Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1917, Page 11, Image 11
fHE BEE: ' OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1917. 11 HEP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. 1 THE Nebraska Telepbont company offer an exceptional opportunity to young ladle to learn local And long dlstanc telephone operating. Permanent position; opportun ities (or advancement, good wages. A sr.l ary I paid while learning Parents J?slrlng to acquaint themselves with tbe working conditions or any other details ar especially Invited to accompany tbe applicants. Apply to C r. Lambert HOT Douglas street. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. WANTED A skirt maker at once. Scalxo Holmgren. Room 6. Wead Bldg. ItKARN r.rh.r trad. 4i)a llttdce St Saleswomen and Solicitors. i rgess-nash com pant . :eds the services op . experienced saleswomen permanent positions and good SALARY. APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY. WANTED Two bright, capable women, 23 to 40 years of age. residents of Omaha and vicinity, who find it necessary to earn their own living, and who would be can able of earning from $18 to $35 per week. Also wanted to travel. Nursing and teach' Ing or other experience preferred, but not necessary. Call 1S14 St. Mary's Ave., at iu a. m., Thursday. v ANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies; good salary. Th Charon Co. Sioux Falls, S. D. Household and Domestic. WANTED Priest's housekeeper: 2 Driest 1-story house, furnace heated, comfortable nome; no church duties; light work wages IS per week: give references Rev, A. R. powd, Mlnden. Neb. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; three p family. Mrs C. L. Modesitt. 351& Woolworth Ave. Harney 1!S3. GOOD reliable white girl for general house work; must have references. Mrs. Carup- oen, jus . outn Ave. walnut 3636. WANTED A housekeeper; three children no washing. Wages (4. room, board and laundry. Colfax J203. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of small child. No washing. Apt. 11, the Hlrchwood. GIRL for general housework; widow with one child. References required. Harney l 1745. RELIABLE white girl wanted. 1 In family. No washing. 17. Mrs. Benner. Wal. 1112, WANTED Reliable young girl to assist with housework. 115 S. 68d 8t. Wal. 1071. COMPETENT maid; no washing; 3 In fam lly. 102 N. 35th Ave. Tel. H. 6429. EXPERIENCED vhite girl for housework. 316 N. 41st St. Walnut 668. WANTED Maid for Call Harney 1559. general housework. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A dining room girl and second cook. Apply Clarkson Hospital. 3109 Howard St. Miscellaneous. CIVIL service examinations In Omaha soon Women desiring clerkships, poitofflce, government departments, stenographer!. write for free particular to J. C. Leon ard (former government examiner); 524 iienois mag., Washington. WANTED Olrl or lady Interested in church or kindergarten to do few hours' local work. Good salary. Address Box Y-233, Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. 1 NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog fret. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney 8ts. Van Sa. t School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. MAKE the building up of ideas a daily habit. 'Address Edward Puis, Department of Public Speaking, Omaha Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND FARNAM Special Jow. rates to - permanent guests. iTE AM -HEATED rooms $2 wk., also apt with kltehenets. Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you fall to find to room you d.plre among these ads call at The . Hps office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of th city. New lists Issued very week. ., - - .- . MODERN furnished rooms at the Sun shine apnrtments, equipped for light housekeeping; hot and cold water. For . men .only. Low rates. Office 601 N. 17th St. NICE six-room bungalow, 3229 Hamey, either furn ished or unfurnished, with garage, until May 1. Call Harney 1593 between 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. HIGH-CLASS brick residence In Dundee; S rooms, morougniy modern; entirely fur nished. Including linen, silverware; will rent for six or seven months at $100 per mourn, neierences required GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors, Douglas 39S2. 919-20 City National FOR RENT APARTMENTS Miscellaneous. RMS., mod., part, furn; walking distance good proposition to grown people: Dg. 171 FOR RENT HOUSES West 13-ROpM modern brick house, 2631 Harney si. uan Harney 3352. SIX rooms; all modern; adults walking distance. Harney S049. only North. -ROOM house, all modern, bas oak floors throughout, two fireplace. outh front. 140;-$45 with garage. TRAVER BROS., 819. First National Bk. Bldg. Doug. 8S6 335 7-KOOM modern east side, double Bouse: Bemls Park. Walnut 1342. -ROOM COTTAGE, modern except heat, IK. 27th. l; Webster 671. 340 BURT ST. 7 rms., all mod., E. H. Behnor Co., D. 406. 132.50. t-ROOM home, modern but heat, 315. Seward. I. 2S02. 2706 UUUO modern 6-room cottage. 361$ Chi eago. iai per month. Harney 1569. South. A GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE 119 S. 29th St., mcdern. furnace heat one block from cat line. Lease i months. 3i) month Thone Doug-. 394. I'OR RENT 4-room, partly modern house 210 CH r 7SS1 r,r IT - BiJH t.u. uuuse, neiu ciuu district; niouern 150. E. H. Banker Co.', I. 8406. FOR RENT Beautiful. 5-rooro, all bungalow.- 2346 8, 36tn. - modern 1729 S. 2STH ST g.rui., ilS. E. H. Ben iter co.,"D. 406:-i . . Miscellaneous. VK-SAR-BEN visitors, large, pleasant room, located In section just 15 minutes- by car from center of city. Harney 1461. jAKUE front room, comfortable tor Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, , reasonable; private horns; all modern; one block from car line; excellent location, 2(14 Emmet St. Phone Webster 45S1. I, A RGB front room, comfortable for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, reasonsble; private . home; all modern: one block from oar line; excellent location. 