ypres-Roulers rail way, which cuts the Passchendaele- Gheluvelt ridge where the Gravensta fel arm joins it, the British were on the crest of the ridge or beyond it through the remainder of its length They had little trouble in reaching it There was a brief battle near Mo lenaarelsthoek crossroads, which were fortified. Just north of here the Germans held a farm, from which they poured heavy machine gun fire into the Ur.tish ranks until the place was subdued. Germans Cling to One Point. Prisoncis were secured in Polder hoek and the chateau near there was carried after sharp fighting. Joist farm, near the southeastern edge of Polygon wood, which had been a sore spot to the British for days, still held out at the latest reports, although the British had pushed beyond it on both sides. This was the only snag of the kind encountered as far as is known. Broodseinde, which lies on the ridge, was the approximate center of the day s attack and here was the deepest point of the advance. From this village the line tapered off gradu ally to the north and the south. Ihe assault was delivered by Eng lish, Austalian and New Zealand di visions. Included among the British troop were battalions from twenty- eight English counties. There were also two battalions Ireland and Wales. from Scotland, Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. The House of Menagh 1613 Farnam Street SATURDAY More New Arrivals in Women's u . New Fall Suits and Coats STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE Right from the center of Fashion come these beau tiful creations which we offer for your, selection. , Colon: Navy Burgundy ; Taupe Forest Green Brown Black Materials: Wool Velour Silvertone Tricotine Serge Broadcloth Velvet Their newness has not prevented us from listing them at these unusually attractive prices: , ' - ? 39so$7500 Upto $10000 The House of Menagh LNNEX 302 South Sixteenth Street SATURDAY SALE Coats Suits Dresses Coats....... Suits........ Dresses. . . . . . !40 Values, $25! gE20 Values, H 25? $22.50 Red Fox Fur Sets. ,$12.50 By Actual Comparison the Greatest Values in Omaha. , ORDER INQUIRY OF LA FOLLETTE SPEECH Subcommittee of Senate Privi leges and Elections Commit tee to Investigate Alleged Disloyal Remarks'. Washington, Oct. 5. A formal pre liminary inquiry into the alleged dis loyal speech of Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, made before the Non partisan league at St. Paul, Minn., a fortnight ago, was ordered today by the senate privileges and elections committee. ' 1 . ' Appointment of a subcommittee of five members was directed, with au thority limited, first, to inquire into the reported correctness of Senator l a Follette's speech, and, second, into the correctness of the statements made therein. The limited scope of the inquiry was regarded as temporary action upon numerous petitions presented to the senate for the Wisconsin sena tor's expulsion. The subcommittee, which probably will be appointed during the day, and will be headed by Senator Pomerene of Ohio, was ordered to report at the December session of congress. Will Not Investigate Stone. The senate committee took up pe titions charging Senator Stone of Missouri, chairman of the senate for eign relations committee, with dis loyal statements and acts and de cided that the charges made did not warrant any investigation of the Mis souri senator. The senate committee's decision was reached after a two-hour session and with a speech in the senate by Senator La Follette . impending. The subcommittee was authorised to re quest authority to. employ stenog raphers and make other necessary ex penditures, indicating .'that , formal hearings may be . had,x with possible examination of witnesses at St. Paul. The resolution for, authority to make the subcommittee inquiry and for its general authority was sched uled to te brought before the senate later today and many thought 1t would be the basis of sharp debate in connection with the proposed speech of Senator La Follette replying to the charges of his critics'. ' The; subcommittee expected to hold a preliminary meeting late today and berin its inquiry next week. The general expectation was that public hearings- would be held at which Sen ator La Follette would be given an opportunity to be heard. Senator Pomerene made it plain that the subcommittee's authority is limited jolely to the St. Paul speech and does not extend to any other actions or charges against the Wis consin senator. , ,, . Kearney Organizes a Machine Gun Company Kearnev. Neb.. Oct nr id I i Kearney has organized a machine gun company for the Seventh Nebraska regiment. Sixty-four men are en rolled and practice is being held three nights