THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2. 191. GERMANY SHAKF-N, BDT STILL STRONG Secretary Baker, in Weekly Communique on War, De clares Enemy is Beginning to Deteriorate. Washington, Oct 1. Shaken, but still powerful, is the estimate of Ger many's defensive strength on the western front, Riven in this week's official communique, issued- by the War department ' The superiority of the French over their enemies, the communique says, has been proved conclusively bythe last weeks fighting, while it has demonstrated that the fighting stamina of the German is deteriorat ing. Of the activities of the American force in Europe, the communique says absolutely nothing. Of the forces at home, it reports mobilization of the National Guard and the national army proceeding satisfactorily. The analysis of. the situation on the west front, which the communique says remains the principal battle of the war. fallows: "The battle of Menin road (Ypres salient), which promises-to be one oi tne greatest Dairies oi tne war. is following its normal course. Last week we recorded the, gains of the British in this sector. This week we must note the desperate attempts bv the Germans to retake the lost post tions. British Capture Zonnebeke. IBeginning Sunday last, the con stantly ..increasing violence of the f " counter attacks reached a culmination on the 27th instant, when seven pow efful onslaughts by.the picked 'storm battalions of the enemy endeavored vainly to regain the lost objectives. The village of Zonnebfcke, the center of the conflict, is now firmly held by the British. . "It is evident that the efforts of the enemy in this sector are not actuated merely by the desire to regain lost terrain of little more than tactical v value, nor must their persistent at- ,tacks be considered merely the nor mal reaction of a moderate field en gagement, in which counter attack invariably follows upon attacks, but rather it is to be noted that the enemy realizes fully the immense strategic importance of the thrust along the Menin road. , "This new British advance in he Ypres salient now definitely threat- ens me enemy a hum. ui luiuuiumw . tions to the.Belgian caast. The Os-tend-Lille railway, whfth in a large measuie feeds the German v naval bases at Ostend and Zebrugge, the . later home port of the German high seas submarine floatillas, now comes within, the range of the hre ot the British guns. "The superiority of the British over the enemies was conclusively proved during the engagement of the past week. The battle of Menin road, furthermore, shows that the fighting stamina of the Germans is deteriorating, not that the enemy did not display great skill and dogged determination in his repeated counter attacks.' Of the fighting on the French front the comminique says: y "The outstanding feature of the re cent engagements is the wastage of the man power of the enemy. If we compare the combat front of Ver dun in 1916, held by twelve German divisions, with the combat front along the Aisne in 1917 held by four teen divisions, botn ot practicauy uic same length, it is found that during the same period of time from May to September, 1916 and 1917 respective ly, the enemy enraged a'ong the Ver dun front twenty-five new divisions last year; along th$ Aisfie thirty-five ne -' divisions th;s year. "So great has the wastage of enemy forces become, owing to the improved mechanical means of the allies and the perfection of thei' methods of com bat that the Germans are obliged to maintain in reserve as a minimum guarantee for the safety of their battle line in the west, a. least forty divisions. The western front thu remains the principal battle, f.cnt of the war. It is still strongly held by the enemy and his defensive strength, while shaken, remains powerful" Mobilizing National Guard. The only 'mention of American forces, is as follows: "The mobilization of the National Guard in ' their camp is proceeding Rapidly and the formation .of reorgan ized divisions is taking place. This reorganization is necessitated by the conditions of the present war1 and re quires larger regiments and certain machine guns and other units not typ ical heretofore. Some misunderstand ing of the organization has arisen, but