2514 Emmet St. Phone Webster 4581. t ROOM, accommodation for couple. In Weat Farnam ' district. Reference required. Tel. Harney 1746. tOR RENT Large attractive room In thoroughly modern home for 1 or 3 gen tlemen, private family. Call Harney (815. FOR RENT A large front room In new, (4 modern, strictly private home, to a lady; Y board If desired.; ref. exch. H. 2235. J3EAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In private home. All conveniences. Heat, hot and co!i water. 2461 St. Mary Ave. Red 9344. fOU RENT Large modern front room In private home, with or without board. Oar age. Harney 4124. NICELY furn. sleeping room; also 4 newly decorated unfurnished rooms; light and heat furn. 130. 520 N. 23d St. D. 1440. or 2 1515 KICB ROOM In modern home for 1 gentlemen. Breakfast If desired. N. 33th Street, Walnut 8419. THE-STANDARD, ill S. 22d St., modern, well furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, reasonable. Douglas 9302. HANSCOM PARK, pleasant room In private home, on two car lines. Strictly modern. Kitchen privilege. Harney 1352. 3020 CASS; Nicely furnished rooms In mod ern home.. Near ear. Harney 2576. NICE furnished rooms for Ak-Sar-Ben visi tors; close-in. Harney 5802. THREE furnished rooms to rent at 3324 No. 23d. Phon Web. 7940. (18 S. 19TH St., close In, nicely furnished rooms; modern; (2 week. 1811 HOWARD, stism heated furn. rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. IN PRIVATE home, three homelike and comfortable rooms, adjoining and on bath room floor. Modern, In excellent neigh borhood. On car line. No children. 3007 Ohio St Web 2476. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms, nicely furinshed or unfurnished, modern. 2103 Mlmla St. Webster 4606. HOWARD ST., 2215 Large housekeeping room, newly papered, close in, laundry privilege. JToT ST. MARY'S AVE. 2 front rooms, all nicely furnished, on second floor. Laundry privileges. Reasonable. D. 6942. NICE furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. H. 6269. 2640 Chl- rnpro. Tl.'i N 17TH ST Nicely furnished rooms fir llgnt housekeeping. Red 4324. Board and Room. COZ1I.Y furnished rooms in modern private lvn-.a; good board: gentlemen or young couple preferred. Web. 2234. 2811 Bristol. CAPITOL AVE; 2343. excellent location, walking distance. 36 per week and up; Nice home baking. Doug. 7341. L'517 GRANT ST. Room and excellent board for two gentlemen In private col ored family. Phone Webster 6344. TABLE, board, good home rooking. H. 830 Rooms Wanted. UNMARRIED man wants to find a com fortably heated room, with breakfast and supper. Box 7771, Omaha Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE 1 Alrdale terrier. 100 mark, pure, female. Call Douglas 4334 and ask for Mr. King HOUSE? AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. T-R., 2605 Pierce St.. ... MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R., 630 8. 24th Ave 6- R., 2876 Saratpga St.;.. 7- R.i 1909 California St STRICTLY MODERN. I-R., 228 Park Ave -. (-R., $33 8. Slat Ave. 7- R., 917 S. 6th St......i 8- R., 8018 Dewey Ave.... -H 1036 8. 20th Ave..i........ 9- R., 1919 Chicago St 10- R., 2!K1 Dodge St 15-R., 4219 N. 24th St FLATS. -- PARTLY MODERN. 4-H 8115 N. 24th St............ 10-R., 705' S. 13th St PORTER & SHOrtVEI.t. 202 9. 17th St. Doug. SOU, urnca with HOME BUILDER8. $25.00 $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 ....$30.00 ....$25.00 ....325.00 ....$37.60 ....$35.00 ....$35.00 ....$40.00 ....$30.00 .$12.50 .$45.00 3001 MASON ST., 6 rooms, strictly modern, my tuimuriaois nouse ana easy to beat. Rent $22.50. ' 6S S. 28th St., 10 rooms, strictly modern arranged for light housekeeping rooms Rent $30. S304 N. 61st St., 6-room cottage. Rent $16, 8304 N. 64th St., 6-room cottage. Rent $15. zsso spauldlng St., 9 rooms. Rent $20. GILBERT C. LOOM IS, 105 McCaguo Bldg. Doug. 870 IF YOU WANT TO SAVE RENT AND MAKE MONEY SEE THESE. I good flats, 7 and 9-r. each; part mod.; on car line and close In: 1547-49-61 N. 17th; $16 each, or $50 for the 23 rooms. A snap for rooming or boarding; 4-r., part moa., say s. 24tn, iin; 6-r.. mod., snap, 1325 S. 27th St., $20. Several other houses, Homes on rental payments. McKitrlck Real Estati Co., 316 Ramga Bldg. D. 100, Tyler 2140-J. 114 N. 24TH ST., 10 rms.. all modern. $45. (12 6. 20th St., 5 rms., strtctly mod., $87.60. (4.1 S. 24th Ave., ( rms., mod. ex. ht., $20. 545, 8. 24th Ave., $ rms., all modern, $30. F. P.. WEAD, $10 S. 18th St. D. 171. NICE 7-room flat, 1917 Cuming $26 (room house,. 261. Pecetur St .a ...... $1 5 JOHN W. BOBBINS. 180.2 FA RNAM ST. Houses In all parts of the city. CRr On, SONS 4k CO.. 60$ Bee Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. SELMA TERRACE. " 630 PARK AVE. Now ready for occupancy, sightly location, 4 rooms with 6-room ac commodation, strictly modern in every detail. Fire and sound-proof construction. SELMA REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO., Douglas 9069. Harney 1821. DEWEY. 3301 Dewey Ave., 3-r apt. with 5-r ac commodation, meaning living room with bullt-ln bed 'and dressing room, dining room with built-in bed, kitchen and bath, nice and clean, high and sightly location, all outside rooms, building practically new; $37.60 summer, $45 Winter. Tyler 60, or call janitor for appointment, Harney 1945. 116 N. 33d. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 4 rooms, very desirable. Attractive 4-room Apt. In the FIo-Les, 20th and Capitol Ave.; tile bath; $36 and $40. See this at once. PETERS TRUST CO., REALTORS. 1622 Farnam "St. Douglaa 898. THE BOSWORTH, 2217-19. HOWARD ST. 2 rooms and bath, furnished or un furnished, $35 and $40 winter rates. ARMSTRQN.G-WALSH CO.. Tyler 15.16. 333 8ecurltie Bldg. CHOICE " " ' 4-R. APT. WITH - 6-R. ACCOMMODATIONS. . 3C05 Harney, good location,- practically new, sun room, very good; $40 summer, $47.50 winter. Call Tyler '60. SAN MATEO, 2220 Howard; 4 rooms, with built-in bed, sun room, close In, very good; renting for $39 year round. See Janitor, 2222 How ard St. CLOSE In rooms, suitable for" studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc., with living rms. adjoining. T K. Hall. 434 Ramge. D. 7406. ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harnej, $ and hients. Call Harney 647. 4-room apart- ANQELL'S irpaTtment house. 