Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1917, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE BEE: OMAHA, OCTOBER .1917 Want Ad Rates fCoundnt ilia Wordt la lb I No ad takaa for ! than two liaM CASH WITH ORDER 2 mot lias... . 1 tiim ! r lie-. ..I or mar conaecuttv lceert.n CHASCE M M Ha I Urn. per tin or mora consecutive Insertion 1 f (In .. . tt eon-rutlv ltiert!on SITUATIONS WANTED IM pel lln . par wh! CARDS Of THANHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES . ... tto Pr Una rich insertion (Minimum charge, 40 nnti.) Out-of-Tewn Rat. Cash With Order Coul SU Word ta Line! Belp Wanted Agents Wanted Bualces Chance ' Financial All Other Clasalfteatlona lla per una 1 lima la perlln I of mora. consecutive Insertion o par Una I tlma , ta par una I or mora eonttculiv Insertion CSS THB TBI EPHONB If yua cannot ventently bring or send In four want sds Ask for a Want Ad Taker and Ton arl'l reeatva (tat aam good aervlr aa when dUvrlng four want ad al Ihla effloa PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AU COLUMNS CLOSB EVEN I. MO r.DITlONS !!: H MORNING EDITIONS 1 (10 P H Contract Rata on Application MOVIE PROGRAM Downtown. PRINCESS. U17 DOUOLA8 HARRY CAREY, in "THE SECRET MAN -v. North. ALAMO. TWENTY-FOURTH AND FORT DOROTHY PHILLIPS, and WIN CHANET. In "THE FIRES OF REBEL! ION AUiAMUilA, 24TH ANL PARKER VIOLA DANA, in "THE LIGHT OP" HAPPINESS" AND COMKDT GRAND. SIXTEENTH AND U1NNET PEARL WHITE. In "THE FATAL RING HRARST-PATHB NEWS South. APOLLO, r 39TH AND LEAVENWORTH ANTONIO MORENO, and PEGGY HTI.AND, In "HER RIGHT TO LIVE BOULKVAKU, im AND LEAVEN WORTH BESSI ' BARRISCAI.E. in 'HATER OF MEN" KOHLFF. 266 LEAVENWORTH - BESSIE IOVE. in "THE SAWDUST RING" West. DUNDEE. 61ST AND UNDERWOOD MILDRED M ANNINO, and MARC M'DERMOTT. In "MARY lANE'S PA." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. JLLR Louis Car.y wife of W. E. iW, died Thursday at 6:30 p. m at VV'lae Memorial hoaSlal. She was born In To ledo, O., and the daughter of the lata P. Carry, formerly of Ihla city. She la sur vived by her hubrd, one son. W. E. Her, Jr., aid four brothera. Frank C. Oarry and W. W. Carry of Kanana City. Mo.; I. J. Carry of Ore Moines, la., and J. T. Oarry of Toledo. O Funeral service will be private, as flowrs, JPAHMBfl, Charlotte F. Wife of Mark M. Parmer at the resident 2322 Califor nia street Wedneadny October I, 1(17, aged 16 years furvlvrd by her ht' band and four children, Mrs. L. P. Mat thews of Omaha, Frank D. and Allan of Omaha and DeVor B. of New Turk City. Funeral from realdence Friday, October B, 1617. at fA'S p. m, SOGERT Paul, a Jo years. Funeral Saturday .morning, October t, at-1:19, from, the family residence, 8021 North Thirtieth Bt. . to Sacred Heat church at I o'clock. 'Burial at Holy 8epulrhcr. ' E.ER Mrs W. B.. died at 6:20 Thursday t th Wise Memorial hospital. No funeral arrangemenla have mane. been FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 Furnitur? and Household Goods AUCTION! AUCTION HIGH GRADE FURNITURE AND RU!8 AT OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE 16TH AND LfiAVKN WORTH 8T.1EET8 SATURDAY, OCT. 6TH. SALE STARTS AT I P. M. Conalstlnr of aevrral extra good rues library table, t good rock-e drnurr and chl.'fonnler, round dlilnf table and rhilrs to match. 1 sectional bookc.-a and a lot of boolia. writing d' ak, pedes. al. 2 braaa b da. eiirinre ,-nd mrUrcsaea, Ire box, kitchen cabinet, sleel range and (as range. a lot of valuable linen, bedding, blankets, d a Vs. cooking utensil and hundreda of rl"l"t too lurnToui to mention. Tnla Is good furnishing of a 7-room home. JAMES L. D0WD, AUCTIONEER. For auction sales call Red 1211 or H. 4671. FURNISH V"UR HMMK AT PRACTICAL I.T UR OWN PRICE Hundieda of people have taken advan tags of the remarkable price reductlone we have been malting for the pa at several month en a big t26.n warehouse stork of brand new ap-;o-dst furniture thai we were forrei? to close nut Hurb inouet saving iMinalbllltlea could not be equaled anywhere else In the city- alert huere bai-e dlarnvered this and profited by 't Furniture for . vorv room In tbe bom ta lnriud-d In this big warehouse ainrk OUT-fiFTOWN ORIIIRS OIVEN PltllMPT AND JARKKUL ATTKNN Act today STATE FORNITURB CO.. IViui 1417 Hlh and lnite lit. Ontah QBNTLKMAN S chiffonier or wardrobe; five trays, two drawera, one large recess, die- appearing mirror, hangers for coats, trou sera, etc.; ample room for alt aulta of clothing. A'ao one medium alxed cabinet book case; both In oak and In splendid condition. Call at 1144 8. 13d. Telephone Harney 1167. IIAUOAINtf in furniture. Ice buses, ga stovea rtigL. beds, chins snd klti ben rabl a -ta tallie s, rbalra, buffets dreaaera trunks, suliraai Full line of pualir? net Mne m-r..,n lJS I7 N :nh Weh let OMAHA PILLOW Ci Feather matt made from your own feathera. summer and winter ,lda. coal ,i'ss and last longer than cotton or hair beds Phone us for sample. 107 turning. Houglss tttl. FOn SALE OOOD QUARTER 8AWED OAK DININO ROOM BET; t WILTON RUGS, (all: I DRA8S BEDS. WAL. 1740. CALL F. a STEPHENSON, HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE Auctioneer fjeenaed nd Bonded" Phone Web 4471 8TQVE8, all makes, heaters, ranges and cook stoves, f urn . Vict., pianos Country trade (looda parked free Loyal Furn Co., t2S N. 16th. City Furn. Co., 107 8. 