its purpose and nvlitary necessity are being explained ard the division com manders art doing their ufmost to preserve cht Jocal . assoc'ations and historic memories of these state forces. , "The assembling of the national army in the cantonments has gone on with smfot''ness and success. Equip ment difficulties ire not serious and are being rapidly overcome The most obvious shortage fs'in rifles, but an adequate supply for all purposes soon will be at hand and no delay in trac ing results from the shortage. AH overseas forces of course are ade quately supplied. StilUftfir UPnllntt Federal Jiry Hearing Railroad Damage Suit The first peti; jury of the Septem ber ter..i of the federal court for the O'npba f"visbn reported for duty Monday aftrrnoon. The jury had been summoned for last Wednesday, but as no cases could be secured for trial f 1 then tVe jury was excused until Mon day. The first case for trial is a damage suit brought by Walter Kel ler Against tne Union Pacific rail road. He; asks $25,000 damages be cause of injuries sustained when he was struck rw a train at Fremont January 7. 1916. Postoffic! Will Boost Sale' of Liberty Bonds "Back the boys in the trenches! Buy a Liberty bond! Inquire at any bank or postofficel" This is the command that will stare you in the face again and again as you open your morning mail during the next three weeks. Beiween October 1 and October 27 the Omaha postoffice and every post office in the country will cancer-all postage with a stamp printing the above legend across the envelope, ac cording to an order received by Post master Fanning from Postmaster General Burleson today. J ifi If Tnim W it maai.ia m mm iiamainiiianaii iiiiiimirrr mnir inn mm mmimui 1! LA FOJVJETTE. Washington, Oct. 1 Petitions from New York organizations asking expuls'on from the senate of Sena tors La Follette of Wisconsin, Gron na of North Dakota and Stone of Missouri were presented in the sen ate today by Senator Wadsworth of New York and referred without ac tion to the senate privileges and elec tions committee. Vice president Marshall also pre sented today anotheriot of petitions, letters and telegrams from various or ganizations and individuals on the same general subject. Included were printed circular petitions indicating that many such are being circulated and probably wifl reach the senate in great numbers. In reply to one cor responded Vice President Marshall pointed out that while the senate may expel a member, the initiative must come from a Senator and cannot be senate. forced by an individual or an orsan- lzation. The first step toward official con sideration of the petitions was taken today when Senator Pomerene of Ohio, chairman of the privileges and election committee, called a meeting for next Wednesday. It was de cided to have the committee discuss a course of action. The present at titude of senate leaders was said to be in favor of tabling the petitions in the commfttee. ChaKa: ooga, Term., Oct. 1. The Chattanooga Bar association today adopted resolutions condemning in unmeasured terms" the acts of "Sen ators La Follette, Gronna, Reed, Hardwick, Store, Vardaman and oth ers acting with them" in their atti tude toward the war and demanding 'jtlieir expulsion from the American NEW CHIEF JUSTICE, DIS TRICT OF CV-TTMBZA. FEDERAL NET NOW TI6HTENS0NI.W.W. Forty-Five Leaders Indicted by Grand Jary Friday Are Un der Arrest and Others Being Sought. CONSTANTINE J. SMYTH. Washington, D. C., Oct. 1. (Spe cial.) C. J. Smyth of Omaha was made chief justice of the District of Columbia court of appeals at the opening of the fall term here today. The oath was administered by Chief Clerk Hodges, In the Nebraska crowd attending the ceremonies were Senator Hitch cock, whe was' Mr. Smyth's good friend in securing his appointment by President Wilson: Corgressmen Sloan, Kinkaid and Lobeck; Earl B. Gaddis, James Hanley and Harvey Harding, ti e latter the president of the Nebraska society here, and mem bers of Mr. Smyth's immediate fam ily "were also there. x Wants Location of th3 PoIic3 Station Chang3d City Commissioner Kugel does not believe the present location of central police station, Eleventh and Dodge streets, is for respectable people. The city council