25th Ave. and Douglas St., BleJ and one'3-room apart ment. H. 3074. ' APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location 24th and Farnam D 1472 2533 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rms. Ht. water, ht. $20. E. H. Benner Co.. D. 8406. South. . , ; . , MILTON, . ' ; . 1964 JONES. . New, veryxhoioe, we have-one two-room apt. with, built-in bed, renting for $32.50 summer, $37.60 winter. One,3-room apt. with two built-in beds, making practically ,;a 6-room apt., close In, very good, renting for 137.60 summer, . $42.50, . winter. See Janitor. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCY. rfcsttngs Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. ROYAL. 313 So. 27th, close In, practically new. large living room with bullt-ln bed and dressing room, opening onto large screened porch: dining room,' bedroom, kitchen and bath, nicely decorated, very good; $42.50 summer, $50 winter. Sec Janitor 317 8. 27th. or call Harney 2329. CLOSE IN BERKELEY. New and clean, ready to move Into, large living room with bullt-ln bed, and dressing room, kitchen and bath; very choice; 649 S. 19tli Ave. Renting from $28 to (17. See janitor. 1954 Jones. Hastings A Heyden, 1614 Har Ty. 50. Miscellaneous. MAYFAIR. 3 rooms with 2 bullt-ln beds, close In, practically a 6-r. Apt., very choice, NEW, porch. No. 8. renting for $38.60 yr. round See Janitor. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, walking distance. Janitor, heat, etc: $40 summer, $48.50 winter. Douglas . 3392. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS. In the IDAL1A, on of the choicest apart ments In the city, consisting of larce llv Ing room with built-in bookcases, opening onto sun room, which Is heated: dining room wun ouut-in Den. dressing room, which has built-in chiffonier, wall safe exceptionally largo bedroom with mirror door, white enamel finish: two large clos ets; kitchen with latest style sink and gas range, bullt-ln cupboards; latest plumbing in bath room. This apartment Is without doubt one of the prettiest and most complete apartments In the city renting, for $S0 sum., 165 winter. One 4-r. Apt., with 5-r. accommoda tions. renting for $50 sum.. $06 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOC Y. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. 6-ROOM flat, 616 W. 27th. $25.00.' C. O. CARLBERG, 310 Brandels Theater Hldg. D. 685. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 7" Specialists In Apartment Management OR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtor) Theater Entrance. Do'iglas 6:42 Sun Theater Bldg. Office and Desk Room. LOW-PRICED mod offices. Farnam Bldg.. 13 A Farnam. (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO.. (Realtors.) Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses aad apartment to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your plaee rented see Payne & Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, (16 Omnha.Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016 MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving 118 N. Ilth St. Phone Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO, Expert service prompt attention. 'Tom moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Centra). Furniture-Store, 17th and Howard. tel. Doug. T78t. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked good and piano; shipping. , . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 802 S 16th. Douglas 4148 room for household moving, packing and FIDELITY FREE RENTAL SERVICE Phone Douglaa 288 for complete list of vacant bouse and apart ments. Alio for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts, Globe Van and Storage Co. for real service in moving, pa ok ing snd storing, nail Tyler 2(0 or Douglas 4)38. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving Packing, and Storage 1207 Ftm.anv St Web 2748 tDnU. $141. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. Largs van, two men, $1.(0 per hour. MAGOARD'3 STORAGE! CO.. Doug. 14(8 Real estate improved West. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. KOUNT2E PLACE. 6-room strictly nioilern. full -story house on corner lot. Three rooms down stairs and three bedrooms and bath on second floor. Oak finish and oak floors. Paved street, side ai.J front. Owner leav ing city, must aoll at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. (37 Omaha Nat. Bank r.Utg. Doug 1781. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Seven rooms with sun room; hot wster heat, with garage; one-half block to car only built a few seasons. This Is strictly first class. Will sacrifice. Douglas 6SS6. Traver Bros. 819 First National Bnnk. South. FOTSALE TO BE MOVED One (-room cottage In good shape, T2S 8. 18th St. Apply W. N. Chamber. D. 96 or Tyler 1419. one (-room and on 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live tn on and rent th other. Price for both, $2.7(0. very easy term. No. 2433 8. (Otb. St. NORR13 A NORRIS. 400 Be Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 Ml ST cacrlflce my 6-room all modern home. Terms. my 6-room Walnut 3862. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE City Property to Pay Debt of an Estate On October 8th, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the east front door of the Douglas County Court House, I will sell, under order of the District Court, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, or so much or same as may be necessary to pay t:ie debts of an estate: Property will be orrerert in following order: 1. West half (). Lot Seven C . Block Twenty-three (33). City of Omaha, Doug las County, Nebraska, same being 33x133 feet, with three frame cottages thereon and located at No. 1613 Cass Street 2. Lot Six (6), Block Fifteen I51. Pat ricks Second Addition to the City of Oma ha, Douglas County, Nebraska, sums being 50X127.8 feet, with a one-story frame dwel- ing thereon, located rft No. 2618 Ersklne Street. 