14th. HI Mil tin hi down and st-l your aharv of all kliiiln rurnltiire at aarrlfine f lain FOR SALE Bedroom furniture, eicsllenl condition. Ingulfs al onca w-ie;0. FOR SALE Double oven gat stove la fine condition. t34 S. 1Mb St. FOR SALE 1 Mood beda and one bed spring. Heftier 14. FOR SALE (jirge alae baae burner cheap. Tyler int. Pianos snd. Mushal Instruments. FOR SALE Everett piano, practically new; also New Life vibrator. South S7. Store and Office Fixtures. iVK HAVE moved to rn-w location We buy tell and make d aks, aafea ahowraaes thriving. le Omaha Flaiure Huiiplvt'ii d W Tor I lib and Doug Phone l 1714 Sewing Machines. " SBWlNOnroHlNRS Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all aewlnf machines, v MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney 81. - fmuf,. 1661. Cnrnrt and Kor'ahs. " KODAK SNAP; Premo Film Paok 1(614. Kodnk with caas for 17.60. Ad dress Box 7646, Omaha Bp. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dancing Academy. nfl f nvo School Popular Ballroom LC LUAC Dances Class Monday Eve 'til 8. Ilth Pbon- Walnut 1017. TURPIN S School of Dancing. I6tb Farnam Pbone H 614T. or call peraon. for date of classes Circulars mailed free. KEEP Dancing Academy, private lessons, claaaea for adults and children. D. 7K50. and neliy AUTOMOBILES Detectives 4U1TON Detective Agency (Inc.) "W Get Reaulta " 626 World-Herald Bldg. Paul Sutton. Msr .riui i v tve: ves-M'iA iinN. ou let Nat Bk Bldg. Phone Tyler 2610. JAMES ALLAN. 11 Neville Blk. Evidence eecui d In all ins a Tyler IMU 8 D Jfil.LV. 611 Paxton Red II8. Dre.'smaking. TERRY Dreeemnklna: Co. 2ftth and Farnam Junk Dealers ST. LOUIS JUNK CO. Call Web. 6067 after 4 Fixtures and Wiring nTTPTTM Electric washing roach In ee LSUltlVlis electric Irona and reading lamps. 2221 Cuming St Doug. 2616. . Pianos for Rent tl.60 per mo. A. Hoap Co.. 1611 Douglas. Hatrdressing. MADAME WILSONT liilO Douglas. Household Specialties C F. ADAMS, tit a 1'ilU D. 2007. Und new management W want to at old friends and meet new. Open Sat. aven Tour credit I good, ' A-enta wanted. In-ounce BANKERS Lie'.-! OF I.INC N, tll-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1116 Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick, ft Oroe Lumber and Wreck Co. Wei. 2684 Oxy Acetylene Welding Expert Wetdini. on AM Meal. H W I !VPPTNr. () 8. t!lh Bt. D. 1676 Massuers elan c,n S Sulphur Bath snd SwodUh Mas aaje. Trained attendants. Thea'er Bids 176 Brandels MASSAGE chiropody. Alia Head. 208.14 n rvn , l . e a d l In. II. 145H. MISS HOLLAND, 221 Neville Blk! Central Bath Inat . 1501 Harney. Doug. 7067, Osteooaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. viiure pnono. ryier isao. Kea. H. 4741 Mrs, j. R. Mualck. au.phur. atenm and eura. typtut baths. 102-1 Rose, Bldg. Ty. 1361. DR. O. B. LORD. 1201 Burt 8t. H. 40S1. Paj.-:t'ng and Paper Hanging. LET me figure your Interior decorating! uarnett. the Paper Hanger. Harney 1711, ' Patent Attorneys. PATENTS bought ,idnld. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO. Ill Brandeta fll Ig Douglaa 4661 oTUROKS "A BTL'ROES. V B. and foreign paienis ana ireaemarKS 130 Bee Qjldg. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP a CO.. 1716 Vinton street. Plumblna and Heating. Ceneral Renalr Work our (eriaiiy. on. burner EXPERTS, -Tel. ryier ma. , Print'ng and OtTice Supplies. Water-Brnhrdt Ptg. Co. 624 8. 13th St Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for ronu 106 N. I7th. John Feldrnan. D. 1128. Towel Supplies. Omaha TOwel Supply 207 S. Ilth. D. 626. Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fl' Cuarantecit Th W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. SAFES Typewriters and Supplies. iri'KWRITEaS. sold rerted and repaKd Rent an Oliver typewriter I mnnihe foi 16 Central Typewriter Enrhanse Sn Ferfam lliaranlied Tytn-wiMert 11V snd no Write for Hat Midland Tyn Co, !44 Dodge: Mincellene-otit, FLORISTS. BKINil a member of tbe Nations! Florist , Telegraph Delivery association, w sre In position to deliver flowers al short notice anywhere in th United Slate or Canada Ha Swohods. r'oHatt LEEL T.ARMON Foolrtiell Florlata. II4 Douglaa St Do la 6244 LARGEST assortment of fr.ah flowera. : H ENTER! JN. 1S19 FARNAM PARKER FMIWER SHOP, 411 8. 16. D liof TTlRFKHNKRY, 6n8. 16thSt Doug t BATH. National Florist, 14 Farnam Bt 'A DONAOKl'B. 22 Harney Doug ' lin" FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER" tndepend-nt t'ndertakera, 24 & Hat D 161 B I. lDDEn CO Funeral Hire, tore B Font. Mgr., 23d and Cuming ft Phone Itnngiaa 7t Aum amhnlen" HCL8E niHPKN. undertaker and em . halm-re 7n fl 16th Dnn;le tf JOHN A OKNTLI.MAN. underlekei mhalmer 54 lavenwnrth Doug and itr.a BIRTHS AND D5THS. Bin ha ltomen'lrs" and Fllonrma" PlaMlto! till South Tvrenly-rtfth atreet, boy; Alnula and Kami I lie Krallrk. 381 M I'reet, girl; Jam.s and Clara lwla, R. F. D. No. 4, boy; Thomas -J. and Ella Mullaly, 4324 South ' 8venleeth aireet, boy. Death .lohn Fetter. 66. 