Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Witnesses Testify to Intimida
tion and Threats by Union
Teamsters During the
Strike Trouble.
Hearing of the strike injunction
case was resumed before Judge Les
lie, sitting in equity court, Monday
morning. The state, represented by
Deputy Attorney General Munger and
Norn's Brown, introduced a number
of witnesses, including several non
union teamsters, who testified as to
alleged violence, intimidation and
threats on the par( of union men dur
ing the strike trouble last spring.
One teamster, Ed Keenan, told of
crowds of men unhitching his team
when he attempted to Urive out of a
coal yard. Most of the testimony was
of the same nature as that introduced
at the hearing before the state board
of mediation several months ago.
Deputy Attorney General Munger,
who, in the name of the state, asks
a permanent injunction against the
Business Men's - association and
Omaha unions, was frequently inter
rupted by labor lawyers objecting to
certain lines of cross examination.
F. A. Brogan and F. H. Gaines are
attorneys for the employers. A Ninde
nd W. D. Owens, counsel for the
International Bricklayers union, rep
x resent the labor faction.
At the present rate of taking tes
timony the strike hearing will last
at least three weeks more.
Retail Butter Fails to
Follow Wholesale Rise
Butter has advanced 1 cent on the
wholesale market, but retail price is
as yet unchanged, according to
ueorge Monro, supervisor of perish
ables for the state food administra
tion. Following is the list of whole
sale and retail prices orevailine in
Omaha today, according to the ad
Butter, extra, per lb...) .4$ $
Butter, choice, per lb. .44
Eggs extra, per dozen. .43
Kggs, per dozen 38
Potatoes, per bushel .. 1.40
Tomatoes, per basket.. .20 ,
Beans, small, per bask .25
Beans, large, per bask .30
Cauliflower, per dozen. 1.7$
Corn, per dozen 12
Onions, per bushel
66 pounds 1.00
Beans ,llma, per basket
Beans, lima, per basket
Qrapes, per basket ... .32 1-3
Apples, hand picked, per
bushel 1.00
Apples, windfalls, per
buehel v .60
Peaches, Elberta, bax.. .90
Peaches, common, box. .75
.49 pound
.47 pound
.47 dozen
.42 dozen
.45 peck
.25 basket
.35 basket
.40 basket
.20 each
.20 dozen
.03 pound
.40 basket'
.35 peek
.20 peck
1.05 box
.90 box
Free Movies Furnished by
The Bee for Ak-SaV-Ben Week
The Bee has arranged another
treat for all loyal subjects of his mai
esty King Ak-Sar-Ben, chief ruler of
the city of Cibola, and all visitors
who have "tome to aid in the festivi
ties. -
Motion pictures of Billv West, one
of the funniest dispensers of fun and
laughs, will be shown Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings on
the rarnam street side of theNe
braska Clothing company's building
at Fifteenth street. Different pictures
win De shown eacn night, the tun
will begin Tuesday and Thursday
evenings at 8 o clock and end at 9:30,
but on Wednesday night while the
crowd' is waiting for the great electri
cal parade, the gaiety will start at
This is all free and the hat will not
be 'passed. Ak-Sar-Ben is solely con
ceived for joy and The Bee invites all
to come to' these showings and 1 be
assured of many good laughs.
"Flivver King" at Last
Loses Boat to Thieves
Joe Sherry, "flivver king" of the
court house. has lost his 1917 "tin
Lizzie." Result much wailing and
smashing of teeth on the part of cor
pulent Joe. Sherry, a deputy in
. county 'court, has owned flivvers since
.ford hrst began turning them out.
Each year he bought a new model and
scoffed at the warning of friends that
some day he would have one stolen.
Joe always had his cars insured,
but he refused to buy locks for them
"Steal my flivver; haw-haw," laughed
Sherry. "I don't leave it standing
alone like some foolish people."
Anyway, Joe left his flivver outside
the court house Sunday night while
he went across the street to lay in a
supply: of ' stogies. When he came
out two minutes later it was gone,
KugerSays Love Powders
Are Being Sold in Omaha
Superintendent Kugel of the police
department brought before the city
council committee of the whole a
charge that clairvoyants operating
without licenses are selling "love
powders." Mr. Kugel believes further
regulation of 'dealers in futurities"
should be enacted.
The council permitted clairvoy
ants to operate without licenses upon
filing with city clerk certificates of
membership in "religious organiza
tions," the belief being that such
membership insured protection
against questionable methods.
To Pass New Wrestling
Ordinance on Tuesday
An ordinance for regulating wrest
ling matches was recommended tor
passage by city council Tuesday
morning. This measure provides that
promoters must file application,
furnish bona and that the city shall
have control of all exhibitions, even
to form of tickets that shall be sold.
Money will be refunded to attendants
if matches are not as advertised five
days in advance.
"A A"
Night and Day
1605 Leavenworth Street
Douglas 951'
109 '
4 v A
S. A. Searle, well-known Omaha at
torney, died of heart trouble at the
Clarkson hospital Monday morning
after short illness.'Mr. Searle came to
Omaha in 1900 and had taken a promi
nent place in public and lodge cir
cles since that time. He was a thirty-second,
decree Mason, on the ad
visory committee qf the Ancient Or
der vof. United Workmen and an ac
tive member of many clubs and or
ganizations in Omaha.