each .week. Dr. H. N. Jones was chosen captain of the company, with Frank Brown second lieutenant. The other 1 officers will be named later. The comnanv was raUaH almost without effort. Manv wr re jected because they were unable to t - -1 ..ifr i iiicci puyaitai quanncauons, oniy v 10 have others take thei'f ntai. Th.V are additional applications for enlist ment on file with the company commander. Iowa Minister Is Indicted for Seditious Talk Cedar Rapids, la.. Oct. 5. The fed eral grand jury today returned an in dictment against the Rev. John Reichert, pastor of the German Luth eran church at Lowden, la., charging him with treasonable utterances. Ernest Mier was indicted on the same charge. t Charles Louwerse, Hollander, who confessed he wrote a poison letter to Colonel W. G. Dews, member of the State Council of Defense, was in dicted for misuse of the mails. He entered a plea of guilty and received a sentence of three years in Leaven worth. Movie Houses to Aid Liberty Bond Campaign Washington, Oct. 5. Five reels of moving pictures and more than 70,000 lantern slides will be exhibited daily tnrougnout the country in virtually all of the 17,500 moving picture theaters from now until October 27 in behalf of the Liberty loan. Many screen stars have co-operated in many of the moving pictures, ihe slides will bear distinctive mottoes urging readers to invest in Liberty bonds. Fine Belgians Who Give British Cigarets Havre, Oct. 4. Belgian official communication toaay says: "Zele. in eastern Flanders, has been fined 80,000 marks for the giving of food and cigarets to passing English prisoners, rurtnermore an nouses must be shut lib at 6 o'clock in the evening, after which nobody is to be allowed in the streets. "A A" Night and Day 1605 Leavenworth Street Douglas 951? 00333 120 South 1 5th St. I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Storage is Cheaper !' Than Rent i I If you fail to find the house or apartment that you wish for a home, store your household goods in our I FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE i I Omaha Van t & Storage Co. f PHONE DOUG. 4163 1 806 South 16th St. I i liilMliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilnliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiniiiiiiiilif tltlltl!l!lllllMillHH!ltlllllinitlMIDI1ltimiimtll1IIIMIIIIIIUIIIim(tMlllttl)lt1llllllllin(l1lli::illlllllltlinilll .Silling tinttiiiiiihinttMHi!imii(iiiiiit)iiiiiiiniiiniiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii!iiiinniii i iinnnn. fa Saturday, Octolber th NATIOMAL CANDY DAY WE SUGGEST: , Send your friend a box of our Chocolates or Bon Bons We assure you they will please "Sweet Shop m m m m Phone, Douglas 2920 wWMmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmMmmmmmm iiiwiiui):uiiijitiunHHwiiiiiiiiin..u!i(n!i:mi'yuii:shi(tfimrRlltili:lliuniiHliKillut(itliiil4mi'Ulliit 16th I and f , Jackson iniiiiihmiwnmmittmitmtmtTmmfimrinmS I Specials For Saturday at Beatons SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6TH Nation Hide Candy Day Buy a Box for Mother, -Wife, Sister or Sweetheart 65c and 75c Manicure Scissors, for 35o $1.25 Manicure Scissors. . . . .75e 75c Household Rubber Gloves for 4.... 50c 75c Combination Coin and -Bill Books, for 34q Castol's (a mild laxative) . .. 25c Pure Epsom Salts, lb 7e $1 Box Bingo Kidney and Blad der Tablets 59c Bayer's 5-grain Aspirin Tablets, (Sealed Boxes) Box of 1 doien .20c Box of 2 dozen 35c A large assortment of Pocket and Pen Knives; regularly $1 and 1 $1.25, for .....65e ?2.25 Houbigant's Ideal Extract, for ...$1.69 $1.00 Azurea Extract. . .... .69c 75c Locust Blossom' Extract, 50c 35c box Linen Stationery. . .19c $1.50 Goutorbe Face Powder, all shades, for 98e 50c Ice Mint, for corns 29c Listerine. . . . .10c, 18c, 36c, 72c Si lb. Peroxide Hydrogen. .. .6 1 lb. Peroxide Hydrogen. .. .21e $1.00 S. S. S 68c 50c Syrup of Figs and Senna, Z9 50c Nadine Powder. . 29e $1.00 Antiseptic Razors. . . . ,19c CANDY 80c Melba Chocolates, lb. . . .49c We are agents for the follow ing popular chocolates and bon bons fresh shipments received daily: Original Allegretti Choco lates, Huyler's Chocolates and Bon Bons, Crane's Mary Garden Chocolates, Lowney's Chocolates, Johnson's Assorted Chocolates, O'Brien's Chocolates and Bon Bons. In boxes from H-lb. to 5-lbs. . EDISON MAZDA LAMPS 25, 40 and 50-Watt 27c 60-Watt Lamps for 36c We deliver and install free of charge. 25c Mentholatum 16c 25c Nature's Remedy 16c 50c Sempre Giovine. . 