3. South half (U), Lot Five (6), An drews, William and Troxells Addition to ths City of Omaha,' Douglas County. Nebraska. same being 16x65.6 feet, with a double two story brick dwelling thereon, located at 2412-2414 Brsklne Street. Lot Twenty (30), Paulsens Addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne braska, same being SOXHO feet, with a two story frame dwelling thereon, located at 2232 Lake St. 6. North thirty-three (33) feet of Lot Sev enteenth (17), Block One (1), Armstrong First Addition to the City of Omaha. Douglas Co-inty, Nebraska, same being 32x127 feet, together with a one-story brick and frame dwelling thereon, located at No. 923 North 26th Street. CHARLES WITTE I xecutor of the Last Will of Sophia Rolfs. $3,300 $250 CASH- $l.50 PER MONTH. Ready for occupancy at once. Location 2708 North 49th street. East front, six moms, one a sun parlor. Oak In main rooniH and amplo cabinet space In kitchen. Full cement partitioned basement. Owing to tho fact of having been built before the advance In cost of materials, this house is an exceptional bargain at this price. Phone Douglas 2926. $3,350 $250 cash $31. per month. Here Is a good buy In a five-room aad den bunga low type home, splendidly located In porthwest part of city. The rooms are large and well arranged. Den, living room and dining room In oak finish. Handy kitchen and pantry. Full cement basement and good heating plant. This house was built two year ago, when building cost was 25 per cent less than now. It Is In the best condition, and la being painted now. Tou can avail yourself of this saving. Will show at any time. Phone Douglas 2926. HOME BARGAIN In West Farnam district, ( room strict ly modern, hot water, heat; lot 48x111; fruit trees and shrubbery, -Owner leaving city arid offers';ithl8 for fluid? sale, at 34,000. Reasonable price; Terms. OwpePi Harney 0734. ' CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW. 2882 DAVENPORT ST. -Living- roam, dining room, den and kitchen first floor, 3 large sleeping rooms and bath second floor; strictly modern; furnace hea., full basement, garage. rrlc $4,100; reasonable terms. HIATT COMPANY, :45-7-l Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. ROOMS, city water, eleotrlo lights, 2 large corner lots, southwest of Hanscom Park; $100 caah; balance monthly. Wal nut 3468. . . North. $200 CASH Five Strictly Rooms, Modern, North Fine Front, Neighborhood, Oak Paving ( Floors, Paid, Oak, Vory Finish, Easy Terms. Paved Only Street, . (30 per Mo. Phone Doug, 2628 days or Harney 3566 Sundays. CLASSY BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, classy outside and Inside. Price (3.860; reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 64S Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. W FARNAM SMITH 4k CO., Roal Kstat snd Insurance. Hl farnam St loug 1084. 8. TRUMBULL,' Acreage. 40 Acres Improved Close to Omaha If you want one of the best located 40 acre tracts Ipso to Omaha, you should surely look at this Ixi-ied two miles north of Benson. Has about 10 acres in asparagus that pays about $3,000: 4 acres in grap- that pays about $ti0t. The balance Is good farm land. The Improve ments are good snd the price only $16,000 for quick sale. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors). 1614 Harney tit. Phone Tyl-r 60. OMAHA LIYE STOCK 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Good tract, fair Improw inetits. It Interested call In person for Miner at Her Grand hotel REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at M'iNNE LL'SA $00 Alf ferent buyers decided that It was t .e best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lot. IF VOL" will com out today you will understand why the others r buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., "4$ Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. CUM1NO STRKKT. In order to clos an ratal I effer it a very low prlc 44 r 23 feet near 2th St. Tou cannot lose on this proposition. See me for prlc and term. C. A. OR1MMEL (Realtt . Phona Doug. 1615. 840 Ora, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL 50-foot lot. Prlc $230, only $3 caah and 60 cent per week. Doug. $$83 FINANCIAL KARM aud city loans, running" from five to twenty year. Interest, I per rent, $H per oent aud per cent. PKTERS TRUST CO.. 163$ aamam St.. Omaha, Neb. CITY aud farm loans promptly made. Rates 5, 6H and 4 per cent. Reasonably com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 312 South 17th, Omaha. Nab. Cattle Receipts Liberal and Prices 25c Higher Than Week Ago; Hogs Show Decline. . H. W. BINDER. Money en hand for mortgage City National Bank Bldg lean. $ PER CENT Mortgage secured by Omaha residence property, for sale by B, H, Lou gee, Inc., tli Kesltns Bldg. 8H0PKN A CO.. PRIVATE MONET. $1,600 M'TGE. bearing 4 pet. semi-annually; secured by property valued at $4,800. Tai-mage-I.nomla Itiv. Co, W. O. W. Bldg. FARM and city loan, 5, 5 and 6 par cent v. h. Thomas, Kelllne Bldg. Doug. 1648. $10d to $Yo7ono MADE promptly. F. V eVead, Wead Bldg., 18th andFarnm 8ta. ilONtiy to loan on mproved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. B. CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS " W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Be Hldg L MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, si omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS., rrr citv ' LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. LOW RATIOS C, O. CARLBKRO. 312 Bran- dels Thea ter Bldg. D. 888. Stocks andBondi. OIL 8TOCK8. A. L. WRIQHT, Flatlron Hotel. Doug. 2787. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebras" Lands. R. 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE hav several good reliable buyer for 5 and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg,-, LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate, 413 Karbaco Blk. D. 8607. IF you want quick "action on your-prop" erty. Hat It wlth me. LUND. 420 ROSE BLDO.. TYLER 763. REAL ESTATE Investment $10,000 Double brick fla: of seven rooms eaoh. Corner lot on 24th street between Harney and Leavenworth. Rental $950. Widen ing of 24th street will not disturb this property, but will mean a substantial In crease In value. $3,500 cash will handle. , $30,000 24th and Douglaj 60x152. with lmprovo ment paying $1,800 a year rental. Open ing of Douglas street I assured and this property will surely be benefited. $30,000 RjqHT DOWN .TOWN, ''business, prop erty. Lot 60x132, "brick Imprdvement : paying a ;retal .of $2,fl58. Thl property I right down town. Just two blocks from 16th and Howard. $8,000 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, Iouglas 2962. 