102 North 8I. teanth atreet; Martin J. Nea-y, 2. hoital; Ileleg Conrad. i, 206 South Seventeenth atreet; Mabel May Smith. 42. ttnanUal: V rn A. Dupont, 4. 2642 Dodga street. M ARRIAGF. LICENSES. The following couple wert issued llcanae tsduy to wed. Nam and Addreaa Age. John II. 8hn, Nebtaka City. Neb..,., 26 Klnora M. Nelson, Nebraska City, Neb... 22 Arthur Bly. Omaha ... , 2! Joenphln flheppard, Omaha ,, 22 , Oeorg Covorlg. Jr., IS, Joaeph. Mo...:. 20 Mary Bntna, Omaha , It LOSTf FOUNDREWARDS ' OMAHA CDIINCII. Bl.liFFS STRRKT RAILWAY 'N'MPANY Persona having k9 aum article would : do well to rail up the off.-e of the Omaha Counell Rlurf Street Railway company to aw-ertaln w'letber hey left II In the atreet .'ear . . ' v , Many articles each day are turi.ed in and th comisny la at'xtoua to reaturv them Mie rightful nwner UNION PACIFIC otters cheap, two rubber tired, horn-drawn, ambulance, In good condition. Snap for quick aal. Writ to m today for particulars, Geo, C. Smith, Pjjrchaalng Agent, U, P, R. R, Co., Omaha, Neb. -00.000 FEET of old and new lumber for aal at reduced prices. Also wlndewa, doors, steam heating boiler, ateel be ma and other building materials, , CHAMBERS & O'NEILL, Tyler Mil. tl 02 Leavenworth. FIRE ADJUSTER SALE All th damaged good of Cady I Amber Co. fir bad ware, twin, nail, wlr fencing, wooden and iron posts nd lumber. H Oroa ' Lumber and Wrecking Co., Hal and Paul St. Webater 684. ilt V Ki.NDI.INU WOOD ACM a, nti.V 'UMPAITV Mamee 'all FOR 8ALH A carload of red and yellow onions O. M. Rayhorn. Mlnburn, la. HAST call for lomatoea, etc, for .canning'. . Colfa 8. , . "TAPPERS COLUMN WHAT hav you to tra4for 21.(00 equity In South Dakota quarter aectlon. Cood I . h - d land . ill 1321 W. O. W Bldg,, Omaha, Nb. ,F VuU Hate en) thing and will adv.s-tiae II her ou will aurely recover It If f. und by an honest tierann If oo find anything , et value tie honest wv ta to edverile, foe the LOST or strayed, a black brlndl Boston bull, white marking on breast and head. 4 whit feet: anawora to the name of Ihtke. Liberal reward. Colfax 2707 or Ty. 111. PURSE Lost laat Tuesday evening" 16th and Harney Bt., by widow with two small children. Finder plea' call Cotfai 2174 and receive reward, FOUND Neck rosary-on if" near Farnam- owner can have same by paying for ad and Identifying same at Th Bee o flea. LOrfT T Empress" theater, lady a gold hunting case watch, letter K engraved on ease. Call H. 66ii. Reward TWENTY DOLLARS It U WARD for the re. turn of a gold dollar dated 1662 124 North tth St.. Omaha LOST Ioid necklace, value only a gift of dead friend Reward Harney tim l-OST Party finding iixA Uuedyear , casing and Inn- r tub on rim. pi. as re turn to K24 Vinton; rewnd. LOST Cold -wrist watch . b-tween Miller Park school and I aurel avenue Tuesday Reward. Colfax 101. FOR SALE On TRADE. 2426.60 McPhail upright piano, good a new, for good Ford ear. Box X 114, Omaha Bee, - t WILL trad my flva-pataenger Maxwell car , for horses or cov.s. wi; a -II cheap If taken i at one. Call Harney 2466. ona-day aerv Neville Hlk Fll, Uveluped. IIU a roll, lee . Kate Kodak Studio, lam and Harn-e TWO city Iota, good location."!!! trade fof a good car. Addreu Box 7611. Omaha Be. STUDIO MACHINE for aal or trad. In flrel claa condltl.n. W. jaiar 1146. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS Now d sk. uai-d d ska bought, sold and traded J C. Reed. 1101 Farnam l I84 OLD CLOTHING wabnp'a8yhth1 HIOH EST PRICKS IMiUOI.AS (1121 JENKINS etc I h,u, S1 I'aya highest prl.-ea for clutbes eho'S trunk R.s. Doug anil CAN uae econd-hand teel for concrete work auch as ralla, liars, etc Apply A B. Alplrn, lib and Douglas St DIAMONDS 4n 8 Ulh 81 HKKUMAN IX. WANTED Ta buy elder apples 2612 J. South 1514 " iM'iJi Dl HUf SllKb,l . uavU , FoM lollrlng rnt Couth 4S FALSE teeth, mo Decatur St., Omaha. Neb. IU mm iH.imhl Kl.a,-r Loyal Hotel lilda II. niKS Imuahl. l (i IHIb Tvier t?6 ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. aide, knife, .aunburat. box pleating, covered button, all alxea and . etylca; bematltrhing, plcul edslng, eye- ' let cut work, buitiiiiholea, pennanta IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATlNtl CO.. 200-101 Brown Bltlg. Douglaa 1636. VANARMAN Irea Pleating and Buttons Co.. 116-t Paxton Ljlk. Dowgla 1106. Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co. IJI Ramgeldg Phn Doug. 1I6 Baths. LO-iT I jrire ameo b ourb - In carnival .ground Friday night. Liberal reward. Mrs Hud eon, tkim'aa 1076. - -) LOST Sat urdaynlht, I lte' gold beads wit a locket; rea-a-d. Call Walnut 80S. FOUND 'I wo tons; owner writs d scrip. tloa to Box "810. Omaha Be. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE 1 Airdale terrier, 100 mark, purs, female, . Call Douglas 4314 and aak for 61 r. King. W.-ntel MASSEUSE, bat; a. manicuring, cult. Miss Walker, '.It Neville Hlk. O. 4261. 1 OUAUA lltTU IVlM'Tltt.k. Ikl II. Block. 16th and Hurney 8ta Doug. 73M. Central Hath InaL. 106 Harney. Doug. TOO?. , Brasj and (ran Foundries. Paxton-Mltehell Co.. 27th and Martho8to Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD 4 SON. 2021 Cuming." Ty, 1662. Chiropfidist Carrie JBnrford. 