39c 50c Hays' Hair Health 26c 50c Orazin Tooth Paste 34e 35c Castoria 21c 60c Men's Pocket Books 34c $2.25 LeGrande's Combination Water Bottle and Fountain- Syringe, for $1.40 85c Hot Water Bottle 49c $1 2-quart Fountain Syringe, 49c $3.50 DeMar'a Whirling Spray Syringe, for $1.98 THOMRSON.BELDEN - CO. 3he fashion Center, fir Zifomen Guaranteed Silks Beldmg's and Haskell's guaranteed silks sold here exclusively. The new Autumn colors in the most wanted weaves are prettier than ever. You pay no more for these than ordinary silks cost. See them Sat urday. In dress goods we are showing excellent val ues in serges and pop lins. New coatings that are different many num bers exclusive with us. Kid Gloves Trefousse, the depend able glove glace kid in black, white, navy, gray and pastel with self and contrasting embroidery, $1.75 to $3.25 per pair. Hosiery Golf Hose English - Wool Hose for golf and sport wear. Our showing includes the new heather, Oxford, Lovat and white. Silk Hose Pure thread silk, lisle tops and soles, black, white and colors, $1.35 per pair. Children Pony Hose in all weights, silk lisle, lisle, cotton and fibre colors black, white and tan.' Woolen Blanket Bath Robes SATURDAY, $2.95 Slightly Soiled New Dresses for House Wear $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $5 Baaement. Brassieres The Brassiere is neces sary for every corset our line is now complete and a good time to make your selection. Models are varied trim, tailored effects, as well as pretty dec orative styles. Prices, ,50c and upwards. THE FUR SHOP Second Floor Larger, better stocked, more attractive than ever. Quality Furs only are shown here, yet the pricings are no more than you associate with merchandise of poorer quality. Hudson Seal, Foxes, Moleskin, Kolimky, Wolf i The Store for Blouses Do not overlook the special values in this at tractive section when shopping Saturday. Georgette Blouses, $5.00 Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats, $3.95 Separate Skirts Correct models are shown, $12.50 to $39.50. Every Woman Knows CROWLEY Neckwear I We have in stock a very large collection of the very latest styles of Timothy F. Crowlejrs new creations. Satin collars and collars with cuffs. Wool crepe, organdie, georgette and pique collars, cuffs to match. Net and organdie Chemisettes. Collars and Chemisettes with jabots. Organdie roll collars, very new. All Crowley Neckwear has his labels at tached. ' Underwear for Women' Cotton fleeced vests, high neck long sleeves, pants ankle length, 85c each. Union Suits, medium weight cotton, all styles, $1.35 suit. Union Suits in silk and wool, all styles, fine quality, $2.75 suit. Outing Flannel 'For underwear and night gowns, warm and fleecy, pretty styles, 27 inches wide, 15c yard. Warm Bedding Blankets Cotton and Wool mixed handsome plaids in every color effect, also grey, white and tan with color ed borders. Double and single bed sizes, good weight and values $3.00 to $6.00 Pair. Comforters Silkoline covered, good quality, filled with pure new cotton winter weight, $3 and $3.50 each AMC8EMEHTS. BOYD'S THEATRE "BBS1 TO-DAY THERE'S A THRILL .COMING TO YOU i WILLIAM HARRIS, Jr., Fresentr BAYARD YEILLER5 GYI MYSTIC Direct from On Year's Run .tthe 48th St. Theatre, New YorF- KATHER1NE GREY ad a Superb Cast. Met., 50o$l.S0. Nite. S0c$2 BOYD 4 Days Com. Sun. Mat Mat., i Sun., Thure. and Sat. An Allegorical Play Which One Shall I Marry? Met., 25c. Nit, 25e to 75c Next Thure., Oct. 11. Anna Held "THE FLAME" require 50 stage mechanics to operate. AMUSEMENTS. Last Time Today. Royal Italian Sextette , Musician from the Southland. Charles Rogers & Co. In "The Movie Man" s Australian Duo Operatic Duo Coy De Trickey The Cinnamin Girl Special Photoplay Feature "Under False Colors" Starring Frederick Warde Mail Order Receive Our Prompt Attention. BEATON DRUG CO, J 5th and Farnam Street." B R ANDEI S THEATER TONIGHT . SPECIAL MATINEE TODAY , Win. HodfV Graataet Succaw - 'The Road To Happiness' "It Take the Ouch out of Gi-mica." Nifht. 28c SSc. SOc, 78c Mat, 23c to SOc "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" r. i .J f I . 0m&y Mat... 15-25-SOc pXftjft&igf ETan's. 2S-50-75c-$l Strictly Up-To-Dat Are The 2STH CENTURY MAIDS "DANCING JIM- BARTON and greet cut and beauty chorus in the two act BMlaaia, "0. K.-K. O." LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. PHOTOPLAYS. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Laat Two Timea for Kathlean Clifford, Bert Baker Co and Currant BUI. Matinee Today, 2:15 Tonight 8:15 Bee Want Ads Are Best Boosters II MARY HI i PICKFORD ; "Rebecca of -: Sunnybrook Farm" : I WM. S.HART ; Q Supported By X p Dorothy Dalton j "THE HONOR SYSTEM" Last Times Today RUTH STONEHOUSE In "THE EDGE OF THE LAW" SUBURBAN e", Today WILLIAM FARNUM in "AMERICAN METHODS" LOTH R OP Today MABEL TALIAFERRO, in "Magdalene of the Hills" Bee Want Ads Are Always the Best Boosters