018-20 City National SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND" SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET A SON, REALTORS. . $30 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 240-ACK4S FUFFAI.O COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. About 160 acres In cultivation, 80 acres pasture. Qoo4 6-room house on good foundation, well built barn for 18 horses with good hay mow, granary, chicken house and hog house. Fenced and cross fenced, well and windmill. The fnrm Is soma rolling and soma rough, but all good soil, Is In a fine state of cultivation for full grain. Located about 22 miles from Kearney and 6 miles from Amherst. Price. $8,600. Thl farm will carry a mortgage of $4,600 to $5,000. This I on of the best buys 1 know of In Buffalo County, and with present price of farm products, this farm should pay the purchase price wun less tnan rnree crops, is an excep uonai proposition ana win sell. C. K DAVIKS. KEARNEY, NEB. October 2, 1817. Receipts were: Cattle. logs. Sheep, Official Monday 16.540 1.878 85,228 Official Tuesday 14.J68 4,744 45,636 Estimate Wednesday . .12,500 4,800 48,000 Three days this week. 43, 158 11.423 125,764 Snme days last week. 49.710 18.404 111,237 Same days 3 wks. ago. 41.393 14,882 116,611 Samo days 3 wks. ago. 17.337 8.131 66,730 Same days 4 wks. sgo.34,6S$ 14,140 64,585 Sam days last oar., 31.093 18.738 $8,187 Cattle Receipts continued liberal, about 13,600 head today, and ihe three day1 sup. ply falls only about 8,000 head short of the record-breaking run of the first half of Inst week. Western rangers constituted the bl it bulk of th offerings, and quality was not vory good as a rulo. Anything deslr- able in the way of beef steers or cow stuff round a ready sale at ateady to a shad stronger prices, and th market for de sirable killing stork Is all of 31a bet ter than a week ago. Beat of the feeder and stock cattle were wanted at full recent quotations, but en the ftcncral un of stockers and fsedor th trade was slow snd th trend of value lower. Quotations on cattle: Prim heavy beeves, $15.M)-j 17. 00; good to choice beeves, $14. 00ft 16.00; fair to good beeves, $12 0013.60; common to fair beeves. $".60f ll.uo; good to choice yesrilncs, 814.O0ffl6.60; fair to good yearlings, 1 1 3.00 (Tl 4.00; common to fair yearlings, $7.10 ji$.0; prime heavy gras beevea, $13.00HI4.16; good to choice grass beeves. HO.OO'tU.OO; fair to good grass beevjs. $8.00 10. 00; common to fall gras beeves $7.1001.7$; good to choice helf er. $8. 000$. 16; ood to choice cow. $7.7t0 8.60; fair to good cow, $3,6007.60; common to fair cows, $5.00T4.25; prime feeding steers $10.00014.36; good to rholc feedars, $8,600 10.00; fair to good feeders, $7.6003.50; com nion to fair feeders. $6.0007.00: good te choice atockers, $8.60010.00; stock heifers, $.506.00; stocks rows, $6.0007.50; slock calves, $0,6018.60: vial calves, $3.00012.00; bulls. stags, etc., $5. 6007. 50. Hogs Hogs continued on the down grad here today. There was hardly any shipping demand an packers again dominated ths market, forcing declines that amounted to 10020c as compared with yesterday' aver age The bulk sold at $18.76016.16. with the best shipping kind on up to $11.16. Trad wa rather dreggy at th outsat, but a fair cloarsnc wss made shortly after 10 o'clock. Sheep Under th Influence of a run of 125.000 head for the week to date the lamb market reacted thl morning. A few scratchy tales of feeder were nearly steady, but the general tone was lower, buyer ex pecting to fill their order at 10011a lower flguroa. Early salsa of tat lambs were weak to 10016c lower, tops being $11.10. Old sheep were draggy, another big supply be Ing on hind. Prices ar 108 or mora lower than last week and $1.0001.10 below Th high lime on both feeder and breeder kinds. Quotations on sheep end lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $17.26018.10; lambs, fender. $17.00018.85; lamb, culls, IIS. 60017. 00; yearlings, fair to choice, $13.00013.31; year, lings, feeders, $11.00013.60; wethers, fair to choirs, $11.00013.25: ew, fair to choice, $10.00011.00; wes, culls and fosder. $6.60 ewes, breeders, all ages, $10,600 ARE YOU LOOKING KOR A FARM 7 80 acres, Nance Co., near town, good soil, $8,800.00. 320 seres, Cedar Co., all trtlable, $116.00 per acre. 400 acrs, Merrick Co., a money-maker, 8125.00 per acre. 320 acres, Dawson Co., near good town, 130 acres of alfalfa. This can bs had for a short time at $26 per acre leas than its value. All of above can be bought at less than 40 pet. cash down January or March 1 A. A, Patiman, 201 Karhach Blk., Omaha. 15 QUARTER SECTIONS unimproved .l,,.,. , AArM . . If , I 1.. nmm road, Parkins county, Nebraska. Will sell responsible parlies, 160 acres, $00 down, balance five and ten years. (No annual payments.) minor a uraaiey, jioi ojo Grand Island, Neb. TO settle Cunningham estate I offer 21 quarters raw farm land In Hayes, Hitch cork, Lincoln, Perkins and Keith counties, Neb., Budgwlck county, Colo., at your own prices; ready for sale Oot. 6. Write for Hat. to Attorney Ed Morearlty, Be bldg., Omaha. SMALL Nebraska farm O neasy payment 5 aero up. W farm the farm w aell you. The Hungerford Potato O rowers' association. 16tn and Howard Sts., Omaha Douglas 8371. A FIRST-CLASS 220-acr farm 4H miles from Hartlngton, Neb. Wall Improved and all good land; will sell or axchang. See O. A, Kull, Oakland. Neb. Two Very Choice Bungalows Brand new. especially designed and ar ranged; noarly all finished in oak, .with bookcases and other special features. Com plete net of shades and screens. All rooms large and airy (living room 12x18.) Strictly modern and up-to-date In every way. Choice south front lot In beautiful Kountse Place, Prices $3,750 and $3,850. Cash or on our Usual easy terms basis. Rasp Bros., Realtors. 