620 Paxton Blk, R. 468T. Dentists. WANTED Male Alrdal reflatered pup, six week eld. Box T831, Omaha Bee. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 621 W. O, W. BMg. I Taft'a Dent Rnia., 10 Roa BlUg. D. 2166. Safes. "BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam J J. Dertght Safe Co. Weddinjt Stationery. WEDDINO announcement and printing. Douglaa Priming Zo Tel. Douglaa 644. BUSINESS CHANCES OR EAT INVESTMENT; OPPORTUnTtIES Oil land, lease and atorka, Oklahoma. Kenn. Wyoming and Kentucky field We have om aneclal bargain at pre. ent. Writ for circular and full particu lar. AMERICAN SECURITIES CO. 2608 N. Broadway, St. Lou I a, Ma, 2 Pi) W Ens. 6-A marhlnca. urerilcallv n Yor choice at 8166, other machine from tit up; two Fort Wavn Compenaarra at ( oinv iuick ir you want It Mgr '210 Bromley Bid,. Omaha. Neb I'iUE price wrecker This Is no 2 In I lire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY NIMfr Jackson Aula wanted Omarja Neb I WISH ta rent (tor building In good lo- . canon ana ten atock and fixture at wholes! Inventory price. Bale have avtragC 100 per month. Frank An-d-w. 6316 County Road. Tel South 2548. FOR SALE HOSPITAL of It room; mod ern and fully equipped; town 2.000 people, Addren Raemua Anderson, Broken Bow, Neb. I FOR tale or rent, bakery, confectionery and lunch bualneaa. Only bskery In railroad junction town 860, good paving bualneaa. Addrea Box T 231, Omaha Bee. FOR RALE Clean atock of hardware In good, live town and pmrerou community; Invoice about 24.000; good reaaon (or sell Ing. Address Box 68, Gibbon, Neb, WILL aell, for beat offer, twenty shares of Waterloo Crenmery Comnany f pet pre ferred atoik Room 808, 66 Exchange I'lc. New York City. MOTION picture machine 4 new. and re built), theater lupnlled Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S 1th St FOR SALE The only hotel in a small No break town; doing a good bualneaa A hattaln. Addn a Box Y-220. Omaha Bee MOViNtl PICS'URR machlnca. new and re bulll. all make; upolles rm ll Nat Ply Crl Hknc "of Weatarn Sup i- iir.i in or uut or nusineea call on oawiKHTAO, Zta Bee nidT Done: 1477 Vul'it biialiUHs oiwcal rs'ate bundled foi aiile F V Knieat. He Bldg . omahs Down SALE AND AUCTION CO. 1126 W W Bldg Red 2286 IEAT market for aal Btaplehurst. Neb C M Huffman Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete lino moving picture aupphea . Swanaon Nolan Supply Co.. lot 8 14th AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS in USEDCSi On Itlt Ford delivery truck, all closed In. eheip. On 281 Ford touring ear. On 114 Ford Touring car. 2331. On 1814 Ford roadster, 2236; 1816 nglne. On 112 Mitchell touring car; a good v on. 2460. '.( On Chalmers track, 2208. On Studvbakcr touring, cheap. 2400. On 1217 Maxwell touring, cb p. 1500 On Mollne truck, good order. tfOO. "2-In-l" Vulcanizins Co., l Davenport 8t iMuglu 2814; YOU ARB ABOUT TO BUT" A CAR" That car. naturally, you would Ilk to hav a Pack d. for ta a Packard you get QUALITY. 2-36 seven-psaienger touring car In won derful condition, out of atock but a few weeks, bumper, extra tire, original p. Ice, - 21.660. W hav been ualng this car aa a how car. W will bow put It oa th market at 22.400. - 2-26 demonstrator ' In fine condition, bumper, extra Ui-, and fully quipped. Price, 22.660. Steven Duryea. t-cyL. elf starter, elec tric lights, good tints. tlSt paint. Price. 2600. Overland 22. In fin ehap. 1611 model, flv-tsa, car. W are offering tbla car at 838. Apperson, 4-eyL 6-paaa., self-atartor, electric light, one-man tois good tl es, on , extra, good paint, a car with lota of power and easy to handle. Price. 8600. Scrtppa-Booth roadster, wlr . wheel, fin tlrca, car I painted gray. A wonder ful tiding rar and very eaally handled. A fine car for a woman Price, 2600. HarnTT'tli. PACKARD. 40th and USiSD CAR DEPT. Farnam 8t. ALTO CLEARING HOL'BE 228 Farnam Douglaa 8110 Scrlupe-Booth da I ei at a sacrifice 14 Chevrolet 8126 It Maxwell 312 Moon Mi ., Sacrifice REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. One Metx, 6126. one ton Kelly truck, 3300. Late Allen louring, uacd very tittle, 8(60 STANDARD HOVOR CO., 2020 Farnam St. FORDS! FUR US! FORDSI We are the uaed Ford men. TRAWVER AUTO 8ALVAOE It EXCH. 110 8. 17th 81. Douglaa 8070. W.L. kinda uf rare for bire with or with out' duver by tbe mile or by 'he Dour Ford I no pet mile ix"lae x braaka Service FOR SALE: 1617 Maxwell touring car, brand new: must aell at once tor t00. Call from 8 a, m. lo t p. m. Webster 41(1. WANTi-D r'UH SPOT CASH. 100 UtorJD CARS, aulck action, nu delay Auto Ex change Co. 2107 Farnam Bt Doug 6016 1UAHANTKE TIRE AND VUM ANIZINU CO.. all klnda uf tire repairing work guar an teed Douglaa 7662 1108 Douglaa HI lAKLAN'D lljtht el. 1814 model INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO 20t h and Harny Dnogla 6281 RAMBLER touring ca;', electdc light and starter, in gooa shape. 2226. Call at 846 S. 2Sth 8L TELL HINKLEY, e -WB BUY AND SELL USED FORDS 2116 Harney Kt loug 164(1 JOS MATHE. patent vulcanlier manufac lurer. eaverta tlr repairing 2t Far nam Pbone Harney 4I IUKOAINH in uaed car ORR Motor BALES CO.. 10th and Farnam Harney 414 FOR SALE I.eaae and all or part of equip. ment of Crosslown garage. 