committee of the whole discussed the new police sta tion and jail project and directed Mr. Kueel and chief of police to bring in a recommendation for an uptown site. The city recently sold $100,000 police station bonds. I he old site will be sold and proceeds added to the bond money. Wants U. S. Control of Canned Milk Industry St Louis, Mo., Oct 1. Louis Lat- zer, president of a Highland (III) condensed milk company, said here today that the federal food adminis tration had adopted a suggestion made by the large milk condensing com panies that the government supervise the canned, mr.k industry and hx prices .to the public. Chicago, Oct. 1 Members of the Industrial Workeis of World whose activities would in any way entitle them to be called leaders in the move ment are either fugitives today or numbered among the forty-five named by federal authorises as being under arrest under the indictment by a fed eral grand jury last-Friday. In all, '66 mer.:bers of the organ ization were indicted and they are rapidly being rou.ided up by federal agents. More wholesale arrests are looked for during the day, as the AMCSEMENTS. fjRAIlDEIS AND WED. TONIGHT Mattnea Wednetday. Fiske O'Hara THEATER THE ACTOR SINGER In ir flew Rorrnt'c Comedy TKE MAN FROM WICKLOW Performance Tomorrow Night After Parade Night, 25c to $1.5" Mntlnee, Z5e to $1.00 Betinning Thun. "The RoaV to Happinea" w Just What You Gray Hair? BARBO HAIR REMEDY A preparation ef (rest merit that rradaallj darkens (rayair no mazes n woi ana wur. . rw Can make ft Vwtt To half pint ef water add one ea ef Bn Rom. a hot ef Barbo ComDorod. aBdKea.oftireerfne. Asr drnsfistataeattbie jroa eaa aiit i at some at rjr utUe coat Directions IB eaca doc oi dstou ij". r rj" w r , , Poles At the d a luncheon, after the show or when ihop. ptag duties become tedious, ask or "THE DRINK THAT SATISFIES" A delicious, nourinhine re freshment; appetizing with meals: pure and wholesome. Served wherever invigorating -nd refrerh'.ng drinks are sold. Delivered at your home in the case. i., , Beverage Ice Co. Webster 221. C pi 3 E 3 m Mm, ' a Fistula-Pay When Cured A mOd system of treatment that care Piles, Fistula and ether Recta 1 Diseases to a short time, without severe sur gical opera t)pn. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anastneoc oseo. A cure guarant! i d c.i j &vr, rnxmyixx for treatment, and no money to be paid until eared. Write for book on Recta lDiwasea. with names ad testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who bare been permanently cared. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA whereabouts of practically all of those indicted is known although a number have changed their addresses since news of the indictments became public. When all of the arrests have been made, which agents of the Depart ment of Justice believe will have been accomplished by the end of the week, the work of transporting the defend ants to Chicago for trial on charges of seditious conspiracy against the government will begin. More Deeds to Omaha Property Are Filed Business in County Registrar Pearcc's office showed a gain during September as compared with the cor responding month last year. Fig ures compiled by Registrar Fearce are i as follows: ids Number of deeds tiled. iM; num ber of Instruments filed, 1,516; receipts, tl,S8.J0. 1117 Number of deeds filed. SI?: num ber of Instruments filed. 1.810; receipts, Sl.6M.s5. KNOW POSLAM'S RARE POVER TO HEAL ECZEMA Yon can make no mistake in using Pos lam, first and for all, to treat Ecsema or any Skin Disease. It is the remedy of concentrat ed healing properties. Apply it right on the raw placea that burn and itch: they will be pacified, soothed, cooled, and will no longer harrass. Poslam hue been considered a rare "find" by many who never knew just what to use to secure real and lasting relief for ailing skin. Shortest wsy to eradicate Pimples, Rashes, Inflammation. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 218 Wast 47th St., New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam should be used if skin is tender and sensitive. Advertisement. IOVPENCSL 17 Black Degrees and 2 Copying. For those who demand the best UM 2 wencwLwd ftc3 Ce HorTerV l!IIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIinilIill!l!II!IIIIIIin Why This Moit-AIeoltolie leverage is So Popular j The popularity of Heileman's NEW STYLE is s due first of all to its pronounced individuality of Eg taste, quality and snappy flavor for which the G. I ieile S man Company products are noted. s Heileman's mw STYLE Non-AIcohoIic Beverage Is, made from only the choicest materials obtain able, but it is not the material alone which makes NEW STYLE so palatable as it is the knack of our Imowing how to blend the different materials to get that snappy and aromatic flavor. A trial today will convince yoa The Package 2a tal White Bottle with a srreen label all the wav around the bottle and a red triangular corner and diag onally across the bottle white on red Heileman s -NEW STYLE Don't accept a substitute. For prices and terms address our nearest branch t OMAHA BOTTLING COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska sUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM h "PHOTO PIAY OFFERINGS FOR TODAV ELLER-S OF ILENCE t Featuring the Superb . MADAM PETR0VA i is our Ak-Sar-Ben offering for TODAY AND WEDNESDAY A Decidedly Different Play of Society Blackmailers. LOVE MYSTERYADVENTURE From Blair Hall's Story in "Snappy Stories." In All Our Experience As "SELLERS OF THE SILENT DRAMA" we have seldom had the pleasure of offering a mote unusual or appealing picture. We Dare You, However, to Hold Your Silence During the Sidney Drew Comedy, "Rubbing It In." Thursday GEORGE WALSH Next Week Ethel Barry-more AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Sweden Today and Red Gross Motion Pictures at Omaha Auditorium Tuesday '"'Wednesday Afternoon, 2:30; Evaninc, 8 P. M. ADMISSION 50c and 25c VieifAre Don't for jet to 1 1 SI 10 Ida the,, wonderful pic tures while you are here. Phone ,Qoug. 494. The. BE! OF VAUDEVILLE Matinea Dally. 3:19; Nliht, SilS. This Waaa Wsak MartlM Massy wstissa, asst. w. MISS KATHLEEN CLIFFORD: BERT BAKER & CO.: "MOTOR BOATING:" Chsss Hws Fsuf Patrloells A Mtytr, HsnlS 0 Ksss: Gssrss A Olet Rsh: Orslwan TrSvsl Wsekly. . PrlMs: MitlnM. allry. ifa: bast msIs (exefct Saturday and Susday). 23c; Nlht. 10c. 2Sc 60o ssd 7J. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success HOME OF THE BIG DOUBLE SHOW. WILLIAM HANLON & CO. The Railroad Hotel, DOT MARCELL The Syncopated Girl. DANIELS & WALTERS The Yankee Soldier. "delevan brothers Equilibrists De Luxe. Feature Photoplay FOR FRANCE Comedies. Pathe ftew. Anytime -leTes to levels. Mat. Tcday Tonight Matinees, 25c Nttes, 2Se to 75c Tbs Truth OsslM The Nked sail in wwiiliw BOYD About Truth HiR UNlQRN CHILD Dallr"Matua far LaJIsa On'jr. PsHormaaco After Parade" Wed. Nlte. Neat Sun, "Which One ShalT I Marry 7" DAVn 3 Days i Thursdsy' DU I 1 Matinee Saturday "TH 13th CHAIR" SEATS NOW Prices 60c, $200 Mat nee SOc. 41.50 THE FLAME" Has a Company of 40 Players llllipililliil iLi!i;Hi;ii;iir:;":.:i.::i:,a iuuUU Tuesday Till Saturday eia. iji km m m warn Aummw October 2d to 6th JgT AehJeverrjent W- M of tlje ThotopU AeHHV p f KatoJeualaaWlqaln MW'j I SceneHe krraitcas Itarleti i. AFlaaramlsub)ectef Ijeart apaaoM leM9L TTjSee i Mur l iij the characterirAtion of thaf farrfoua tijpe of Anfericar; childhood , Rebecca sunn I NaralyaU Neilaj). m The House That Put A-Muse in Amusement I 1 tk-1) "The ( H Girl MW With the ; It Eyes That Speak." B MUSE TODAY WEDNESDAY 'Two Crooks," A Keystone with a punch that lays out Gloom . BESSIE LOVE In a charming human interest story that will touch the hearts of all. "POLLY ANN" Thursday-WM. HART in 'The Disciple" AMUSEMENTS. "Omaha's Fun Canter" tfhtV g tffo A Curtain Raises Artel -'t Psrsdes Psaa Thaatei ruriPOSCLV BdDKtJ'FOR AK-SAR-BEN WEEK LONDOaB LLtbBMr.-i. The aaralval"! aadlissted dladen. The ess shew trliltors ahasld aee: sothlai Ilka It baoa hams. Con. sany el SO Is a aHttarlas sarteoua apaetaola. BEAUTY CHORUS OF 30 POSING MODELS GRAND MATINEE DAILY Bat. Mat. A Wk. 20th Century MM. h Jim Rartnn LOTHROF isisi WILLIAM DUNCAN in No. 3 "THE FIGHTING TRAIL" John Bunny and other. UBUKbAN Todjy THEDA BARA, to "HEART AND SOUC" - - gftaBLsUBMt When Writing to Our Advertisers Mention Seeinj it in The Bee Today and Wednesday RUPERT JULIAN RUTH CLIFFORD, in ; "MOTHER O MINE"