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN Located high and sighuy, IIS, near De catur atreet. We sold seven In this loca tion laat season. Has f Ivs rooms, closet and 'bath, full basement, large, roomy porch AH decorated with high-grade pa per, tile In kitchen and bath. Shade and electrlo fixture Oak finish In living and dining room, pedeital opening with bookcases. Price $2,025. Substantial first payment, balance monthly like rent. Thl I $3,250 value. Call for appointment. TRAVER BROS., Phone D. 6886. $1 First Nat. Bank. SACRIFICE SALE Will aell below coat 6-room all-modern except heat cottage, almost new; south front; has some fruit; chicken yard In rear. This Is located at 3110 Burdette. close to car. Price $l,20f. Can give terms. TRAVER BROTHERS Douglas 6886. $1$ First Nat Bank. 6-R. l'.UNG LOW-1 FLOOR. Brand new, quartered oak and fir fin ish; oak floors; beautiful decorations and fixtures: front porch screened. Will take In lot or auto, or give terms to responsi ble party. Owner, Col. 41 3 DOWNTOWN snap, $4,800; corner 17th and Chicago, I2-- house, renting for $540 per year Doug; 171. .. . Jp. WEAD. . 310 S. 18th. H-. '' II dill' T-.-l-n REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLeV'nealtOPi Ware Blk. Specialist to dowutown business property REAL ESTATE To Exchange WE HAVE a client that own about 20.000 acre in southwest Texas which Is free r and clear of all encumbrance. This land Is represented to be oxcellent grazing land and will grow alfalfa, as well as other grass crops w!;n put under cultivation. The owner has given us permission to trade thli land for unencumbered Income property or wheat "landa located In Nab., Colo.. Kan., or S... Dak. E. P. SNOUDEN & SON, D- 371. 423 SlBth 8UOme.ha, Neh SHERIDAN. Dawes, Rock atid Dundy '"CoT Improved ranches; clear, tor al or ex change. S. S. R. T. MONTGOMERY, Donglss 4810 627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES near While River, S. 1)7. clear; will exch. for $3,000 clear home here. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 813-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2819. $46 ACRES fin grass land lnBialne Co nloely Improved. $10 per acre, for home In Omaha. 803 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. INVESTIGATE my "sTstem7msJia" Resit' Trading Co 18 Patterson Btfc Tyler 261 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 52-3 Acres Near Benson With New 4-Room House About 3 acres rich, level garden land, the balance is in timber and pusture. Has running water. Located one mile from paved road and West Benson Jitney serv ice. Possession can be given October 1st. Very easy terms. Price $2,00. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors). 1014 Harney Ht. Phone Tyler 50. FOR SALE 60 acres M mile from Dodge St.; 1 miles from Omaha. D. Wcsemann, Rout 6. Benson, Neb. Dundee. HOMKS and home sites In Dundee. SHU:.ER CART. 104 Keelln.v D f'74 Acreage. FIVE acres west of Elmwood park; Ideal suburban homeslte; could be subdivided. There Is a resl futurs to this. Let me show you. Telephone Walnut '. KOR SALIC Cheap, my Improved 166-acre farm near ponca. Nab.; enay term. If desired. Address Dr. C. W. Glllln, $1$ P. I,, ft T, Oldg.. Slous City, la. I'Oft SALE by owner, 320 acres, 3 ml. H. W Coleridge; well Imp., all under cultivation. Address Paul Peterson, 364 Brandels Thea ter Bldg,, Omaha, Neh. FOR SALE "Best large body high grade, medium priced land nn Nebraska very little, money required. bach, Net). C. Bradley, Wol LIST your lands for quick results with J Csnan, $10 MeCsru Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. "Heart of th Rang Jordan valley project, Oregon. 44,000 acres Irrigated land. Free map. Next x curslon October 18! HARLEY J. HOOKER. 840 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Texas Lands. LANDS AT fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develvp the most fertile lands if South Texas. Immediately adjacent fine market. Farming and dairying demonstration un der our direction. Only approved lands offered for sale, It you want to own a farm writ for booklet J. Agricultural Dept.. Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Txs. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $26 an acr Get my free book. W. 8 FRANK. 201 Nevlll Block. Omahs Wyoming Lands. RELINQUISHMENT of 040 acres valley land creek brunch, drilled well and new frame house. Five miles from new oil field, near Douglas, Wyo. Box Y 227, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. 300-Acre Farm, $6,500 With 75 tons of Hay, Crops, 4 Horses, 20 Cows and Heifers, 2 hulls, 2 colts. 7 calves, 16 sheep, 8 hogs, 150 poultry, turkeys, mowers, horse rake, plows, harrows, cultivators, new manure spreader, corn planter, horse hoe, wagons, cart, carriage, sleighs. 5 sets harnesses, 100 bushels potatoes, 100 bushels apples, oats, corn, beans, vegetables, dry W4od ami crenm separator. Nearby cream ery buys cream, skim milk fed hogs. Esti mated 1,000 cords wood, 600,000 ft. spruce and pine, 6.000 sugar maples, 600 apple trees, Good 10-room residence, tenant house, barns, 76 tons silo. Aged owner Includes everything as above for $6,500, on easy terms If taken soon. For details see page 8, Strou.'s fall catalogue of 321 bar gains. Copy free. E. A. PTROUT FARM AGENCY. Dept. 3072 205 8. 18th Ht. Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN LEGAL RATES LOANS 124 00 $240.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. $40 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2286. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. t?10.50 16.00, Representative sale: A v. Pr. Ill Wyoming feeder lamb,,. 47 $17,76 104 cull feeder lambs 46 " 11.00 18 Utah canner ewes 81 $.60 801 Utah lamb , , f) 11.28 67 Wyoming feeder lamb,.. 