216 S. 24tb UL W.vrfm i i.i f Alio km "a n d" r epa iked Everready Batterv Station 1206 Farnam BRAND new 7-paaaenger Studebaker. Col fax 4008. Doa't call Sunday afternoon. BER'ISCHY 'Kan-Flxelt." Southraat cor ner Oth and Harney Bta Douglaa 2662 2100 CASH and clear lot for 1817 car. C. Smith. Dougla 6074. t BRAND new Saxon roadsters 17th St Douglaa 807. 110 For Sale Detroit electrlo and rectifier Rox 7644. Omaha Rce. BUY and aell old cars. 6067 after 4 p. m. 1627 N list Wsb. OOOD bargains In used Fords 4001 8 24tl rel South 4S6 Auto Repairing snd Painting 6100 reward for magneto we can't repali Colla repaired Bavadorf-r. 210 N lain Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES WM. PFEIFFKR Al'TO CARRIAGE WKt 2Mb Ave and lavenworth 81 Tyler 701 Electric Starters and Repairs ALL MAKES RKPAIHF.D Auto Service Co (Former Strahle a Anderson 1. 216 S Itlh Bt IHiuglaa 648 Tires and Supplies. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. AK-SAR-BEN SALE ONLY. BARGAINS IN INNER TUBES. New 20x3 Flreatone 4 7.90 New 30xm Flreatone 812.00 New 20xlVt Lee 814.09 New 14x4 Lee, non-skid 824.00 Now 13x4 Firestone noi-aktd 324.00 New 32x4 Flak non-akid 820.00 Kalman'a Tire Shop 1721 Cuming. D. 6838. GUARANTEED TIRES H PRICE. Mad with two old tire. 20x3, 86.60 30x3. 87.16. 22X3H. 28.26. "2-In-l" Vulcanizing Co., 1516 Davenrort St. Agents Wanted. Douglas 2814. UNUSUAL bargains In slightly uaed tires: expert tlr repa'rlng and retreading a and O. VI re Co., 2416 Leavenworth. Ty 1261-W. 11 B. 17th St. ,'y. 2164 HI IV" Punvtureproof Pneumatic Tl and eliminate your tlr trouble Powell Supply Co . 2061 Farnam St Motorcycles and Bicycles A K L tfi Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In uaed .Machine. Vlctui H Roo. "Th Motorcycle Man," 27tb and l.i-avenwortn TIB Cleveland Lightweight Motorcycle la th laat word In motorcycle conetructlon Easy term. Plott Bro.. 226 Farnam. FOR SALE An Indian Twin two-apced mo torcycle, 2100. A bargain. Call Webater 2064. . PERSONAL MADAMS WILSON ha moved her hair. dreulng and manicuring parlors from council Hiiiira to yuiaha. She has a beautirul up-to-date , parlor, located at 1510 Douglaa St 2d door east of Km. press Theater, 2d floor. Call and get ac HE Salvation Arm) (ndualclai Home so licit your old clothing, fufnlture, maga tinea W collect.- We dialribute Phone Doug 4126 and our wagon will call Cap and inspect our new bom 1110-1112-1114 Dodse 81 l.bCTKIC treatment, baths; Bwedlah maa sag Central Institute, 1606 Harnev I'nugla 77 MISS FISHEK. aulpbur, ateam bath and iii'taaHee 87 Hran Tha ItldM l r,6 Manicuring maa. and scalp treatment. Fur appointment call Ty. 1038. 703 S. 24th. MAE HlllltJAIAN. iclcniillc maaaiuae and hatha to Karlwrh Blk Red 2717 1 MISS SMITH maeaulal Rlttenbnua sanl tsrlum. 210-214 Balrd Hlk D 246X UEI.LA WeiHSTKR miiaeaxe and manl , curing 618 Paxton Blk Red 24na M.I. RIGHT private maternity home Best rare 6i) Bristol Webster 208 PRIVATE licensed maternity bom. 4418 N (tin Bt rnone coirax 704 BATH and massage IK02 Farnam St Room 2 I'hone Dougla 761 Si.'li.N I IHC uiaaaaa I2U Bee Hldg Pbone oougla ST2 Manicuring and mask 1K23 Farnam R It MISS WKST. manlcu-e, tnasaaee 210 N 17lh E. FROTT. Maa. 702 S. 18th. D. 8626. MEDICAL WHT BUFFER Latest and moat tclsntlfle treat ment for all dlaeasea Dr Charles Barnes, 613-524 Rot Bldg Eg amlnatlon and consultation free. H la curing thousands. , WHT NOT ; YOU 7 ' Delays' ar dnngen.u If you can't call write Hour Sam. t to I p in. i 2.30 to St evening Sunday by appointment. ( DR. E4 R. 1 ARRY, M 40 BEB BI.DO PILES, FISTULA CURED. Be B ft Tarry rurea piles, flatul nd other rectal dteaes without aurttcai op erations Cure guaranteed and no money paid until i-ur.-d Write ft honk on vi tal dleeaae and teattmnnlala HUPTI'KM eucccexfullv treated without a urglral otters lion Call ot writ Dt Frank H Wrar. tn Bee Bldg Chiropractors. Dr. J. C, Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. 51 1 UATiONSVVA"NTED - -Male. REGISTERED pharmactat desires position in neb. or lows. Aged 26 years. Exempt from draft. Single, 12 years' experience In retail drug business Best references Box Y 3'. Omaha Bee. YOU MEED riRKJH AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T YOUT U.L RIGHT WE 11 THB BEST WORK , IN TOWN , i , 1 . TRY tit) . s .ni Tltttt 8HOP. 261t FARNAM rxU'OIWtS 47 ; FOR SALE Oakland Six touring car. brand new. a bargain - Det roller, good running order and In fair condition, 2128. Owner Went to war. Tractor, 6-1 J. mad by th Elgin Trac tor corporation, nearly new aad tn A-l shape, A. U MELCOER, W1SNJSB, KCB. SALESMAN qualified to manage aalea and branch office of manufacturer, desiring representation In Chleato territory; wtahea Interview. Addreea 76SC. Omaha Bee. GKNERAL bookbinder, paper cutter7 marble ftnlaher needa work; will go anywhere. Every little bit helpa. Wm. U. James. ' - Oenjral Delivery. Omaha. IIXPERIENCED lerk. 21, single! five yearn aa grocery, aho and furnlahlng goods salcaman. open for position Beat refer ences Box Y 238. Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. COLORED woman wanta day work of any kind. Ty. HS36-W. ' DAY work by whit woman. Web. 4630. WASHING and lac curtain done. Ty. 1144. Wanhlnt and Ironing WHnliJ H.i n-y l ,0t LMJnDRY or day work wanted. Web. 27 3L Bundle washing color d iady. Ty. 2553-J WANTED Work bythe day. Webater 1422. Coi. Fady wanta day wk.. any kind. Ty. 2568. LAUNDRY w'w by ex p. col, lady. Web. 7034. "8HINQ. tronlngand hclenlnr Tv 26J BUNDLE witahing wanted,Walnnt 226. wlliTE" laundreaa Call eve.. Red 3844 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SHIPPING CLK.. 186; -Bookkeeper, 876; Profit and Loss Clk.. 276; Collector. 866; Lumber Yd. Mgr., 885; Twelve Stenos.. 276-1S5; Office Clk.. 260; Order Clk., $66. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Young attorney to tak charge of law office for six month during absence of practitioner; giv full information con cerning aolf; references ns to character and church affiliations, If any. Box Y 235, Omaha Bee. WH PAY (or a position? Stenographers, regliter us ''REE OF CHAROE and we will flacs you REM INUTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY tn South 19th St GENERAL office clerk, good futur. 275. WESTERN REFERENCE at BOND ASSN. 718 First National Bank Building. MAN who can operate, Smith-Premier type writer, who ha had eonie experience In county clerk' office. C & Page, County Clerk, Harrlsburg, Neb. STENOGRAPH EK Typia! THE CANO AGENCY. $40 to 236 240 to 27 600 Bee Bldg. R. R. CLERK 270-280 STENO 180 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEB BLDG. LEDGER ele-'i by large wholesale house. Good pay and chance for advancement Address 7409. Omaha Bee. OFFICE clerk, good future 366 WATTS REF-. CO.1138 Flrnt NatJJank. YOUNG man tudylaw! EvV. downtown se UNI, of O.M.. Sec'y Thomson. 44 Om Bk. Professions and Trades. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN WANTED. HARRY LAWRIE, 619 PAXTON BLbCK. WANTED Laboreia, 36o per hour and 60c per hour while dulng concrete work; fire men 46c per hour; steady employment In factory for the right kind of men; bunk houses furnished; board 27.36 per week. Th Nebraska Potash Works Co. Anttoch, Neb. WANTED Men wltu soma mechanical knowledge to learn to operate lathes, planer, boring mills, milling machines, drill presses, etc, Good opportunity to learn th machinist trade and b paid good wage while learning. No labor trouble. Vt rlt giving experience. Daven- port Locomjtlv Work, Davenport, la. HELP WANTED MALE Boys. BOYS! A Regular Job Where You Can Make Real Money! Light wor' and regular hours Good chance for advancement and more money. v APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson Sts. . - Boy with wheel who does not attend school. Geneal work. . Good wages. The King Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam. Miscellaneous. Wanted Window, Cleaners Apply Housekeeper, HOTEL FOKTENELLE WB hav opening for several young men from It to 18 year who wish to learn an exceptionally good trad or bualneaa. Ap ply Rirga Optical Co., 7t Brandels Bldg ATTENTION farmers' If you want help we can supply you Bluff City Employ mn' Hui-mii P1f4 W Bmadwav P 431 TURKISH BATH MAN AND MASSEUR at once; steady position. Waddell's Bath House, Rock Island. III., 121 18th. WANJED Baggage porter. 14th and Farnam. Paxton Hotel, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Machinist" to operate lathes, planers, boring mills, milling machines. radial drills. Blotters, etc. Good wage to competent men. No labor trouble. Steady work. Davenport Locomotlv Work. Davenport, la. WAN t bD Kuck men and teamstera on Santa F Railway line between Caney, Kan., and Pawhuskn. Okl Yca-'a work. Maney Bros, ft C., Pawhuska. OkL WANTED Tailor, coatmaker and a buahel- man; will pay 226 salary lo good man steady work. Horn Tailoring Co.. Soctt - bluff. Neb. WANTED Namea of men. wishing to be. com Omaha marl carriers Commence, 67 montb- Box Y.2f9, Omaha Bee. wAie.u irai ciaaa automobile repair man; giv ag and experlehoe In first letter. Box Y 236. Omaha Be. WANTED at once: first olaaa h"eet metal worker; 66 rent pet hour. Denkman and Harms, Sioux City, la. WANTED First-class barber at once; 220 guaranteed. 60 over 230. Lercb & Jobea, Lieaawooa, c. v. WANTED Turkish bath man. Ceo. J, Gordon, Stag Turkish Bath, 8t Joseph. uo. WANTED An experienced grocery "clerk Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. PREjSSER and spotter wanted at once at Hamann 406 Commercial. Atchlaon, Kan YOUNG man aludy law! Eve., downtown sis UNL of OM.. Sec'y, Thomson. n4 om. Bk i.bAKN burlHi trade, iuw rates uuw tall or wrtio Parher l'nl,- t24 IVmiKi 81 STRONG young man as candy helper. Ap piy at once, sweetland. 1517 Burt St. W'ANTED-Expeirlenced meat. cutters. Ap ply vvasnington markjt. 1407 Douglas WANTED Two young men to work on pas' senger (rata. Apply 814 8. 10th St TWO voting men for factory work Omaha Rox Company. East omnha DI.ACiv.ti.Yo'1 H and honitshoer, steady n. n. ivuicK, Maya: a. Neb, lob WANTED UNION MACHINISTS 121H 8. 