Mr. Searle was 63 years of age and
leaves :. wife and three children. His
son, Clifton, is connected- with the
Ford Motor company; Homer F.
Searle, his other son, lives at White
River, S. D.; his daughter, Mrs. H.
D. Burns, resides in Albert Lee. Minn.
Mr. Searle has two brothers. Ho
mer .F. Searle of Topeka, Kan., and
Sanford Searle of Geneva, Kan., and
one sister, Mrs. Ida Sherwin of Lin
coln. McGuire Files Injunction
Against Soft Drink Place
Special Prosecutor 1 McGuire has
filed injunction proceedings in dis
trict court- against the Independent
Realty company and Morris Milder,
Jacob ("Boob") Milder and James
Christopher, alias h.d smith, tor al
leged violation of the prohibition
law. The Milders formerly operated
a saloon on mirteentn street,- oe
tween Douglis and Farnam streets.
The place, now one of Omaha's nu
merous 1 soft dnrik emporiums, is
owned by the realty company.
Christopher, alias Smith, is the al
leged bartender.
Son of J. 0. Hoffman of Butte
Will Be Taken to Chicago for
Pasteur Treatment; Cow
and Hogs Attacked.
Butte, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram!) A horse belonging to J. C
Hoffman of Butte developed a vio
lent case of rabies yesterday and bit
Mr. Hoffman's son, Marvin. The ani
mal also bit the cow and severa! hogs.
It was shut into a stall and held un
til this afternoon, when arrangements
were made for killing it. But just
before the execution was planned the
horse dropped dead.
The stall presented a badly wrecked
appearance. The animal had chewed
the partitions and walls, bumped his
head until everything was covered
with blood, tearing up a couple of
old mattresses and otherwise showing
all the symptoms o the dread dis
ease. The boy will be taken to Chicago
tomorrow and placed under the Pas
teur treatment. "The brain of the
horse will be sent away, to determine
just what was the mattei. Steps will
be taken at once to insure against any
further outbreak of the disease and in
all probability all dogs will be killed.
The source of the infection is not
known, but it is supposed that some
dog bit the horse.
Curfew to Ring at 8
O'clock This Winter
The new curfew ordinance will be
passed by the city council on Tues
day morning. This regulation which
will go into eftect October 17, pro
vides tnat all i" I undc 18 years
of age shall be amenable and that
from September 1 to March 1 ' 8
o'clock sfall be the hour wh?n un
attended boys ana girls must report
at their hearths and firesides.
Obituary Notice
MRS. F. M. RUSSELL passed away
early Sunday morning. She has been
a resident of Omaha for twenty-eight
years, coming here from Pennsylvania.
She Is survived by her husband, Fre
mont M. Russell; a daughter, Ora M.
Russell, In the public schools, and Ho
mer E. Russell, now at Camp Fun-
ston. Funeral services will be held
Wednesday at 4 p. m. at the home,
6937 North Twenty-fourth street
Please send no flowers.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Make your heac'qu rters at Nebraska's largest clot -ing
store. Check your luggage here, use our rest
rooms, telephones. Make yourself a Lome here.
Superb Full Silk Lined
Full Dress Suits
For Ak-Sar-Ben Ball, '
$25 and 35 '
READ it again, Sir Knight.
Full silk lined, full dress
suits. Masterpieces of
America's finest journeymen
tailors' skill. Absolutely correct
in every detail. Fit guaranteed
and ready for you without wait
or worry. None finer at any.
price anywhere, $9Cft.$0C
here only, at. . . . (
Tuxedo Coats, Full Silk Lined
$15, $20. $25
' Richly Silk-Lined Dress Overcoat!
$15, $20. $25 to $50
4 HJ.
Full dress vests, shirts, neck
wear, silk hosiery, mufflers, white
and pearl gloves of silk or kid.
Dress shoes and pumps.
jam a. swtNiOMmi
r -m rm m aar"w a a j j in im. j
Home Folks" Know Best
HERE'S A LETTER from "horn folks telling
of an experience with a Charter Oak Stove
that had seen service for sixty-four years -and
expressing their continued fidelity to this tried and
true brand.
t 1 i t
7B Sarah 8 tract.
Gntlnun: My parent, bought a Charter Oak Store 1b 18B.
Mr mother oacd it eonatantly every day nt 1869 when It
pawed into my wife'a poweMton, and aha need it witbost needlnc
any repairs, op to February 28th, 1916, t!tytor y at uit.
In 111 it wae destroyaa by a dynamite exploaion which wrecked
oorhome. Of eonrae we bare remained loyal to the Charter Oak.
Signed Toon truly,
If your dealer fries to talk you into baying
another make, write to at.
Charted Oak Stove & Range Co.,
Use the
Stairway to
the Second
and Photo
- Take
ThisStore Is Ready toSery e You
With Immense Stocks
and Modest Prices
YOU can make Ak-Sar-Ben
days Economy
Days and profitable shop
ping days, if you will but
rely on this store.