66 17.75 33.1 Utah feeder lambs 40 17.60 1133 Nevada feeder lambs 78 ft.86 868 Wyoming fesder lambs.., 80 11.40 482 Utah feeder ewe 10 to.oo 41 Wyoming feeder was.,., II l$,oo 171 Native feeding owe It 14.60 St. JOUl Stock Market it. Louts, Oot. 3 Cattle Receipts, 1,100 head; market higher; native beef steers, tn.vvirt '.so; yeaning steers ana heifers, li.tiuwu.oo; cows, 5.vOll.0l. atecker. and feeders, $1.60910.00; Texas Quarantine steer,; xair te prrrn southern best stesrs, .00j11.15; beef cows and helf. era. $6.010.00; prim yearling steer and heifers, $7.MHO.0O; Dtlv oalves, $5.76 Hogs Receipts, 8,009 head; market ftteauy; HUMS, 118.I0V1I.40; pigs, $16.00J 18.50; mixed and butcher. H8.8HtH.60: good heavy, tll.40ffll.6tj bulk of sale, tio.eBqjPis.DO, Shtwp and Lambs Receipts, 2,100 head; uiKrnrv atraiiri lamD, 1 B.BO i .UO J eWM, I10.60ffll.l0i wethers, $11, 60013.60; can. ner and Choppers,' $1.0008,1$, r -i lam B I Kansas City l,lv Stock Market. Kansas City, Oct. I. Cattle Receipts, I'j.unv nean; maraei, steady; prime fed steers, $16.00 17.09; dressed beef steers, $II.6O016.6O; western steers, ! $9.00014.00; southern steers, $7.00ffll.71; cows, 15.60 10.00; heifers, $7.001S.OO; stortters and feeders, t7.00ffl4.0Q; bulls, $6.2301.00; calves, $7.00 1.1.60. Hogs Receipts, ,000 head; market, higher: bulk of soles, $18. 90 18.60; heavy, $19. 28ff 18.66; packers and butchers, $18,100 19.56; lights, tl8.60ffll.40; pigs, 117.00 Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 11,009 head.; market, higher; lambs, tl7.16ff 18 !6 yaar lings, $12.000113. 76; wethers, $13.00 J1.60: we, tlO.0011.76. Chicago stock Market. Chicago, Oot. 8. Cattle Receipts. 17,808 head; markot strong; native beef cattle, 17. 20017.65; western steers, t9.l515.00; stockers and feeders, t6.26ffl1.50: cows and helfors, $5.00013.40; calvss, tl.60O18.00. Hog Receipts, 11,000 head; market ateady at yesterday' average; bulk of sales, tl8.60ffll.4O; lights, $18.10 11.80; mixed, $18.16ff 18.60; heavy, $16.1(ffll.6S; rough, $18.16ffl8.36; pigs, $14.00 17.10. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 11,000 head) market strong; wolherl, $9.10ffll.$0; ewes, $8.C12.00; lambs, 113.60 18.66. Sioux City Lie Stock Market. Sioux City, Oct. I. Cattle Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong to 10 cent high er; beef steers, 17.60018. 00; fat cow and heifer, 10.261(9.00; canner, tS.15ffg.25; stockers and feeders, t7.00fflt.60; calve, t7.00ffl2.00; bulls, stags, etc., t6.OOff7.IO; feeding cows and hslfars, 14.00 7.75. Hogs Receipts 2,000 hesd; market steady; light, tl8.l5ffll.10; mixed, I18.95W19.10; heavy, 118.80 11.20; pigs, 117. 60ff 18.00; bulk of sales, 118.85 11.16. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. COO head: maraei strong, Corn Was Dull and tho Only Sales Reported Were for Immediate Consumption; Oats Advance. Omaha. October 3, 1917. Trade in 'all grains, with the exception of oats, was very quiet. There were 13(1 car of grain on the market and th great part of the corn samples were carried over. The demand tor Ibis cereal was very poor, the only sale made wire those for Im mediate consumption, elevator men showing no Interest In th old crop. The spot quo tations on corn were unchanged to lo lower, the No. 3 white sailing at th cent decline, $3 00, while the No. 1 yellow sold at $1.171,. this being a discount of ItHe under th No. 2 white. No. 2 mixed sold at 11.87H, and one car of near white brought $1.18, while the No. I mixed sold at $1.81, and another car of the same grade with 6 per tent color sold for $1.12. Receipts of corn totaled thirty-seven cars. Oat advanced VfflVio. the bulk of thli cereal selling generally a cent higher. Re celpts were sixty-one cars and the greatei part of thea were disposed of quite read ily, the demand for this cereal being fairly god. Choice No. 1 white oats sold at OHO and th No. 3 at 69o and the atand rrt grade at 68ff59c. whtl the No. 1 grade sold at 68 M, (ff 58 So. Receipts of rye and barley wer lx and four cars, respectively, rye selling up a cent, while barley was about Iff 2c higher. The demand for rye was poor, only one car of the No. 3 grade being sold, and brought $1.84, while barley was In fair demand and sold at $1.34 tor the No. $, while the No. 4 grade sold a cent lower. A part car of rejected barley want for $1.11. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to $58,000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 713,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipt were 161,000 bush els and shipments 618,000 bushels against re ceipts of 1,641,000 bushels and shipment of 1,134,000 bushel last year. Primary corn receipt were 485,009 bush els and shipments 338,000 bushels against receipts of 601,000 bushels and shipments of 760,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts eMpre 1,396,000 bush els and shipments l,230,OA0 bushels against receipt of 1.061,000 bjMhli and shipment of 181,000 bushels lstar. CARLOT 4JKCEIPTS. Wheat. Com. Chicago .... Minneapolis , Duluth ..... Omsha ..... Kansss City St. Louis Winnipeg 1$ .$11 .1241 Tt ir 'li ti Oats. 13S 11 It It These sale wsr rtnorUd today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car (H per cent dockage), tl.12. No. I hard winter: 1 car (1 per cent dockage), $2.01. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (2 per cent dockage). $2.08. No. 2 yellow hard winter: 1 car 1 per cent dockage), $3.08. No. t northern spring: t car (1 per eent dockage), tl.12. No. 1 red spring: 1 car (Itt per cent dock age), $3.07. Ni. 2 rhlxed hard red spring: 1 car (1 p,.r cant dockage), $3.07. Rye No. I:, 1 car, 11.84. Barley N. I: J car. II.J4. No. 4: 1 car. $1.33. Rejected, 2-1 oar, $1.13. Corn No. 1 white: 46 car, $1.00. No, I yellow, 3-8 car, 11.87H. No. I mixed: 1 car (near white), 81.96: T cars, 11.87H. No. 3 mixed: 1 car ($ per cant color), $1.11; 146 car, $1.1$. No. 4 mlxedi 1 oar, $1.85S, No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.14 H. Oat No. 1 white: 1 car, Bltioi No. 2 whit: 1 car. tlo. Standards 1 ears, 16o; 2 cars, 68 o. No. I whit: I care, iie 32 3-$ car, 68 He. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 6814c. Sample whit: I car, (lo. No. t mlxedi I car, 68 tjo. Omaha Cash Prices Com I No, t white, $1.1103.00; No. i yellow, $1.18 1.18H; No. mixed. $1.86H1.$7H; No. mixed, 11. 151. 16. Oata: No, t whit, 68 tit standard, Bl tiff 6o ; No. I white, 68 '40 lltio; No. 4 white, 51 56 Mo. Barley: matt. Ing, II. Ilffl.14: No. 1 feed, tl.llffl.2l. Rye: No. 1, tl.llffl.16; No. I, $l.llfft.4. Local range of option: Open. high. Art. L,ow. Close. lYea'y. Com. Dec. 1 IT 1 II 117 1 1$ May 1 II 1 13 HI 1 13 Oats. Dec, II 61 c May I tlVj 6IH 5HJ 6IU ht u$ IT tt ... - -. - - . u, a hi ay Logan A Bryan, stock end grain broksrs, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. I Ope'nT I High. Low. Close. YaV; Corn. Dec May Oms. Deo. May Pork. Oct. Jan. Lard, Oct, Jan. Ribs. Oct. Jan. 1 19 I 30 111 III 1 14H 1 Hfc 116 1 H Bt'4 . 