10TH 3T. APPLY WANTcUi Prcas fe'der. 106 Noih I3tb St .uaie or female 100 CARPENTERS WANTED Armour racking co., south st Paul, Minn. Salesmen and Solicitors. MEN WITH FORD CARS to !! tlr Foot Air Accelerator. Burn not air. Make 812 and up per week Id your own -community. Answer quick, Whartney 8Vs Co., 617 Paxton Blk. AN EXCEPTIONAL opro tunlty ia open to an experienced salesman In Iowa. A chance to become a f'nlshed adding machine man with the complete training of a wonder ful aalea organisation. Aak for Mr. 61c- Govern, the Adder Machlna Co.. 203-6 vv n. w. nidg. SUBSCRIPTION repretenttlv wanted for the Nebraska Farm Journal In every county in Neorasxa Salary and axpenacs. Good proposition to the right party. Per manent Call or address Nebrasks Farm Journal, Omaha. TRAVELING salesman, itspl commodity. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 736 First National Bank Building. HICJH class security salesman for lovta and Nebraska territory. Must furnlan refer ences and bond. Addrea J. W. Colley, 601 uroar Lea lie Bids.. Itaneas City. Mo. WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa. Call 408 Be Bldg. WANTED Experienced slothing salesman. Shirley Clothe shop Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED NIOHT COOK WANTED QUIRE 3208 8 24TH ST IN. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. RELIABLE firm wanta competent truck drivers. Box 7805, Omaha Bee. Trade Schools. . MOLER BARBER. COLLEGE. Men, women, learn the barber trade; few weeks com; lete; pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now o . Call or write. 110 South 14th SL, Omaha. WANTED Job driving truck, ran tak car of any kind; reference. Tyler 2071 -J. WANT to husk corn What will you pay t Aridnna Lock Box 281, 8 -encer. Neb. HOUSEMAN wanla work;' any kind. Call Houseman, Douglas 7438. Female. GOOD honest girl can hav a homo looking Ut work. 2J1 Larimor Ava., Omaha. COMPETENT white lady wanta day work of any kind. Red titAT. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, waahing. Ironing, house cleaning; will gly satisfaction. Walster 2610, AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In tlx week; no book; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. 281,4 N. 10th St, Omaha, Neb. BOTH Men and wom-n to learn the barber trade. Special rates.- Call or writ. 1402 Dodge. - TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2058 Farnam. Boys WANTED GOOD BOY WITH WHEEL STEADY WORK, GOOD WAGES. OWL DRUG CO., 16TH AND FARNAM 8TS. WANTED Hoy lor pressroom, heavy work 21 a week, good cbanro for advance ment for on who can deliver Night work 8e 61 r Milter night foreman omaha Bee . AN t At mice, good airung boy a bus boy ivrmanent position Ml fcrnaii hols, "Vlarkstone Hotel BOY WANTED with wheel. M. F. Shafert Company. Twelfth and Farnam, WANTED Men women. Thousand gov ernment war positions open; 2100 month Examinations everywhere. Llat free Franklin Inatltute. Dept- 237-H. Roche ter. N. T WANTED Lobby porters, maid, but boy and kitchen men Henahaw hotel. , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTEDA young lady who can hold intelligent conversation over the telephone and is not AFRAID to talk. ' No past experience necessary, but the capability of acting per in structions is essential - If you are AFRAID of a telephone don't answer. If you are NOT. address BOX 7720, Umaha Bee, stating past ex peripnee, if any. STENO., some dictaphone work, 390: comp tometer operator, 165; ateno and (He clerk 250; ateno, 60; ateno and clerk, 260; steno., out of town, 275 to $80; office clerk, 240; steno., 250; steno., 340. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. -Bank. HEP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. GIRLS! Your Opportnnity to Earn More Money and Advancement Start in packing and labeling de partment. Good money, steady, pleasant employment, regular hours: most pleasant, sanitary sur roundings. Brand new tire-proof building. IF YOU ANT A REAL OP PORTUNITY APPLY SUPER INTENDENT. "SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson Sts. SEWING GIRLS WANTED FOR POWER MA CHINES. GOVERNMENT WORK. GOOD WAGES EXPERIENCE NOT NECES SARY. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO.. 18TH AND HOWARD. THE Nebrsska Telepjon- company of ten I an exceptional ,ippp'tuplt to young ladle to leatn local md long distance lelephono operating Kt-rmanent poaltlona. opportun ities for advancem-i.t goof wage M ary ta paid while learning Parenta I-siring to acquaint themaelveg with the wo.-klng condition ot any other detail ar wwlailv Invited to accompa iy the applicant .... Apply to C F Lambert 1807 Douglaa treat . , Household and Domestic WANTED Priest's housekeeper; 2 priest; 1-story home, furnace heated, comfortable 'home; no cnurch dutiea: light work; wages 26 per week give references. Rev. A. R. Dowd, MJnden. Neb; j GOOD reliable whltj girl for general house work r must have reference. Mr. Camp bell, 10 8. 60th Ave. Walnut 3636. WANTED An exp. girl for gen. housework; three in family; 210. 2616 Woolwortb Ave. Tel. Harney 6653. COMPETENT white girl for general houae work; no waahing; best wages. 6122 , Burt Wal. 238. WANTED Girl to asa'st with housework! and care of amall child. No washing. Apt. 11 the Blrchwood. Phone Walnut 31. RELIABLE white girl wanted 3 In family. No waahing. 