WE have assembled ' im-
mense stocks of the
most wanted merchandise,
; and because we anticipated,
in many instances, the rise
in prices, we are able to give
you the benefit of our fore
sight in lower prices than
would otherwise prevail.
During This
we invite you to make this
, . , store your headquarters to
take full advantage of all the .-
accommodations and conven
iences which a great estab
lishment affords, and to per-
mit us to be of service to
you in every way we can.
"CI ROM Third Floor to Base-
ment, every counter Is
full of interest to the woman
who would see the widest va
riety and shop economically
and well.
where you may obtain ex
cellent foods at very moder
ate prices.
For Present Wear
THIS is one of the biggest
seasons for Neckwear
that we have ever known
and we are pleased to an
nounce that we have one of
the broadest stocks we have
ever shown. , :
Satin Collar and Cuff Sets, new
roll styles, very specially priced.
For the Collars .69c
For the Sets 98c
Marabou Set, cape style, $2.89
'and up.
Marabou and Ostrich combined.
' Main Floor
Offerings That Will '
Interest You
, In addition to offering the
most complete stock of Ho
siery hereabouts, we also'
quote the most modest prices
and as evidence of this
fact, quote these special
items for Tuesday: ,
We are making a very special
offer of Silk Lisle Hose and
Fiber Silk. Full fashioned and
seamless blacks and colors,
very nice quality, in medium
and heavy weights, blacks,
whites, shoe shades and CO
s'uit shades, at 0C
Beautiful Hosiery in -,
Evening Shades for the
Ak-Sar-Ben Ball.
Women's plain and fancy Silk
Hose, in black and white, our
special brand, also fancy stripes,
well worth S1.50, at 1 1 OP
the price of ipljet-ij
Women's Fiber Hose in black,
white and, colors, irregulars,
seamless, s Qfj
at OuC
Misses' fine Ribbed Hose in
black and white, also sky and
pink, medium weight, double
heels and toes, regular 35c
a?1.":... ...25c
Boys' School Hose, in three
weights, light, medium and
heavy; with tripper knees,
double heels and toes. The
Black Cat brand,
Main Floor
Hair Bobbing
For Little Folk
Impatient little folk find our
-diminutive chairs and the sooth
ing hands of our lady attend
ants particularly to their liking.
In fact, they completely forget
to fuss or fret while they are
being artistically bobbed or
clipped. Several different
styles for Mother's selection.
Natural Wave Switch, $2.50 val
ues, special for .$1.50 '
Natural Wave Switch, 24 inches ,
long, weight 2lA ounces, regu- '
lar,$7.00 values, at . . . .$3.98
Second Floor .
. f
1000 Wool and Silk Skirts
In Latest Fall Styles for Women
YES, and there is probably more than a thousand, because we were so enthusi
astic about the charming styles the wide variety of effects, that we hardly ever
wanted to stop buying.
Cheviots, Heather Mixtures and Checks, large and small stripes, also (pronounced
to the invisible kind) and plain colors in blues and blacks.
The most notable feature about these Skirts is the large and beautiful pockets
cores of different ideas are embodied here.
v The range of styles and colorings Is so wide, that no matter what yon seek, there
r is no question about your getting exactly whatyou want
Prices $5.00 to $25.00
Some models are pleated, some are plain tailored, some are shirred, some are belted
and some are elaborately button trimmed. All are extremely stylish.
' When you stop to think of the utility of a Separate Skirt, surely you will not
I' let the opportunity to select at least two or three go by, and thus complete your
wardrobe for Fall.
Second Floor
An Extra Millinery Service
At No Additional
Cost to You
Something add
ed to this already
splendid Milli
nery service in
this way:
We are showing ea,ch day, njore than 100 Hats, with Trimmings placed upon them to show
what our experts would recommend and if you like these Hats, you simply buy one with the Trim
mings pinned on and sew them on yourself by so doing,, you obtain a very stylishly Trim
med Hat, made just the way you want it, plus the correct trimming suggested by our expert
and you save considerable also.
This is a worth-while service, and a real economy offering for every woman who takes ad
vantage of it
The prices for Hats and each separate piece of Trimming are plainly marked on a card at
tached to each Hat.
Second Floor
SHOES for Children
o A part men
f yenTo
Most Comfortable
ni. -i t i f
iviosi uuraoie i -:m
Most Likeable
There is good reason for the
greatly growing popularity of
Billiken Shoes Every mother
who has seen them and who
has further, permitted her
child to wear them, finds that
they embody all that perfect
Shoes for children should be.
Comfort in the fact that thev have no nails or stitches to bother little
Durability in the fact that tnev are made f most excellent quality
J materials and .
Likeability in the fa that they are real stylish Footwear for little
J men and little women.
We are showing complete stocks of.Billiken Shoes, and they are
priced according to size.
Main Floor, rear
1 """ mKmmmmwmAwmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmtsm imiiiimiBiiiiiwaiiiiiiiwii mmmmm m ,,,,,.,-..,,.-.