10 51 n 11 12 tlYt II 4t'oo" "v'ti" ii'si "n'n" 24 60 t4 0 24 (8 U4t t II $0 21 II 21 17 34 Is 1 it 40 28 ill !l 40 38 IT 2 16 00 16 00 34 15 34 8T 2 61 6 Hi Metal Market. New York, Oot. I. Th metal exchange quote lead quiet; Spot, 18.00. pressure. In today's market embraced In. dustrlals a, wall a rails, active Issues falling 2 to 8 points. Sales approximated 500,000 sares Spelter Market easy: snot. East St. Louis delivery, I8.00ff8.20. At London: Lead, spot, 10 10s: futures. f: 10s; spelter, spot, 164; futures, 50. New York Sugar Market. New York, Oct, 3. Raw Sugar Market steady; centrifugal, 1.90c; molasses. 6.02c: refined sugar, steady; fine granulated, 8.3SO ou. St. Joseph Mvt Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo., Sent. $. Cattle Recelnla. 2,600 head; market ateady; steers, $8.00 16.60; cows and .heifers, $5.60314.60; calves. t. 0016. 60. v Hugs Receipts, 2,200 head; market hlgh ; top,, 111.65: bulk. 1! 9.00 ft 1 9 80 h.v packers, tll.0019.26; mixed packers, $18.75 m i i.nv. Sheep Receipts. 16.000 head? tnnrlrnt hluher; Iambs, $U.00ffl8.50: ewes. 16.00 11.60. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Oct. 3. flour Pancv cat. ents, 25 lower: ouotad at grades unchanged. Rye 11.86 ttfl 1.86 H. Barley $1.1401. 37. Uran $80.00 11. 00. Corn No. $ yellow, $1.81 1.92. Oats No. 1 white, 58Hff60Vto. Flaxseed 13. 22. Kansas City Drain Market. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 3. Corn v mixca. si.SD9i.s7; ON. 2 white. 2.02fj) 3 03; No. 2 yellow, tl.911.93; December, 11.19; May, 11.14. Outs No. 2 white. eiffl61Ue: Nn s mixed, 61 &i 60c. Nt. Louis Uriiin Market. tS. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 8. Corn Nn tl . No. 2 white, 13.10; December, 11.1844; May, $116. Oats No. 2, 68H 0 59c; No. 2 white, 61c. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omsha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security mo., n, gooas, total Cost, 13.60. 840, I mo. ndorsed notes, tota, cost, $2.11 Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Tv. 664 DIAMONDS and Jewelry loan at 2u and IV per cent: private booths. W. C Flatau. 601 8ecurltle (Rose) Bldg Tyler 850. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. Ketlmatea of Short Crop Putt Strength Into Corn Market. Chicago, .Oct. I. Estimates that th 1117 yield of corn, although larger than th av erage crop, would b 10,000,000 buihed to 66,000,000 bushels short of th total sug gested by th government report a month ago put strength today Into the corn mar ket. Price closed firm t to S net hlaher at December, and $1.104 May. Oats gained Ho to lc, In prevision the out' com was unchanged to 40a lower. Th advana in corn came after a brief Interval of weakness which developed dur ing th early trading and which wa im puted to favorabl weather and to the virtual certainty that an amnle suduIv of sound commercial quality had now been assured. When the upward movement of prloes got wall started, however, buying increased and these markets showed notable strength toward tha end of th session. Cur rent crop estimate, although unofficial, ear. rled prestlg a coming from two of the best known prlvata experts. T some extent. foreign new counted also against tha bears. Big withdrawals of oata from store hare Undsd to Inspire confidence In th bull side of th oata market. unloading by some of th most active of recent buyers pulled down provisions. Pack ers gave th market soma support, but other- - Wise orders to purchase Wer scare. Corn No. 2 yellow, tl.80ffl.97H; No, I yellow, $1.96; No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. t white, llfflittc; standard, '6mff62V4c. 'Rye No. 1, $1.81. Barley tl. 10 1.43. Timothy 16. 607.6t. Clover tH.OOff 22.00. Pork 145.00. Lard 124.60ff24.l0. Ribs t26.42Hff26.87t,. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Market unchanged. Potatoes Market higher; receipt, 61. cars; Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota bulk, tl.00ffl.06; In sscks, tl.06ffl.10. - Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls, 21Q24c; springs, 22c. New Tork General Market, New York, Oct, 1. Bar lay Easy; fedlng, $1.15. c. I. f., New York; malting, $1.42, and California, $1.44 ff 1.46, c. I. f., New York. Corn Spot, weaker; No. 1 yellow, $3.01 and No. I mixed, $2 04, c. I. f.. New York. Rye Easy; No. 2 western, $1.10, c. 1. f., New York. Oats Spot, firm, standard. 67 87 He. Hay Quiet. No. 1. $1.201.26; No. I, tl.15ffl.30; No. 1, I5cff 11.01; shipping, 10 95c. Lard Steady, ml. 'die west, 125.16 25.28. Pork Firm, met;, I4t.60ff49.00. Butter Market easy; receipts, 13,174 tubes creamery, higher than extras, 46ff4444c: oreamery extraadl score). 4644c; firsts, 44Wff46U,c; seconds. 4!A44c. Egg Steady; receipts. 14,161 cases; fresh gathered extres. 46ff46c; extra first, 43 44c; firsts, 21 41c; seconds, 37 18c. Cheese Market steady: receipts, 2,025 cases stste fresh specials, tc; do average run, 262'4o. , Poultry Dressed, market dull; chickens, 2436o; fowls, 22 tf 81c ; turkeys, unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa Oct. 3. Turpentine Mar. ket firm, 46 45 He; sales. 83 barrels: re ceipts, 104 barrels; shipment, 1,641 barrels: stock, 31,112 barrels. Rosin Market firm; sales. 800 barrels; receipts, 342 barrels; shipments. 3,307 bar-, rels: stock, 64.861 barrels. Quote: B, 5.98 D, 15.97Hff6.00: K, l6.O0ff6.02H ( T, I6.02H W6.06: O. t074; H, 10.10: I, $6.16; c, $8.26ff6.S0; M. $6.404.46; N, $7.36: WO. $7.50; WW, 17.70. . .... New York Dry Goods Market, New York, Oct. 3 Cotton goods and cot. ' ton yarn markets here today were strong and active, price advancing. Percales for enrlng were withdrawn from sale, print cloth and sheetings were up V4c a yard Wool goods were firm, etlk quiet and knlt tlnga In ateady demand. Unseed Qnntatlons. Duluth, Minn.. Oct. 3. Linseed nn track and to arrive, $3$1H; October, $3.11 asked Lowest rates. Prlvat. loan booth.; Harry November li 31 u n V U Maiashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 6618. E.t. 1814. bid! , ' Decembr' -H