87 Mrs Benner. Wal. 2112. COMPETENT maid: no washing; 3 in fam ily. 102 N. 35th Ate. Tel. H. 6429 EXPERIENCED -hits girl for housework. 216 N. 41st St. Walnut 660. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A dining room girl and second, cook Apply Clarksnn Hospital 2100 Howard St. M'scellaneoui. WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN ICE CREAM PARLOR. WASHINGTON MARKET. :i407 DOUGLAS ST. NOW IS THE TIME to see- us about a po sition as fall business Is picking up with a ruth. , It you are a stenographer or bookkeeper see us at once. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-1 City National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and ateno.. 376; bkpr., 265; bkpr. and typist. 280: office clk., 250; twenty-two stenns. 840-276; typist, (40. TH1 MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, bank position, out of town, 388. WESTERf REFBREMCB A BOND ASSN 726 First National Bank Building. vv'HY PAY- Im a position Stenographers register with us FREB OF CHARGE an we w'li place you HKM1NHTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY 211 8.1 lth Bt - X'ltv WANTED-Two good, bright experienced atebugraphir. Salary (60 to start Car penter Pa ner Co. Professions and Trades. Do You Like a Hot Lunch . At Noon? Do You Like Good Light and Air? Do You Like to Feel Safe When at Work? Well, the . go right down to the Snow White Bakery of the I ten Bis cuit '-o.. it luth and Capito Ave and make appl.cation. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English hranchea Catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1606. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHUOL OF BUHINUtB Day and Ev-nlng Schools Munaon-Pltman and Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. Office Methods. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law. Penmanship, Spelling, Civil Service aubjects. courses by profes sors from the University School of Com merce, and Domestic Science Ask fof bulletin 220 Omaha Nat. ' Bank Bldg, Omaha Douglaa 6x0 MAKE " the building up of Ideas a daily habit. Address Edward Puis, Depart meat of Public Speaking, Omaha Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT ROOMS HARLEY HOTEL Hotels. 20TH AND FARNAM Special low rates to permanent guest' STEAM-HEATED rooms 22 wk., also apts. with kltchenetg- Ogden Hotel, 'o Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find tbe room yon d-elre among these ads call at Th Be oftlee for a Room List Gives complete derrlptlon of. vacant room's ft all psrtr of tbe city Nw list Issued everv week MODERN furnished rooms at th Sun shin .apartments, equipped for light housekeeping: hot and cold water. For men only. Low rate. Office 80 N. 17th St. Where You Can Get a Good Hot Lunch at Noon for 12c. Wher the Liqrht and Air Are Both Good, v Where You Are Safe Always As the Building is Fireproof Good girls who are able and will ing to work always make good monoy in our Snow White Bakery Tnemost capable girls are jelected trom ume 'o time foi advancement and promoticii. as we believe in trainin" our employes for bettei positions. ITEN BISCUIT CO. V T antsd Chambermaid - ... Apply Housekeeper, HOTEL FONTENELLE WANTED A iklrt maker at once Scalso at Holmgren, Room t. Wead Bldg. LEAKN barbel Uad. 1402 iodgo St LARGE front room, comfo. table for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, reasonable; private home; all modem; one block from car line: location. 2514 Emmet St Phons Webster 45S1. AK-SAR-BEN lsltors. large, pleasant room, located In aectlon Just IS minutes by'car from center of city. Harney 1461. FOK RENT Large attractive room Trl thoroughly modern home for I or 2 gen- wciocii. pnvmg lamny. can Harney 5835. I... ,1, L VT..- . , . . . rv.. 0.0.41 1 n large iront room tn new, modern, strictly privat home, to a lady; board If desired.; ret exc. H 2235 FOR RENT .Large modern front room In private home, w'h or without board. Oar. age. Harney 4124. NICE ROOM ln modern home for 1 or j , gentlemen. Brenkfast If desired. 1615 W. 35th Street. Walnut 3419, NLCK.LT..,fulTlshed room 1:1 Private home? d?slrable for one or two girls. Tele phone Harney 6698. 3020 CASS; Nicely furniaVd rooms in mod! iwiiir. near car. Ma'Pey. 2575. 1611 HOWARD, heated furn room! Jloiiseheerjins Rooms 2501 ST MARY'S AVE.-2 frlmTlrmr all , nicely f unplatted, on aecond flnor Laundrv Privilege. - Reasonable. D. 6942. NICE furn.shed or unfurnis.i.d rooms f t llTht housekeeping. H. 62C9 2640 Ch'l-'ca?o. 715 N. 17TH ST Nicely fu7 for llgnt housekeeping urnished rooms Bed 4324 Board and Room. ".I?14 Vli;' 2543' excellent location walklne tc "". ii J , , "r ween ana up: Nlce home baking. Dout. 7341 FIS"r'D r?om wit:i board- suiTabirfo"r ...... r iwo gentlemen: refer- ence. Harney 3786. t'.tHL:-: iK.B.d coimI- h..ln. n-. - - Rocms Wanted. UNMARRIF.D man wanta to . ' .onJ,r?e,S--,r0im' w,th hrMait and aupper. Box 7771. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. riIiU?KS brick resl"ce in Dundee; "I i.v.-3 V"""y modern; entirely fur-1heJ- Including linen, silverware; will mont t r "6Vtn ".'on,h l 10 I' month. Refrrcc, rerjiiircd GLOVER & SPAIN, , . Realtors, Douglas 3962. !,. atr W,UomU .